#Fernando Monroy
sociedadnoticias · 10 months
AMLO felicita a ganadores en mundiales de matemáticas
AMLO felicita a ganadores en mundiales de matemáticas #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Seguridad #AMLO #Conferencia #matemáticas #Mañanera @lopezobrador_ #ConferenciaPresidente #Conferencia #Mañanera @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX
En el arranque de su conferencia, el mandatario mexicano también aprovechó para felicitar a Alejandra Valencia quien ganó la medalla de plata en tiro con arco en Berlín. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador felicitó a los niños y jóvenes que participaron en varios torneos mundiales de matemáticas. En conferencia de prensa, López Obrador felicitó a Roy…
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stormfireproductions · 6 months
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Please welcome Fernando Monroy as the voice of El Pitáo in THE ORTIZ TWINS ARE COMING HOME. Fernando is an award winning Bilingual Mexican Immigrant Actor & Voice Actor. Born and raised in Chihuahua Mexico (Yes! Like the dog, but with a Golden Retriever personality) He moved to El Paso, Tx in 2015 and graduated as an Industrial and Systems Engineer in 2019, but soon after graduation he started to pursue his true passion, ACTING! and decided to move to Los Angeles. In his home studio, he has recorded for a variety of projects, including: Podcasts, Video Games, Commercials, Promos, E-learning, for brands such as Skybound, Warner Brothers, AT&T, WhatsApp, Audible, Penguin Random House, Tencent. To learn more about him and projects he has worked on be sure to follow him as @fermonroyvo or check his website fermonroy.com #voiceactor #audiodrama #fictionpodcast #ortiztwins
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sinligh · 2 years
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In a bathtub filled with water that is tainted by the blue paint dripping from my hair
I don’t mind it, the blue I don’t mind that It’s going to leave a trace on my skin around my neck,
Under my nails.
An aesthetically pleasing reflection of how I feel most of the time.
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Melancholy is rotting inside me along with all the expired love i've never got to express.
I trust no one to love me, me who is so fierce so delicate. I trust no one, and I might as well love no one.
No one but myself.
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I’m tired of trying to define all that i am I’m tired of being, and being told to be.
Wanna call me a mad woman ? I won’t be the first, and certainly not the last. Cause every girl that grows up to process emotions and swim against the traditional patriarchal, misogynistic flow that society chose for her since the fourth month of her existence In her mother’s womb
Will eventually be called a mad woman.
Not even for the greatness of being extraordinary,
Just for being herself.
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•Quotes: Origins by Tennis/Maggie Nelson/Fernando Pessoa/ mary oliver/ Jenny Slate/James Baldwin/ Rainer Maria Rilke/Richard Siken
•Original context: Sinligh
•Art reference:
1.The last moments of atala (detail), luis monroy 2.Art by by maria kreyn. 3. Unequal Marriage (detail) by Vasilii Purkiev. 4. Ghismunda with the heart of Guiscardo, Bernardino Mei.
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noticiasenmichoacan · 5 months
Inauguran ruta de Aeromexico con la llegada del primer vuelo Uruapan -AIFA
Uruapan, Michoacán .- Con la presencia de Ignacio Benjamín Campos Equihua, Presidente Municipal de Uruapan, Mich., Roberto Monroy García, Secretario de Turismo de Michoacán, El General Fernando Colchado Gómez, Comandante de la 21/a. Zona Militar, en compañía del personal militar, asistió al corte de listón en el Aeropuerto Internacional Ignacio López Rayón de Uruapan, para inaugurar la conexión…
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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queretarotv · 2 years
Diputada Selene Salazar y representantes de la Asociación Migrantes Unidos en Caravana A. C., dieron a conocer la logística para la realización de la Décimo Quinta Caravana del Migrante
Diputada Selene Salazar y representantes de la Asociación Migrantes Unidos en Caravana A. C., dieron a conocer la logística para la realización de la Décimo Quinta Caravana del Migrante
Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., 2 de diciembre de 2022. La presidenta de la Mesa Directiva en la LX Legislatura del Estado, diputada Liz Selene Salazar Pérez, acompañada del presidente de la Asociación Migrantes Unidos en Caravana A. C., Juan Fernando Rocha Mier, así como de los diputados Ana Paola López Birlain y Juan José Jiménez Yáñez; del presbítero Aristeo Olvera Maqueda y Braulio Monroy…
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elambmex · 2 years
Ambientalistas dan a conocer observaciones sobre la Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental
Ambientalistas dan a conocer observaciones sobre la Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental
En el documento participaron, entre otros: Dra. Sarah Cristina Ayala AzcárragaDra. María Fernanda Lases HernándezDr. Emiliano Monroy RíosCandidata a Dra. Inari Sosa ArandaCandidato a Dr. Fernando Calderón GutiérrezCandidato a Dr. Rodrigo Pacheco MuñozBiól. Shanty Daniela Acosta SinencioBiól. Jose Daniel Graf PérezCandidato a Dr. Angel Merlo Galeazzi M. Eugenio Fernández Vázquez Puedes…
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neo10y · 3 years
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This is the artwork for Shortcut To World Peace, you can buy signed CDs via NEO10Y.SPACE 💿 would mean the world, literally.
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serennadelrey · 3 years
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Harry Styles “Fine Line” art by Fernando Monroy
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the-catwoman · 7 years
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Fernando Monroy
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ryannicks · 7 years
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Stevie Nicks by Fernando Monroy
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pescadofrito0 · 3 years
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Mi primer amor.
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weirdletter · 5 years
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Broken Heart, by Fernando Rubio Monroy, via ArtStation.
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alertachiapas · 3 years
Cobach recula, ya no pagará con monedero electrónico
🔺 #Chiapas || Tras manifestaciones del personal, suspendieron la dinámica de pago que contemplaba un monedero electrónico de despensa con el importe total de previsión social.
Eric Ordóñez.   Tuxtla Gutiérrez.- Luego de que el Colegio de Bachilleres de Chiapas (Cobach), que dirige Nancy Leticia Hernández Reyes, pretendiera imponer un nuevo formato de pago de nómina que contempla el depositar en un monedero electrónico de despensa el importe total de previsión social, situación que generó inconformidad y manifestaciones del personal. “Una vez del día de ayer, 25 de…
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librosclases · 6 years
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Art by Fernando Rubio Monroy
January’s Theme: #BirdWarrior
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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