#Fiddleford Mcguket
bliz-lol · 28 days
Gift for my sister (@jeka-profis ):)
I liked this pairing too hehe)
"I'm certainly not a romantic
But I’ll bring whatever you want
Do you want lilies of the valley, peonies
Open it, I'm already standing
With flowers near your house
Not one more time, but again
No words are needed to describe my love"
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ryespy · 27 days
I will not get gender envy from fiddleford Mcguket
I will not get gender envy from fiddleford Mcguket
I will not get gender envy from fiddleford Mcguket
I will not get gender envy from fiddleford Mcguket
I will not get gender envy from fiddleford Mcguket
I will not get gender envy from fiddleford Mcguket
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fereality-indy · 4 years
Fiddleford: Dear Diary, the previous pages say my name is Fiddleford, so that's good to know. Anyways, I think I lost my memory
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Fidds stared at it as it dropped onto the ground, hazily realizing it was his own. He couldn’t look up, so he simply put his hand on his now broken nose.
Stanford had done that.
His Stanford had done that.
His best friend had struck him.
He wanted to ask why, he wanted to demand an explanation, he wanted to sob, show any emotion to this unexpected development but he did nothing. He remained on the floor where his friend had knocked him to after punching him, watching the blood soak from his nose.  
He flinched violently feeling him grab his lab coat yanking him off the ground as he continued to just sit where he was knocked, unmoving, seemingly uncaring.
Words couldn’t form in his mouth, he closed his eyes trying to pretend this wasn’t his friend.
He flinched violently feeling him grab his lab coat yanking him off the ground as he continued to just sit where he was knocked, unmoving, seemingly uncaring.
Words couldn’t form in his mouth, he closed his eyes trying to pretend this wasn’t his friend.
To his ever growing surprise, he felt him kiss him. It only made Fidds tense more, he let out a small grunt of disapproval
"Fidds...I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me..."
Fidds said nothing and did nothing feeling Ford cling to him, everything tensing harder. He whispered he was sorry but Fidds didn't know if he forgave him
Not yet
Maybe not ever for the way he had just turned on him with little reason
Like one of those monsters they encountered out there. Maybe even worse then them. Ford was human, someone he loved and he so willingly hurt him.
What kind of monster did that?!
The sob was caught in his throat making it hard to him to breath as the tears finally came as Ford, once so cruel towards him brushed through his hair
He wanted to yell at him. Demand he not touch him but he didn't want him to turn on him again, so he just remained stiff in his arms and let Ford believe things were fine and normal as he whispered he was sorry again.
It wasn’t him, it wouldn’t happen again.
For all Fidds knew, it didn’t. The next day things returned to normal, nose bandaged, a gnome attack as the alibi and neither the wiser of what had happened the day before.
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stal-ka · 3 years
The day before I had a dream with Ford and Fidds and if I don't share it I'm exploded.
The last days of summer. Twins with Sten having fun in shack. Ford is sitting on the steps and reading his journal 3. And McGucket comes up to him. - Fiddleford, nice to see you. What you need? - Oh, I just wanted to talk to you. In a big hut you can get off the rails, he-he They talk about their the past, and Ford offers to walk.
- Just like 30 years age, isn't it? - Just don't draw monsters this time... During a walk McGuket tells about his memories. How he recalled his feelings after their falling out and much more. Ford also tells about his adventures. They stop by the side of the stream, Fiddleford takes out a banjo and plays, Ford writes in the journal his thinkings. And he suddenly want to share about the meeting with Fidds in alternative universe. - In my... Adventures I met you. In this world we made up and I didn't start the portal. I received the Nobel Prize for my research and we opened scientific research center here, in Gravity Falls. - And were you happy with your life. A silence fell. Stanford looks guilty and clouded. Fidds gets up and silently patts him on the shoulder. - Maybe we had a chance of such life. Maybe we hadnt.
McGucket sits down next to Ford. - Who know, maybe it was for the best. * * * - Thank you for all, Fiddleford. - No trouble, old friend.
It came out a little crimpled eph. After this dream I got that I need to more interaction between this men....... I will draw their!!!!!
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I submit to you:
Kirk and Stan: the strategizers, the charismatic ones, the talkers, the adventurous but only on their terms. They are good with a mission to follow, but they’re not afraid to take their own lead and branch off on their own if the need arises. They are smarter than you initially think, distracted by their good looks and strange habits. They can and will rob you for all you’ve got, but they’re not cruel. Sometimes all you’ve got to give is friendship, and they’ll accept that. Loyal to the end, and even beyond that.
Spock and Ford: the over-thinkers, the outcasts, the braniacs, the beautiful ones. Unconventionally but very attractive - so beautiful you think you can’t even touch them. They hide behind their logic an science, they are extremely rationally-minded men, but they mistake that in thinking that because their field is in science, they are always logical and usually right. They are surprisingly wrong, and often. However, they truly are smart. They are insecure and dying not to show it. They are ambitious and striving and they never stop their curiosity from flowing. They may not physically or verbally express their love to others, but it slips out at times and that makes them no less devoted to their friends/family.
McCoy and Fiddleford: the hopeful, the empathetic, the helpers, the ready-to-throw-down-for-the-good-of-the-few. They are smart, talented men. They are the ones who express their emotions the strongest, and whether they fear the consequences or not, they will say their piece. “Dag nabbit, they’re engineers/doctors, not whatever ridiculous request you have of them” but they will do it every time, because they like to help, they want to do everything they can. They’re givers, always giving out their time, their lives, their minds... They are more than the sum of their emotions. They feel deeply and while they may insult you all the way, they will never and standby when one of their friends reaches out to them.
It’s been said that Jim Kirk is the Soul, Spock is the Brain, and McCoy is the Heart, and that is why they are such a beautiful team. They complement each other in their skill sets, even as they overlap.
Mystery Trio Stan as the Soul, Ford as the Brain, and Fiddleford as the Heart would work in much the same way.
While both groups have their own strengths and relationship variances, the parallels are too strong to ignore.
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Transformers gravity falls AU!
Okay all the bots and cons are human in this AU or mythical creatures! Basically the summery is the same as Gravity falls : Sari and her twin brother Raff are sent to Gravity falls for the summer. under the care of their Grunckle Ty, in his tourist trap the mystery shack and the find the codex (it’s the journals but with the Matrix on the cover). I’ve already mapped out which character plays which.
Sari [TF:animated] = Mabel
Raff [TFP] = Dipper
Grunckle Tyson “Ty” [TFA: Sentinel Prime] = Grunckle Stanley
Grunckle Tyrone “Ron” [Prime/RID: Optimus prime] = Grunckle StanFord
Ratchet = Young Mcguket/Fiddleford (Pre insanity and memory alteration.)
Wheeljack = Old man Mcguket
Sideswipe = Tate Mcguket
Prime Arcee = Wendy
Alexis [Armada] = Candy
Lori [Cybertron} = Grenda 
TFA Wreck-gar = Soos
The vehicons = the gnomes
G1 Elita-1 = Lazy Susan 
[BW] Black Arachnia = the spider lady
Galvatron = Bill
Tailgate =  Tyler the cute biker
Starscream = Gideon Gleeful
Skywarp and Slipstream = Mr & Mrs Gleeful 
The wreckers = Minotaurs
Predaking = Multi-bear
Cliffjumper = Manly Dan
Waspinator = Toby Determined
Bob = waddles 
Rodimus = Rumble Mcskirmish 
Jazz and Prowl = Agent Trigger & Agent Powers 
Rewind and Chromedome =  the sheriff Blubs and deputy Durland  
Jack [tfp] = Robbie Valentino
Carly Spencer = Pacifica Northwest  
Arachnid,Inferno,Dreadwing,Blitzwing,Lugnut,Sideways and Soundwave = the henchmaniacs.
Makeshift = the shapeshifter 
Thunderclash = Tad Strange 
Ravage,Steeljaw, Ramhorn = the unicorns
Lazerbeak,ratbat,Buzzsaw = eyebats
Vector Prime = Time baby
[RID] Drift = Blendin Blandin
Stunticons = sev’ral Timez
Thunderhoof = Ergman Bratsman
Unicron = fearamid
Omega supreme = Shacktron
and random bots and other cons are the townsfolk.
The list is still under construction. 
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thelastspeecher · 8 years
What is the worst lie each of the McGukets has told?
Sorry for the delay in response, this is...a question I had to give some thought.  Note: I took some liberties with the term “worst”.  Not all of the lies were bad or resulted in something bad.  Some of them were just incredibly wrong, resulted in negative feelings for the liar, or felt significant to the liar.
Pa McGucket’s worst lie was telling the Gumption school system that he still respected them, even after the way his youngest three children were mistreated by students and faculty.
Ma McGucket’s worst lie was one she told herself, that she wouldn’t be upset if her family didn’t come to her wedding.
Violynn’s worst lie was when she claimed to have no regrets about having children.
Harper’s worst lie was when he promised he would watch his younger siblings, but didn’t, and both Lute and Angie ended up getting severely hurt without supervision.
Basstian’s worst lie was when he promised he would love his first wife until the day he died.
Fiddleford’s worst lie (yep I’m including him even though he’s not an OC lol) was whenever he introduced himself as a girl, or a big sister, growing up.
Lute’s worst lie was when he broke one of his older brother’s instruments and said that the dog did it.
Angie’s worst lie was every time she pretended to be fine, but was having a mental breakdown on the inside, which happened (and happens) a lot.
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Stanford Pines is a homewrecker
Fiddleford fell for him and his wife noticed. 
Fiddleford never wanted to leave his wife, but his affection for Ford was growing each day; it became impossible to hide.
One day the beans were spilled. After that it became awkward until the relationship finally ended as Fiddleford began to abuse the memory gun.
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bliz-lol · 1 month
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poor McGucket...
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divorcedfiddleford · 9 years
attention all fiddauthor fans
whatever you do, dont listen to more than a feeling by boston, don't look back in anger by oasis, and ESPECIALLY NOT tempted by squeeze and think about fiddleford being emotionally ruined by stanford inserting himself into his life it's a bad idea (and by bad idea i mean PLEASE do it i need to share this heartache with someone)
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fereality-indy · 4 years
Original Mystery Trio Issues
*Original Mystery Trio are being held prisoner. Stan is unconscious and mumbling about something.* Fiddleford: Poor Stan. What'd they dose them with? Sodium pentathol? Ford: Solid food and water. Their body's spent years wrestling nutrients out of coffee and aspirin. I expect it thinks it's been poisoned.
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Who are you?
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You but able to deal with your trauma in a healthier, safer way
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bliz-lol · 16 days
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old man McGucket:) (Mabel gave the old man a sweater and stickers ^^)
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And this is art with my AU based on the previous life [redacted]
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fereality-indy · 4 years
Stan: *after meeting Mcgucket* Do you trust him…? Ford: I absolutely trust him. Stan: He’s not some kind of maniac, right? Ford: Ford: … I absolutely trust him.
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fereality-indy · 4 years
Stan: I've seen Ford stay mad for years, but you're different. He likes you. He won't stay mad as long. Fiddleford: Well, how long will he be mad for? Days? Weeks? Stan: What's the one after that? Fiddleford: Months? Stan: Yeah, that one.
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