newsbites · 1 year
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Chiefs and leaders of the Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship (FNFFS) are in Ottawa this week to meet federal decision-makers to discuss the importance of the sustainable salmon farming industry in British Columbia. They are also there to emphasize the negative impact of current federal government policy decisions to remove salmon farms on Indigenous rights and title issues, food security, affordability, jobs, and reconciliation in rural, coastal and Indigenous communities.
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gideongravesyaoi · 9 days
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voidxfantasy · 11 months
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wtf is this.
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pantrygeist · 10 months
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You know, I considered keeping these in my inbox, make it an aquarium, but I think it's best if I set them free Just look at how shiny they are!! Absolutely lovely little dudes, I love their coloring and frilly fins
#thank you so much for sending me these!!#they made my week tbh#goofy little fellas#Their names are really interesting too! They are also called 'Devils Hole Fish' in english#And 'Teufelskärpfling' in german which roughly translates to 'Devils finfish' in english#They are about 2 to 3 cm long which is like one or two inches I think? I have no idea about inches and all that#The individuals in this image are (as seen in the file name) male which can be seen in their blue color; in general they are silvery white#(with in general I mean outside the mating season; the female fish are silver all the time iirc)#They are endangered and only live in one place which is also where they were discovered around 1830? or 1890...or 1930? I hate numbers :(#it's one of those I'm sure#That place would be a limestone basin above a warm water source called the Devils hole (hence the name of the fish)#That water source is located 15m underneath the ground and the basin above it is about as big as a small room I'd say#People have tried to grow the population artifically but it failed which is tragic since the population in that basin is still declining#as far as I know at least; it's possible I missed something and it went back up again but last I knew there were like only... 110 of them?#This is because of a pump station located very closely to this Devil's hole (can you see I find that name is amusing?)#is stopping the water in that basin from rising; and therefore endangering the habitat of these fish#The close by Hover Damn is also responsible for this and researching this I did not expect this name to pop up#Fallout New Vegas follows me everywhere it would seem#And also! They eat diatoms which are some funky looking things as well! Algae if I remember correctly#I highly highly highly recommend looking at pictures of those#They are pretty pretty; trust me on this#Also; and feel free to ignore this; but these guys give me Mirage and V1 from Ultrakill vibes#based on the color mostly#Although really; show me anything blue and metallic and I will find a way to make it about them#Don't even get me started on color associations; I will not shut up and that is a promise#I could make one of those 5 hour breakdowns of why which shade of any color makes me think of the little idiots that occupy my mind 24/7
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gayarcstrider · 2 years
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spitedloser · 2 years
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thank fuckin god
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oaresearchpaper · 6 months
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sharepresentation · 1 year
A fish hatchery is a place for artificial breeding, hatching, and rearing through the early life stages of animals—finfish and shellfish in particular.
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orbitbrain · 2 years
European Lawmaker Targeted With Cytrox Predator Surveillance Spyware
European Lawmaker Targeted With Cytrox Predator Surveillance Spyware
Home › Cyberwarfare European Lawmaker Targeted With Cytrox Predator Surveillance Spyware By Ryan Naraine on July 26, 2022 Tweet A security audit by the European Parliament has unearthed attempts to plant high-end surveillance software on the phone of a Greek lawmaker and there are fresh reports linking the hack attempt to a known North Macedonia spyware vendor. The company, called Cytrox, was…
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I was really enjoying batman unburied but Batmans Voice. I. I can't. I don't know if I'm strong enought to continue.
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Colorful Celtic Sea
Billows of light greens and blues spanning hundreds of kilometers brightened the waters of the Celtic Sea in spring 2024. Phytoplankton blooms often appear in northern seas as surface waters grow warmer and receive more sunlight in the spring. Satellites glimpsed the emergence of this colorful area for over a week before the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) on NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired this natural-color image on May 10.
Phytoplankton are tiny, plant-like organisms that often float near the ocean surface. With enough carbon dioxide, sunlight, and nutrients, they can grow in massive numbers. In turn, they form the foundation of the aquatic food web, feeding everything from microscopic zooplankton to shellfish to finfish.
Warming in the spring and early summer sets the stage for stunning blooms to occur in northern waters such as the Celtic Sea, North Sea, and Barents Sea. Early in the season, when waters are well-mixed and nutrients are plentiful, blooms of diatoms tend to dominate. These phytoplankton, with their silica shells and ample chlorophyll, color the surface waters green. As the water warms and stratifies, conditions favor a type of phytoplankton called coccolithophores. Armored with plates of highly reflective calcium carbonate, they make surface waters appear a milky turquoise-blue.
The combination of colors in this bloom may be due to a mix of phytoplankton types. Alternatively, the variety of hues may stem from abundant colored dissolved organic matter in the vicinity of the bloom, which can make seawater appear anywhere from green to yellow-green to brown depending on the concentration.
Determining which phytoplankton species are present within a bloom has only been possible by analyzing water samples. However, scientists could soon be able to distinguish phytoplankton types from space. The OCI (Ocean Color Instrument) on NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) satellite, launched in February 2024, can detect hundreds of wavelengths of light and may be able to reveal the species makeup of blooms such as these.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Michala Garrison, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Lindsey Doermann.
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camusclizzard · 24 days
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atlatszo · 9 months
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This day in history
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Today (Apr 30) at 2PM, I’ll be at the San Francisco Public Library with my new book, Red Team Blues, hosted by Annalee Newitz.
Tuesday (May 2) I’ll be in Portland at the Cedar Hills Powell’s with Andy Baio.
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#15yrsago HOWTO keep your laptop from being searched at the border (it’s hard) https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/05/protecting-yourself-suspicionless-searches-while-t
#15yrsago EFF and security experts to Congress: We need hearings on Customs laptop seizures and snooping https://www.eff.org/press/archives/2008/05/01
#10yrsago Mozilla to FinSpy: stop disguising your “lawful interception” spyware as Firefox https://www.wired.com/2013/04/finfisher-firefox/
#10yrsago EFF challenges bogus 3D printing patents https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/04/eff-partners-challenge
#5yrsago Hope Larson’s “All Summer Long,” lively YA graphic novel about tween friendships, rock and roll, and being yourself https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/01/hope-larsons-all-summer-long-lively-ya-graphic-novel-about-tween-friendships-rock-and-roll-and-being-yourself/
#5yrsago Speaking in my professional capacity as a dystopian science fiction writer… https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/01/speaking-in-my-professional-capacity-as-a-dystopian-science-fiction-writer/
#5yrsago It’s back! British Conservative politicians’ habitual “go ahead, kick me in the balls, I can take it” pose https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/apr/30/sajid-javid-tory-power-stance
#5yrsago McDonald’s workers across the UK are striking https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/may/01/mcstrike-mcdonalds-workers-walk-out-over-zero-hours-contracts
#5yrsago George Mason economics department admits it sold hiring control to anonymous, super-rich donors https://crookedtimber.org/2018/05/01/the-public-choice-of-public-choice/
#5yrsago Thousands of prominent AI researchers tell Nature they won’t have anything to do with its new paywalled journal https://openaccess.engineering.oregonstate.edu
#5yrsago Parliament to Zuck: show up or else https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/1/17306684/uk-zuckerberg-testimony-facebook-data-privacy
#5yrsago Right wing snowflakes moaning about Michelle Wolf’s hilarious White House Press Corps monologue show us real “PC” https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/04/what-being-politically-incorrect-actually-looks-like/
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Mountain View, Berkeley, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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suntimeswolliw · 2 years
oh shoot i forgot to finfish todays inktober drawing uhhh hold on
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encyclopika · 1 year
Animal Crossing Fish Dish Friday - #16
Brought to you by a marine biologist and a salad of confusion...
Seafood Salad
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In ACNH: 1. Randomly obtain from any Villager who is cooking or at your Restaurant in Happy Home Paradise 2. Cook at a stove with 1 Sweet Shrimp and 1 Squid.
In real life: from the United States
Fish of Choice: It's crab - either imitation (which tastes great and is easy to obtain & use - it's real meat, just not actually from crab (it's Haddock or another finfish)) or the real deal. Judging from the way the ACNH seafood salad looks like, it's a combination confusion about what seafood salad actually is. If you're going for the look of the ACNH meal, cooked squid and shrimp will be needed.
Look under the cut for ingredients and how-to prepare, because I'm actually covering the 2 dishes this ACNH fish dish thinks it is.
The ACNH dish looks a hell of a lot like a Crab Louie, which is a type of seafood salad that actually looks like a traditional salad. Just like in some salads where you add grilled chicken, the Crab Louie is a salad you add crab to. Though the origins are a bit murky, this particular salad was being served in California around 1914, so that's neat. Anyway, you'll notice the ACNH Seafood salad looks most like the Crab Louie by actually being a salad with lettuce and other veggies:
How to prepare the Crab Louie: On a bed of iceberg lettuce, add crab (imitation or not), hard boiled egg, tomato, and asparagus. The dressing is Louis dressing, which is a combination of mayo and chili sauce. Like any salad, mix and match what you like. (I'd personally take out the asparagus because I don't understand asparagus in a cold salad.)
Actual Seafood Salad is more like potato salad than a traditional, lettuce-based salad. These are typically shrimp and imitation crab-based (essentially the "seafood" in the seafood salad, just as potatoes are the "potato" in the potato salad), with red onion, celery, and dill all mixed in mayo, old bay seasoning, and a bit of lemon juice.
So yeah, I don't know if ACNH knew what it was doing or if it just went "seafood salad? That's easy!"
And there you have it. Bon apetite!
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