#Fire proof safe Singapore
kmhonco · 5 months
Digital safes
Filedex Marketing (S) PTE LTD provides fire proof resistant security safes, including Booil, Eagle, Burglary, Mechanical, Cupboard, Filing cabinet, Digital safes, etc. for protecting your important documents and valuables in Singapore at reliable prices. Our security safes are suitable for home, Hotel and office use.
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Need Help For Wills Registry in Singapore?
The difficult aspect of considering death and its consequences is now complete. Your wishes are now clearly stated in your will, and your loved ones are well-provided for with Wills Registry in Singapore. But there's one more thing to do. In order for your will to be properly executed, your executor must have possession of or access to your will in order to petition for a Grant of Probate in the Family Justice Courts. As a result, it's critical to keep your Wills Registry in Singapore safe and make sure it's accessible to your executor.
What is Will Custody Service, and how does it work?
Will custody is a form of service that allows us to keep their legal documents safe and secure.
What Should I Do With My Will?
Secure Will Custody is critical in Singapore, and you should take it very seriously. Your documents should be stored in a safe location where they can't be readily destroyed or interfered with. When your executor applies for a probate grant, a manipulated choice that is destroyed will cause issues. There may even be legal issues with your Will's legality.
We provide a professional Will Custody in Singapore to store your Will securely. We will scan a digital soft copy of the original Will and keep the soft copy on our secured server. The original Will, will be held in a fire and waterproof place very carefully. 
Keeping Your Will at Home:
While it is acceptable to leave your Will at home, you should keep it in a safe location at home. For instance, your Will should not be in a place where your family members/ helper may unintentionally, without knowing what the document is, find it and throw it away.
Keeping Your Will with Third Parties:
Keeping your Will at home is not the best option. There are various professional Will Custody services in Singapore that you can consider. For example, some companies offer to keep a soft copy of your signed Will and keep the original signed Will in a fire-proof and water-proof vault protecting your documents from any damage or tampering.
You may also consider keeping your Wills Registry in Singapore with local banks' safe deposit box services. You may also hold other valuables safely in the secure deposit box.
Singapore Probate Lawyer offers Online Will Writing in Singapore, to keep your original Will in a secure and safe environment. We will also scan your Will and save a digital soft copy of the Will on our secure server. Your original Will be kept and locked in our fire and waterproof safe vault. Our program's unique feature is that we will provide you with a Custody Card that will help inform your loved ones about your Will, which will be in our custody while maintaining privacy and confidentiality at all times.
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fsesafe · 4 years
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FSE SAFE (HQ) Singapore and offices worldwide for worldwide project supplies.
FSE supply ATEX Ex Products, Emergency & Rescue, Marine & Fire Rescue and Industrial Safety.
Industries we supply to include Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals & Refineries, Marine Ships, Vessels, Tankers, Power & Energy, Chemical & Pharma, Water & Waste management, Mining & Construction, Engineering & Manufacturing.
Explosion Proof - ATEX - IECEx Products for Hazardous Areas, Confined Spaces and Explosive Atmospheres
Emergency & Rescue
Industrial Safety
Fire Rescue and Fire Fighter Safety
Marine Safety and Man Overboard Rescue
Visit - www.fsesafe.com
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
Braving the Elements
Chapter 22: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Part 1/2
Tw: Swearing
Authors note: sad dad times ahead folks!!!!
(Played during training)
Shuri and Tony had been working on a way to counteract the effects of the shots created by Roman and his crew. They hoped if they could figure out how to dampen the injectable powers then maybe, just maybe, they could reverse the powers Apocalypse had taken from other mutants unwillingly. While they were busy in the lab the rest of the team had been tasked with identifying where all the mutants from Romans files had disappeared too. Something proving to be difficult. Partly due to Romans silence on the matter who had been a tougher nut to crack than you had initially thought.
“Look at this,” Nat says, pulling up a holographic map of the world. “Turns out the government is tracking mutants. Looks like they’ve been chipping them or something. Once they’re in the system you can track their movements around the globe.”
“Am I on there?” Wanda asks looking at the screen.
“Is that even legal?” Steve asks leaning over Nat to get a closer look.
“When have they ever cared about that, and ya Wanda probably, Eric took mine out when I joined up with him” you say nonchalantly whilst scanning over a folder of recent missing persons. Wanda looks down at her own arm slightly horrified.
“Anyways, we’ve seen recent increases in missing persons and decreases in mutant hotspots in major cities , Singapore, Toronto, London, Cape Town.” Steve continues
“Maybe they’re recruiting them?” You offer.
“That’s not all.” Nat says
“Look here” Steve says, “Increase in prison breaks and kids disappearing from schools and foster homes. They must be grabbing them so they can use their powers.” You stand up and leave the room.
“Looks like they forgot to remove some chips. I mean what’s the likelihood of even 10 mutants being in the middle of the Sahara desert.” Sam says using a laser pointer to circle the small group of red dots on the map.
“With a mutant army the size of a small country, how the hell are we going to stop him?” Nat asks.
“Once Tony and Shuri figure out a way to dismantle apocalypses powers, or at least some of them then all we have to do is inject him with it.” Steve says.
“Can’t we just shoot it from far away?” Sam asks.
“Probably, but we’ll need a clear shot, some kind of distraction, and the only one of us strong enough to take him in hand to hand combat is Y/N. If you can manage to get your powers under control you may be able to hold him off long enough for that to happen. Wanda can you help her with that. Wait, where is she?” Steve says looking around the room for you.
Wanda goes out to find you, but you’re gone “She’s just stepped out I’ll go grab her” she says not wanting to worry anyone. She finds you a few blocks away standing outside looking up at a statue made in commemoration of the signing of the mutant rights act.
“Hey,” Wanda says, gently touching your arm and moving to stand beside you.
“It’s bullshit you know. The people who signed this act tested on mutants in secret for years afterwards. How many more Wanda, how many more of us have to suffer and now at the hands of our own. As if it wasn’t hard enough already.”
“You sound so much like him sometimes” She says, referring to your old mentor Magneto.
“Kevin Bacon? Ya, I get that all the time.” You joke, giving her a smile. She shakes her head, not dignifying your joke with a laugh.
“They don’t have to suffer, not if we find them and stop Apocalypse.” she says.
“Weaker opponents have nearly stopped you before.” You respond
“This time it’ll be different. We have you. As far as he knows you're strong, but he thinks you can’t control it. Element of surprise could give us the upper hand.”
“What if it can’t be controlled, Jean’s powers almost consumed her.” You say trying to mask your fear.
“It’s a risk, but I’ll be there with you the whole way, I’ll make sure you don’t stray too far” Wanda says taking your hand
“A risk I have to take then” you say flatly.
“You don’t have to, no one’s going to make you do this and no one will judge you if you say no.”
The two of you walk to the park and sit down under an old elm tree.
“I’m afraid of what other powers may present themselves. That lighting would have been lethal to any of you and I don’t want you to get hurt.” you say after a few moments.
“Pfft, please, someone’s full of themselves, I could take you any day of the week.” She says punching your arm playfully.
You sigh trying to mask a smile before uttering “I’ll do it, but if it gets out of hand we’re shutting it down.”
“Deal! We’ll start tomorrow then, bright and early!” she says standing up and brushing her dress down before pulling you up from the grass.
“Great! My least favorite time.” you say standing up.
“Well we do need you to be angry” she chuckles as she links her arm in yours and the two of you walk back to the tower.
Your alarm goes off at 6:00AM the next morning and you go to smack the snooze button, but accidently hit a sleeping Bucky right in the face.
“Fuck sorry you say” laughing at his disgruntled face. “I forgot you don’t sneak out at like 4 anymore.” you gently stroke the spot you had just whacked and he turns to face you.
“I love waking up like this, well not the hand in the face, but here with you.” He mumbles eyes still shut.
“And I love not having to give you your clothes back.” You kiss his head before exclaiming “Gotta go, sorry about the face!” as you walk to the kitchen
“Apology not accepted. You’ll be hearing from my lawyers” he calls after you.
Wanda pours you a coffee as you enter into the kitchen the orange hues of dawn creeping in through the windows.
“Nice shirt” she says smiling.
“Nice face” you say back.
“Oh burn” she mocks sarcastically.
“Cut me some slack, it's early!” you say before getting suited up and heading down to the basement level of the tower.
“Alright,” Wanda says, leading you into what can only be described as an underground bunker. “It’s been outfitted with every possible safety feature, rubber-lined concrete walls, bullet proof glass, sprinkler systems, fire retardant sand.” You gaze up and around the bunker as Wanda explains it’s various features. You can’t help but think about all the things that could go wrong, no matter how safe they made it was still risky.
“Alright, let’s start at the beginning. First thing we need you to do is get into, let’s call it your state, by yourself. You have to initiate it yourself, we can’t have you going off every time someone makes you angry. Now get angry”
“Should be easy enough” you mumble as Wanda leaves the room. It takes some time, but eventually you manifest into your state, with eyes glowing you float to the sky and lighting bursts from your hands. After a few minutes you fall to the ground. When you come too, Wanda's sitting next to you.
“Welcome back” she says lifting you off the ground “Think you can try it again?” you nod. After a few days you’re able to enter your state quickly and relatively easily so you move onto staying conscious.
“Okay, that’s the easy part down.” Wanda says over the intercom.
“That was easy?” you chuckle in disbelief.
“Try to stay conscious after entering the state, when you feel your rage about to spill over, I want you to focus on a moment, any moment of anger that’s clear to you. Keep it in your mind, stay with it until it’s completely in focus then try to open your eyes.” You nod. Getting into the state was a breeze compared to becoming conscious, but eventually you’re able to do it. Initially, you can only hold it for a few minutes before passing out, but with each day it gets longer. By the fourth day you’re able to remain in the state for a few hours, but it's exhausting. Constantly using all your energy was taking its toll on you physically and mentally.
“Okay let’s take a break” Wanda insists.
“No, I'm fine” you say, she gives you a look which you return back to her.
“Okay, now I want you to come out of the state. You need to relinquish your anger. Empty your mind, become devoid of any emotion, mentally numb.” It takes every last bit of energy out of you, but you manage to do it by the end of the seventh day. When you weren't training you were sleeping. It’s the only time Bucky sees you, he keeps telling you to take a break. He begs you, but with mutant lives on the line you refuse to stop. He misses you, but knows it's selfish of him to demand you spend more time with him and less time trying to save the world. Day by day you build up immunity and two weeks in you are able to enter and leave your glowing state with minimal side effects
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gigmusicdscvr · 4 years
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Never in our mind we thought that last March was the last time we could live a normal life. We are currently sitting at home waiting for this to at least getting better, which is also scary because there is no idea when. The new year was pretty much fine and exciting before WWIII issues came out, flood sank Jakarta, severe forest fire happened in Australia. We were so excited to watch Foals live for the first time in Jakarta. Throughout their career, the band never visited Indonesia. Now, the idea of listening their tracks come to live was almost like a dream come true, not forget to mention that their last two albums are highly praised. 
Not all tickets sold out that fast though, in February the promoters even came up with sonic opening act, Feast. to get more audiences on the row. Everyone was so optimistic as Foals managed to play in Garden Beats Singapore. They even flew to Manila to perform in other festivals. Yet, three days prior to the festival date it was announced that the festival had to be postponed. No need more time to decide that the Indonesia show was cancelled as well. In April, Foals decided to cancel their Europe and US shows. 
It does not limited to Foals only, imagine how many artists need to do the same thing. Don’t forget their crews, managers, stylist, and other people behind those creative industries. Some managed to record videos, conduct home concert and upload it on YouTube. But, how about small enterprises who needs offline presence? This is a scary and weird time obviously.  Some of us are fortunate enough to stay at home and still get income, some are not. So, we just want to suggest you to do as best as you can to support each other. Donate if you have more, stay at home as long as you could, keep your hygiene and health, and stay safe. Let’s pray this will end soon. 
Anyway, this stay at home moment was the time when we look up to more playlists and podcasts, the number of artists we never heard of or even the forgotten one suddenly peaked. One name ticks us, Moose Blood. It seems too naive not knowing what happened to them. In the end of 2018, the band decided to be in hiatus even indicate a break up after a series of unfortunate events. First, their last album was such a big failure. It never sold out even after the sale. People attack them musically as well as personally. After the accusation toward their former drummer and finally the singer, Moose Blood did not even impress fans with the the material. 
The peak was when Good Charlotte deleted their name from opening acts list and the band release the statement, which to us seem a bit off guard. They should have released any statement since the accusation come out in 2017. Yet, they waited until 2018 before the third album released and finally after being cancelled by Good Charlotte. Well, without any evidence and proof, we never know the truth, but we would like to remain respectful to the victim. Any sexual misconduct and immoral behavior should never happened at all at any stage or place. 
As we research more about this Moose Blood controversy, we bumped into Nothing But Thieves case. There are threads in Twitter talk about this, completed by evidences showing disrespectful manners and private messages from the band members to underage fans. Good PR is needed and they worked fast enough to release statement accordingly. Saying that it was something in the past they’ve long learned and left behind. Good point, although it is still disgusting behavior we could not tolerate.
Moose Blood and Nothing But Thieves were not the only one. The sexual misconduct involving artists  is an old story. Remember Neck Deep’s former guitarist, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein. It exists and happens for a very long time we believe. In Indonesia, there is one case involving a local indie musician lately, he even managed to collect several victims. The worst thing was he still has guts to apologize through video. Although we hoped victims would speak up and bring this case to police, we are sorry to admit that those kind of people are still there around you, around us, anywhere else undetected just like coronavirus. 
What makes musicians do that? There is fame and influences which lead to the imbalance of power between them and fans. There is informal “assurance” that whoever become their victims will not tell anyone due to stigma and dishonor they’ll get from society. 
I hope that this quarantine would make them think through what they’ve done. Uncovered or covered cases. We hope the world gets better soon and we all could live normally, walk safely without caution, then someday the safe gig/concert for everyone regardless their gender is a real deal. 
We know this is such a random thoughts, but we hope you enjoy this. Stay safe and see you soon.
Pic source:  Unsplash/Flavio Gasperini
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Free Solarpunk Essay for your thoughts
There’s not many essays and findings in academia that are given away to anyone without special access, so since I just got a 100 on my Environmental Ethics Reflection Essay, I’m posting it here for solarpunks it might benefit to think about these ethics considerations. (hit read more for essay)
My environmental ethic in recent years has grown to center around bolstering man’s integration with the environment. I see almost any given postulation regarding land use ethics to pat its own back while its front is on fire. In other words, people’s ideas about the proper use or stewardship of the environment always hit a wall when challenged in their authority. This wall is also invisible, so to speak, meaning where a moral or ordained boundary (or lack thereof) cannot be decided on without agreeance upon what humanity “should” be doing with the planet it is occupying. I have, in my infinite naiveté as a single human being with single brain, begun to embrace how “Capital I Integration” may be the most productive way forward in how man both heals and continue to utilize the environment for its inevitable “progress”—whether or not we can all agree it was ordained to make such progress.
Firstly discussed will be how the idea of integration relates to the documentary film In Light of Reverence, where indigenous North American people are interviewed in opposition to Western culturists, typically Caucasian, where the two parties clash over the use of various natural areas. Perhaps it’s more accurate to state that the film is highlighting the “innate stewardship” that Native Americans have shown since their use of North American lands began and the Manifest Destiny-driven sense of construction, innovation and progress that European settlers brought with them along with their genocidal colonization effort in the Americas. With God as their witness, and the power of their environmental use destiny still uncontested, Western lineages in the United States can’t be discounted in environmental ethic due to the gravity of their claim to have been ordained as fate-bound stewards of the land.
In contrast to the western settlers and their intent to use sacred grounds for recreation and “weekend conquering,” Native Americans—dwindling in number and power since the pilgrims came—still hold firm in their also-religiously-mandated approach on worshiping the land literally. The irony is how these peoples had originally not occupied these lands either, and that their rationale does not extend beyond what they are religiously (and/or culturally) inclined to believe about environment use. Native Americans believe in serving and protecting the land (read: environment), only using what is necessary for survival from it. While it can be easy to think this approach to man’s exchange with his environment is most productive in the new Anthropocene Era, there are myriad counterarguments available to support how now, more than ever, humanity should be developing technologies to stitch the wounds inflicted on our planet by the same technologically-prone cultures which caused them. Here we find how these (and other) ideas about how man should relate to the planet reveal themselves to be culturally masturbatory paradoxes the moment they’re challenged by anyone who can zoom out their thinking far enough to examine them from outside the scale of “man versus man.”
As a frequent explorer of existentialism and ethics considerations, I know that where paradoxes are found, danger lurks—not unlike how Val Plumwood’s advising ranger warned her that the swift currents of a main river in the Kakadu wetlands would bring her into the gnashing teeth of crocodiles. Plumwood would, out of selfish curiosity, find herself in these areas anyway on her exploration of the paperbark wetlands, and it is by the same selfish curiosity I worry mankind will continue exploring the forest of environmental ethics paradoxes until they find themselves in their own set of gnashing teeth. Val Plumwood has the wherewithal to know her run-in with the wild element of nature was not indicative of any malicious intent of nature. Instead, Plumwood echoes in Being Prey how the crocodile who had nearly eaten her should not be condemned, for man is physiologically part of the food chain regardless of his beliefs or origin.
So, too, is man part of the environmental stability chain regardless of his beliefs or origin. In the next century and beyond, the way humanity treats the planet will determine how safe it is. Plumwood’s warning was “stay clear of dangerous waters” and our warning as a species in the 21st century is “stay clear of environmental paradoxes.” In other words, if a notion about how to interact with the environment was planted in a factually unverifiable bed of soil (like religious ordainment, for example), it must be repotted at the dawn of the Anthropocene Era as the human race begins to work as an increasingly collectivist organism.
This is where I find myself embracing wholly the idea of integration with nature rather than preservation of or stewardship of it, or so on. I find that, since construction/progression is inevitable in the cultures that cannot be dissuaded from having that sort of influence on the environment, the productive elements of that worldview should be taken and adapted with more preservationist worldviews to balance the destructive tendencies of either (here referring to how Western culture views the lack of use of the environment as a “waste,” thus it is equally as  destructive as their pollution from cities, etc.)
When viewing the future of cities and human-nature cooperation from “integrationist” eyes, cities look like structures within natural environments rather than separate or in opposition of them. Wildlife is relatively unhindered, yet commerce, innovation, technology and civilizations in general can continue to thrive and grow so long as they are carbon-neutral or better. Saturated sustainability taking priority creates a “new final frontier” for “alpha cultures” like those of the US, Europe, Russia, Korea, to compete to dominate in. Singapore, Costa Rica, etc. are finding explosions in growth since their refocusing on a sustainability paradigm within their infrastructures, and the dying embers of post-war-obsessed generations and countries will finally be rekindled with senses of cultural pride as soon as the race for sustainable cities and nations becomes the new standard for economic value.
Talking more specifically, biomimicry in design is growing in its influence across all industries. Mimicking nature, designers of all sorts of things have discovered that efficiencies beyond imagination can be unlocked the moment something is redesigned according to nature’s exact specifications. Theologians and scientists can both agree on the results, since biomimicry does not need proof of either. The invention of Velcro as an “adhesive fabric material” benefited humanity the world over—whether it was evolution and adaptation or God who developed the burs which stick so easily to animal fur, where through nature the invention was discovered. The Shinkansen bullet train was changed to not create sonic booms when exiting tunnels any longer, not because of a redesign formed by a human, by a redesign according to the exact specifications of a kingfisher’s avian beak. Termites are teaching us how to design sustainable buildings, dolphins are teaching us how to send signals underwater, humpback whales are teaching us how to create efficient wind power. The list goes on and will only grow as more of nature’s processes are examined for the sake of man’s sustainability and integration with nature.
As an author for the solarpunk movement, a new genre of fiction exploring eco-centric futures of man’s relationship with the environment, I absolutely stand behind the idea of integration between the two. A zero-waste preservationist would say integration still can damage and change the environment, and a fossil fuels industry billionaire would argue that integration would disrupt socio-economic prosperity the world over for the “boring” notion of balance between man and nature. I find that, usually, when two opposing extremists equally despise a compromising ideality, it’s probably the best possible solution to move forward with in the complex Venn Diagram that is “practical ethics”—and I’m sure the motion carries to environmental ethics in the first century where they really, truly matter. Only time will tell, as always, yet in this case, time is very, very angry. I guess for once, compromise might have to take precedent in the eyes of the collective human race.
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bobbynolanios88 · 5 years
Singapore Bitcoin Exchange BiteBTC.com Claims Data Center Fire on Proof of Keys Day: Exit Scam?
Singapore Bitcoin Exchange BiteBTC.com Claims Data Center Fire on Proof of Keys Day: Exit Scam?
A bitcoin exchange in Singapore reported on January 3 that on New Year’s Day their data center experienced a “fire.” Fears of an exit scam began to mount. According to them, this fire results in 7% of users losing access to their accounts. The events coincided with the first annual Proof of Keys event. BiteBTC.com wrote on January 3:
On January 1, 2019, a fire occurred in the data center where the exchange servers are located, as a result of which part of the data on the main and backup servers was destroyed.
All crypto coins wallets are safe, but we need time to restore the balance sheets and trading history of about 7% of traders from earlier backups.
We ask to fill in the form to the support service with the indication of your recent transactions and operations with wallets.
We apologize and ask to treat this situation with understanding.
They provided no further evidence of this data center fire. Evidence might have included a local news report, a police report, anything. They simply asked the users to be patient and trust them. Too many traders have seen this sort of thing before.
Users Loses 2 Bitcoin
CCN learned of these events when a petrified user wrote to us.
Not sure who to talk to about this. Bitebtc.com closed its doors and stole everyone’s coins, even mine. I had a lot with this exchange. I’m in tears right now. I cannot log into their website at all.
I have lost about 2 bitcoins. I’ve never been this sad. How can an exchange based in Singapore steal $67 million and disappear ?? I filled out the form on the contact us page as requested in their latest news update with the fire. I sent that Jan. 3, after visiting their website that day when I tried to sign in and realized the system continuously said I did not have an account on there. That’s when I knew. I clicked ‘News’ on their header section and seen the latest news of the fire that apparently took place. I have not heard from bitebtc.com yet and I do not think I will. This is not fair at all.
CoinMarketCap.com has updated the page on BiteBTC with the following message:
CoinMarketCap.com has put up a warning regarding BiteBTC. 7% or 100% of Pre-Existing Users?
This user is just one of many. The exchange launched in January of 2018. At time of writing it is ranked 35th in the world by volume. However, increasing reports and evidence illustrate that reported volumes may not be trustworthy. Several users on Twitter have been complaining about the outage:
more than 24 hours didnt get answers in mail support, what should i do? .
— bima.af (@AfBima) January 3, 2019
My account is missing
— CryptoQueen (@CryptoQueen00) January 3, 2019
I can’t access my account hmmmm
— Sinari Akimarucha (@SinariAkimaruc1) January 3, 2019
Im still unable to login?
— TraderMM (@MortenVM) January 3, 2019
i will sue the legal authorities in singapore.its been 5days since our account and assets have been https://t.co/4NKE9NAdjj are a SCAME.
— Mahdikeshvad (@Mahdikeshvad1) January 5, 2019
As soon as we received word of these events, CCN wrote to the exchange. We wanted to know when this “7%” of users could expect to have access to their accounts restored.
It would be preferable to report that an exchange was doing the right thing.
Sadly, we must instead report that we also have not heard back from them. Our confidence is about the same as our anonymous informant’s.
The question arises: where is all this volume coming from? Again, exchanges are known to fake volume. But one has to wonder: are new people signing up for the exchange? CCN learned that it’s possible:
The activation for this account is the only contact this reporter has received from BiteBTC. Notably, they require accounts to be verified before even making a BTC deposit, which is a good sign as far as an ongoing scam goes. BiteBTC.com Uniquely Fails Proof of Keys
Proof of Keys is an event fomented by longtime Bitcoin investor Trace Mayer. It reminds exchanges of the importance of solvency and that Bitcoin belongs to its owners. It also encourages Bitcoiners to remember that they only truly own the Bitcoin for which they possess the keys. Some exchanges were said to be “failing” the event.
BiteBTC has failed spectacularly. The question of solvency is only one that needs to be answered.
The question of timing is interesting. They claim that the data center fire took place on January 1, but users did not start experiencing account access issues until January 3, which is also when the exchange reported the “fire.”
When you are handling millions of dollars of other people’s money, someone has to work on New Year’s Day. That seems obvious. Did they conveniently report the fire on the day when they, and every other cryptocurrency exchange, could reasonably expect a percentage of their users to make withdrawals?
BiteBTC: Another WEX Situation?
Another question is that of their markets themselves. At time of writing, BTC/USD was trading about $300 higher than elsewhere. This is a tactic used by scam exchanges in the past to encourage users to make deposits.
As you can see, BTC is trading at BiteBTC a few hundred dollars higher. A common tactic for insolvent exchanges: seems an easy arbitrage opportunity. Until you can’t withdraw your funds at all. Here is the moving average at the same exact time according to Preev.
Users are still able to create new accounts. New users can sign up for accounts. Old users cannot access their accounts. If the situation continues, it’s a classic Ponzi scheme.
CCN will report back as details become available. We intend to contact local authorities regarding the validity of the “data center fire,” for one thing.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
Original Source http://bit.ly/2TuUTYT
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bjdefensesingapore · 2 years
Synexis solutions by Bjdefense - Meet Our Battle Tested Troops
With the new range of DHP (Dry Hydrogen Peroxide) technologies the Bjdefense System brings the top three battle tested troops that is 1. The Blade 2. The Sphere 3. The Sentry for reducing the disinfection into your home, office or any commercial places.
The Blade Inline DHP System is an electrical device. Please read, understand, and follow all safety instructions and considerations in this manual prior to use of your Blade Inline DHP System. Retain these instructions for future reference and take all necessary precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or injury. Visit https://bjdefense.sg/product/the-blade/ for more details.
The Sphere is a portable device designed for deployment with an inaccessible HVAC system. The Sphere can be mounted virtually anywhere and requires only a standard 220/240 VAC outlet. Browse https://bjdefense.sg/product/the-sphere/ for more details.
The Sentry is a portable device designed for deployment in industrial facilities with an inaccessible HVAC system. The Sentry has a rugged steel design for the most challenging environments. The Sentry can be mounted virtually anywhere and requires only a standard 220/240 VAC outlet. Explore more details here, https://bjdefense.sg/product/the-sentry/
Let’s Explore What Our Customers Say
Synexis Spheres are the right tool for our community that we are so happy to invest in this project: it is cost-effective, and there’s proof that the technology cleans the air.
We have gathered and compared  companies who provide air purification technology . Ultimately, it was determined that Synexis’s DHP BioDefense System suited our needs best.
Synexis solutions provide a safe and proven weapon for  continued fight against Covid 19 and other microbial threats.
Committed Since 1997
Our  Biodefense Team is constantly look for new and safe innovations or technology to provide the best solutions for all environments.
26K Trusted Clients
20+Years of Experience
100% Satisfied Customers
Our  Biodefense Advantages
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Visit our website https://bjdefense.sg/shop-2/ or call +65 88192823 for more details about the office disinfection services in Singapore. We are committed to provide the new range of dry hydrogen peroxide technology for your home and commercial places disinfection services.
Like Us in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Synexis-Singapore-108122824741182
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qubemagazine · 4 years
New Post has been published on Qube Magazine
New Post has been published on https://www.qubeonline.co.uk/select-the-correct-ip-rating-to-protect-your-ups/
Select the Correct IP Rating to Protect Your UPS
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By Aaron Oddy, Sales Engineer, Centiel UK
When it comes to power protection a UPS is an important investment and so it needs to be kept in suitable conditions to optimise its design life fully.  This sounds like a fairly obvious statement to make!  However, it’s not always possible for a UPS to be housed in a clean room environment.  We often see UPS situated in damp, dusty or less than ideal conditions as there is no other option.  Where a clean room environment is just not possible, it is necessary to consider the Ingress Protection (IP) rating of the solution to maximise its longevity and ensure it can keep protecting the critical load as it was designed to do.
IP ratings are defined by an international standard.  This sets the levels of sealing effectiveness for electrical enclosures against intrusion from items such as dirt and moisture. The IP rating is made up of two letters and two numbers, the key thing to focus on here are the numbers. The first number details the protection level for solid objects and the second number details the protection level for moisture.
A UPS IP rating of IP20 means the UPS enclosure only protects against solid objects of over 12mm and has no moisture protection.
Typically, a UPS within a data centre has an IP20 rating due to the clean environment.  This level of ingress protection means it’s ‘finger proof’.  In other words, safe to touch without fear of electrocution.  It will also be suitable for the dust and moisture free installation areas typically found in clean environments such as comms rooms.
Higher ingress protection is needed for harsher environments such as industrial settings.  These may include water treatment works, power stations, offshore, defence applications and some medical facilities.
The higher the IP rating, the more in-built protection is included within the UPS enclosure.  For example: IP54 ensures the UPS is protected from limited amounts of dust and water spray from all angles.  Extractor grills and fans can circulate air without it compromising the UPS.
IP65 is likely to be the highest rating for a UPS.  Other electrical solutions do have higher ratings which go up to IP69K enclosures, these systems are dust tight and have been proven to be resistant against liquids including chemicals, high temperatures and high pressure. These systems are ideal for facilities with strict hygiene requirements.
However, this level of protection presents an issue for UPS solutions with integral batteries as there is not enough ventilation to enable low levels of gas which can be produced by VRLA batteries to escape safely.  Although small, there is a risk of explosion and so for systems with integral batteries this is not an option.
The main point to remember is the more robust the equipment, the longer it will last in harsher environments and so up to a point, the higher the IP rating needs to be.  However, circumstances are all very individual and so it is worth discussing the proposed housing area of the UPS with our technical sales team well in advance so they can advise on the best option available.  Combining our fault-tolerant technology with an IP rated enclosure provides total peace of mind and assurance that your critical load is protected to the highest level possible.
CENTIEL is a Swiss-based technology company designing, manufacturing and delivering industry-leading power protection solutions for critical facilities.  Its three phase true modular UPS, CumulusPowerTM  known for its “9 nines” (99.9999999%) system availability and low total cost of ownership through its Maximum Efficiency Management (MEM) and low losses of energy, has now been installed in datacenters and comms rooms in over 60 countries across five continents.  More than 50 MW of critical power loads are now protected with CumulusPowerTM in locations across the world including:  the UK, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic and the Channel Islands.
For further information please see:  www.centiel.co.uk
  Select the Correct IP Rating to Protect Your UPS
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10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019)
Source of the Article: 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore in 2018-2019
New: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore for 2019-2020
People take utmost care when it comes to storing their valuable documents, expensive jewelery, personal journals, cash, and other such items. Of course, one can always keep such items in safe deposit box locker in private banks. However, it is not always convenient to visit the bank to access the locker, particularly during the night. This is why the demand for safe boxes has increased significantly nowadays.
The modern day safe boxes are not only tough and durable, but also offer several useful and advanced features for extra security. If you are thinking about buying a safe box for protecting your valuables and documents, there are many options available in Singapore. However, you must buy only the best selling safes that are water resistant, fire resistant, impact resistant, and have features like dual key authorization and others. Here are the features and benefits of top 10 best selling safes in Singapore in 2018-2019.
Further Reading: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2017-2018, The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2016-2017
1. SentrySafe Security Safe X125
SentrySafe Security Safe X125 features an electronic lock with an override key and removable shelf. The live-locking bolts used in this safe box are made of solid steel. In addition, its body and door is completely pry resistant. The floor of this safe box is carpeted, which makes it more suitable for storing jewellery items. You can also store laptops in this without any hassle. The capacity is 33.4 litres while the weight is 14 KG.
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Price: $288 with delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
2. Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125
For Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125, it is almost impossible to crack the code of this safe with mechanical opening system. This black safe box comes with million different code combinations! This 48kg safe box can easily store files of A4 size. The height adjustable shelf does provide a lot of convenience. 5 years warranty gives users the confidence to buy this 26 litres safe.
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Price: $318 with free delivery. Buy now
3. Nikawa Bio Lite Safe 25FPN
If you are looking for a safe box which can be opened via fingerprints or pin, can be opened with override key, also highly affordable, then you should definitely take a look at this safe. It can accept up to 32 fingerprints and has 2 override keys. It has been certified by CE and it also complies with the RHS standards
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Price: $229 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
4. Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310
Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310 is the best selling fire resistant safe box for home users. It has passed fire resistant test and can withstand fire up to 1000 degree C for an hour. You can operate NT310 with an electronic keypad and also via the key. In case of emergencies, you can use its Master Key. If 3 wrong entries are made, the safe box will shut down for 5 minutes.
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Price: $388 with free delivery. Buy now
5. SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331
SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331 is highly popular for both business and home users. If you are looking for something really tough, go for this safe. The thickness of its door plate and wall is 6mm and 3mm respectively. Made from solid steel, this safe comes with an electronic lock that has 6 lever override key lock. In addition, it also boasts of 4 live-locking bolts in addition to the bungee organisational system and carpeted interior. It offers a huge capacity of 64.5 litres and weighs 47.4 kgs.
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Price: $648 $628 with free delivery. Buy now
6. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW123GTC
This fire resistant safe box is also water resistant till 20 cm. Weighing 40.8 kgs, this UL classified safe box can withstand temperature up to 927 deg C for 1 hour. The presence of dual electronic lock makes SFW123GT highly useful by preventing unauthorized access.
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Price: $798 $776 with free delivery. Buy now
7. Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E
Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E is ideal for home and office, this feature-rich safe is fire-resistant and can withstand temperature up to 1010 degree C for an hour! You can choose your own password, comprising of 4 to 16 digits. In case someone enters wrong password for 5 consecutive times, the safe box will freeze for 5 minutes.
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Price: $728 with free delivery. Buy now
8. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC
SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC is yet another fire and water resistant safe box from SentrySafe that is UL classified and ETL verified. The weight of this safe box is 62kgs and it features 6 live-locking bolts 25 mm each. Key rack, compartment, door pocket, and deep file rack are some of its other features. Another highlight is lights inside for easy access in dark.
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Price: $1,268 $1,229 with free delivery. Buy now
9. Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1
Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1 has award winning designs. Weighing 27.5kgs, this compact safe box features a robust body reinforced with armour-plated steel and a laser-cut door opens automatically when the right password is entered. The armour plated steel definitely adds more security to this Yale Certified safe box
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Price: $610 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible is this safe box. Buy now
10. Diplomat Fire Filing Cabinet DFC3000
This safe box is highly popular among business users as it provides utmost security to important documents and features 3 trays for easy storage. The DFC3000 is both fire (up to 1010 deg C for an hour) and water resistant. This ivory color safe has a huge capacity of 147 litres and reduces smoke and flame infiltration. Every drawer can be locked individually and is fire-insulated.
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Price: $1,298 with free delivery. Buy now
Contributed By CCTV Camera, CCTV Camera Singapore, and Safe Box Singapore
The post 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019) appeared first on CCTV Camera, IP Camera, CCTV Singapore.
Source: https://cctvcamera.com.sg/10-best-selling-safes-singapore-2018-2019/
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safeboxmart-com · 5 years
10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019)
Source of the Article: 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore in 2018-2019
New: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore for 2019-2020
People take utmost care when it comes to storing their valuable documents, expensive jewelery, personal journals, cash, and other such items. Of course, one can always keep such items in safe deposit box locker in private banks. However, it is not always convenient to visit the bank to access the locker, particularly during the night. This is why the demand for safe boxes has increased significantly nowadays.
The modern day safe boxes are not only tough and durable, but also offer several useful and advanced features for extra security. If you are thinking about buying a safe box for protecting your valuables and documents, there are many options available in Singapore. However, you must buy only the best selling safes that are water resistant, fire resistant, impact resistant, and have features like dual key authorization and others. Here are the features and benefits of top 10 best selling safes in Singapore in 2018-2019.
Further Reading: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2017-2018, The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2016-2017
1. SentrySafe Security Safe X125
SentrySafe Security Safe X125 features an electronic lock with an override key and removable shelf. The live-locking bolts used in this safe box are made of solid steel. In addition, its body and door is completely pry resistant. The floor of this safe box is carpeted, which makes it more suitable for storing jewellery items. You can also store laptops in this without any hassle. The capacity is 33.4 litres while the weight is 14 KG.
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Price: $288 with delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
2. Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125
For Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125, it is almost impossible to crack the code of this safe with mechanical opening system. This black safe box comes with million different code combinations! This 48kg safe box can easily store files of A4 size. The height adjustable shelf does provide a lot of convenience. 5 years warranty gives users the confidence to buy this 26 litres safe.
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Price: $318 with free delivery. Buy now
3. Nikawa Bio Lite Safe 25FPN
If you are looking for a safe box which can be opened via fingerprints or pin, can be opened with override key, also highly affordable, then you should definitely take a look at this safe. It can accept up to 32 fingerprints and has 2 override keys. It has been certified by CE and it also complies with the RHS standards
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Price: $229 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
4. Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310
Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310 is the best selling fire resistant safe box for home users. It has passed fire resistant test and can withstand fire up to 1000 degree C for an hour. You can operate NT310 with an electronic keypad and also via the key. In case of emergencies, you can use its Master Key. If 3 wrong entries are made, the safe box will shut down for 5 minutes.
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Price: $388 with free delivery. Buy now
5. SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331
SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331 is highly popular for both business and home users. If you are looking for something really tough, go for this safe. The thickness of its door plate and wall is 6mm and 3mm respectively. Made from solid steel, this safe comes with an electronic lock that has 6 lever override key lock. In addition, it also boasts of 4 live-locking bolts in addition to the bungee organisational system and carpeted interior. It offers a huge capacity of 64.5 litres and weighs 47.4 kgs.
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Price: $648 $628 with free delivery. Buy now
6. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW123GTC
This fire resistant safe box is also water resistant till 20 cm. Weighing 40.8 kgs, this UL classified safe box can withstand temperature up to 927 deg C for 1 hour. The presence of dual electronic lock makes SFW123GT highly useful by preventing unauthorized access.
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Price: $798 $776 with free delivery. Buy now
7. Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E
Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E is ideal for home and office, this feature-rich safe is fire-resistant and can withstand temperature up to 1010 degree C for an hour! You can choose your own password, comprising of 4 to 16 digits. In case someone enters wrong password for 5 consecutive times, the safe box will freeze for 5 minutes.
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Price: $728 with free delivery. Buy now
8. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC
SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC is yet another fire and water resistant safe box from SentrySafe that is UL classified and ETL verified. The weight of this safe box is 62kgs and it features 6 live-locking bolts 25 mm each. Key rack, compartment, door pocket, and deep file rack are some of its other features. Another highlight is lights inside for easy access in dark.
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Price: $1,268 $1,229 with free delivery. Buy now
9. Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1
Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1 has award winning designs. Weighing 27.5kgs, this compact safe box features a robust body reinforced with armour-plated steel and a laser-cut door opens automatically when the right password is entered. The armour plated steel definitely adds more security to this Yale Certified safe box
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Price: $610 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible is this safe box. Buy now
10. Diplomat Fire Filing Cabinet DFC3000
This safe box is highly popular among business users as it provides utmost security to important documents and features 3 trays for easy storage. The DFC3000 is both fire (up to 1010 deg C for an hour) and water resistant. This ivory color safe has a huge capacity of 147 litres and reduces smoke and flame infiltration. Every drawer can be locked individually and is fire-insulated.
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Price: $1,298 with free delivery. Buy now
Contributed By CCTV Camera, CCTV Camera Singapore, and Safe Box Singapore
The post 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019) appeared first on CCTV Camera, IP Camera, CCTV Singapore.
from CCTV Camera, IP Camera, CCTV Singapore https://ift.tt/2nIa7Mu
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thirdonamatch · 5 years
10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019)
Source of the Article: 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore in 2018-2019
New: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore for 2019-2020
People take utmost care when it comes to storing their valuable documents, expensive jewelery, personal journals, cash, and other such items. Of course, one can always keep such items in safe deposit box locker in private banks. However, it is not always convenient to visit the bank to access the locker, particularly during the night. This is why the demand for safe boxes has increased significantly nowadays.
The modern day safe boxes are not only tough and durable, but also offer several useful and advanced features for extra security. If you are thinking about buying a safe box for protecting your valuables and documents, there are many options available in Singapore. However, you must buy only the best selling safes that are water resistant, fire resistant, impact resistant, and have features like dual key authorization and others. Here are the features and benefits of top 10 best selling safes in Singapore in 2018-2019.
Further Reading: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2017-2018, The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2016-2017
1. SentrySafe Security Safe X125
SentrySafe Security Safe X125 features an electronic lock with an override key and removable shelf. The live-locking bolts used in this safe box are made of solid steel. In addition, its body and door is completely pry resistant. The floor of this safe box is carpeted, which makes it more suitable for storing jewellery items. You can also store laptops in this without any hassle. The capacity is 33.4 litres while the weight is 14 KG.
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Price: $288 with delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
2. Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125
For Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125, it is almost impossible to crack the code of this safe with mechanical opening system. This black safe box comes with million different code combinations! This 48kg safe box can easily store files of A4 size. The height adjustable shelf does provide a lot of convenience. 5 years warranty gives users the confidence to buy this 26 litres safe.
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Price: $318 with free delivery. Buy now
3. Nikawa Bio Lite Safe 25FPN
If you are looking for a safe box which can be opened via fingerprints or pin, can be opened with override key, also highly affordable, then you should definitely take a look at this safe. It can accept up to 32 fingerprints and has 2 override keys. It has been certified by CE and it also complies with the RHS standards
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Price: $229 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
4. Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310
Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310 is the best selling fire resistant safe box for home users. It has passed fire resistant test and can withstand fire up to 1000 degree C for an hour. You can operate NT310 with an electronic keypad and also via the key. In case of emergencies, you can use its Master Key. If 3 wrong entries are made, the safe box will shut down for 5 minutes.
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Price: $388 with free delivery. Buy now
5. SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331
SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331 is highly popular for both business and home users. If you are looking for something really tough, go for this safe. The thickness of its door plate and wall is 6mm and 3mm respectively. Made from solid steel, this safe comes with an electronic lock that has 6 lever override key lock. In addition, it also boasts of 4 live-locking bolts in addition to the bungee organisational system and carpeted interior. It offers a huge capacity of 64.5 litres and weighs 47.4 kgs.
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Price: $648 $628 with free delivery. Buy now
6. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW123GTC
This fire resistant safe box is also water resistant till 20 cm. Weighing 40.8 kgs, this UL classified safe box can withstand temperature up to 927 deg C for 1 hour. The presence of dual electronic lock makes SFW123GT highly useful by preventing unauthorized access.
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Price: $798 $776 with free delivery. Buy now
7. Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E
Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E is ideal for home and office, this feature-rich safe is fire-resistant and can withstand temperature up to 1010 degree C for an hour! You can choose your own password, comprising of 4 to 16 digits. In case someone enters wrong password for 5 consecutive times, the safe box will freeze for 5 minutes.
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Price: $728 with free delivery. Buy now
8. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC
SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC is yet another fire and water resistant safe box from SentrySafe that is UL classified and ETL verified. The weight of this safe box is 62kgs and it features 6 live-locking bolts 25 mm each. Key rack, compartment, door pocket, and deep file rack are some of its other features. Another highlight is lights inside for easy access in dark.
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Price: $1,268 $1,229 with free delivery. Buy now
9. Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1
Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1 has award winning designs. Weighing 27.5kgs, this compact safe box features a robust body reinforced with armour-plated steel and a laser-cut door opens automatically when the right password is entered. The armour plated steel definitely adds more security to this Yale Certified safe box
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Price: $610 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible is this safe box. Buy now
10. Diplomat Fire Filing Cabinet DFC3000
This safe box is highly popular among business users as it provides utmost security to important documents and features 3 trays for easy storage. The DFC3000 is both fire (up to 1010 deg C for an hour) and water resistant. This ivory color safe has a huge capacity of 147 litres and reduces smoke and flame infiltration. Every drawer can be locked individually and is fire-insulated.
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Price: $1,298 with free delivery. Buy now
Contributed By CCTV Camera, CCTV Camera Singapore, and Safe Box Singapore
The post 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019) appeared first on CCTV Camera, IP Camera, CCTV Singapore.
Source: https://cctvcamera.com.sg/10-best-selling-safes-singapore-2018-2019/
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onionsforeyes · 5 years
10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019)
Source of the Article: 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore in 2018-2019
New: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore for 2019-2020
People take utmost care when it comes to storing their valuable documents, expensive jewelery, personal journals, cash, and other such items. Of course, one can always keep such items in safe deposit box locker in private banks. However, it is not always convenient to visit the bank to access the locker, particularly during the night. This is why the demand for safe boxes has increased significantly nowadays.
The modern day safe boxes are not only tough and durable, but also offer several useful and advanced features for extra security. If you are thinking about buying a safe box for protecting your valuables and documents, there are many options available in Singapore. However, you must buy only the best selling safes that are water resistant, fire resistant, impact resistant, and have features like dual key authorization and others. Here are the features and benefits of top 10 best selling safes in Singapore in 2018-2019.
Further Reading: The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2017-2018, The 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore 2016-2017
1. SentrySafe Security Safe X125
SentrySafe Security Safe X125 features an electronic lock with an override key and removable shelf. The live-locking bolts used in this safe box are made of solid steel. In addition, its body and door is completely pry resistant. The floor of this safe box is carpeted, which makes it more suitable for storing jewellery items. You can also store laptops in this without any hassle. The capacity is 33.4 litres while the weight is 14 KG.
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Price: $288 with delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
2. Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125
For Diplomat Combination and Key Safe 125, it is almost impossible to crack the code of this safe with mechanical opening system. This black safe box comes with million different code combinations! This 48kg safe box can easily store files of A4 size. The height adjustable shelf does provide a lot of convenience. 5 years warranty gives users the confidence to buy this 26 litres safe.
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Price: $318 with free delivery. Buy now
3. Nikawa Bio Lite Safe 25FPN
If you are looking for a safe box which can be opened via fingerprints or pin, can be opened with override key, also highly affordable, then you should definitely take a look at this safe. It can accept up to 32 fingerprints and has 2 override keys. It has been certified by CE and it also complies with the RHS standards
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Price: $229 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible for this safe box. Buy now
4. Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310
Nika Fire Resistance Safe NT310 is the best selling fire resistant safe box for home users. It has passed fire resistant test and can withstand fire up to 1000 degree C for an hour. You can operate NT310 with an electronic keypad and also via the key. In case of emergencies, you can use its Master Key. If 3 wrong entries are made, the safe box will shut down for 5 minutes.
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Price: $388 with free delivery. Buy now
5. SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331
SentrySafe Security Safe T6-331 is highly popular for both business and home users. If you are looking for something really tough, go for this safe. The thickness of its door plate and wall is 6mm and 3mm respectively. Made from solid steel, this safe comes with an electronic lock that has 6 lever override key lock. In addition, it also boasts of 4 live-locking bolts in addition to the bungee organisational system and carpeted interior. It offers a huge capacity of 64.5 litres and weighs 47.4 kgs.
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Price: $648 $628 with free delivery. Buy now
6. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW123GTC
This fire resistant safe box is also water resistant till 20 cm. Weighing 40.8 kgs, this UL classified safe box can withstand temperature up to 927 deg C for 1 hour. The presence of dual electronic lock makes SFW123GT highly useful by preventing unauthorized access.
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Price: $798 $776 with free delivery. Buy now
7. Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E
Diplomat Electronic Safe 530E is ideal for home and office, this feature-rich safe is fire-resistant and can withstand temperature up to 1010 degree C for an hour! You can choose your own password, comprising of 4 to 16 digits. In case someone enters wrong password for 5 consecutive times, the safe box will freeze for 5 minutes.
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Price: $728 with free delivery. Buy now
8. SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC
SentrySafe Fire Proof & Water Resistant Safe SFW205GPC is yet another fire and water resistant safe box from SentrySafe that is UL classified and ETL verified. The weight of this safe box is 62kgs and it features 6 live-locking bolts 25 mm each. Key rack, compartment, door pocket, and deep file rack are some of its other features. Another highlight is lights inside for easy access in dark.
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Price: $1,268 $1,229 with free delivery. Buy now
9. Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1
Yale Certified Safe YSM/520/EG1 has award winning designs. Weighing 27.5kgs, this compact safe box features a robust body reinforced with armour-plated steel and a laser-cut door opens automatically when the right password is entered. The armour plated steel definitely adds more security to this Yale Certified safe box
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Price: $610 with free delivery. 1 working day delivery is possible is this safe box. Buy now
10. Diplomat Fire Filing Cabinet DFC3000
This safe box is highly popular among business users as it provides utmost security to important documents and features 3 trays for easy storage. The DFC3000 is both fire (up to 1010 deg C for an hour) and water resistant. This ivory color safe has a huge capacity of 147 litres and reduces smoke and flame infiltration. Every drawer can be locked individually and is fire-insulated.
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Price: $1,298 with free delivery. Buy now
Contributed By CCTV Camera, CCTV Camera Singapore, and Safe Box Singapore
The post 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore (2018-2019) appeared first on CCTV Camera, IP Camera, CCTV Singapore.
Source: https://cctvcamera.com.sg/10-best-selling-safes-singapore-2018-2019/
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opedguy · 5 years
Two Oil Tankers Hit in the Gulf of Oman
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), June 13, 2019.--Two oil tankers, one from Norway and one from Singapore, were struck today by magnetic Limpet mines in the Gulf of Oman, causing fire and enough damage to evacuate personnel from the disabled vessels.  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for the attack, citing the May 12 mine attacks in which four tankers were struck in the Persian Gulf.  Asking for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, the U.S. wants the Council to acknowledge the very high probability that Iran was responsible for this and other attacks in international shipping ways. “If there is something the world cannot afford, it is a major confrontation in the Gulf region,” said U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Gutterres, worried about escalating conflict with the United States.  President Donald Trump dispatched the carrier strike group Abraham Lincoln with B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf May 12.
            Trump cancelled U.S. involvement in the July 15, 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPA], the accord handed Iran nearly $200 billion in sanctions relief and cash in exchange for suspending its uranium enrichment program.  While denying that they’ve ever worked on an A-bomb, Iran warns Trump and European Union allies that it would once again ramp up its uranium enrichment program. It’s inconsistent that Iran wants sanctions relief, while, at the same time, threatens to resume enriching weapons’ grade uranium.  Iran can’t have it both ways:  Claiming it’s not working on an A-bomb, while, simultaneously, threatening to ramp up uranium production.  Pompeo stated for the record t hat U.S. intel agencies have all the proof needed to tie the Gulf of Oman bombings to Tehran. Trump has played a wait-and-see approach to Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visiting the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
            Trump hoped that Abe would deliver a message to Khamenei that Iran’s aggression in the Persian Gulf would not be tolerated. Meeting to Abe, Khamenei thought he could get Japan to violate U.S. sanctions to buy cheap Iranian oil. Abe’s mission visiting Japan had less to do with oil and more to do with keeping the Persian Gulf and Strait of Homuz safe for international shipping.  Today’s attack in the Gulf of Oman raises concerns about Iran’s role in the two explosions.  “Iran remains the most significant threat to regional peace and security, engaged in numerous malign activities in the region,” said Acting U.N. Amb. Jonathan Cohen. Today’s mine attacks raise the stakes in the Persian Gulf, where Iran thinks it can get away with rogue activity. Sending the Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group to the Persian Gulf was supposed to get Iran to stop its malign activities.
            Hitting a Norwegian-owned and Singapore-owned tankers today with three explosions linked to planted Limpet mines create havoc in world oil markets.  Oil prices jumped 2% today on global fears of potential confrontation with Iran and the U.S.  Only a day earlier, Iran-backed Houthi rebels struck Saudi Arabia’s Abha Airport with a guided missile, something obtained from Tehran.  Taken together the Limpet-mine attacks and missile strike on Saudi Arabia exposes Iran’s aggressive behavior.  Calling the attacks “dangerous developments,” Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit urged Iran to stop its aggression.  Injuring 26 in the missile attack, Saudi’s Defense Minister Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman swore retaliation for the latest missile strike on the Kingdom.  “Some parties in the region are trying to instigate fires in our region and we must be aware of that,” said Gheit told the Security Council.
            No country in the Persian Gulf has the resources, technology and track record to attack civilian shipping in the international waterways other than Iran.  While Pompeo fingered Iran, other Gulf States are more reluctant to name the culprits.  Gheit urged the Security Council to “act against those responsible to maintain security and stability in the region,” without naming Iran.  Reviewing last month’s attacks on four tankers, two Saudi, one Norwegian and one Emirates, the UAE said last week that a “state actor” was the only one capable of launching such attacks.  Without naming Iran, the UAE pointed at Tehran, specifically the Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, for staging the attacks.  When Trump designated the IRGC at a terror group April 8, Iran stepped up its covert malign activity.  More Limpet mines, predator drone attacks and missile strikes have put a target on Iran’s back.
            Presenting the best evidence in the Security Counsel today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left little doubt that Iran was responsible for the latest tanker bombings.  Identifying Iranian-made Limpet mines stuck to the tankers, the U.S. wants the Security Council to condemn egregious Iranian acts against international shipping in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. U.S. officials believe Iran commissioned swift boats in the Gulf to have divers attach Limpet mines to the hulls of the oil tankers.  Iran’s swift boats in the Gulf armed with surface-to-air missiles prompted Trump to send the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln to the region.  U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said, “there’s no doubt” that Iran was the bad actor in the Gulf.  Iran can’t stop itself creating terror in the Gulf, any place where it can implement a strategy of intimidation to get Trump to reverse his sanctions, something Tehran calls “economic war.”
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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