#Forgoten Realms
koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
This is basiclly all the headcanons i have been compiling (because i have a bit of an art block and i wanted to share something) it is not orginized and might have grammer mistakes in it, a lot of these are based on my person expieriences;
Lark and Sparrow are left handed
Grant definitly has saint bernard on a playlist somewhere (also i deserve to bleed)
Scary got her ears pierced at claires, she fortunetly somehow avoided getting an infection
Normal had a phase where he would say goodmorning to literaly everyone on the street
Ron has grey eyes, just grey
Lark and Autumn got along when he got older, they both have angry but somehow chill vibes, like quiet anger
Kid henry was a lot like lark amd sparrow both look and personality wise (just chaotic feral goblin)
Sparrow is pissed about cigareetes and what they do to the planet (he also used to yell at people who littered)
All the oak garcias are autistic and adhd
The close/fosters have adhd
And ron is autistic
There are many cold cups of liquids and half finished snacks left around the oak household, cuz adhd can be a bitch
Glenn searches through wikipedia sometimes when high, he also really liked speaking random facts as a kid
Nick has to constantly stop himself from making yo mama and dirty jokes (both as a kid and as an adult) (he got it from Glenn)
Scary doesn't wear nailpolish because she sucks at putting it on and then she is even more annoyed at it chipping constantly, so she just doesn't, link has never aplied nailpolish but he is weirdly good at it when he does, normal has put nailpolish on before but doesn't like it, it just has a weird feeling on his nails, taylor used to paint his moms nails as a kid, he is decant at it, he doesn't wear nailpolish as it would just be a bother in a survival situation, hermie wears nail polish sometimes, only when it fits the role tho, but he likes it
Ron flinches when somebody moves suddenly
Taylor still wears a frienship bracelet that an old friend got him, they lost contact long ago but they used to be best friends
Ron childhood home basiclly didn't have any family pictures, or any decorations in general
Ron doesn't have many pictures from his childhood
Ron burns easily (being half welsh has its minuses)
Hermie wears funky socks, either them or plain white ones
Nick is the more responsible parent compared to Cassandra
Scam likely has secret compartments in their shoes (also he uses he/they pronouns)
Ron now knows there are other musicals than cats, because Terry is a theatre kid and has shown him a few of them (they go to musicals as a family but Terry also just listens to the music) (i think ron would like "the guy that didn't like musicals" musical and other starkid shows)
After Terrys and Scaryies relashonship gets better they would watch beetlejuice together
Normal has never won a throphy (he got a couple particypation trophies and such but never a full blown throephy)
Hero had both a horse girl and a dinasour phase
Henry sometimes talks in elvish (usually by accident, either when really tired, really hurt or really angry, he sometimes even swears in it)
Lark and Sparrow know a little bit of Elvish, because Henry and Autumn taught them, they also learn more about their forgotten realms side of the family from here (the first words they learn are curses)
Scary listens to true crime
Ron still doesn't get birthday math (like are you that age? Are you turning that age? How does it work?)
Lark and Sparrow once wanted a trapeze for a birthday (to the relife of their parents and practicly everyone) they changed it to a lego sets
The season one oaks have a compost in their garden
Lark started smoking to piss of Henry because it is bad for the invierment
Link has a weighted blanket
Henry never learned how to read normal clocks, he can only read digital ones, and the forgoten realms clocks
Hermie vocal stims a lot of musical lyrics
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chronicas · 1 year
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Key points on their backstories under the cut. Characters are in order left to right.
Izebel: Created for the sole purpose of being the vessel for Kirke's curse that she created to destroy the universe. Has abandonment issues. Child ruler.
Sam: A bioweapon created by the Texan military nearly a decade after the Bio Wars ended. Her creator was his mother figure in the fucked up evil way. Killed about two dozen security personnel. Met Logan while covered in other people's blood. Teen angst.
Farana: Elven nobility from the Forgotten Realms who was kidnapped by human researchers from Earth and raised by the head scientist, Thelma Howells. Unleashed a horrific evil about it and tried to conquer the Forgoten Realms about it.
Karma: Raised by the head of the Elder Deamon Council and constantly told to be lesser than her mother. Ran away as a teenager, came back as a young adult and killed the King of Hveske, claiming the throne in rite of combat. Was imminently challenged in a fight to the death by her mother, won at the cost of her family's good name. Lives in the body of a dead god.
Skadumire: Was a decorated war hero and beloved by his people. His wife and son were killed by a magical plague that caused another war. Came back from said war with ancient necromatic tomes. Tried to bring his family back, turned one of his living daughters into a mindless vampire on accident. Scared his only living daughter away by becoming a vampire.
Salem: Had his soul fused with a forest spirit when he was 13 and became literally Mothman. Had to raise his kid sister. Orphan.
Jinlong: Parents were killed in the Great Dragon Hunts and only survived them by pretending to be human and getting adopted by a human family who didn't know he was a dragon. Outlived his human family and had to watch them grow old without him. Fell asleep for 2000 years.
Asterius: A young god raised believing he was a demigod. At 13 discovered he was destined to aid in the Apocalypse. Ran away from his home and got adopted by the man destined to kill him.
Vince: Killed by his father to become the undead champion of the Lich God his father worshiped in secret. The ritual was intentionally botched because the necromancer doing it worked for Skadumire. His body was left in a ditch. Came back wrong and with most of his memories gone.
Aranea: Her father was murdered for his research, Aranea was kidnapped by her father's murderers and made to fill the role of Izebel's "sister". Stole Excalibur and got flung into a random forest on Earth.
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01just-here10 · 2 years
Another dnd campain that i want to talk about is dungeons g daddies. Its about 4 dads losing their sons in a forgoten realm with magic and things like that. Its really good and funny but its not for younger audience. It also has 2 sesons (the second one is on going).
We have
Darryl Wilson is Maty Arnold
Henry Oak is Wil Campos
Ron Stampler is Beth May
Glenn Close is Freddie Wong
DM is Anthony Burch
You can find it one YouTube, Spotify and patron (idk if there is more).
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abenthyadventures · 5 years
Day 18 Part 2
As I worked on identifying the statue and discussed it with Aief and Berien, the others looked for more doorways and happened to find a draping canvas along one of the outer walls—a hidden entrance we had missed. I have some regrets we did not locate it before storming the castle, but as it stands, we did well.   We proceeded through to the East wing of the keep and entered what appeared to be a makeshift “throne room” occupied by a powerful Bugbear who seemed to be in charge, a trained wolf, a pair of hobgoblins, and a drow. Lyria, Aeif, Berien, and Agnes all rushed forward engaging the occupants in melee, while Finnan and I provided support from the entranceway. It would be fair to say that we quite handily--and stylishly, if I may say so--defeated them, but not without some disagreement amongst us regarding the plan. Noticing the drow in the room aroused our suspicions that something more sinister than expected could be afoot and most of us wanted to capture her alive to interrogate her. Lyria, in her bellicosity, however, was determined to end her life regardless of the wishes of the rest of us. Berien made an effort to impede her ability to do so, extending his foot to trip her when he noticed the bloodlust in her eyes as she charged her while she was otherwise engaged by Agnes; unfortunately, Lyria was able to evade his effort and plunged her sword into the drow for a lethal strike. We then stood aghast looking onward, disappointed both by Lyria’s disregard for our plan and that the body of the drow was changing into something more amorphous; indeed, we had been fighting not a drow, but rather a doppelgänger. What a doppelgänger was doing in league with this band of goblinoids, we do not yet know, and with it dead, our efforts to learn of its intentions have been severely hampered. After the combat, we were better able to observe our surroundings and perceived the body of a dwarf lying in one corner. We rushed to investigate and discovered him to be none other than Gundren Rockseeker, who had hired the others to escort supplies from Neverwinter to Phandalin and the same dwarf Sildar had informed us might have a lead on Wave Echo Cave. Gundren was quite feeble and could hardly tell us anything about his captors, but despite his obviously effete condition, Lyria was quickly at his throat making threats and demanding he prove himself not to be a threat. At this, the rest of us became further incensed with Lyria and intervened, and stood between her and Gundren and made an ultimatum that either she start working with us with respect to our mutual goals or she go her own way. Lyria seemed taken aback by our demand, asking if we really would kick her out of our band of adventurers. Finally, she seemed to understand and agreed to try to work more in unison with us going forward. After this, we investigated the room and found Gundren’s map to Wave Echo Cave which the bugbear apparently had confiscated. We then proceeded to explore the remainder of the dilapidated castle, encountering another small group of hobgoblins that had somehow missed the cacophony of combat in which we’d already been engaged. We dispatched them relatively quickly, and this time, I must say that Aeif demonstrated great prowess, running up one of the side walls and to the rear of the hobgoblin group and delivering a mighty blow. After this skirmish, as most of us were investigating the room, Berien decided to crack open a door and peak through—and oh did he see something. Berien closed the door as quickly as he opened it and then we watched with no small degree of horror as the door was obliterated behind him. Filling the frame of the doorway was a mountain of an owlbear which nearly deafened us with his outrage. Sensing our lives to be in danger, we felt we had to put it down, which Lyria did. Finally, the castle was seemed cleared and we swept through the remainder, in search of anything that might be of use to us. We did not find much else, except that I came across some finely crafted silver goods—a ceremonial dagger, a chalice, and a bowl—that could potentially be worth a fair amount of coin. We decided it was time to return to town and proceeded to find the cart we had stowed toward the trailhead. As we approached, we observed three hooligans near the cart and rushed to confront them. The others recognized one of them on sight, and exclaimed a name—Jarus—in exasperation. These men were foolhardy, and one let an arrow fly toward Aeif who reached out and seized it in mid-flight. I stepped forward telling them that any efforts they should make against us would be ill-fated, but they were an ignorant sort and did not quite comprehend what I meant. I then explained in simpler terms, nothing that if one of us can catch an arrow in mid-flight, we must be powerful and not to be trifled with. Agnes and I learned that Jarus had been a thorn in the side of the rest of the group and been given multiple opportunities to change the course of his life—even to the point that they had found him honorable employment with a local farmer. There was some debate over how to best deal with the brigands, but it was eventually decided that they could leave and return to the Alderleaf farm and when we reached town ourselves, we would check in to ensure they confessed their deeds to their employer. We decided to set up camp for the evening and thus ended the most dynamic day Agnes or I have experienced since setting out from Silverymoon.
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dudekpob · 4 years
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thatrareskykid · 4 years
sky headcannons _ Veterans edition!!
Veterans are skykids with a lot of wings ( 5+)
Even though in game veterans are kind and loved because they help moths and people with low wings, I headcanon that veterans are actualy feared by most people (there is no way you got more than 4 wings without pushing a few kids into the way of krills to get their winged light)
There is an actual small Veteran comune on the forgoten arc
Sometimes veterans patrol the last wasteland zone to make sure no one is sumoning the Krills
Even if you have only 6 wings (the maximum amount you can get by upgrading spirits) who would be insane enough to actualy repeatdly face Eden when you can just chill in citys with friends and have fun? No trust
Since there is so much stigma surounding them they mostly chill on Wasteland
Most veterans have a fucked up memory for being stuck as a statue in Eden for so long
Veterans make sure krills stay in wasteland and don't cross over to other realms
little reminder: reblogs help more thank likes ;3
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nestasgalpal · 4 years
Folklore (Nesta Archeron Fanfiction)
The lakes
This fanfic is pure Nesta angst. Each chapter is inspired by a song from Folklore, as if Nesta was composing/playing/singing the song while having the moment I narrate in mind. This first chapter was inspired by The Lakes, which reminded me to what Nesta might sing to her friend Claire.
“Take me to the lakes, where all the poets went to die/ I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you” meaning the true form of their relationship, and “A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground/ With no one around to tweet it/ While I bathe in cliffside pools with my calamitous love/ And insurmountable grief” being about how she misses not only her but how she made her feel.
I would like you to listen to the son after you read the chapter and check for yourself if it makes sense. The piece she sings in the begining of the chapter was also inspired by this cover of Sodier, Poet King.
There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord
Nesta’s voice was like silk as she sang to them. Elain and Claire were dancing together with their feet on the edge of the pond to the rythm of the song, and Nesta was reclining against a tree close enough for them to use her music as their own personal orchestra. The summer afternoon breeze stirred their dresses, and the sun made Nesta’s blond hair shine like gold.
There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord
Her sister and her friend started singing the last verse with her. It was a well known poem, an all time favourite for the Archeron sisters and now also one of Clare’s even if it was only because of the memory she would keep of their summer afternoons, the three of them together.
There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai... oh
Their village was too cold and too close to the Wall for troups to come in the winter or even in autumn, but at least one made an apparence during the summer, and the three girls went to see their spactacles in the plaza. Nesta and Clare were 16, Elain a year younger, and boys were starting to look at them with a special shine in their eyes. A young musician had fallen in love with Clare this year, and the girl, who wasn’t very fond of the boys she had at her disposal in the village, had enjoyed the way the rad-haired musician followed her around. He wrote a poem for her, admiring her short brown hair and olive skin, and ultimetly had asked her for a kiss, which Nesta’s friend had been delighted to give.
Her first kiss.
Nesta had never had one.
That was the topic of the day. How did it taste? And what was one supposed to do, anyway? Were you supposed to stand there and be kissed or was it perhaps more difficult than that?
“I’ll show you” Clare had offered, tired of Nesta’s questions.
With a chucke, Clare cuped her friend’s face and pressed her lips softly against Nesta’s. She was delicate, careful and sweet, and Nesta knew right in that moment that no other kiss she receibed in her lifetime would compare to that one. When they separated, Claire’s eyes were dreamy, while Nesta’s were muzzy. Both of them laughed nervously, their faces still close and Clare’s hands still caressing Nesta’s cheeks.
They broke apart when Elain cleared her throat, mad she had been forgothen in the pond. Claire laughed and let Nesta’s face go to stand up and run towards the other one. She extended her arms and Elain took her hands to run back to Nesta together.
The three of them sitted in the green grass, trying to cover their heads with the shadows the trees projected. The meadow was full of daisies and dandelions, an the pond’s water was clear. That’s why Nesta’s favorite season was summer. It rarely rained, so the dirt in the pond’s bottom wasn’t shaken by it and the surface didn’t become muddy.
“So... Elain” Clare’s smile was hussy and big, like she knew she was about to get some good gossip “Soldier, poet or king... which one would you pick?”
Usually Nesta didn’t feel comfortable talking about boys. Not yet. She kept it to herself so she didn’t look childish, but she still dreamed one day their father would gain back their fortune and she would be able to find a better man than the ones she could find in the village. But this time it was different, since it was just the three of them picking a character from a song. It was just an inocent pick. There were not soldiers, no poets and no kings there, so it meant nothing.
“Easy” said Elain “The poet is for me, the soldier for Nesta, and-”
“And the ruler for me?” Clare compleated, excited and already laughing at the idea. “I don’t know about that...”
Elain, who enjoyed this kind of games a little more than Nesta did, noded, also smiling, but with a glimpse of superiority in her gesture. “The ruler is for Feyre, dear” Her words came out sweet, but with a clear intention: to put Clare in her place. Her sister loved their friend as much as Nesta did, but sometimes she could get a little jelous if the two of them came too close and left her behind. Nesta coud understand that, it was only fair, so she allowed her to say this kind of things from time to time just to make her happy.
This time Elain was speaking the truth, though. Since they first heard the poem, the soldier had been for Nesta, a knight to protect her in her adventures. She used to play with the idea of the ruler as her pick, but she would never be satisfied with a throne that was given to her, she would rather take it herself. That’s why she needed a knight and his armies: to help her.
Then Feyre, who was the youngest and hadn’t got mutch of a personality when Elain and her became obsesed with the song, would marry the ruler and be queen. Easy.
“Finally, I would marry the poet, who, just like your musician wooer, would write a thousand poems and songs about my beauty and kindness” Elain explained to their mutual friend the story they had made up a long tme ago, when their mother was still alive and they enjoyed singing.
Now Nesta hardly ever did it, only when she felt comfortable enough to do so. With her sister and her best friend, she did, she felt safe.
“Nah, that would never work” Clare complained, taking Nesta out of her daydreaming.
“What part?” she asked.
“You and the soldier, silly!” she thought it was funny, but Nesta didn’t. The oldest of the Archeron frowned. “You could never be happy with a soldier, Nes. They work for kings, so his loyalty would be to someone else, not to you. Never to you.” Clare, who was sitted in the grass and leanin in one hand, lay down on the soil and rested her head on Nesta’s lap. “I know you, Nes, and you need someone you can always rely on, otherwise you won’t be satisfied. You don’t need the kind of safety a sword provides, you need reliability, and you would never find it in the soldier”.
Nesta’s brow was still frowned. She really didn’t like talking about boys.
“What do I need, then?”
“A poet, Nes” Clare’s voice was so  blissful she couldn’t help but relax her face. She ment no harm, she was not trying to ridiculize her by bringing up the subject. Clare didn’t even know she was so insecure about it. “You need a sensible soul to feel your pain and help you carry it. You have a wonderer soul yourself, so it would be a perfect match.”
“Is Tomas your poet, Nesta?” Elain asked, bringing herself back to the conversation. This hurt Nesta a little more, since Elain did know about it, but she let it go. It was just one of those moments of jelousy she felt sometimes.
“No” she replied. Tomas was none of the three. Not even close.
“Promise me, Nesta” Clare asked. She had her eyes closed and the breeze fluttered her short hair in Nesta’s lap. Years later, The oldest Archeron sister would go back to that exact moment and wonder if she had actually been that beautiful or it was just her brain tring to keep a good memory of her dead friend. But in that moment, she actualy saw her as a sleepy angel, gifting Nesta her heart. A blessing. “Promise me you won’t settle with the soldier and you will find a poet who makes you trully happy and is devoted to you”.
In that moment she thought her friend had Tomas in mind as “the soldier”, but now Nesta fantasized with the posibility of Clare talking about Cassian. Had she known something? Like a vision sent by a forgoten god from the mortal realm? What would her friend think if she saw her now, alone in a tent, cold, curled up in a tiny matress in the Illyrian Mountains, lost in her own pain because she had wanted to trust in the soldier’s word and he had failed her? He told Nesta they would have time and he would always find her, but Claire was right and his loyalty had never been hers. What had she done? What would she do from now on?
“I promise” a youg version of herself answered.
Clare smiled and pulled Nesta’s face close to her to kiss her again.
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markrosewater · 4 years
Could Sword of DnD get a reprint on collector/theme boosters for Forgoten Realms in one of the special slots?
You can’t mix borders on a card sheet.
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sageadvicednd · 4 years
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Forgoten Realms Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim ZHENTs! My friends wrote a book about the most famous stronghold of Zhentarim "Black Network”! There are few places in the Forgotten Realms with a more notorious—and nefarious—reputation.
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paradoxrealm · 4 years
"Oh yknow, your soul~" Seraph grins, but realizing she PROBABLY made the kid nervous, began chuckling. "Only kidding, dont worry. I just wanted you to show me what you humans have been doing for the past century or so. Last time I've been to this realm was around,,,something something BC, Ive forgoten," she shrugs as she plopped down on the carpet. -M (did you recieve the Axel ask or was it nommed?)
"The past century?..." that was a lot better than her soul- but she wasn't exactly a history book. "I can get you books that teach about it?..."
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vanguard-draco · 5 years
Codex entry: Dragon world
A habitable planet which found at 2786, afther pathfinder found unknow probe next afther meridian cluster which send distrace singal. The singal also send audio file about log from the missing APEX captain Clarie Jones. (See: clarie jones)
Arcoding the log this planet is very habitable with support by many pictures and curently analysis. Tough the "dragon world" lived by many species not just the dragons but they agree arcoding captain Clarie said to call the planet "Dragon world".
When pathfinder ryder decide to investigate when arive the path finder is greet by locals and have good relatioship with them.
Remnant vault: Artistian
Discovery about Remnant vault at Artistian was huge suprise not just active for a very long time but also guarded by singgle dragon knew as "the cronicle". (See: the cronicle)
Arcoding The cronicle the Artistian vault is the first ever vault ever created and he said the dragon world thausand years ago was not habitable like now. It hars and only the strong could survive.
Pathfindrr and Clarie jones decide to leave Cronicle alone afther they done exploring the vault.
Twin Architect of forgoten realm:
Until today it remain unknow why there two Architect on dragon world but arcoding the Cronicle he said the Achitect core build from soul of twin devine dragon.
When path finder team encounter them it suprising they not hostile even make contact with pathfinder to discuss about next step are they whan to introduce them to initiative or keep them secret.
Ryder choise to let Clarie doing so and she decide to tell initiative about this huge discovery.
Dragons on nexus:
Mount afther discovery initiative whan to discust about having colonist at dragon world and they decide to bring Clarie jones along with six dragons as represpective to The Nexus.
They are Nestor for artistian (see: Artistian), Titan for peace keeper (see: peace keeper), Bruno for beast maker (see: beast maker), lateef for dream weaver (see: dream weaver), and Cosmos for magic crafted (see: magic crafted), also Delbin from Artistian which leter on she whan take him into date.
Afther long discustion the dragon refuce any people became they ambasador and they said only accept Clarie jones as they ambasador.
Captain Clarie refuce it first then the cronicle came via Portal (see: magic portal) and said all the people of Dragon world wish to have her as they ambasador.
With her friend and mate also agree now clarie jones became dragon world Ambasador
Dragon world two outposts established:
Arcoding from agreement the initiative could build two out post one on dragon realm and other at forgoten realm.
These do because The cronicle wish as the main guardian and Ryder and Clarie agree with it.
the out post was focus to study and R&D for dragon world. They research curently to try combine our tecnology with them. (See: dragon realm tecnology)
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Fear. Feeling of lost control, threat, need to escape. Those feelings arise in mind chased to insanity, soul used to chaos, body craving for undeserved punishement when treated with care.
Love. It runs blood faster through your heart and veins, your thoughts gets clear, world slows down and stream of air finally fills your lungs.
Your smell, movement, tone, the light in your spirit ignites the curiosity and makes her wonder. What if the fear becomes a forgoten story and peace you bring new normal? What if the guards fall down, she lets you brush through her hair while she gladly lays on your chest and your breath moves as one.
Touch. Not every one is meant to humiliate, rip out last hope, like shamelessly ripped out hair before the escape night. To caress, to love, wipe tears and pull closer in your arms. It can be that without having to pay a price.
No is an answer too. As valid as any, as yes she said on will you be my pearl and wife. Ones body is an embodiment of the soul and realm of thoughts. Force, fear, rage in their room, it makes soul act like held in the quicksand . When days got dark and tears flood out, she creates the patch large enough to cover it down. His voice next to hear ear and cold blade pointed to heart, can be replaced with I love your every part.
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En los años noventa conocí las versiones computarizadas de lo que se llamaban "Juegos de Rol"; sembraron en mi cierto interés; dentro de todos esos juegos, aquellos ligados al "Advanced Dungeon & Dragons" ("Calabozos y Dragones") fueron los que llamaron más mi atención; en las librerías comenzaron a aparecer una líneas de libros con la marca "Historias de la Drangonlance", pero muy pocos relacionados con "Forgoten Realms" ("Reinos Olvidados"); no estoy en posición de expresar quienes fueron primero, si los juegos de rol de mesa para Calabozos y Dragones o los libros con interesantes historias de fantasía o aventura conectados con ellos, habría que investigar más a fondo, tengo poca información al respecto. Con el paso de los años conocí el juego de mesa en sus versiones 3.0 y 3.5; llegué a ser director de juego de mesa en formas algo improvisadas pero razonablemente efectivas; después, encontré por fin, mediante la vía electrónica, los libros digitales que con claridad me mostraron la conexión con las historias en los escenarios de esos juegos (de mesa como los de PC) y comencé a leerles con mucho interés; este es uno de esos libros, y para nada quedé decepcionado; a partir de hoy iré mostrando todos los libros relacionados con el mundo de "Reinos Olvidados", el cual ha sido base parra el desarrollo de horas de entretenimiento para muchas personas en diferentes partes del mundo. "El tatuaje Azul" escrito por Kate Novak y Jeff Grubb, fué el primero de ellos que comencé a disfrutar. . . . #elrincondelescritornovato #elrincóndelescritornovato #librosleidosatravesdemivida #katenovack #jeffgrubb #sagasliterarias #sagas #historiasdefantasia #historiasdefantasía #calabozosydragones #dungeonsanddragons #megustaescribir #escribohistorias #escribomilibro #pasiónporlalectura #pasiónporleer #pasiónporlaescritura #pasiónporescribir #pasionporlalectura #pasionporleer #pasionporlaescritura #pasionporescribir #devenezuela #elescritornovato #escritornovato #escritoraficionado #soyunnarradornovato #narradornovato #narradoraficionado #maracayescultura (en Venezuela, Maracay, Edo Aragua) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQJK586FRAu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ooak-tree-dolls · 8 years
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As a result of my huge passion for Indian culture – I created a Monster High custom doll for one of the greatest hindu goddess – Kali. Kali is the Hindu goddess of time and change associated with empowerment. Her name comes from kāla, which means black. Her golden eyes can see everything in time and space.
She creates and destroys worlds with Lord Shiva and also appears as a symbol of triumph over death and slayer of demons. And because of her terrible form, she is also often seen as a great protector.
The doll is one of a kind collector item, made from brand new Monster High Wydowna Spider doll. You can buy her in my Etsy store. It was one of most challenging projects I’ve ever made! Tons of tiny jewellery were made for this one... but I L O V E her finished look.
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scarecrowsong · 11 years
Thinking about starting a Forgotten realms history blog. Anyone interested ?
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