demaupin · 2 years
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"When I was a child, being a huge Doctor Who fan, I wrote numerous letters to the Doctor Who office largely inquiring about how the show was made.
"When it arrived the surprise package also [in addition to two full Jon Pertwee scripts] contained set designs and studio floor plans for these episodes and a delightful letter from producer Barry Letts giving me an idea what all this stuff was.
"It was a fantastic insight into both Doctor Who and TV production generally. I had never seen a script in any form whatsoever before then and was immediately fascinated by the documents."
The actor, who won a short film Oscar in 1993, was inspired to pursue a career on stage and screen by the BBC package.
He said: “That was a trigger to my ambition to work somehow  – I didn’t know how - in TV. The scripts are still sitting on my bookshelf.”
-Peter Capaldi, quoted in an old Scottish Express article, written back in 2008 when he was announced to play Caecilius (est in horto) in Fires of Pompeii
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dioskailacs · 1 year
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clawsdevour · 30 days
just a dream
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wc: 0.7k content warning: ur childhood friends w/ kageyama, kageyama has a dirty dream, kageyama x reader, not proofread
Friends since childhood, Kageyama always had this nagging feeling whenever he saw a glimpse of you or heard your name pop up. Something about you pulled at his heart strings. 
Dense and focused on his volleyball career, he didn’t have time to figure out his true feelings for you. He always categorized you as his friend when he knew you were more to him than just a friend. That was until this one night that had him questioning his intentions with your friendship.
Deep asleep and tightly snug in his linen sheets, Kageyama’s tossing and turning around more than usual. He’s dreaming again. However it’s not just any ordinary dream, because you were in it. 
He’s watching himself in his own perspective getting on top of you as your welcoming arms reach out for him. His brows are furrowed and tweaking despite being dead asleep. You’re both in bed as he’s planting his loving kisses on your moonlit face. Starting from your forehead, gently moving lower with each peck. Jaw, lips, neck, stopping at your collarbone while he’s gazing at your breathless reactions with his sharp and piercing eyes that stung with desire.
His face is burning a pink hue while the cold air brushes against the surface of his skin as he continues observing his dream. His large hands ran up your shirt and under your bra, pulling them up to expose your little rosy nubs for his viewing pleasure.
Leaning down towards your body, he’s stroking your nipples with a foreign sensation due to his warm tongue causing you to whimper in delight. The noises and sounds that escaped your mouth created an uncomfortable bulge to appear in his pajama pants under the thick sheets. He’s able to feel the hardness grow between his legs as if watching an erotic film starring you in it.
His other hand pressed down at your crotch, the heat simmering between you two while you’re rubbing your thighs together. Unlatching his tongue from your breast, he’s using both hands to slide down your pants. Revealing your lacy panties to him as he felt the blood in his veins rush to his face at your choice in clothing.
Once more, his digits felt you against the thin piece of fabric. Circling your clit slowly while watching you subtly squirm before pulling your panties down by the sides. Your bare cunt hissed feeling the cool air hit your body, back arching slightly off the mattress. His eyes fluttered with surprise seeing how wet you became with his touch.
He’s unable to make out the words that you mouthed at him, as if his dream was inaudible. But Kageyama’s body knew what you told him to do. And that was to insert his erection into your entrance that’s been laced with your glossy essence. 
Taking out his bulge from his restraining pants, he’s stroking it a few times in between grunts and groans. Lining his tip against your warm extract before that one final push in. But right as he enters in about an inch, Kageyama arises from his deep sleep.
Kageyama’s dry eyes pried open from shock. He’s gasping out pants in a cold sweat, trying to understand what he just dreamt about. Me and my childhood friend? Why did I just have a dream like that… especially one as strange as this? His thoughts circulated through his currently groggy mind while sitting up in bed, the blanket half off to air out the heat that radiated off his toned body. 
His legs shuffle in the sheets as he’s letting gravity pull him back down towards his fluffy pillow, sinking into the softness his head laid upon. However, feeling a bit of a cold moisture resting on his crotch. His beady half lidded eyes peer up from his pillow, pulling up his waistband with his fingers to see what it’s all about. 
To his surprise, his tip produced precum that seeped out and onto him, creating a slightly wet spot on his briefs. He took one last sigh, knowing this interrupted his sleep schedule for practice the next day. Letting his heavy and drowsy eyelids take over, drifting back into sleep. Thinking that he wouldn’t really have to deal with this human bodily function. The dream didn’t come back even though he had a little hope that it would.
Little did Kageyama know, the dream was a reflection of his true feelings.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Ohh well hello there bestie ✌️ My request for you is…
Will Ransome having to visit London and attend a party where he meets Reader and they share a dance (and maybe more 😏).
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Hearts Aflame
Will Ransome x fem!Reader
Summary: Will gets invited to London for the engagment party of a very good friend. What happens when he meets you again after ten long years?
Warnings: thirst, suggestive smut, mentions of alcohol, age gap, fluff?
Word Count: 3,8k
a/n: It was so much fun to write for Will again. I hope you are going to like this, bestie! 🫡 Thanks for the request! 💖
Tags: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @evelyn-kingsley @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @lokiforever @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @coldnique
Masterlist °☆• Hiddles Masterlist
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It was a rather cold autumn day in Aldwinter. Dark rain clouds hung all over the sky; ready to let the rain pour, causing Will Ransome - vicar of the cosy, little village to make bigger steps towards his home. He had taken the dog on a walk and was now fleeting from a threatening downpour, looming in the sky. The vicar's chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel had to run, in order to keep up with his master's big steps.
"Come on, Pup, come on. I don't want to get wet - and you neither. I know you."
But unfortunately, the weather didn't show mercy on them. It literally started to rain pitchforks, when the duo was only a few minutes away from their home. Hence, Will was already able to see it in distance. Nevertheless, it didn't help. Just like the running. When they reached the small house, dog and owner were soaked to the skin; clothes and fur literally dripping.
As fast as somehow possible, Will unlocked the door to let himself and Pup in. The moment the wooden door fell into its hinges, the vicar threw his coat on the coat hook to dry and immediately hurried to get a towel, before Pup could- Too late. Will was sprinting down the stairs; towel in hands as he witnessed how the dog shook off the water, causing the droplets to land everywhere. Will sighed in defeat, shook his head and made his way over towards the Cocker Spaniel. "You couldn't wait for another second, could you?" Pup just huffed and looked at him apologetically. "You are a bad boy sometimes, but I love you nonetheless, you fluffy little creature."
After rubbing the Cocker Spaniel's fur completely dry with the towel and also cleaning up the water on the floor, Will went upstairs to the bathroom, in order to get dry himself.
He unbuttoned his wet shirt first, then slid the suspenders off his shoulders, so that he could take off the usually puffy garment as well; leaving his torso bare. After getting rid of his brown trousers as well, he went to rub his long, blonde-brown curls dry, just like his whole body. Once that was done, he slipped in fresh clothes and decided to head back downstairs, where his faithful dog waited for him - with a piece of paper in his mouth?
Will frowned and squatted down; "What do you have here, buddy?" and took it from Pup's mouth. It was a letter - like the vicar recognised. A letter from someone he hadn't heard of in a long time... An old friend from London. Henry Carter. They used to be best friends; even went to school together. Will spent the most of his youth with him. But someday their ways parted, when Henry decided to become a lawyer and Will a man of God.
With a smile and full of anticipation, the vicar sat down on his little sofa and opened the letter.
Greetings, my old friend!
I sincerely hope that you do remember me. After all, it's been quite a few years since the last time we saw each other. Just know that I never forgot you - and with this letter, I would like to invite you to my engagement party. Yes, you read that right, my friend. I found a lovely, wonderful woman, who is very eager to meet you. So, if you have the time, my fiancee and I would be overjoyed to welcome you in London next Saturday.
I hope to see you soon,
Henry Carter
Will's smile widened, as he put the letter back inside the envelope. Oh he'd certainly go to London next weekend.
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A week later, the vicar's feet touched, indeed, London ground again - since years. He didn't want to admit it, but it felt good to leave Aldwinter for a while. Even if it was just two days. It was a break he didn't know he needed.
At the train station, he was already awaited. By a man Will only knew too well - and a strange woman who stood beside him. The man smiled brightly as soon as he recognised the vicar and met him on the way.
"Will?" Henry asked; quite a bit surprised. Will smiled and started to nod as well. "Hello, old friend." A breathless laugh left the lawyer's lips, before he went to hug his school friend; clapping him on the shoulder. William returned the gesture, of course; was just as happy.
"You've changed, Will!" Henry stated, after paying his appearance a closer look. "I did?" "Yes! Look at you! You've grown! You were always tall, but never that... muscly... Even got a beard now! And your hair is way longer than in my memories." Will chuckled at his friend's assessments. "Well, I suppose I have... But you, my friend, you didn't change at all!" That caused the man to chuckle along Will, before they both went silent for a moment.
"It's so great to have you here and see you again. There've been times where I thought I'd probably never see you again, but here you are..." "That thought crossed my mind a few times, too, my friend. I wanted to write you a letter and somehow contact you, but I didn't know where you lived now. Still with your parents? Perhaps not even in London anymore... I didn't know."
Henry placed a hand on Will's shoulder. "You couldn't. I stayed at my parents for another year, but then... Then I met her." The lawyer turned and looked at the woman, who still stood a few meters away from the reunited friends; smiling softly. "Come on, I want you to meet Eva." The men smiled at each other, before they both made their way over to said woman.
"Eva, darling... Let me finally introduce you to Mr. William Ransome." Henry gestured at Will, "Will... This is my beautiful fiancee Eva." then at Eva. Will smiled and stretched out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eva." She took his hand and allowed the vicar to bestow a decent kiss on the skin of her hand - a gentleman to the core. "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Ransome." "Will... Please call me Will."
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The remaining afternoon was spent with Henry and Eva showing Will around in their quite big house, letting the vicar unpack his things and teatime, of course. A lot of conversations were shared. When the wedding is, how the couple met and so on. For Will, it was about getting to know the woman his dear friend married - just like it was for Eva to get to know her future husband's friend.
In the evening, after dinner, Will and Henry decided to go to a local bar, in order to celebrate their reunion. Despite that, they still had quite some catching up to do.
Now they were seated in the bar; both with a glass of beer in hands. "So... Tell me, friend... How is Aldwinter?" Will smiled. "Well... It's a small, cosy village. The people are great. I love to live there and being a vicar. I came to think that this was what Aldwinter needed... A vicar. The people trust me and I appreciate that a lot." Henry nodded and smiled as well, "That's great to hear, honestly." before he took a sip of his beer.
"Do you have a own house or do you live in the church?" "It's 'just' a chapel and too small to live in. I have a own little house. You can come visit sometime. You and Eva of course, if you'd like to." "Sure, why not. We'd love to." Henry paused for a moment; let Will drink some of his beer as well, before he fired the next question at him.
"A little house... And you live there... alone?" Will noticed immediately what Henry was insisting. It wasn't quite subtle. The vicar looked down; fingers nervously tapped against the glass of beer. "Yes, I... I live there alone - with my little dog, Pup."
Opposite him, Henry raised an eyebrow - unbeknownst to Will. "No woman?" His friend shook his head. "N-No." The lawyer copied his gesture. "How is that possible, William? When I think back to our youth - our time in school, almost every lady had laid her eyes upon you. They would've all wanted you. You can't tell me that this has changed." He stated; drinking again.
Will shrugged his shoulders; gaze lifting again. "I really don't know, Henry, I... I just haven't found the right woman yet. But I trust in god to send her my way when the time comes." Henry reached over to clap his friend on the shoulder. "Well, I trust in that too, then. Just know that you are not getting younger. It's time for you settle down, you know..." "I do know, yes..."
Silence spread between the two man; both of them thinking about the exchanged words for a moment. A small laugh left Henry's lips then. "I can't quite believe I reached this milestone before you." Will couldn't help but to chuckle as well. "Me neither, honestly."
The two friends continued to talk about anything and everything, until one specific topic suddenly came up... You.
"Who else did you have invited for the celebration who I might know?" Will asked with a smile. "Other old school friends?" Henry shook his head. "No, I didn't. Apologies. My parents would've loved to come, but they said they're feeling too old for such a party. I accepted their wish to not attend." He paused; took a sip of his beer. "I think the only other person you know is my little sister, Y/N. Do you remember her?"
Will's eyes widened at the mention of your name. Of course, he remembered you! He had seen you often back when he was younger and hanging out with Henry. Will always thought of you as Henry's sweet, little sister - since you had been still a child. Well... A very young woman, to say it right. The vicar quickly calculated in his head. He was about twenty-two that time. Henry was just as old and you... You were fourteen, which means that you were now... twenty-four. A grown woman.
"Yes, yes, of course I remember her. She was still very young back then." Henry nodded with a chuckle. "She was, indeed... But not anymore. She has grown, my friend. She's not that sweet, innocent girl anymore... Y/N's a woman now. You're not going to believe your eyes when you see her again. I bet you won't even recognize her." Will smiled; drank the last sip of his beer. "That is most likely going to happen. After all, it's been ten years..."
Henry should be proven right...
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A sigh left your lips, as you grabbed another glass of champagne, before you hid yourself in one of the corners; exchanging several more fake smiles on your way there.
You were bored. Utterly bored.
It wasn't like you didn't want to be here, at your big brother's engagement party, no, but the problem was that you knew everybody here and had talked at least twice to all the people. Too many familiar faces - and the most of them not your age.
You barely finished to think that thought, when your eyes suddenly spotted a strange man in the crowd. You narrowed your eyes; gaze sticking on him as he got greeted by your brother. He was tall. Way taller than Henry. His hair was long and curly; coloured in blonde-brown. His cheekbones were high and sharp - like you could tell. A soft scruff was covering his cheeks and chin, and you could swear that he had blue eyes. You bit your lip. That guy probably was the most handsome man you had ever seen.
Now you were intrigued. Henry owed you some explanations. From where did he know that tuxedo clad gentleman?
As if Henry heard your thoughts, you could see him making his way over to you - and he seemed to be very excited. You could tell.
"Y/N!" He called out your name in a cheery voice. "Y/N, you have to see someone!" Henry grabbed both your hands; smiling brightly. You lifted an eyebrow, "Is it your mysterious new friend you kept from me?" and nodded towards the man, who was currently talking to Eva.
Henry followed your gaze - and started to laugh. "He's not my mysterious new friend I kept from you. In fact, you know him. Very well might I add." You frowned; were quite a bit confused now. Sure, you thought he looked somehow familiar, but played it off as a coincidence. Now, after your brother's words, though... But from where could you know- "Do you remember my childhood friend Will? William Ransome? Well..."
Your eyes widened the moment those words left your brother's lips and for a short moment, you felt like fainting, as your heart rate sped up. "You are fooling me, brother! This is Will?!" Henry laughed once more; nodding. "I kid you not, sister." He turned around to Will, shouting: "Hey, Will! Would you come over, please?"
Will's head turned with a smile, and before he walked over to join you and your brother, he  politely ended the conversation he had with Eva.
Your heart threatened to burst inside of your chest, as you watched the tall man stepping closer - and when he spoke your name, everything froze in time around you. "Y/N..." His voice sounded exactly like you remembered it. Deep, yet smooth like velvet. Being the gentleman he was, the vicar stretched out his palm for you to take. Wordlessly, you complied; placed your hand in his and letting him brush a soft kiss on your knuckles. Your knees almost buckled.
"It's has been such a long time, I... I don't know what to say! It is a pleasure to see you again." Will's gaze met yours, causing you to get lost in his eyes; drowning helplessly in those oceanic blues. Up close, he was even more handsome. What an attractive man he had become... You definitely needed a moment to recover.
"I find myself being just as stunned, Will. It is great to see you as well. After all, it has been over ten years!"
Henry left you and Will alone to talk then; having other guests to tend to as well. And while you talked about how your life had been in all those past years, Will wasn't able to tear his gaze apart from you...
You've aged - but in the best way possible. Henry had been right. You weren't the young girl anymore he used to know. You had grown into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Countless conversations and another glass of champagne later, Will had asked you to dance with him and how could you say no to that? How could you deny him this wish? You gladly accepted; feeling all the old feelings you had harboured for this man in your youth reappear. Everything you thought you had buried deep within you re-emerged; causing your heart to beat faster whenever he looked at you. It was like not even a day had passed since you last saw the vicar. Like the time had just stopped for the both of you. There was a tension between you and Will. A sizzle. A spark; ready to burst into flames at any moment. It was thrilling. Exciting. And yet also a bit intimidating.
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It was already late at night, when you decided to bid your goodbye and leave. Will, being the gentleman he was, offered to accompany you home - something Henry was very grateful for. A young lady walking home alone in the dead of the night through the streets of London? Unacceptable.
In what Henry and probably also Will saw a kind favour, you saw a chance. Perhaps the only chance you'd get before life ripped Will out of your sight once more...
"There we are..." You announced; stopping in front of a tall, slightly decayed brick house. The dim street lamps didn't provide enough light to illuminate the whole street, but enough that you were able to make out the handsome features of the man standing in front of you in his black tuxedo.
"That is the house you are living in?" You nodded with a smile. "Yes, it is." Will shook his head, as a soft chuckle rumbled through his chest. "It's so much bigger than the little cottage I live in." You had to giggle as well. "Well... London isn't Aldwinter, Mr. Ransome - and besides, I don't live alone in here. There are several apartments." Will's cheeks reddened slightly. You could tell. "Right, of course. Apologies." You just smiled at him, before an unpleasant silence spread over the both of you. The tension was still there. Just like the spark; setting almost the night air aflame. You better make a move now or let him walk out of your life once more - perhaps for all times, a voice in your mind whispered; urging you on. Probably it was your heart speaking to you.
You took a step back and leaned against the wooden main door; crossing your arms behind your back.
Will noticed the shift in your demeanour immediately; gaze stuck on your face for a long moment, before he literally forced himself to look away.
"Y/N... Don't..." His words were nothing more than a whisper.
"Whatever do you mean?" You retorted; innocence swinging within your voice.
Will shook his head softly. "Don't look at me like that. Please, don't give me those eyes." You bit your lip; releasing a hand from behind your back to slowly place it on the vicar's chest. "Why?" You breathed; toying with the buttons of his pristine white shirt.
Will swallowed hard. "Be-Because it's wrong. We... We shouldn't do..." Before he could finish his sentence, you had pulled him towards you; his feet following your command. His words died in his throat, when he watched your soft, plump lips inching closer to his - until the contact was inevitable. Your warm lips caught his in a hesitant - almost shy kiss.
Unfortunately, it ended way too soon, as you pulled back after a mere few seconds; leaving him aching for more. Will didn't even notice how he was chasing after your lips in a desperate attempt to keep them locked to his. And nevertheless, his mind was still trying to talk sense into him. "... do this." He ended the sentence in which you had interrupted him oh so rudely.
You could hear how hard he swallowed. "We... We shouldn't, Y/N." Will reasoned; gently taking your hand in his bigger one. You watched his palm swallow yours whole, as he moved your hand away from his chest. The moment he dropped your hand caused a cold shiver to run down your spine; followed by an aching pain. You didn't want to loose his touch. Ever again.
You shook your head; hand hovering over his chest once more. "Why, William?" The vicar took a deep breath. "You... You are the little sister of my best friend and-" "And?" "And you are so much younger than I am. You're a precious flower; not meant for me. I... I don't want to ruin you."
"What if I want you to ruin me?"
Your feelings and desire for the older man opposite you spoke faster than your brain was able to react.
Will blinked; clearly couldn't believe your words. "W-What?"
"Will... You were the first boy I fell in love with; ten years back. At first I thought it was foolish and youthful behaviour of my body, but then... Then you'd come around to spend time with my brother and... And I knew it wasn't. I had fallen head over heels for the best friend of Henry. Of course, I was way too shy and young to tell you. It was my secret." Will's eyes had widened; oceanic blues looking at you. Stunned.
"When you left, I buried my feelings for you. I thought they would stay buried, but when I saw you again, today... You already ruined me for every other man to come, Will." Shock and disbelief was written all over the vicar's face. He hadn't expected this to happen. Not at all. He didn't know. How could he?
"I have always wanted you." Those words were again merely above a whisper, but they urged to his ears nevertheless. Again, you let your palm rest on his chest; feeling his heart beat rapidly against his chest. Will gasped at the combination of your words and touch. He still couldn't quite believe it - and the rational part of his brain still tried to appeal to his conscience.
"Y/N, it..." He started to shake his head once more. "It wouldn't have been right. You were not even fifteen! It would've been wrong! For us to love each other and for me to take such a young woman's innocence!" Will inhaled deeply; running a hand through his hair. "By god, I... I was twenty-two! Don't you see how wrong it was?! How wrong it still is?!"
You honestly didn't understand what his problem was. It may have been wrong ten years back, but now?
"That may be right, Will, but..." You let your hand linger on his left pec for a moment, before you let your palm travel lower. And lower. And lower. Will's oceanic blue eyes followed your every move; widening when your hand settled on the zipper of his black trousers. "... you can take it now. I'm not a young girl anymore. I am a grown woman. Please... Don't deny me."
Your words send a shiver down Will's spine. A warm - almost hot shiver. The ends of his nerves sizzled and he could clearly feel the arousal start to grow within the pit of his stomach. Especially when he looked at your lust blown eyes; sparkling underneath the dim light under the street lamp.
Then you undid the zipper - and he felt a throb; something undeniably twitching alive. How... How in the Lord's name was he supposed to resist this temptation?
The answer to this question was found quickly... "Please, Will... Please..." You almost whispered; eyes full of desire, love - and want.
He couldn't.
Shaking hands reached for hips; pulling you swiftly closer. You stumbled against his chest - and before you knew what was happening, you felt Will's lips upon yours. This kiss was anything but innocent. It was fierce, passionate, demanding.
Somehow, you managed to open the main door and together you stumbled inside the house; lips - and hearts intertwined.
The world around the vicar stopped to spin when you sank together in the deepest oceans of pleasure. All he could feel was you.
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gorlygorlx3 · 2 months
Trouble comes in Threes (A Human!Sun, Moon & Eclipse x F!Reader Fanfic)
Chapter 1:
Hitting the road Jack!
Written by me!
In the rugged roads of a rural town, there lived three brothers. Three brothers who’ve been together through thick and thin, now working in a small restaurant to earn some money. Ever since their parents died at a young age, the brothers had to work harder in order to make a living. 
Eclipse, the eldest brother and the ringleader of the little circus he’s made. Cunning, charismatic, the one in charge of anything that happened in the household just like the older brother he is. But ever since they had to leave that house behind, he’s been working under other managers. And boy did he not like being told what to do. Especially from layabouts, the ones who don’t put any effort into anything. Gold eyes would glare daggers at his bosses. And now he’s the “humble” chef of the rotten kitchen of the restaurant. With his long orangey hair tied firmly into a bun, he’s currently cooking as much as he can. With the little food that was available.
Moon, the second eldest, was not the most friendly person you would meet. He always kept to himself as he rather not talk to people. Piercing red eyes like his usually keeps those around him away, a sign of trouble if one would engage with him. Though he was reserved, he was considered the brains of the three. Any problems that passed by was answered with some sort of rationale crafted by him, often acting as the voice of reason. So what reason would suggest that he would have to wash dozens upon dozens of disgusting dishes? Money. So tying his noir black hair up and rolling his sleeves, he prepares for the worst.
Finally, Sun, the youngest. Always radiated an infectious joy that seemed to defy the troubles of the world, all with a smile. He brought laughter and levity wherever he went, no matter the job. There’s always a bounce in his step and a song in his head as if he’s walking on sunshine. His brothers may think he’s a little carefree; especially for their situation, but that negativity won’t stop he cheerful, happy-go-lucky spirit. Hence why he’s a waiter, an outgoing personality like that is perfect for the guy. Fluffy golden curls bounce with each step as he makes his way to a man at a booth.“
Good morning friend, I hope you’re having a wonderful day today.” Sun greets said man with a smile as he hands him a menu. “Anything you’d like?” 
You can imagine what he looks like idc “A nice cold beer would be good.” The man responded as Sun writes that down. “And some hot cakes.” 
“Coming right up!” Sun smiled as walked back to the counter, clipping the order to the right side. He skipped along to the next customer who walked in. You see, the brothers may not have it all yet, but they sure can get a head start somewhere. Their differences make each part of a plan work and nothing’s going stop them from making a living.
While waiting for the food to come out, a whistle blows from the side of the restaurant. A black cab drives up to the restaurant, inside was a man. The mail man, Oswald, or Ozzy for short. The whistle alerted Sun, who had an ecstatic look on his face as he ran to the car. Finally! Today’s the day!  Today’s the day! 
“Ozzy!” Sun waved excitedly, almost tripping over his feet while doing so. The sweet old mail man waved back, a smile mimicking the sunny server. While Ozzy was still in the car, Sun still gave him a hug from the side. Boy was he happy to see him. 
“Have you got it? Have you? Oh tell me you do!” Sun’s beautiful blue eyes gleamed as he jumped on the side of the car making it rock back and forth like a boat. 
“Quit jumping for a minute and let me look.” Ozzy warn the man. He didn’t want his car to tip over. The man looked into the back seat, where the bag of letters billowed out. He sorted through them a little slowly. Sun didn’t want to be rude but the anticipation was killing him. 
“Here let me help.” He started shifting through the bag, letters falling out and flying away. Ozzy tried to catch the stray letters. He knew the golden-hair goofball gets excited easily, like a kid on Christmas he jumps for joy. But who wouldn’t? This check was gonna change the brothers’ lives forever. Now if only he could find it. 
“Is it in there? Is it in there?”
“Now, boy!”
“If the letter's here, it's here!”
“Your looking won't put it here!”
“Please hurry, Ozzy.” Both men claw, sift, and sort through the letters. Where is it?!
“It'd be addressed to one of your brothers?”
“Yes, to Eclipse.”
”Mister Eclipse Stellato?”
“Oh, please, please, please, please.” Sun pleaded. He hoped that the check was here. It’s been weeks after the brothers heard that the will of an old friend, who died recently. Supposedly, they were friends with the brothers’ parents and owned an estate near their old home. The money was supposed to go to their parents, but ever since they passed, the money was to be sent to the them. 
“Here. Here it is!” Sun pulled out a yellowed envelope, a joyful smile grew on his face. The destined letter was in the younger brother’s clutches. He checked to make sure it was from the right person. Yep! All clear.
“Oh thank you Ozzy!” Sun gave the humble mail man one final hug. While he might be the shortest of the three, he makes up for it with an unusual amount of strength. Ozzy chokes out a “you’re welcome” before fixing himself. The car backs out the restaurant as Sun happily runs into the kitchen. 
“Eclipse! Moon! Look it’s here!” The happy shrills of Sun echoed through the kitchen. Moon and Eclipse stopped working as they faced their younger brother, who almost tripped over his feet again. 
“What is it Sun? Don’t you have customers to serve?” Eclipse chided. He can’t have his brother distracted by anything. Neither can he distract them. Any moment that his brothers aren’t working means their hours wouldn’t be counted and they wouldn’t get paid. Eclipse never really liked working; and he didn’t like to be looked at as a stickler, but the streets aren’t really that warm and welcoming as a cramped apartment. 
“Oh they can wait but here. Open it!” Sun handed the letter to the oldest. Eclipse yanked it out of his hand while Moon analyzed it. His eyes widened in disbelief.
 “It came today?!” Moon asked Sun.
 “Mhm!” He nodded. “Ozzy brought it in.” The sound of ripping paper made Sun focus on the yellow letter of destiny. He whined as Eclipse struggled to open a piece of it.
“Come on hurry, ‘Clipse.”
“Alright alright don't hurry me. Don't get me excited.” Eclipse huffed as he open the letter and skimmed through the text. “Um, "According to the final will...therewith, therefore and whereas-"
”Oh get to the point quick Clipsy!” Sun urged.
“How much is our legacy?” Moon added.
“All right. Here it is.” Eclipse cleared his throat. “And your share of the estate...to be divided equally with you and your brothers…” He stopped.
“Well what is it?”
”What’s the matter?”
“$55,000!” Eclipse shouted. He looked at the number. Once, twice, thrice! Just look at those zeros.
“55,000!” Sun gaped. He couldn’t believe it. None of the boys couldn’t believe.“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it'd be that much!” Well, maybe Eclipse had a hunch a while back. But Sun didn’t and Moon didn’t care as they danced around with each other around the cluttered kitchen. Finally! Their lives would change. For better instead of worse! Ha ha!
 “Well boys, that's the end of that! We’re home free. ” Eclipse unleashed his fiery hair from the oppression of the hair tie. “Moon, how much is a third of 55?” He asked his genius little brother. Moon slowed down and fixed his hair as he tried to calculate their earnings. 
“A third of five is…” He pondered for a bit. The math calculated in his head as if the numbers swirled around him like planets. 
“Let's see what it looks like.” Sun scanned through the letter trying to find the amount. “$4,352.86?” He frowns. 
“Let me see that.” Eclipse yanked the letter out of his younger brother’s hand, Moon looked of his shoulder as he read the reasons for their low allowance.
"Twelve percent federal tax, six percent state tax, three percent probate tax, $2,500 administrators fees, $4,800 to lawyers and therefore after these deductions the balance is $4,352.86." The brothers scowled. The money that was supposed to change the lives of the three was nothing but a dud. Yes it was a lot, but not enough to exactly thrive. To put it in perspective, each brother would only have around $1450 to spend. What are they going to do with $1450?!
“Well…” Moon pulls his hair up again, ready to plunge into the murky waters of the kitchen sink. “So much for that.” He says with defeat. Crushed dreams crunched underneath his feet as he headed for the sink. Eclipse pulled his hair up as well, disappointed in the check that was sent. Sun sulked at the fact that the check wasn’t as much as he wanted. Today’s was supposed to be the day. The day where things were going to be better for him and his beloved brothers. He took the letter, eyeing the bold lettering highlighting the total and all the taxes behind it. He was just about to throw it in the trash until he remembered something…
“Wait Moon, aren’t you forgetting?” He turned to his older brother.
A little plan he made a while back…
“No, Sun. We’re not going to use your plan. We might even lose the 4,000.” A stern look responses to the idealistic blonde.
“But we agreed didn't we? That if it was less than 10,000, it was the only thing we could do?” A pleading face emitted from Sun.
“Well, I say if we put it out in postal savings at three percent with the good old U.S.A. behind it-“
“Oh no, Moony. We can't get rich that way.”
Eclipse stepped away from the stove after turning it off. Their conversation interrupted the cooking, but peaked his interest. He didn’t know that the little guy had a scheme. Reminded him of the old days; pickpocketing, getting out of the house, escaping from prison perhaps. (Naughty boys 😏) “Your idea is such an awful chance, Sun. It’s crazy!"
“Crazy?! What's crazy about marrying a millionaire?”
“That Southern Texas Gas and Power Corporation is a mighty nice, safe investment.”
“Oh, please Moony.” Sun turned to the eldest, who was leaning over the table with a hand holding up his chin and a smirk on his face. “Clipsy, you still want to go through with it, don't you?” Sun doesn’t remember that he never told his plan to Eclipse. It’s fine, he got the jist of it.
“Well~, I didn’t know you could be a little devil. And here I thought you were the golden child.” Eclipse teased. Which was an answer Sun didn’t accept. 
“Clipse.” Sun whined.
”Alright, I’m all for it.” He wrapped an arm around his younger brother. “Been a while since we’ve had any fun. Besides, it's just as easy to fall in love with a millionaire as it is with a truck driver.”
“Yeah, just like the 50 truck driver outside waiting for you for service.” Mr. Donald Deans, their manager, scolds as he enters the kitchen. Deans wasn’t one for waiting, especially when he has employees to work for him. But honestly, there’s other people, he should really be scolding at them. 
“Sorry Mr. Deans, we’re—“
“Quitting!” Sun interrupts Moon’s apology. Deans was in shock. “That's what we're all three doing, Deans. We're resigning! Walking out on you! And we're going to Miami!
“Miami?” Deans raised a brow, his teeth grinding against each other. 
“That's right, Miami. Where rich people are as plentiful as grapefruit and millionaires hang from every palm tree!” Sun pantomimes before leaving the kitchen in a huff.”
Come on!” Eclipse and Moon looked at their younger brother, then at each other and smirk. Wet towels smacked against the floor as aprons tie off and hair ties flick the face of the manager.
“So long!”
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harus-simp · 1 year
Gunwook as a boyfriend
-Gunwook x reader-
Requested: Henloou!! I really like your writing but I realized there’s not many gunwook content :( can you write a headcanon of him as a boyfie or something fluffy?? (Anonymous)
Author's note: sorry for the long wait anon, I hope you really like it ;))
How would gunwook act as your boyfriend?
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Okay our gunwookie pookie will be the sweetest boyfriend ever I assure you
Your first meeting would be at school
You were a new transferred student so when you got to the gates you were kinda lost on where to go
As he was walking through the entrance he saw a student that seemed to not have a clue on where to go, so you figured out you weren't from there
So he approached you confidently wanting to help you
"Excuse me,are you lost?"
"Ah yes actually, do you perhaps know where class 1A is?"
And he indeed knew where it was, he was part of it
So he guided you there asking about you (he found you really cute, but he wasn't gonna say that 🤭)
After classes he offered to give you a tour around school as he was part of the school council and was actively participating in a couple of clubs and associations
You thought it was really kind of him to do so
So you exchanged numbers and become friends :D
At first some classmates found it quite strange because he was kinda intimidating at first, and meeting you was the first time he approached someone so brightly
You heard about gunwook's first impression according to your peers, and was totally shocked to hear he coukd appear to be like that
Like he treated you so well?
After a couple of months you were having an internal conflict
You had started to develop feelings for him after one day you were staring at him in class
You started to notice little things in him like his soft silky hair
His warm and gummy smile
His soft plump lips-
Wait wait wait
Hold on there cowboy 🤠
And now you were wondering how to properly confess to him :))
So you decided that it was best to write a letter and leave it on his desk
When gunwook received it let's say he didn't even open it 💀
He was so hopelessly in love with you that he didn't want to focus on anything else
So next day when you saw him treating you the same way you were confused
Was he rejecting you?
So you questioned him
"Umh, wookie, did you read my letter?"
"What lette-?Oh" yeah he definitely had fucked up
"I didn't open it"
Now you were disappointed, you laughed awkwardly and started to excuse yourself
But he stopped you grabbing your wrist
So at his action you encouraged yourself internally and confessed to him, to which he accepted gladly bringing you into a hug
His favourite dates were walking through the park or going to the countryside
He enjoyed the feeling of walking with your hands interwined tightly, or sitting on a bench eating ice cream
You had this plushie that he had won at an arcade for you and you treated him as your child
You brought him literally everywhere and you both swayed it from side to side
He loved to shower you in compliments, words of affirmation was his love language so it was not a surprise
He expects you reciprocate his energy once in a while
Which you did of course
You told him how talented he was and how an amazing boyfriend he was
You don't need anything else to make him happy and all blushy and smiley 😁
He is a hugeeee baby
So he'd get all happy and excited when you get cold, throwing you one of his hoodies to wear
That sight was enough to make him whine at how adorable you were
He also loved hugging you, his bear hugs bringing you to another level of comfort
Laying his head on your lap was part of his daily routine
You caressed his hair grabbing small locks and massaging his scalp in soft motions
It really helped him to calm down and not stress so much
It was a soothing moment for him
More than jealous I'd say he is really overprotective of you
He'd be your personal bodyguard for sure
He'd use his first impression intimidating privilege to scare people off 😈
And he felt so proud of it
However if you asked him to stop he would in an instant
He is a big softie, like he could talk about how good he was at being an idol
But he definitely cries when you remind him on Mufasa's death 😢
He'd be someone reliable you can count on when you want to have fun and when you want to have more of an intimate moment (like talking about your problems and difficulties)
A big baby bear 🐻🤍
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missamyrisa2 · 4 days
hey amy, may i ask how you would cuddletickle a quiet and shy girl with some breasts too sensitive for her own good?
Ooooohh I would give you quite a sensual slowwwww sesssionn ~ the dim lighting, the soft bed, the gentle brush of my soft silky nightie against your skin as you wiggle in the somewhat loose scarves holding your wrists and ankles. My hand wiggles up to your ear to brush aside your hair as I start giggling and cooing. "I heard someoneeeeee has sensitive royal buttonsssss~ and lovelyyyy ticklish regal avocados mmmhmm ~ is it trueee? Are you ticklish around heree?" I probe and ask, my nailed finger drawing in loopy circles along the curvature of your chest, going "ahh ~ ahh ahh!" whenever I stimulate a good spot. "I heardddd thattttt~ does it tickle there? Does that tickle? Tickle tickle?" As you squirm my other arm slides behind you to snuggle up tight. "Nooope you're not going anywhere uh uhhhh ~ ticklemama has youuu and she's not lettting go noooo ~ not gonna let my pretty girl squirm awayyy without her ticklessss definitely nottttt~" My far hand teases at your sideboob, as my other wiggle walks along the top of them. "Pretttyyy girllll ~ prettyyy ticklish girl with ticklish buttonsssss. Prettttyyy ticklish butttonsss~" I snicker at your sounds and imitate your gasps. "Oooh! Oh my gosh! Does it tickle there? How about mmmhhh thissss?"
I reach around and pull out my soft fluffy blush brush, fluttering teasingly in front of you before drawing it down your neck to your chest, giving you little sensual sounds in your ear. "Mmmh ~ mmmh~ niiice soft makeup brush. Prettyyyy soft brusshhyyy on your girlyyy butttonssss ~ cuuuute girly buttons~" I slowly twirl the brush around your girly button, tracing around in circles before waving it back and forth as you stiffen. "Cooochie coooo ~ yesss that tickles. That feels gooood. Mmhm. I know this tickles." I taunt, snuggling you closer to me as I flutter my tool's soft tips from underboob to underboob, back and forth. "Sooo pretty so cute so sensitive down hereee yesss that's a spottt that's a goooood spotttt that's a preeeettty girlyy girl~" I hum merrily, moving up to straddle over your belly, my fingers wiggling in the air over you. "Sorryyyy pretty girl but I think I need to go full tickle machine on you nowww~ yesss you're too cute too ticklish for your own goooood~" I giggle and squeak, scrunching my fingers over you like they're part of a tickle machine, slowly lowering them closer and closer to your upper body and cute boobs~
"Nooopeeee you can't escape this, precioussss" I smirk and begin tickle tickling around each button, making little circles out to the sideboobs, over the upperboob, and down under the curves below before walking back up to briskly barely-touch wiggle my index fingers on each stiffened button. "Awww, tickle!! Tickle tickle! Ticklissssh girly buttonsssss ~ sooo squirmyyy ~ you just let it out, you buck and squirm allll you likeeeee it's not stooooppinggg ~" I pull out a pair of feathers and begin carefully drawing their soft edges under your boobs up to each nipple to slowlyyy twirl around. "Coochie coochieee~ you can't not giggle huhhh? Sooo ticklish on these cuteee buttons ~" As you gasp through the overload I lean down and start letting my curtain of soft blondish hair caress along your upper body. I sway my head back and forth, bringing the sensation with each motion. "Gasp it outttt darlinggg ~ I have sooo many tickles for a cutie like youuu~"
In the middle of a swishing tease with my hair I descend and start planting soft slow kissess lightly around each boob "hmmming" and "oooing" whenever I land a good zone, my lips brushing about before slowing and layering kiss after kiss. "Muahh. All the tickle kissesss for youuuu~" I whisper against you before snuggling back up, layering more kissiesss and brushes of my lips before returning with the feather, carefully teasing and taunting as I wind you back down. "Ticklessss tickle tickle~ did it tickle sooo goood? Mmmmh? You want moooore? You want moreee softtt tickliesss on these adorable girly chest buttonssss?"
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ur-typical-nerd · 2 years
What am I doing-
So, @sparkerinparadise has this really cool idea called sexyman descendants, and I instantly fell in love with the concept (I actually have kind of a similar idea, only it’s with exclusively cartoon and video game characters. I have no idea how I’ll get it off the ground, especially since the main character is a SpongeBob descendent lol-)
However, I am…not the best artist. Nor am I the best at making/describing Monster High-styled outfits. However, I am a good writer, so I’ll be writing descriptions for my seven (you read that right) OCs for sexyman descendants. I…might be also write some fanfic for this. BTW, these guys’ parents are all pulled from the sexyman Wikipedia (something I’d never thought I’d have to look up…)
Lucille has pale, almost grayish skin, pitch black, fluffy hair, her dad’s eyes and horns, fangs, and sharp claws that are usually painted black. I…have no idea what her outfit is; all I know is she has a black faux fur jacket and a pitchfork necklace. She’s on the shorter and lankier side, something the compensates for with heels.
-Daughter of the Devil from Cuphead
-Rules the cheerleading squad with an iron fist
-Also in both the drama club. Probably the one who takes the lead from @sporesgalaxy’s Spamton Jr. 
-Inherited her dad’s temper and crybaby tendencies
-Has caused multiple fire drills due to her fire powers flaring up when she’s angry
-Will occasionally try to con her classmates out of their souls
-Fairly protective of her step-sister, who is Dice’s daughter
-Her pitchfork necklace can turn into a full-sized pitchfork by pulling the charm off the chain
-Lords her dad’s status and power over anyone who dares to threaten her
-Haaates @sparkerinparadise’s Dee Cipher and Roman (sees her as competition and beating her sister out for class president, respectively). Thinks Too-Lette is cool though.
-Arrives to school in a pillar of hellfire every day for the ✨aesthetic✨
-Lucille: I’d sell all of you to my dad for a corn chip-
-Voiced by Aimie Atkinson (aka Katherine Howard from Six)
Ivory is a average-sized, slightly curvy teen with dark skin, white hair with a purple streak in cube-shaped  puff pigtails, green eyes, and purple freckles. She wears a version of her dad’s shirt and jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a purple skirt with rows of all four card suites in pink and black, purple chunky high heels with dice for the heel, pink poker chip earrings, white gloves, and a black choker with a silver crown charm. She also wears purple lipstick and eyeshadow
-Daughter of King Dice
-Assistant leader of the cheerleaders and member of the debate team
-Tried to start a gambling club in school, got shut down almost immediately
-Do not play any sort of card game/game of chance with her. You WILL lose.
-If you make her sister cry, Ivory will kick your butt while simultaneously comforting Lucille
-Favorite class is music
-Occasionally brings her dad’s card minions to school with her
-Regularly blackmails/bribes others into doing things for her
-Kinda unhinged
-Can remove her head like her dad can. It’s…way more disturbing than when her dad does it.
-Always has a deck of cards with her
-Voiced by Ashley Park (aka Gretchen Wieners from the Mean Girls musical)
Callie is a small, lanky girl with pale, metallic skin, white hair in a messy bob, and dark eyes framed by square glasses. She wears a red and blue argyle sweater vest over a white t shirt, a blue skirt with a silver stripe at the bottom, knee socks with a yellow stripe on top, clunky heels that look like a computer mouse, and a circuit board hair clip.
-Daughter of Colin the Computer
-Head of the robotics/coding club
-Loves talking about computers!!!!
-Will throw you through a wall while screaming if you touch her 
-Her attempts at socializing often come off as kinda creepy. Nobody knows if it’s intentional or not
-Can bring people into the digital world, though she’s banned from doing it on campus after Lucille’s head exploded into glitter upon exiting (she was fine after a day or so)
-Exempt from swimming due to the risk of her shorting out
-Regularly asks intrusive questions about others 
-Nobody knows if she’s an AI in a robot body or a cyborg. I mean, she plugs herself into a wall socket for lunch, but Ivory swears she saw some sort of brain-like organ in the panel on the back of her head last week…
-Voiced by Shelby Rabara
Diane is a tall, bulky girl with pale skin, long, dark hair in a braid, and blue eyes. I don’t have any outfit ideas for her, but I do know she has a sort-of steampunk-ish style, a love for the color purple, and high heels with a wheel for the heel (that can act as heelies because why not-)
-Daughter of Dick Dastardly
-Bisexual, with a preference for men
-Part of the robotics/coding team 
-Though highly intelligent, she occasionally ends up in detention because she cheated on a quiz or something minor 
-Grumpy and dramatic
-Favorite class is either engineering or woodshop
-The next person who asks her if she’ll join a sports team is going to get punched in her dad’s namesake-
-Has an emotional support/service dog named Molly she brings to school with her. She doesn’t tell anyone why she has an emotional support/service dog; Callie asked once and got thrown into a garbage can.
-(It’s for health conditions she has due to her father going to the Underworld to save Muttley before she was born and depression)
-Occasionally wishes she was more feminine-looking
-Has a motorcycle she drives to school pretty much every day
-Can be found fixing cars and inventing outside of school
-Voiced by Genesis Lynea (aka Anna of Cleaves from Six)
Eris is a tall, lanky teen with wild pale pink, almost white hair, tan skin, her dad’s mismatched horns, and heterochromia: one yellow and red eye and one green eye, both with different-sized pupils. I don’t have a set idea for her outfit, but I do know that the outfit doesn’t even seem to match itself, she has a different tie every week, and it’s made up of both her dad’s and mom’s color palette. She also paints each of her nails a different color and changes them frequently.
-Genderfluid (any pronouns) Polysexual (not attracted to people who identify as male)
-Daughter of Discord and Fluttershy
-Enjoys music and psychology classes
-On the debate team
-His chaotic powers have an entire section in the school rule book dedicated to them
-Completely aware that they’re all fictional, but they’re strongly encouraged not to tell anybody
-Chaotic neutral, seems to pull a different prank on the student body every other week
-Has a feud going on with both Lucille and Dee
-Attracts animals with her singing; however, they are not the cute little woodland creatures her mom attracts
-One time classes had to be canceled because a goose flew through the window while she was in music 
-Has slight stage fright. Can’t handle large crowds (aka auditorium/stadium full of people) watching him sing, but can handle a classroom full of people watching
-Severe claustrophobia/fear of being trapped
-Encourages people to make up new pronouns to refer to them as
-Voiced by Christina Modestou (aka Anne Boleyn from Six)
WALLYWINK (because we need more male rep, dang it!)
Wallywink is an average sized, dark skinned teen with curly pink hair and matching fur on his upper arms and legs. He wears a pink, fluffy sweater, jeans, and dark pink cowboy boots, under which he has hooves.
-Son of Wammawink (yes, I’m just as surprised as you are)
-Favorite classes are Home Ec and Music
-Total Mom friend
-Regularly helps out in the cafeteria
-More satyr-like than his mom
-Has the same kind of magic Wammawink does, but mostly sticks to bubbles
-If two people start fighting in the hallway, Wallywink will put them in bubbles he calls “time-out bubbles”  until they calm down and are able to apologize to each other
-Loves his mom, but he wishes she was less overprotective
-Has totally brought his mom’s mertaur magazines to school (both for himself and because others dared/blackmailed him to)
-Voiced by Jeremy Jordan
Betty is a tall, bulky girl with tan skin, red hair in a messy ponytail, sharp fangs and claws, horns, and dark eyes. She wears a slightly torn white tank top with pale yellow stripes, a black biker jacket with spiky shoulders and sleeves and a red flame design on the back, torn green pants, black combat boots, spiky bracelets with a matching choker, and a green spiky shell purse.
-Daughter of Bowser Koopa (yes, I’m giving him another kid. Why not?)
-Lesbian Transgirl
-On literally ALL of the sport teams. Basketball, soccer, golf: you name it, she’s a member
-Loves all her siblings and would kill/die for them (BTW, most of the Koopalings probably attend school with her)
-Very loud and in-your-face
-Total delinquent 
-Attracted to princess-like/feminine girls like her dad
-Has no clue how to flirt, so she just brags about herself very loudly, acts intimidating, and throws random gifts at people and hopes it works
-(It hasn’t yet, but she’s trying okay-)
-If you imply her personality/appearance makes her “less of a girl” you WILL be lit on fire with extreme prejudice
-Did I mention she can breathe fire? Because she can.
-Cleans up quite nicely when there’s a formal event
-Voiced by Kimberly Brooks (aka Jasper from Steven Universe)
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promoking · 5 days
ByWonderlash DIY – Falske Øyevipper Rabattkode for 15% Rabatt
Få 15% rabatt på hele bestillingen din av DIY vippeforlengelser på ByWonderlash.com.
Bruk rabattkoden TUMBLR15 for å få 15% rabatt på hele kjøpet ditt.
Rabatt: 15% på hele kjøpet
Minste kjøpsbeløp: 200 NOK
Gyldig for: Alle kunder
Bruk: Én gang per kunde
Begrensninger: Kan ikke kombineres med andre tilbud
Gyldighet: Gjelder fra i dag
Rabattkode: TUMBLR15
En Omfattende Guide til Vippeforlengelser
Vippeforlengelser har blitt et populært tillegg i skjønnhetsrutiner, og gir lengde, krøll og volum til de naturlige vippene for en glamorøs look. Enten du ønsker en dag uten mascara eller en mer dramatisk look, tilbyr vippeforlengelser en tilpasset løsning for din stil.
Typer av Vippeforlengelser
Å velge riktig type vippeforlengelse er viktig for å oppnå ønsket look. Her er en oversikt over de vanligste typene:
Syntetiske vipper: Laget av skinnende akryl, og er de mest populære for deres dristige og glansfulle utseende. Fordeler: Rimelige, dramatisk look, tilgjengelige i ulike stiler. Ulemper: Tyngre på øyelokkene, mindre naturlig utseende, kan føles stive.
Silkevipper: Mykere og lettere enn syntetiske, silkeforleninger gir et mer naturlig utseende og er ideelle for daglig bruk. Fordeler: Naturlig utseende, komfortable, allsidige. Ulemper: Litt dyrere, krever hyppigere etterfylling, mindre tilgjengelige.
Minkvipper: Laget av minkpels og gir det mest naturlige utseendet og følelsen da de er lette og fluffy. Fordeler: Realistiske, komfortable, langvarige. Ulemper: Dyre, potensielle etiske bekymringer, krever forsiktig vedlikehold.
Falske Vipper vs. Vippeforlengelser
Selv om de kan virke like, er det betydelige forskjeller mellom falske vipper og vippeforlengelser når det gjelder påføring, holdbarhet og generell effekt.
Påføring: Falske vipper er midlertidige og festes med lim, mens forlengelser limes semi-permanent til de naturlige vippene.
Holdbarhet: Falske vipper varer én dag, mens forlengelser kan vare opptil seks uker med riktig vedlikehold.
Effekt: Falske vipper er mer dramatiske, mens forlengelser kan tilpasses for en naturlig eller dristig look.
Hvordan Velge Riktige Vippeforlengelser
Valget ditt av vippeforlengelser avhenger av faktorer som øyeformen din, tilstanden til de naturlige vippene og ønsket stil.
Øyeform: Ulike stiler fremhever forskjellige øyeformer. For eksempel kan lengre vipper på de ytre hjørnene få hengende øyne til å virke større.
Naturlige Vipper: Har du tynne eller korte vipper, vurder lettere forlengelser som silke eller mink.
Ønsket Look: Minkvipper er perfekte for et naturlig utseende, mens syntetiske vipper er ideelle for et dristig uttrykk.
Å få vippeforlengelser innebærer en nøye prosess:
Forberedelse: Teknikeren renser vippene dine og legger beskyttende pads under øynene.
Påføring: Hver forlengelse festes til de naturlige vippene med spesiallim, en prosess som tar 1-2 timer, avhengig av ønsket look.
Sluttresultat: Etter at limet har tørket, børstes vippene for å sikre at de er perfekt adskilte.
Vedlikehold og Pleie
Riktig vedlikehold er avgjørende for å holde vippeforlengelsene i god stand.
Daglig pleie: Bruk oljefrie produkter, rengjør vippene forsiktig og unngå å gni øynene.
Langvarige tips: Børst vippene daglig, unngå vannfast mascara, og sov på ryggen.
Etterfylling: Planlegg etterfylling hver 2-3 uke for å opprettholde volumet.
Kostnad for Vippeforlengelser
Prisene varierer avhengig av type vipper og teknikerens erfaring:
ByWonderlash Vipper: 150 NOK – 300 NOK
Selv om de er dyrere enn falske vipper, kan forlengelser være mer kostnadseffektive over tid.
Myter og Misoppfatninger
Mange bekymrer seg for vippeforlengelser:
Skader på Vippene: Forlengelser skader ikke naturlige vipper når de påføres korrekt.
Kompatibilitet med Sminke: Du kan bruke sminke med forlengelser, men unngå oljebaserte produkter.
Bruk: Forlengelser er ikke bare for spesielle anledninger – de kan brukes daglig.
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Vippeforlengelsesindustrien utvikler seg kontinuerlig, med nye stiler som volumvipper og klassiske vipper som tilbyr flere tilpasningsmuligheter. Etter hvert som etterspørselen øker, kan vi forvente fremskritt innen teknikker og materialer.
DIY Vippeforlengelser
DIY-sett tilbyr en kostnadseffektiv måte å påføre vippeforlengelser hjemme, men det krever ferdighet og forsiktighet for å unngå skader på dine naturlige vipper.
Miljø- og Etiske Overveielser
Med økt miljøbevissthet i skjønnhetsindustrien, se etter cruelty-free og veganske alternativer, og støtt merker som bruker bærekraftige praksiser.
Kjendiser som Kim Kardashian har popularisert vippeforlengelser, noe som driver trender i skjønnhetsverdenen. Sosiale medier fortsetter å vise frem de nyeste vippestilene, som påvirker skjønnhetsrutiner globalt.
Vippeforlengelser kan forvandle din skjønnhetsrutine ved å gi et tilpasset og langvarig løft til de naturlige vippene. Med riktig vedlikehold og valg av vippetype kan de gi den perfekte looken for enhver anledning.
FAQ - Vanlige Spørsmål om VippeforlengelserHvor lenge varer vippeforlengelser?
Vippeforlengelser varer vanligvis mellom 4 og 6 uker, avhengig av din naturlige vekstsyklus og vedlikehold. Etterfylling anbefales hver 2-3 uke.
Kan du svømme eller dusje med vippeforlengelser?
Ja, men unngå vann de første 24-48 timene etter påføring for å la limet feste ordentlig.
Hvordan rengjør du vippeforlengelser?
Rengjør daglig med en mild, oljefri rens og bruk en ren børste for å fjerne sminkerester.
Kan vippeforlengelser tilpasses for et naturlig utseende?
Ja, de kan tilpasses dine preferanser for en subtil eller dramatisk look.
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thefluffygems · 6 years
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Thanks... I think. Well, normally this is what we look like in college. (ps.: that’s our friend Math and my sister Lett.) I not really fond of hugs and human contact and they really like, for some reason. My sister usually just laugh at us.
I don’t really know why people would think any of us are dating (yes, people thought that I was dating my sister) but that’s life I guess.
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peonyleaf · 3 years
i think you can tell a lot about a person by what kind of bread they like to bake
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mars-the-artist · 2 years
With you forever and ever
Author 📝 :
Ahhh!!! I'm so sorry for not posting for a while, and not lettting you guys know about my hiatus! School was fucking with me so I gonna make this the part two of the Zhongli headcanon I made.
Caution ⚠ : this is going to be short, angsty, fluffy at the end, and is not proofread! Read at your own risk.
Click the cut to continue reading!~
She soon perished, turned into blue little flames and left to the sky. You still see the tears in the dragon eyes, the pain is so transparent. You started to tear up , remembering all the good times with Guizhong is just too depressing for you and even the little bird, Xiao.
Could Zhongli and Xiao ever move on from that traumatic experience? Well you for sure didn't. I mean, how could you. You couldn't risk revealing You or Zhongli's past or identities.
"Y/n, would you do me the honor of going to Guili plains to discuss a important matter with me? I'll be waiting" the letters on the letter stated, Mr. Zhongli would like to see you. And soon I believe, you don't want to keep this gentleman waiting, right?
Your stomach felt, strange. Butterflies flying around wanting to leave and spill out your guts. What was so important that he wanted to have an discussion with you? Asking a billion questions at once made your stomach twist and turn.
''Ah! You came at last, y/n'' his features were ten times more beautiful the same time he said your name. Mr. Except-Archon might need a fan or some iced water... It's getting a little too hot in the formal wear. Zhongli had something behind his back, but you couldn't quite tell what it was. It was a gift for sure once he handed it to you, ''Here, I bought the freshest ones in Liyue harbor. Just for you'', his soothing voice comforted you in many ways, it comforted you in this moment.
'' I need to ask you something-!'' you both spoke in unison, quite shocking news is that he turned to the side while you looked down at the swaying, green grass. '' Would you do me the honor, Adeptus Y/n, to be my significant other? Starting today or whenever you come to a final decision? '' the god bowed down to you, as if you were some being of high ranking, which you were, but not higher than him...
Your heart pounded, you were shaking, waiting for this moment ever since a little after you met him. It happened today, your dream came true. It was dark out anyways, so it seemed so romantic that Mr. Zhongli would do this. But you forgot the day it was today, so jumping into his arms while fireworks went off made the confessor blush.
''Haha...look how pretty Liyue harbor is at night with a local festival going on. Shall we leave this beautiful view?''
''No, stay here. With me, my love. '' you stated so plainly. Removing his black gloves from his hands to see the long streaks of gold going to his fingers up his shoulders made him turn away, not even stopping you. It was just you and him, newly lovers, hands interlocked, cuddling and watching the fireworks burst.
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dorka · 2 years
Egeszsegtelen, de finom Repatorta van?
20 deka reszelt repa
2 tojas
60-70 gramm porcukor (yeah… az eredeti recept 100-at ir, ha jol emlekszem, de nalunk szuper edesek a repak, sztem nem kell annyi)
1 csipet so
(Opcionalis de nagyon jo bele) 1 teaskanal gyomber (por v frissen reszelt, en port szoktam)
1 teaskanal fahej
1 dl olaj
20 deka retesliszt (nem kotelezo, simabol is jo lesz)
1 teaskanal szodabikarbona
1 teaskanal sutopor
Lehet hozza tenni csokidarabokat, narancshejat.
1. Sutot elomelegitem 180 fokra
2. Papirral kibelelek egy 20 centis tortaformat vagy kuglof formaban is jo sutni
3. Cukor+tojas+fahej+gyomber+csipet sot jol osszekeverem. Nem kell robotgep sztem hozza, de nyilvan lehet.
4. Bele az olaj (probaltam kevesebbel, akkor nem lett annyira fluffy :(
5. Lisztet kimerem, hozzaadom a teaskanal szodabikarbonat es sutoport, es a keverekhez adom
6. Utoljara a 20dkg reszelt repat teszem bele
7. Legutoljara az opcionalis dolgokat: csokit vagy narancshejat (kokuszt, mazsolat, tort diot…)
8. Majdnem egy ora a sutoben, de 45 percnel megnezem.
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gl0rious-purpose · 3 years
Slushies (Loki x Reader)
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Summary: Every now and then, you and Loki would go and hang out with each other. This time you two got slushies at the park. However, your true intentions are exposed when Thor sees that yours and Loki's tongues are purple.
Word Count: 2103 Words
Warnings: Nothing, but fluffy kissing.
Author's Note: I tried to add as much details as I could before I edited this one shot. Apologies if it's not as good as the others. Please enjoy.
Tossing your empty slushee cup into a bin nearby in the common room, you slowly trudged to the couch. You picked up the pace in fear of collapsing on the floor. As you flopped onto the couch face first, a very heavy chuckle sounded out by you. Startled, but really not caring, you peeked one eye up from the couch cushions to see Thor laughing at you. Not sure whether to feel offended or confused, you sat up and just started at him with a questioning look – at least that's what you hoped it was. The God of Thunder cackled harder at your facial expression, proving your attempt had miserably failed.
"Thor, why on Earth are you laughing at me?" You challenged the god, eyes narrowing as you sat yourself to look at the god fully. You sat back and watched Thor try to regain control over himself before he bursted into another fit of laughter. Just as the next fit started, Bruce walked in and handed you water. He quizzically looked over to Thor then back to you. You shrugged your shoulders as you took a big gulp of water. Feeling the cool refreshment trickle down your throat, you gave yourself a satisfied smile before taking another gulp. This time, you felt it trickle down your windpipe before it hit your throat. The sudden liquid mixing with your oxygen sent you into a coughing fit, glass of water falling out of your hand on to the floor. The glass somehow shattered on the floor as water spilled everywhere. This happened to drag Thor out of his laughing spell, his face flashing with concern as he quickly got up and rushed next to you. Faint footsteps from upstairs indicated Loki was coming down from his room to see what the commotion was about. Oh gods... Don't let him see me like this. You pleaded the Norns, but to no avail. He had entered the room just as you went into another coughing fit, the forced air burning your throat. Bruce gently bent your sitting body over your knees and rubbed your back in hopes of calming you down. Slowly, you felt the sudden pressure dissipate as light coughs erupted from you here and there.
Bruce and Thor gently pushed you back up as Loki just stood in front of you all, clearly confused. His eyes trickled down to the floor that was saturated with tap water and glass shards. His eyes widened as he looked up – scanning you first before scanning the other two for injures. He'd never admit it, but Loki cared for everyone's safety. Despite the past.
"Y/N, can you open up so I can observe your throat real quick?" Bruce asked warily, eyeing your face for a reaction as he took out a small pen light. You simply cracked open your jaw and turned your face towards him as he shined the light slightly above himself. He looked around for a hot minute before turning the light off and raising his hand to your jaw, pushing on it lightly to indicate you could close your mouth. As you did, his eyebrows furrowed. Thor and Loki caught this as you simply just stared at him, waiting for the diagnosis.
"It looks like it's all fine. Water must've accidentally got caught in your windpipe." Bruce paused, face contorting into a confused expression. "However, I'm not entirely sure why your tongue is purple. I don't think it was from a reaction from the water..." Bruce's voice trailed off as he looked down, gears turning. Thor sat back, glancing at Loki. It would've appeared that the God of Mischief had froze, which would be ironic for his case in general. Thor peered at him, slightly confused. Loki's silver tongue shot out to wet his lips as he waited there, trying to not show any signs of distress. A glimmer of purple caught Thor's eyes and he jumped up, pointing at Thor. Startled by the reaction, everyone looked at him, anxious about what was about to happen.
"Banner, his tongue is purple too!" Thor exclaimed, still not understanding what was going on. Bruce looked over at Loki, pondering his next words carefully.
"Did you two hang out today?" You peered into each other's eyes for reassurance before nodding slowly. 
"Alright, what did you guys do? Did you drink some type of purple dye?" This time, only you shook your head, implying that wasn't what you did.
"No, we drank slushies." You stared, innocence gleaming in your eyes. Bruce looked at you, expected more. Before you could elaborate, he cut you off with another inquiry.
"Wait, purple..slushies? I wasn't aware that they even made grape slushies." He questioned you, eyes darting over to Thor who had moved to sit back down, still eyeing his brother. The corners of your mouth turned up into a small grin, turning your face towards Bruce.
"No, silly! I had a blue slushee." Bruce blinked slowly at your response.
"And I had the red slushee." Loki jumped in, not realizing that he might've set you both up for failure. Banner's eyes glanced over at him before letting them drop as he took in the information.
"That doesn't make any sense." Thor exclaimed. Apparently they didn't teach color theory on Asgard. Bruce shot him a look as he put two and two together.
"Oh my god..." His voice dripping with realization, his eyes widened as he glanced over at you then at Loki and back to you. Thor was just sitting there watching the interaction, slowly understanding that blue and red make purple when combined. Thor stood up walking to the window, turning around to face you guys as he got ready to ask a question. Bruce moved to a seat across the room just in case something happened and Loki had sat down next to you, avoiding the glass on the floor.
"Y/N." Thor's stern voice made you look at him, his thick eyebrows furrowed at the situation.
"Y/N, what did you and my brother do today?"
"We went to the park." You answered, making your voice sound as confident as possible. If you believed in your answer as much as you said it, maybe they would believe it.
"And what did you do at the park?" Thor's eyebrows relaxed for a second before they raised, eyes looking right through you and your responses. You swallowed harshly before you decided to carry out the tale you had spun. It was only half-truths. Until now.
"We drank our slushies. Duh." Your matter-of-fact tone kind of felt forced, making Thor feel dubious about your answers.
"And then what did you do?" Faltering, your mouth opened and closed, not knowing how to respond. Beside you, Loki's mouth opened up and closed again like a fish gasping for air. Realizing you probably couldn't say 'Well, we tried each other's slushies' due to the fact your tongues were dark purple – which would mean you did drink a lot of each other's drink – you looked over to Loki as the other two stared at you.
"Do you think that's why our tongues are purple?" You whispered to him, not realizing the others could hear what you had said. Loki's head snapped towards yours, trying to shush you with a look.
"Shut up." Loki coughed, looking up at his brother and shooting him a cheshire grin. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed at him.
"I told you not to use tongue." The man next to you groaned, throwing his head against the back of the cough. Thor fake gagged at the image of you and Loki kissing, his tongue down your throat. Bruce just looked at you in horror. He didn't think that you of all people would kiss Loki, but you did. Thor walked off to get a towel and broom to clean up the mess infront of the couch, drawing Bruce out of his gaze on the both of you. He got up and followed Thor, leaving the two of you alone. With the two Avengers gone, the tension rose significantly. Loki groaned as he rubbed his hand against his face, before sitting back up and looking at you blankly.
"Oops?" You look at him sheepishly, not knowing what to say. He eyed you for a long time, not saying anything. The silence tricked your brain into thinking he was mad about what had happened and you looked away, taking in a shakey breath. Well, I blew it. You beat yourself up internally, turning your head away and closed your eyes. Cold fingers caught your jaw gently, turning your head back towards you. Your eyes fluttered open, centimeters away from Loki's face. Feeling your breathing hitch, you focused on his eyes, fearing for what was going to follow suit. He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. The air slowly blew over your face. It felt cool and smelled minty. How odd for a frost giant to emulate a breath mint. You chuckled at the thought, drawing a smile to the god's face.
"You're lucky I'm over the moon for you." Loki breathed, hand reaching further up and cupping your face. One of your brows raised, questioning his response. As an awkward silence fell upon you, you pressed your forehead to his, gazing deep into his eyes. I could admire him forever. You mentally noted, eyes slowly skimming his face. Loki's heart seem to pick up pace as you got closer, heart nearly pounding out of his chest. With how close you were to him, he pleaded the Norns to not let you feel what you were doing to him. At least, not right now. A god doesn't plead. Loki briskly thought as his pleas grew louder and louder at the back of his mind. But for you? He would beg for eternity. Watching deep in thought, you opened your mouth to inquire further, but he swiftly inclined his face more into your own, capturing your lips with his own. Melting into the kiss, you turned your body towards him, allowing him more access. 
His other hand reached around your waist and pulled to closer to him, trying to get you as close as possible to him. Hand pressed firmly against the small of your back, he hungrily reached out and took your kiss-swollen bottom lip in between his teeth, biting down lightly before letting it drop back into is rightful place. As he did so, you let out an airy moan – one that was audible enough for the two of you to hear – muffled by Loki's lips. With your mouth open, Loki took advantage of the moment and slipped his tongue into your mouth, invading your own tongue's space. His smooth tongue plunged into your mouth, slithering around like an eel maneuvering through the ocean floor. The action blocked out all of your senses, overpowering them all as Loki's tongue sought an unreachable terminus near your uvula. You focused more on relaxing and allowing his tongue to thoroughly explore your mouth; it swirled around, it pulsated, and made contortive sweeps of your mouth’s vault: you certain that at least once it turned upside down. His chest was pressed against yours, feeling it slow it's heaving pace. The god recognized that you were probably in need of a deep breath, or at least moment to comprehend what had just happened. 
As he slowly broke away from you, longing to imitate what had just happened, a very, throaty gag sounded by the door frame, makingboth of your eyes shoot open and darting towards the location. Thor gagged more as he walked away, muttering 'nope' several times as he abandoned Bruce who just looked at the two people on the couch, mouth gaping at what he had witness. Loki gave a sheepish smile as he laughed lightly, pressing his forehead to the side of your face, nuzzling is has laughter started to bubble out of you. Trying to give an apologetic look to the now leaving Bruce, you wrapped your arms around Loki's shaking form, clinging onto him like he would disappear.
"I can say without a doubt," you started, pausing to make sure you had Loki's attention. His head brushed against you like a sly cat looking for attention. "That was definitely better than what happened at the park." Tightening your grip around Loki, you pulled him closer. He hummed in response, agreeing that it was definitely better. Even though this was the first time a slushee had ratted out what you two do when alone, it was certainly worth what happened after.
And it sure as Hel wasn't going to be the last time it happened.
You can also read this fic here <3
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tigerdrop · 3 years
never gonna forget that Gordon dogboy sketch that had a huge maw hanging over one of his shoulders. mr. drop takes hella good care of his followers
hee hee.......well......i dont know if i ever posted it but that was a lil doodle of a werewolf AU i was writing on and off. i never finished it but here are some snippets for u
For the most part, Gordon’s gotten used to this strange new relationship. When you’ve spent long enough tucking a long, fluffy tail into your waistband every couple of weeks, it’s not much of a stretch to accept that there’s another guy just like you out there. Even if it *is* a little weird that you both work at the same top-secret facility in a dusty New Mexico hamlet that isn’t actually listed on the map. (He’s started to wonder if maybe he isn’t the only experiment-gone-wrong at that place.) The point is, hanging out with guys from work isn’t that out of the ordinary. Plenty of the other researchers do it. And there’s not much else to do on the weekends but shoot the shit with that security guard who’s always lingering around his wing. The one who’s all… rules-lawyer-y and irritating and determined to be a thorn in Gordon’s side, sure, but it’s not like any of the other security guards talk to him much.
The fact that Benrey’s a fucking werewolf ought to throw a wrench in things. But like he said - he’s gotten used to it. Gordon’s threshold for bullshit has increased tenfold since he started to work at Black Mesa. The more worrying thing, in his opinion, is that they are *definitely* going to fuck.
It’s not like it was a foregone conclusion, he thinks desperately, as he idles away his lunch break by spinning the wheels in his head like a hamster. Their whole thing started off, like, normal! If you find out that your coworker is also of the canine persuasion, it just makes sense that you’d hang out and do canine things every once in awhile. Chasing chickens can get you shot out here in the desert. Chasing each other? Not so much. It was as much for Gordon’s benefit as Benrey’s, even if Gordon’s not exactly the one scaring goats and tearing up abandoned RVs when he gets a little stir-crazy.
Howling at the moon together was one thing. But Gordon’s not sure who started all the… playing. Fighting. Roughhousing. It just felt *good* to get all that animal energy out of him, okay? And Benrey’s the only guy he knows who can keep up with him. That’s what sealed his fate, probably. All that exercise gives him endorphins, right, and endorphins make you feel good, and humans are social creatures ruled by hormones (and he’s still half-human, at least) and he got to associating those good feelings with the one guy who drives him the most fucking insane in the entire complex. Good feelings like… like the shivers that crawl up the back of Gordon’s neck when he feels Benrey jam his snout up against his hairline and sniff. Or that heavy weight crushing him to the ground while Benrey chuffs at him. Or the feeling of hands, broad and massive and tipped with sharp, sharp claws, palming at his stomach and pinning him and pushing and pulling and manhandling and—
Gordon blinks, and he’s already late to get back to his shift. Shit.
Every day that passes brings him closer to the full moon, and every unreadable gaze that Benrey fixes him with in the hallways brings him closer to a neurotic breakdown. Because they are definitely going to fuck. He can feel it.
He’s been aware of that electric tension in the air for months, now, because now he can *smell* just how bad Benrey’s got it for him. He— Gordon thought it was a joke, okay? He’s used to jokes like that. But Benrey can’t fake those pheromones that roll off of him in waves, every time he bows his head to invite Gordon to play. Gordon couldn’t pick up on shit like that before the whole… Nintendogging thing.
And even if he didn’t have his nose on his side, well. Benrey’s been acting kind of funny lately, anyway. Squeezing him tighter. Panting harder. Grinding his teeth. Letting his tongue loll out of his mouth, like he’s trying so hard to take in Gordon’s scent that he thinks he can taste it. And Gordon’s pretty sure he’s felt *something* worryingly boner-like pressed against him before, but he’s never felt like he should ask. He doesn’t wanna be the guy to break kayfabe and broach the subject. Like, maybe Benrey’s not even aware it’s happening. Or at least, that’s what he tries to convince himself of, because he’s having a very hard time coming to grips with the fact that he might, possibly, actually want it. That. *Fucking.*
By the time that moon waxes into fullness again, Gordon has spent an obscene amount of time trying to come to grips with this. And, for the most part, he has failed.
Their usual haunt is a dry, sandy clearing just outside the town borders, a plot of land stretching out into the desert with a half-assed barbed wire fence wrapped around the side. The signs tacked to the fenceposts read “No Trespassing”, but they’re hardly the only ones to ignore them, judging by the way it’s been used as an impromptu dump. This month, the new additions include a busted toilet and a couch with a massive burn hole in the cushions. Gordon sits on it while he waits, tugging nervously at the sides of the ugly beanie he’s wearing. It was cheap. It hides his dog ears. What more do you want out of him?
There’s a shuffling in the distance. Gordon’s ears might be muffled, but they prick up anyway. It’s probably Benrey, but he can’t say for sure, because he’s been wrong before and having to explain the fucking dog ears to a stranger who’s just as freaked out as he is about being caught trespassing left its own indelible mark on him. (Perpetual embarrassment, mostly.)
He cranes his neck to look for the source, but—
Something hits him, from his blind spot— a massive weight, a force tackling him clear off the couch, and he lets out a shout until he hits the ground and all the air bursts from his lungs with a loud “woof”. He rolls— *they* roll— until they come to a stop, dust kicked up from underneath them and making Gordon cough. Once his eyes stop watering and he can breathe again, he looks up.
Benrey. Tongue lolling. Tail wagging. Clearly having turned before he got here. Gordon closes his eyes, long-suffering.
“You wanna give me some warning next time, man?” Gordon coughs out.
“i did warn you. take that… stupid hat off, maybe you’ll hear me better next time. even said your name and everything - ‘here, doggy, doggy.’”
“What— Fuck off, no you didn’t!” He squirms in Benrey’s grip, but the guy’s got a tight hold on his wrists. Fucker’s resorted to using surprise tactics to get the upper hand, huh? “What kinda werewolf are you? Scared you’re not gonna win if you don’t, fucking, scare me half to death first—”
Benrey barks out a laugh, cutting him off. His face is… really close, actually. Close enough that Gordon can smell his breath. It’s not exactly pleasant, but at least it’s drowned out by the, uh, the other things Gordon’s picking up on. The heady smell he’s come to associate with Benrey on nights like this: warm, musky, a little sour. A little overwhelming.
Then he drags Gordon out of that train of thought by gingerly plucking that beanie off of Gordon’s head. Gordon blinks. He’s got an arm free now, sure, but he’s not really thinking about that right now. His dog ears twitch from the sudden chill.
“no handicaps. fox only. final destination,” Benrey says.
He dangles Gordon’s beanie above his face, just within reach, but when the gears in Gordon’s head churn at last and he swipes at Benrey’s hands, Benrey yanks it away again. And again. It’s so goddamn hard to lunge properly when Benrey’s crushing his legs like this! And he’s just sitting there, staring at Gordon with impassive, heavily-lidded eyes. As if Gordon can’t tell he’s laughing in his little fucking circus show of a brain.
“Fucking— Give me that!” Gordon throws all his weight into it.
“try harder.” And Benrey just jerks it out of his reach.
It’s stupid. It’s *so* stupid. He’s a grown man. He doesn’t care that much about the hat. But he can’t drag his eyes away, either.
Wants it. Wants the hat. Knows better than to go after the stupid hat. He’s not an animal. He wants the hat. Benrey’s smirking at him. Something hot crawls up his shoulders - embarrassment. He almost snatches the hat in his teeth. They click together.
Click. Growl.
He wants it. He’s better than this. His heart’s pounding. He’s livid. He’s exhilarated. Benrey needs to quit fucking with him and let him get his goddamn *hat*!
“whassamatter?” Benrey taunts, leaning in closer. His nose is just inches from Gordon’s. “gettin’ mad? huh? gonna die mad about it, maybe—”
Gordon cuts him off with a sudden lunge forward, cracking their skulls together. All Benrey can do is grunt in surprise and draw back again.
“ow, what the hell, man?” whines Benrey. He gingerly rubs at his nose.
He’s not looking at Gordon anymore. He’s not braced evenly. The beanie dangles from his claws like an afterthought. Gordon wrests his body to the side in one last-ditch effort to free himself, and—
And Benrey lets out a strangled sound as Gordon rocks him off-balance, toppling him to the ground. Gordon’s on him in a heartbeat - he pounces, trying to shove Benrey flat against the dusty earth, but Benrey rolls and Gordon grips at his arms and they both tumble, around and around like laundry in a washing machine. It’s sloppy and chaotic and Gordon can’t keep himself from laughing, the thrill of physical exertion bursting out of him in a loud bark.
Eventually, their momentum grinds to a halt, and Gordon’s the one sitting smugly on top of him. Hat in hand. His tail thumps against Benrey’s side.
“You’re messing with the wrong guy. I’m in the *zone* tonight, man. Been doing a bunch of cardio lately,” Gordon tells him. Excitement and adrenaline make his words tumble out of him in a rush. “Black Mesa’s really good for jogging around, did you know that? And I’ve started doing squats at my desk, too. Got the idea from one of my podcasts. I think it’s really paying off!” Gordon’s tail lifts up, and it flicks back and forth erratically. Subconsciously.
Benrey’s eyes fixate on the motion, following it back and forth, back and forth. As if he’s not listening. “uh huh.”
“Hey, Earth to Benrey. Are you even paying attention to me?” he says testily, snapping his fingers in front of Benrey’s face.
“wuh?” Benrey blinks, but it takes him a solid couple of seconds to drag his gaze away from Gordon’s tail.
Irritation mounts in him.
Benrey squeezes him tight against his chest, one arm looped around Gordon’s upper body and the other around his stomach. A clawed hand scrabbles at the hem of Gordon’s shirt, worming its way underneath, broad and hot against his skin. Gordon sucks in a sharp breath - God, it’s so big that it almost spans the width of him when Benrey’s got his fingers all splayed out like that, as if he’s trying to palm as much of Gordon as he can in one go. And he’s a pretty big guy. That’s saying something.
Sharp nails dig into him, and he can’t help the nasal little whine he makes in response. Like he’s a fucking dog. (No matter how much dog hair he has to get off his sheets every month, Gordon Freeman is *not* a dog. He has a master’s degree, for God’s sake!) It’s, it’s fear, it’s a normal human response to the very real threat of Benrey gutting him like a pig, and that’s all it is. Heart pounding. Sweating. Shivering. Against his neck, he feels something cold and wet. He shudders visibly, and Benrey huffs through his nose. His breath follows, hot, humid, and so close to Gordon’s ear that it makes goosebumps pebble on his skin. He’s… he’s *sniffing* Gordon. Panting, even.
“bullshit,” Benrey rasps. “been watchin’ you all night. you think you’re so smart ‘cuz you’re not just some… fuckin’… security guard,” he continues, voice low and throaty and right in Gordon’s ear, and he grips Gordon tighter. “but you’re stupid as shit, ivy league. i can smell it on you.”
Gordon chokes. When he struggles, he feels those pinpoint pressures sharpen, a warning not to move too much. So he tries to meter his breathing and keep himself very, very still.
“What are you *talking* about?”
Benrey sucks in a deep breath at the nape of Gordon’s neck. “fuuuck, gordon,” he slurs, before abruptly rolling them to the side.
Gordon’s flipped belly-up, still crushed against Benrey’s chest, and he yelps - he swears Benrey’s hand’s gonna slip, his abdomen’s thrust up into the air, he feels exposed and vulnerable and incredibly fleshy, like, in a ‘carcass on a butcher’s block’ kind of way. “J-Jesus Christ, what—”
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adoriels-tears-if · 3 years
A fluffy fix for a familiar would be nice
You mean, fox!
I couldn't agree more, they're adorable, so let me introduce you to Lett, Corden's familiar.
A fluffy ball of fur, with sharp claws if needed.
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