#Castor Rodolphus lestrange
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE PRINCE get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → lucius malfoy pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1953 - september 1954 face claim → joe alwyn blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → sexually fluid occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london   future information → husband of narcissa black, father of draco malfoy
— he is best described as ;
The FINER things in LIFE. He is a RICH set of ROBES, unwrapped from a SCENTED box & the LAVISH SMILE of someone who knows how to pose for the PRESS. He is CALCULATED & SCULPTED to SEEM TRUSTWORTHY. The scent of CHAMPAGNE and COLOGNE from PARIS, he is everything you DREAM of becoming, with a SLIGHT UNEASE he may be too PERFECT to even be REAL.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
A proud and pampered young man who believes the world owes him everything and more, Lucius Malfoy is known for prowess, powers of persuasion and pompous attitude. The only child of Abraxas and Sulpicia Malfoy, Lucius was raised by his father, in the lap of luxury. Spoiled, Lucius was told every day that he would one day be the head of their family and the owner of Malfoy Manor. Born an only child, Lucius had no siblings to spar with but instead has cousins, LACHESIS MALFOY [cousin] and CALLIOPE MALFOY [cousin], the children of his father’s younger and only brother Ignatius Malfoy. The Malfoy’s considered themselves a noble house, with great power in the community and the story of his father and uncle working in tandem with other families in The Sacred Twenty-Eight to topple a muggle-born Minister for Magic, who had no business being in office. It was his father’s greatest wish that Lucius have a similar relationship with his cousins that his father had with his uncle, but for as long as he could remember, he found them both to be difficult. 
Lachesis was the most competitive and unpleasant person he had ever had the displeasure of being around. With a sly smirk as they got him into trouble at every turn and later convinced Calliope to back up their story. His cousins were only interested in having the approval of the elder members of their family and their relationship with Lucius was evidently not of importance. Thus sparked the feud between the Malfoys that only deepened after the passing of his father in his final year at Hogwarts. Beforehand, Lucius had seen himself as a socialite above all else, the person everyone wanted at their party where he could flirt with girls and say impressive things. He knew his friends viewed him as vapid but he didn’t care. With his uncle Ignatius now head of the family, Lucius began feeling the pressure to live up to his father’s expectation and quickly got to work strengthening his bonds with powerful people. 
Content with his friendships with DECIUS FLINT [best friend], RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [close friend], ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS [close friend] CORDELIA DAVIS [former friend] and NATALIA SIMINOVA [close friend]; Lucius began setting his sights on more powerful friends, striking relationships with BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend], EVAN ROSIER [close friend], CASTOR WILKES [close friend] and ALFHILD ROWLE [close friend]. They were not of great interest to Lucius personality wise, often finding them brutish than his more refined friends, but he relished any opportunity to put Lachesis in their place and making connections with their friends was an important way of solidifying he was the Malfoy they would come to. A model student, Lucius was a prefect, a member of the Slug Club and a capable Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Upon graduating he was enthusiastic about leaving his life at Hogwarts behind and having time outside the walls to get a leg up in the political world and irritate his cousin, but Bellatrix Black had other ideas. 
Only a few years his senior, Bellatrix was known to be travelling with no plans of settling down, but those who were somewhat close to her knew that her desire to see the world outside of London cloaked the real reason she was missing. A dark wizard had whispered in her ear and asked her to collect followers she thought would be worthy of a seat at his table in the new world he was forging. From a line of purists happy to unseat a sitting Minister, Lucius was not surprised when one evening she told him of THE DARK LORD [leader] over dinner and his vested interest in Lucius. Naturally, Lucius graciously accepted Bellatrix’s invitation to meet the man causing such a stir in their city and was surprised at who he was greeted with. A handsome man, he looked just as much human as he and Bellatrix, but even in their brief meeting Lucius understood the power he wielded. Due to the Malfoy family’s political association, Lucius thought he could best serve The Dark Lord’s interest by gaining the ear of those in positions of power and quietly worked hard to distance himself from the pompous purist image people held of him. 
Throwing lavache balls at Malfoy Manor, he began reaching out to the likes of TIBERIUS MCLAGGEN [close friend/person of interest], BILLIUS WEASLEY [close friend/person of interest] HARRISON BAGNOLD [close friend/person of interest] AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [close friend/person of interest] and ISOLDE CROUCH [close friend/person of interest]. It was strange watching blood traitors and known do-gooders rubbing shoulders with The Sacred Twenty-Eight, knowing what their plans were but he took something of a private delight in that. One of the most powerful men in Wizarding London, he has a kind word on the lips of anyone at The Daily Prophet to The Minister of Magic herself. Lucius had a very clear idea of how The Dark Lord’s rise to power would go, a strong and steady rise as they slowly manipulated influential people to join their cause. Isolde was his primary focus, a Crouch she was well connected, with a sharp mind that would be useful to them. When it became clear that The Death Eaters thought the best route to power was violence Lucius wasn’t pleased and the death of the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD [former acquaintance] onwards has been nothing but a headache for him. 
Lucius had worked hard for the world to see him in the exact way he wanted and as rumours began to swirl about people he was associated with and his direct involvement in Booker’s death, he wasn’t happy. Thinking on his feet, Lucius made a beeline for ANDRESSA PARKINSON [partner]. A famed Witch Weekly model he attempted to cover up any bad press with dating rumours, which worked to his advantage. A beautiful witch, Lucius enjoyed having her on his arm at parties and was impressed with how she handled herself with his associates. Lucius wasn’t quite sure if he loved Andressa, but he admired her greatly, which was about as much emotion he’d mustered in years. A part of Lucius always wondered if she was the right one. A celebrity and now a bar owner, he sometimes felt she suited his pretend life rather than his real one, but was happy to be proven wrong. For now Lucius is focused on the task at hand, keeping his name in the press in a positive light, stopping the Bagnolds from predicting the storm that’s heading their way and getting one of Wizarding Britain's biggest families to see things from their point of view. 
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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Peter Pettigrew's Headcanons because it is his birthday today in my Canon and because we need more content of this boy (This is according to my Muggle Modern AU):
He was born on October 6th, 1995. He is the oldest of the Marauders but he has a baby face so he looks like the youngest.
He grew up only with his mother. His father abandoned him when he was a baby. Peter never wanted to meet him because with his mother it was enough.
His mother is his hero and his best friend.
Although he looks like his mother. She is always saying that Peter had his father's eyes (deep blue). And that was the only good thing about him.
Actually, one of the few things Peter likes about himself are his eyes. He has the brightest eyes of all the Marauders. A beautiful kind of blue. Kind of the clear water at beaches. People agree with this.
Peter's mum (Margaret) is a very beautiful woman. She learned from a young age that she could get things with her beauty. Especially from rich blokes. So Peter's mum had had many rich boyfriends that had gotten her and Peter good things.
Peter doesn't particularly likes his mother's boyfriends. But he thinks his mother deserves to be happy so he supports her.
Fun fact: Margaret dated Castor Lestrange (Rodolphus and Rabastan's father) for a while after his divorce. And he got Peter the ticket to Hogwarts. But Rodolphus and Rabastan didn't like her. And never wanted to meet her or Peter.
Peter used to be in another school where he was bullied. He was a fat boy and because of this he became obsessed with diets and counting calories. So he got an eating disorder.
Peter got to Hogwarts when he was twelve.
He followed James and Sirius everywhere because he wanted to be their friend so badly. And at first they didn't like him because they thought he was annoying. But then he became part of the group and the boys adored him.
Peter is shy with the people he just met. Especially girls. But when Peter gets comfortable, he is very funny to be around.
He is actually the one out of the four who says things as they are and doesn't try to sugar them to be polite.
Peter and Sirius are fighting all the time because they are very different, actually opposites. And they are constantly critizing the things that the other wears or does.
Peter actually tells Sirius when he is being an idiot. Because James is a sweetheart and tries to be gentle. And Remus just ignores him. But Peter confronts him.
Peter accepted and supported Sirius and Remus relationship very quickly. Differently from James who was jealous and kind of scared of losing them at first.
Peter helped Remus get his first binder by selling pastries around school.
Peter is a big Star Wars fan and he also loves Anime.
Peter is Heteroromantic and Greysexual. There are times when he is not interested in sex at all. And there are others when he is.
Peter's first girlfriend was a girl named Susan when he was 16. He really fell for her but she was too manipulative and jealous. He finally broke up with her when she made him chose between her and The Marauders. He would always prefer his friends.
After that, Peter had a crush on Mary Macdonald for a while. They became really good friends. And he was scared of ruining by telling her his feelings. So he didn't say anything. Plus he thought he wasn't good enough for Mary.
When he finally told her, Mary confessed that he loved him. But just as friends (Mary is actually Aromantic for me).
Peter got angry and tried to distance himself from Mary. But then he missed her and she missed him. Peter understood that he could have Mary in his life. Just as friends and that was more than enough. So they become the bestest of friends.
Peter met a girl named Nathalie after school. When he was 23. And she became his soulmate. They get married in the future.
After school, Peter wasn't sure about what to do next. He didn't know what he liked. So he had several jobs. But nothing seemed to be working.
Peter was very good at baking when he was younger. But kind of stopped because it triggered his eating disorder. But one day, he posted pictures of homemade recipes he had done for his friends. And people started asking him if he sell them. So that's how he got the idea for his business. And he ended up liking it very much.
My Peter never betrays his friends. He is actually very close to them. He sees them every week and he is a good Uncle for Harry.
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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MULTIMUSE ASK MEME send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
Your muse first and in bold! (I've only went for main verse muses atm, plenty of crossover available!)
Undercut because extensive!
Nesta Archeron - Cassian, Feyre, Azriel, Emerie, Gwyn, Helion
Morrigan - Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Feyre, Helion, Jurian
Emerie - Gwyn, Elain, Cassian, Neusa (OC)
Lucien Vanserra - Elain, Jurian, Helion, Feyre, Azriel, Cassian
Azriel - Gwyn, Feyre, Cassian, Helion, Jurian
Elain Archeron - Feyre, Jurian, Emerie, Roux (OC), Oriane (OC)
Gwyneth Berdara - Azriel, Feyre, Cassian, Iara (OC)
Gil Legume - Harriet Jones Hook, Sammy Smee, Evie Grimhilde, Damian Jones (OC),
Evie Grimhilde - Mal Fae, Ben Ricard, Freddie Facilier, Matthias Gothel (OC), Anthony Tremaine,
Audrey Rose Reine - Fleur Faery (OC), Ben Ricard, Mal Fae, Evie Grimhilde, Piotr Potts (OC), Kris Bjorgman (OC), Diaval, Calder Nottingham (OC)
Ben Florian Au Roi - Mal Fae, Evie Grimhilde, Piotr Potts (OC), Olwen Malmoreal (OC),
Aimee White OC - Ben Ricard, Derek Bergmann (OCish?), Astrid Bjorgman (OC), Ruby Fitzherbert (OCish?), Castor Sanderson (OC)
Harry Potter - Hermione, Blaise, Lily (maybe in a time travel thread), Charlie Weasley
Ginny Weasley - Hermione, Blaise, Charlie Weasley
Ron Weasley - Hermione, Blaise, Charlie Weasley
Draco Malfoy - Hermione, Blaise
Pansy Parkinson - Hermione, Blaise
Lily Evans - Marlene, Peter
Bellatrix Lestrange - Lily, Marlene, Peter
Rodolphus Lestrange - Lily, Marlene, Peter
Prince Charming/David Nolan - Emma, Killian, Neal
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard - Emma, Killian, Neal
Evil Queen/Regina Mills - Emma, KIllian, Neal
Baelfire/Neal Cassidy - Emma, Killian
Henry Mills - Emma, KIllian, Neal
Belle/Lacey French - KIllian
Lily Page - Emma
Annie Cresta - Finnick
Johanna Mason - Finnick
Peeta Mellark - Finnick
Stefan Salvatore - Caroline, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus
Bonnie Bennett - Caroline, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus
Liz Forbes - Caroline
Renesmee “Carlie” Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle
Bella Swan-Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
Edward Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
Emmett Cullen - Carlisle, Jacob
Rosalie Hale - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
Esme Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
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vampire207343 · 2 years
What if.... Lily Evens cheated on her boyfriend James Potter with her ex best-friend Severus Snape. Her boyfriend James Potter found out and left her after only a year of dating ine another.
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James Potter had his heart broken a couple months back when he discover his girlfriend or well now ex girlfriend was cheating on her for who knows how long with Snivellus Snape who called her a muddblood at the end of their 5th year and lily broke their friendship but somewhere around this year they both made amends with one another and she cheated on him. But he was slowly healing from his broken heart. While Lily persistent on get James to get back together with her but he always turn her down.
During the Holiday James Potter and Sirius Black decided to stay in Japan while they were both their they meet two beautiful pureblood by the name of Aahana & Ambrosia Cheng, they twin sisters not that you can tell since they look nothing a like their family has a tradition of naming their children after Immortals like the Black Family's tradition of name their children after the stars. They became friends with the two girls along the way James Potter's broken heart full healed without his notice until he find himself falling in love with Ambrosia Cheng who is a ½ Japanese and ½ Chinese Witch pureblood. The same could be said with Sirius Black who fell in love with Aahana Cheng. And the Girls fell in love with them as well.
The four 17 years old decided to kept in contact with one another beside unlike both James and Sirius the girls don't attend Hogwarts but attend Fenghuang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located in Beijing China, but they all have 4 more months before they graduate.
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The minute they return to Hogwarts Lily persist to get back together with James which he always turn down but unknown to him the reason why lily Evans is quite Lily persistent on getting back together with James is because she is 5 months pregnant with his child which she is hidding her pregnancy under a glamour charm. Since a child born of wedlock is look down upon even more than a muggleborn so lily was hoping to get back together with James so it dosen't happen to her son or daughter, but James kept turning her down because of the mistake she made by sleeping together with her ex-friend Severus now her future child might pay the price because of her foolishness.
                But the minute James Potter return home he ask his parents to write him a betroth contract with Cheng family which the cheng already sent a betroth contract themself. Between James Potter & Ambrosia Cheng. Which James Accepted and sign the contract. Sirius Black has a similer contract waiting for him and Aahana Cheng. And like James he didn't wait signing the betroth contract.
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Ambrosia Cheng has manged to earn her golden robes after working to hard to esrn it like her younger twin sister, Aahana Cheng who also manged to earn her golden robes. She take more after her Japanese heritage than her Chinese heritage like her younger twin.
It wasn't long before they graduate and both James Potter and Sirius Black decided to move to Japan to be near their betroth better with the permission of Euphemia Potter née Greengrass and Fleamont Potter especially with the war getting worse Lord and Lady Potters dosen't want James or Sirius getting involve in a war they have nothing yo do with.
After graduating Hogwarts, Lily Evans gaved birth to a son on December 31, 1978, she gaved her son the name Harry James Evans since she can't give son the last bame of his father who dosen't know he even existed.
Severus Snape who went back in time during the last year of his Hogwarts year made amends with his bestfriend Lily and somehow end up sleeping with her. He invertedly change the future where he cane from since Potter and Lily never got married after Potter catch lily cheating on him that he left her and Potter Spawn Harry is born earlier in the year 1978 instead of 1980 he was suppose to be born.
And it wasn't long before he heard that James Potter married a foreigner pureblood witch by the name of Ambrosia Cheng. When Lily Evans heard of James's marriage to some pureblood her heart broke since even thought they broke up about 1½ year, it's already June 22, 1979. He never thought that by going back in time he would change his whole future and that lily wouldn't be married to Potter. Harry Evans isn't the godchild of Sirius Black but that of Remus Lupin who discover lily's son is James so he help her. Invertedly made both Remus and Severus acquaintance now zince Remus is helping lily raise his hod son. A son that Potter dosen't even know exist.
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Aahana Cheng and Sirius Black didn't take long to marry themself and had a traditional chinese wedding like both Ambrosia & James Potter in their wedding 5 months back and they recently found out that Ambrosia is 2 months pregnant.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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tw: death, murder
Raised to have a strict worldview due to the fanatic attitudes of his parents, Rodolphus Lestrange has never had reason to question the nature of his reality. Rodolphus and his family resided in the beauty of Lestrange Manor in Nottinghamshire, Rodolphus’ childhood family home stood secluded on the outskirts of Nottingham. A gothic chateaux that took inspiration from their family home of the same name near Paris, it was surrounded by fields and trees, far away from muggles and cloaked in magic in the event any came for a walk in the forest. Brought up away from the Muggle world they detested, with only his mother and father for company until his younger RABASTAN was born, Rodolphus was absorbed in the thinking of his parents with very little reason to doubt anything outside of their word. MARIE LESTRANGE loved her children more than she loved herself and showered both Rodolphus and his younger brother in affection. Whilst most Pure-Blood families they associated with had nannies and school masters to aid in the raising of their children, Marie disagreed with handing her children over to someone else and insisted on doing everything herself with only the aid of a single house-elf Posy for help. She taught her children to read and write and ensured they were fluent in French by the time they went off to school and well versed in many authors that had been pre-approved by Marie for them to read. 
Rodolphus and his younger brother were raised given almost everything they could ever ask for with a childhood spent taking afternoon tea in the garden and discussing the future she wanted her boys to have. His mother upheld tradition and longed for her children to make respectable Pure-Blood marriages to people who loved them. The relationship his mother and father shared captured the attention of a young Rodolphus, who longed to have a relationship like the one his parents shared and provide for them and the rest of his family. Though the Lestrange family were wealthy, their ancestors had wasted a lot of the Lestrange family fortune throwing balls and having custom couture outfits made to line the walls of their wardrobes. The building of the British Lestrange Manor cost their family a great deal and began the long tradition of the Lestrange family working in government and slowly rebuilt the fortune the rest of the wizarding world had no idea they had slowly lost, beginning with Radolphus Lestrange of who he was named. His father THIEBUAT LESTRANGE worked directly for The Minister as her Senior Undersecretary, a job which he believed was beneath him especially in a traitorous administration and had aspirations of climbing higher. His plan would be to groom Rodolphus to work in government and have him infiltrate The Department of Magical Law Enforcement to keep an eye on the goings on there and report back to him. 
Before Rodolphus was sent off to Hogwarts he was given one particular request from his parents and that was to grow close to influential families within the wizarding world, particularly the Pure-Blood families who his father remarked he might need in the future. BELLATRIX BLACK was of particular interest to his parents, with a father who worked in Wizgamot and wealth and beauty that would make a good wife. Rodolphus went to school in the knowledge she’d be someone he’d need to at the very least befriend but was disappointed with the person he found. Bellatrix was incredibly loud and opinionated with a fondness for torturing other children and an inability to follow even the most simplest set of rules as did her friends CASTOR WILKES and EVAN ROSIER. An intelligent young man, Rodolphus had a high opinion of himself which was solidified by the praising of teachers and almost flawless grades which made hanging around Bellatrix and her posse even more difficult for him. He tried to keep them sweet by sitting with them at parties and occasionally handing in a page of homework for them but mostly preferred to seek the company of his roommates LUCIUS MALFOY, ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS who he found far less tiresome despite Lucius’ over inflated ego and Eirik’s constant mood swings. Though he narrowly missed out on being a Prefect due to PROFESSOR SLUGHORN’s clear favoritism of Lucius, Rodolphus did graduate a celebrated member of the Slytherin Quidditch team and Slug Club which greatly pleased both his parents. 
Upon graduating from Hogwarts, Rodolphus was quickly swept up into a job at the Ministry and began training under Bellatrix’s father CYGNUS BLACK. Rodolphus wasn’t quite sure if it was his legal knowledge, spotless record from Hogwarts or a polite word from Bellatrix or his father that had made Cygnus agree to be his mentor, but either way he was glad to have such a respected name in the wizarding world teaching him how to practise law. Training to become a barrister was certainly grueling and required Rodolphus to sacrifice the majority of his personal life in order to be taken seriously by Cygnus. When he wasn’t at the office, he spent the majority of his time at the Black family home helping Cygnus prep for his cases and eating dinner with his family who had come to slowly replace Rodolphus’ own due to the amount of time he spent with them. Bellatrix thankfully was hardly ever home, supposedly travelling or working on personal projects her father hoped would be beneficial to their family Rodolphus had chalked up to meaning a polite term for finding some direction beyond sneering at mudbloods and barking at her sisters. The Black family seriously lacked direction from Rodolphus’ point of view, NARCISSA seemed harmless but if you looked at her often enough you’d see the way she looked at men with eyes like a snake, burrowing into the souls of helpless men. 
Rodolphus had been suspicious for some time that Narcissa's trained gaze had been on his younger brother, considering he’d notice him acting strangely lately and spending a lot of time at the Black home, which he disliked. Bellatrix was Bellatrix. Then there was ANDROMEDA, the middle daughter who was quiet and studious. She cared not for parties and rolled her eyes at the idea of finding a husband often along with a rude quip that made Rodolphus chuckle to himself. The two exchanged the odd piece of polite conversation, though Rodolphus only fully began speaking to her when he took over her father’s job when he became a judge. Andromeda had graduated from an accomplished witch with a longing to learn and better the world she’d been raised in which he found both admirable and misguided considering she came from wealth and privilege as he did. Nevertheless he agreed to train her using the same methods her father had used on him. The life they had chosen was a lonely one and whilst Andromeda did have friends and a personal life he noticed she spent the majority of her evenings in his apartment in High Gate attempting to find something useful which would help them win their cases and slowly became more than just his mentee. He began to learn things about her that he found interesting, her relationship with her sisters and her theories on blood purity he hadn’t really considered before. 
Rodolphus still thought being a Pure-Blood made you better than others, but he did consider those he knew of the same blood as them who were not fit to wipe their shoes. As Andromeda nears the end of her training, Rodolphus has come to regard her as a close friend of his and a much needed warmth in his life he’d been missing in the pursuit of greatness. Though their caseload is often petty crimes such as underage wizards using magic, there have been a few more interesting cases recently that have kept both him and Andromeda busy as Aurors attempt to find the culprit of those kidnapping and killing multiple people across London. Most recently the pair have been defending SILAS CRUMP, an unregistered werewolf frightened he’d be framed for the killing of his daughter. Supposedly found by a witch and wizard he can’t recall the names of, Silas was put under the Imperius Curse and given a false memory both he and Andromeda can’t seem to break through. Curious, the pair have been trying to find other cases of other magical creatures with similar stories, until the case took a turn. The Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD was found dead in the Ministry’s fountain on Halloween with one named attached to the killing. Silas Crump. Confident there is more lurking underneath the case, Rodolphus won’t rest until he has won his case but with his client missing, people closest to him keeping secrets and dark forces at play has no idea what else he may be uncovering in the process. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male 
Sexuality  → Up To Player
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin) 
Societies → N/A
Family → Thiebaut Lestrange (father), Marie Lestrange (mother), Rabastan Lestrange (brother), Ilar Travers (uncle), Vivienne Travers (aunt), Isolde Travers (cousin), Evora Travers (cousin)
Connections  → Aristaeus Greengrass (best friend), Andromeda Black (close friend/mentee/potential love interest), Lucius Malfoy (close friend), Decius Flint (friend), Bellatrix Black (friend), Castor Wilkes (friend), Isolde Travers (friend), Cygnus Black (ex-mentor), Silas Crump (client), Regulus Black (assistant) 
Future Information → Eventual Member of The Death Eaters, Husband of Bellatrix Black
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Alt. Bellatrix & Rodolphus Lestrange’s children: 
- Theirry Fornax Lestrange
- Castor Regulus Lestrange
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mortemrp-blog1 · 6 years
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rosalind goyle.
                   “To feel that empty, again, again. I listen to my heart, wave upon wave,                                     salty and red, continuing on and on, marking time.”
Pragmatism is a skill that few people really possess and many claim to. The claimant’s rarely have Rosalind’s calculating eye, her unique ability to separate her emotions from the best course of action. Beliefs must be malleable. People must be kept at a certain distance. Too much attachment can cloud your judgement, and she will never let anything so unimportant as love get in her way. It’s not bloodlust that drives her, nor devotion to a cause or sense of duty. Rosalind is driven by a desire for survival, for the material, for these base luxuries, fleeting moments where she feels as though she is truly living. There is a disconnect inside of her: she is always distant, always on the edge of flight; she lost touch with passion long ago in favor of reason. She was only a girl during the First War, only a girl when she pushed her new husband to join the Dark Lord, seeing possibilities that never came. She has spent years running the business she married into, years doing what was expected of her, but perhaps that is tired. The Dark Lord has returned and she is a woman now. She will not sit this one out, perhaps it is her chance to find something that truly excites her, something that she would die for, or live for.
Castor Goyle: Her marriage to Castor Goyle gave her money and a career but little more. He is weak and unfocused, not a man she would choose to share her bed with.
Alecto Carrow: Rosalind and Alecto attended Hogwarts together and are still good friends. They share a similar polite facade and attitude to society, though she cannot help but envy Alecto’s ardent core.
Rodolphus Lestrange: She met Rodolphus only briefly before his imprisonment, but he intrigues her. He is a powerful man, and charismatic too, far better than Castor.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LOYALIST get what she deserves?” She is in THE DEATH EATERS & CLOSED to finding out.“
name → bellatrix black pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1950 - september 1951 face claim → crystal reed blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → wife of rodolphus lestrange
— she is best described as ;
A DEADLY WEAPON, SHARP as a KNIFE’S EDGE & as COOL as the STEEL. She is as VIOLENT as TSUNAMI but appears CONTROLLED like CALM WATERS. She is POISED for DANGER, ready for ATTACK, prepared to SHED her SKIN to MORPH into something NEW to add another CARD to her evergrowing HAND. 
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
A tenacious young woman, Bellatrix possesses the ferocity of her father of CYGNUS BLACK [father] and the charm and bone structure of her mother DRUELLA BLACK [mother]. Raised with strict beliefs regarding blood purity, Bellatrix grew up believing her family were the elite in the wizarding world and strived to make them proud. Whilst NARCISSA BLACK [sibling] longed to find a handsome pure-blood prince like Druella and ANDROMEDA BLACK [sibling] wanted to be just like Cygnus and lock away the bad guys, she was different. The idea that a muggle-born could sit as the Minister of Magic was shocking to her, although a career in the Ministry sounded appealing, the idea of working alongside blood traitors made her blood curdle. Bellatrix enjoyed the attention that embracing their family rhetoric brought her, including from her very busy father. Cygnus was often at work, meaning gaining his ear was difficult. At dinner, Bellatrix would proudly announce what she had learned and her thoughts and ideas about the world, much to her mother’s embarrassment. Druella longed to have three well behaved daughters to make respectable marriages. 
Her father encouraged them all to have their own minds beyond that, although even Bellatrix could tell that sometimes her overly aggressive need to give her opinion made even her father grimace, secretly scared she might blurt something out at a work party. Although she believed it with all her heart she was careful to choose private moments to make her opinions known, knowing to some they weren’t popular. Once at Hogwarts, Bellatrix tried to find those who would mirror her thoughts, though her tact as a young child was far from perfect. She established herself as the strongest character in her school, packing a punch with her wand and ensuring that mudblood and muggle-borns knew not to darken in her presence. CASTOR WILKES, [best friend], NATALIA SIMINOVA [close friend], RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [friend] and ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS [friend] became her closest friends. Good pure-blood Slytherins who shared her thoughts and feelings. Other people like DOLORES UMBRIDGE [rival], were desperate to join the fun, but Bellatrix hadn’t decided how she felt about half-bloods, though she did know her feelings on the pathetic, so Dolores became an occasional target for good old fashioned schoolyard bullying, despite her thoughts on purity. 
Bellatrix really came into her own, however, in her later years of Hogwarts, when she had younger pupils to follow her around and aid in her schemes. Her cousin EVAN ROSIER [cousin] joining really changed the game at Hogwarts, as did LUCIUS MALFOY [friend], DECIUS FLINT [friend] and ALFHILD ROWLE [close friend]. It was all school games until her final year, when her entire outlook changed. At her parents’ Yule Eve party she was sent to collect a bottle of her father’s best firewhiskey from his study, where she was approached by an older wizard she had not met before. He asked about her life at home, her friends at school and replied that she was destined for more than the schoolgirl antics. Later that evening her father would tell her she had a very special task, to return to school and seek out those like her, who could be persuaded to be more open in the right settings to speak on their way of thinking. Bellatrix knew that Evan, Castor and Alfhild were certainly just like her, as was Lucius; though she needed more time to be certain. She began telling a small circle about THE DARK LORD [leader/object of affection] and his rhetoric, which they were all too eager to learn more about. 
About to leave school, she knew the key to success was to get into the minds of those younger. THORFINN ROWLE [friend] was quickly recruited and later RABASTAN LESTRANGE [close friend]. Only the very best could be entrusted at this stage, the numbers would come with trust. After leaving school, Bellatrix noticed her father began to intrust her with more responsibility, allowing her to know his personal thoughts and feelings, knowing now she could be discreet. With his blessing they decided it was best for Bellatrix not be brought out into society just yet. Her reputation as a bully at school had meant people had begun to look at her, which wasn’t helpful given their aims. Instead she stayed at home, studying families and identifying persons of interest, then passing owls to those still at school to carry out their aims. The Dark Lord visited often and then after a while, he began requesting Bellatrix come to him. Living in his residence where she could be at his beck and call, just where she liked it. The Dark Lord trusted her to build her own team to surround him. Evan became her right hand, with Rabastan becoming more and more valuable to her the older he became. 
When the murders began happening of course she and her team were behind them, though no one would know. She’d been ‘travelling’, learning and growing. Bully Bellatrix was in the past, replaced by a polite yet stern society girl, though she still publicly ignored her blood traitor cousin SIRIUS BLACK [cousin/adversary]. The aim was to work in plain sight and recruit as many as possible. Some people didn’t listen to reason and measures had to be taken. Recruiting her younger cousin REGULUS BLACK [cousin] helped in this area as he worked for Wizengamot with Andromeda and Rodolphus, which meant burying evidence was easier. Recruitment was going well, which meant it was time to enact phase two of his plan, creating chaos within the Ministry. The plan was triggered early when her usually trustworthy protege Rabastan murdered the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] in cold blood on Halloween, but in hindsight it had been a blessing in disguise. The plan was clear. Make people believe there was a series of creature attacks, let the Ministry turn on them, recruit the people turning on the Ministry, recruit the creatures who feel put out. 
SILAS CRUMP [victim] was a tragedy. Sent to Azkaban for Booker’s murder, when he could have simply joined the cause and leant his expertise and leadership to them, though they were fortunate enough to have come away with his daughter CORIN HALE [person of interest] to aid in recruitment. Bellatrix found that although she was able to carry out The Dark Lord’s plans, other people were constantly making stupid choices that impeded his mission. AMELIA BONES [victim] had to die because she’d come to suspect the truth about Booker. Summer Solstice 1983, she watched with poisoned smirk as a voice echoed that The Order's HQ had fallen and a prophecy they so needed was in hand. Fighting ensured, MARLENE MCKINNON [person of interest] crucioed ROSALINE DAVIS [person of interest] under the imperious and Bellatrix made off with the leg of ALASTOR MOODY [adversary]. Chaos was ensuing, but more was to come. Almost three years on from Amelia’s death, the Ministry needed to seem more unstable than ever. With her trusted follower CRISTIANO PARKINSON [close friend/potential love interest] handling The Dark Lord’s mission for locating special artefacts, Bellatrix can focus on the more important things. Starting 1986 off with a bang. 
— she is a LEVEL 9 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE VENGEFUL get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → evan rosier  pronouns → he/they identification → non-binary year of birth → september 1952 - september 1953 face claim → avan jogia blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → homosexual  occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
VENGEANCE reigning HELL FURY, he is the SUFFOCATING DREAD of thick fog lost in the cruelty of the world. BLOOD SOAKED hands of a wounded warrior with SARCASTIC WIT as PESSIMISTIC as a tormentor of the night; he is the MOURNFUL cry of VIOLINS in an eclipse SCREAMING sonnets of woe as BROKEN MIRRORS cast distorted images of eyes that appear HOLLOWED from SORROW.
— his story starts with ;
tw: gun, tw: death
While their name now strikes fear to those that dare say it, once he had a caring heart though very few around him remember it. Born to Axel and Adele Rosier, Evan was cherished from a young age. Overly spoiled with the vast riches their family possessed, he was adorned in midnight black velvets, crisp shirts, silver chains and held an air of entitlement that came with being a member of The Sacred Twenty Eight. Never left needing or wanting, everything he desired was readily at his fingertips with a mere tut from pursed lips. While their father held high office as a judge in Wizengamort, his youth was spent amongst manor halls in Kensington making shrill conversation with politician’s children, with merely ALEXANDRA ROSIER [sister] for company. Arts occupied his time, with lost language unraveled at his fingertips and the harmonious pluck of a violin string; intellect of scholars humored him whilst the lust of society rotted his sister’s mind. With a namesake rooted in Paris, the Rosier’s preferred to escape the heaviness of London in spring. Apparating to their second home in Lyon only after visiting their family tomes to lay respect to those that came before them; reciting their family mantra: Si vous ne trouvez pas de chemin, faites-en un. If you can’t find a path, make one.  
Traditionalists, they knew the establishment they belonged to and made sure to instill the ideologies within both Evan and Andra. Separated to accumulate societal connections, Evan was sent to Hogwarts while he watched his sister disappear to Beauxbatons; despite exchanging owls their connection faded as they found their paths. Sorted into Slytherin within a mere breath of it placed upon his head, Evan joined the pack that BELLATRIX BLACK [cousin] had orchestrated; RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [friend], CASTOR WILKES [friend/potential love interest], and EDRICK SELWYN [friend]. The group were notorious, mocking first years and throwing jinxes at unsuspecting Mudblood for mere sport, their arrogance and superiority made them untouchable. Unlike his counterparts, the regulations Evan had to meet were reasonable. Associate with Pure-Blood’s, marry well to not dilute the bloodline and produce a male air to carry on the line. As the sole male air, he knew his place. It should have been simple. Find a woman from an honorable family, court, propose; a simple business exchange. But it was never the eyes of soft beauty he yearned for, but the gaze of handsome features fleeting from across marble floors. A fate crueler than a cruciatus curse itself, doomed to live wishing against what you are born. 
Though the misfortune of lost love and caught glances between Castor turned dismissed as the honorable fell from grace. Long gone was the once charming and witty boy, left in its place a ghost. Summering in their home in Lyon, Evan had been tending to the white rose bushes that adorned the property with his father. Leaving the scene only for a moment, but what awaited him upon his return shattered his once crystal existence. Evan can only remember the series of events in fragments. The piercing screech of a gunshot, roses stained red, shattered glass and his father’s limp corpse sprawled on the grass. Soul stolen and grief ridden, he grew bitter and tormented. Riddled with nightmares, his mother was inconsolable as wails of agony echoed the manor. Betrayed by the very justice system his father had served, the Ministry deemed the murder an accident. ‘Compensating’ the family for their loss and silence, they insisted the knowledge that one of the highest ranking wizards in their society was murdered in his prime by a gang of Muggles would cause anarchy. In turn, they did nothing. Leaving Evan sinking in absence, an anger brewing with hatred as he watched his sister rise to glory as the head of the household.
Amid the heartache, there was one person that became a saving grace to Evan; Bellatrix. Though Alexandra deemed her one of the Erinyes praying on the vulnerable, he could not care for her heeded words. Bellatrix became his catalyst. Igniting a fury within him that only burned brighter with every passing day. Though some say she prayed on his grief and used his anguish to boil it into something sinister; to Evan, she saved him. Showed him what the world really was and how it could be. How it should be. A new world armed with THE DARK LORD [leader] as it’s messiah where Muggles knew their place and would be unable to hurt another wizard again. Time passed and Evan’s mind only grew darker. Troubled by hooded figures, sleep was a luxury he didn’t possess. Horrors painted on the back of his eye lids, hours spent scrubbing his hands raw as if that would somehow erase the memories of blood that felt seeped into his pores. Love was not something he knew how to possess and he didn’t want it, not if it only led to more pain. Instead he found distractions. Smoking cigarettes, drinking fire whiskey until his throat burned and finding lips of ANTONIN DOLOHOV [romantic liason/potential love interest], both parties wanting to escape the voices that plagued them. 
Joining The Dark Lord’s army after an introduction from Bellatrix, it gave them a purpose that he so desperately craved. Channeling his rage, Evan grew adamant to bring upon his own form of justice as if that could be penance for his father’s death. Wilkes became his right hand when it came to fulfilling the Dark Lord’s work. Bonded in chaos, they tormented those they deemed below them, bringing upon the change that he believed was their birthright. Quickly rising within the ranks and becoming a part of the trusted inner circle, Evan among the select few who were trusted to ensure the Summer Solstice of 1983 fell into the Death Eater’s favor. Obtaining a polyjuice potion from SEVERUS SNAPE [acquaintance], with discretion Evan delivered it to JAE MULCIBER [friend] to follow through with the goal; public persecution. A message jarring the wizarding world to its core, the fall out was as they desired. AMELIA BONES‘s [victim] death acted as a catalyst of chaos; leaving the Ministry quaking and the citizens warned of war. Evan was rewarded with the Dark Mark for his loyalty and a promise that the Ministry would fall and he'd be privy to a front row seat in watching it burn.
Impatient as years pass, while the Death Eaters gather numbers in darkness, Evan’s drive for vindication leaves him wearing. Eager for change, while the fear striking the community brings him gratification; it isn’t enough when ex-Minister of Magic EUGENIA JENKINS [rival] walks freely with no scars to bare. Blaming her and BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR. [rival] ineptitude for the lack of finality regarding his father’s case; Evan desires to see them face the same hardships his family endured; an eye for an eye. Plotting the demise of their loved ones, Evan has entrusted his plans to only his right hand; Castor and their sister PERSEPHONE WILKES [acquaintance]. Knowing Castor would fly with him into fire and with Persephone’s aptitude for gathering information; his hopes to bring them grumbling to their knees feels within arms reach. Plotting revenge secretly amidst the Death Eaters' plans to infiltrate the Ministry, Evan’s vendetta could see the politicians scramble and weaker should he succeed; giving the Death Eater’s leverage. Finally, they could get what they always desired. Fire would rain and he’d gladly bask in the embers of the Ministry’s downfall.
— he is a LEVEL 8 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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BELLATRIX BLACK is THIRTY-ONE YEARS OLD and a SENIOR ADVISOR in THE DARK LORD’S ARMY at THE DEATH EATER HEADQUATERS. She looks remarkably like CRYSTAL REED and considers herself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. She is currently TAKEN. 
tw: murder, death, kidnapping
Mysterious and cool blooded, Bellatrix Black is a name that strikes fear into the hearts of those familiar with it. A tenacious young woman, Bellatrix is the eldest child of CYGNUS and DRUELLA BLACK and was made by her father in his image. Bellatrix would always have a special place in the heart of her parents as their eldest, but would present herself to them as their legacy and the member of her family who carry forward their lineage with pride. Raised with strict ideals in regards to marriage and the importance of keeping their bloodline pure, Bellarix grew up striving to make her parents proud though perhaps not in the way they anticipated. Whilst her youngest sister NARCISSA longed to find a handsome Pure-Blood prince from the fairytales her mother read her, Bellatrix wanted more. She wanted to be like her father and make a difference in the world. Bellatrix and her sisters had been raised in the knowledge that in a world as cruel as this one, not all were created equal though everyone seemingly believed they could be. Being a Black once meant respect in the wizarding world, the realisation that you were a higher caliber of witch and wizard which had slowly been eroded by the embracing of Muggles and Mudbloods alike who didn’t deserve to even brush shoulders with their family. Bellatrix felt strongly about being a member of the Black family and wrapped herself in books and research on their family line. 
By the age of six, she could recite all the pivotal members of the Black family tree with the ease most children can recall their favourite nursery rhyme, making her the firm favourite of her aunt WALBURGA BLACK whose faces adorned the walls of her family home. Bellatrix enjoyed the attention that embracing their family rhetoric brought her, including the undivided attention of her very busy father. As Bellatrix aged, her father began to intrust her with more responsibility and allowed her to hear his personal thoughts and feelings on the world she dutifully attempted to pass on to her younger sisters and cousins. Sitting with them during family parties or alone in their room, Bellatrix would read her sisters stories of great Pure-Blood witches and wizards and encourage them to dream the world in a way their parents would have wanted. Narcissa and ANDROMEDA would marry into fine families and adorn their family tree with more beautiful children or join The Ministry of Magic and help their father control the rot from the inside as she hoped to do after finishing her studies. One thing Bellatrix was sure of growing up was the Black’s would have their part to play in the way the world was shaped and she was ready for the challenge, which would begin at school. Bellatrix was placed into Slytherin upon joining Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, just like all other Black’s who had come before her. 
Asserting herself at school as a dominant figure amongst the other pupils, Bellatrix ensured she was both feared and respected and hand selected a group of likeminded Slytherin students to enforce her message. Her first choice was her eldest cousin, EVAN ROSIER- slightly younger than Bellatrix and her favourite relation other than her younger sisters. His father had been taken from him by Muggle gang members, which had made him lean on Bellatrix for support during their earlier years at school. CASTOR WILKES quickly became Bellatrix’s best friend as someone who was almost as wicked and entitled as her, their family hadn’t come from as much money or notoriety as hers which had left them hungry for power and loyal to anyone who would offer them it freely. Then there was RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE, a quieter choice for their group of misfits and was often left doing their potions essays as they lounged around in detention. For the first few years of her life at school making pupils cry and watching teachers tear their hair out as she refused to play by the rules set in place. She despised sharing a school with mudbloods and blood traitors and made no effort to hide those feelings, her parents didn’t care of course, they would have sent Bellatrix to Dumstrang Institute if it had not been a family tradition to attend Hogwarts. Bellatrix had a desire to make those who should not have been there aware of their standing within society, but knew she needed greater direction. It was during her final year at Hogwarts she was first approached by the man who would change her world forever. 
Her parents held a Yule dinner at their home each year on Christmas Eve which was attended by her entire family and other pivotal members of the wizarding community. More than often Bellatrix spent the party being watched by her mother, her nervous gaze trained on her eldest daughter in the hopes she wouldn’t upset the apple cart and tell a Ministry Official her thoughts on the current state of the country- but this year was different. As she was sent to collect a bottle of her father’s best firewhiskey from his study, Bellatrix was approached by an older wizard she had not met before. He avoided introducing himself for as long as he possibly could, keeping the conversation focused on Bellatrix. He asked about her life at home, her friends at school and claimed he could see she was destined for more than the schoolgirl antics her father had told him about. TOM RIDDLE believed Bellatrix was a young woman of purpose and revealed he would be in touch in the near future before disappearing into the crowd gathering in the hallway of Brideswater Manor. Later that evening, her father would invite her into his office to tell her the world as they knew it was changing and Bellatrix had an important role within it. The Dark Lord, as he called himself- was rewriting the wizarding world and planned on taking the Black family along with him to the top of the hierarchy. Bellatrix would infiltrate Hogwarts and hand select people who would be a good fit for this new future as young followers of The Dark Lord.
Dutifully, Bellatrix agreed and returned to school that year with the aim to discreetly recruit as many people as she could to impress her father and hopefully gain the respect of The Dark Lord in tandem and graduated fulfilling that aim. Bellarix delivered her schoolmate Wilkes, her cousin Evan and important figures in their world like LUCIUS MALFOY. Her standout contribution came in corrupting the minds of those younger than her such as her cousin REGULUS BLACK. Bellatrix had always been fond of her youngest cousin but involving him in her latest affairs certainly brought them closer together due to his status as her understudy. Bellatrix was prepared to give her life over to spreading the message of The Dark Lord and he hadn’t failed to notice every time she brought him more names, which seemingly became more impressive. After a while, he stopped coming to visit her father and was only interested in speaking with Bellatrix, sending for her to visit him at his base in London where they would sit alone, plotting the demise of the world as they knew it in the hopes of rebuilding a better one in its place. Despite being much younger than a number of his first followers, Bellatrix quickly rose within the ranks to become his senior adviser and second in command on all of his most important projects, including hand selecting those who will be closest to the top. Currently Bellatrix is working closely with one of her favourite finds, RABASTAN LESTRANGE with the aim of grooming him as her second in command right under the nose of his family, who she hopes will join them soon enough. 
Though Bellatrix has been tasked with spreading his message, she has also been offered a greater task to which she alone is privy. Knowing the inner workings of ALBUS DUMBLEDORE well, The Dark Lord is convinced a rival group will rise to try and combat the one he is slowly building. Whilst gathering followers, Bellatrix has been tracking the movements of her disgraced cousin SIRIUS BLACK and a number of his associates in the hopes of squashing a potential rebellion and killing as many people as necessary in order to ensure his work goes exactly according to plan. The Dark Lord’s current vision is to stoke the fires of rebellion in the wizarding world, targeting creatures and showing them how their lives might be different under new leadership. Bellatrix and Rabastan were sent to recruit circus werewolf SILAS CRUMP in the hopes a band of freaks and creatures would follow. A simple task quickly turned messy as Silas pushed back, leaving Bellatrix and Rabastan compromised. In an attempt to think quickly the pair tracked him down and kidnapped his daughter CORIN HALE as a worthy replacement to infiltrate the circus and casting a memory charm on Silas to safeguard both them and their movement. Bellatrix believed the problem had been dealt with until the body of the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD ended up in the Ministry’s fountain as a result of Rabastan’s carelessness. Scrambling to cover themselves and safeguard their movement Bellatrix is keen to deal with Silas Crump whatever it takes and ensure there are no more mistakes in their quest for power. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer 
Relationship Status → Single 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → Pura Sorores
Family → Cygnus Black (father), Druella Black (mother), Andromeda Black (sister), Narcissa Black (sister), Sirius Black (cousin), Regulus Black (cousin/mentee), Evan Rosier (cousin), Orion Black (uncle), Walburga Black (aunt), Axel Rosier (deceased uncle), Adèle Rosier (aunt), Alexandra Rosier (cousin)
Connections  → Tom Riddle (object of affection/boss), Castor Wilkes (best friend), Rabastan Lestrange (close friend/mentee), Lucius Malfoy (close friend), Aristaeus Greengrass (close friend), Rodolphus Lestrange (friend), Alice Yen (adversary), Silas Crump (victim/adversary), Corin Hale (victim/captor) 
Future Information → Wife of Rodolphus Lestrange
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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EVAN ROSIER is TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD and a SOLIDER AND ADVISOR in THE DARK LORD’S ARMY at THE DEATH EATER HEADQUATERS. He looks remarkably like AVAN JOGIA and considers himself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. He is currently TAKEN. 
tw: blood, death, murder
Pessimistic and vengeful, Evan Rosier is someone that many hold with respect and at a great distance. Easily angered, he holds bitterness towards the world, years of heart ache and bubbling inner turmoil only leaving him downcast and resentful. Though, the broken male has not always been filled with sarcasm, hatred and regret. While now his name strikes fear and panic into those that dare say it, once he had a caring heart though very few around him remember it. Born to AXEL and ADELE ROSIER, Evan was cherished from a young age. Loved by his parents, he was overly spoiled with the vast riches their family possessed. Dressed in fine clothes, he was adorned in velvet blacks, crisp shirts and held an air of entitlement that came with being a member of one of The Sacred Twenty Eight. Never left needing or wanting, everything he desired was easily at his fingertips. His youth was spent with his parents and sister ALEXANDRA, inhabiting their home in Kensington London while their father held high office as a high standing judge in Wizengamot. The family was highly respected, both within England and in France where they split their time. With family roots in Paris, the Rosier’s preferred to escape the often heaviness of London to their preferred city. Rooming along the side of the Seine, reveling in the sites and the atmosphere of a place that had always felt more like home. Only apparating to their second home in Lyon after visiting their family tomes. Joint in arm as they recited their family mantra to their ancestors: Si vous ne trouvez pas de chemin, faites-en un. If you can’t find a path make one.  
As the sole male air, Evan was expected to carry on the Rosier line. Compared to many of the sacred twenty eight, the Rosier siblings had a relatively ‘normal’ childhood. Unlike his other counterparts, the regulations he had to meet were reasonable. Stay out of trouble, marry well and produce a male air carry on the family name. Associate with other Pure-Blood’s and hold them in high regard. Above all else, respect the legacy in which you’re a part of; meaning no diluting the bloodline with dirty blood. His parents were traditionalists, while they didn’t hate Half-Bloods or Muggle-Borns as passionately as other purist families, they knew the legacy that they had to uphold and made sure to instill the same ideologies within both of their children. The Rosier family were known as being insular, it was rare to see them at functions and associating with many of the other twenty eight. It wasn’t because they didn’t value their company, rather they were simply more selective with their time. His father digressing his free time was of great value to him and he’d rather spent it with family. Instilling in both Evan and Alexandra that above all, family was the most important thing. Though they parted ways for the majority of the year when it came to school, the siblings remained close. Sending owls to one another from their respected schools and marveling at their differing experiences after their mother insisted on sending Alexandra to Beauxbatons. Their father agreed, only seeing it as a chance for them to interact with their future societal peers and establish strong connections for the family in both England and France. 
Sorted into Slytherin with his cousins BELLATRIX, ANDROMEDA and NARCISSA BLACK, Evan didn’t waste time in befriending like minded Pure-Bloods whom he knew his father would be content with. Namely, he found friends in a group of Slytherin’s orchestrated by his cousin Bella including: RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE, CASTOR WILKES, ASTAROTH SNYDE and EDRICK SELWYN. The group were notoriously feared thanks to his cousin. It wasn’t uncommon to see the Slytherin’s openly mocking Hufflepuffs and throwing a jinx at an unsuspecting Mudblood. His time had been running smoothly, his parents instilling hard work as an desirable trait; the eldest Rosier excelled in his classes. Only fitting for a boy who was fluent in English, French and Latin by the time he was merely eleven. Though as charming as his life had been, the summer between his sixth and seventh year changed Evan forever. Long gone was the once charming and witty male, left in its place a ghost of a boy. Summering in their home in Lyon as they waited for Alexandra to finish her term, Evan had been tending to the white rose bushes that adorned the property with his father. Leaving the scene only for a moment to retrieve a glass of lemonade for the pair, what waited for him upon his return was horrifying. To this day, Evan can only remember the series of events in fragments. The piercing screech of a gunshot, roses stained red, shattered glass and his father’s limp corpse sprawled on the grass. 
A part of Evan was stolen that day, he became bitter, grief consumed him leaving him tormented and riddled with nightmares. His mother was inconsolable and much as Alexandra tried, there was nothing that could ease their mother’s wails of agony at loosing her husband. Evan became absent, reclusive and full of rage. Betrayed by the very justice system Axel Rosier had served in, the Ministry deemed the murder as an accident. Instead ‘compensating’ the family for their loss and silence. Insisting the public knowledge that one of the highest ranking wizards in their society was murdered in his prime by a gang of muggles no less, would cause anarchy. In turn, they did nothing. Amid the heartache, there was one person that became a saving grace to Evan; Bellatrix. Though some who knew the situation - particularly Alexandra - would have deemed her as a heathen or more accurately one of the Erinyes praying on the vulnerable. Bella acted as a catalyst. Igniting an anger within him that only burned brighter with every passing day. From an outside perspective, some would say Bella ruined Evan. Prayed on his grief and used his anguish to boil it into something sinister. But in Evan’s mind, she saved him. Showed him what the world really was and how it could be. How it should be. Bellatrix spoke of a new world, a concept imagined by THE DARK LORD, where muggles knew their place and would be unable to hurt any other wizard again. It was that that captured Evan’s attention. Left betrayed by the Ministry who deemed muggles seemingly more important than one of their own, Evan longed for something more.
Days past and Evan’s mind only grew darker. Troubled by images of hooded figures, sleep was a luxury he never had. Horrors were painted on the back of his eye lids that he dared not close from fear of never escaping. He’d spend hours scrubbing his hands raw as if that would somehow erase the memories of blood from his mind. He grew bitter and sadistic. Love was not something he knew how to possess anymore and he didn’t want it, not if it only led to more pain. Instead he found distractions. Smoking cigarettes, drinking fire whiskey until his throat burned and sleeping with others equally as troubled and damaged as him; both parties only wanted to escape one thing, their heads at night. Granted it wasn’t healthy, but he was far past caring. One particular person that quickly became a part of his distractions was ANTONIN DOLOHOV. Both equally troubled, they came to a mutual agreement to use the other as they saw fit. A distraction without the repercussions of getting attached and over sharing. Though regrettably because of their evenings, Antonin has seen more of his broken heart and his insomnia than anyone else. Evan despises the vulnerability that comes with showing his weakness and torments, but still he can’t help but feel grateful for someone to hold onto at night when everything feels like it is cascading around him.
Though his sister has tired to talk sense into him and ease his grief, nothing seems to comfort his darkened heart. Family is the only thing he holds trust in now, while keeping everyone else at a safe distance in a meek attempt to somehow save guard the remaining pieces of his black heart from being ripped from his chest. Joining The Dark Lord’s army after the introduction from Bellatrix, it gave him a purpose that he so desperately craved and a way to channel the rage that had been boiling in his chest for years. Fighting and screaming as if that could bring upon his own form of justice for his father. Holding onto a raged dream that they could build a world where no wizard would be taken too soon by a mere filthy Muggle, they’d finally know their place. Wilkes became his right hand when it came to fulfilling the Dark Lord’s work. Tormenting Muggles, Mudbloods and Half-Bloods, bringing upon the change his cousin had instilled in him. Though while Evan held his suspicions of members namely SEVERUS SNAPE, the opportunity to finally bring change was upon them and he wasn’t letting the opportunity slip through his fingers. Evan planned on making his own justice as if that could be penance for his father. One day under the new rain of the Dark Lord, he’d finally get what he longed for. Fire would rain and he’d gladly bask in the embers.
Blood Status → Pure-blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male 
Sexuality  → Homosexual
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Family → Axel Rosier (deceased father), Adele Rosier (mother), Alexandra Rosier (sister), Cygnus Black (uncle), Druella Black (aunt), Bellatrix Black (cousin/close friend), Andromeda Black (cousin), Narcissa Black (cousin)
Connections  → Castor Wilkes (best friend), Rodolphus Lestrange (close friend), Astaroth Snyde (close friend), Edrick Selwyn (close friend), Antonin Dolohov (friend/romantic liaison/potential love interest), Lucius Malfoy (friend), Severus Snape (adversary)
Future Information → N/A
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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LUCIUS MALFOY is TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD and a SOCIALITE amongst THE SACRED TWENTY-EIGHT in LONDON. He looks remarkably like AUSTIN BUTLER and considers himself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. He is currently TAKEN. 
A proud and pampered young man who believes the world owes him everything and more, Lucius Malfoy is known for prowess, powers of persuasion and pompous attitude. The only child of ABRAXAS and SULPICIA MALFOY, Lucius was raised in the lap of luxury at his family home Malfoy Manor in rural Wiltshire. A spoiled boy, Lucius was informed from a young age of his birthright as a Malfoy. He was entitled to his family estate and all their riches but also a legacy that spanned generations and included some of the most powerful people who sat on the fringes of the wizarding world. His father Abraxas had too much money to believe a job was any sort of a necessity but also believed that having a hand in government was very important. Their family had strict values and were well known in their beliefs that members of the magical community should reign superior over Muggles they were forced to shy away from. Growing up in the deep countryside, Lucius never had any contact with Muggles and instead based his opinion on the word of his father who would come home and talk at length about his disgust in them and the Minister for Magic at the time Nobby Leach. His father’s opinions stretched also to Muggle-Born witches, wizards and sorcerers who head the same level of disregard for, believing they were Muggles who managed to steal magic in order to join their world as well as rule their own. 
Though Lucius was never offered a firm answer on the matter until Abraxas was on his deathbed, Lucius had long suspected his father had a hand in the ousting of Nobby Leach from office, having skuled in too many corridors growing up and seeing familiar faces pass in and out of his father’s study until the day it was announced he was to resign during Lucius’ third year at school. Some faces remained, those of his father’s friends from other important families. THIEBAUT LESTRANGE, CYGNUS and WALBURGA BLACK were regular visitors of his father’s with children of a similar age to Lucius he was informed to befriend. Abraxas was a cold and demanding parent with high expectations of Lucius to join the social elite and continue his work of furthering their family legacy and improving the world around them. Lucius was taught that people like RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE and BELLATRIX BLACK were the right sort of friends, whilst those like ARTHUR WEASLEY who would also be in his year at school did not deserve the name wizard due to their family obsession with accepting and Muggles and befriending Muggle-Borns. Before Lucius had even received his letter to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he had a clear idea of how his time at school would unfold. 
Already informed by his father that Bellatrix and Rodolphus were awaiting him, Lucius was confident that he would fulfil his father’s wishes of making the right sort of friends and was promptly sorted into Slytherin alongside them before the hat had even grazed his head. Immediately positioning himself as a model student, Lucius was made a prefect in his fifth year and became a firm favourite of PROFESSOR HORACE SLUGHORN who invited to join The Slug Club alongside his friend DECIUS FLINT who had been collected by Slughorn due to his Quidditch prowess rather than his academic accolades like Lucius. Though Lucius became close with a number of Slytherin students during his time at Hogwarts including Bellatrix, Rodolphus and their friends EVAN ROSIER and CASTOR WILKES, Lucius attempted to separate himself from them and establish his own group of friends with Decius which included THORFINN ROWLE, CHRISTIANO PARKINSON and MARSHALL FAWLEY. The boys asserted themselves above the rest of their fellow students and were both feared and revered for their antics whilst at Hogwarts. Lucius was popular during his time at school though mostly with other students from similar backgrounds to himself from notable Pure-Blood families. His arrival at Hogwarts coincided with a movement taking shape with Bellatrix at the helm. 
A dark wizard whispered as Lord Voldemort was beginning to collect followers through Bellatrix who saw potential in Lucius. At first Lucius had no desire to be part of any club intent on overthrowing a whole government, scared it would upend his standing within society until his father weighed in on the matter. Their family views aligned with the man who Lucius would later come to learn was once called TOM RIDDLE, his father seeing opportunity for their family in this movement he believed his son should take better notice of. Although Lucius had an eye on the situation, his focus was on finishing at Hogwarts a decorated student and set on the person he would have by his side when he finally took over at the helm of his household. His mother had quite fancied him take a shine to NARCISSA BLACK, but a much younger witch than he was he had cast her aside as quick as his mother had mentioned it and instead began to look amongst his group of friends before his eyes settled on ANDRESSA PARKINSON. A beautiful witch from a very notable family, he knew Andressa would make a fine wife and began to make arrangements to begin courting her upon leaving school. Graduating from Hogwarts, Lucius moved back to his family estate and began living off the Malfoy creature comforts that he was entitled to. 
The first few years after leaving school were filled with parties with other notable families, attending Quidditch matches and rubbing shoulders with the wizarding elite and growing closer to Andressa who soon became his girlfriend. Lucius was content with the life he was living, despite watching friends round him joining The Dark Lord’s movement he didn’t feel the need to pledge his assistance in the belief that whatever happened the Malfoy family would weather the storm. It was the sudden death of his father when Lucius was twenty-five that changed his perspective on the war. Abraxas who called his son to his bedside told Lucius to join their family friends in their support for The Dark Lord as his dying wish, detailing to Lucius his involvement in the coup to rid The Ministry of it’s Muggle-Born Minister in the hopes it would bring about a better life for their people. He passed later that day leaving Lucius the Malfoy family home, fortune and a way of carrying forward his family legacy. At the funeral Lucius approached Bellatrix once more and expressed his desire to follow up with his father’s work and support The Dark Lord in any way he might need.  Heir apparent to a long line of political patronage in the magical community, Lucius wasted little time in carrying on the family tradition of frequenting the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic in London.
Claiming the Malfoy’s stringent opinions had died with his father he quickly charmed TIBERIUS MCLAGGEN, BILLIUS WEASLEY and HARRISON BAGNOLD, bringing them to his girlfriend’s speakeasy and attempting to garner information from them over multiple glasses of firewhiskey, successfully used his family name and fortune to curry favour with a number of high-ranking Ministry officials, and became a very well-connected among them. With Bellatrix trusting him with more information and responsibility as he ferried back information to The Death Eaters he was entrusted with a mentee. SEVERUS SNAPE reminded him a lot of himself, a quiet and studious man he was not as much of a peacock as Lucius but preferred to watch situations and could read people with ease which Lucius only helped him sharpen. His life was going according to plan, then Lucius was reintroduced to a spanner in his perfect plans. Bellatrix’s youngest sister Narcissa Black had emerged into wizarding high society and grown to be one of the most beautiful witches he had ever laid eyes on. Lucius wanted to believe he was happy with Andressa, but with every exchange he shares with Narcissa his perfect relationship seems to be fragmenting before his very eyes.  
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male 
Sexuality → Up to Roleplayer 
Relationship Status → In a Relationship with Andressa Parkinson 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → N/A
Family → N/A
Connections  → Andressa Parkinson (girlfriend), Decius Flint (best friend), Thorfinn Rowle (best friend), Christiano Parkinson (best friend), Marshall Fawley (best friend), Severus Snape (close friend/mentee), Bellatrix Black (close friend), Rodolphus Lestrange (close friend), Evan Rosier (close friend), Castor Wilkes (close friend), Tiberius McLaggen (friend), Harrison Bagnold (friend), Billius Weasley (friend), Arthur Weasley (adversary), Narcissa Black (potential love interest)
Future Information → Husband of Narcissa Black, Father of Draco Malfoy 
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