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Was listening to always Gold and it fit Flutterpaw and Shellpaw over @solsticewcrp so well I HAD to.
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dawngen · 1 year
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burnetstripe's first apprentice is her own son, flickerpaw, who is also practically her double when ignoring his eyes. favoritism much?
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she had four kits btw! i forgot to take a screenshot sooner whoops. poor softpaw, second from left, has yellowcough :(
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Leafshade dies. Flickerpaw is re-apprenticed to Plumstone. Briarlight takes Leafshade’s place as deputy.
Emberfoot dies. Finchpaw is re-apprenticed to Ambermoon.
Spotfur dies.
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blimbo-buddy · 5 months
may I ask what exactly makes you think that warrior cats is the inevitable end of all but me coded? i'm curious.
Even after everything is gone, we'll be getting Arc 445 where StripePaw of Thunderclan tries not to buckle under the weight of "expectations" from his clan about his heritage. FlickerPaw from Shadowclan is a new medicine cat who will have better writing than the other two protagonists. SnowPaw from Windclan is a girl.
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Cats of Thundergrowth: Rosetail
Name: Rose, Rosepaw, Rosetail
Identity: Cisgender Molly- She/her
Orientation: Aroromantic
Rank: Attendant
Former Rank(s): Warrior Apprentice, Warrior
A gray molly with her tail being covered with red scales. She has curled ears, like that of her Uncle Sheepear and her grandmother Squirrelwhisker and already she can feel the pains in her joints. Many suspect that she will soon retire from her position as Attendant, but not fully retire to the elders den. Many have seen her talking to Specklebee and whispers were heard about her taking lessons to become a Caretaker.
While a romantic at heart, Rosetail never felt the spark for herself. She gushed over her brother's, Thrushcloud, crush over Blizzardstorm but when thinking about a mate for herself she felt off. She tried to push it away, even as going as far as dating someone from the Hearth Coalition but realize that she felt no romantic attraction to her partner. Luckily for her, Calor, her partner understood, and they broke off on good terms and even kept in contact. When Rosetail had decied she wanted children he was the first cat she thought of and Calor was all for it. When Rosetail gave birth to five healthy kits, two of them went with their father, while she kept three, who she named, Flicker, Spotted and Brindle
Mentor: Kitespot (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Starlingthroat
Parents: Poppydawn (mother), Swirlflight (father)
Siblings: Thrushcloud, Voleclaw
Mate: Calor (seperated/good terms-Sire of kits)
Kits: Flickerpaw (Son), Spottedpaw (Daughter), Brindlepaw (Daughter), Avis (Daughter), Oriri (Son)
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bonefall · 1 year
slips in. i was following your clanmew challenge thing and want to know if these sound right? Pyrrsmeer! Opipwyr. Hwoo-ulnyams piagorll. [ Noncombatant-you-hello! Flickerpaw. Wind-clan learning-rank. ] Pi / Yass pishkaf nyyrwang! [ Saw/heard / Smelled/tasted red-squirrel rotten-quality they-rogue-contain! ] Urchborrl yaowang morrwowang urrgryyr. [ Snowpelt female-quality fast-quality they-clanmate-contain. ] " Snowpelt is a female and large. " Oskfaf ssufwang eebwang urrgryyr. [ Whitefur male-quality ? they-clanmate-contain. ] " Whitefur is a tom and small. " i know i def must of messed smth up somewhere so. :]
We'll be posting answers all at once in a couple of days so everyone can check their work (since there's a few people trying it out!) but I will say; You're doing really well!
We realized though we actually made a goof which you replicated, that's on us. In the Rotting Squirrel example, we bungled the grammar and accidentally put it in SOV word order instead of OSV.
Yass pishkaf nyyrwang mwrrgryyr should be "Yass nyyrwang pishkaf mwrrgryr," because "Rotting" is the OBJECT of the sentence, and the Squirrel is the SUBJECT because it's doing the containing. The squirrel is a literal object; but the rotting is the grammatical object.
(and this is why Clanmew wouldn't exist without Jace, grammar specifics like that soar over my head until they are explained OTL)
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floraldeityviridian · 1 month
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This is my completely ordinary normal warrior cat oc named Flickerpaw don't worry about it. She doesn't have nature magic I SWEAR
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pine-clan · 3 months
Care to elaborate?
Oh you're going to regret asking me that. It gets a dark at the end, heads up.
So, Bee. Her ancestors are actually clan cats believe it or not. How is Bee considered a loner if her family is clan cats?
I'll get to that detail later
So it starts with this tom named Harerunner. He falls inlove with this loner named Hawk. The two hit it off. Harerunner's father was CavernClan's leader at the time, his name is Darkstar.
Hawk later had two kits but didn't make it, so Harerunner names his two sons Batkit and Hawkkit. His father founds out about this, and Hawk was a apart of a different gang Darkstar doesn't particularly enjoy so he exiled his son. "No son of mines falls inlove with someone like her."
Harerunner is pretty bitter about this. He tried to raise his sons as a exiled cat but later fell into heat exhaustion. Batkit and Hawkkit accidentally alerted a RavineClan patrol after the two stepped on twigs.
Harerunner and his sons were made into RavineClan cats because Ivystar is just chill like that.
Darkstar finds out about this, and IMMEDIATELY FUCKING SETS UP WAR???
Ivystar fucking dies, RavineClan cats are shocked by this because holy shit that's a new leader?? Where are all his lives??
Alright we got a Applestar now.
Shortly during the battle, Harerunner and Batkit, Batpaw then, didn't survive it. Only Hawkpaw.
Hawkpaw later found out he has a half sister via his stepmother, Owlkit, and vowed to protect her from harm.
Rip Dawnwhisker randomly goes missing so Hawkpaw spends most of his apprenticeship dealing with little "sister". Applestar gave him the name Hawkberry.
Owlpaw comes out as trans whoa.
Hawkberry meets a loner, named Wren. He found outthat where she was living at is NOT a good environment for her and her upcoming litter so this fucker convinced Applestar to let her in.
Hi Wrenwing sweetie you're one of my favorites.
Step right in Flickerkit is born. He's a cutie and Hawkberry loves this kit to death. Bro really became the dad that steps up. Hawkberry and Wrenwing, at some point, become mates.
Owlsong also has a kit of his own now too ig. Hi Kestrelkit.
AND WHOAA FLICKERPAW GOT A LITTLE BROTHER SOON NAMED ROBINKIT. Flickerpaw loves everything he's a sweetheart I love him.
Flickerpaw, Flickerbird now (he requested to be named after his parents), meets a molly named Sunny, a red color point. Huh, I wonder who else is a red color point. Hey Flickerbird has a orange splotch on his face too, HMMM WHO HAS THAT.
Suddenly, Sunny, Sunface now, is expecting a litter. The two are very happy on being parents and even came up with names together.
Sunface was soon last spotted alive after having a walk. Nobody could find her. Flickerbird was desperate to find her.
He found her eventually, but he was too late. She was already gone. Along with the small ones too.
Later Wrenwing found them. She was distraught. There was later discovered to be one survivor, this little kit, barely clinging to life. Sweetkit was named that due to Hawkberry over hearing that Sweetkit was a name Flickerbird and Sunface picked.
They don't know there was two survivors. The one that took Sunface took the one that he deemed as stronger. She was named Bee due to her small size.
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climbing-ivy-rp · 5 months
Mod Intro:
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Wren | They/Them | Owner
Hi there! I'm Wren, general admin and jack-of-all-trades. Climbing Ivy has been my brain baby since I was an edgy thirteen-year-old in a few different forms, so I'm very happy to get it out in the world. I take care of a lot of overarching plot/concept things and any side tasks the other mods don't handle. My personal tumblr is @wander-wren
❧ My characters are Honeywillow, a quietly rebellious hunter, Fawnrose, the brutal ranger deputy, Charredsun, an intimidating but anxious fighter, and Flickerpaw, an awkward, grieving apprentice.
❧ Committing to the bit is my specialty; I'm here to latch onto offhand comments and plot bunnies and run away with them.
❧ I have a character creation problem and I cannot be stopped. Everyone gets bonked with the trauma stick.
I'm excited to see what you bring to the server and eager to accept suggestions, questions, comments, & cats. 🐾
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Skye | No Pronouns | OC Mod
Hey! I'm Skye, the mod of Climbing Ivy focused on original character submissions and records. I'm the one who keeps up the allegiances and similar documents, as well as approving any and all new OCs. My personal tumblr is @handstotheskye
❧ My character is Frogstep, meek unless you know them well and quietly thoughtful of others.
❧ This is my first major online RP but I've already had so much fun with it!
❧ Catch me going in-depth about everyday events as if they were stories all their own.
Hope to see you on the server, and I can't wait to see the character(s) you bring to the table!
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Scout | They/Ram/Ae | Lore Mod
Hello all!! I'm Scout and I am Climbing Ivy's lore-focused mod! While Wren handles the brunt of lore and writing for IvyClan and Skye is in charge of approving characters, I help fill in with worldbuilding, event planning, and such! You can find me over at @ramblingsfromthemoss
❧ I play Shrikestar, IvyClan's current leader, and Wildfire, an outspoken rebel.
❧ I'm a huge fan of collaborative storytelling efforts like this and will happily talk your ear off about them.
❧ I accidentally created IvyClan's first "big ship", YarrowDown!
I look forward to meeting you, feel free to ask me any questions you might have <3
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Cloudy | She/Her | Social Media Mod
Hi everyone! I'm Cloudy, and I am Climbing Ivy's newest mod, focusing on the social media side of things. I'm the main person running this blog, and I also manage the AO3 collection. If you leave an ask or a comment on either site, I'll probably be the one responding! My personal tumblr is @thestarsstillfall.
❧ My characters are Spiritclaw, a ranger disillusioned by IvyClan's strict hierarchy; Featherstrike, an outspoken, rebellious hunter maintaining favored status through his exceptional skills; Rockpaw, an aspiring warrior being drawn along a dark path; and Pebblepaw, an idealistic healer apprentice trying to find her place in the world.
❧ I love character arcs and character development in general! I'm always happy to discuss characters, whether they're mine or someone else's.
❧ Sometimes I take random details and expand them into full-fledged parts of the worldbuilding or narrative. Some of my best ideas have come from there.
I hope to meet you on the server, and feel free to talk to me about ideas, suggestions, characters, etc. :)
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duskclan · 1 year
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In her darkest moments, it was often hard to remember they were watching over her. But they always would be.
my clangen girl Sagemuzzle has gone THROUGH TRAGEDY :( 
she lost her wife Palefeather in childbirth, her youngest son Mosskit got into deathberries just a moon after, and just a couple of moons later her son Flickerpaw died heroically saving a cat from drowning :(
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jay-drinks-gasoline · 10 months
moon 42
flickerpaw and mousepaw are apprentices
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Formerly Shellpaw, now Flickerpaw my beloved over @solsticewcrp
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blooming-fire-au · 2 years
Protagonist (of the overall arc rather than individual Clan ones) time!
Names: Hattie, Flickerpaw, Flickerflower, [SPOILERS]
Orientation: Polysexual
Gender and pronouns: Cis molly, she/her
Canon counterpart: Hattie, Firestar (kinda)
Clan(s): ThunderClan. Previously a kittypet
Parents: Jake, Nutmeg, Tallstar (unofficially adopted)
Siblings: Thomas, Lucky, Cinnamon
Half-Siblings: Scourge, Ruby, Socks
Mate(s): Darkstripe
Kit(s): [SPOILERS]
Mentor(s): Bluestar, Lionheart (unofficial), Tigerstar (VERY unofficial)
Apprentice(s): Brackenfur, Bramblestorm, [SPOILERS]
Description: A small, medium-light brown mackerel tabby molly with a white locket, white hind paws, and a white-tipped tail. She has bright amber-gold eyes and long, very soft fur.
Personality: At first glance, Flickerflower doesn't seem like she should have been brought to ThunderClan: she's soft, generally not much of a fighter. However, she speaks her heart out in efforts to rally others to help. Her curiosity is boundless, leading her to the discovery that Tigerclaw wasn't trying to be "helpful" when Redtail was expecting his kits. Flickerflower is naturally social and kind, but a bit gullible. Despite that, when she's faced with something that makes her afraid, she does her best to face it until she can find a safe out--like when Bluestar suddenly stripped Redtail of his deputy position and gave it to her. She has the qualities of a good leader if she doesn't let her anxieties get to her...
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Leader: Snowstar (18 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby tom. (Apprentice - Nightpaw) Deputy: Leafshade (10 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly. (Apprentice - Flickerpaw) Seer: Dandelionstripe (12 seasons). Black molly with a white patch on the top of her head, and short glossy fur. Shellfur (7 seasons). Short-furred blue tom with green eyes and a white patch on his back.
Warriors Briarlight (26 seasons). Short-furred black molly. (Apprentice - Myrtlepaw) Emberfoot (19 seasons). Short-furred black tom. (Apprentice - Finchpaw) Ambermoon (17 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly. Hollytuft (15 seasons). Long-furred dilute caliby molly. Junipertail (12 seasons). Brown mackerel tabby tom with short, glossy fur. (Apprentice - Baypaw) Honeyfur (10 seasons). Short-furred blue molly with green eyes. Stemleaf (7 seasons). Sleek, short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with hazel eyes and a torn ear. Plumstone (7 seasons). Sturdy, short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with white paws and tail-tip. Spotfur (5 seasons). Blue mackerel tabby molly with short, thick fur and hazel eyes. Flywhisker (5 seasons). Long-furred blue molly. Snaptooth (5 seasons). Long-furred blue molly. Flipclaw (5 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby cat with orange eyes. Thriftear (5 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with pale hazel eyes. Bristlefrost (5 seasons). Thick and long-furred blue mackerel tabby molly with hazel eyes, neat ears, and long whiskers.
Apprentices Baypaw (2 seasons). Long-furred blue mackerel tabby tom. (Mentor - Junipertail) Myrtlepaw (2 seasons). Long-furred blue-cream tortie molly. (Mentor - Briarlight) Nightpaw (2 seasons). Skinny, broad-shouldered cinnamon mackerel tabby tom with a white patch on his chest, bright flame-coloured orange eyes, long whiskers, and glossy, thick, long fur. (Mentor - Snowstar) Finchpaw (2 seasons). Long-furred black molly with a white patch on her chest and orange eyes. (Mentor - Emberfoot) Flickerpaw (2 seasons). Short-furred black tom with a white patch on his face. (Mentor - Leafshade)
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just letting you know, for the SkyClan allegiances of Rainstar's Burden, Ghostwatcher would still be an apprentice, Ghostpaw! Ghostwatcher was Flickerpine's killer, and both are around the same age, so if Flickerpine was Flickerpaw during Rainstar's Burden, then Ghostwatcher would be Ghostpaw :3
Ghostpaw/watcher's mentor was the leader, Vinestar, btw :3
thank you!
I spent like an hour trying to find their profile yesterday
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 4 : Greenleaf: Year 2
The deceased Dustbee walks in the dreams of Eiderpaw, much to his horror. Eiderpaw asks Brokenfur about their ancestors, and Brokenfur makes sure to reassure him.
Yewstar loses a life to a coyote after he tries to find out what happened to Flickerpaw. He manages to escape back to camp and offer his condolences to Flickerpaw's family.
Lavenderbranch behaves very suspiciously around camp, which raises concerns from her sisters. Tawnpelt talks with her father about it, but he waves away the issue.
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