A sound echoes on the emergency speaker system that covers all of Creatorverse.
“A-Attention all- all Creatorversians.” Shandy’s voice came from the speakers. “Do not go out into the fog. R-Repeat, do NOT g-o out into the fog. If you h-have to, p-put on a medical face mask, a-a scarf works, too- a-and then you can leave. A-Anyone who’s lost in the fog w-will be found shortly and brought to the council building where I am now. If- I-I suppose if you w-want to you can- c-can come over and try to help I-if you want, j-just stay protected. We are working on this as fast as possible. Ah- sorry, I-I’m probably making this l-longer than it needs to be. Just- stay indoors. Please.”
The message ends.
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creatorverse-zen · 4 years
Zen perked up at the sound of a gunshot and hurried in its direction, hoping with everything she had that no one had actually gotten shot. She had already gotten off the phone with the scientists and had been wandering in search of anyone trapped in the fog when she heard the shot.
"What the hell..." She muttered as she came across the scene. Moon, Lily, Rawlyx, Jay, and someone else who was wearing a mask were inside a force field of some kind. Although from what she could see, only the one in the mask was not under the effects of the fog.
"Hey, I'm came from the council building to get anyone trapped in this fog. I have a med kit here and we got something at the building to clear the effects of the fog. We should get these guys back quickly." She called out, eyeing the state of her friends with a bitter frown.
"Damnit they look terrible..." She muttered under her breath, angry and upset that things came to this.
(@creatorverse-moon @creatorverse-lily @creatorverse-rawlyx @gremlinjay)
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A Breath of Foul Air - Foggyvent
“Don’t move...” Nobody forced the reminder of her words to Zen deep into her mind, despite the trembling in her body. This uncomofortable, impossible feeling of dread that permeated her every atom was agonising. 
“Don’t move.” She reminded herself yet again. It was hard to remember. 
The bodies all around her were making things so difficult. 
There were dozens of people she recognised, and many more defaced upon the ground. Swords and weapons littered the landscape like discarded bottles and cans, each one stained with hundreds of different colours of blood. 
Lorel, wings shattered to pieces. Halo stained with red. Her arms clawed out desperately, her eyes pleading for help. 
“Don’t move.” She reminded herself. 
Shandy, feathers torn from her back, her body collapsed on the ground. Her voice barely a whisper. “D-don’t go...” Nobody could hear, before she heard no more. 
“Not a muscle.” She forced herself to remember.  
Zila, her blue skin pale and her eyes that once burned bright yellow now empty of all but pitch black shadow. He body right by Nobody, her wounds not finished pouring blood. “Why...?” She barely managed to whisper, yet the sound was blaring in Nobody’s head. “Why a-are you...so useless...? W-why can’t you save us...?” And she spoke no more. 
“Do. Not. Move.”
 She silenced her sight for a moment, her equivalent to closing the eyes she didn’t have. 
When she allowed herself to see again, the image was different. Gone were the bodies, no more swords and weapons. Now, in front of her there were only two figures. A humanoid with a featureless face and brown curly hair, and a ball of light the colour of a dark night sky. 
“You don’t remember us.” They said in unison. Nobody would have raised her eyebrows if she had any. 
“I don’t.” She answered honestly. Then, “I wasn’t meant to remember. I was meant to survive.” 
“You lied to us.” The figures said, yet again in unison. “You offered life, then stole it from us. You offered us freedom, then abandoned it. You offered us strength, then failed everyone.” 
These visions were so unfamiliar to her and yet so real. Something in her soul was aching as she witnessed this. Grief. Rage. Sorrow. Hatred. 
“Why can’t I remember you?” She asked. “How can I be so afraind of strangers speaking nonsense?” 
“You have never understood.” The dark light said with venom in its voice. 
“You abandoned us. Abandoned me.” The humanoid said with rage echoing in their body. 
“This is your punishment.” They returned to speaking in unison, this time with a third voice added that was accompanied by yellow eyes that glared from the space between the two figures.  
“You are a thief, a murderer, and a slave.” The three voices all called out, the sound echoing around in Nobody’s head. She clutched it in agony, barely able to think.  
“You forget, but we shall never forgive. We shall bring our wrath upon all you know, and all the peace you find shall be our victims.” 
Before Nobody could finish her screaming as the words bounced and bashed within her skull, the figures vanished into nothing. Nobody saw the outside of Zen’s house as normally as it was before the fog.  
Her time was up. 
She could no longer breathe.  
Whether it was the loss of her gills or the terror that pulled at her every thought like tangled hair upon the brush of her mind, she didn’t know. 
She didn’t want to. She couldn’t 
She forced herself over to the door of the house of @creatorverse-zen 
And she cried. 
“L-let me in...” She sobbed. “P-please...”
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creatorverse-lily · 3 years
Lily, hey uh, listen, How hard would you say Lillie and Lily is hard to stop if they go rouge?
Uhhh, it depends.
For Lillie, it depends on whether or not she has her gun.
If she does, good luck. If she doesn’t, you’re okay, but you’ll probably get bodyslammed. But truth be told you don’t need to worry about Lillie going rogue. She’s not the type.
Lily however, it depends on her emotional stability.
Cause you’ve seen Lily on her absolute lowest (foggyvent), she’s pretty unstable. She doesn’t really have much control over her abilities and things can get out of control in that situation really quickly.
If she’s more emotionally stable, the easier it is.
Lillie - Get her gun away from her and find a way to incapacitate her and you’ll be fine.
Lily - Find a way to calm her down and you’re chill.
Both are easier said than done.
0 notes
It was a foggy morning on the twenty-sixth- a rare sight for the floating island of CREATORVERSE. Only a few were awake at this time- them being the early birds who liked to watch the sun rise across the ocean.
However, within the mist and the shadows, a figure snuck in- keeping low against the cover of fog. After making sure they were alone, they pulled out a container- small in size and a misty white in color. It would blend in with the city’s fog well.
The figure made sure the face mask was secure over their mouth before they threw the container as far and as hard as they could before turning around and running the other direction. They only had a few minutes before the potion would spread through the fog, and they certainly didn’t want to be caught in it’s effects.
They left without a hitch, the whole fog slowly becoming more and more contaminated with the potion. Those inside would be safe from its effects. However, those outside in the fog...
Well, it would be safe to assume that this was a terrifying start to the day.
And so the foggyvent has begun! (Yes I came up with the name at midnight don’t @ me.) Basically, the potion’s effects make it so that everyone has to face their worst, or even multiple, fears. If your character goes out into the fog and how they react to everything is up to you! (Yes, this is what the quiz/survey was for. I wanted you guys to be thinking about it.)
I have to go to work, so it’ll be some hours before the next part starts- but that means that you guys have plenty of time to thing of something and post it! I hope you guys have a good day!
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The ground below everyone rocked- shaking below them. Shandy, who had been in the security room, had rammed into a desk as all of the screens turned to static. After a few seconds, the screens showed an image. Familiar to some, new to others.
“Greetings.” They spoke, their purple-speckled-grey eyes staring through the screens. “You have a fog problem. I have a solution.”
“Mori...” Shandy grunted as she pushed herself up from the desk, an arm around her side where the desk had been jammed in. Stars, she had hoped this wouldn’t be true.
“You want it to be gone?” Mori asked, tossing a slim vial up and down in the air. “I can do that. You just need to give me some... documents.”
Shandy pressed down a button to the speaker system.
“What kind?”
“You know.” They replied. “I’d be quick if I were you. Every second you stall, another blockhead is summoned. And it would be... such a shame if they were to destroy everything you worked hard for. Leave the paperwork it at the southwest end of the city. I’ll know if you’ve tricked me.” The screens shut off and returned to normal.
Shandy sagged against the desk, trying to remember where the specific paperwork was when another tremor rattled the ground. She yelped and was tossed backwards, her head thudding on the floor.
“Stars destroy-it.” She cursed as her wing throbbed. Of course... she didn’t know what else she was expecting.
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Foggyvent Epilogue, and a new beginning
Nobody Wants To Know
Part I – Prologue
The Hub was an interesting place. A meeting place among the infinite dimensions across the multiverse, it was a large and vaguely dome-shaped space with a pale silver colour in the sky and a metallic texture to its walls and floor. It was filled with tables and chairs of various sizes and shapes to accommodate all of the physical impossibilities that would find themselves sitting there, and it was at one such table that Nobody found herself in conversation with her succubus companion, Zila.
The two had loved one another from their first meeting, and as such when Nobody needed comfort and answers after her experience with the fog, there was only one person she sought out. Launch was a close second, but her second partner was rather difficult to track down on most occasions, and was usually not interested in getting involved in serious matters such as this, preferring to take a more background role.
“…And then the vision passed.” Nobody finished her recounting of exactly what she had seen in the fog – the two figures that taunted her and the vision of those she cared about most laying dead at her feet. “I still don’t know what it truly meant, but ever since I’ve been feeling…different than I used to. I don’t think that I only saw my fears.”
“You think it was some kind of vision?” Zila said, in that youthful silken voice of hers. In more pleasant circumstances, Nobody could lose herself in that wondrous sound, but at the moment she had more pressing concerns. Still, even watching Zila’s beautiful skin and golden blond hair, gazing into her piercing yellow eyes as she spoke, brought Nobody comfort.
“Sort of.” Nobody answered. “Not a vision of the future, but perhaps it was showing me some truth within myself. Something I have been incapable of remembering for whatever reason. Perhaps a good reason.” Zila seemed to frown at that, and Nobody almost felt dumb for even suggesting the idea. At times, Zila’s charisma was infectious even without her willing it. One of many features that came from being a Succubus. Two drinks arrived at their table, which Zila took, passing one to Nobody, who nodded her thanks.
“What kinda ‘good reason’,” Zila said, emphasising the air-quotes. “Would there be for not knowing who you are?” She asked. Nobody shrugged in response, uncertain of how to answer the question herself.
“I can only conclude it’s something my employer would want.” She replied. “Kuryo has informed me that my existence has certain terms, namely serving him on my missions. This could be another?” Nobody shook her head. “I’m really not sure, and it’s something I intend to look into. But it’s not the only reason I came here.”
“Oh?” Zila said, placing her head forward and resting it on one slender yet well-toned blue arm. She grinned for a moment, showing pale white fanged teeth for just a moment. Behind her question-marked face, Nobody smiled warmly, and placed her hand on Zila’s free one.
“I also came to see you.” She said happily. Zila’s face blushed a warm red colour, something that Nobody found adorably amusing. “After seeing the other vision, seeing you lifeless… I had to. I’m sure my friends would consider it selfish, but I won’t apologise for my devotion to you surpassing any other factors.”
“You mean everything to me, Zila.”
“Y-you’re just trying to make me blush!” Zila playfully protested, quickly putting her hands to her face and shaking side to side, a sight that made Nobody laugh, with a genuineness she hadn’t felt in quite some time. Zila took a moment to calm herself before speaking again.
“What about your other partner? Lift-off or Rise or something like that?” She asked, and Nobody sighed.
“Launch.” She corrected. “I love them too. Of course I do, and there’s next to nothing I wouldn’t do for them. We’ve discussed this before, and nothing has changed.”
“Nothing?” Zila asked. “Wait, does that mean that they still don’t know about… you know, about us?”
“Whether or not they’re aware, I cannot say.” Nobody said, leaning back in her seat and sipping her drink, an odd substance that tasted vaguely like orange juice despite looking like clear water. “But I have yet to have the opportunity to tell them. I intended to, but then they died.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Don’t panic, it wasn’t permanent.” Nobody chuckled, and Zila sighed in relief. “I don’t fully understand the details, but they have a system in place that makes them essentially immortal. They respawned, and sent me their location. Alas, I was unable to find them before getting side-tracked by work. We next saw each other at the New Year’s party on Creatorverse, Internia. And only briefly before disaster struck.”
“What kind of disaster?” Zila asked. She was always curious about Creatorverse, a world that she herself had yet to visit. “Was it those Blockhead things you told me about?” Nobody shook her head.
“No, I’m told it was Mori.” Zila nodded, vaguely recalling what Nobody had said about the mysterious Mori.
“That’s the destroyer god, right?” She asked. Nobody thought for a moment, then shrugged.
“Something like that, I think. I forget the full story, and no one ever seems to agree on the details.” She answered. “All I know is that Mori used to live in Creatorverse, but was exiled for some reason, and now they want to destroy us all for revenge?” Zila raised an eyebrow.
“That sounds kinda fishy.”
“I agree.” Nobody nodded. “But it’s not really my business to examine it further. I’ve got nothing against Mori, nor any of their companions. I’ll only intervene if absolutely necessary. Not my fight.”
“So, they sabotaged the party?” Nobody nodded at Zila’s deduction.
“Indeed. They were also responsible for releasing the fog. I think they were trying to get some kind of paperwork using it, but I don’t believe I caught the full message before I left. I didn’t see Launch at all after New Year’s. I hope they avoided the fog.”  
“I hope they’re okay too.” Zila said comfortingly. “Based on what you’ve told me, they sound pretty cool.” She smiled at Nobody.
“If they only seem ‘pretty cool’, I must have undersold them.” Nobody joked, and the two laughed pleasantly for a few moments.
“Hopefully I’ll get to meet them someday.” Zila said. Nobody nodded, raising her glass.
“With any luck. It would be great for all three of us to hang out sometime.” The two lovers clinked their glasses together happily and drank for a moment. There was a pause before Zila spoke again, this time nervously.
“If…” She hesitated, and Nobody leaned forward, listening intently. “If you had to choose. If you had to choose between me or them-”
“I’d choose you.” Nobody cut her off. “I love Launch, I care for them a lot, but you’re always my number one priority.”
“Thank you.” Zila said after a moment, shining clear watery tears.
“No need to thank me for honesty.” Nobody replied. “But enough about me. How have you been? Hopefully you’ve been doing better than my vision suggested.” She joked, which caused Zila to chuckle before groaning into her hands at the thought of how things had been going for her.
“Ugh. Let’s just say I’m glad you’re here. Things haven’t been going well since our last meeting.” Nobody took a long sip of her drink.
“Oh, trouble at work?” Nobody asked, setting Zila off.
“You have no idea!” She cried, throwing her arms up in frustration for a moment. “All I’m trying to do is seduce people and take their souls, but everyone keeps trying to get feelings involved! It’s so uncomfortable. I’m just there to fuck, not for love.”
“That’s not how I remember our times in bed.” Nobody said light-heartedly. “I seem to recall us being very passionate indeed, in more ways than just physical.” Zila froze for a moment, going red.
“You’re the exception.” She said, seemingly both flustered and amused. “No one else is like you, ya know.”
“I believe I do.” Nobody nodded. Her thoughts wandered back to her vision in the fog for another moment. “Although I find myself wondering as to what I am like now. There’s still so much I don’t know…” She trailed off, something Zila noticed.
“It’s the vision, isn’t it?” She asked, to which Nobody nodded. “If it’s bugging you so much, you gotta go look into it.” Nobody looked up for a moment.
“I…” She stumbled over her words. “I have some ideas. Nothing concrete, but there are a few places that might hold some answers for me.” She thought for a moment.
“The other Nobodies.”
“When I enter another world, there is only one me.” Nobody began to explain frantically. “I just change to fit that world and its rules. But there are three exceptions I know of. One I made, one I chose, and one took the name herself. Three other Nobodies. And if I am included, there are three people within me. It’s not a coincidence, I just don’t know how it connects.” Zila smiled happily. Hearing Nobody ramble so passionately always brought her joy.
And if she was being honest, she had certain ideas for what to do with three Nobody’s…
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go check them out!” Zila encouraged. Nobody smiled beneath her question-marked face and burst forth from her seat, before remembering a crucial detail she had forgotten.
“WAIT, CV!” She yelled in a panic. “I was meant to get some things! Vanilla extract and a big magic supply! And I was meant to help those outside in the fog!”
“Wait, the fog was still happening when you got here?!” Zila shrieked in surprise. “I thought it was done!”
“I’M SORRY, I HAD TO SEE YOU!” Nobody said in response. Zila stood for a moment, briefly going red before sighing.
“Hun, I love you, but sometimes you can be a real dumbass.” Nobody nodded at Zila’s wisdom, chuckling a little. “Give me a sec, I’ll help.” Nobody gave Zila a quick hug in response to her words.
“Thanks Zila, you’re a life saver!” Zila rolled her eyes but gave Nobody a loving smile as she gently left her arms, and opened up a flaming portal. One of the perks of being a succubus was the ability to essentially travel anywhere, and in style to boot.  
“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Zila said, before blowing a kiss at Nobody, which the question mark girl happily caught. She then vanished through the portal.
As she waited for Zila’s return, Nobody took the time to write a small note to apologise for her absence.
Dear Shandy, or whoever else finds this note,
I apologise for failing in my duties during the Fog Outbreak. I had much to do, and some crucial personal business that I am afraid takes priority over anything and anyone within the city. Said personal business is also why I will not be returning in person.
The Fog may have shown others their fears, but to me it showed a vision. It allowed for some part of me long forgotten to connect to the rest, and I now need to find answers. I understand if you will not forgive me, but I shall not apologise.
However, thanks to a special someone, I have some gifts I had promised, that I hope shall make up for my extended absence.
Take care, and don’t die,
Nobody In Particular
Zila returned as soon as she had finished writing the letter, holding a rather nice-looking woven basket.
“Alright, I got you a bunch of Vanilla extract, a duplication ring they can use to get more, and…” She took out a large black sphere that seemed to hold within it a burning white-hot flame. “One Hell Pandora. It’s a magic sphere that holds some of the most potent powers and souls from hell, like a pocket dimension. Don’t worry about using souls, they were in Hell for a reason.”  
Nobody nodded, taking the basket and briefly opening a portal of her own. She placed it carefully at the door of the council building, never fully stepping through. Once she was sure it had been safely placed down, she came back to The Hub.
She then wrapped Zila in a tender embrace, and after a moment the gesture was returned.
“I may not know the full story of who I am,” She began, before moving to look Zila right in the eyes, holding her by the shoulders. “But I know that I love you, and I always will.” After a moment’s hesitation, Nobody peeled back the question-mark face she wore, revealing her True Form and its human face beneath. Then, she gently removed that face as well, showing off the face of her Final Form.
Her right eye was finally open, a prism of strange and interdimensional energy held within it. Her natural blonde hair now stood in eerily still spikes, mixing with a misty aura around her. Her mouth was now masked with a deep purple and black misty aura, mixed with fiery fangs.  
This was Nobody in her purest state, something that only Zila had ever seen. And whilst most avoided it as much as possible due to its fearful effects, Zila only ever admired it as she did all aspects of her lover.
Gently, Nobody kissed Zila, letting their mouths come to a pleasant embrace. It was all too brief for the both of them, but at the same time it was also a moment that neither would ever forget.
“No matter who you become, I’ll always love you.” Zila said, gently caressing Nobody’s face as it morphed back to its default question-mark state.  
“Now go.” She spoke. “I’ll be waiting for when you return.”
And with those final words, Nobody departed, beginning her search for answers.
AN: Thanks for reading this! This started as just an epilogue for the Creatorverse Foggyvent, but I’ve been working on some of Nobody’s backstory and lore, so the idea to expand this struck me as an excellent way to explore it! The three other Nobody’s mentioned are all characters that I created, and the only AU Nobody’s to not just be the canon one shifting based on the world she’s in.
I should probably give some context for that. The short version is that Nobody is an extra-dimensional being. Specifically, she is a Fusion, which in this case means she is a cross between the souls of a Creator from Internia and an entity known as a Void Demon, an energy being that lives in the Void, a space between realities. Both of these are separate from Nobody, who is a third being created from combining the previous two. More info will be revealed as the story progresses.
As for Zila, she’s another sona of mine! I made her to be a somewhat less complex character than Nobody, who has a lot more complex lore behind her. So Zila’s whole deal is that she’s a Succubus from a realm known as Hell, and she travels across realms to…well, do what Succubi do. I’d be happy to talk more about her if asked.
Worth noting, Nobody is indeed canonically cheating on Zila with Launch, even though Zila is aware and fine with it. It’s not a poly without everyone knowing what’s going on and giving consent, and since Nobody has yet to tell Launch about Zila, it’s cheating. Out of character, Zila is just another representation of me just like Nobody. They’re both parts of me. So, unless dating literally myself counts, no IRL relationships are affected whatsoever.
There’s more I could ramble on about, but I don’t want to drag this AN out for too long, so I’ll leave you here. I hope you enjoyed this!
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