#Flash 9x10
phoenix · 1 year
Foenix Reviews: Flash 9x10 "A New World Part 1 - Reunions"
I haven't really done rambly reviews in forever, as I was recently lamenting, so I decided I'd at least comment on the first part of the final storyline for The Flash, and see if I can keep that up.
The main thrust of the plot this week has Barry getting abducted away from Iris, back to the year 2000, on the very night when his mother is fated to die.
At first, Barry is confused, and tries to get help the best he can, while making as little impact on the timeline as possible. He goes to beat cop Joe West, who is at his Joe-est and while confused about this kid who won't tell him much of anything, is still willing to trust him and try and help him.
But that's when Barry realises what day it is, and he rushes off to try and clear his head. He sees his parents, but is struck down by some all too familiar red lightning, and fortunately Doctor Henry Allen is there to help him.
So Barry is reunited with his parents, and it is one heck of an emotional journey, as he has this chance to tell them how much he loves them and misses them, without REALLY doing so.
If you're gonna end the show, this is absolutely the right note to go out on. We get to bring the series full circle with the pilot, and finally have Barry reach this point in his life, and at last make peace with it. It's a great way to bring closure to Barry's journey, and the series.
Along the way though, there are complications, most of which are in the form of the Reverse Speed Force, who borrows Joe's body to try and take out Barry. And props to Jesse Martin who does an amazingly creepy job. Seeing Joe acting so different is very unsettling, and Jesse nailed it.
Some of the highlights of the episode; I loved the constant use of blue in the set designs and costumes throughout the episode, heralding an impending arrival, Barry's very self aware, "Oh what have I done this time??", a phone call with Professor Stein, getting to see Matthew Letsch as Eobard Thawne one more time, seeing the Big Moment in the Allen house, with all the Barrys there, as we have seen them over and over again, and just getting that moment one last time, from this one last perspective.
Since the episode takes place almost entirely in the year 2000, the majority of Team Flash are set aside, as this is purely Barry's story, which is as it should be. Most of the cast are in holding patterns at this point for that reason. Iris is in the final weeks of her pregnancy thanks to a time jump, a necessary evil with the end of the show fast approaching, Chuck and Allegra are flirtily doing their thing and that's fine for what it is, and Khione is uh...Khione's exhibiting a few new powers. Her misty poofy trick is VERY reminiscent of Deathstorm, but that probably means nothing, even if it should, and I've long been a supporter of her creation being such a mess because of ALL the energies Caitlin has encountered over the years, including those of Deathstorm VERY prior to her death...but I digress.
I did really like her writing a letter to her sisters, which is a nice way to keep their presence alive in the show, such as it is, and gives them some much needed connection, which has been lacking.
All in all, this was a great setup for this hopefully epic series finale. It really stands out as the highlight of this season, and I might even put it up there as one of the better episodes of the series. It definitely has the air of finality around it, and bringing things full circle has everyone at the top of their game, and the writing is bringing the emotions, through Barry and his parents.
This was, quite simply, almost exactly what I want from an episode telling this story, and from the first part of a series finale.
The show has had a lot of ups and downs, and while I've been a fan all through them, I don't deny it has stumbled over the last few seasons. But last week, and this week's episodes have given me a fair amount of hope that the show might actually go out on a VERY high note.
*waves at Eric Wallace as he sets up a football for me to try and kick!*
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arrowverse · 1 year
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THE FLASH (2014-2023) “A New World, Part One” (9.10)
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killervibe · 1 year
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In The Flash - The Star Labs Reality TV Show s9 ep 10 (”Catching the 2000 Blues”)
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sashmarie1111 · 1 year
The Flash 9x10
CC: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr1NZ5hp74f/
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cheryls-blossomed · 1 year
So I just watched 9x10, and it’s definitely a very strong opener to a four-part finale, although I still am skeptical if the show’s end (or if any show’s end) can live up to finale expectations. Relatedly, I think the episode’s stand-alone quality fascinates me more than the fact that it is a opener to a four-part finale, because it does a remarkable job of tying together the thematic elements of Barry’s character arc of nearly a decade now through extremely effective circular story-telling.
There are many things a final season of The Flash has to revisit, but most pivotal is perhaps the night Nora Allen died, because we know that there’s always been a Flash who stops season 1 Barry from saving Nora and who saves his younger self. The show revisits the night Nora dies many times, but three times remain most integral: (1) the season 1 finale, when Barry attempts to save Nora but is stopped by his future self; (2) the season 2 finale, when Barry saves Nora, imprisons Thawne, and creates Flashpoint (which he then undoes in the season 3 premiere); and (3) 9x10, where we see Barry stop his past self from saving Nora and saves his younger self. It’s a circular story-telling device that is one of the most effective, because it’s been a huge thread-line since season 1.
But what’s poignant about 9x10 is that Barry being brought back to that night is what eventually brings him peace finally, and it’s because Thawne attacks him and Nora and Henry help him. By getting to see his parents and tell them all that he’s wanted to say and by getting to tell them about his and Iris’s baby, he is able to reconcile that night that’s defined his entire life. And it’s literally because Thawne attacks him and puts him directly in his parents’ path, which is exactly what he tells Thawne at the end of the episode. It’s an irony that has such a deep poignancy. Getting to see this story-line come full circle and getting to see Barry get closure with his parents and make peace with that night is really effective story-telling, and it’s particularly powerful because this is the final season and the opening part of a four-part finale. 
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Absolutely wild to me, by the way, that Thawne’s villain origin story is that Barry *checks notes* SAVED A CROWD 🤦‍♀️
Like…first of all, Thawne, literally go find another crowd?? Second of all…I know this bs origin is Armageddon’s fault, but this episode actually has Barry APOLOGIZE TO THAWNE
Bro?? For what??
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Here are just some thought of The Flash: I just watched the latest episode of the last air…SEASON 9 EPISODE 10 SPOILERS
Omg I’m soon happy with the direction we’re going in! I’ve been a die hard fan of the flash since 2017 (I wish earlier) but I used to sit and watch new episodes of season 3 with my brother. We even watched the season 3 finale together and I’ve never felt so excited for a show before or happy watching an episode. Todays episode reminded me of why I fell in love with this show in the first place: it’s not the writing or production; it’s the feelings I get watching an episode with all its shenanigans and storytelling.
I’ve just been feeling like this was lacking in the later seasons. There’s just more and more to criticize each episode, but there are good moments and at least 1 (but usually more than that) truly good episode in every season. This episode was one of them.
When they brought Thawne back, I literally rolled my eyes so far into the back of my head. I just kept thinking like bro, we get it: u hate Barry and? I was so sick of Thawne being the bad guy bc he’s been the bad guy for YEARS, but as the episode went further I realized what was going on. They’re coming full circle. This is the moment. From back in season 1. This is older Barry saving younger Barry. This one night is the building block of everything. Thank God they’re not making it a giant plot hole!
Not only that, but we got to see a different kind of Barry. One that was interesting to watch and learn about. The way he’d act around his parents and the angst of not being able to tell them, I rrly felt that. Like a knife to the heart. The end tho, where being finally got the last laugh or ig the last punch in their war, yes I repeat he called it a WAR (which I love), was just beautiful. After all these years, Barry finally found what he’s been looking for: peace for his mothers death.
I guess I was just surprised, which is something I haven’t been in a while, or I guess more like surprised in a good way. Bc trust me, there r surprises in the later seasons but they r pretty controversial and love-hate in my opinion. The point is they finally did it: made something that was interesting enough to be as good as it’s prime seasons and I desperately hope the rest of the season finale is like this! Please God Please!
The only problem I have now is that I have to wait a WHOLE WEEK to watch the next episode. Damn.
It’s been an amazing journey watching this show every Tuesday then every Wednesday (even tho the move kinda pissed me off, this show deserved better than that) and I’ll wait forever just to see a beautiful ending. Actually scratch the forever part, just gimme gimme rn lol.
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pixzzles · 1 year
I mean…maybe he could of not killed Barry but became a hero now or something.
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grantgustinbrasil · 1 year
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Danielle Panabaker também postou em seu instagram momentos dos bastidores do último episódio de The Flash. Grant Gustin aparece em algumas fotos. [link]
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velocity52 · 1 year
It finally happened. After 9 years waiting it finally happened…
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They finally showed us the other flash’s perspective! We finally saw the suit he wore that night.
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My theory of why he’s blurry: from younger Barry’s (oh my god. I actually have to say younger Barry now!) perspective is because the flash over the seasons has gotten faster. (More or less.) so Barry is moving so fast in this scene that his younger self eyes can’t fully process this cause he’s not fast enough yet. Here my big theory on how time loop works and how this still fits Eobard story from season 1:
The timeline never changed. Everything that happened was supposed to happened. It makes sense! It slightly different than season 1 flashback but I’m letting that slide because that was on Earth 1! (Everyone else should think this too. Or not. I’m not the boss of you.) this is Earth Prime version of that night. But it still fits. In fact it fits with what eobard told us back in season 1:
Eobard: “Until I learned your secret. I learned your name. Barry Allen. And finally, I knew how to defeat you once and for all. Travel back in time, kill you as a child. Wipe you from the face of the earth. But then you, future you, that is, followed me back, and we fought. We both landed some pretty solid shots. And then you, future you, got your younger self out of there. I was so mad.
But then I thought... what if you were to suffer a tragedy? What if you were to suffer something so horrible, so traumatic that your child self could never recover? Then you would not become The Flash. And so I stab your mother in the heart, and I was free. Finally able to return to a future without The Flash, only to realize that in traveling back I'd lost my way home.
Lost my ability to harness the speed force. And without it, I was stuck here. Stranded in this time, unable to return to my own. And the only way back was The Flash. But The Flash was gone, and so I created him.”
Then during 9x10 eobard figure out killing barry’mom it’s a fixed point Everything he does was already supposed to happened. Which break him.
But The universe or speedforce couldn’t let him know that.
Which is why this happened!
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some unknown entity(No idea yet possibly cobalt blue or the negative speed force?) had to make sure Eobard thinks he changed the past. So it’s teleport Barry away to somewhere( I have no idea. I’m literally typing this just right after it released. so part 2-4 haven’t came yet.)
But from Eobard perspective it look like as if the flash vanished from existence. This would give him the motivation to create the flash. Thus cementing his role for season 1. What do you guys think?
Other than that this was worth the 9 year wait! I can’t wait to see the rest.
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killervibe · 1 year
Hey Joe and the OG!Eobard are back next week? HECK YEAH!
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talkingtea · 1 year
So the transcript for 9x10 is already out. I haven’t finished reading yet but y’all, if I’m interpreting these lines right, I think Iris is suddenly super pregnant. She talks about wanting to give birth already and Barry says “any day now”. We may actually be getting Iris with a bump 😭
So she’s going to be in her final weeks/days of pregnancy with no Barry. And the only people around are Team Flash. *deep heavy sigh*
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
“What did I do this time” what DIDN’T you do is the real question, Barry ✋
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whumpplease · 1 year
Someone please gif the Barry whump in the flash 9x10 bc we have not gotten this kind of whump in the show since like season three. I’m begging.
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pixzzles · 1 year
I like how instead of keeping Barry in hospital they’ll just like “fuck it, let’s get some pizza, random dude!”
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afaimscorner · 1 year
The Flash 9x10
Wait, two actually good episodes in a row? Is this really happening? And what did they do the shit that was the first eight episodes of Season 9 for, when they could have been doing this and last week the whole time? I mean, yeah, I get it. The Crossover and the last arc are the only “Flash”-Stories that were left, but that is no excused.
Even sadder is the fact that they never resolved the actual plot of Season 9, but just skipped it by jumping ahead in time to Iris’ due date. She never got closure for her storyline, nor did Cecile (or even - ugh - Khione), we just got slapped in the face with the fact that all their problems are solved now and they are happy. Which is again just bad writing. Sorry, but the show died with Crisis or at least the end of the Mirror Verse Arc since then it has been mainly bad writing and character assassinations. And of course sexism all over the place (here essentially again: Barry getc closure on-screen for his issues, but the women got it off-screen). And even this one, as glorious as it was, has a big gaping plot hole: If Barry wants to find Tina McGee all he has to do is ask the real Harrison Wells, who was still alive at this point and close friends with her. And who also might be Timeless Wells at this point as well, so no danger for the timeline there. But I guess, we just really have to accept that both Tom and writers lost all their interest in having him play anyone else but Eobard (even though Matt’s version is so much more fun at this point, which this episode did proof again).
Anyway, I am confident they will manage to fuck up “A New World”, because they have only four episodes, have not really introduced the villain in a big way so far and with next episodes Team Flash is back in action, which means it will get worse again. But at least this arc got of to a good start.
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