#Feel free to ignore this xD
pikablob · 9 months
Train cars are a LOT bigger then I first thought (about 7 feet wide, 14 feet long, and 12 feet tall) when I first started designing the Moving City, I've found that a lot of my problems have been about weight; how much a train could pull, how heavy building materials are and hold much furniture the train could handle. Rather then trying to figure out the housing situation.
I figured that two floors on each train car with two room on each floor would be enough space, with storage cars every two cars or so.
I think this would be realistic enough to account for all the families and their personal belongings (whether or not this would actually work I don't know.)
That's all I got for now.
Oh yeah train cars are pretty damn massive (this came up in one of my Magic Misfits fics, amusingly), although it depends on where you are and what the loading gauge is. I will note that 2 stories to a car might be pushing it - that would feel very cramped at less than 6ft clearance per floor; for comparison, an average house gives you about 10 and commerical building stories average 14 feet.
One other thing I'll note, being a train nerd, is IDK how long this train city is going to be, but you may have problems with couplings breaking. IDK what the exact number is off the top of my head, but a coupler can only take a certain amount of force - with a long and heavy train, you can hit a situation where the force you need to move the train is greater than that. It's one of the reasons you see long freight trains with extra engines towards the rear (sometimes more than necessary in terms of pure power), instead of just coupling them all in front - it distributes the force, with the cars are being pushed as well as pulled, so there's less strain (the other reason they do this is stringlining, which would be bad news if you're living in the cars that roll over).
IDK what motive power you're using, and there's no reason you have to be realistic, but you have awakened my amature railfan side XD
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mitamicah · 6 months
I decided to clean out my screen shot folder on my laptop so I bring you here a random collection of silly and/or adorable pictures xD
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grimvestige · 6 months
shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
Thank you for the tag @echo-the-ghost!!!! Time to find...where my On Repeat playlist is... not me just searching for it instead 💀
Don't Forget - Toby Fox, Laura Shigihara
Worst in Me - Unlike Pluto
All That You Are (From "Lost Ember") - Solid Audioworks
Despicable - grandson
UP TO SNUFF! (I'm on Fire) - atsuover
Toxic - Britney Spears
Tonight Is The Night I Die - Palaye Royale
Shadow Moses - Choir Noir
But Never a Key - Dirt Poor Robins
Oh like, almost all of these are from D&D OC playlists WHOOPS ^^; Most of them are Tiarnan or the toxic Tiarnan & Corrupted Moirin playlist, though there are a few songs from my work playlist, Killian's playlist, and like, one song from my Kasai campaign playlist.
tagging: @theitalianmafia, @emmettkane, @kingxxlink, @trucbiduleschouettes, @jesterdraws99-blog, @solarflame33, @dudebe-nice, @grand-theftautumn, @ninjasylveon, @eldritch-goth !! And anyone else who wants to join, feel free to still tag me if you want <3
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dootznbootz · 2 months
Water Wife Moodboard
(just pictures. I have too many shitposts that are Water Wife Coded in my arsenal lol)
@superkooku made a Pretty Moodboard of Penelope and sent it to me so I wanna try! :3 With my silly Water Wife!
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blackjackkent · 2 months
Reblogging that post got me thinking about judo again and I went and looked out of curiosity and apparently the dojo that I used to go to like eight years ago has moved locations and is now like 10min from my house.
Really thinking about maybe trying to go back. I really enjoyed it when I did it before and had something of a knack for it which has never been the case about any other athletic activity. In the end I stopped doing it because I was too wrecked by my asthma but I have a treatment that works now.
IDK. I wasn't in the best of shape then but I'm REALLY out of shape now so there's a part of me that's very scared of trying again. But if it worked it would be really good for me for sure.
The only beginner class they have that I could make is 11:30 on Saturday mornings which is kinda bleh. XD Really that's the most challenging part is the fact I'd have to get up at a normal hour on the weekends.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 10 months
What do you think Jin Guangyao needs the most in a romantic partner?
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply ^^;
Honestly? Given canon, I think this little guy needs first and foremost to feel respected by his partner, the assurance that he is seen as an equal despite his background and baggage.
I'll also say that he'd need to trust them, and while trust is a staple of any relationship, in JGY's case, the fact that he is aware of the things he had to do throughout his life, feeling like he is not going to be accepted by his partner would already nulify the first requirement of respect.
Can't feel respected when he is convinced that his partner is going to think less of him, or even stop loving him if they were to know everything about him. So even subconsciously he is working on the assumption that he isn't an equal to his partner if he feels like he cannot share this part of him with them.
So the perfect romantic partner for him, in my opinion, would have to be a person that not only treats him like he isn't either inferior or superior, but that can also show enough open-mindness and... let's call it grayness of morality for him to feel like he is going to be understood if/when he opens up about the less flattering side of him.
Also validation. It's very important that he is told that he is, in fact, a good boy on a regular basis :')
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maridise · 6 months
The door is open. Why is the door open? Acheron proceeds with suspicion, one hand atop her blade. Lights flash as she enters, a siren ringing up until Acheron silences it with a well-aimed strike. She doesn't want to risk a headache.
"Oh?" she mouthes, stepping toward a large crystal chained down in the room's center. Inside, a girl sleeps, naked as though she was reborn from the ashes of her past. Acheron touches the crystal and flinches, hissing as at last a sharp sting of pain pulses through her head. This isn't hers to touch. This girl isn't theirs to keep.
▇▇▇▇ energy engulfs her blade, and she cuts the crystal uncaring of the panicked voices that are steadily approaching. Welcome to the world, daughter of ▇▇▇▇. You won't be lonely on your journey among the stars.
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tormentedsoldier · 5 months
@americasfineasscaptain - pre-serum Steve meets the Winter Soldier
The Winter Soldier was wandering around the streets of New York City aimlessly. Unsure of where he even was, he had no way of knowing where he was going and yet it was almost as though subconsciously, he was following old and long-forgotten instincts that led him somewhere, drawing him closer and closer to a destination he wasn't yet aware of. There was only one thing he was aware of, even as he slowly walked through the streets of Brooklyn with footsteps that were too staggered for his own liking: a terrible and intense headache he couldn't ignore no matter how hard he tried.
Mind too dazed with agony, it took him a moment too long to realize that he was no longer walking but standing in front of a building he swore he'd never seen before. Whatever he was doing there... Whatever had led him there in the first place, he had yet to figure it all out.
Staring up at a window of an apartment that he couldn't turn his eyes away from, he wasn't aware of people leaving the building. Couldn't tell if they noticed him and it didn't make a difference.
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ganondoodle · 2 years
hold on, i cant just only ask twitter and leave some of you out of it-
as i want to get further into game dev im super interested in hearing other peoples opinions on stuff, so if you dont mind:
what makes a game chill/relaxing to you?
if you'd like to hear my personal opinion on that question .. well im gonna try and make my answer into a game at some point to thats that, but im gonna mention some games that have aspects of what i like alot, time limits and mandatory combat are big stress factors to me, as are decisions that have a huge effect on the story/characters
stardew valley is a beloved game to me, yet i have over 400 hours put into it and never saw the credits, bc i keep making a new file and play it to usually the 3rd or 4th year and then the late game stuff annoys me too much; the fact that there is that day time limit AND the energy limit is incredibly stressful to me, plus that combat is pretty much required and even moreso later on if you want to get all quests and such even tho its so clunky (to me) without you even being able to over level yourself is just agony to me like the quest of reaching lvl 100 of the skull caverns, i did it once technically, but my heart was beating out of my chest and i reached the last lvl a second before it reached the daytime limit and i blacked out losing a ton and not getting whatever waited for me there, i believe i stopped playing it for a long time after that (another would be not being able to complete all achievements if you dont want to sacrifice a whole file to it since its non reversable to my knowledge, like the joja thing, or if you are basically being forced to be a jerk to npcs tho that doesnt apply to stardew .. i think)
botw, my as of now fav zelda game together with the original wind waker, the atmosphere and how immersed i felt playing a game has never been so strong for me as this one, aside from some story elements and general criticsm of the zelda series the world and how it functions, speaking of game mechanics, is a huge inspiration for me, i love even the ever so hated weapon breaking and rain system, what sours it a little playing it to relax is that you are constantly swarmed by enemies, theres a bokblin attacking an npc every few meters, a camp that sees you from miles away, and at night you cant go two steps without a bunch of stal- enemies popping out of the ground, the only thing to circumvent this is wearing specific armor to trick them, but i'd like to stroll around dressed however i like, i know its environmental storytelling, but a mode to play after you beat ganon with little changes such as less or no enemies would have been cool (pehaps similar to activate like the master mode thing?) another nitpick is the lack of customization for your own home, although its not the focus of the game at all it would still be cool if you could actually choose some different stuff that isnt just dont or do build this
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championsofthegate · 3 months
@notyetfixed from here
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Alistair had tried to keep Meredith from noticing his pain. The last darkspawn had gotten a good shot on his ribs, making standing up straight and breathing just a little bit painful.
At least it was only a bruise. Probably.
But Meredith was, of course, sharp as ever. She'd noticed the wince as he'd straightened up and hurried over. He tried to put on a happy smile for her, but it was difficult with the throbbing pain on his side.
"Can't get anything past you, can I?" he asked with amusement, taking the health potion offered to him, trying not to think about the way her gaze made his insides do flip flops. He gulped it down, sighing in relief as it dulled the ache. "Maker's breath that's better. Thanks, Mer."
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deepperplexity · 10 months
*tap tap tap*
*tap tap* Hmmm... *tap tap tap*
*tappity tap tap tap*
The amount of times I write a post only to delete it all without posting is insane. I've written this post before too - only to delete it. I want to share the shenanigans in my head, like my recent thoughts about Snape running a B&B during Christmas or what Turpin would do when his wife makes him decorate a gingerbread house, but I always end up feeling like I can't write those short five sentence things like others do so well. Feels like stage fright almost. Give me 5k to write it out as a fic and I'm good but sharing my silly little short thoughts, unedited, written when thought and raw, feels almost wrong when my blog hasn't ever really been about those small moments and I'm always struggling with feeling like I'm annoying if I'd share those things - silly, huh?
Anyway, I may be a lost cause who'll end up never posting those things, but I'm so thankful to all who do. You guys are amazing and inspiring ♥️
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aluckiicoin · 3 months
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"Welcome back"
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kheprriverse · 4 months
Ask Game
RULES: make a new post with the name of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @kings-comic -> I don't do tag games often (if at all) but wanted to use this as an opportunity to show wips and ideas I didn't get the chance to show off in the past.
File names: Solkeeper (1), Solkeeper (2), Wargod concept, Serprints, Kojinelem, Forgeconcept, Twiqillin, Zelnai, garden, snowrontrio, Demiconcept
-> Also I don't have an actual WIP folder, just folders sorted by characters. My naming scheme always has [character name][1-2 word descriptor] and tends to rarely diverge from that. So the names below are outliers or renamed for this post specifically.
Tagging: No one lol. But if you see this and wanna participate then feel free to do so :>
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codenamejudas · 4 months
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"You're gonna blow my cover!"
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Guess who feels guilty for not editing in a long while now that I've mentioned it in another post? 😶
Guess who's editing right now? 😅
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Finding myself kind of taking a break on AO3 fic for this week or so. Need to recharge the brain juices, I think.
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