#Fenghuang school of Witchcraft and wizardry
vampire207343 · 3 years
Mei Yue Al Ghul-Wayne née Potter
What if... James Potter gaved up on Lily Evans during their 5 year when she reject him once more. That during the summer of their 5th year both James Perseus Potter and Sirius Orion Black to magical China the whole Summer by then James got over Lily quicker than two months. They meet two beautiful pureblood witch by the name Huang Ai , Gu Lian who are bestfriend, they gotten to know one another so well that they fell in love that they have a distant relationship.
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(Yang Zi as Huang Ai)
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(Zhou Dongyu as Gu Lian)
While James and Sirius was in China they were learning their culture, law and language along get good at blending in with the muggles, while they were their they both learn that their home country is far behind than other magical country that they also spent catching up to study they should know by know and the girls even help them catch up by then they already has a pre-written arrangement between James Potter and Huang Ai, Sirius Black and Gu Lian they are planning to marry after they graduate in 2 ½ years later. They even learn magic that they didn't even know exist technomagic which Lian specialized in. Using a time turner to catch up to everything before they need to return to England to go back to Hogwart with the promise to stay in contact by giving them a book that thry both charm that if it wright anything it would show to twin book that boys posses and it will never run out of pages.
It wasn't long before James and Sirius return to Hogwarts by then they both stop interacting with Lily Evans which Sirius is glad about since he never like how she treated his bestfriend and they also now avoid Severus Snape all together. Which only catching Lily Evans attention and wounder why James hasn't ask her out again this year like every since they started Hogwart, but she didn't worry much not like he would ever fall out of love from her after all she's the most beautiful witch of their generation. The longer James Potter seem to ignore Lily Evans the more she seem to fall in love with him, while Severus Snape is just glad that they stop bullying him, but the only thing he didn't like was tge more Potter ignore lily's very existen the more she fall in love, which crush Severus own heart who has been in love with Lily since they first meet before attending Hogwarts.
2 years later
The 7th year of Hogwarts Graduation in the year of 1978. And Lily Evans is still waiting for James Potter to ask her out again now she has completely fallen in love with James Potter who she dream to start a family of their own but that wouldn't happen if wouldn't ask her out one more time, she waited but it never happen it wasn't long before all graduate Student of Hogwarts left their secound home for about 7 years.
A week later
Before James and Surius go back to China to get married to their fiancee surounded by their family and friends along with close family allies in attendance even Sirius own parents attend since his wife is a pureblood witch.
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(Huang Ai's wedding dress)
Both couple who getting married are having a traditional Chinese wedding that both brides have red wedding dress; traditionally, on the wedding day, the bride wore a red dress and covered her face with a red veil. Red symbolizes good luck, happiness, and prosperity.
The next day on England the Daily Prophet printed the double wedding of James Potter and Sirius Black with their new wifes in China. Lily Evans saw the newspaper and she was devested to find out that James Potter the man of her dream is now married with a foreign pureblood witch, Huang Ai who came from a powerful pureblood family in china, she lost her chance to be with James if only she has given him a chance in their 5th year mabe then she would be James wife instead of this Huang Ai.
Two year later...
Ai and James Potter welcome their daughter Mei Yue Potter on June 31, 1980 since she was born a month early than expected she was suppose to be born in July 31, 1980 but Ai went to labor early. But she is born Strong and Healty, an hour after her birth she already show her first accidental magic which suprise her parents since she was just born but her parents already love her.
It's been two years since James married Ai Potter née Huang, and Lily still haven't gotten over James even after two years pass since he got married that she end up drunk and had a one night stand with Remus Lupin an old friend of James Potter in doing so concived a son that she wasn't expected especially since she's still single. She give birth to a son, she name Michael James Lupin on July 31,1980. By that time Remus already lost contact with both Sirius and James who move out of England.
Lily Evans always dream of having a son with James that would look like his father with her green eyes and she would name him Harry James Potter but that would never happen since James married a pureblood witch and she named her newborn son after her father Michael while Remus gaved him James name as a middle name and he look nothing like the son she dream she would have with James, because Michael look more identical male version of Lily herself and look nothing like his father Remus Lupin which Remus is glad that his son didn't inherited the werewolf curse.
On October 31, 1981
The Longbottom family are attack by the darklord and both Alice and Frank Longbottom died protecting their son Nevile Frank Longbottom who Dumbledore declared as the Boy-Who-Lived. In the will of both Alice and Frank it stated that Lily would take their son Nevile until ge enter Hogwarts when turn 11 years old. She did so Lily raised her Godson Nevile Longbottom and Michael Lupin in the muggle world for 10 years before Nevile start loving with his grandmother.
10 years later... in the year of 1991
Recently Richard "Dick" Grayson lost his memories and every since then Damian Wayne who is the closet to his eldest brother than anyone else felt like a burden to his father and not wanted left Gotham since his father Bruce hasn't even accpet him and he didn't want to go back to his mother so he decided to lived alone in China and leaving his life as Robin behind.
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And continue his study of magic and start attending Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry which is founded in 1600 BCE. It is located on the top of Badaling Mountain in Beijing, China. And continue his life that school is where he meet Mei Yue Potter a pureblood witch like himself who became his first friend. He is one of the best sword user in school along side Mei Yue Potter who is taughter by her mother Ai Potter née Huang and Lian Black née Gu who was the best Sword user of their generation.
Damian Al Ghul-Wayne son of the pureblood witch Talia Al Ghul and the squib Bruce Wayne who lived all his life in the muggle world never knowing his family secret being born a squib not that he had a chance to know since his parents died while he was a young boy and was raised by their family butler who happen to be a squib.
5 years later in the year of 1996
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Mei Yue Potter and Damian Al Ghul-Wayne are now 16 years old and graduate Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a year early than their class mate by then they been together for 5 years now and Mei Yue Potter has grewn more beautiful each year. After graduating Mei decided to get a job as a part time nurse in China and created her own fashion Empire known as Zhar.
Zhar became well known fashion Empire in just two years since Mei Potter created her Fashion Empire on her own from the ground up, it's well known in both Wizarding World and Mundane World
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Their chosen occupation both Mei Potter and Damian Al-Ghul-Wayne are very successful Damian became the Head Auror theat works in both the Chinese Ministry of Magic and the Mundane World.
On March 7, 1998
Lord Damian Al-Ghul-Wayne propse to his girlfriend Lady Mei Yue Potter after dating for 7 years on march 7, 1998 in front of all their family and friends and she said "Yes".
1 year later.... on June 7, 1999
"I, Mei Yue Potter take you Damian Al Ghul-Wayne, to be my husband, to have and to hold on from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poor, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Mei Yue said while looking deeply in Damian's emerald jade green eyes.
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(Mei Yue Potter's wedding dress)
The Ministry of Magic glanced at Damian who began speaking letting a nervous chuckle out, "I, Damian Al Ghul -Wayne, take you Mei Yue Potter, to be my wife, to have and to hold on from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.
" by the power of Lady magic, I pronouce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride" the look at each others eyes before kissing pouring all their love for one another in that one kiss.
By the time they got married they were both already 19 years old that year a year older than when Mei's parents married one another.
In Gotham
The bat family has been looking for their youngest brother Damian Wayne for about 8 ½ years since Damian run away from home during the time the eldest son Dick Grayson lost his memoriest they all have been trying to find him after they got Dick memories back, every since but he covered his tract to well after all he was a former assassin so should have expect for him to know to cover his tract. Damian Wayne also miss Dick's wedding 2 years ago with his girlfriend Kory. They all have search many country to the wear about of Damian but it was a dead end they even look for him to see if he went back to his mother but he wasn't their as well.
Back in China
2 months after Mei and Damian Al Ghul-Wayne came back from their Honeymoon, Mei Yue Al Ghul-Wayne find out she's pregnant with her husband's first child. Which their family and friends congrasulated them.
In the caming months they have been deciding what name they give their future child if it's a girl they wanted to name her Marinette Ai Al Ghul-Wayne but if it's a boy they decided to name him Rigel James Al Ghul-Wayne.
5 years later... In December 7, 2004
The bat family finally manged to located their youngest Damian Wayne in China by then he was already married and already started a family of his own have a son and daughter who are the same age as Dick's own daughter Mar'i Grayson.
They manged to gained the forgiveness of Damian wayne and get to know his wife Mei Yue Al Ghul-Wayne née Potter. And get to know their niece and nephew.
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heartfolloweds · 3 years
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  *⠀ ⠀ ─── ⠀ ⠀SAEM RYU !   ❜
( kim seokwoo | cis man | he/him/his ) — i just saw SAEM RYU in london ! they say the PUREBLOOD is from JOSEON/KOREA, likely here for the season or that nasty business with travers, which explains them WORKING AS A HEALER. i think i’ve heard it said that they are TWENTY-SEVEN, and attended HOGWARTS ( GRYFFINDOR ) but that’s not all too interesting, so let’s get into the nitty gritty. the rumors say that they are WARMHEARTED & SINCERE, but i’ve also heard whispers of them being  INCAUTIOUS & UNDISCERNING. i don’t mean to speculate, but from what i’ve heard, they seem to align with THE FEDERATION OF WIZARDS, isn’t that just interesting? ( edie | twenty-five | she/her/hers | aedt | no triggers )
*⠀ ⠀ ─── ⠀ ⠀INFORMATION !   ❜
BIRTH NAME: saem ryu
BIRTH DATE: may 8th, 1848
AGE: twenty-seven 
WESTERN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: taurus ( element : earth ) 
EASTERN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: monkey ( element : earth ) 
ETHNICITY: korean ( joseon ancestry ) 
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis man —— he/him/his 
SCHOOL: hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry 
HOUSE: gryffindor 
BLOOD STATUS: pureblood
WAND: alder wood wand, 12 1/4″ fenghuang feather core, slightly yielding
PATRONUS: capybara 
AMORTENTIA: the delicate fragrance of bluebells in the woods during springtime, freshly made yakgwa ( korean honey pastries ) on sunblessed afternoons, jasmine and peppermint candles burning low and slow late into the night, and the smells of cinnamon and ginger tea on crisp autumn mornings. 
MIRROR OF ERISED: saem is sitting in amidst the colourful bloom of a sunblessed wildflower field ; sharing stories, laughter, and love with all his loved ones
*⠀ ⠀ ─── ⠀ ⠀BACKSTORY !   ❜
tw : infant death, grief, mourning & loss.  
           the ryu family were brought from the joseon kingdom to the united kingdom on the wings of a bird made of grief and mourning ; hoping that a change in scenery, light, and surroundings might help them move past the sorrow of losing their firstborn during childbirth. in a small cottage in the english countryside ─── surrounded by the colour and scent of wildflowers, and serenaded by the songs of forest swallows and finches ─── sera and siwoo ryu hid themselves away from the too harsh, too horrid world  ─── creating for themselves a sanctuary. a safe place to heal. 
          three years later ? a miracle happened   ───  in amongst the flowers, in the midst of spring ─── the ryu’s were blessed with a healthy baby boy who they named saem, after the korean native word for ‘ spring ’ or ‘ fountain ’. it was a fitting name, for the sight of the boy’s warm brown eyes and the sound of his dulcet laughs had washed over the final shadows of the ryu’s grief as though a fresh water spring ; helping the young couple heal from their sorrows, grow past their loss, and return to love and tenderness. 
          with the birth of saem, the ryu’s returned to society ───  eagerly welcomed into wizarding london’s pureblood circles in consideration of the family’s ancient magical lineage on both sides, which could be traced back many centuries. here ───  despite the sacred darkness and prejudices which lingered in the shadows ─── just as his name had intended, young saem grew up touching the lives of those around him with a gentle and enduring love and warmth ─── guided by his sturdy heart, and following the free-flow of his spirit ; bright as the clearest mountain spring. 
*⠀ ⠀ ─── ⠀ ⠀MORE !   ❜
high key a golden retriever in human form, tbh ??????? lots of warmth, lots of loyalty. huge good boi energy 
has a good and sturdy heart, but often lacks the subtlety and composure of more practiced folks in society. 
wears his heart on his sleeve, and shows all the cards in his hands out of good faith.  feel free to use this against him rjewiojriowerowe.
awful sense of direction, great sense of humour. saem’s notoriously known for losing his way in terms of directions ─── thankfully though, he has a remarkable talent for being able to find his way back to his destination, wherever it may be ; guided by the genuine connections he makes with people and drawing friends who were once strangers into his life with warmth, laughter, and love.
great with animals ─── very likely to send himself bankrupt adopting animals off the street in the future 
even better with kids ─── saem’s got a very unpretentious openness and warmth about him that kids tend to feel comfortable around ; which led him into specialising in paediatric healing at st. mungo’s. 
is very knowledgeable in, and adores foraging for herbs and plants which he uses to develop various medicines, potions, tinctures and ointments.
very magically gifted. saem showed his first signs of magic when he was just two years old. he was visited by a terrible nightmare and woke up screaming in the dead of night, but he was able to self-soothe ; closing his eyes, and focusing on his breathing. when he parents rushed into the room to check that he was alright, they could hardly believe what they saw : the entire room, covered in lush flowers and foliage ─── with saem seeming to have manifested a little forest inside his room to keep himself calm. [ saem is also able to use wandless magic now ( which is honestly a godsend because he’s always misplacing his wand wjerioejwoir ) ]
there is lots of anticipation for saem to officially join the season this year. he’s rather coveted in wizarding society for marriage due to his family’s impressive magical lineage, his parent’s amiable characters, and his own warmhearted demeanour. unfortunately for society saem has never much cared for the season as he’s always preferred to spend his time engaging with healing as his vocation. saem has furthermore always been of the belief that, should he fall in love, he’d like for it to be free of the pressures, the pretence, and the dramas, which come along with the social season. yet at the behest of his parents who long for their darling boy to find a partner, saem has agreed to be present throughout this courting season’s festivities. 
final thoughts : has a lot of hufflepuff energy for a gryffindor ???? may perhaps be the only man i trust ????? deserves love uwu 
TL ; DR ──  saem is a v nice healer mans who wants the best for the patients he works alongside at st. mungo’s, wants the best of everyone in society ( which is why he opposes the sacred ), and wants the best for u too  🥺 🥺 🥺  he clears my skin and grows my crops with how much he believes in and hopes for peace :’) come plot with saem and myself !!!!!!!!!!
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magpiefngrl · 4 years
The untamed cast being a part of the harry potter universe: what if they were another school visiting in 4th year. Everyone is from Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Although 4th year would be a great time for a crossover, the problem is that the 4 characters are early/in the middle of their development and so they aren't the characters we know by the end of their story. Draco is a bigoted little shit, wwx is insufferable, lwj is repressed and Harry has Voldemort to content with.
However if we go down the comedy route and ignore the Death Eater stuff, then it can be a lot of fun.
To begin with, Draco despises WWX. He’s had to suffer Potter attracting all attention in school since day one, stealing Draco’s thunder, and as if that wasn’t enough, now comes yet another boy who draws all eyes to him? A prodigy but also cheeky, breaks the rules and is kind to everyone, flirty and fun to be around and, on top of all that, fucking gorgeous? This is not a good year for Draco, his hormones are all over the place and he longs to express them the way he likes best: a spot of bullying. He’d dearly love to teach WWX a lesson (the boy is a servant’s kid after all), remind him who runs this school (Draco likes to pretend it’s him), but he senses the Lan kid would beat him to a pulp if he so much as touched a hair on WWX’s head. If nothing else, Draco’s sense of self-preservation is acute, so he stays away and seethes impotently while making badges. The ones labelled: You’re Not All That Cool, Wei Wuxian don’t really do very well, no one wants them, bc everyone thinks WWX is very cool.
Except for the Professors. McGonagall has quite a few migraines, those days.
WWX makes friends with the Weasley twins, because they are him but ginger, British and double. Brilliant minds think alike etc etc, so the Weasley twins show the one braincell trio (WWX, JC, NHS) the secret ways out of school and how to annoy Filch, and WWX helps them with their inventions and together they figure out the best ways to skive off. They’re constantly together and having a ton of fun, except when LWJ ruins it, who tries to stop WWX from getting into trouble, losing face for their school or causing diplomatic incidents.
Half the school is in love with LWJ and the other half is terrified of him. More than WWX, LWJ is a Quidditch god. That’s bad news for Ron’s crush on Krum; it sputters out when he sees LWJ on a broom and he’s particularly tongue-tied around him. Gradually, he gets better at it, because Harry befriends LWJ and brings him around. Out of the four, I think in school Harry and LWJ could become friends. Although Harry has broken rules in the past, 1. LWJ hasn’t been there for that, and 2. he doesn’t constantly skive off lessons the way WWX does to go hunt in the forest or neglects his homework. LWJ appreciates Hermione’s study ethic, and they spend many a happy hour doing homework together. Lan Zhan would be a solace to Harry most of all; he’s a steadfast friend and he would stand by Harry when all the school thinks he cheated to get in the tournament and hates him for it.
Hermione becomes best friends with MianMian, who’s feisty and speaks her mind. They correspond after MianMian goes back home, and they’re still in touch decades later, arranging to meet and introduce their daughters to each other in the hopes they, too, will become pals.
Who is the Chinese school champion? I know WWX is our main character, but I have a feeling the Goblet of Fire would choose LWJ. What do people think? I have a feeling that if LWJ was the champion, Harry and Cedric would never make it to the trophy first. Pettigrew would come out on that graveyard and pause, confused as to why Potter wasn’t there, LWJ would take advantage of the confusion to disarm him and call for help, and the books would end there lol
There are so many ways this could go -- I’m sure others have different ideas. What if the HP characters were to visit Cloud Recesses for the lectures? That’d be another fun scenario to imagine.
Thanks for the ask x
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vampire207343 · 2 years
What if.... Lily Evens cheated on her boyfriend James Potter with her ex best-friend Severus Snape. Her boyfriend James Potter found out and left her after only a year of dating ine another.
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James Potter had his heart broken a couple months back when he discover his girlfriend or well now ex girlfriend was cheating on her for who knows how long with Snivellus Snape who called her a muddblood at the end of their 5th year and lily broke their friendship but somewhere around this year they both made amends with one another and she cheated on him. But he was slowly healing from his broken heart. While Lily persistent on get James to get back together with her but he always turn her down.
During the Holiday James Potter and Sirius Black decided to stay in Japan while they were both their they meet two beautiful pureblood by the name of Aahana & Ambrosia Cheng, they twin sisters not that you can tell since they look nothing a like their family has a tradition of naming their children after Immortals like the Black Family's tradition of name their children after the stars. They became friends with the two girls along the way James Potter's broken heart full healed without his notice until he find himself falling in love with Ambrosia Cheng who is a ½ Japanese and ½ Chinese Witch pureblood. The same could be said with Sirius Black who fell in love with Aahana Cheng. And the Girls fell in love with them as well.
The four 17 years old decided to kept in contact with one another beside unlike both James and Sirius the girls don't attend Hogwarts but attend Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located in Beijing China, but they all have 4 more months before they graduate.
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The minute they return to Hogwarts Lily persist to get back together with James which he always turn down but unknown to him the reason why lily Evans is quite Lily persistent on getting back together with James is because she is 5 months pregnant with his child which she is hidding her pregnancy under a glamour charm. Since a child born of wedlock is look down upon even more than a muggleborn so lily was hoping to get back together with James so it dosen't happen to her son or daughter, but James kept turning her down because of the mistake she made by sleeping together with her ex-friend Severus now her future child might pay the price because of her foolishness.
                But the minute James Potter return home he ask his parents to write him a betroth contract with Cheng family which the cheng already sent a betroth contract themself. Between James Potter & Ambrosia Cheng. Which James Accepted and sign the contract. Sirius Black has a similer contract waiting for him and Aahana Cheng. And like James he didn't wait signing the betroth contract.
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Ambrosia Cheng has manged to earn her golden robes after working to hard to esrn it like her younger twin sister, Aahana Cheng who also manged to earn her golden robes. She take more after her Japanese heritage than her Chinese heritage like her younger twin.
It wasn't long before they graduate and both James Potter and Sirius Black decided to move to Japan to be near their betroth better with the permission of Euphemia Potter née Greengrass and Fleamont Potter especially with the war getting worse Lord and Lady Potters dosen't want James or Sirius getting involve in a war they have nothing yo do with.
After graduating Hogwarts, Lily Evans gaved birth to a son on December 31, 1978, she gaved her son the name Harry James Evans since she can't give son the last bame of his father who dosen't know he even existed.
Severus Snape who went back in time during the last year of his Hogwarts year made amends with his bestfriend Lily and somehow end up sleeping with her. He invertedly change the future where he cane from since Potter and Lily never got married after Potter catch lily cheating on him that he left her and Potter Spawn Harry is born earlier in the year 1978 instead of 1980 he was suppose to be born.
And it wasn't long before he heard that James Potter married a foreigner pureblood witch by the name of Ambrosia Cheng. When Lily Evans heard of James's marriage to some pureblood her heart broke since even thought they broke up about 1½ year, it's already June 22, 1979. He never thought that by going back in time he would change his whole future and that lily wouldn't be married to Potter. Harry Evans isn't the godchild of Sirius Black but that of Remus Lupin who discover lily's son is James so he help her. Invertedly made both Remus and Severus acquaintance now zince Remus is helping lily raise his hod son. A son that Potter dosen't even know exist.
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Aahana Cheng and Sirius Black didn't take long to marry themself and had a traditional chinese wedding like both Ambrosia & James Potter in their wedding 5 months back and they recently found out that Ambrosia is 2 months pregnant.
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vampire207343 · 3 years
Sakura Lilac Potter
What if... fem harry potter is born a girl by the name of Sakura Potter and she was born with a younger twin sister by the name Violet Potter.
After the Potter twins turn 13 years old the oldest Sakura Carina Potter decided to have an inheritance test in Gringotts.
Inheritance Test Result
Full name: Sakura Lilac Potter
Father: James Charlus Potter
Mother: Mei lin Potter née Huang/ Lily Marie Potter née Evans
Sister: Violet Lily Potter
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black (falsely incarcerated)
Godmother: Marlene Mckinnon (deceased)
Grandfather: Fleamont Henry Potter
Grandmother: Euphemia Potter née Greengrass
Great Grandfather : Henry Potter
Great Grandmother: Carina Cassiopeia Potter née Black
Status: pureblood
Lord/Lady of house(s):
Lady of the most ancient and noble house of Potter (by Paternal)
Lady of the most ancient and noble house of ravenclaw (by maternal and by magic)
Lady of the most ancient and noble house of Le Fay (Gift of Morgana Le Fay herself)
Lady of the most ancient and noble house of Peverell (Paternal)
Heir/Heiress of house(s):
Heiress of the most ancient and noble house of Mckinnon (by Godmother)
Heiress of the most ancient and noble house of Black (by Blood adopted paternal)
ress of the most ancient and noble house of gryffindor (by paternal and By magic)
Daily Prophet (40%)
Diagon Dlley (30%)
Knockturn Alley (30%)
Flourish & Blotts (20%)
St. Mungo's Hospital (20%)
Twilfitt and Tattings (20%)
Properties owned:
Potter Manor (unplottable) in Ireland
Potter Castle (umplottable) in Wales
Potter Island(unplottable)
Gryffindor Castle (unplottable) in Italy
Ravenclaw Manor (unplottable) in Greece
Peverell Palace (unplottable) in France
Peverell Villa in Beijing China
Peverell Castle in Athens Greece
Prongs hideout in Honolulu hawaii
Lily Heaven in Monuriki island
Gryffindor Mansion in Kyoto Japan
Magic Core (50%) by Albus Dumbledore
Eidetic memory (75%) by Albus Dumbledore
Metamorphmagus (100%) by Albus Dumbledore
Soulmate bond to (100%) by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to befriend Hermione Granger cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to obey Albus Dumbledore cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to love Gryffindors cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to hate Slytherin cast by Albus Dumbledore
After Sakura her inheartance test she was furious with all the spell on her person and made to hate the Slytherin house and to befriend her so call friends which are all key to Dumbledore. She payed Gringrotts to removed all spells or potion in her system. She decided to have her eye sight fix because her eye glass only gets in her way so she bought Oculus Potion from the Goblins. After taking her inheartance test she decided to distance herself from her so call friends and that includes her sister the only reason they even get along was because those two so their wouldn't be anything hold them back from cutting all ties. They also heal all the crack bones that didn't heal properly along with healing her malnutrition.
Sakura Potter find out the reason why Draco Malfoy antagonized her just so he could have her attention even if it's for hostile attention because that's the way he could think that Draco would have attention so he did when Sakura's soulmate bond are block. And with the soulmate bond block remove Sakura found out who Dumbledore prevent her from knowing is Draco Malfoy.
That in their 4th year they are properly getting to know each other that they didn't bother paying attention to what other people are saying or doing that they didn't even pay attention to the tri-wizard tournament they just know that Violet Lily Potter was also chosen as a fourth Champion. The only time both Sakura and Draco pay attention at all was during the Yule ball were Draco ask Sakura as his date, which not many have a problem with them going to together especially with them being each other's soulmate.
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(Sakura Lilac Potter)
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(Sakura Potter's yule dress)
With the couple being the center of attention with sakura looking like a real princess from a fairytail book. They both had fun being in each other's campany. Unlike Violet who only dance with her date who is Ron Weasley once to open the dance floor and spent the rest of the day seating in a chair watching others have fun with their date. Like Hermione who is having fun dancing with Viktor.
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In the final task of the tri-wizard tournament something horrible happen Cedric Diggory end up dying and Violet proclaim to everyone that the dark lord Voldemort is back but no one believe her but if Violet is to believe that the dark lord is back then it's no longer safe to attend hogwarts where it would evenutally became a battle ground between Violet and the Dark lord for their final confrontation between them that she has decided to transfer school while she still can even Draco agree with the coming war in the future Draco and his close friends also decided transfer school coming next year they would be attending Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which all their parents agree since they don't want them in the country when the war begin again.
At the end of the year Sakura Lilac Potter had her creature blood awaken early, she's a mermaid. Draco Malfoy know the mermaid blood didn't came from the Potter so it must have came from her mother side of the family and the creature blood must have skip Lily Potter née Evans altogether for her to be unaware as her true orgin as a pureblood since muggleborn have any creature blood in their line so if she did she never told anyone.
1 year later...
Draco Malfoy and Sakura Potter along with three of their friends Theodore Nott Jr., Blaise Zabini and Daohne Greengrass transfer to Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry they enter their 5th year and they would be sort in one of the 4 house which are:
Dragon - the dragon are the house of Bravery, Strength, Chivalry
Qilin - the Qilin are the house of Heart, Loyalty, Compassion, Just
Jian - the Jian are the house of Intelligence, Learning, Community, Duality
Xiangliu - the Xiangliu are the house of Ambition, Cunning, Shrewdness
All of them are sorted in the Xiangliu.
While Astroia Greengrass didn't transfer in the same school as them that dosen't mean she remain Hogwarts she transfer to beauxbatons academy instead starting her 4th year their. They all work hard to catch up with the 5th year student of Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since Hogwart students seem to be far behind from their education than any magical school and at the end of that year the Dark lord final made a reappearance that the ministry of magic had no choice to accept the fact the dark lord is back and many magical community lock up all their borders to prevent being drag into the war and that include China so Sakura and the others remain in china safe away from the war that is beging.
In the next three years they all lived in China and catch up with their education they all should have had in Hogwarts evenutally earning their gold robe in their 7th year when they turn 17 years. Daphne Greengrass
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Went into her creature blood which happen to be a veela and she found her soulmate with Theo Nott Jr. It's the first time they actually notice that they are each other soulmate. They graduate Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry top of their year. Evenutally enter a relationship. And it wasn't after they graduated that Draco and Sakura married, by then the boarder of China open up again when the war in england end and all their family survive the war. Even Violet survive, but she didn't have her own happy ending since the man she's in love with not that he knows that is in love with hermione granger and she love him back so who is she get in the way of love.
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