#Flash NBC-1
nnn-lll-nnn · 10 months
</>Flash,s b# ENBC-1 anuVlear, Bravo$;$; NBÇBSHbàbßjUsh, Chatlie, sh Sndi Degreer Grids,bJsbHotel;aIrburstzJfultietHrhBesecoNddsfNH+#+jsjsj##+$+$+#+##$$$#######</>
</>FPASH FKASHF FLASH! NBC-1 NUCLEAR! BrAV$#+ ALPHA KILO SC3B#;™;2:-™§∆%TREE SEVEN F$-#±3+IFE, CHARLIE dElaydEIGH5Y aĎgRnW #GrhyN3d@H4yEaolẞutrfatz_)#jUlieyteIgtjysEcondsDelAtry treEztou zrouazRroufiretree4Zurlu##Oct#1onenIenttreefiffedAstdatchzhtouwhnyhnHah#+#-$-#--#-#-#-#</>
</>Flash. NBC-1 Nuclear, Bravo; Kilo KuloetE# zero sox ŖtrouwhnynHeynhyNe six seven five one, Chsrliefy;:HynviyshN¢$--²ndregree grid, dEltyahYn, 3-0-0-0-0-1zualu, october 1 niNeteenSeventiyh yhhynFaiv dAtchtwo AlphatoRtroneoGoldf, echo, zero pint point tree#$&@-$## tree, foXtrtwoUtVhyn#+#--#-#-#&$-#-:#+@:$+#-$:$&$##$#####Hyoel:;$-#--aIrburst, Juleit, zero tree sierras, °¢-#--°¢°¢✓✓¢s#-#-##</>
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fruitcage · 2 years
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writergeekrhw · 20 days
Belated congrats about the strike deal(s)! I have two different questions for you: 1. Can you share anything about the show “The Irrational?” 2. We sometimes hear of actors being introduced to a project because of being sent a script. How does a screenwriter get involved in starting a new script? Is there a call put out to writers, for example? Thank you for your time!
Belated thanks!
The Irrational is a mystery show centered on Alec Mercer, a professor of Behavioral Psychology and Economics who works with his ex-wife Marisa, an FBI agent, his sister Kylie, a hacker, and his new girlfriend, Rose, a corporate fixer, to investigate crimes grounded in predictably irrational human behavior. It stars Jesse Martin (The Flash, Law and Order, Rent) as Alec. We did 11 episodes last year, and we have 18 new episodes coming to NBC starting October 8th.
An established screenwriter might be asked to adapt IP, as was the case for Arika Mittman on The Irrational (based on Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely). The studio will then go out to actors and attach someone. In the case of Andromeda, Kevin Sorbo was already attached, and I was hired to adapt some ideas by Gene Roddenberry. A not-so-established screenwriter probably needs to write a spec pilot and get agents, managers and eventually producers excited about it. Though that's a much harder path.
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belladonnasmenagerie · 11 months
SFW: Slashers reactions to you being a small unassumingly strong woman: Pt 1
Slashers included is Bo, Vincent, (NBC) Hannibal, (NBC) Will, Thomas
I have to make a pt 2 for Will, Thomas and Jason lol this one ran a little longer than expected XD
Requested by @klerns-birdie
Epilogue: All your life you knew you were stronger than others, even as a kid it was very apparent when you played around with other kids or went to school, parents having to be called a couple times for broken property. But over time you were able to control the strength you had but that didn’t help with your social life.
As you grew up names had been thrown like ‘freak’ or ‘monster’ even though you were so sweet to everyone. Eventually you stopped trying to become friends with others due to your strength but as you got out of high school it became easier, having the freedom to travel and see new things had opened you up to so much. Even though you still were insecure about your strength you didn’t hate it you were proud of yourself for how amazingly you managed it.
Then one day you met him and it felt like love at first sight….
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* Vincent is such a calm man in my perspective, yes he’s a brutal murderer but compared to Bo he’s a lot lot calmer
* He loves you unconditionally no matter what, he feels like he’s finally found someone who understands him. But on the same note he wants to protect you and acre for you like your a porcelain doll that would break if anything happened to you
* So Imagine the look on his face when he’s trying to subdue a victim in the house and he sees you across the room with wide eyes.
* He’s terrified now, terrified the victim will see you and go after you, he puts all his night into trying to get this victim to the ground but it seemed like no such luck was happening
* He could feel his heart racing, the only thing on his mind being you, he wouldn’t forgive himself if you got hurt
* That’s when the sudden sound of shattering your wood and the victim going limp shocked him from his thoughts
* Watching as the body dropped to the floor he finally looked up at you seeing what appeared to be the coffee table, or what was left of it, in your tiny hands
* Looking at you with wide eyes you could tell what he was already thinking so you gave him a sheepish grin
* “So… I was going to tell you”
* After that ( and after getting rid of the body) you two sat down and had a long talk, expressing to him how scared you were to tell him and how everybody thought you were just some freak
* He would cup your cheeks assuring you he didn’t think of you that way and that he knows exactly how you feel, you two would share a kiss and feel accepted by this man you considered your soulmate
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* Bo on the other hand would be a different scenario, he’s a rough man with an even tougher exterior so it’s hard to pinpoint how he feels sometimes
* But he loved and respected you, wanting you to be by his side at all time to take care of you
* So here you were sitting in the gas station swinging your legs as you hummed, just waiting for Bo to finish up down stairs
* That’s when you heard the bell to the door jingle as it opened, in shock you jumped off the counter as you saw a beat up larger man frantically looking around.
* Then he saw you, a tiny little thing just standing in shock staring at him. Without thinking a second thought he grabbed your upper arm, that sent you into fight or flight mode
* “Get off me!” You yelled grabbing a tire iron from the counter with your other hand
* “Shut up!” The victim scolded trying to tug you away
* “I said get the fuck off me!” You yelled swinging the tire iron across his head
* The sudden hit with such a force knocked the guy away from you as he stumbled, turning around to you all he saw was a flash of blue from your shirt as you jumped on him
* Bo frantically burst through the basement door and into the main lobby after hearing your yells
* “Y/n! What’s..” but before he could finish Bo had to do a double take
* Seeing you on your knees covered in blood in front of the man bludgeoned to death by a tire iron
* Panting you looked over at Bo “I can explain.”
* Bo scoffed with a smile “No need darlin’” he walks up to you
* “Looks like I don’t have to keep an eye on you.” He helps you up “looks like you can handle this stuff yourself”
* You chuckle but eventually after everything is cleaned up you sit down and explain everything to him
* He of course makes small jokes but the two of you laugh them off, but he accepts you for who you are and jokes that you’ll be his new muscle around town
Hannibal (NBC)
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* Hannibal is a very observant man, he doesn’t like to be caught off guard or have anything slip, especially with his reputation.
* So when the two of you started to live together he noticed small things you would do that seemed just a little bit off
* Like when he would buy groceries you would grab a heavy bag or box and swear it’s the lighter one, trying to throw him off, but Hannibal is smarter than that
* He won’t bring anything up until you were ready to talk about it though, he wanted you to be the one to say anything
* You knew about his murderous tendencies and his cannibalism but for some reason you didn’t care when you really knew you should
* Then one night at dinner you sat at the table twiddling your thumbs as the nagging urge to say something about your strength kept itching in the back of your mind
* Hannibal was in the kitchen making the entires leaving you to think alone in the dining room
* You kept fighting with yourself, knowing if you told him he wouldn’t mind and would actual accept you because he loved you but the other side argued back that he wouldn’t he’d call you a freak and want nothing to do with you
* That part made your eyes tear up, you loved Hannibal he was always so sweet and endearing towards you, he even took you out on shopping sprees and to nice restaurants for date nights.
* The tears kept welling though with thought of rejection now becoming the main thought on your mind.
* Hearing the kitchen door open to the dining room you tried to wipe the small tears away.
* “Alright dinner is served. Tonight we have..” Hannibal started placing your plate down first but he stopped his talking when he saw your wet eyes
* Concern crossed his features, placing his plate down so he could crouch next to you
* “Oh, dear what’s the matter?” He asked turning you in your chair to face him but you wouldn’t look at him
* Cupping your cheeks he gently pulled your face up “Come on darling, you can talk to me.”
* You sniffled “I-I..” then everything spilled out telling him about your fears of him rejecting you and the fact your really strong for a woman like yourself
* And soon you started to babble which made Hannibal chuckle in turn made you angry
* “Why are you laughing!” You snapped
* “My love, I’ve known for a while about your strength you haven’t been very good about hiding it you know.”
* You blinked a couple times as he wiped some tears away “y-you knew?”
* “Of course dear, now why don’t you stop crying and thinking that I would judge you for something so minuscule.” He placed his hands on your cheeks again “I love you just for who you are.”
* A smile brightened up your features as Hannibal leaned in for a quick but loving kiss
* “Now, how about we have some dinner then we can do whatever you want.”
* You nodded turning in your chair, stomach fluttering with how much this man loved you
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9-1-1 (fox) x Hannibal (nbc)
(I would write a fanfic but I’m not in the mood)
All of last night I was thinking of this, anyway.
post fall and having lived in the woods for awhile, Hannibal and Will move to LA and become firefighters on the 118.
why? Well Hannibal didn’t want to go back into psychiatric work (bad memories) and loved doing medicine still, and thought “why not?”
flash forward, to him passing the tests and whatever and being a paramedic firefighter under the name Hans Anderson and does firefighter stuff.
everyone is like “Hans, is.. so weird” “he’s just European, English isn’t his first language” “but.. he’s so weird.”
eventually Will gets bored of staying at home with his dogs, and applies and becomes a firefighter too.
so the duo starts being REALLY WEIRD, mostly the whole
“hanni. Your not cooking them pork”
“Will, but the team would love my recipe”
“I do not want to help you choose a pig, no.”
“But will :(“
“no means no, we will make chicken for the team”
and the 118 mostly buck is like
”guys, what was that about?” “Buck. Just let them fight they will calm down later” “but what was the whole ‘no I am not choosing a pig’ thing about that’s a weird thing to say.” “Buck.. Hans and Will are just weird, don’t look to deep into it, it’s probably a European thing”
will uses his think like a killer thing for emergencies they go on to figure out what happened, everyone is very impressed and freaked out mostly by how well he figures out where when on the run murders take their victims and the whole “this is my design” thing he mutters.
Hannibal despite what the media and chilton pushed he actually liked helping people and saving them from their deaths, he just also liked eating people.
whenever Hannibal runs headfirst into a flaming building to help people? Will is right behind him, whenever Will runs into a flaming burning headfirst? Hannibal is right behind him.
after a rescue, Will changed his clothes in the change room and some of the 118 saw his MASSIVE SCARS, mostly the one on his abdomen.
obviously they didn’t think it was old and were promptly asking questions and trying to treat Will while he was getting ready flustered.
“Guys, please just stop. It’s a old scar, it’s not a big deal”
“guys, it’s just from someone who hurt me, it’s fine”
“It doesn’t matter, it’s in the past I don’t care anymore.”
the 118 start being extra observant when Will gets injured in the stomach.
but when they bring up the whole thing to Hannibal
“Oh, Will’s scar? He got it when a boat rotor he was working on suddenly came on and gutted him, I was there.”
they stopped asking about it, but after awhile they noticed the bullet scars, and the scar on his head, and some more.
then it came to Hans’s odd behavior.
the way he wrapped his arms like they were bound when he was stressed, the weird feelings like they were being stalked by a predator but it was just Hans lounging around reading a book or other things, his odd jokes about food Will always laughed hard maybe they were inside jokes, those times when he was able to diagnose with 100% accuracy patients ill’s and everytime he joked “I could smell it”.
he was weird, and the fights he and Will had were evenly as weird.
one time when most of the 118 was out doing a rescue Will and Hans were getting into a heated argument while they cooked.
buck was kind of the only one there having sprained his knee on a previous rescue and was healing up. Buck was being really quiet mostly just sitting in a chair while he put some ice on his knee when. He heard it.
“Hanni, I can’t believe you. After everything we’ve been through? After everything you’ve put ME through? I can handle be thrown in a mental asylum, I can handle being framed, but THIS? Hanni, I love you but I can’t deal with this right now.”
“Will, I just wanted to make something for you. To show you my love.”
“Hanni, you always have. But this was stupid, I love your cooking I love you, but just can’t you source your meat any other way? can’t you show me your love while not slaughtering our food for us?”
“Will, Bella. I will for you, I will. I am sorry.”
“I can’t blame you, it’s so sweet. But just Stop it, you can’t keep this up.”
“Okay Bella, okay.”
buck just was so confused by the whole thing, Hans and Will were in love??? Will went to a mental asylum and was FRAMED??
buck really wanted to say something but they were quietly talking about the food and it seemed like a private conversation.
it was really weird though, the whole “food” aspect of it.
And it kept happening, these weird arguments about food.
always when Hans and Will thought there was no one around and buck happened to be creeping around because Hans’s cooking was SO GOOD.
he heard these snippets of a life before the 118, and it was just them talking about this girl Abbigail and murder cases?
just quietly lamenting this girl, with grief in their throats.
hans also talked about this other person Mischa, and how they were dead.
Hans and Will never talked much about their time before the 118, they mentioned something about Cuba one time but that was it.
the scars they shared violent and deep, the way they just were able to see and understand grisly killers.
just everything about them was wrong or hidden, they just are strange.
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fruitybugboyart · 11 months
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Hannibal NBC Season 1 flash sheet
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With all this nuclear saber rattling going on I thought It would be nice for you to be able to see what it would look like if you Freed the shit out of your favorite locations. A friend of mine showed me years ago and now and then I nuk the crap out of some location.
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Surface burst will also give you a down wind radiation fallout map.
I hope you can remember how to send your NBC 1 report.
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The missing-plane drama Manifest has had a hell of a ride. First came the now infamous cancellation by NBC, followed by months of uncertainty over the show’s remaining two seasons and then culminating in a last-minute, 20-episode order from Netflix. The second half of the abbreviated final season will hit the streamer June 2 — right in the middle of the WGA strike that prohibits its prolific writer-showrunner, Jeff Rake, from promoting the series.
Luckily for the show, star Josh Dallas (who plays Flight 828 passenger Ben Stone and will appear at the ATX TV Festival with other castmembers June 1) is picking up the baton. He spoke to THR — while enjoying his time at home in L.A. with his wife, actress Ginnifer Goodwin, and their two young children after five years of production in New York — about Manifest‘s marquee ending and the state of episodic television going forward.
What was your reaction to the plot of the show’s final episode?
I had a deal with Jeff from the very beginning that I didn’t want to know how it was going to end, so when we did the final table read, I was in tears the whole time. It’s twofold, right? It’s bittersweet because we’re saying goodbye to these characters and this world, and also to the TV family we’ve created, the crew and everyone we’ve worked with for the past five years. It was charged. But as far as the ending, Jeff has known how he wanted to end this story since the very beginning.
What kind of emotional resolution did you want for your character?
I wanted him to learn from his experience and be able to do things over again with a new perspective. If there was a sequel after the final scene, I hope he would go forward armed with knowledge and tools to take life as a gift.
So you envision a scenario in which there’s a reboot or sequel? Maybe like a “flash sideways” on Lost?
I think there’s major sequel or spinoff potential here. Maybe we go into the future and see Eden [his character’s daughter] at 21 or so as she’s navigating the world, or we follow the younger passengers. Maybe we go back to 2013 and deep dive into the investigation with [NSA director] Vance.
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If you look at the TV landscape today compared with 2011, when you started on Once Upon a Time, could you have imagined booking another show with 100-plus episodes?
I have been extremely lucky so far when it comes to that. I definitely think that the days of shows running for five or seven seasons are going away, and there are pluses and minuses to that. It’s a great shame that we’re losing the longevity that doesn’t exist in other mediums, to be able to explore the evolution of a character and a story. On the other hand, shorter seasons allow storytelling to be concise and exciting.
Is there anything to be replicated from the process of Manifest being canceled by NBC and picked up by Netflix?
Honestly, I don’t think there’s much you can do beyond trying to make the best thing you possibly can and hope it connects with people. Once Upon a Time and Manifest are similar in terms of their genre-leaning audiences, always the greatest TV watchers because they’re so passionate about their shows. It is a huge part of why we came back. I wish there was a formula. If anyone knows it, please put in the comments below. (Laughs.)
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Do you feel extra pressure to promote the show while Jeff Rake is on strike?
There’s certainly a feeling of responsibility because I want to do right by Jeff and celebrate the show in the way it deserves, but at the same time I want to support Jeff and all our writers in their negotiations and what they’re going through. There’s no pressure, though, only joy and gratefulness when I talk about it. If I mess anything up, we’ll have to call him after the strike.
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Álex Palou Montalbo
Birthdate: April 1, 1997 Hometown: Barcelona, Spain Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana Height/Weight: 6’0”/154lbs
Rookie Year: 202-
Team: Chip Ganassi Racing
Follow him on: Instagram Twitter Twitch
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Career Stats
2020: Dale Coyne Racing w/ Team Goh - 16th Overall 2021: Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2022: Chip Ganassi Racing - 5th Overall 2023: Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall
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2022 Testing and Free practice with McLaren F1 2023 McLaren F1 reserve driver
-Won the 2021 NTT INDYCAR SERIES championship, the first Spaniard to win an NTT INDYCAR SERIES title. -Has competed and won races in Euroformula Open, Spanish Formula 3, GP3, Japanese Formula 3 and Super Formula, -2019 Super Formula Rookie of the Year -Knows three languages including: Spanish, English and Italian. -His hobbies are sports, outdoor activities and music. Celebrates his INDYCAR SERIES wins by eating fried chicken. -First became interested in racing after seeing a go-kart track while walking to school with his father in their hometown in Spain. -Coffee connoisseur – owned a coffee shop in Spain, sold his own branded coffee.
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'It's not easy': Alex Palou opens up about Indy 500 heartbreak INSIDE THE RACE // ALEX PALOU AT THE ACURA GRAND PRIX OF LONG BEACH Alex Palou: From Spain With Speed (FULL INTERVIEW) Pato O'Ward already won race, Alex Palou didn't want him steal show F1 2022: Alex Palou FP1 session RACER: Indy 500 Carb Day Report with Alex Palou Alex Palou presented with Astor Cup in Long Beach for IndyCar championship | Motorsports on NBC Alex Palou INTERVIEW! The IndyCar Podcast Alex Palou Recounts His Path To Indycar // Behind The Visor Tom Griswold Interviews Alex Palou (2022 Indy 500)
Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach | Track Preview | Acura NSX Java with James: Alex Palou season 1 Tiny Cars with James – Alex Palou Tiny Cars with James, season 2 – Alex Palou Java with James, season 2: Alex Palou
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Alex Palou is something of a mystery. Outwardly quiet and reserved, he puts on a happy face in the most trying of situations. But beneath that is a core of steel – stubborn determination. He could not have won the championship in just his second season without it nor endured his 2022 contract controversy with the grace that he did. He is endlessly patient but there have been flashes of temper, fast burning but intense while they last. Pragmatic, he only believes in setting tangible goals – ones for which he can see a path to achieve. He has larger dreams but they are not his focus until that path appears.
Contract controversy It was a quiet Tuesday evening in July, 2022. Earlier in the day, Chip Ganassi Racing had announced that the team had exercised its option to extend Alex Palou’s contract through 2023. This was no unexpected and went unquestioned. Until Alex Palou put out a series of tweets. https://twitter.com/AlexPalou/status/1546996392912109568
In them, he stated that CGR’s press releasee had been issued without his approval and that he did not intend to continue with the team. Minutes later (and this tweet has since been deleted), Mclaren tweeted, welcoming Palou to the team. CGR then released a statement insisting that Palou was still under contract with them. To say that this caused mass confusion would be an understatement.
Two weeks later, another shockwave rocked the Indycar community when CGR confirmed that they had filed a civil lawsuit against Palou. Later, Chip Ganassi would insist that they did not ‘sue’ their active driver as many headlines and general conversation called it, but rather followed through on the mediation clause within the contract. But in the months that followed, speculation was rampant. Would Palou stay with CGR? Would he go to McLaren? Would it be McLaren F1 or McLaren Indycar? Palou continued to race for CGR, a firm ‘no comment’ on his lips for much of the time.
It wasn’t until a few days after the season ended in September that a resolution was announced. Palou would remain with CGR for the 2023 season but would be allowed to test with McLaren F1 and serve as a reserve driver.
August 2023 - The saga takes a new turn with reports that McLaren is suing Palou for breach of contract after he announces that he will be staying with CGR afterall.
McLaren initiates legal action against Palou
Palou: Lack of F1 guarantee at my age played part in McLaren IndyCar U-turn
As of May 2024, Palou remains with CGR after winning his second championship in 2023. He has admitted to the breach of contract with McLaren and now it is all in the hands of the court to determine the damages he will have to play, rumored to be as high as $30 million.
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Fanfic Lore
Paired with Pato O’Ward. Ship name: O’Palou Paired with Colton Herta Paired with Marcus Ericsson
Paired with Marcus Armstrong
Nicknamed Lexi in fics where Alex Rossi also appears to avoid confusion.
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Revitalizing A Soap
Part 1
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Frank Valentini is the producer and main composer of longtime ABC Soap Opera General Hospital.
I have had quite a few plans for him and the rest of the cast to work and serve on service for me.
It’s been a a lot of working the system to get this fire into a interview with him at the office.
He is such a successful executive I knew I had to take ownership of him as soon as possible.
Entering the room closing the door and offer my hand outstretched for him to shake as he leans over the table.
I take advantage of my situation placing my mind control chip on his chest right under his shirt.
“Sorry boss! I have plans for you”
“You will be much happier following me”
“Just need to press the button and there we go.”
“Soon enough “
“How do you feel?”
“Master Lawrence Operative 1 in action”
“I will help you attain all you want”
“You will hire only me”
“Submit only to me”
“Love only me”
“This show, body and life belongs to me”
His eyes start to glowing multiple colors go on mind wiping over him time and time again.
I smirk a kissing him as he succumbs to all of my technology rewriting and rewiring his brain.
He falls deeply in love falling to his knees in total submission to me and pleasing only me and my wants.
“How may I please my boss?”
“I will go to the ends of the earth”
“Get me Steve Burton now”
Part 2
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Super hottie Steve Burton is a legend in the arena of Daytime Drama for number of years.
He is currently filing for divorce at a hot red carpet for a NBC event waving his hands as he poses.
Surprisingly he is left shock at the sight of Frank coming up to him and posing with his camera.
He presses his camera flashing the lights in his fave as his eyes spin out of control he blocks out.
Steve shook his head trying to get back a bit of some sorts for his own mental safety.
He wakes up a bit later in a strange office on ABCs lost strapped to the chair before Frank.
“Frank why? Release me Frank immediately”
“Oh he will….free you”
“Who is he?”
“He means me you fool”
“My name is Master Lawrence “
“Tape his mouth, place the chip in his neck and press it.”
“You will see it clearly that I own you”
“I lead, you follow and obey”
“I am your Master Lawrence “
“Your life, mind, body, and soul are mine”
“You exist for my happiness”
“I am everything to you “
I sit down on the desk as Frank settles onto the floor in between me.
He slips in between my legs rubbing them in a very intense way.
Steve falls in an endless pit of mindlessness washing over him forever.
“Sir Yes Sir”
“You are my king”
“I work for you”
The end
Should I do more?
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day 110 was maybe the weirdest one so far: called into attend a 130am colic, get permission for surgery around 3 am, the power has already cycled multiple times including once when i was walking up to the hospital and there was a big flash in the sky and then power's out lol! anyway so we're in this horse, she's eaten like sand or something and her intestines feel like a beanie baby. shout out to the doc for teaching and having me touch things but also 3 am is not a primo time for my brain to answer questions. so the power goes out multiple times with this fuckin horse abdomen open in front of us, there's a generator but it lags. and then also the fire alarm goes off and when the fire department shows up they can't turn it off but they can mute it. so it's just flashing. horse abdomen rave. they kicked me out at 6am which was nice, but i feel bad, i coulda recovered the horse. i fell asleep on the common room couch for a while, showered, ate breakfast, slept until noon, and then went in on my day off because three cows showed up and im not missing the fun stuff.
day 111-113: last couple days of ECC flew by i had a good time on this all and all with 2 kinda bad days. i would repeat it 100%. I learned a lot especially about transfusing small ruminants lol. wish i took more initiative in asking to do things but i still did a good amount i think. going to miss NBC?? sad to leave my patients behind also. but not the dorms fuck the dorms. thank jesus the next time im out here im apartment swapping. onto small animal oncology which is gonna be a lot i feel like. here's hoping it's more medicine than surgery. also: I SURVIVED 1/3RD OF THE THREE ROTATION HELL STRETCH AND HAD A MOSTLY OKAY TIME, I WILL LIVE I WILL GET BETTER
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myhahnestopinion · 8 months
THE AARONS 2023 - Eligible TV Shows
Before you ask, please note: None of these shows come from the world of John Wick unless otherwise specified. Here are all the TV shows that were eligible for The 2023 Aarons:
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The Afterparty (Season 2) - Apple TV+
American Auto (Season 2) - NBC
American Horror Stories (Season 3)
Attack on Titan (Season 4c) - NHK
Barry (Season 4) - HBO
Black Mirror (Season 6) - Netflix
Chucky (Season 3a) - Syfy
Clone High (Season 1) - Max
The Continental: From The World of John Wick (Miniseries) - Peacock
Disenchantment (Season 5) - Netflix
Doom Patrol (Season 4b)
The Fall of the House of Usher (Miniseries) - Netflix
Fargo (Season 5) - FX
The Flash (Season 9) - CW
Found (Season 1) - NBC
Frasier (Season 1) - Paramount+
Goosebumps (Season 1) - Disney+
Gotham Knights (Season 1) - CW
The Great (Season 3) - Hulu
Harley Quinn (Season 4) - Max
History of the World Part II (Miniseries) - Hulu
I’m a Virgo (Season 1) - Amazon Prime
Invincible (Season 2a) - Amazon Prime
I Think You Should Leave (Season 3) - Netflix
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Season 16) - FXX
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (Seasons 2 & 3) - Netflix
The Last of Us (Season 1) - HBO
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (Season 1) - Apple TV+
Mrs. Davis (Miniseries) - Peacock
The Muppets Mayhem (Season 1)
My Adventures with Superman (Season 1) - Adult Swim
Nancy Drew (Season 4) - CW
Our Flag Means Death (Season 2) - Max
Party Down (Season 3) - Starz 
Perry Mason (Season 2) - HBO
Poker Face (Season 1) - Peacock
Reservation Dogs (Season 3) - FX
Riverdale (Season 7) - CW
Secret Invasion (Miniseries) - Disney+
Solar Opposites (Season 4) - Hulu
Star Trek: Lower Decks (Season 4) - Paramount+
Star Trek: Picard (Season 3) - Paramount+
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Season 2) - Paramount+
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Season 2) - Disney+
Succession (Season 4) - HBO
Superman & Lois (Season 3) - CW
Titans (Season 4b) - Max
Up Here (Season 1) - Hulu
Velma (Season 1) - Max
Walker: Independence (Season 1b) - CW
What We Do In The Shadows (Season 5) - FX
The Winchesters (Season 1b) - CW
Yellowjackets (Season 2) - Showtime
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The Irrational (Pilot Only) - NBC
Krapopolis (Pilot Only) - Fox
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (Pilot Only) - Disney Junior
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mceproductions · 9 months
Dancing the Year Away (Countdown Recap)
Before I sum up 2023 We'll look back on the past 30 days Countdown wise.
Best of 2023
1.  Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning: Part One
2.  Oppenheimer
3.  The Super Mario Bros Movie
4.  Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
5.  Barbie
6.  Suzume
7.  John Wick: Chapter 4
8.  Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
9.  Killers of the Flower Moon
10. The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
11. Elemental and The Flash
12. Fast X
13. Wonka
14. M3GAN
15. The Marvels
Runners Up:
A Man Called Otto
Shazam: Fury of the Gods
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem
80 For Brady
1. Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey
2. Expend4bles
3. Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Honorable Mention:
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Best New Show of 2023 Nominee*   Winner^
1.  Star Trek Picard (Paramount+)
2.  The Last of Us (HBO)^
3.  Succession (HBO)
4.  The Daily Show (Comedy Central)
5.  The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
6.  Yellowstone (Paramount TV)
7.  The Mandalorian (Disney+)
8.  Abbott Elementary (ABC)
9.  Late Night with Seth Meyers (NBC)
10. Loki (Disney+)
11. SNL (NBC)
12. That 90’s Show (NETFLIX)*
13. My Hero Academia (ADULT SWIM)
14. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) and Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
15. Ahsoka (Disney+)*
16. Attack On Titan: The Final Chapters (Crunchyroll/ADULT SWIM)
17. The Good Doctor (ABC)
18. The Owl House (Disney)
19. TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You (Crunchyroll) and
Outlander (Starz)
20. My Adventures with Superman (ADULT SWIM)*
21. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FXX)
22. 1923 (Paramount+)
23. RWBY (Crunchyroll)
24. One Piece (NETFLIX)*
25. The Simpsons (FOX)
Runners Up:
Tomo-Chan is A Girl (Crunchyroll)
Oshi No Ko (HI-DIVE)
The Walking Dead: Dead City and Daryl Dixon (AMC)
Young Sheldon (CBS)
Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC)
1. Velma (MAX)
2. Secret Invasion (Disney+)
3. Gotham Knights (CW)
Honorable Mention:
Star Trek Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds (Paramount+)
1. Dua Lipa “Dance The Night”
2. MindaRyn “Way to Go”
3. Morgan Wallen “Last Night”
4. Jack Black “Peaches”
5. Miley Cyrus “Flowers”
6.  NSYNC “Better Place”
7.  Taylor Swift “Karma”
8.  Radwimps and Toaka “SUZUME”
9.  Ed Sheeran “Eyes Closed”
10. Jason Aldean “Try That in a Small Town”
11. Ludwig Goransson “Can You Hear The Music”
12. Olivia Rodrigo “Vampire”
13. Halle Bailey “Part of Your World”
14. Jimin “Like Crazy”
15. Ryan Gosling “Push”
16. Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne, and Offset “Annihilate”
17. NBA YoungBoy, Bailey Zimmerman and Dermot Kennedy “Won’t Back Down”
18. Brian Tyler “Level Complete”
19. Neriame “Unmei Kyoudoutai!”
20. Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairva “Naatu Naatu”
22. Ryan Gosling “I’m Just Ken” and Cher “DJ Play A Christmas Song”
23. Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem “Rock and Roll All Nite”
24. Taylor Swift “Cruel Summer”
25. LAUV “Steal The Show”
26. U2 “Walk On (Ukraine)” and Blink 182 “One More Time”
27. Jung Kook “Standing Next to You”
28. Linkin Park “Lost”
29. The Weeknd and Ariana Grande “Die for You”
30. Rachel Zegler “Nothing You Can Take From Me”
Runners Up:
Radwimps “Kanata Haluka”
Chris Pine “This Is the Thanks I Get”
BTS “Take Two”
Casey Lee Williams “Worthy”
Oliver Anthony “Rich Men North of Richmond”
1. Awkwafina and Daveed Diggs “The Scuttlebutt”
2. Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice “Barbie World”
3. J6 Prison Choir and Donald Trump “Justice For All”
Honorable Mention:
Taylor Swift and Her Taylor’s Version Remakes
Game of The Year
Nominee* Winner^
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom^
Sony’s Spider-Man 2*
Super Mario Bros Wonder*
Hogwarts Legacy*
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
1. Damar Hamlin
2. The Enterprise D Returns to the fold
3. Barbenheimer
4. Breakthrough of Bilingual VA’s in Anime
5. Hamas Gives another Salvo
6. Memory of a Flerken Brood
7. The Toymaker Spices Up Our Lives
8.  Looks like ______ is back on the Menu
9.  The Twilight of An Icon
10. The Saga of George Santos
HM: A sport goes Swiftie
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heavenboy09 · 10 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Finest Black Actress🤎 On TV 📺 Of The CW'S Superhero TV Show Based On The Popular DC COMICS Character Of The Same Name
Born On November 24th, 1973
She is an American actress. She has made appearances on shows such as 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996–2001), Second Time Around (2004–05), The Starter Wife (2008), Family Tools (2013), Born Again Virgin (2015–16) and The Flash (2015–2023).
She began acting in the early 1990s, appearing in a recurring role on the ABC sitcom Family
Matters. In 1996, she landed the role of Caryn on the NBC sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun, which lasted until 2001. In 2005, Nicolet starred in the short-lived UPN sitcom Second Time Around. Entertainment Weekly named her the network's "breakout star" in review. After the series was canceled, she co-starred on the TNT medical drama, Heartland. That following year, Nicolet had regular role in the USA Network comedy-drama, The Starter Wife starring Debra Messing, the series also was canceled after one season. Nicolet has also guest starred on episodes of Stargate SG-1, Angel, The Bernie Mac Show, All of Us, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and Warehouse 13.
Please Wish This Amazing & Talented Fine Black Actress Of The CW'S The FLASH ⚡.  A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 TO YOU  MS. NICOLET & HERE'S TO MANY MORE YEARS TO COME  #DanielleNicolet #TheFlash #CecileHorton #TheCW
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From Crossfire #2, June 1984
I have these things in my life called “markers.” You have them too, though you probably don’t know it. Markers are those things that remind us of who we are and how far we’ve come from… well, from wherever we were. Unless you stubbornly resist all change in your life, things happen to you that cause you to say, “Gee, five years ago, I couldn’t have believed I’d be doing this.” Or, “Gee, I sure have come a long way.”
Well, whatever causes you to say that… that’s a marker.
Some markers from my memory:
1959: I’m seven and a devout watcher of Soupy Sales’ TV show even though I have both of Soupy’s jokes committed to memory. As much as I love Soupy, his crew loves him more. You can always hear them laughing off-camera and it is those laughs that give me my first desires to be in the TV business… to be a part of this magic. Now, FLASH FORWARD TO 1980: I’m Head Writer on a variety special for NBC, we’re taping at a rental studio in Hollywood and who should be taping his new syndicated series on the adjoining stage but Soupy! Whenever I’m not needed on my show, I’m over watching his, chatting with Clyde “White Fang” Adler, talking to Soupy and being one of those off-camera folks you hear laughing in the background. Clyde even lets me hurl a pie shell of Gillette Foamy into Mr. Sales’ kisser at the close of one sketch; now, that’s a marker!
1961: Now I’m nine and most of the big things in my life, TV-wise, have the Hanna-Barbera logotype on the end: Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Yogi Bear, et al. My favorite actor in the whole world (no contest) is the voice of the above characters, Daws Butler. FLASH FORWARD TO 1977: It is the day after I have completed my stint writing “Welcome Back, Kotter.” I get a call from my former editor at Gold Key Comics, Chase Craig, who’s editing a line of comics for H-B of Yogi Bear, The Flintstones and company. He says, “I know you’re out of comics and making a ton of money in TV but would you like to write a comic or two on the side? Dan Spiegle’s going to be drawing “Scooby Doo” and he asked for you.” I say, “Sure, if I can write everything” and I happily set to work, writing the characters I loved when I was nine, often working with the same artists who drew the comics I loved at the time. (Marker no. 1) Now, FLASH FORWARD TO 1982: Joe Barbera calls me in, which can only mean one thing — H-B has a script crisis. They never call Evanier unless there’s a script crisis. CBS has ordered a prime-time Yogi Bear Christmas Special and, to get the animation done in time, it should have been written two months ago. The problem? Every staff writer in the H-B building has done one or more outlines and CBS has bounced every last one of them. “You know these characters,” Mr. B says. “You’re always nagging me we ought to revive them. Well, here’s your chance. CBS wants to guest star Huckleberry, Quick Draw, Augie Doggie, Snagglepuss and all the rest.” Forty-eight hours after my agent closes the deal, CBS okays my outline and, before long, the script is approved. A few days later, I get home and play back the messages on my Record-a-Call. There, in the unmistakeable voice of Daws Butler is: “Hey, hey, hey, Mark. This is Yogi Bear. I just called to say that this is the first good script I’ve had in almost twenty years.” I’ve had actors like scripts before but when John Travolta liked something I wrote for him, that wasn’t even a marker. Yogi Bear liking his script, now that’s a marker.
1963: I’m eleven and my best friend is named Brian Jacobson. Brain [sic] has, secreted away in his room, a pile of Playboy magazines and it is there that I first find out what women look like under their clothes, a big moment in any boy’s life. Brian and I talk about the fold-out ladies and there is, of course, nothing more beautiful than them, especially when you’re at the age when your glands are just beginning to kick in. They are, of course, unattainable. If women like that even exist (we have our doubts), they are surely and forever out of the reach of guys like Brian and me. FLASH FORWARD TO 1976, I think, for two markers in rapid succession: One is that I meet a Miss September of my childhood and, while she is now married and a mother, that’s not the point. It’s like meeting Wonder Woman and finding out that she really exists, even though she’s hung up her tiara. Marker no. 2 is dating a then-current Playmate who turns out to be, contrary to my ’63 beliefs, a real live human being and not some glossy-paper fantasy. Intellectually, of course, I knew that all along. But while walking into a party at the Playboy Mansion with Miss February, I couldn’t help but think how far l’d come from when Brian and I would desperately hide his Playboy stash from his mother.
And I’ve had other markers: Meeting Groucho Marx, Bob Hope, Phil Silvers, George Burns. Writing for Gale Gordon, Eve Arden, Sid Caeser and others I loved when I was younger. I even, under duress, wrote a sketch once for Jerry Lewis, proving that not all markers are pleasant.
A lot of my markers have to do with comic books I loved as a kid and wound up writing as a bigger kid — and with the artists with whom I was teamed.
When Brian and I played at his house, we looked at the Playboys. When we were at mine, we looked at comic books. I had the biggest collection in town — and remember, this was years before there were any conventions or Price Guide or fanzines or mylar snugs or any of those things. Comics were ten, going up to twelve cents. And old comics were worth less, never more. The few bookstores that sold old comics priced them at a nickel each, six for a quarter.
One day, I decided to file all my comics. I had never heard of anyone doing such a thing but I did it because, I guess, they were important to me and it seemed like a gesture of respect. It took all day… The Harveys in this pile, the DCs in that stack. The biggest pile was the Dells and, when I had them all segregated by company, I broke them down into mini-stacks of licensors: The Disneys here, the Hanna-Barberas there. Dell was my favorite company. Of course, at the time, it was everyone’s favorite company. In the fifties and early sixties, they published a line of comics that made them, to this date, the best-selling comics company in the history of mankind. At one point, they were selling more comic books per week than all of today’s companies, collectively, sell in a month. Their worst-selling book was selling about double what X-Men now sells. (And I’ve got to explain this because it confuses everyone: Dell was the publisher of this line of Disney/Warner Bros./Lantz/etc. comics but the books were edited, written, drawn and printed by Western Printing and Lithography, a wholly-separate firm which owned the comic book rights to all those great characters. Dell was Publisher in that they handled the finances and distribution. In the early sixties, the two companies got a divorce and Western began publishing the same books themselves under the Gold Key colophon while Dell scrambled to assemble a new line. This, I find incredibly amusing: For at least one brief moment there, around 1962, Dell was the bestselling comic book publisher in America despite the fact that they had no characters, no titles, no editors, no writers, no artists and no printing facilities. Apart from those minor omissions, they were in great shape.)
As I pored through my newly-separated pile of Dell “adventure-type” comics, I began to recognize artists’ styles. I didn’t know how a comic book came to be but I figured that there were artists and that they didn’t draw exactly the same. There were no credits but I did manage to deduce that the guy who drew Maverick was the same guy who drew certain issues of Sea Hunt. He did a lot of the Dell (later Gold Key) books: Days later, paging through the Disney stack, I found him in The Hardy Boys and most of the adaptations of live-action Disney movies. His work was wonderful and dramatic and fascinating. No one could draw Hayley Mills like this fellow. Years later - in one of the best-selling comics of all time, Space Family Robinson — he got to sign his work and I got a name to go with the style. He was Dan Spiegle.
Still later, I learned about his background. In 1949, fresh from art school, he got his first job, drawing the “Hopalong Cassidy” newspaper strip. (True story: He got it when he answered a newspaper ad for a strip artist, only to find that the job was on Bozo the Clown. Dan was skilled at adventure, not humor and he was about to leave when the executive doing the interviewing said, “My brother-in-law is Hopalong Cassidy’s manager and he’s looking for someone to draw a strip too.” That’s how Dan wound up drawing one of the best western strips of its day.)
Westerns were big at the time and Western Printing, true to its name, produced zillions of cowboy comics for Dell to publish. They lassoed Dan and made him their “star” adventure artist. In the sixties, if you walked into Marvel and inquired about work, they told you you had to draw like Jack Kirby. At DC, you had to draw like Curt Swan. At Western, if you aspired to draw adventure material, they handed you Dan Spiegle comics and said, “This is what we’re looking for.” But this did not apply to their humor comics; there, the works of Paul Murry and Carl Barks were the ideal. Dan Spiegle could draw anything… except humor —
— which posed a problem after Western lost the rights to the Edgar Rice Burroughs characters. They’d been publishing Tarzan and Korak with Spiegle on the latter. Dan’s Korak was the better-selling of the two, making it the best selling of all the E.R.B. comic book adaptations ever, not just in this country, but everywhere. Chase Craig was the editor at Western’s L.A. office then and he found himself with no book suited for Mr. Spiegle’s art style. Cautiously, Chase assigned him the Scooby-Doo comic based on the Hanna-Barbera hound of the same name. It was a stretch for Dan and, at first, the results were un-impressive. Spiegle tried like hell but it was like Pavarotti trying to be the lead singer in Culture Club. Chase decided that, if the art wasn’t going to be special, the scripts had better be - so he reassigned that task to this new kid he had writing (literally) a third of their line, a kid named Evanier.
I was thrilled to be writing something that would be going to the artist whose work I’d so admired. I was even more pleased when I met Dan Spiegle and found him to be, easily, one of the three nicest people in the whole comic book business and, no, I won’t tell who the other two are. As a team, we “clicked” and I learned an awful lot about comic book writing by seeing how Dan staged my scripts. I wasn’t the only one who learned from him: A great number of comic book artists - new and old - avidly study his work and are impressed with how devoid it is of comic book drawing cliches and how solid he is in visual imagery, perspective and a dogged determination to never repeat a pose or composition.
We work together whenever possible. When foreign publishers of Tarzan and Korak comics demanded them, we did a batch of Korak comics for overseas consumption. Later, I edited a batch of comics for Japan and the first artist I called was Spiegle. When Hanna-Barbera made a deal with Marvel to publish Scooby-Doo and other H-B comics, we were again reunited. When I was off doing TV work, Dan was snatched up by DC and they had him — sans M.E. — on Jonah Hex, Nemesis, Bat Lash, Zatanna, Green Arrow and others. But when they assigned him to a revival of Blackhawk, I came out of my funnybook retirement and joined him on what came to be known around the DC offices as “The Unknown Comic.” In spite of DC’s best efforts, the book developed a small but loyal following due to Dan’s excellent artwork Recently, along with co-writer Sharman DiVono, Dan and I did a new adaptation of Tarzan of the Apes for the Burroughs folks. He was their first choice as illustrator and, also, the choice of foreign publishers who are issuing the book by the millions. I love the way he draws and I’m not alone.
I’m writing this the day after Dan sent me the artwork for Crossfire number one. It is, perhaps, the two hundredth Evanier script he’s illustrated and the two hundredth time I’ve gotten this giddy grin on my face over the way he takes what I give him and makes it look like a real comic book. He’s improved leaps and bounds since his Maverick days and, yet, I can still see that he’s the same artist whose work got me all excited over comics. back when I was eleven. You see, to you folks, Crossfire may be a comic but, to me, it’s a monthly marker.
                                  — Mark Evanier
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
Flash, NBC-1 Nuclear, Bravo; JH067418, Charlie; 60 degrees, magnetic, Delta; 260700 Zulu Oct 23, Foxtrot; JH###########Juliet; 50 seconds, #########################
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