#Firefighting equipment
katy-l-wood · 2 months
I've been watching the flight paths of the slurry bombers over the stone canyon fire (they go right over my house to and from their refills so they're hard for me to miss) but I noticed a few smaller planes just flying in low circles or radials over the fire. Do you know if these planes are dropping smoke jumpers or are they just doing recon work and relaying info to the bombers?
Also there seems to be a lot more focus on stone cyn than Alexander mtn fire but I assume that's bc of how close it is to Lyons.
Alright, let's talk firefighting aircraft!
First up, we've got Air Attack. These are usually smaller, fixed wing planes. They're generally the first to go out and get eyes on a fire, and they serve as a sort of controller of the airspace once more aircraft come on scene. They can also help with things like mapping fires.
Then we've got MMA or Multi-Mission-Aircraft. Like the name suggests, they do a lot of things. Lightning detection flights are a big one, aka going out and looking for new fire starts after lightning goes through. Colorado has two of these that are just ours! They're PC-12 turbo props based out of Centennial. Aside from lightning detection, they can help with recon.
Next up we've got the tanker planes, of which there are three categories: SEATS, LATS, and VLATS. SEATS are Single Engine Air Tankers. Basically little crop duster planes, but instead of crop dusting they are dropping retardant or water. Honestly, they don't get enough love compared to the bigger tankers, but they're my favorite! They're just neat little guys. LATS are Large Air Tankers, and they're the ones you'll see most often. Big Bois, but not the biggest! The biggest are the VLATS or Very Large Air Tankers. There aren't a ton out there, so their use is limited.
Tankers also sometimes require lead planes, which are smaller aircraft that will lead them in and help them make their drop. Just depends on the circumstances and what exactly is being used.
On to helicopters! For Helicopters we've got Type 3, Type 2, and Type 1. Type 1s are the biggest, type 3 are the smallest. Type 1s and 2s can do bucket work or carry water in a tank. All three types can also be used to ferry cargo and personnel to and and from a fire.
Then there's the smokejumper planes. Another one that's what it says on the tin: its the plane the jumpers use to go to a fire. They're usually fixed wing planes with a jump door at the back. The plane can also do other work on a fire such as serving as Air Attack once the jumpers have jumped, helping monitor it, etc..
Last but not least we've got the scoopers! I guess technically these go with the tankers, but shh. Rather than getting filled up at an airport, these planes skim across the surface of lakes to literally scoop up water they can then go drop on a fire! Another very neat little plane.
I think that's everything!
As for what's going on on the front range, I haven't been following those ones too too closely, but yeah, the proximity to Lyons is probably playing a role in what is going where. It could also be that the terrain of one is friendlier to ground resources, while the other isn't, so the air resources are being directed to the one that's harder to get to by ground, but I don't know.
Lastly, here's a SEAT on one of our fires we had on the western slope earlier this year:
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Look at that neat little guy! Look at him go! I love him.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“In Crash With Transport Truck,” Toronto Globe. November 2, 1932. Page 9. ---- A fireman and truck driver were injured, and three other members of the fire brigade narrowly escaped injury yesterday afternoon when a hook-and-ladder truck was struck by a transport truck at Clinton and Bloor Streets. The transport truck struck the centre of the fire truck, which was proceeding north on Clinton Street to a fire, and threw it against a pole. The damage fire truck is shown above. 
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almatrading · 2 months
What are the different types of fire fighting equipment used to put out fire?
Fire is an element of destruction when it is ignited in the wrong place. Fire is reigned in and used for cooking food in kitchens but the same fire triggered by accident in homes and commercial establishments can wreak havoc and subject them to large-scale property loss and sometimes lives.
It is significantly necessary that you take appropriate measures such as installing firefighting equipment at strategic points of construction so they can be used effectively to put out fire and prevent losses.
Fire is one element that is difficult to contain if you do not have the right firefighting equipment and the right deployment, here is the main firefighting equipment that you could install in your establishment and use to prevent larger fires.
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defensenow · 5 months
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idexindia · 10 months
The range of firefighting equipment by IDEX India
IDEX India offers a wide range of firefighting equipment that is essential for addressing firefighting and emergency rescue operations. Here are some of the key types of equipment they offer:
Firefighting Nozzles: These are critical for directing the stream of water or other extinguishing agents towards the fire. They come in different types, including jet nozzles and spray nozzles, to suit various firefighting needs.
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usarmytrooper · 9 months
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moon-pepper · 4 months
"Firefighters and paramedics deserve all the love that cops get because they aren't a bunch of dangerous racists on a collective power trip"
Incorrect! Firefighters and paramedics, as people whose jobs are to intervene in life-or-death situations, quite often go on power trips and hurt or even kill the people they're supposed to be helping! They quite often collaborate with police to help them hurt people! They quite often exercise personal prejudice in choosing who to help! There is no such thing as authority without the potential for abuse, and no such thing as a type of person who can be guaranteed to never act abusively!
The reason firefighters and paramedics are better and cooler than cops is because firefighters and paramedics are actually, at least on paper and usually in practice, providing a beneficial service to society. Even the best cop on the best day is still a cop, and the social role of cop is an inherently detrimental one.
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 6 months
Love commenting on videos that are like "We need men because women can't do X job/task!" Then pointing out the tools that have been created to overcome any possible limitations to doing that job/task
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kybercrystals · 1 year
so we’re all aware thrawn is operating with pre-battle of yavin trained stormtroopers who are probably old and malnourished at this point… yes?
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postsecretsalone · 4 months
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panfaristo · 1 year
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
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"ONTARIO REFORMATORY BARNS ARE GUTTED BY FIRE," Toronto Star. August 3, 1934. Page 14. ---- Fire breaking out at the Ontario reformatory brick and tile plant in Etobicoke township to-day destroyed three barns and badly damaged the milk-house。 The live stock, which had been tied in the stalls for the morning milking, was rushed to safety by Guard Alfred Pearce, assisted by 15 inmates of the institution. Prompt response to the alarm by Mimico and New Toronto fire brigades prevented the further spread of the flames, but the dry hay which filled the lofts burned too fiercely to be checked with the limited water supply available. The blazing cow stable, where the fire was discovered in the loft, is shown above in (1). The horse stable (2) was a complete loss.
"BLAME FARM BUILDINGS LOSS ON SMALL MAINS AT PRISON," Toronto Star. August 3, 1934. Page 14. ---- Government Ignored Advice of Chief to Put in Larger Ones ---- LIVESTOCK SAVED ---- Had recommendations been carried out as urged by Mimico and New Toronto fire chiefs, who advised a larger watermain at the Ontario Reformatory brick and tile plant, two of the three farm buildings gutted by fire early to-day could have been saved, firemen stated.
The fire was discovered shortly after 5 a.m. by Guard Alfred G. Pearce, who, with the assistance of 15 inmates, got all the stock, harness and implements out of the blazing building as the roaring fire, which began in a haymow, was fanned by a breeze from the northwest and began to eat away the timbers.
The entire spring crop from the institution farm, which packed the lofts to the eaves, was destroyed, the cattle barn, where the fire started. and the horse stables, were burned to the ground, and only a thin shell of the piggery left standing.
Livestock Taken Out The shouts of Guard Pearce when he discovered the fire aroused A. E. Springstead, cattle man, who telephoned the alarm which brought the Mimico and New Toronto brigades, In less than five minutes, through the prompt action of the inmates on the milking and stable gangs, all the livestock was taken out of the burning building.
While the rescue work was going on, other members of the institution staff under W. Farrell, attempted to fight the rapidly-spreading flames, using a line of hose, two chemical machines and 20 hand fire extinguishers.
The Mimico fire brigade, closely followed by New Toronto, was the first to arrive and connect up the hose, but due to the small water main the pump could only feed one line up to 80 pounds pressure, which hampered the work.
Water Was Scarce The New Toronto fire-fighters were also hampered by the lack of water and could not use their pump with any degree of efficiency. The origin of the fire is unknown and the damage, which will be high, is as yet unestimated.
"Every man of the 15 Inmates working with me did his bit and worked hard. No one could have done any more than they did. The livestock was out in less than five minutes," Guard Pearce stated.
Forty head of cattle, 12 horses and about 50 pigs were taken to safety. The bull, disturbed by the fire and before it was tied. almost disputed the right-of-way with the racing New Toronto fire truck as it drew into the grounds.
When the fire was at its height, a dense pall of smoke was blown over New Toronto, bits of charred wood and ashes falling in the streets over a mile away.
"We could have saved two bulldings if we had had enough water" Fire Chief William Spindler Mimios, told The Star. "We couldn't draw enough water from the six-inch mains. Last summer Deputy Chief Waltes of New Toronto and I inspected the place and among other things asked that a larger water main, a 10-inch one, be laid, but the government didn't do it. There is the same condition at the Industrial school. They need new hydrants there too. The ones they have are only for 11-2-inch hose and that is of no use to us."
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blairsanne · 1 year
Our local wildfire has gone from "out of control" to "being held" so that's promising!
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wizard-mp4 · 1 year
I'm stuck at my works office, to be clear I don't work in an office but I'm here because they want me to absorb information from these training videos produced by corporate, so I can regurgitate the same nonsensical trash to real humans who are paying life and limb for our horribly managed services that I technically partake in providing.
None of this would matter to me if I was actually getting to learn or progress my technical knowledge. But the bureaucrats want a piece of paper, notarized by my direct boss and then notarized by their boss, that says I watched a video confirming I know what to do at work.
After work I'm gonna go to the weed store. I deserve it.
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ufss · 7 days
What safety equipment is required for a fire?
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The essential fire safety equipment recommended by Universal Fire & Safety Services Ltd. includes a variety of tools and protective devices designed to help prevent and respond to fire incidents effectively. Key items include:
Fire Extinguishers: Different types such as ABC, CO2, DCP, and foam fire extinguishers to address various fire types.
Fire Detection Systems: Smoke detectors, heat detectors, and fire alarms for early detection of fire and alerting occupants.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Items like aluminized fire suits, breathing apparatus, helmets, safety goggles, gloves, and ear protection to ensure the safety of individuals working in hazardous fire conditions.
Fire Sprinkler Systems: Automated systems that activate when they detect high heat to suppress flames.
First Aid Kits: For immediate medical response in case of injuries during a fire.
Fire Blankets and Fire Buckets: Useful for containing smaller fires before they spread.
Evacuation Tools: Escape ladders, emergency signs, and lighting for safe and efficient evacuation during emergencies​ (Universal Fire & Safety Services Ltd)​
These items are critical in ensuring preparedness for fire-related emergencies in residential, commercial, and industrial environments. Regular maintenance and compliance with safety regulations are also strongly advised.
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usarmytrooper · 9 months
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