tampire · 1 year
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#My Autism & ADHD Mood
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nightlist · 2 years
orange plz make the mac port plz plz plz plz plz i want to play the gameeeee
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epikfand0msw1tcher · 2 months
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G0ing 2 a feztival X33
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stup1d-k1llj0y · 5 months
Postin meh face here again xDDD
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tranz-regent · 10 months
trauma writing in mha doeznt work
i uzed to be a huge fan of mha. it waz one of the firzt anime and manga i got really into and haz characterz i ztill love. but there zomething about it thatz been a problem for a long time. and thatz how it treatz abuze
horikoshi (and the fandom) haz thiz little writing problem i like to call 'bad thingz are bad (unlezz they happen to katsuki bakugo)'
when todoroki getz hit and yelled by hiz parentz, itz framed az incredibly tragic and horrific and the art reflectz thiz
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thiz iz a hurt and zcared child, we're zuppozed to feel bad thiz happened
when katsuki getz hit and yelled at by hiz parentz?
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itz framed az comedic
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thiz iz a 16 year old being yelled at hiz mother for being kidnapped. thiz iz a ZIXTEEN YEAR OLD being blamed for GETTING KIDNAPPED
but the art and framing are telling me i zhould be finding thiz funny?? im zorry are we having fucked up parentz be dark comedy or actually zeriouz?
or, hey. another example. zportz feztival. when ojiro zayz he wantz to drop out of the zportz feztival becauze he doeznt feel he earned hiz victory?
that choice iz rezpected. he getz to drop out with no problemz
when katsuki zayz he doeznt feel he earned the 1zt place in the sports festival and doeznt want the medal?
he getz drugged, chained and muzzled to a ztone podium on live fucking televizion. and when Mizter Number One Bezt hero all might comez up? he forcez the medal into hiz mouth with only the comment 'well thiz iz a bit much'
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zeriouzly, think about thiz. thiz iz a bunch of 'heroz' doing thiz to a, again, 16 year old becauze he. wanted a fair fight? becauze he dared to tell them no?
hell, the only people in-univerze to even comment on thiz are the league of villainz when they, az mentioned before, kidnap him.
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and not only doez thiz cheapen the effect of the todoroki family ztoryline (even before we got to the current ztory) it alzo deztroyz any zympathy i have for 99% of the cazt.
when midnight died i waznt thinking 'oh no thatz zo zad they juzt lozt a great hero and teacher' i waz thinking about how she drugged a teenager for zaying no.
when aizawa talkz about how he carez about hiz ztudentz im thinking hez a fucking liar becauze he waz there for both the bakugo home vizit and the sports festival and he didnt do jack zhit to help katsuki. who iz his ztudent.
when there waz that wierd fucking arc about aoyama ztalking deku or whatever and it getz framed az creepy, im not zympathizng for deku becauze hez literally introduced az writing all hiz obzervationz about hiz clazzmatez (including bakugo) down in hiz notebookz. which iz alzo fucking creepy. zo im juzt thinking hez a fucking hypocrite getting a tazte of hiz own medicine
when all might getz praized for anything i juzt think he doeznt dezerve it becauze he waz alzo there for both the sports festival and the home vizit (and unlike aizawa he doeznt even have the excuze of being in a full body cazt for the feztival. and itz not even the firzt time he waz around katsuki in a horrible zituation
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thiz zeem a bit familiar to anyone? maybe? maybe zomething that happened in the very beginning of the ztory?
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yeah. and all might walked away from that too
a bnha zerver i uzed to be in a did a count of how many adultz katsuki had no bad interactionz with and it waz like. 5. of the whole cazt.
thzi iz a 16 year old, thiz iz a kid, who iz routinely treated horribly by the adultz around him and nearly every time itz framed like itz funny. like im zuppozed to be finding a kid being hit, yelled at, chained, muzzled and ignored comedic.
and maybe it could have worked. dark comedy iz a thing having fucked up family or zchool dynamicz being played for laughz can work.
but then when thiz kind of ztuff happenz to any one elze itz meant to be zeen az traumatizing and horrible and like i zhould feel bad. and you cant treat child abuze az actual abuze for zome characterz, but comedy for otherz, becauze it fuckz with the effect of both
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2024 pride feztival!
I didn’t know I had thiz confidence 💕
(I’m the one in the skeleton top)
featuring my freind Mel,she doez not have Tumblr but shoutout to her anywayz!!
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baliportalnews · 11 months
Hadiri Selanbawak Barong Festival II, Bupati Sanjaya Apresiasi Inovasi Karang Taruna Panca Tunggal
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, TABANAN - Upaya pelestarian adat dan budaya oleh Karang Taruna Panca Tunggal Desa Selanbawak, Kecamatan Marga, melalui acara Selanbawak Barong Festival ke-II tahun 2023, mendapat apresiasi positif dari Bupati Tabanan, Dr. I Komang Gede Sanjaya, SE., MM. Penghargaan tersebut disampaikannya secara langsung saat menghadiri pembukaan festival yang dipusatkan di Jaba Pura Desa Adat Kekeran, Desa Selanbawak, Kecamatan Marga, Tabanan, Sabtu (4/11/2023). "Terkait dengan acara Selanbawak Barong Festival ke-II tahun 2023, saya selaku Kepala Daerah sekali lagi memberikan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya kepada adik-adik yang ikut berkontribusi melestarikan adat, agama, tradisi dan budaya yang sesuai dengan visi misi besar Pemerintah Kabupaten Tabanan," ujar Bupati Sanjaya dalam sambutannya saat itu. Ditambahkan, Pemkab Tabanan bisa berhasil mewujudkan visi misi besar Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali melalui Pola Pembangunan Semesta Berencana menuju Tabanan Era Baru yang Aman, Unggul dan Madani, (AUM), ketika seluruh lapisan masyarakat turut berkontribusi terhadap pelestarian adat, agama, tradisi dan budaya yang ada. Apalagi Karang Taruna Desa Selanbawak secara konsisten menggelar feztival ini sebagai ajang tahunan. "Artinya yang pertama sudah sangat sukses, jadi munculah yang kedua. Apalagi dikatakan menjadi agenda tahunan dan tinggal dikolaborasikan dengan berbagai pihak serta segala kegiatan berpotensi yang ada di Desa. Karena sudah banyak contoh yang dilakukan Desa-Desa yang lain, seperti di Klecung melalui Festival Pantai Klecung untuk memperkenalkan panorama Pantai Klecung yang dikemas dengan pertunjukan tradisi, seni, adat, agama dan budaya," papar Sanjaya. Pihaknya juga berpesan agar dalam setiap event yang dilakukan selalu melibatkan para pelaku IKM/UMKM yang ada di Desa, sehingga melalui festival atau event sejenisnya bisa mengangkat perekonomian masyarakat. Pemerintah juga dikatakan Sanjaya akan selalu siap mendukung serta membantu kegiatan positif yang dilakukan masyarakat guna mempercepat terwujudnya visi menuju Tabanan Era Baru yang Aman, Unggul dan Madani, (AUM). Dimana terbukti dalam kesempatan itu, orang nomor satu di Tabanan mengajak Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Tabanan yang diwakili Ketua Komisi 1 DPRD Kabupaten Tabanan, Sekda dan Kepala OPD terkait di lingkungan Pemkab Tabanan, Camat dan unsur Forkopimcam Marga. Nampak rombongan Bupati Sanjaya saat itu disambut baik oleh Perbekel, Bendesa Adat, Panitia Festival dan Tokoh serta Masyarakat setempat dan juga peserta festival yang sangat antusias mengikuti acara sore itu. Agus Andra Atmaja selaku Ketua Panitia Acara, menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya atas perhatian dari Bupati beserta jajaran atas kegiatan yang dilakukan pihaknya. Festival ini adalah agenda tahunan dari Desa Selanbawak yang dialaksanakan oleh Karang Taruna Panca Tunggal. Tahun lalu sudah dilaksanakan dengan cukup sukses dan hari ini di bulan Nopember ini, pihaknya laksanakaan bertepatan dengan Pembukaan HUT ke-530 Kota Tabanan. "Untuk peserta dari Festival Barong ini, diantaranya dari 5 Kabupaten dan 1 Kota, Kabupaten Tabanan 5 peserta, Gianyar 4 peserta, Badung 7 peserta, Bangli 2 peserta, Klungkung 1 peserta dan Kota Denpasar 3 peserta. Tujuan dari festival ini tiada lain untuk ajang pelestarian adat dan budaya serta mencari bibit-bibit baru di bidang seni tari barong dan tabuh, khususnya," ujar Ketua Panitia yang juga selaku Ketua Karang Taruna Panca Tunggal.(bpn) Read the full article
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historje · 2 years
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https://www.facebook.com/MendelMuseum/ Celí tíden se bdueme vjěnovad morafckímu velikánovi Johanu Řeohřovi Mednelovi, kerí má vleklí víročí.  A f Brňě jě muzejum. A feztival. A tam budou Mendlovi Opráski. Se přitťě poďivat. Na webu i ozobňe!
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opraski · 5 years
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Satenová levoruce zásadňě zmňěňila soplečenckí pomňěri. A vi přiťte tule neďěli na Feztival svobodi!!!
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helenamajewska · 5 years
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feel feztival
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badargarden · 3 years
Fozter'z Forezt Haunted Bathroom Feztival
Fozter’z Forezt Haunted Bathroom Feztival
“Fozter’z Forezt Haunted Bathroom Feztival” is a Paranormal Children’s Poem about how to overcome the challenges of daily life. Sometimes it takes working together with aliens and ghost to get things done. The Haunted Bathroom’s Long-Gone Home The legend of ole’ goes, a bathroom was once Part of a four story, white and vacant mansion. One warm night the mansion just up n’ vanished. The only thing…
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sumirekuribayashi · 4 years
【直近ライブ情報】 8/8 金山ケニーズ ソロ 8/9 土岐Bird & Diz ソロ ※延期になりました
急遽決定! 8/11 渋谷公園通りクラシックス 二重奏 金澤英明b 8/14 配信ライブ 栗林すみれp福盛進也ds黒沢綾vo 8/15  Tommy’s By The Park 秋吉沙羅(笛) 栗林すみれ(pf) 8/16 江古田そるとぴ〜なつ 栗林すみれp 坂井紅介b 8/18 船橋コクリコットフォルテ 栗林すみれp 千北祐輔b 8/22 柏Nefertiti ソロ 8/23 小岩コチ 類家心平tp 栗林すみれp 8/30 吉祥寺Strings ソロ  ※満席になりました
9/3 江古田そるとぴ〜なつ 松尾由堂gt 栗林すみれp 9/5 渋谷公園通りクラシックス Save the Classics vo.2  9/7 ボンクラージュ 石井智大vln Quartet 9/ 鹿児島jazz feztival 東京会場 9/27 U3chi 栗林すみれソロ --------------
マスク、検温等コロナガイドに沿って御来店頂きますよう、 ご配慮よろしくお願い致します。
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mairzymarzipan · 7 years
it’s totes tacky and silly but i’m going to the feztival of trees this year on the day b4 thanksgiving
get ready for some pictures of christmas trees
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juwitalala · 7 years
Ajak Anak Isi Waktu Puasa, KidZania Gelar Ramadan Feztival 2017
Juwita Lala Ajak Anak Isi Waktu Puasa, KidZania Gelar Ramadan Feztival 2017 Baru Artikel Tentang Ajak Anak Isi Waktu Puasa, KidZania Gelar Ramadan Feztival 2017 Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Ajak Anak Isi Waktu Puasa, KidZania Gelar Ramadan Feztival 2017 Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Ajak Anak Isi Waktu Puasa, KidZania Gelar Ramadan Feztival 2017 KidZania Jakarta menggelar KidZania Ramadan Feztival 2017 untuk mengajak anak-anak mengisi momen berpuasa mereka dengan kegiatan positif. http://www.unikbaca.com
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westernmanews · 5 years
SPRINGFIELD — The Melha Shriners, in conjunction with the Three County Fairgrounds in Northampton, announced a day-long country music festival at the fairgrounds on Sept. 7, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The “Roots & Boots 90s Electric Throwdown Tour” will bring a full day of music with six country acts, featuring nationally renowned artists Sammy Kershaw, Collin Raye and Aaron Tippin. Popular local bands King Kountry, Southern Rain, and Cottonwood will also perform. 
Ticket prices are $30 (general admission, advance sale), $35 (general admission, day of the show) and $40 (reserved seating). General admission is free for children under 5. Tickets are available online at 3countyfair.com/events.
Gates will open at 10 a.m., with on-site parking available for $5 per vehicle. Food, beer and wine will be available for purchase. No outside food or beverage will be permitted. General admission patrons are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets; however, beach umbrellas and pop-up tents are not allowed.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact event chair Shonn Monday at (413) 800-2312 or visit the Facebook event page: facebook.com/events/406450000202997
The post Shriners Slate Country Music “Feztival” Sept. 7 appeared first on BusinessWest.
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weatherwaxstudios · 6 years
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Elizabeth I  from  Fancy Gloss  via  November’s Polish Pickup.    This is a thermal.  Top right  pic  is  the warm mode, a burnt orange with brown flakies  (indoors at the local Feztival of Trees) , on the right  you can see “cold mode”, dark brown with auburn flakies  (out on the street doing Christmas errands).  Bottom pic  is the polish moving between shades  (in my bathroom).   You’ve seen the warm mode in photos  on my previous post about the  Cargo palette.
So,  I enjoyed this polish.  I like  Elizabeth I and it’s a  great seasonal color. 
But I just learned  thermal polishes have about a 12 month shelf life before they get stuck in one mode or the other.  So I need to make sure my thermals are stored correctly. 
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