#Floris VI
perfettamentechic · 11 months
4 luglio … ricordiamo …
4 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Robert Hoffmann, attore austriaco con 21 film nella sua filmografia. La sua carriera tra cinema e televisione fu esercitata prevalentemente in produzioni europee. Dopo aver studiato recitazione in Francia, Hoffmann debuttò in Le avventure di Robinson Crusoe del 1964, serie televisiva che ebbe molto successo in varie nazioni. (n.1939) 2022: Mona Hammond, pseudonimo di Mavis Chin, attrice…
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fara-posts · 4 months
Ce NE...colosal ,iubitule -iubită....[28.01, 13:45] Ioana: Daca te chem sa vii ,daca plec sa ma ții,daca te caut sa stai ,daca adorm sa ma ai ,daca te doresc sa mi soptesti ,daca te visez sa mi rostesti,daca te alung sa revii ,daca taci,mangaiere sa mi fii ,sa aud glasul iubit ,atavic ...in mine turbinion ametind ,tumult....sa te mpresor sideral,sa cad la pamant ca un val ,sa imi topesti nesfarsirea cu gesturi micute ,delicate...iubirea ...si primul om imi esti tu ....de atunci ...eu sunt un altfel de eu fara tu...in care tot simt pasul tau ,n o sa ma satur sa ti spun... esti cel pentru care ma nclin si adun flori rare ,nestemate,topind, mocnind in taceri ,vise si doruri cu gust uimitor....la capat de lume,de dor.... si ti doresc ancestral o nflorire cu mine,un val, cu gust nelumesc,ireal...la capat de drum cand vom fi gandul la tine ,la mine ...sa aduca etern ,miros de trezvii ...si te iubesc ...cum n o stii ...pentru tine am scris poezie ,o carte in dar necitita ...doar titlul ...si n rest....nerostita ...aceasta infinita ... iubita...un nu stiu ce...nerostita ...
[28.01, 13:47] Ioana: Ce NE...colosal ,iubitule -iubită....
La multi ani si sanatate ,un pic de iubire in toate, drum drept si lumina ,o cale ,un vis sa va tina si n rest scanteieri de lumina ,miros ,trandafiri si o mana intinsa mereu peste timp ,caderilor noastre ...rastimp..
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anchesetuttinoino · 10 days
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"Vota quella stronza della Meloni", il meme ironico che circola nelle chat. L'effetto Giorgia non si ferma - Secolo d'Italia (secoloditalia.it)
’effetto Meloni prosegue senza sosta. Il dopo-Caivano registra un ennesimo “colpo di scena” di questa campagna elettorale. Un’ ennesima conferma di quanto quella frase -“Presidente De Luca, sono quella stro*** della Meloni. Come sta?”- abbia bucato i social e fatto parlare e straparlare molti opinionisti. Tanto che oggi -il giorno dopo quell’incontro che tanto sta facendo rodere il fegato dei mestrini raical-chic col ditino alzato-  viene anche rilanciata. C’è un meme spiritoso e ironico che circola in rete e nelle chat dei parlamentari: “Vota quella stronza della Meloni” è la scritta che campeggia su un finto  manifesto elettorale per le Europee: con il simbolo FdI  barrato e il volto della premier. Sta facendo il giro del web.
L’effetto Meloni non si ferma: dopo il video arriva il meme virale
Dopo il boom sui social dell’incontro fatidico tra Meloni e il governatore De Luca arriva, dunque, questo meme a rilanciare la “mossa” della premier che ha sconvolto i salotti buoni dei talk show. Dimostrando che il suo comportamento ha colto nel segno. E soprattutto, fatto impazzire una sinistra politica e intellettuale che in modo ridicolo censura l’ atteggiamento “poco istituzionale” della premier. Dovevate osservare i vari Severgnini, Fittipaldi, Lella Costa, Floris, Piccolotti dare lezioni di bon ton istituzionale. Nessuno che lo avesse fatto con tanto accanimento quando ad offendere la premier per primo era stato proprio De Luca. Tanto livore dei dem e dei salotti radical-chic non lo abbiamo proprio notato all’epoca.
Il dopo-Caivano: la doppia vittoria di Meloni
Dunque, vince ancora Giorgia. Non a caso l’ istant sentiment realizzato in esclusiva per Adnkronos da Vis Factor nell’immediatezza dell’incontro Meloni- DeLuca fu già una sentenza. Nella maggioranza dei commenti a favore di Meloni – ben il 56%- sottolineavano coraggio, franchezza, presenza di spirito del presidente del Consiglio. Spirito e franchezza che manca del tutto a sinistra, che chissà quando si riprenderà da questo doppio successo della premier: avere fatto rinascere il Parco Verde di Caivano, teatro fin’ora di stupri, spaccio e criminalità; ed essere entrata contemporaneamnte negli incubi più tetri di una sinistra triste. Sempre più ostaggio della propria incapacità di ancorarsi a un sentimento popolare. Anche ora che il meme ironico “Vota quella stronza della Meloni” sta furoreggiando, le dosi di Maalox dovranno essere raddoppiate.
Un’ altra mossa comunicatica che fa impazzire la sinistra salottiera
Qualche esempio. L’editorialista del Corriere, Beppe Severnini ad Otto e mezzo ha affermato che “Meloni dovrebbe imparare il decoro verbale”. Fittipaldi urla un “Mi vergogno” a Tagadà. Lella Costa, attrice e sceneggiatrice, femminista, dal salotti di “Di martedì” afferma che la frase di Meloni a De Luca “è una forma di bullismo”. Alla faccia della solidarietà femminile… Ed Elisabetta Picoclotti di Avs ha tuonato: “Il prossimo passo che farà il presidente del Consiglio qual è? La lotta nel fango?” Zittita da un imperturbabile Italo Bocchino, direttore editoriale del Secolo d’Italia: “Ciò che ha detto Meloni è un grande esempio di comunicazione. Finalmente De Luca impietrito”. Insomma, ancora una volta la sinistra non capisce che la sfida ha avuto un solo vincitore: il premier. Anche oggi assisteremo a varie lezioni di galateo istituzionale a puntate? Un ultimo appunto merita il ridicolo furore di Giuseppe Conte, ospite di Floris. Anche l’ex premier in pochette ha stigmatizzato le parole della premier. A tacitarlo Francesco Storace: “Ma come? Sei il leader del partito del vaffa e ti scandalizzi?”…
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scaly-freaks · 6 days
i'm really curious, does aegon feel like he's cheating on amara with his new lannister gf?
because you said that he didn't expected Cassandra to remain faithful to him, even though she was his wife, but amara is not allowed to be with anyone else while he is seeing other women.
Ok so I am in the mood to yap, nonnie, hence I will yap.
He's the king, first of all. Cheating for him holds...less consequence. In fact, it's encouraged. Any lord who can get his daughter into Aegon's bed would then look forward to favour. Aegon lives in a world where temptations are plated up to him like he's at a five star restaurant, and he's never had very good impulse control. Otto knew what he was doing when he dressed up Alicent to send her to Viserys. Right now, as Aegon is unwed himself, there are lords left and right dressing up and schooling their daughters similarly, and Lyanna seems to have won for now.
Aegon's example of women in his family are Helaena and Alicent and Rhaenyra. Helaena is cheating on her husband (a mutual agreement) with her girlfriend, Floris. Alicent would probably have loved it if Viserys took his attention off her and had a mistress so she could be left in peace. Rhaenyra cheated on her husband, Laenor (also a mutual agreement) with Harwin. Adultery is almost a requirement in this family, and if you're not into your spouse, make an arrangement where you can both cheat. That's what he did with Cassandra.
He also has a different set of standards for Targaryens. Targ women can do more than other women because they're Targaryen. In his view, they'd be more justified than any other woman because of the bloodline (the more he settles into his position of real power, he's finally leaning into his heritage). Women who marry Targaryens would be a step lower by that logic, but Aegon's own mother is a non-Targ, and he probably is aware that if she'd had the chance to cheat and have affection elsewhere, she might not have turned out the way she did. In a way, allowing Cassandra to have lovers, was almost his way of ensuring she wouldn't become like Alicent (and it wouldn't affect their children).
Amara is an anomaly in that he is finally experiencing love for a woman like he did for Aysla, but this time, he's older and not fifteen and impressionable, and she isn't twice his age with five kids. The relationship is unequal from the start, more so than it was with Aysla because she at had the advantage of age over him, whereas he was the prince.
Amara is four years younger and severely traumatised. Right out of the gate he's in a position to control her. But when he lets her exist as she wishes, and thinks it's a great favour on his part, she doesn't respond the way she should. When he first made it obvious he wanted to sleep with her, she joked and wriggled her way out of it.
In a sense, everything he does to her and around her, it's like he's got her in his hands and is shaking her like a rag doll whilst screaming why won't you love me? But for men accustomed to his position, that also means why won't you submit to me?
They're not in a relationship, and that much Amara made clear. They agreed to have sex to have the child together, but she never said she wanted to be his lover in the truest sense of the word. He isn't sure what she feels, because the friendship they have/had is so much fun (when they're both cooperating), that it's hard for him to tell where the line is. He's never been introduced to the concept of being friends with someone you also want to be in a romantic partnership with.
I was also thinking about his relationship to his Targ heritage the other day, and about how he can't categorise her into a "type" of woman he's known all his life. Maybe he's overcome his own aversion to being involved with his family members, to wishing Amara was his sister instead. That co-dependancy he understands perfectly, and it's what he's developing with her (though it's not co as much yet, since she's got one foot out). His view of sibling relationships is naturally skewed, and though he made those claims about wanting her to have "power" so she'd agree to have his baby, in a way it was also about binding her into his blood. Cassandra was the queen, and he needed an heir. He didn't need to have a child with Amara but he chose to with deliberate purpose.
Also, ALSO, this does tie in to the rather strange relationship he and Jaehaera have once she grows up. It's not sexually abusive (though there have been Targ forefathers who are very sus in that regard...I'm looking at you Jaehaerys, you vile man) but it does get emotionally incestuous. She views him as the "ultimate man" but also as the person she can't disappoint, hence she hides her bad behaviour from him more than she hides it from Amara. Aegon, on the other hand, sees her as a piece of Amara that is undeniably related to him by blood, and will belong to him forever. When Amara disengages from him because she can, and because he can never keep her mind focused only on him if she doesn't wish it, he turns to the daughter. Jaehaera ends up knowing way too much about their relationship because Aegon crosses that emotional boundary where a parent really shouldn't be sharing that stuff with a child. She becomes protective over him because she only hears his side. She starts to resent her mother, entering into a one-sided competition over who can treat her father better.
(Alternately, Amara and Aegon's son is completely on Amara's side and resents his father so...oh dear)
ANYWAY, before I end up yapping more (also if you're surprised Jaehaera doesn't grow up well-adjusted....she's a Targaryen with traumatised parents....HELLO)
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vampyres-mortuary · 22 days
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☆﹔Flower & Spring themed names
Poppy , azalea , iris , aster , flora , abelia , cedar , aspen , daphne , acacius , cordelia , poppy , elowen , clover , willow , sylvie , juniper , amaryllis , sage , rosalie , marigold , maren , cynthia , magnolia , cassia , ione , zephyr , lennox , sylvia , cassiopeia , elara , rosalind , fleur , pandora , rue , linnea , ewan , lilac , aveline , ianthe , florian , Iris , Calla , Flora , Heather , Rose , Zinnia , Aster , Clover , Dahlia , Daisy , Erica , Ivy , Kalina , Lily , Violet , Blossom , Bluebell , Hyacinth , Jasmine , Lavender , Leilani , Flora , Fleur, Floor, Flora , Flora, Flower
☆﹔Flower & Spring themed pronouns
petal/petals/petalself , sprout/sprouts/sproutself , stem/stems/stemself, leaf/leafs/leafself , bud/buds/budself , fleur/fleurs/fleurself , bloom/blooms/bloomself , fern/ferns/fernself , ama/amara/amaran/amaranth/amaranself , bloom/blooms/bloomself , bo/bel/oss/bloss/blossomself or blosself , bud/buds/budself , ca/cam/mel/mellia/camelliaself or camellself , ca/car/carna/carnati/carnationself , ca/uc/yuc/ucca/yuccaself , co/lum/bi/bine/columbineself or columself , dai/daisy/dais/dais/daisyself , do/dog/gwo/gwod/dogwoodself , fir/firs/firself , fleur/fleurs/fleurself , flo/flor/flori/florid/floridself , flor/flora/floraself , flow/flower/flowers/flowerself , frie/friez/freesi/freesi/freesiaself , fu/fuch/uch/uchia/fuchsiaself , ha/hib/bis/cus/hibiscuself , haw/hawth/thor/thorn/hawthornself or hawthself , hy/cin/hyas/hyacin/hyacinthself or hyaself , hy/hys/hyself (hyacinth) , ir/ir/iris/iri/iriself , ja/min/jas/jasmi/jasmineself , je/min/jes/jessa/jessamineself , lil/lily/lils/lilies/lilself/lilyself , lo/lot/lotu/lotus/lotuself , ma/mag/nol/nolia/magnoliaself or noliaself , nar/narc/narcir/narcirs/narcself (soft c as in certain, narcissus) , pe/peony/peo/peon/peonyself , pe/per/peri/peri/periself or periwinkle , petal/petals/petalself , po/pop/py/oppy/poppyself , rho/rhod/rhode/rhodes/rhodeself , rie/orch/id/chid/orchidself, orchiself, or orchself , ro/ros/rose/roses/roseself , rose/roses/roseself , sa/sap/saps/saps/sapself , sy/syr/rin/ringa/syringaself , ti/tul/ul/uli/tulipself , to/mis/misel/miselt/mistletoeself , tul/tulip/tulips/tulips/tulipself , vi/viol/viols/viols/violself (violet) , wi/win/winkle/winkle/winkleself or periwinkle , wi/wist/wis/wister/wisteriaself, wistself, or wisterself , zi/zin/zin/zinni/zinniaself , moss/moss/mosses/mosses/mosself , shroom/shroom/shrooms/shrooms/shroomself , spring/spring/springs/springs/springself , dew/dew/dews/dews/dewself , shine/shine/shines/shines/shineself , flower/flower/flowers/flowers/flowerself , honey/honey/honeys/honeys/honeyself
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c-sket · 7 months
Lacey crona has no idea if you've ever played pokemon sword b4 but you're his last hope 💔 (no mogai blogs did pkmn reqs // reqs were closed ....)
Do yuo think u could do Klara npts from the pokemon sword isle of armor dlc ,,,,, its okay if not if you're not familiar , crona just thought he'd try his luck bcs he quite literally has no one left💔💔💔 (guilt tripping)/j
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klara id pack
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names : ribbon( ne ) , poison , veneno , envenena , spike( sse / tte ) , clara / klara , laurie , clarté , charlotte , clair( e ) , cara / kara , clarissa , sophora , rara , pink( esse / ette ) , blush( ine / ette / esse ) , bow( ine / ie ) , puff( ette ) , sugar( ette / esse / ita ) , florie , cherise
pronouns : bug / bugs , vi / vir , vae / vem , poi / poison , poison / poisons , brace / bracelet , spike / spikes , pop / pops , pop / star , star / stars , drip / drips , pi / pinks , sugar / sugars , drip / drops , scare / scare , unsettle / unsettles , voi / void , void / voids , moth / moths , deceive / deceives
i have never played pokemon sword ! ! but i hope this is alright crona :3
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gynii · 5 months
Hi romanian here! Here are some recommendations:
For more of a classic rock sound good bands are:
Cargo ("Poate dacă ploaia s-ar opri" is a Must for Sad Rock music but I also like "Ielele")
Compact ("Mă voi întoarce" another iconic sad rock song but "Fata din vis" is also quite good)
Pasărea colibri (their discography is. A little all over the place but "Pisica Neagră" would fit the vibe)
Phoenix (folk rock, careful with this one cause there's some unsavory words used for romani people. Also just Nationalistic tendencies due to them often adapting poems and folk legends into songs)
Something a little more modern there's:
Alternosfera (my favorite is "flori de mai")
Vama Veche ("18 ani" was all the rage at beach parties. Literally everywhere.)
Vunk (pop rock, tbh I don't listen to them a lot but "Pleacă" was literally my first rock song so. Holds a near and dear place in my heart)
Individual song recommendations:
Sânziene by Irina Rimes and Zdob și Zdub (folk rock)
Oops... Eroare! by Andreea Bălan (very Emo. Very Teenaged. Don't look at the rest of that woman's discography you will barely find anything else like this)
Cuțit la abdomen by Jean Gavril
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omg thanks for all the recs!! I'll listen through all of them but i just listened to Nebun de alb, and while it's not the vibe i'm going for it did remind very strongly of what my dad was listen to in the car when i was a child so bonus points for the slap of nostalgia!
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unhonest-iago · 7 months
~Act VI~
Quite a bit away from the scene, Techno broke their comfortable silence. 'Thank you.'
Still looking forward, towards the sky, 'Never let them see that they get to you'
'So...things get to you?'
Clearing his throat, 'uh, not anymore. I was small and I was like you once.' His response making Techno let out a sarcastic laugh. 'It's true.'
'I think I was eight, maybe nine. And all I wanted to do was join the junior ranger scouts. So my mom pitched together enough money to buy me a brand new uniform because by god, I was going to fit in.' thinking back to when he was proudly standing in front of a mirror, his mom Sally behind him fixing his neckerchief. And then another moment when he tried pulling a stern face but his mom wasn't having it, tickling his sides until he laughed. 'Even if I was the only predator in the troupe. The only fox. I would be apart of a pack.'
'I was so proud.' him running to a building, akin to a community center. A set of stairs opening to an array of young prey animals. 'Okay Fundy, ready for initiation?'
'Yea, was born ready' hi-fifing a zebra. The overhead lights turning off, the only light coming from their flashlights. 'I, Floris Jansen, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful, and trustworthy' the leader of the group giving a side glance to the zebra when Fundy said the word 'trustworthy.'
His face falling, 'Even though you're a fox?' before proceeding to be pushed to the ground. 'NO GUYS, WHAT DID I DO WRONG?' a muzzle being placed on him. 'you thought we would ever trust a fox without a muzzle? you're even dumber than you look'
Back in the present, looking down at his paws, 'learned 2 things that day. 1. Promise that I'd never let anyone see that they got to me'
'And 2?' Techno asked when Fundy trailed off.
'If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying anything else' Placing his paw on Fundy's arm, 'Fundy, you are so much more than it'
Pulling away, after realizing himself, pointed out the traffic cameras to Techno. Running to assistant mayor Dawn Bellweather, Techno calling in a favor. 
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my-random-ocs · 11 months
Arrowverse OC Masterlist
A-J | K-Z
Carve Our Names
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Name: Bloom Reynolds Talbot
Story: Roots
Fandom: Supergirl and Arrow
Faceclaim: Shelley Hennig
Love Interest: Winn Schott
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Name: Briar Floris REDACTED
Story: Roots
Fandom: Supergirl and Arrow
Faceclaim: Meghan Ory
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Name: Christine ‘Chrissy’ Lance
Story: Roots
Fandom: Supergirl and Arrow
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Daisy Reynolds
Story: Invincible (Like I’ve Never Been)
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: McKenna Grace and Meg Donnelly
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Name: Freya Erikson Princess Freya Brynhilde Aldric Sigridsdóttir
Story: Roots
Fandom: Supergirl and Arrow
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Summary: When Princess Freya Aldric was a child, she lived on Eld with two parents who loved her, and a twin brother to whom she was inseparable. She spent her days playing hide and seek in the palace, and watching the stars at night. But when she was eight-years-old, that all fell apart. Suddenly, the palace was being attacked, and Freya was sent to Earth in an escape pod, where she would spend years bouncing around in less than ideal foster homes. For the next five years, she would shed the title of princess of Eld, and become Freya Erikson. Finally, she lands in National City. And guess who saves her life?
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Name: Jared Reynolds
Story: Invincible (Like I’ve Never Been)
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario
Love Interest: Iris West
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Name: Matthildi ‘Mattie’ Nerezza Cirillo
Story: Roots
Fandom: Supergirl and Arrow
Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
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Name: Rose Reynolds
Story: Invincible (Like I’ve Never Been)
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Barry Allen
Summary: Rose Reynolds lives a pretty normal life. She lives in Central City with her daughter Daisy, is a student teacher in the afternoons while she works mornings at the local coffee shop and weekends as an intern at CCPN. Anyone who meets her would think she was ordinary. Then one night, that all changes. Suddenly, she’s thrust into a world where people can control the weather, and run faster than the speed of sound. And her, who can now control plants. At first she didn’t want to be a superhero, risking her life fighting people her friend Barry calls metahumans. But when her daughter is put in danger, Rose decides to do everything she can to protect her, and other kids who can’t defend themselves. She joins Team Flash, becoming Kore. But that’s not the end of her story.
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Name: Violet ‘Vi’ Reynolds
Story: Sunrise
Fandom: Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow
Faceclaim: Kat Dennings
Love Interest: Samantha Arias
Summary: Despite being a vigilante, there are some things Vi just never expected. Being part of a group that was kidnapped by a British guy in a trench coat from the future was definitely one of them. The group in question is a mixture of screw-ups, criminals, and B-list superheroes. So these were the people assigned to take out an evil dictator from the future? Nobody panic.
Shoulder to Shoulder
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Name: Alexandra ‘Xander’ Jackson
Series: Shoulder to Shoulder
Story: Bird Set Free
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Holland Roden
Love Interest: Barry Allen
Summary: After getting out of a toxic relationship, Xander needed a fresh start. So, the journalist transfers from Starling City to Central City, moving in with two of her best friends, and surrogate sisters. She doesn’t expect much. She expects to become a part of Central City Picture News; she expects to start healing; she expects to just live her life. She doesn’t expect the particle accelerator to explode. She doesn’t expect to get superpowers. And she definitely doesn’t expect to meet Barry Allen.
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Name: Danielle 'Dani’ Jackson
Series: Shoulder to Shoulder
Story: A Star in the Sky
Fandom: Arrow
Faceclaim: Crystal Reed
Love Interest: Oliver Queen
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Name: Eman Kendell-Alvarez
Series: Shoulder to Shoulder
Story: Bird Set Free
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Summer Bishil
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Name: Ethan Gillespie
Series: Shoulder to Shoulder
Story: Bird Set Free
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Brett Dalton
Love Interest: Iris West
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Name: Stella Jackson
Series: Shoulder to Shoulder
Story: A Star in the Sky
Fandom: Arrow
Faceclaim: Bailee Madison
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Name: Aella Montgomery
Story: Soldiers
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Finally they had a break. The people at S.T.A.R. Labs defeated Cicada and Nora had ceased to exist. Team Flash finally had the chance to settle down. But then, someone new came along. Or more accurately: someones. An entire group of new metahumans began coming out of the woodwork. Even Team Flash doesn’t know how to stop them. That’s where the Montgomery cousins come in.
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Name: America ‘Ricky’ Gutierrez
Story: Compromises
Fandom: Arrow
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
Love Interest: Evelyn Sharp? maybe???
Summary: “Do no harm, take no shit.” Ricky Gutierrez grew up with that mentality, her mother raising her to be kind and gentle, but a fierce defender of people who needed defending. After fighting H.I.V.E. with the people of Star City, and Damien Darhk’s defeat, Ricky realized just how much her home needed defending. So, she decided that she wouldn’t be a hero, she would be a defender. And really, you do not want to mess with a Gutierrez.
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Name: Artemis Graves
Story: We Are Not Our Blood
Fandom: Supergirl
Faceclaim: Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Miranda Nal
Summary: Artemis Graves hates her life. Her siblings are basically terrorists, and all they do is instill their beliefs onto her. When she and Otis are captured by Supergirl, Ari’s fear of her siblings far outweighs her fear of the D.E.O. sending her to jail. Then she talks to Supergirl, and she starts to think maybe her siblings are wrong. Supergirl actually seems pretty cool, and so do all her friends. Can Ari break free of the Graves name and all that it means, or will she be forced to live in her siblings’ shadows her while life?
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Name: Atalanta ‘Lanie’ Montgomery
Story: Soldiers
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
Summary: Finally they had a break. The people at S.T.A.R. Labs defeated Cicada and Nora had ceased to exist. Team Flash finally had the chance to settle down. But then, someone new came along. Or more accurately: someones. An entire group of new metahumans began coming out of the woodwork. Even Team Flash doesn’t know how to stop them. That’s where the Montgomery cousins come in.
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Name: Bailey James
Story: Catching Lightning
Fandom: Arrow, The Flash
Faceclaim: Candice King
Love Interest: Barry Allen
Summary: After high school, Bailey decided she needed to get away from Central City for a while. Though she hated leaving her dad, and her friends Barry and Iris, she knew it was time to move on. She became a teacher, and she fell in love with getting to shape young minds. And she knew all about the dangers of Starling City, how people kept leaving because the crime rates kept rising, but Bailey didn’t know what to do about it. After her student’s parents are killed, Bailey decided she couldn’t just do nothing, so she donned her favorite leather jacket, her lucky combat boots, and a mask she bought from the dollar store. Of course, the hood didn’t like competition, and while it isn’t a priority of hers to convince him otherwise, she’ll do anything to protect her city.
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Name: Brenna Dugan
Story: Winds of Change
Fandom: Stargirl
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Callisto ‘Callie’ Sommers
Story: Made of Glass
Fandom: Supergirl
Faceclaim: Chloe Bennett
Love Interest: Kara Danvers
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Name: Carmen Ramon
Story: Hear These Dreams
Fandom: The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow
Faceclaim: Sarah Jeffery
Love Interest: Jax Jackson
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Name: Cassia Queen
Story: Wildflower
Fandom: Arrow
Faceclaim: Lily James
Summary: Cassia always thought things through. She made pro and con lists, made charts, and lists until she ran out of paper. As soon as she got into college, she mapped out her courses, internships, potential jobs. She basically had the next ten years of her life planned. The first time she decided to be spontaneous, she ended up on a deserted island with her older brother. Only, it wasn’t as deserted as she thought. Five years later, Cassia is barely anything more than a traumatized shell when she and Oliver return home with a hit list in hand. Look out, Starling City.
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Name: Chloe Blake
Story: Two Worlds Come to Meet
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Natalie Alyn Lind
Summary: The Blake twins’ plan was simple: turn eighteen, age out of the foster system, move far away from Central City. Getting superpowers was never part of that plan, but when the particle accelerator explodes, they had to make a few adjustments. Joining Team Flash is one of those adjustments.
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Name: Cole Blake
Story: Two Worlds Come to Meet
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Percy Hynes White
Summary: No one gives you a guide on how to be a brother, but for Cole, being Chloe’s brother was easy. The two had been taking care of each other for as long as they could remember. They just never thought they’d be doing it with superpowers. But, I guess that’s how it is living in Central City.
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Name: Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Martin
Story: It’s Always Been You
Fandom: Arrow
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Oliver Queen
Summary: Lizzie loved growing up with the Queen family. They were more her family than her own, most days. When Oliver disappeared, Lizzie was devastated. Five years later, Oliver comes back, but he’s no longer the care-free boy he left as. Also arriving in Starling City is what quickly becomes known as the infamous hood. No longer the same herself, Lizzie is determined to figure out how to balance life as Lizzie Martin, first grade teacher and full time mother; as Elpis, protector of Starling City; and try to reconnect with her best friend.
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Name: Genevieve ‘Genna’ Lance-Queen
Story: Safe and Sound
Fandom: Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow
Faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter
Summary: Oliver and Sara never thought sleeping together would have any consequence. Boy, were they wrong. Oliver didn’t know what to expect when he came home from Lian Yu, but a daughter was definitely not one of them. Now Oliver must learn how to balance being Oliver Queen, the hood, and… a father?
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Name: Georgina ‘Georgie’ Allen
Story: Renegades
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Jasper Campbell
Summary: When Georgie was three-years-old, her father was arrested for the murder of her mother. Her and her older brother, Barry, were sent to live with Joe West. Georgie barely remembers life before the West house. Barely remembers the woman in the photos Barry shows her, barely remembers the father she is rarely allowed to see. Georgie thinks her mind will forever consist of lost and broken memories of a life she will never get back- a life that was forced from her toddler hands far too soon. But then the particle accelerator explodes and Georgie thinks it’s high time she make some new memories.
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Name: Jasper Campbell
Story: Renegades
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Dylan O’Brien
Love Interest: Georgie Allen
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
4 luglio … ricordiamo …
4 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Dick Rienstra, Dauwe Auke Anne Dick Rienstra, attore e cantante olandese. Sotto lo pseudonimo di “Floris VI” incise nel 1966 un singolo. Nel 1970 formò con Martin Käfig il duo De Jantjes. Apparve in televisione in varie produzioni. Ha avuto dei ruoli nei film A bridge too far, Soldaat van Orange, Flodder in Amerika, Sinterklaas en het Uur van de Waarheid e Senza nome e senza regole. Dick…
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bookfloris · 1 year
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 The Royal Floris Cakes  / A királyi FLORIS torták - God Save the King !
The FLORIS family living in London are the only ones who, as Hungarians, have ever received the Royal Warrant, the title of official supplier of the British Royal family, and were able to use the "Royal Arms" or the royal coat of arms during their business activities. The FLORIS family, both from the Queen Mother (George VI's wife, the Duchess of York) and the reigning II. He received the Royal Warrant from Queen Elizabeth. The royal coats of arms were also used on the exterior of the Floris confectionery and bakery at 24 Brewer, London. In addition to these, the FLORIS company made the birthday cakes of Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his family for nearly twenty years. * * * Londonban élt FLORIS család az egyetlen, aki magyarként valaha megkapta a Brit királyi család hivatalos beszállítói címét a Royal Warrant-ot és használhatták Royal Arms vagyis a királyi címert az üzleti tevékenységük során. A FLORIS család mind az Anyakirálynőtől (VI. György feleségétől, a York hercegnéjétől) és az uralkodó II. Erzsébet királynőtől megkapta a Királyi Végzést. A londoni Brewer 24. szám alatti Floris cukrászda és pékség külső megjelenésén használták is a királyi címereket. Ezeken túl a FLORIS cég készítette közel húsz éven keresztül Winston Churchill miniszterelnök és családja születésnapi tortáit. - - - 🇬🇧 🇭🇺 More FLORIS stories here / További FLORIS történetek itt: the BOOK of  FLORIS – Haszon Gábor© Kutatási-Napló® #bonbonnerie #LoveLondon #soho #IIICharlesKing #IIIKároly #Florisbonbon #Florisbakery #Florischocolate #FlorisChocolat #FlorisLondon #KingCharlesIII #TheHouseofFloris #Budapest #londonhistory #FlorisBudapest #Budapest #London #Berlin #FlorisBook #FLORIS #TheBookofFloris #TheCoronationofKingCharlesIII
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turangalila · 2 years
Peire d'Alvernhe (c.1150-1215): Dejosta'ls breus jorns e'ls loncs sers [(fol. 86r) F-Pnm Français 20050.(Chansonnier de Saint-Germain-des-Prés). Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits, Paris.]
Deiosta·ls breus iorns e·ls loncs sers, / qan la blanc’aura brunezis, / vuoill que branc e bruoill mos sabers / d’un nou ioi qe·m fruich’e·m floris; / car del doutz fuoill vei clarzir los garrics, / per qe· retrai entre·ls enois e·ls freis / lo rossignols e·l tortz e·l gais e·l pics. //
Contr’aisso m’agrada·l parers / d’amor loindan’e devezis / car pauc val levars ni iazers / a lui ses lieis cui es aclis; / c’amors vol gaug e guerpis los enics, / e qui s’esgau a l’ora q’es destreis, / be·m par q’a dreit li vol esser amics. //
Q’ieu vei e crei e sai q’es vers / c’amors engraiss’e e magrezis / l’un ab trichar, l’autr’ab plazers / e l’un ab plor e l’autr’ab ris; / lo cals qe·s vol n’es manens o mendics, / per qu’ieu n’am mais so qu’en ai q’esser reis / assatz non — re d’Escotz ni de Galics. //
Ges ieu non sai los capteners / mas soffre, c’una m’a conquis / don reviu iois e nais valers, / tals que denan li·m trassaillis; / car no m’enqier de dir, me’n ven destrics, / tan tem qe·l mieils lais e prenda·l sordeis; / on plus n’ai cor, mi pens: car non te’n gics? //
A! car si fos dels mieus volers / lo sieus rics coratges devis, / desque ma dompna·m tol poders / de so de q’ieu plus l’ai requis! / Mas no·ll sai dir lausengas ni prezics, / mas meillor cor l’ai trop que non pareis; / s’ella no·l sap, morrai me’n totz antics. //
Tant m’es doutz e fis sos vezers / pel ioi qe·m n’es al cor assis / e sobre tot lo bons espers / q’ieu n’ai, per que me’n enriquis; / c’anc tant non fui mais coartz ni mendics, / ab q’ieu la vis alques, aqui mezeis / no·m saubes far de gran paubretat rics. //
So es gaugz e iois e plazers / que a moutas gens abellis / e sos pretz mont’a grans poders / e sos iois sobreseignoris, / q’enseignamens e beutatz l’es abrics: / dompneis d’amor, q’en lieis s’espan e creis, / plens de dousor, vertz e blancs, cum es nics; //
per q’ieu mi pens: ia non te’n desrazics, / quan mi conquis en loc on ilh me seis / plus que se·m des Franssa lo reis Loics. / En aqest vers sapcha vilans, Audrics, / que d’Alvernge manda c’om ses dompneis / no vai ren plus que bels malvatz espics. //
_ Dante And The Troubadours Sequentia, Benjamin Bagby. (1995, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi – 82876 601632)
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fara-posts · 8 months
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De parca ar conta ...m am daruit ...si atat...iubirea mea....de parca n ar conta ...am ignorat orice ,pentru momente mici de aur, sapate adanc, in carnea mea ...si dincolo... de ar conta au ba ...nu stiu ...insa mi e dor de tine ...si stiu si ce inseamna ...un vis ,platit ...iar tu...iubirea mea...
Daca oamenii ar fi flori ,daca visele ar fi in culori ,daca dorul ar avea aripi vii,daca vantul ar sopti,ar racni,daca raurile ar curge n aval,daca marea ar avea sideral,daca cerul s ar intoarce grabit ,pentru sarutul tau ,negrait,daca tu si cu mine am fi ,pe un camp ,albăstrii...daca tu si cu mine am fost ,suntem si om fi ...sa nu ma ntrebi nimic ...sa ne iubim asa ...pustii ,ca n codru ,ca n razboi ,ca n visele din zori ,sa cazi rapus ,iar eu sa iti miros a flori ,sa te intorci pe o parte ...sa ma privesti ...asa ...si s adormim putin ,lipiti ,uitati ...de parca ar conta ....sau poate ,ca de nu ....nebuni ,sa ne iubim ,si atat ...iubite,da mi mana ta...un dans ,atingerea aceea la care totul tace si tu....iubirea mea .....
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historiamedieval · 1 year
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Na viagem de regresso, Ricardo naufragou na costa croata, decidindo assim retornar a pé até a Saxônia, mesmo sabendo que o caminho de volta passaria pelas terras de Leopoldo V da Áustria, agora seu inimigo, que não lhe havia perdoado os insultos recebidos em Acre - Israel. Utilizando roupas discretas e um número reduzido de cavaleiros como companhia, ainda assim foi descoberto, e na cidade de Erdberg foi encontrado numa hospedaria, e feito prisioneiro por Leopoldo da Áustria, sendo mais tarde vendido ao imperador Henrique VI do Sacro Império, que o libertou em troca de resgate em dinheiro. O seu cativeiro em Dürnstein, na Áustria, não foi severo e durante os quatorze meses em que foi mantido prisioneiro (dezembro de 1192 a 4 de fevereiro 1194) Ricardo continuou a ter acesso aos privilégios que a sua condição de rei determinava. O seu resgate custou 150.000 marcos ao tesouro de Inglaterra, soma equivalente ao dobro da renda anual da coroa, o que colocou o país na absoluta bancarrota e obrigou a muitos impostos adicionais nos anos seguintes. Como prova de agradecimento a Deus pela sua libertação, Ricardo arrependeu-se publicamente dos seus pecados e foi coroado uma segunda vez. Apesar do esforço do país para o libertar, Ricardo abandonou a Inglaterra de novo ainda no mesmo ano de 1194 para lidar com os problemas fronteiriços com a França nos territórios do continente. Desta vez para não mais regressar. Ricardo morreu como consequência de ferimentos provocados por uma flecha que o atingiu no ombro em abril de 1199. O próprio facto de ter sido atingido naquela zona do corpo é revelador da sua personalidade. Se tivesse usado uma armadura nesse dia, não teria morrido. O seu corpo está sepultado na Abadia de Fontevraud, junto de Henrique II de Inglaterra e de Leonor da Aquitânia, seus pais. O rei Ricardo morreu sem deixar descendentes e foi sucedido pelo seu irmão João Sem Terra. _______ Fonte - Flori, Jean (1999), Richard the Lionheart: Knight and King #Curitiba #idademedia #medieval #historia #saopaulo #cwb #history #lionheart #middleages (em Curitiba, Paraná) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYykX6MhxU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teoet · 2 years
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Ca orice fată cu ghioc
plouă, dar plouă cu soare
fata vrea lumea la picioare
covoare de flori, parfumuri, secrete
secvențe din documentare
liber drumul în față
cerul cu stelele deasupra, la culcare...
când trupul e prins între blocuri
jucând o mie de jocuri
sufletul fuge pe câmpuri cu șatra
sub cer indigo
fată cu părul negru, de caro
ghicește viitorul în piatră...
visează-ntre stele de mare
în vis, Isus dansează la asfințit
călcând oceanul sub picioare
ea, pe podeaua ca tabla de șah
cu paharul în mână
ei spun că-i nebună
ea plânge în umbra de lună
dar vede răsăritul prin perdeaua de vată
și vrea moștenirea filmată
pe o rolă de 35 de milimetri
mai scurtă cu 2 centimetri decât prima,
lăsată alb-negru, needitată
ca toate fetele - unele studiază prea mult
altele-ar trebui să fie vinovate că nu au învățat la școală,
dar nu sunt...
o zodie cu picioarele pe pământ
muzică, dans, aripi în frunte
uite, scrie în stele, dragă fată
îți place cald la picioare
o capră de munte
pe hornul fierbinte
stă dreaptă, cu ochii în zare..
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filmelemonicai · 3 months
A Visceral, Brutal & Real Horror Story: despre „The Zone of Interest” (2023) *****
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Soții Hedwig (Sandra Hüller) și Rudolf (Christian Friedel) au o viață perfectă, la care visează de când aveau 17 ani. Au o familie frumoasă (5 copii și un cățel năzdrăvan), o casă cu teren (lângă un râu), o curte în care Hedwig crește kale, dovleci, viță de vie și flori (printre altele), o piscină cu tobogan, o seră mare ca-ntr-o grădină botanică, servitori care le îngrijesc constant grădina și casa. S-au mutat de 3 ani din oraș la țară, făcându-și o viață bucolică, al cărei ritm este marcat de întâlniri cu prietenii (și copiii lor), mese în familie, vizite de la mama soacră (mândră nevoie-mare de cât de bine s-a realizat fiica ei), pescuit și ieșiri cu barca... Trăiesc într-o bulă parfumată, confortabilă, pe care simt că o merită.
Singurul inconvenient – deși niciunul dintre membrii familiei nu e prea deranjat de asta – este zidul de beton care îi desparte de zona de lângă: lagărul de concentrare nazist Auschwitz (Polonia), al cărui comandant este fix Rudolf Höss... Marea problemă a familiei Höss e doar mutarea lui Rudolf în Oranienburg, aproape de Berlin: Hedwig nu vrea să vină cu el (cum și-ar putea părăsi casa de vis?), așa că merge singur, fracturând familia.
Rudolf are mai multă compasiune pentru propriul cal, decât pentru evreii uciși cu sutele (vreo 500 în 7 ore, mai exact, grație noului crematoriu circular super eficient, inventat de naziști). Hedwig n-are nicio problemă cu primirea unor cadouri pătate de sânge – scena cu haina de blană este zguduitoare. Nici cu norul portocaliu de flăcări și fum, care pătează însângerat cerul și luminează ferestrele casei, noaptea. Sau cu faptul că au casa plină de evrei care le îngrijesc copiii și grădina. Iar băieții lor se joacă nu doar cu soldăței, ci și cu dinți umani.
Juxtapunerea între idilicul domestic și ororile lagărului este obscenă. Termenul derivă din grecul „ob skené” (în traducere, „în afara scenei”), iar filmul regizat și scris de Jonathan Glazer fix asta face: stabilește o divizie strictă între ce e vizibil pe ecran și ce nu. Scenariul nu-ți arată direct ororile și violența care au loc dincolo de zid. Le transmite simbolic, elegant și sistematic, prin culori, sunete (vezi începutul și finalul peliculei sau secvențele cu fetița poloneză filmată în infraroșu, noaptea), gesturi, simboluri (poveștile spuse de Rudolf copiilor săi, ca cea a fraților Hänsel și Gretel și a vrăjitoarei împinse în cuptor de micuți) – care sunt atât de pătrunzătoare încât ești scufundat complet în obscenitate și genocid și ești stors de orice urmă de speranță, la final.
Pe cât de multe orori vezi pe ecran, pe atât de multe rămân nespuse. Urmăriți filmul, citiți și povestea nepotului lui Rudolf (Rainer), și descoperiți că cel dintâi era un profesionist desăvârșit (care a reușit să omoare 40.000 de evrei în doar 56 de zile, deci peste 7.000/zi!), că șoferul lui ștergea constant căpșunile din grădina familiei de cenușa adunată și că cei mici au mers cu tati la serviciu într-o zi, purtând la gât plăcuțe de metal, pentru a nu fi confundați cu evreii din lagăr și a fi omorâți...
Nu știu cât de mult contribuie la asta faptul că străbunicul meu (Alexandru Timu) avea sânge de evreu, dar Holocaustul m-a lovit mereu în plex și orice poveste cinematografică despre asta – ca „Schindler’s List” (1993), „La vita è bella” (1997), „Train de vie” (1998), „The Pianist” (2002) sau „The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” – mi se pare necesară (profesorii de istorie ar trebui să-și ducă elevii la cinema, să vadă „The Zone of Interest”).
Întrebările care te bântuie mult timp după terminarea filmului sunt aceleași pe care ți le pui de prima dată când înveți, la școală, despre ororile nazismului. Cum au putut oamenii ăștia să facă ce-au făcut: să excludă sistematic evreii și să-i masacreze în masă? Cum a putut Rudolf (și atâția ca el) să-și pună uniforma, să-și sărute familia și să plece zilnic la muncă, dincolo de zid, unde anihila atâtea vieți? Cum au putut nevestele oficialilor naziști să iubească astfel de oameni, sprijinindu-i zi de zi, cu seninătate? Și să-și crească odraslele privind către un viitor național-socialist luminos, în slujba Führerului? Și cum pot unii oameni să nege până astăzi (și e clar că unii o vor face mereu) gravitatea „soluției finale”?
Răspunsul? Istoricii explică că e o combinație de factori: umilința generată de pierderea Primului Război Mondial, teama de comunism (propaganda vitriolică punea semnul egal între iudaism și bolșevism) și grupările naționaliste care voiau să make Germany great again (sună cunoscut?) au creat nevoia acută de a da vina pe cineva (și de a te putea răzbuna, fizic).
Oamenii au înghițit pe nemestecate otrava lui Adolf Hitler, iar justificarea pe care o oferă foștii naziști nu este „Dacă n-aș fi făcut asta, aș fi fost împușcat”, ci „În acel moment, părea că fac ceva corect”. Documentarul Netflix „Ordinary Men – «The Forgotten Holocaust»” (2023) ilustrează fix asta: soldații nu erau monștri, iar motivele lor țineau de un pack behaviour motivat de teama de ostracizare socială. Poate răspunsul la toate întrebările de mai sus este că, în anumite circumstanțe, oricare dintre noi poate comite atrocități.
Filmul are o oră și 44 de minute, dar pare mult mai lung și atârnă greu. Este o capodoperă care, la fel ca „Schindler’s List”, se termină cu o secvență reală, menită să te zguduie și să-ți transmită că istoria nu trebuie uitată – altfel va fi repetată. „The Zone of Interest” a fost laureat cu Marele Premiu la Cannes, a câștigat 3 BAFTA și a primit Oscarul pentru „cel mai bun film străin” și „cel mai bun sunet”. Le merită din plin și toate aplauzele din lume: e o istorie dureroasă și care creează neputință în orice privitor. E de neratat!
Sursă foto: imdb.com.
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