#Felicia use their fights as a distraction to get all the money she can get
frog-with-no-therapy · 5 months
Guys guys remember the villain scientist peter parker au I was and still talk about??
Cause it got too big in my head and all, and I even know that if this au have any kind of hope of making it out there, it has to have miles morales in it
Like, it has to start with him meeting peter and his view about peter and what he does
The story may not focus much about him later on, but it has to start with him
It also has to have peter starting off annoyed a bit and stand offish around him, to then becoming some kind of mentor that helps him out from time to time and make him gadgets and suits
Then they will have something of a sibling relationship, and miles will be the one who slowly but surely gets peter to open up
It has to be him. Felecia is mostly trying to keep peter alive and healthy (seriously this guy have the food habits of a five year old) and their relationship is like, when you have this best friend you don't see for months yet still get along with whenever they show up and it feels like you met just yesterday, that kind of thing
Him and Johnny at this point are just annoyed at each other, with Johnny trying to prove himself more as a hero, and peter just going on occasionally blowing stuff up or trying his new inventions (as non-lethally as possible)
So, like, yeah he would be something of a friend to peter later on but not now
I think it's important for miles to be there, because when he is there peter is forced to take care of him and be a "good role example" for him, which means he will have to take care of himself
Anyway there are so many ideas going on in my mind about this au it's ridiculous. Someone please just write it already
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One Night🌙7
Warnings: noncon sexual acts (to be warned later in series), Angry Andy, kissing.
This is dark!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: One night changes your entire life.
for @kittykatlow​‘s 200 Follower Celebration
Note: Alright, here’s chapter 7. Andy’s anger is finally at a head.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Felicia waited for you on the patio of the restaurant. She already had a bright blue drink and waved to you as you approached the low barrier around the dining area. You sat across from her and cradled your purse between your leg and the arm of the chair. She handed you the drink menu and you sheepishly set it aside.
The waitress approached and asked for your drink order. You asked for a water and plated nervously with the corner of the menu.
“Water?” Felicia commented. “What are you, on a cleanse?”
You bit into your lip and glanced around. You couldn’t hide it forever. It was inevitable. But that didn’t make it any less embarrassing. You rubbed your cheek and leaned an elbow on the chair.
“I can’t…” You took a breath. “Why don’t you tell me how you’ve been before I get into it.”
“Wha-- uh, things are fine,” She gave you a suspicious look. “Benny and me are just fine. I’m sorry you couldn’t crash but… you back at your mom’s?”
The waitress returned with your water and you paused to give her your order. She took your menus and left you with a smile. You had a brief nostalgic moment for the diner thought it hadn’t been that long since you’d tendered your resignation.
“Yeah… it’s a long story.” You said. “Promise you won’t judge me.”
“When have I ever? Don’t you remember when I got us kicked out of that country bar?” She laughed.
“Ha, um, yeah, but…” You sighed and pressed your hands to your neck. “I’m pregnant.”
“What?” She chocked on her electric blue cocktail as she tried to sip. “Are you serious?”
“Kinda the reason my mom wanted me… out.” You sniffed. 
“Well, where are you staying now?” She set her glass down. “Better yet, who the fucked knocked you up?”
You looked around, hoping no one was listening. Felicia didn’t make it hard to eavesdrop.
“You remember when we went to the bar after my hours got cut? I got pretty drunk and…”
“You cabbed home with me,” She argued.
“Uh huh, well it wasn’t-- It was at the bar. In the… restroom. We just, you know.” You lowered your voice and touched your hot cheek.
“Oh my god, I never would imagine-- you!” She trilled. “Oh, I’m sorry, I know it’s serious but… wow.”
“Yeah, it is serious. Mom kicked me to the curb because the asshole who knocked me up insisted on telling her. And he wants to keep the damn kid,” You huffed. “On top of that, he’s…” Married. You couldn’t say it. “Well, I’m staying at his place right now. Not really ideal but it’s a nice place. I guess.”
She blinked and sat back. She scoffed in disbelief.
“Wow. Wow. I… I’m sorry I’ve been awol. I didn’t--”
“You didn’t know. I didn’t tell you.” You said. “Not exactly a shining moment.” 
“I can’t believe your mom kicked you out.” 
“Can’t you?” You rolled your eyes. “And I quit the diner.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, uh, got more house at the cafe.” You didn’t want to explain to her it wasn’t exactly your choice. “Look, I didn’t come here to talk about it all night. It’s all I can think of and it’s all so… overwhelming.”
“Then we won’t,” Felicia chimed. “Do you remember a few years ago when Liza met that guy online and he took her to the Chuck E Cheeze.”
“Oh my god, yeah.” You laughed. “And they got food poisoning.”
“She ran into him again. She said they’re giving it a second try.”
“You’re not serious?” 
You checked your phone as you finished paying the bill. You had a single message. From Andy, of course. 
‘ETA?’ Simple, short. The usual tone.
‘Should be home shortly. Probably around 9.’ You answered, hating that you had to check in with him like a teenager. Yet, if it could appease him and keep him off your ass, a few placid words were worth it.
“So, what now?” Felicia asked as she stood. 
“I should probably head home,” You fumbled with the strap of your purse as you hooked it across your body. 
“It’s not even nine. Jeez, I know you’ve got a baby on board but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.” She sang. “Come on, save that for when the kid’s actually here.”
“I don’t know,” You hesitated. 
Andy expected you at nine, and even if he understood you being a bit late, you really didn’t have the energy for a fight. But you weren’t a kid. You had every right to stay out past nine. Regardless of his house rules. Fuck him.
“Alright, fine, but… what are you thinking?”
“Drinks are a no and I don’t know if dancing is really a great idea but you should come back to mine,” She looped her arm through yours. “Benny’s out for the night but he left his Switch. When’s the last time I kicked your ass in Mario Kart?”
“Kicked my ass?” You scoffed. “That’s not how I remember it.”
“Must be pregnancy brain already,” She giggled. “Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy on you, mama.”
It was past eleven when you got in. You caught the last bus and hoped against hope that Andy was asleep when you got in. The sheer amount of messages that bubbled up on your screen assured you that he was not happy. You were reassured that the lights were all out, only the porch light remained on in expectation of you.
You unlocked the door quietly and eased inside. You closed it, muffling the click with your hand cupped around the handle. You turned the lock into place and dug out your phone, holding up the screen as a light as you faced the dark house. The lamp beside the couch bloomed with a yank of the chain as Andy sat up.
“You’re late.” He said tersely.
You cringed and lowered your phone.
“You didn’t have to wait--”
“I was worried sick. You said nine. It’s almost midnight.” He stood. “I couldn’t sleep. I drove all around looking for you. You couldn’t send me one text?”
“Sorry, I was… distracted.” You unlooped your purse and set it down on the round table beside the armchair, placing your phone beside it. “Next time, I’ll--”
“Next time? I gave you the rules. I was lenient with you and you do this.” His hands went to his hips the way they always did when he was angry. “There’s not gonna be a next time.”
“What do you-- you can’t-- you’re not my father. I wish you would stop acting like it.” You snarled. “Christ, you said you’d take your foot off the pedal, I wasn’t aware that meant it would land on my neck.”
“I have to work tomorrow! I have to make money so that I can pay for the baby! Not just a crib, or stroller, or car seat, but your hospital room and-- and-- clothes and--” He threw his hand up. 
“I had two jobs. You made me quit one.” You hissed. “You can’t throw this in my face.”
“If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be living with your damned parents. If it wasn’t for me--”
“If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be knocked up.”
“Takes two to tango, sweetie.” He spat. “You weren’t helpless. If you’re such a big girl, you can’t act the victim.”
“Fuck you!”
“That’s what got us into this mess,” He snapped.
Your nostrils flared as you swallowed down your anger. You grabbed your purse and phone, and shoved the latter in the former. You stormed past him before he could catch you and swept up the staircase. You went to the guest room as you heard him behind you and slammed your door. You flicked the lock into place and went through to the bathroom to lock that door. You returned to the bed room and started shoving clothes into a tote. You didn’t need him. You could find a way.
He pounded on your door. “Hey, what are you doing? Let me in.”
“Go away, Andy.” You hollered. “I’m leaving.”
“And where are you going to go?” He sneered through the door. “Huh? Not gonna look good for you living on the street with the baby.”
You ignored him and kept cramming your stuff into the bag. You winced as the door thumped. You turned as it jolted in the frame again and the third bang saw the latch broken and the wood slamming against the wall. Andy rubbed his shoulder as he stood in the doorway.
“You’re not going anywhere,” He charged towards you.
“Stop!” You stumbled back and the bag slipped to the floor along with your purse. “Andy!”
He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you so that you fell onto the bed. You gasped as climbed atop you, holding himself over you as his nose almost touched yours.
“You’re scaring me,” You whimpered. “Please. Don’t hurt…” You touched his chest shakily. “The baby…”
“You think I’d hurt the baby,” He shook his head. “What the fuck have I been doing here?”
“I don’t-- Andy, please, get off.” You begged.
“Do you have any idea how fucking scared I was?” He got closer until his nose pressed to yours, until you could feel his breath on your lips. “I thought-- I thought something had happened to you.”
“Please, please, Andy, I’m--” The tears welled in the corner of your eyes. “I don’t feel--”
His lips smushed against yours and your hands were crushed between your chests as he kissed you fervently. You were stunned and light-headed. Your eyes rolled back as the room spun and you curled your fingers against him. You groaned as you tried to shove him away.
Finally, he parted but you still felt dizzy. Even laying down. Your head lolled as another wave rolled over you. Your eyes fluttered and your hands fell limp between your bodies.
“Help,” You murmured as you felt suddenly fatigued. “Andy--” Your breath went out of you and it felt impossible to get enough air. “Something’s wrong.”
“Fuck,” He pushed himself off of you and the bed bounced beneath you. “Fuck!”
He lifted you to your feet but you barely had the strength to stand. He wrapped his arm around you and led you to the door. You clung to him without thinking, afraid you would fall as your legs threatened to collapse. He scooped you up as you staggered and angled you through the door.
He carried you sideways down the stairs and bent awkwardly with you in his arms as he gathered up his keys and wallet.
“I’m sorry,” He uttered as he fumbled blindly with the door knob. “I’m sorry.”
Your head spun as it rested against his shoulder. You were inexorably tired. He got you outside and hurried to the car. He managed to get the door open and you slumped into the seat as he set your down. He buckled you up before he ran to close the front door and returned to the car. 
The engine rumbled and he backed up sharply out of the driveway. The street lights blurred in your vision and you closed your eyes. Your heart was racing and yet you still couldn’t breath. You listened to the empty streets and the whir of the engine as you felt the car’s motion speeding ahead.
Flashes of reality tinged the haze which fell over you. The sound of the car door, ‘EMERGENCY’ printed in large red letters, voices, panicked and calm, a flurry of activity all around. And then it all just faded away and you were no longer so tired.
You awoke to the sterile smell of the hospital room. The bright lights painted your vision in white and you looked over to the chair against the wall. The window was a dull grey as another Boston morning approached. Andy sat in the thinly cushioned chair, arms crossed, his chin lowered, breath steady. 
You groaned as you brought your hand to your forehead. You felt heavy and your head throbbed but the dizziness had faded. Andy grunted as he sat up and stood quickly at the sight of your awakening. He neared and hit the button attached to the rail of your bed.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as he touched your hand. 
You pulled back and scowled at him. All you remembered was him on top of you, smothering you. And that night before, creeping in the dark, touching you.
The door opened and a nurse appeared. She smiled as she approached.
“You’re awake,” She said. “How are we feeling?”
“Tired,” You grumbled.
“Would you like some water?” She asked. “We do have to check your blood pressure quickly but we can get you something before the doctor comes to talk with you.”
“I’m fine,” You breathed. Your lungs no longer felt so thick. “What happened?”
“The doctor will go over everything,” She pulled the cuff free from the machine and wrapped it around your arm. “You’re okay. The baby’s okay.”
You nodded and let her scribble down the numbers. She left you after adjusting your bed to a sitting position. Andy hovered around you and you felt like smacking him and yet you were too weak for that. You let your head fall back and stared at the ceiling.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too--”
“Save it.” You croaked. “What did you expect, Andy? You know how fucking horrid it is? Having to tiptoe around you? Don’t you think it’s bad enough knowing I have this goddamn child inside of me? Sucking every ounce of energy out of me? I--”
You gulped as you suddenly felt like crying. You kept quiet and blinked away the droplets that threatened to fall. It was almost twenty minutes before the door opened again. The entire time, Andy kept pacing around your bed. His impatience made you restless.
“Hello, I am Doctor Ari-Hass,” The man in the white coat greeted as he took your chart from the plastic pocket. “You feeling alright, ma’am?”
“Better than I did,” You shrugged. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“Nothing serious.” He assured you. “It is normal for many women to experience anemia during pregnancy. It seems you are one of them. An easy fix. Iron and folic acid should help.”
You nodded and shifted on the bed.
“However, you display an elevated blood pressure,” He peeked at the folder again. “It is early on but it would suggest a high risk of preeclampsia later on in your pregnancy. This is not to say that the baby is in danger as yet but it does put in a higher category of risk.” He explained. “That means we need to decrease stressors and you will be expected to monitor your blood pressure at home.”
“Okay,” You sighed. 
“Do you work?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m a… a barista,” You said.
“Ah, yes, customers will be stressful, if possible, take an early leave from work, if not try to reduce your hours,” He suggested. “No heavy lifting. Avoid lifting at all, if possible. No running. Try to calm yourself when you feel anxious, meditation and breathing exercises as well.”
He smiled and glanced at Andy who listened intently, as if taking mental note of every word.
“And at the risk of being forward, I might add that… there are ways as a couple of relaxing,” He chuckled. “Orgasms reduce tension. Forgive my crudeness.”
Andy’s brow twitched and he cleared his throat. “Sure, we understand.”
“Good. Now you are all clear to leave. Your blood pressure is still higher than normal but it has shown improvement. I suggest rest. Lots of it.” The doctor closed your file. “And you can call and ask for me should you feel another episode coming on.”
“Alright, thank you,” You said.
He left you and you crossed your arms as you glared at Andy. You were both entirely deflated and inflamed by the news. Your job would be as good as kaput. You knew he wouldn’t let you go back and that meant more time with him. You sat up and rubbed your forehead.
“Let’s go,” You huffed. 
“We should talk--”
“Not now,” You pushed down the rail and threw your legs over the side of the bed. “The doctor said to avoid stress.”
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shamemp3 · 4 years
1) can i tell you about gwen? i’ve been thinking about her a lot today...she was the smartest, weirdest girl in the world. wore lots of headbands and raincoats, but it worked for her. she was great...and she died...she died because of me...i sometimes try to ignore it, but the honest truth is, if i wasn’t spider-man, gwen would be alive today. i bring that up because i know a thing or two about guilt. i know what you’re feeling. and i want you to know he wasn’t right. “all you do is fight.” he was wrong about that. i know because the other honest truth is that if i wasn’t spider-man, a lot of people wouldn’t be alive today. we’re not just our failures. as much as they hurt, we learn from them. then we go out there and do our best to make up for them-- even though we never will. we save people. we save as many as we can to make up for the ones we couldn’t. that’s all we do.
2) hey...this isn’t some sort of intervention, is it? like, sure, maybe i’m addicted to saving lives, but seriously, guys? i’ve got it under control. i mean, really! i could stop saving lives whenever i want!
3) hello, god... this is peter parker. can i ask a favor? i know i’ve been your personal cat toy for the last few years...but can we not do that to me again for a while? not real long, i know the odds on that are about zero..but just for a little while. say...fifty or sixty years? i mean, that’s not long in your terms, right? just kidding, god...just kidding. but i’ll bet you knew that, didn’t you?
4) i guess when i try and sum up how i get -- how i feel sometimes around this time of the year... i feel blue. not like i’ve been dipped in with the tidy bowl man, but like in music, in jazz...in feeling blue. and i long for a time when a girl i knew with an incredible smile and so much good in her heart made me think...life can be great.
5) guilty. worried about money. a little nauseous...i pretty much feel like this all the time.
6) well, you didn’t know him like this, he was never like this when you were alive, ben, but since you died—ever since, actually—he’s been...he’s been distracted. as if there’s some burden he’s been carrying. the weight of the world on his shoulders, you could say. -may parker
7) that’s what i love about peter parker...even in the face of unimaginable madness...he can still find hope -felicia hardy
8) suddenly i started to remember all the things i love about him being, well, him. he’s so driven. not to get rich or be famous or even to change the world. he just wants to badly to help people. to save people. but what really amazes me-- he’s lost so much. been put through so much. he has suffered in so many ways, and so often. it should break anyone. and yet, somehow, in the middle of this, he’s actually really funny. or i mean, i think he’s funny. he makes me laugh. this is a man who constantly carries the weight of the world on his shoulders-- but somehow he always manages to lift himself free. not only that-- he lifts me with him. that’s gotta be worth the risks. -mary jane watson
9) i can almost hear his muscles tighten, coiled with incredible strength and control. he’s pure power and doesn’t even know it. the best of us. -matt murdock
ask me top 5 anything!
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nightmare-grass · 5 years
So I’m officially Spidersona trash
Here I have compiled the main characters, their abilities and personalities, and their relationships within the story I am currently working on and have been working on ever since the Spidersona movement of 2018.
1. My personal OC
- Name: Nora Weaver
- Age: 19
- Alias: Jumper
- Based on the Bold Jumping Spider
- Quirky, inventive, sneaky, caring, impatient, smart, and kinda egotistical
- Saw the Prowler fighting Prism on tv one time and thought, ‘hey, those rocket-boot things are pretty cool’
- Later on she made her own rocket boots for a college science fair (it’s a high school science fair, tbh, but colleges scout for talented students to give scholarships to), she promotes them as footwear for rescue efforts and stuff like that
- At this science fair another kid was doing experiments on spiders and one escaped and bit Nora, giving her spider powers
- Since Nora’s thing is mechanics, she got her more chemistry-inclined older sister to help make her web fluid
- Sister’s name is Amelia
- She eventually designed her own suit and was from then on known as Jumper
- Only her sister knows her true identity
- She has arachnophobia (coincidentally)
- She’s adopted and it turns out her biological father is Dr. Octopus
- Her birth mother is a woman named Mary Alice Anders (Otto and Mary split up in Otto’s tragic villain backstory)
- She gets scrap and parts from an auto body shop and the son of the guy who owns the shop is really cute and Nora has a crush on him. His name is Dominic Mazzetti.
- One humid summer day Nora drops down in an alley in her spider suit and peels the spandex off to sit at her waist, having been wearing a tank top underneath, in order to cool off. She realizes too late that she’s right next to the auto body shop when Dominic comes around the corner, looking to take a shortcut, and sees her. She webs him up, jumps onto the rooftop with him, and starts freaking out, but she makes him promise not to tell anyone her secret. From then on they work together more closely.
- Gwen Stacy is kind of the designated bully, seeing her as a rival for good grades, so she mockingly call her “Snora” since Nora falls asleep in class quite a bit due to her hero work
- Eventually Gwen and Nora become friends
- Nemesis: Doctor Octopus
- Recurring Villain: Screwball
“Alright, lets start at the beginning one last time. My name is Nora Weaver. I built some rocket boots, was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last year and a half I’ve been one of a few spider-themed heroes in my city. I call myself Jumper. I’m pretty sure you can figure out the rest. I saved some people, joined a spider hero team, graduated, started college, nearly dropped out, and now I’m in the process of saving the city again. By the way, I was in the middle of that. Catch ya later!”
2. Peter Parker Gender-bend
- Name: Penelope Parker
- Age: 18
- Alias: Ladybird
- Based on the Ladybug Mimic Spider
- She was the one with the spider science project
- when one of her spiders bit her, it momentarily distracted her and she let two more escape, one biting Nora, another biting Skylar
- Wears glasses
- When they get to community college Penelope meets Harry Osborn and after a while of being friends they start dating. This will not end well.
- Nemesis: Green Goblin
- Recurring Villain: Black Cat
“Alrighty then! I guess we can start at the beginning one more time. My name is Penelope Parker, and for the past year and a half I’ve been the hero known as Ladybird. I was experimenting with some spiders and radioactive elements when three of them got out and bit me and two of my now best friends, and so we decided to form a superhero team. I figure you know the rest; we saved the city, started college, I got an internship that ended up being a trap, my aunt May died, and now we’re trying to save the city again. Yeah, it hasn’t been great.”
“AGH, Harry is such a dreamboat!” Penelope twirled around gaily and flopped onto her bed with a sigh. “I don’t deserve him,” she murmured with a smile.
Nora rolled her eyes. “Of course you deserve him, Pen! In my eyes, you deserve the world,” Nora said matter-of-factly.
3. OC
- Name: Skylar Tran
- Age: 19
- Alias: Spider-Shine
- Based on the Mirror Spider
- Non-binary, they/them pronouns
- Black hair dyed blue
- Filipino
- Reflective/shiny skin (yes, like the Twilight vamps, get over it)
- Cocky, flamboyant, funny, millennial humor, depressed but doesn’t wanna show it, being a superhero gives them something to live for
- Has scars from depression on their arms
- Very much an anime fan
- Starts out as a “Hero for Hire” where they got paid for rescuing people but quit that as soon as they found out about Tombstone and how he scares the people of NYC into paying him so he doesn’t let worse things happen to them
- Nemesis: Tombstone
- Recurring Villain: The Tinkerer
4. Symbiotesona
- Name: Amber Herald
- Age: 31
- Alias: Prism
- Symbiote
- Bonded with Prism when she was 23 and working for the Life Foundation
- They’re lesbians, Harold.
- Prism’s thing is light refraction, so she can turn invisible
- She’s an established hero when the three newbies get bit
- Their origin story is kinda like the Venom movie except they don’t take down a big bad corporation or stop an alien invasion
- Prism is a forced spawn of Venom
- Life Foundation captured Venom to make more Symbiotes but Prism was one of the few Symbiotes that escaped with a host
- Dreamcasting Idina Menzel as Amber
- Nemesis: Any evil Symbiotes that happen to pop up.
- Recurring Villains: Prowler and Kraven the Hunter
Side Characters
1. Harry Osborn
- Son of Norman Osborn
- Has a degenerative disease that Norman tries to fix with experimental science
- Goes mad, becomes Green Goblin
- Before he’s the Goblin, he and Penelope start dating
2. Gwen Stacy
- daughter of Police Captain, George Stacy
- Gifted in biochemistry
- Wants to become a forensic scientist for the NYPD, following in the footsteps of her father but in her own way
- On weekends she is the drummer for MJ’s band
- Sees Nora and Penelope as her academic rivals and sometimes bullies them
- Loves music
- Is a lesbian and has a crush on MJ but she’s still in the closet
- If I ever want to make her into Spider-Gwen, I could kill off Amber and have Prism bond with Gwen
3. Mary Jane “MJ” Watson
- Intern/reporter for the Daily Bugle
- Sometimes self-absorbed, mostly self-assured and witty
- Has a band called The Mary Janes where she’s the lead singer and lead guitarist
- Keyboard player is Glory Grant
- Drummer is Gwen Stacy
- She’s bisexual and she has a crush on Gwen
- With her hot temper and Gwen’s bull headed stubbornness, they have quite a few disagreements
4. Felicia Hardy
- becomes Black Cat, an antihero
- Her dad used to develop tech for Oscorp when he was found “stealing” some of the tech he worked on and was laid off
- Her dad used the tech he’d developed to aid him in cat burglary because he couldn’t find a job and had to support he and his daughter but he was caught stealing from one of Kingpin’s businesses
- Felicia used her dad’s tech to steal enough money to pay for his bail but kept stealing afterward
- Takes up a Robin Hood-like role where she steals from rich assholes like Kingpin and Norman Osborn and gives back to the homeless of NYC
- She’s really quiet as a civilian, almost unnerving, but that’s because she spends all day coming up with cat-related quips and catchphrases to use when she goes out as Black Cat
5. Screwball
- I want to add more to her character, really dig deep and find the person behind the vlogger/criminal nut job
- Her crimes are just stunts and dangerous pranks on important figures
- She live-streams every crime
- Started off with a prank channel on YouTube but when she started drawing the attention of Jumper and the bunch for her dangerous stunts, her videos started to get more views, so she just scaled up her pranks to draw the attention of the heroes even more
- Expert Gymnast and Media Influencer
- Some of her fans are so rabid for her that they’ll commit murder at her slightest suggestion
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scribeofmorpheus · 6 years
Opposing Elements Part 3 (Peter Parker x Reader)
Part One, Part Two
A/N: Ahhh! So I had waaaayyy too much fun writing from Peter’s point of view, as a result, we were gifted with a lot of rambling and playful dialogue! Not much reader presence in this chapter, but we do get to see things from Peter’s POV! (Also, I’ll be travelling for the next few days and even though I did a quick spellcheck I’m sure there are a few (many) mistakes I overlooked. I’ll fix that later. I just had to update this fic! It was overdue!)
Remember: Reader is a version of Felicia Hardy AKA Black Cat
Words: 2086
Warnings: Does Crime fighting and therapy multitasking count? Some angst.
(Gif isn’t mine)
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Peter’s POV
Peter was perched atop one of the thousand fire escapes on one of the indistinguishable apartment buildings in Queens. His mask was lifted up from the bottom half of his face as he snacked on a Snickers bar. Legs dangling over the edge like he was a little kid at a play park. He was exhausted, but not from crime fighting, sadly. To his dismay, it was one of the slowest nights he'd had in a while. The most action he'd gotten was saving a cat from a tree. Twice! And it was the same cat.
He had patrolled many dark alleyways and shady corners the last month alone. He and Ned had been slowly working towards finding all the remaining alien tech the Vulture -Adrian Toomes- had repurposed and sold on the black market. It hadn't been easy. Tracking down alien technology was time-consuming and difficult, he and Ned barely had any free time lately. He was a little disappointed that he had to miss attending Felicia's gymnastic try-outs today. He really wanted to be there for her.
"Hey, Karen, anything?" Peter asked the AI in his suit, he was getting impatient.
"Nothing as yet, Peter."
"Great," Peter groaned.  He was in need of blowing off some steam. After everything that happened with Liz and her dad, for which he felt partially responsible, Peter had been a little on edge. It didn't help that Aunt May found out about his leading a double life either. She had sworn that if she ever saw him wearing the colours red, blue and white together, on a night that wasn't Halloween where it'd only be acceptable if he dressed as Captain America, she would ground him for life. Either that or she'd slowly kill him with walnut-date loaves. Everything was just so much more complicated now.
With Felicia's return, things just seemed to get even more complicated. He had missed her fiercely when she left, she had been his only friend back then. She was like this unstoppable whirlwind that set its sights on him one day and, for some reason or the other, she had swept him up and carried him away. Away from the bullies and the stolen lunch money. Away from having to think about his parents all the time. She was a force to be reckoned with, but at least then he knew what his feelings for her were. He knew what she had meant to him -and he to her. But now, now they didn't seem to fit so well together anymore. Like two puzzle pieces from two separate puzzles that once looked identical. Turns out they weren't.
To make matters worse keeping secrets from Felicia felt unnatural. When she had asked about the bruise he couldn't bare lying to her face. Not when they stood so close together and she hung her slender arm around his. So the best he could offer her was a half-truth. He had gotten the bruise from falling on gym equipment, the truth was he had gotten the bruise when some hoodlum in possession of a magnetic field generator weapon had flung a piece of gym equipment at him.
Peter sighed, "Anything yet, Karen?"
"No, Peter."
"Oh man! I have so much homework to do. Can't these guys just hurry up and take the bait? I mean it's not like I don't have a life of my own ya' know. Why is it criminals always show up at the most inconvenient of ti--"
"Peter, my scanners have honed in on a frequency. It appears we have some activity," Karen interrupted.
"Yes!" Peter exclaimed excitedly as he pulled the mask over his face completely. He stuffed the candy wrapper in his bag and webbed it to the fire escape. "Let's go re-poses some alien weaponry!"
When he reached the source of the frequency, Peter had spotted four guys, all heavily armed with weird looking alien tech. They were loading a truck with duffle bags. They had probably just robbed an ATM or something. Peter mentally scolded himself for failing to stop the robbery before it had occurred.
Peter crawled up to the ceiling from the wall to get to a better vantage point. Once positioned perfectly above them he used his enhanced vision to focus on the gang of criminals.
"Alright, one more score like this and then we're set!" Said the largest of the four, he was without a doubt proud of his winnings.
"Come on, come on! Hurry up! Don't want to be around when the fuzz shows up," one wearing a red bandana around his face hurried the others.
"Or that Spider-Dude," the smallest one added. They all laughed at him. Peter tried not to take much offence.
"Would you like to activate instant kill mode, Peter?" Karen asked innocently.
"W-What, no, no. Karen, we talked about this. No instant kill," Peter panicked for a fleeting second, keeping his voice low so as to avoid detection.
He slowly descended down towards the truck using his retractable web sling. The four men were too preoccupied with stuffing the van to notice Peter was suspended above them. Peter stayed there, hovering above them for a few extra seconds hoping one of them would notice him, but to his chagrin, they didn't.
His second wave of impatience hit him and Peter cleared his throat to garner their attention, "Hey, not to be a buzzkill, but would you guys mind returning all the money you stole?" He quipped childishly.
The big guy pointed his weapon at Peter and fired off a pulse beam, Peter avoided the beam by somersaulting away and landing a few feet away. The surrounding windows of the building screeched in distress before they exploded, the resulting effect was a beautiful yet dangerous shower of microscopic glass shards falling to the ground. Peter shielded himself under some cover.
"I guess that's a no then?"
"You two-" the big guy pointed to the smaller, unarmed two of the group, "-keep loading the truck. We got this," confidence practically oozing off him as he urged his bandana wearing companion to join him in his fight.
If Peter hadn't faced guys twice as dangerous as him, he may have wavered for a second. The smaller guys (including the one who had called him 'Spider-Dude') hurried their efforts to fill the truck with the duffle bags.
"Karen, notify the police, someone's gotta return all that money," Peter ordered.
"The police have been notified."
"Who is he talking to?" The armed man with the bandana asked the bigger guy, who in turn shrugged. He seemed just as confused as his partner in crime.
"Probably hallucinating from all that blood rushing to his brain from hanging upside-down for so long."
"You're familiar with the basic physics concept of gravity weighing down on your organs due to the human body being upside down, thereby crushing your lungs causing asphyxiation which can lead to side effects like hallucinations or blurred vision?" Peter asked in surprise.
The large man didn't answer, he chose to fire off his pulse weapon instead. Peter dodged the energy pulse, barely, with another summersault. He then used one of his webs to swing around and kick him in the back. He went down easy.
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall," Peter said with a cool head and a touch of self-gratification. This was exactly the kind of mind-numbing distraction he needed.
In a moment of hysterics, the other armed man fired his weapon carelessly in a flurry of pulsing attacks. Eventually, the power was too much for one ordinary man to withstand and he was blown away by the very weapon he used to defend himself. Ironic, Peter thought.
In short time he managed to subdue all the criminals and webbed them up in a collective ball to the side of the truck. He was about to make his grand exit when his suit notified him he had an incoming call. The caller ID read: Felicia.
"Would you like to accept the call, Peter?" Karen's constantly calm and composed voice was always hard to adjust to after taking on a few criminals in a rush of adrenaline and aerial kicks.
Peter debated whether or not to take the call, "I- I don't know, maybe? Actually, n- no. I can't talk to her right now. But what if she thinks I'm avoiding her? Or worse, what if she thinks I'm a terrible friend for standing her up twice in one day. First with the auditions and now this phone call… No, I'll just call her and apologise later. Y- Yeah, that's what I'll do."
"The call already went to voicemail," Karen informed him too late.
"Uh, hey! Spider-Dude, are you… are you alright?" Asked the smallest of the four men roped up in the ball of webs. His voice soft and sincere. He was definitely the furthest thing from a hardened criminal, Peter thought.
Peter turned to him, he could feel his cheeks flush from embarrassment, it was a good thing he was wearing a mask. He never meant for anyone to witness his little inner dialogue of indecision with himself, let alone the guys he just strung up. Although, since they were all here and not going anywhere anytime soon, Peter decided to make do with what he was given. He sat cross-legged, facing towards the balled mass of men stuck to the side of the truck, he figured it wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion on his current relationship problems.
"Okay so here's the deal: there's this girl right, we used to be besties back in the day, when we were kids, but then she moved away and things… changed. We both changed. But now she's back and at first, ya' know, I was happy, I got my best friend back and I figured things could go back to the way they used to be. Except, they didn't."
Peter used his hands as visual aids as he moved them about from point A to B to A again actively, the four men were forced to do nothing but listen to him overshare about his current predicament, "To be honest, I don't really understand it. When she's happy, I'm happy and when she's sad I get so exasperated because I can't help her. To make things worse, I have this whole other secret life I can't tell her about and lying to her, even by omission, is killing me!"
"Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" the small guy asked.
"Yeah, just tell her how you feel," one of his companions backed him up.
Peter let out an exasperated sigh, "See, that's the thing, I don't know what it is exactly I feel for her. Don't get me wrong, she's amazing and quick-witted and has a horrible habit of swearing all the time -which I find hilarious… "
"But, my last relationship didn't end well and I was somewhat responsible for how things ended. I just- I don't want that to happen with her. I don't want to hurt her, I also don't want to ruin what we have," Peter's head hung low, he didn't realise this had bothered him so much.
"Maybe you should stop trying to control everything and just let her decide," the largest of the men offered. Peter hadn't expected someone like him to say something like that, he was at a loss for words.
"Peter, the authorities are closing in. I recommend leaving now," Karen informed him.
"I gotta jet, thanks for everything. You are all great listeners."
Peter left before any of them could say anything, the distant sounds of the sirens blaring through the wind.
Peter climbed through his bedroom window still clad in his suit, he had been so preoccupied with making sure Aunt May didn't see or hear him that when a lively feminine voice spoke out he had nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Spider-Man?" Felicia gasped in utter astonishment.
Peter whipped his head around so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash, "Wh-What? Who-"
Suddenly he realised his voice still sounded like him. Peter cleared his throat and deepened his voice to an almost comical extent, "Hey, this isn't my apartment!" He tried to sound perplexed.
"Obviously," Felicia said sarcastically.
She squinted her eyes at him, he knew that look, she was definitely thinking up a storm in that brilliant mind of hers. Peter had to find a way to throw her off the scent.
"Uh… “His mind drew a blank. Peter couldn't think of a smart way to try and explain why exactly Spider-Man was in Peter Parker's bedroom.” I’ll just-" Peter pointed at the window and seconds later he flung himself out of it, leaving Felicia looking on completely flabbergasted.
"What the hell just happened?" Peter heard Felicia ask herself in astonishment.
"Next time, use the fire escape," he spoke out loud to himself. "Oh, shit my backpack!" Peter shouted, his voice normalised, as he swung away from his apartment building back in the direction he came from to pick up the third backpack he had forgotten.
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Tags: @carry-on-ms-believer @itsjaynebird
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
Weekend Warrior Home Edition – April 3, 2020 – Slay the Dragon, Tape and More
Well, things sure have gone to hell since I last wrote this weekly column that I’ve now been doing in some form or another at one place or other for over nineteen years! For the first time in those 19 years and probably a good 80 or 90 years before that, there were no movies in theaters. In fact, there were no movie theaters. Because of this, the last two weekends have been the first in history with ZERO BOX OFFICE. It’s kind of tough to write a column about the box office and theatrical releases when there are none, n’est ce pas?
So I’m going to try to evolve for the time being, and we’ll see how that goes. I’m not too thrilled about having to watch movies as screeners, let alone writing about movies that will probably never get a theatrical release, but I’ll try to make the best of it. (Oh, and Disney’s Onward, which opened in theaters less than a month ago will be available ON DISNEY+* tomorrow.) (*corrected)
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This week’s “Featured Movie” that you absolutely must see, especially if you’re reading this from one of the “red states” and feel like government just isn’t doing things the way you’d like them to do, is Barak Goodman and Chris Durrance’s political documentary SLAY THE DRAGON (Magnolia).  It covers how gerrymandering is being used in census years (like this one) to maintain a Republican majority in local and state government.  Goodman’s doc begins in Michael Moore territory of Flint, Michigan and shows how gerrymandering was used to create a Republican majority that led to the town getting water from the nearby Flint River which contaminated the pipes and leaked lead into the system.
The film does a good job explaining gerrymandering in an easy to understand way by following a few specific cases of people fighting against the policies.  Counties and voting districts in different states aren’t just a straight grid on a map. Instead, the districts are drawn up to cause an unfair advantage to a party. This was especially true of the REDMAP program instituted in 2008 by the GOP after Barack Obama was elected President to make sure Republicans could dominate Congress as well as politics on a state level.  
Much of the film deals with Katie Fahey’s group Citizens United that has decided to take on the politicians with its grassroots campaign to allow the people’s voices and votes to start counting. (One of the programs that grew out of REDMAPping was that thousands of voters were not able to vote since a few states passed a law that ID was required to vote, thereby keeping black and brown voters from the polls.)
Yes, it’s a rather complicated situation but it’s one that people in the primarily liberal states like New York, California and others really need to know about, since it’s why we have a reality TV host as our President right now as well as why we have a Republican Senate that just prevented him from being impeached. All of the bigger politics goes back to the individual state politics and how gerrymandering and REDMAP unfairly sways the vote against those who win on the state level in census years (essentially every ten years including 2020). Originally, this was going to get a theatrical release in March but now it will only be available on digital and On Demand, so you can find out how to see it on the official site.
I also want to give a little extra attention to Deborah Kampmeier’s TAPE (Full Moon Films), which skipped its theatrical release instead to do an interesting “virtual theatrical run,” playing every night On Demand via CrowdCast. It’s available every night at 7pm eastern followed by discussions with the filmmakers and then will be on Digital and VOD on April 10. Again, these are changing times, but this is a haunting and powerful thriller based on true events, starring Anarosa Mudd as a woman trying to catch a sleezy casting agent (Tarek Bishara) who is preying on actresses and one in particular, played by Isabelle Fuhrman (Orphan). Both of their performances are pretty amazing, Mudd playing a shaven-head whistleblower and Fuhrman playing an ambitious young actress who think she’s finally gotten her much-needed break, but finding out there’s a lot darker side to the business than she expected. While a lot of people have raved about The Assistant as a response to #MeToo, this is a much starker and direct look at the abuse of power to take advantage of young women. The movie is not going to be for everybody, because it takes some time before you realize what Mudd’s character (who could just as easily be Rose MacGowan) is up to, but the way how things play out in the film makes it unforgettable. It’s a fantastic new movie from Kampmeier, who famously had an underage Dakota Fanning have a rape scene in her earlier movie, Hounddog.
A movie that was released last week that I didn’t get to write about (but it’s still available On Demand and Digitally, as many movies currently are) is Lorcan Finnegan’s VIVARIUM (Saban Films), starring Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots. It’s a virtual two-hander in which they play a couple who look at a house in a suburban housing complex where every house looks the same. They soon learn that they can’t escape and things get weirder and weirder from there. I can’t say I loved the movie, because it just got weirder and weirder, almost to a fault at times.
Polish filmmaker Malgorzata Szumowska’s THE OTHER LAMB (IFC Midnight) is another movie about a religious cult, this one a group of women that live in a remote forest commune led by a man they call “Shepherd” (played by Michiel Huisman from Game of Thrones and The Haunting of Hill House). It follows a teenager named Selah (Raffey Cassidy) who begins to question her existence when she starts having nightmarish visions. This was okay, but I really have hit my limit in terms of movies about religious cults. They’ve just been overdone.
Mike Doyle’s rom-com ALMOST LOVE (Vertical) is about a group of middle-aged friends trying to navigate love and relationships with a cast that includes Scott Evans, Kate Walsh, Patricia Clarkson, Augustus Prew and more. Some of the characters are having marital issues, others are dating or getting into early feelings of possible love. It’s a nice distraction from all the serious stuff going on in the world today.
A great music doc now On Demand, digital and other formats (Blu-ray/DVD) is Brent Wilson’s STREETLIGHT HARMONIES (Gravitas), which takes a look at the early doo-wop vocal groups of the ‘50s and ‘60s that predated and formed the basis for Rock & Roll, Rhythm & Blues and other music genres as we know them today. It deals with acts like The Drifters, Little Antony and the Imperials, The Platters, and Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers. It includes interviews with some of the more recent acts influenced by it including En Vogue and N’Sync as well as Brians Wilson and McKnight. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this despite doo-wop not being my preferred music style. (For the sake of transparency, I helped out with a little bit of publicity on this film.)
Also, Olivier Meyrou’s fly-on-the-wall doc Celebration (1091) is a movie that was commissioned by Yves Saint Laurent’s former lover and business partner, Pierre Bergé, more than ten years ago but was shelved for being too revealing. It was filmed over the course of three years where Laurent was at his most frail and mostly separated from the world as we get a look inside one of the last great haute couture houses. It’s now available On Demand and digitally.
Jon Abrahams directs and co-stars in Clover (Freestyle Digital Media) opposite the great Mark Webber, playing bumbling Irish twins trying to pay off their father’s debt to local mob boss Tony Davolo, played by Chazz Palminteri. Things get more complicated when a teen girl named Clover (Nicole Elizabeth Berger) shows up and the brothers need to protect her from Tony’s “hit-women.” Looks like a fun dark comedy.
Unfortunately, Saban Films didn’t offer advance review screeners of the action sequel, Rogue Warrior: The Hunt (Saban Films), directed by Mike Gunther, but it stars Will Yun Lee.  I’m not sure if this is a sequel to 2017’s Rogue Warrior: The Hunt, but I haven’t seen that either. It involves the leader of an elite team of soldiers being captured by terrorists, so his team needs rescue him. Oh, and Stephen Lang (Avatar, Don’t Breathe) is in it, too.
This week’s Netflix offerings include the streaming network’s latest true-crime documentary series, HOW TO FIX A DRUG SCANDAL, directed by Erin Lee Carr (Dirty Money), which covers the 2013 case of Sonja Farak, a crime drug lab specialist who was arrested for tampering with evidence but also accused of using the drugs she was supposed to be testing.  (It’s on the service as of this writing.)
Stuber and Good director Michael Dowse helms the action-comedy COFFEE & KAREEM, starring Ed Helms as police officer James Coffee, who begins dating Taraji P. Henson’s Vanessa Manning while her 12-year-old son Kareem (Terrence Little Gardenhigh) plots their break-up. Kareem hires criminal fugitives to kill Coffee but instead ends up getting his whole family targeted, so the two must team up. Also starring Betty Gilpin, RonReaco Lee, Andrew Bachelor and David Alan Grier.
Also on Friday, Disney Plus will stream two Disneynature docs, Dolphin Reef and Elephant, in honor of Earth Day taking place later this month. Previously, one or both of these movies might have been released theatrically but hey, earth is going to hell right now.
Now playing on Hulu is the latest installment of Blumhouse’s “Into the Dark,” Alejandro Brugué’s Pooka Lives, which ties in with “Pooka Day” (no idea what that is) but apparently, Pooka is a fictional creature like “Slender Man” that was created on Creepypasta  by a group of friends that goes viral but then manifests into creatures that become real. It stars fan faves Felicia Day, Will Wheaton, Rachel Bloom and more.
Next week, more movies not in theaters!
By the way, if you read this week’s column and have read this far down, feel free to drop me some thoughts at Edward dot Douglas at Gmail dot Com or send me a note on Twitter. I love hearing from readers!
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RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same. (Tropes Wiki)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG. 
Walking, talking, purring class. She doesn't steal; she liberates. She doesn't lie; she fibs. She steals from the rich and gives to... herself, but she's so graceful and easy on the eyes that you'll want to let it slide.When The Hero first meets her, on a rooftop or a darkened bedroom, he'll be paralyzed with indecision — should he arrest her or ask for her number? This dilemma is usually short, as she takes advantage of his distraction to escape/knock him out.Bonus points if she has a cat theme, is named "Katherine," "Kitty," or "Felicia," or makes bad feline puns.She doesn't always wear a Spy Catsuit, but if she does she wears it well.Either way, Classy Cat Burglars are sophisticated and highly skilled. They target only the finest items (and best-protected) for "liberation", and pride themselves on leaving little or no clue on how they accomplished their burglaries. A fair number of them are independently wealthy and couldn't care less about the money; they just want a good challenge. (Detectives understand that a well-guarded, priceless item is the best bait in the world for these sleek critters). The actual term "cat burglar" comes from the notion that such a person is quiet as a cat (one that never claws its way up the drapes, gets into fights with the dog or tears your refrigerator to bits).
The Byronic Hero is a type of character popularized by the works of Lord Byron, whose protagonists often embodied this archetype, though they existed before him, it became prominent during Romanticism. Sometimes an Anti-Hero, others an Anti-Villain, or even Just a Villain, Byronic heroes are charismatic characters with strong passions and ideals, but who are nonetheless deeply flawed individuals who may act in ways which are socially reprehensible because he's definitely contrary to his mainstream society. A Byronic hero is on his own side and has his own set of beliefs which he will not bow nor change for anyone. A Byronic hero is a character whose internal conflicts are heavily romanticized and who himself ponders and wrestles with his struggles and beliefs. Some are portrayed with a suggestion of dark crimes or tragedies in their past.
Bears usually won't attack humans — but get between a mother bear and her cub, and she'll tear straight through you. Threaten her children, and you are in for a world of hurt. Righteous awesomeness will ensue, and the heroine reclaims her child with a tearful embrace.Oftentimes, when a previously perceived meek mother (or My Beloved Smother) goes into this mode, it's her Crowning Moment of Awesome. Heaven help you if an Action Mom or even a Team Mom invokes this trope. If you think a normal Mama Bear is scary, hell hath no fury like a Motherly Scientist with access to One-Man Army levels of weaponry/technology/money/superpowers to protect her children. It can lead to a Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? moment.Losing her child may cause a Start of Darkness into villainy or Anti-Hero-dom... anything if it will get her revenge, and not just on her own enemy but on anyone who would inflict this same pain on others.
A bullwhip's signature cracking noise is a miniature sonic boom. It's about as close to the Stuff Blowing Up type of coolness as you can get without infringing upon Fantasy Gun Control. A whip is also, basically, more or less a long piece of leather rope, and we all know how sexy leather is, right? In video games, action adventure and fantasy tales, some characters will show how extra badass they are by using a bullwhip or other flexible weapon as their primary armament, as well as employing it for a Building Swing.If this person is a woman, and they often are, she is likely to also have a Stripperifficcostume that brings to mind a dominatrix outfit, and will probably be The Vamp or The Baroness.
This trope describes a person who loves to tease others sexually, often the main character. Maybe they'll try Erotic Eating. Maybe they'll sidle sensually or walk with an extra bounce in their step around their target. Maybe she'll go all the way and outright offer sex. Almost always, the teased person will act in various comical ways. As you can imagine, this trope is often used for Fanservice, teasing the audience as much as the characters, because Sex Sells.Certain characters only tease their Love Interest: in those cases the teasing is romantic, with the In-Universe expectation that they will eventually hook up. This trope can very easily overlap with Ready for Lovemaking if a character in an Official Couple teases their lover. Other characters tease people just for the hell of it. If the target is Not Distracted by the Sexy, expect The Tease to become frustrated and either give up, or up the teasing to dangerous levels. (Possibly mixed with a morality plot if the target suddenly decides to accept an "offer" that The Tease never expected to be taken up on.)
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the--blackdahlia · 8 years
The Perfect Storm Chapter 3 (Jensen x Reader)
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Summary: Jensen Ackles just wanted his ex wife to sign the divorce papers before he married Danneel. He didn't want roped back into the storm chaser life. But once a storm chaser, always a storm chaser. Based off the movie Twister (RIP Bill Paxton)
Warnings: Language?
AN: Lyrics for this chapter are Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
And be a simple kind of man Be something you love and understand Be a simple kind of man Won't you do this for me son If you can?
 The music played lowly from the auto shop as Jensen pulled the flat tire out of the back of the truck. He had moved to the spare, but it was always a good idea to have a backup tire in this line of work.
 “How long will it take you to fix this?” Jensen asked with a sigh as the technician took his flat.
 “Oh, about 15 minutes.” The man said. Jensen nodded and leaned against his truck, closing his eyes for a second. (Y/n) was on her way over to Jensen to ask what had happened when his eyes snapped open and his body tensed. She saw him turn to look over across the way, where Stephen was standing, talking to a bunch of people.
 “The unknown is what drives me,” He explained to somebody. “What could we do if we could predict the path of a tornado? Could we create a new warning system to save more people?” He opened the back of one of the trucks, Jensen staring at him as he showed off his new machine named D.O.T 3.
 “That son of a bitch.” Jensen growled.
 “Why didn’t you tell me?” He snapped at her before marching over to Stephen. He grabbed Stephen by his shirt and shoved him against the side of the vehicle. “You bastard!”
 “Someone get this loser off of me!” Stephen called out. Stephen’s right hand man Tom went to get him, but Jared beat him too it and gently pulled Jensen off of Stephen.
 “You stole my designs you piece of shit!” Jensen screamed at Stephen. He tried to launch himself at Stephen again, but Jared held him back. “Jay…”
 “Don’t do it man. It’s not worth it.” Jared told him.
 “What’s the matter with you?” Stephen asked, staring down Jensen. “It’s not like I made a move on (y/n). Oh wait, she’s not your wife anymore, now is she?” Jensen tried to pull away from Jared again.
 “Jenny, calm down.” Felicia said, trying to calm Jensen.
 “Yeah Jenny.” Stephen laughed. “You don’t want that blood pressure to spike. Could ruin that precious retirement of yours.”
 “You better shut your mouth while you still can.” Jeff sneered at Stephen. Stephen rolled his eyes.
 “And as for stealing your designs, why would I need to?” Stephen asked. “D.O.T. is much better than whatever it is you and your friends thought up. Dorothy right? I remember how much you and (y/n) loved the Wizard of Oz.” (Y/n) came over as she saw Jensen about to punch Stephen right in his pretty mouth.
 “Okay boys, break it up.” She said, standing between the feuding chasers. “We all know that his is too heavy and will never get off the ground.” Stephen shook his head but turned to walk away, done with this conversation. But he stood suddenly and turned to look at Jensen.
 “By the way Jensen, I’ve caught a couple of your weather reports. Gotta say I love them.” Stephen laughed, turning and walking away. Jared had made the mistake of loosening his grip on Jensen some when (y/n) had intervened. Luckily, he was thinking on his feet and grabbed Jensen before he could run after Stephen.
 “I’m not through with you yet!” Jensen yelled out to him. Stephen just raised his hand in the air, middle finger up. After a couple minutes, Jared finally let go of Jensen. Jensen marched over to (y/n), anger in his eyes.
 “I should’ve told you.” She said. “But I didn’t think you would be coming around anyway…”
 “One day.” He said, making her raise an eyebrow. “I don’t care if she flies or not after tonight. I’ll be gone.” (Y/n) nodded and looked over as Danneel ran over. She excused herself then before Danneel could even talk.
 “Babe, are you okay?” She asked. Jensen looked at her after watching (y/n) walk away.
 “Yeah sweetie. I’m fine.” He kissed her. “Why don’t you go get us something to drink for the road? I’m going to stay out here for a little bit. Cool down.” Danneel nodded.
 “Okay honey. Be right back.” With that, she left.
 (Y/n) walked into the diner with a sigh. She stood off to the side, running a hand on her face to try to calm herself down. It had been a long day already and now Jensen was wanting to stay. That’s when someone walked up to her.
 “What’s his problem?” Stephen asked, making (y/n) groan internally. She turned and looked at him. “I think he’s gone crazy or something. You should keep him on a better leash.”
 “He’s not my problem anymore Stephen.” She laughed some. She turned to walk away but he snagged her hand. She turned to look at him.
 “This storm is going to be bigger than we thought it would be.” He told her. “I’ve been getting reports that it’s about to unleash hell.”
 “Sharing information with me?” She asked. He smiled at her.
 “I don’t want to see anything happening to you.” Stephen said, his voice softer with her than it had been with Jensen earlier. “I know that your head is probably a little clouded with Jensen being back in the picture.”
 “Is there any other reason you’re telling me this?” She asked.
 “Maybe I just want to know which way you’re going to head.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes some. Danneel walked in then, walking past (y/n) and Stephen.
 “I’m heading southeast. Towards the counter.” She pulled her hand from his and headed to the counter, closing her eyes. “Some things just never change.”
 “Excuse me?” Danneel asked. (Y/n) looked over at the redhead. She honestly didn’t even know she was there and really didn’t feel like dealing with her. But she would be polite. For Jensen’s sake.
 “He’s waiting to see what Jensen does.” (Y/n) told Danneel before ordering a coffee to go.
 “Waiting? Why?” Danneel asked. (Y/n) looked out the window of the diner towards Jensen. He was picking up some dirt off the ground and letting it blow away in the wind. It was all part of his process. The human Doppler radar.
 “He knows what the storm is going to do.” (Y/n) explained, turning away from the window to look back at the counter. She grabbed a couple bags of chips off the rack and laid them in front of herself, trying to distract herself.
 “He never really told me about all of this.” Danneel sighed. “I mean, he told me he used to chase tornadoes. But not the rivalry or the human whatever.” She looked over at (y/n). She knew where this conversation was going and she wanted to change the subject.
 “If you need to pee, I’d do it now. Not a whole lot of bathrooms out on the road. Plenty of flat land and trust me, you don’t want to be out there peeing and Jared look out.”
 “You still love him, don’t you?” Danneel asked.
 “Check please.” (Y/n) said, trying to ignore her.
 “I don’t blame you. I mean, look at him.” Danneel smiled softly. “But I just hope that showing him that thing you made isn’t some desperate attempt to keep him in your life…” (Y/n) tossed some money on the counter.
 “I’ll pay for hers too.” She walked out the door as Jared walked over to Jensen.
 “What’s up Jenny?” Jared asked. Jensen looked over at him.
 “Going green.” Jensen told him. “We better saddle up.”
 “On it boss.” Jared said, saluting him before running off to tell the others. Jensen closed his eyes for a second. It was all coming back to him and he loved it. He smiled to himself as he turned around, almost running into Danneel.
 “Sweetie I got…”
 “Hey honey,” Jensen began, interrupting her. “We gotta move. You follow us in the truck. Stay behind Jay’s bus and Jeff’s van. I gotta ride with (Y/n).” He kissed Danneel. “Let’s go people! We gotta move!” He walked over to (Y/n), who was getting situated, keys in her mouth. He took them out and smirked. “I’ll drive.” Stephen looked up from his own crew towards the others.
 “Looks like they’re moving! Let’s go guys!” He called out as he heard Jared’s music blare out of his speakers.
 “So…” (Y/n) said, sitting shotgun to Jared just like old times. The tension was thick.
 “So.” Jensen responded.
 “Good coloring isn’t it?” She asked. He nodded.
 “Did you meet her at the station?”
 “I’m just making conversation.” (Y/n) defended.
 “I don’t want to fight with you.” He shot back. There was silence between them again.
 “She seems nice.”
 “Ha!” Jensen said. (Y/n) looked over at him.
 “Is she not nice?” (Y/n) asked.
 “I know what you mean.” Jensen said. (Y/n) stayed quiet, trying to avoid another argument. There had been too many between them over the past couple years. “And no, she doesn’t work at the station. She works at a talent agency.”
 “Huh?” (Y/n) said. “Not what I would’ve put you with.”
 “What do you mean?” Jensen asked, a little confused.
 “I thought you would’ve ended up with like a therapist or something.” (Y/n) said. “God knows you need one.” She mumbled under her breath.
 “What was that last part?” Jensen asked. He already knew what she had said but he wanted to hear her say it straight to him. “I don’t need therapy (y/n)!”
 “Obviously you do if you rush into things you can’t commit! And before you say anything, you asked me to marry you, not the other way around. You’re the one that walked out. You’re the one that didn’t try to make it work!”
 “I told you I didn’t want to argue!” Jensen yelled.
 “I’m not arguing!” She looked out the windshield. “Hey, heads up there’s a road up ahead if you, know, want to stay on it.” Jensen looked from her to the road, realizing he was driving in the grass.
 “Shit.” He groaned, swerving back onto the road.
 “Want me to drive?” (y/n) asked after a few moments of silence.
 “It’s my truck.”
 “I believe my name was on that lease somewhere.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes and looked out the window.
 “She has no idea what she’s getting herself into, does she?”
Tag list: @petrovadixon @amazingmontse @soobi89 @smoothdogsgirl
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bioboooster89-blog · 6 years
The Big Apple Heist
Hi. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man here and boy do I have a story for you. So I was swinging around NYC one night as I usually do, looking for crimes and bad guys that I can toss puns at when I saw what looked at first glance to be my old friend with benefits, Felicia Hardy aka. The Black Cat, when I realized that it was some other Cat entirely. And most definitely not Felica. She was quite a peculiar pussy and she was breaking into a high rise building. Clearly, she was up to no good. So I followed her around stealthily crawling on the ceiling and when I saw her break into a safe, I jumped back down and confronted her. We got into a little tussle and she was quite the nimble little minx, but no match for my spider-sense, strength or my reflexes. I didn’t really lay into her, because he was a lady after all. But just as I was about to web her up and end these shenanigans and then a  bunch of thugs shows up loaded for bear and start shooting. I then turn my attention to these knuckleheads and while I am dodging bullets and kicking some butt, this Cat Lady shows up by my side and starts hitting them with a whip and scratching them with her claws. And doing all kind of acrobatic flips and martial arts. I was honestly pretty impressed. But due to my sheer awe of her skills, and how hot she looked in that tight spandex, I was distracted and as soon as I knocked out the last thug and gave him a stern talking to about using guns, She had disappeared. I looked everywhere for her but to no avail. She had just vanished. Days after this encounter, I tried looking for her again in every nook and cranny in the big apple and I had absolutely zero luck. If only I didn’t forget my spider tracers at home that night. It just goes to show you that even superheroes with awesome powers and immeasurable wit and charms aren’t perfect and can get fooled too.  Despite my epic fail in finding this cat. I did figure out that she wasn’t being a bad kitty. The guy who owned the high rise was an associate of Carlton Fisk aka. The Kingpin. Who I affectionately call fat boy. I mean he really is the fattest man I have ever seen. He’s so fat that when he gets off a scale it says “to be continued.” I mean I could go on for days... Anyway, this guy Terrence Ross is a real scumbag who was robbing banks and small businesses and the money the cat lady stole wasn’t even his. So at the end of the day, I can’t be too upset about her thievery. But it still drives me up the wall that I don’t know who she is, where she came from or what she did with the money. But since she actually did fight alongside me for a brief moment maybe she isn’t a bad cat after all.  But if we ever cross paths again, I am definitely going to bring my water bottle. lol
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