#Field of Forgetmenots au
empressgeekt · 1 day
I'm feeling like angst today so what if in the FOF egg au the egg DIDNT survive? Because if barb was feeling guilty before she going to feel miserable now HA HA HA
Branch would've gone grey again, and goes catatonic for a few days. In his mind it was entirely his fault. During the spiral he finds himself wondering if, he really should even have Keith or Poppy in his life since all he does is ruin everything. It takes a lot for Poppy and Keith to get through to him.
Barb feels awful. She just killed a baby before their first breath, made their father go grey and slowly lose his mind, and might have just broken up an entire family. She takes any punishment the other leaders give her, she deserves far far worse.
Branch still isn't okay by the time TBT rolls around. He's still recovering from the stillbirth, both physically and mentally, so he doesn't go to the wedding. Poppy takes John back to the Bunker thinking maybe he could help Branch. She doesn't tell him the full story of the baby loss, since she wasn't sure if Branch would want to share that. All she tells him is that Branch wasn't doing well.
The trip does not do Branch any good, (Keith stayed with Guy Diamond since he knew sneaking on the trip would not help Branch) Seeing Bruce's kids hurts. Viva's instance that all trolls are safe, pisses him off, since it was other trolls that got his baby killed. The fight makes Branch go catatonic again, and the others don't understand what's going as Poppy begs for him to react. She turns to them and spits venom at their faces.
"I thought, maybe you could help him, make him understand that he does deserve a family. That he didn't need to make himself suffer, because people love him regardless. Then you take all his fears polish them like fucking jewels and throw them in his face as a joke."
Branch doesn't come out of the catatonia for another week. Poppy has to call in the funk tribe for back up. To help with the mission and to get Branch admitted because he wouldn't come out of his trance.
It takes years for Branch to work through his grief. When he finds himself pregnant with his and Poppy's son Ash, he's paranoid throughout. He doesn't leave the bunker, unless for doctors appointments which he attends religiously. Due to the stress, Ash was born early but he survived and Branch suffers from PPD, despite receiving the gift he had been begging years for.
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fluffykitty149 · 4 months
@empressgeekt I did a bit of a redo for Branch’s forest guardian fit!
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those weapons at the side of Branch’s hips were inspired from Rayla’s from The Dragon Prince! I have the bow as collapsible on his belt loop and I got the idea for a spear head from a bug’s pincers!
this was mostly because I did not like how I originally drew the mask but having the bottom half a wood material looks nice!
It isn’t perfect and I bailed on coloring it but I’m just thankful I could alter the mask and draw Branch’s outfit in my more current art style!
Also if anyone new here doesn’t know what I’m talking about follow this link!
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rocksibblingsau · 4 months
what's your opinion on Keith?
A lot of people pair him and branch up as a big brother little brother duo. The Field of Forgetmenots au and Two of a Kind au for examples
I think I've seen the Two of a Kind AU! I think it's very cute!
I like the idea of Branch having a found family in Pop Village, and the idea of a kid who never bought into all the bad rumors, who cared about Branch even when he was grey is VERY cute.
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ask-cult-creek · 2 months
King what would you do if say Branch.. acquired a child by the time you get him? If branch accidently adopted a son/little brother but mostly son in the form of...
(I'm curious what would happen if 2 of my favorite aus was mush together, cult!Creek and field of forgetmenots au/Branch adopts Keith au)
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"And- is Keith a name I should know?"
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empressgeekt · 2 months
I can see this happening in your AU
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(make sure you click the link cuz there’s another part of the comic 🤭)
Oh most definitely! Keith was forgiven with out question, and Branch woke up to a trolling cuddling into his side for week afterward.
Though it far less humorous when it happened a second time just with Poppy post trolls 1 when she asked to learn.
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Branch and Keith Brothers AU
HI!!! I'm back! With more Trolls plot bunnies. This one does not take place in the Prince Char Au, or the Veneer re-carnation one. It's completely separate and closer to canon.
Keith is the little trolling who likes to watch his parents sleep, and it's clear by the reactions from his classmates that he's not the most popular kid. A bit of a odd outsider, that finds happiness in things that others don't. There's another troll in Pop village who's a bit of an outsider, our favorite grump, Branch.
Branch would be in the village market one winter day, making some rare purchases rather then getting them from the wilds, when he first comes across Keith. The trolling would've been lost, left behind by his classmates. Branch would be a little confused by the kids blankness, but he isn't going to leave a kid lost in the snow, and helps Keith get back home to his dad. One the way he asks if this, keith getting left behind, happened often. Keith would blankly gripe about it, and how he thought his friends didn't actually like him, and he didn't think he liked them. Branch says that friends should like each other.
Couple of weeks later, Branch is working on gathering supplies, and Keith appears out of no where, then continues to follow the grey troll. When Branch asks what Keith is doing. Keith says, "You said befriend people I like." "Yeah so?" "I like you."
It throws Branch off, no one liked him.
Keith would continue to find and follow Branch for the next few days, it's only after a chance run in with a predator, that the grey troll realizes this kid isn't going away, and he starts training Keith in the ways of survival. Even more shockingly Keith listens to him when he's teaching. Everyone in the village always called Branch crazy with his survival bunker and apocalypse prep, but Keith listens intently. Even if it doesn't appear like it. Branch teaches Keith about, the forest, which fruits were safe to eat and where/when they grew. How to defend yourself from different type dangerous predators. And even about some of the extra traps and defenses Branch made for the village.
Branch gets used to his new little protégée, and honestly likes being able to pass on his knowledge to someone. He eventually learns to read the subtle differences in Keith's expressionless expressions to know how the kid's mood is, whether it's happy or upset. One day, Keith comes to visit Branch upset. Seeing the kid angry makes something in Branch's stomach turn, and he has this need to fix it. He doesn't know how, he hasn't comforted someone in years. So, pulling from vague memories of Floyd helping him when Branch was upset, he asks Keith what's wrong. Keith's upset about the other kids calling his school project weird. They were supposed to make a short presentation on people, they care about and Keith chose Branch. None of the kids would listen to him and said, that Branch was weirdo, and Keith was weirdo and they deserved each other. It made Keith Mad, because, he doesn't think Branch is weird, he thinks the Grey troll is cool and he doesn't want people to be mean to him. Branch does his best to console, Keith saying that sometimes people just don't agree with you no matter how hard you try to convince them, sometimes people just can't hear you.
K: Some times it feels like no one hears me
B: Yeah, I get that. it sucks, Makes you think their something wrong with you. But there isn't. Different doesn't mean bad, it just means you see things other don't.
Keith hugs Branch, and he can't turn the kid away. It's the first person the grey troll hugs in nearly twenty years.
K: Thank you, Branch
B: No problem kid, I'm always here.
K: I've always wanted a brother.
After this, Branch fully is attached. He goes all out for Keith any chance he gets. He's always there if Keith is upset, or to help with home work. Keith is one of the few people Branch allows in the Bunker. Branch makes sure, that he'd be the brother to Keith that his own were never to him. Always there.
Especially when Keith suddenly loses his dad. Branch fights and fights hard to keep Keith, knowing just how much the grief of losing a caretaker is crushing the kid. Unsurprisingly, the Pop trolls foster system fails Keith and eventually Branch gains his custody. "Let the outsider raise an outsider." Keith moves into the bunker, and Branch is with the trolling no matter what, making sure that this kid never goes Grey like he did. Though, waking up to Keith just staring at him is a little startling at first, but branch gets over it, anything to make the kid more comfortable.
By the events of the first movie, Keith has fully moved in with Branch and stays with him during the Chef's attack. And after the whole village is hidden in the bunker by Poppy, Keith pushes Branch to go after her. Peppy stepping up to watch over Keith while Branch is gone. All through out the mission Branch is thinking about Keith, worried how he's fair one his own, because while he can trust Peppy to make sure Keith doesn't die, he doesn't' trust the king to take care of Keith's mental health. They're reunion in the bergan pot is a hard one. On one hand, Branch is happy to have Keith back in sight, but on the other he feels like a failure for not being able to protect Keith from getting eaten. And When Keith goes grey in his arms...let's just say Branch isn't going down with out a fight.
I have no plans for World Tour, other then the possibility of Keith ending up captured with Poppy, and Barb mistaking Keith as her and Branch's son.
Its in Band together that things get a little more interesting...
Keith is Gristle and Bridget's ring bearer, though the rings are to big for him to hold, so he just stands inside of them to keep them from rolling away, with a very flat smile. Poppy and Branch end up dating in this two, and she does put in effort to get to know Keith, understanding that the trolling would be in branch's care for years to come. She's not as good at reading him, but she's getting better at it. And she finds Branch's caregiver side, adorable.
"Stop the Wedding!"
When John Dory shows up, Keith leaves his post, and runs to Branch after the elder troll was finished being man handled, bY JD. John is thrown off by the sight of a tiny Trolling in Branch's Arms. Seriously, when did his baby brother get a baby? Or a girlfriend? Was the kid theirs? Oh crap he missed a lot....
Keith is angry, through out the course of the third movie. Branch had already told him about their (yes, their, Keith is branch's brother now, which sadly makes him also related to these idiots) brothers, and how they all walked out on him. Keith has seen how much this hurt Branch, and how much they are hurting Branch now, he's clinging to his older brother all through out the mission.
Bruce is also shocked, and kind of feels bad, because Keith would be in Branch's hair when Bruce tossed him jostling the trolling. But he likes kids, so quickly warms up to the idea of Keith being a new baby brother. Even if he creeps Bruce out. And Keith is constantly creeping him out on purpose...thought Bruce doesn't realize it.
Keith doesn't like the hustle button.
Clay is scared of Keith. Because thanks to living with Branch the trolling can point out all of his safety measures and traps, understand how the work, and how to out smart them.
While practicing, John tries to get Keith toe join in but the trolling will only sing the words in the same flat stale note. Branch knows he's messing with john (Keith naturally sings flat but he's not that tone deaf) but doesn't say anything. Keith is hugging Branch all through out the fight, and along with poppy promises to not leave.
Floyd's too tired to really notice Keith until after he's rescued, however he's curious about the trolling. He feels proud watching Branch take care of trolling, but it also makes his stomach churn. Watching Branch with Poppy and Keith it feels like he's looking in on a family that Branch built and he missed it. Floyd would move into the bunker continuing his recovery, and during that is where he really interacting with Keith. He finds the kid adorable, not in the sparkly eyes way that Branch was but utterly adorable none the less. Keith becomes family to him too.
The fic would conclude with All the brother's accepting the fact that Branch and Keith are a package deal, and apologizing to branch for abandoning him (Keith and Poppy don't let them get away with shit). There's no long five brothers in Brozone, but six....and at least three sister-in-law...
This now has a fic of the beginning
link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/55380961/chapters/140510860
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empressgeekt · 1 month
Saw this online and thought of fof AU post TBT. Branch went from herding one brother to 5-3 depending whether Bruce is there/at least one brother is being mature.
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This is just straight up Keith and Clay's relationship. Branch can't take them anywhere. There's always a debate, and either him or JD (usually him, since JD's kind of in and out) need to watch incase either one of them gets too passionate. Whether or not Keith is using these senecios to bond with Clay or get some semblance of revenge on Branch's behalf is still unknown.
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Keith: *putts spoons decorated to look like brozone in a pickle jar and shakes it* my brother's brothers need to be punished.
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empressgeekt · 6 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight Branch AU (Field of Forget-me-nots part 1)
My hyper fixation continues and for some reason I got this idea while watching a Bug's Life. And i"m thinking of linking this to my Keith and Branch Brother hood Au (link to that post if interested - https://empressgeekt.tumblr.com/post/744629825487126528/trolls-branch-and-keith-brothers-au). I think I'm going to re-name it A Field of Forget-Me-knots Au. If they end up linked that is.
The Au would start before the first movie. Branch is still grey and on his own, with the exception of his little stalker. Keith had been following him for the past year, and branch had taken a reluctant liking to the kid. Pretty much becoming a big/little brother duo that no one in the village gets. Keith's habit of story telling, is encouraged by Branch, who buys the kid notebooks to put his idea on paper. During the summer evenings, Branch would help edit his grammar and spelling, while working on a latest trap as Keith read his latest chapters. The trolling's current story fixation, being one about a trolling knight who protects his village and wears a suit of armor in the brightest green leaves. Branch askes Keith where he found the inspiration for it, and Keith explains that it came to him when he was helping Branch with the alarm systems and predator preventions he made for the village. Branch is flattered when he learn that the kid thinks of him as a hero, but doesn't admit it.
When Keith's birthday rolls around. In addition to another note book, and some custom made drawing pencils, Branch decides to bring Keith's character to life. With all the mechanical know how, he learned from making traps and weapons, (and sewing skills thanks to Grandma), the grey troll can pretty easily fashion together a suit that is both functional and how Keith described it. With room for all the Gadgets that Keith gave his character. Which on the weapons side Branch kind of cheats due to him already having multiple back up bows and spears. He just paints those to match the suit. Keith is ecstatic to see Branch in the suit, and insists on Branch wearing it while they check the traps that day. Branch allows it, partially because it makes the kid happy, and partially because he wants to show off his gadget re-creations. Keith even calls Branch, "Forest Guardian" all through the walk. At some point, Branch falls into a flower patch, and pollen gets all over his hair making it turn into a maroon color.
Their on the last of their safety checks, this one just outside of the village borders, when suddenly the alarm strings go taunt and screaming is heard in the direction of the village. Branch tells Keith to run back to the bunker using their escape tunnels, and keith says that, "Forest Guardian is needed". Branch rushes off, completely forgetting that he's in a ridiculous looking suit, finding a rabid wolf charging through the middle of the village. Most the pods are too high for the predator to reach, but the trolls on the ground are done for...Branch grabs hold of the spear tied to his back.
Poppy is on the ground, trying to get as many trolls away from the wolf, but she's at a lost of what to really do. A predator like this had never gotten this close to the village, so she's scrambling. All she knows is that everyone is screaming and running, their afternoon song is ruined, then suddenly out of nowhere the wolf is taken down. Poppy looks up, and finds a troll with maroon colored hair, clad in armor of the brightest green, their hands gripping a spear that was impaled in to the base of the wolf's skull, killing it. In the corner of her eye, she sees one of the trollings, Keith, Call out "It's Forest Guardian!"
Branch is very uncomfortable with all the people suddenly staring at him, once the wolf is down. Then he hears Keith call out, and suddenly remembers he's in the costume. They don't know who he is. Still he doesn't like being the object of all there attention. Branch rushed back into the woods before Poppy has the chance to thank him.
Keith meets Branch back at the bunker. Branch immediately takes off the suit, and confronts Keith as to why he was in the village and not safe in the bunker. Keith said he wanted to see Forest Guardian in action. Branch retorts he's not Forest Guardian. Keith said he could be, and gets upset, because he based a the character off of branch, but the grey troll doesn't want to be a hero. Branch said he wasn't a hero. Keith says that he is, and recounts all he does for the villages protection and no one sees it! And they are all mean to branch. It makes the trolling frustrated, and this way they can be nicer to branch without Branch having to deal with them invading his personal privacy.
Eventually Branch gives in, after all the armor stopped him from getting hurt by the wolf, and it would make it easier to carry needed essentials. So when ever he goes after predators that get too close to the village he wears the suit. Keith promises to be Branch's man on the inside and reports to the grey troll on all the rumors that were spread about them. They have a good laugh over it.
Meanwhile, the village is set on fire with news of their new hero. People are gossiping and word of the "Forest Guardian" is spreading fast. And one troll in particular has become engulfed by the flames. Poppy has become obessed with the Forest Guardian. She wants to thank him, know who he is, and become his best friend. No she is totally not fangirling over him, like the twins tease. The snackpack is equally enthralled with the new village hero. Cooper, Biggie, And GD are impressed with how cool he looked, The twins have been making fan wear based on eye witnesses on the armor, Fuzzbert and DJ Suki want to know who his gear works, and Smidge wants to know where he learned how to take down a wolf. They are all willing to help Poppy find the Guardian. Creek is grateful for the new hero, but he is a little apprehensive about Poppy wanting to find him. After all he could be dangerous, and what kind of troll would use violence before friendship.
Nothing could stop Poppy's hunt. She askes everyone in the village what they know about the Forest Guardian. She sadly doesn't get much information. Until she asks Keith. The little trolling tells her all about how the Guardian lives out side of the village in the forest, and that he's been defending the village from predators for years, the wolf had been a rare instance when they snuck passed his defenses.
Poppy: Keith how do you know about this?
Keith: I see him. I go into the woods sometimes, he's always looking out for us.
Poppy: And no one knows? No one's thanked him!
Keith: He's shy and a little different. He doesn't think the village will accept him.
Poppy: He's our hero, we'd always accept him
Keith: he doesn't think so. He's seen how you treat other people who aren't like you.
Poppy: We aren't mean.
Keith: not actively.
Poppy: Look Keith Sweetie, you think you can get me meeting with him?
Keith agrees and leads poppy out into the woods. And calls out to the "Guardian". Branch and the trolling had come to an agreement that if he was refered to Guardian or Forest, then someone was with th trolling and Branch needed to play the part. Branch just didn't think Keith would bring the princess of all trolls. Poppy excitedly begins to ramble, until Branch clears his throat. In a deeper voice he sends Keith home, and asks what Poppy wants.
Poppy: We'll first to say thank you
Branch: I don't do this for thanks your highness
Poppy: Well, we're going to give it to you now that we know about you! Especially since you've been protecting all of us for so long.
Branch: How do you know about that?
Poppy: Keith told me.
Branch: Of course.
Poppy: Now, to show you how grateful the village is for all your work, we're throwing a party for you and officially inviting you-
Branch: Pass.
Poppy: WHat?
Branch: Apologizes for my brashness Princess, but I do not enjoy big loud parties.
Poppy: Why not?
Branch: You're larger celebrations attract a lot of attention from Predators your highness. Any part you through means a lot of work and stress for me. After years of this, I've lost my taste for such gatherings
Poppy's thrown by this, but in some form understands. The Forest Guardian's work is dangerous, he could've gotten hurt many times over while they partied. She had no idea that their parties attracted predators. She asks if their was any way to prevent that
Branch is shocked, all he had to do was save the village and put on a mask and suddenly people wanted to listen to him?! Taking advantage of this new found respect. Branch takes Poppy around the forest explaining how he keeps everyone safe from the forest, and just how vulnerable they all are. And that he deosn't want them to stop their fun, he just doesn't want anyone to get hurt or worse.
Poppy takes all this information, back home to her father, and suggests a few changes to make life better for both their guardian and the village. Peppy says that some of these suggestions would need to be consulted by the council however one of them they wouldn't need approval for. When talking with Keith the trolling had offered a less explosive way of thanking the Forest Guardian. Peppy agrees to knight the hero.
Word spreads quickly as troll village hadn't had a knight since before bergen town was established. So everyone is really excited. When keith tells Branch about the knighting thing, it's really surprising to the grey troll. After all he only took down one wolf their acting like he conquered the sun for them. Still the kid talks branch into going to the ceremony.
The ceremony goes smoothly although branch doesn't stay very long at the after party. Keeping up appearances is hard. Not to mention Poppy is all over him wanting to dance and find out his real name. He doesn't give it. Still some how rumors fly about hiw the princess and the new knight are smitten with each other. Keith teases branch about when ever they meet up. Branch is just worried about Poppy getting too close to him. After all in reality he isn't the hero they all think he is.
Life goes on, Poppy tries to reason for more safety measures but the council won't allow them. She goes to branch as the forest guardian for help. Shockingly its easier to standup and reason his ideals while in costume. He gets them to think about it, and Poppy offers lunch as a thanks. She disappointed that he won't take off his mask to eat, which leads to a conversation over why he hides his face. Once more rumors about the knight and princess pick up pace.
When the 20th freedom anniversary rolls around, Poppy trie to invite the knight but Branch declines saying that such a party 2as too big of a risk during predator season. Poppy doesn't head his word as Guardian or normal branch and goes trhough with it. You all know how this ends. Poppy goes to the bunker and asks Branch if he has seen Forst Guardian any where worried about if the Bergan had already gotten to him as he didn't show up to fight the bergen. Branch said he didn't know. As in canon Poppy stuffs the village in his bunker. Keith tells Branch to go after her as Guardian. They both know Poppy has 0 to none on survival skills, and this way no one will stumble onto his secret while in the bunker.
Poppy is at first thrilled when Forest Guardian joins her, however her excitement dwindles as she realizes that he's more of a grump then she thought their hero was. He doesn't join in on her songs and she's desperate to hear his voice. So also probs him on his back story, which Branch lies and says, "I don't have any."
Poppy: what how?
"Leta just sya that the story of the escape isn't as happy as everyone makes it out to be princess."
Cloud guy pissess him off as usual. And they can't spare Creek from getting "eaten". When freeing the snack pack, some of them ask for his autograph which, branch thinks their crazy for. Not the time and who has a pen on them at the moment anyway.
Branch still refuses to sing, with Bridget, and when cornered all he can say is that it tore his family apart. With a mix of truth and lies forest guardian says that he used to sing all the time with his family, but that made them prime targets for bergens. He became silent that's what saved him. "So forgive me if I'm not comfortable with singing in bergen filled town. I stay silent so that others don't have to."
The date goes the same, only Poppy is more giggly than in canon when Branch says she has a nice smile.
They both choke creek
True colors happens
then when confronting the chef, she doesn't react for Branch when she tries to for feed gristle. She reaches for Poppy. Branch jumps in and stabs the chef in the hand protecting the princess. Chef would then pull out a knife and with it smach brnahc into the far wall. Severally injuring him. Gristle orders for Chef to be captured. While Poppy runs over to Branch. She pulls off the mask and reveals the identity of the village hero. Shocking everyone.
Brnach remains unconscious for weeks afte the event. Poppy and Keith at his bed side. The village is rebuild. Peppy announced his retirement. And Poppy planns to create a team of well trained trolls to help bench protect the village.
When he does wake up, Branch is welcomed back home and offered the position of head of village security. If he wants it. With peace with the bergen established. Branch accepts the job. Creating the Forest Guardian's. Pop villages own defences force.
Not sure what will happen in the othe movies yet, but branch is definitely sporting a new scar that JD will freak out about.
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empressgeekt · 1 month
Keith: My big brother is gonna save me. I don't need to worry about anything, the Forest Guardian is the greatest hero in the whole wide world!
Floyd: Uh, I'm glad you have so much faith in your brother, but I'm not sure if even a great hero can break diamond.
Keith: He'll find a way, he will NEVER abandon me!
Floyd, feeling like an arrow stuck his heart: That felt... personal.
Keith is a sassy Grub! and Floyd is a pin cushion waiting to be stabbed.
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empressgeekt · 5 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight and the Time Travel Bodyswap
okay I'm on moble. So apologies in advance.
I recently found a fic on Ao3 about brozone swapping bodies with their younger-selves (specifically during the split up fight) with what I'm guessing is their post TBT selves. I link it when I have the time.
Here's my taken on this awesome concept. In the Field of Forgetmenots AU! Highly recommend looking at the posts for this au before reading on ward. You have been warned.
The plot starts with Floyd's POV. He's in the background of his brothers fighting after Branch's first show. Part of him wants to intervene but at this point he knows it will do nothing. He sees little Bitty standing off the side looking terrified, as he walks over to comfort the young trolling, his vision twists and blacks out. He comes too with a dirt ceiling overhead, with a numb body. He thinks he's been drugged by a crazed fan then kidnapped, and tries to get off the bed he's on only to fall to the floor when his limbs begin to burn with pain. He's found by a green trolling with blue hair and eyes, and he struggles on floor finally seeing the paleness of his limbs and paralyses he feels. A scarred dulled troll comes in. It takes a moment of his fussing for Floyd to realize that he's staring at his grown up baby brother. His grown up baby brother who lifts him with ease and sets him on the bed while checking over his body.
Branch was worried when Keith came running in saying that Floyd fell. The Knight had taken in his older brother (plus Clay) to help Floyd recover from the damage the diamond bottle did to him. Its been a few months and sadly Floyd is still weak and adjusting to the after effects. He can't walk, unable to keep himself warm, and has flare ups when his body re-crystalizes, that for all they know could be fatal. Not to mention, all the psychological damage the kidnapping did, and Floyd insisting that he's fine when he's really not. Needless to say, when Keith comes to tell Branch that Floyd is on the floor panicking, he reacts with urgency. The knight drops what he's doing (making breakfast), and rushes to tend to his brother he runs through all the checks, Flare up? Nope. Nightmare? Doesn't seem like it. He doesn't feel any injuries. However, Branch is extremely concerned when Floyd starts talking like he's confused about the date and how big Branch got. He makes a plan to take Floyd to the hospital to get checked out.
Let's switch gears over to Clay. He's first in heated fight with John and Spruce when his world becomes fuzzy and suddenly he's waking up with his face on top of a work desk. He jerks up, finding himself in an office. A boring office. A troll walks in, calls him "Mr. Clay" says their his assistant and ask if he's okay before telling him about Branch taking Floyd to to hospital so he might need to pick up Keith from school that day, then they leave. Clay is left with many many questions, but it's okay on top of sad books he's read many mystery novels he's fully prepared to handle this. If this was his office it had to have a calendar. He is not pleased to find the date is over twenty years passed what it was a few minutes ago. Then everything that the assistant mentioned settled. Floyd was in the hospital?! Branch had to take him? Branch could take him? And who the heck was Keith?! Why was Clay picking him up from school?! During this spiral, Who of all trolls walks in but Princess Viva (or Captain Viva as he would later learn she was called). Clay asks why she's here, and he learns that Viva heard about Floyd and thought to check in on her Boyfriend. That was not the answer Clay was expecting.
Flipping back to Floyd. Hospitals already freak him out, and now he apparently had a chronic condition, that doctors still weren't sure how it works. Even worse he can see how worried Branch is over this. As such he just doesn't mention the Time travel/amnesia thing going on. Last thing he needs is to stress it baby brother out, especially since it's obvious that Branch had been taking care of Floyd since the diagnoses that he can't remember. On top of taking care of a kid no doubt. Even if Floyd isn't sure how Keith is related to them (He doesn't call Branch dad or Floyd uncle, and doing the math it would mean that Branch would have to have had Keith while he was a teenager), it's clear that Branch is raising that kid. Branch's girlfriend (doesn't that just bring many colorful images to mind) meets them at the hospital. She takes over, calming Branch down easily, and talking to the doctors, who much too everyone's relief nothing physical has changed since Floyd's last appointment. Branch has to leave for work after that, but Poppy takes Floyd back to the hideout he suddenly lives in.
Clay is left reeling, through out the day he's trying to learn all about this modern day. He'd completely forgotten about needing to collect a trolling from the school until his assistant mentions it. He runs out of the admin building looking for the school. It took a nearly twenty minutes to figure out where the school was, and by the time he arrived the teachers were getting ready to look for either him or Branch. He apologize profusely, but thankfully the head teacher assumes his questionable behavior was due to Floyd being hospitalized. Then Clay is saddled with Keith, a little Green and blue trolling that the teacher calls his brother. Clay doesn't really know where Keith came from (he thought his parents were dead), but doesn't question it out loud. He's been a big brother before he can totally take this kid home...if he knew where his new home was. No one was living with grandma now, clearly. Thankfully, Keith knows the way. Clay tries to make conversation, but Keith only really either stares blankly or looked slightly confused. Geez, didn't that make Clay feel good about his relationship with this new youngest brother. Did he ever spend time with this kid?
They arrive at the bunker, finding Poppy and Floyd inside. Keith lights up as Poppy running over and beginning to tell her about his day. Clay however, doesn't pay much attention to this red-headed version of Viva, rather he hones in on his younger brother who's in a wheelchair and looks on the brink of death. Clay demands to know what happened, while Floyd tries to deflect saying weird dream. Clay knows he's lying right away. Thankfully Poppy has pulled Keith into the kitchen to start on dinner and homework. Clay comes clean about not remembering any of the passed 20 years, Floyd breaths a sigh of relief know that it isn't his sickness that caused the memory loss.
Clay: Do you know the kind of day I had? I'm a CPA! twenty years down the line and I'm a CPA, John would hate that! It's a boring job. But I love it. and I'm dating the crown princess apparently.
Floyd: You thought your day was weird? I can't walk Clay. I've been questioning my own sanity since i woke up. Because I have a TBI and could lose my mind any second.
Clay: TBI? How'd you get a TBI?
Floyd: I don't remember. Poppy and Branch have been tip-toeing around me having some sort of accident. But they won't tell me what. and I'm scared to ask because it would make me look crazy!
Branch would come home at that point. They both are surprised by the Forest Guardian Armor, and Clay even more freaked out seeing the scars, muted colors, and blinded eye that Branch was sporting now. Keith is over joyed and greets Branch warmly. It's obvious these two are close in ways that this grown up Branch isn't with his older brothers. Dinner is served but it doesn't comfort the elder two brothers.
Why don't we check in on Vacay Island for a second. Spruce one moment was fighting with john and the next wakes up one morning next to a Giant yellow woman, who claims to be his wife. Brandy immediately figures out her husband doesn't remember the last twenty years. She explains everything to him using family photos to prove everything. Spruce is lost in confusion, as he listens he had no choice but to believe her, he certainly wasn't in his teenaged body anymore. It hurts to learn that the last night he remembered was the night his family broke apart, and only after 20 years was his brothers comfortable enough to reconnect. Then Brandy mentions that Floyd was kidnapped....suddenly Spruce, or Bruce as Brandy tells him he goes by, needs to see his little brothers. Make sure that their all okay. Brandy agrees and he wonders how on earth his heartthrobness managed to charm his goddess among mortals.
And finally let's get to the eldest. John was in his grandmother's pod, terrified and angry, then he was waking up in a transportation critter in the woods. In the mirror his older self stares back, and he's scared all over again. Time has passed but he doesn't know why or how. Thankfully he finds the journals his older self kept. He spends the day learning what had happened over the passed 20 years. He breakdown when he reads the entry talking about the empty destroyed tree. Only to relax when he reads about the reunion and freeing Floyd.
Rhonda has been watching all of this and sneses something wrong with her owner, against his will she drives strait to troll village.
Once both him and Bruce arrive at the same time and end up explaining that both have the same memory loss. Shockley learning that both Clay and Floyd are the same. Grown up Branch is weird and it hurts to learn where the main scar came from. Floyd is horrifying to his older brothers, they just want to bundle him up and never let anyone touch him. they all talk in Floyd's room about what they need to to do to get their memories back...none of them notice Keith is listening from behind the cracked door.
Branch confronts them at dinner that night. It isn't pretty. Branch is not going to put up with the "We're trying to protect you" routine. And to their shock, takes charge of the room, saying that he and them already had that fight about that topic, and how he doesn't need them anymore. He had Poppy and Keith, and the only reason that Floyd is staying here because branch knows he can't take care of himself. He'll help them, but he won't tolerate arguing. they need to settle their teenaged issues with each other. Because if Keith has to deal with their fights like Branch had to endure, he'd kick them all out.
I'm not sure about how the ending would work yet, but all the brothers would be brought back to the moment they left. And vowed to stay together as a family. In one time line, Branch would have the brothers he deserved.
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empressgeekt · 1 month
And the whole time Branch is probably refusing to take his mask off and John Dory has to explain to the siblings that the jerk who basically kidnapped them all is Baby Branch, who is on a hell path to save the Queen of Pop and why he needs them. Question is, do they know he's dating said Queen or simply suspect he's a particularly fanatic guard?
They make a bet. Bruce thinks this is a romantic relationship. Clay just thinks Branch takes his job seriously. Jd refuses to take sides and hides all the coffee from Branch.
Bruce wins the bet when they find Branch and Poppy sleeping together.
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empressgeekt · 1 month
Poppy Trapped with Floyd would probably just as painful. Like, Poppy would probably tell him about Branch, but in a way that unintentionally (or perhaps intentionally) reminds him of how bad a sibling he'd been. Like mentioning how she's CERTAIN Branch would come for them and how he'd never stop until she's safe. How he'd even once saved her from the Chef and jumped in front of an actual LAZER to protect her. And poor Floyd is here like "My baby brother is alive... wai, he did WHAT!?"
It doesn't matter if it's intentionally or not, by the end of it with Poppy there Floyd is going to have a heart attack neither way.
Poppy: Oh. Please he was fine. The Rock Zombie thing was small in comparison to the chef nearly cutting him in half, he was in a coma for months and lost his eye.
Floyd: *heavy breathing*....I think I need a hospital...
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empressgeekt · 1 month
I imagine in the Crystal Poppy and Keith au variant, Branch is EXTREMELY aggressive with his brothers. Very much against even the idea of spending time with them, only even going along to save his family, and their habit of still treating him like a child would cause him no end of annoyance.he makes it no secret he'd rather be anywhere else and is only just tolerating them.
oh this Branch has no chill. He doesn't even ask. He just straight up kidnaps Bruce. Literally plucks his older brother out of the ocean, ties him up in his hair, and starts to drag Bruce back to Rhonda. No explanation. And blows off the golf course door with a bomb the moment he thinks Viva won't let them leave.
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empressgeekt · 2 months
This idea came to me randomly and idk how canon it is in your AU but I had this thought of what if Keith’s biggest piece of resenting Brach’s older brothers came from when Branch was in a coma.
Three weeks is bad enough but three months must have been agony. Idk when Keith gets told about Brozone but upon meeting them I can feel Keith having this bitterness of ‘you weren’t there. You didn’t care’. Like imagine your older brother was injured so badly he lost sight in one of his eyes, has a huge scar, and was in a coma.
The sheer mental tax must have been agony to Keith and the fact that the rest of Branch’s brothers weren’t there to experience that worry and pain must have been a hot dagger in Keith’s chest. ‘How dare you show up now? Why weren’t you there when you were needed?’
Like he wishes he could take that pain and throw it at the older brothers. The grief from Branch’s injury would definitely resurface.
Keith learns about Brozone during Branch's grey period. He stumbles on too some of the pictures Branch managed to save. This lead to a very hard talk about branch's bio family. And yes Keith does hold this over Brozone's heads. Especially when Branch reveals his scar to them.
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empressgeekt · 6 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight Goes on a World Tour (Field of Forget-me-nots Part 2)
Okay so I didn't think I was going to make a part two (or three depending on how you count the posts, as The Keith and Branch Brothers AU now happens in the same AU), but here we are.
Part one of this au, is that Branch has taken Keith in as a younger brother, and for Keith's birthday, he dresses up as a character, The Forest Guardian, from one of the trolling's story. While in costume Branch saves the village from a wolf and becomes a knight with out anyone know who he was. Then the events of the first movie.
Link to that first post if interested - https://empressgeekt.tumblr.com/post/745937705603661824/trolls-vigilante-branch-au
Now on to this part's summery.
We pick up three months after the first movie. Branch is fully healed from his wounds from the Chef, but he isn't unmarked from it. Sure, he has his colors back, but they fluctuate. And he has a scar from her knife. It runs up his leg, torso and across his face. Thankfully the blade missed his neck otherwise he'd be dead, but it's a hard thing to hide. Especially since he's been blinded in one eye, because of it. Keith thinks it looks cool though, and writes the events of his scaring into his Guardian book.
The defense force that Poppy and Peppy had placed him in charge of is developing well enough. Branch has put together a training course for new recruits and per his recommendation a main station, outer-security wall with lookouts, and outposts further from the village were built. Once that was complete volunteers were being taken. Smidge volunteered for it right away, and excelled during her training. Branch makes her his second in command.
Over all Life hasn't changed that much ins Pop Village, the only differences being that they were at peace with the bergens and some trolls have new jobs. When Branch and Smidge aren't working, they're hanging out with the SnackPack (or taking care of Keith in Branch's case). Even before Poppy was crowned queen, she and Branch work more closely, Branch is in charge of village safety and many of his decisions need to have approval of royalty. Poppy also asks Branch to train her, during which Branch's crush develops beyond a fancy as watching Poppy shoot a bow and arrow like robinhood is very hot to him. Keith teases him everytime he blushes around the Queen.
Life continues on. Guy Diamond has Tiny, which I'm not sure if I should make Branch the midwife for or not (because Branch is trained in this canonically if this deleted clip is anything to go by Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ioxfzsKv4&list=LL&index=2). Then Debbie shows up. Branch is kind of upset that Peppy never told Poppy, and by extension him, about the other tribes. If they were a threat they were something he needed to know about. Poppy still believes that Barb wants to reunite the trolls and Branch still chooses to go with her to keep her safe. Once more clad in his Forest Guardian attire. He leaves Smidge in charge of the guard and Peppy in charge of Keith.
Poppy doesn't kick all the weapons off the Balloon this time, because Branch packed her bow with the other spears and getting rid of it would be mean throwing away her newly prized weapon. Half way through their flight to symphonyville (I can not spell), they hear a very small sneeze. Keith has snuck aboard, not biggie. Branch is very frustrated with this, after all his kid is currently on a mission that he feels could be extremely dangerous.
Keith's reasons for sneaking aboard, he wants to start his guard training early and that Branch needs a wingman, because watching him crush over the queen is starting to get embarrassing. Branch can feel his hair turning white through out this interaction.
At symphonyville, Keith is clinging to Branch's leg the whole time. The destuction is like that of Pop village after Chef attacked. They get the whole story from Pennywhisle, and need to decide what to do next. Branch immediately wants to go home and fortify defenses. Poppy agrees, but wants to reach out to the other tribes to warn them at the very least and maybe form alliances in case of attack. Branch think that their military is till too fresh for that, and way to small. Poppy continues to argue her side and eventually Branch is forced to agree.
Country territory is closest, so they head there. Branch talks Poppy out of doing the pop medley because it would probably offend the country trolls. Keith's on his side too, as they both know what it's like to have things they don't like shoved in their face. This is how the country trolls are and they like it. Poppy reluctantly agrees but she still thinks that the country trolls need cheering up. They meet with Delta Dawn and begin to share information they have regarding Barb. Keith's role in this is to distract Clampers. The Children get along like water and rain (honestly these two would be great friends they could totally bond over biting people). Delta mis-takes Keith for Poppy and Branch's son, which they quickly correct with an awkward laugh. Delta still doesn't want to involved, so Branch and Poppy leave. but not before meeting up with a "Country" trolls named Hickory, who offeres to boat them to Funk territory.
This tips off Branch and Keith as suspicious, after all since when did Hickory know about where they were going and what they were doing, but Poppy doesn't notice and quickly agrees. Keith still enjoys the boat ride, so Branch is watching the trolling with one eye, and Hickory with the other. When Chaz shows up, Branch manages to pull out his bow and shoot the bounty hunter's instrument away, due to his suit covering his ears. After checking Keith over, he hears Hickory mention bounty hunters and pulls Poppy aside. they Have an argument with Branch pointing out everything he's be noticing and how Poppy can't just keep dismissing him. It's his job to keep her safe and the rest of the Pop trolls they need to work together. Then he asks if something else it going on, because once she knew he wasn't just spouting paranoid rants, she didn't have a problem listening to his suggestions. Poppy cracks and breaks that she's worried about being a good leader after all the good her father did, how could she ever measure up to that. Branch says that he's not sure what will make her great, but that a good leader should listen, and that maybe she's putting her father on a pedestal, he isn't the perfect king she thinks he is. Poppy starts seriously crushing on Branch after that.
The ride continues. Hickory and Branch talk about the knight's feelings for Poppy, and Branch just says it isn't the right time she's dealing with too much right now. On the flip side, Keith talks to Poppy about her new found crush on Branch. The future couple might be blind but Keith sure ain't and he's willing to do anything to make his brother happy.
They get sucked up into vibe city, with Branch nearly shooting Hickory with an arrow after he got in his the face with a guitar. Poppy and Keith end up sharing a bubble, as they were taken up to the city. Keith quickly charms Essence and Q, and they complement, Branch on his child rearing. Keith Also crawls into Branch's hair after hearing Cooper's story with his twin, knowing that it could hurt the knight on an emotional level.
One history lesson later...
"Wait if we split everyone apart, are we bad guys?" Keith said.
"Not us, bud, but some people who were like us did. We need to do better then them okay?" Branch would say.
Poppy Branch and Keith get caught in the same bubble during the escape, with Hickory separated form them. Poppy says she doesn't know what to do. Branch tells her they need to go home to protect every one. They need to be there for the last stand against Barb. Poppy finally listening, agrees only for them to be attacked by the Reggaetón trolls and K-pop gang before they can leave. Branch tells Poppy to take Keith and run. Branch pulls out his spear ready to fight when K-pop grabs him, que dance battle...
Poppy runs with Keith, the trolling upset in her arms. They run into Hickory, where Poppy rants about everything and losing Branch pulling the pop string form her hair, que hickory and dickory reveal. Keith says he called it.
Barb comes in and takes Poppy. She tries to mockingly dote on Keith only for him to bite her. She's impressed, and says she didn't think a popsqueak like Poppy could have such vicious offspring, and that the kid must take after his dad. Poppy's too mad to correct Barb, just fighting against the guards to get Keith back. Branch told her to protect the trolling, and she will do so. She never lets go of Keith when their in the cell.
Both Poppy and Keith are horrified when Branch Jumps in front of them. Keith even starts crying, thinking he'd lost his brother for good. The sound of Keith's wails make Branch hesitate and starts to fight back against the power-cord's power. He'd too busy to fighting himself to obey Barb's orders. Still Poppy stuffs gumdrops into her and Keith's ears, and then runs escapes from the cell listening to Keith's insturctions to pick the lock. Poppy Jumps down, and charges at Barb stealing the guitar. Keith Bites the rock queen again. The guitar is destoryed and branch is freed from the mind control. To Branch's horror he wakes to his little brother and the woman his loves already fully grey.
Just sing happens and poppy, gives Branch a kiss on the cheek, finally confessing. All the leaders get together, to plan for repairs of their homes, and how prevent this situation from happening again. Trollstopia is born, and suddenly Branch needs to figure out how to train other types of trolls for the guard.
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