#Frank Duck Brings 'Em Back Alive
adventurelandia · 2 years
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Frank Duck Brings 'Em Back Alive (1946)
93 notes · View notes
Nemesis: Retribution (5)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: EXPLICIT SMUT. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR (18+ ONLY. I WILL BLOCK YOU), human rights violations, polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, angst, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, strong language, mentions of trauma, mentions of character death, fluff if you squint,
A/N: Okay okay. I’m finally happy with how this turned out. Goddamn that’s a lot of words. I’ll see you all in the party in the comments and reblogs! I love reading what you think. Don’t be shy. Jump in!
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
[gif not mine. credit to: this glorious gif post.]
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1:5 Lemons
2 missions.
A 50/50 chance of getting Salvacion.
Your heart was pounding in your chest and you were on the verge of getting lightheaded from the anticipation. A decade of chasing this bastard and this was the closest you had ever gotten to him. The man was not only deadly in skill, but always seemed to manage to give you the slip every single time. Forcing yourself to face the life you left was worth it if it meant finally avenging Lily.
The briefings the past week had been long, but they were important to make sure everyone was prepared to end this. You were minutes away now from shipping off to the mission and your whole body was buzzing.
This was it.
There were two locations that you had to hit at the same time. Two locations with large shipments that you had to stop from reaching its destination. The teams needed to be split.
"Let's go over this one more time," Steve started, fully suited up in black that was truly a far cry from his old blue and red ensemble. "I'll be leading a team into the shipment yards with Bucky and Nem at the front. Sam will be on air support. Billy will manage a team of snipers in the surrounding area."
This was the smaller of locations, but with the larger shipment. The location itself entailed a more strategic approach. You weren't happy that there was a chance that Salvacion would be at the other location, but having Frank on that team put you somewhat at ease. He understood more than anyone how important this was to you and he promised he would take Salvacion alive. He was yours to kill.
Frank always kept his promises.
"I'll be leading the other team into the industrial district," Frank continued, his signature vest strapped tight across his chest. "Pietro and Matt will cover the perimeter and I'll be charging in with Nat and Wanda."
Their location was more complicated. It was too close to the residential district and the warehouses there ran 24/7. There was a high risk of civilian casualty if they weren't careful which was why almost everyone who was powered was assigned to that group. They needed every capability they could pull to make sure no innocent blood was spilled.
"Good," Steve nodded. "We'll both have a group of agents with us too. They've been briefed and are prepping transport as we speak. We leave in 20 minutes."
Everyone nodded their understanding, grabbing their gear and heading down to the transport docks. There was a fleet of cars standing by that would be used, gassed up and ready to go. Your hands were drumming repeatedly on your vest, itching to just get on the road. Frank and Matt lingered with you before they joined the rest of their group.
The towering marine stepped up close to you and tightened the buckles of your bulletproof vest, wishing you would have accepted the offer of better gear from the Avengers but also knowing it was hypocritical of him when he declined as well.
It just wasn't your style.
It was his own damn fault for training you in his own combat style. He had no doubt of your capability, but still he worried about you. He always worried about you and he felt a sense of responsibility toward you after finding you tortured within an inch of your life.
"Stay close to Steve, sweetheart."
You snorted, but a glance back at Steve who was already looking at you with a raised eyebrow made you grumble and relent. "Fine."
"Good girl," Frank chuckled, before leaning in to press a firm kiss on your lips as he held you by the buckles of your vest. You smiled into the kiss, feeling the steady protection and reassurance that he always brings.
He stepped away for Matt to get his turn. This was a tradition that just developed naturally between the four of you. A kiss before danger. A promise to keep safe. A promise to come home.
Matt took your face in both hands and kissed the breath out of you as if he was trying to outdo Frank. It wasn't uncommon. He was always more aggressive with his affections, always as if he was scared you might suddenly slip away from his life and you were happy to reassure him every time that you weren't going anywhere. He chuckled when you bit his lip, beating him to it. He gave you one more peck before stepping aside.
Billy came closer to your side and slung his arm around your shoulders, chuckling as he nuzzled his nose against the side of your face. It was amusing him to no end at how easily you were folding for Steve. It was a nice change of pace from the three of them never being able to deny you anything.
Most especially Billy.
"We're definitely keeping Steve around. I think I like you compliant," he snickered, turning your head toward him with a finger under your chin. He planted a quick chaste peck on your lips. Your eyebrows quirked at the unusual behavior.
"What you're not gonna try to outdo me too?" Frank teased.
"Nem knows I do my best kissing elsewhere. Don't you, pretty girl?" Billy winked at you and you rolled your eyes. You smacked him in the chest but didn’t comment further. He wasn't wrong, but he was smug enough as it is.
You were about to turn toward the cars when you were knocked back slightly to the side by a sudden peck to your cheek. You couldn't stop the laugh when you caught Pietro's grin before he vanished again, a subtle warmth spreading in your chest. You were still smiling when you took your seat beside Steve who intertwined your hand with his and raised it to his lips, smiling that soft boyish smile against your skin that now made your stomach flip. He didn't let go of your hand throughout the ride, even as he caught Bucky's yearning gaze in the rearview mirror.
You were greeted by an ambush.
Somehow the syndicates knew that you would be coming, setting up a small army as your welcome party. A quick distress call through the comms from Frank confirmed that they were facing the same in their location.
But you couldn't focus on that.
You were too busy tearing through the goons that kept coming at you. Having two super soldiers and Sam in the thick of it with you was a blessing, but even with the other agents and Billy's sniper support you were severely overrun. You would just have to trust that the other team can handle their own.
You emptied the clips of your pistols as you trudged your way deeper into the fray, not bothering to duck or take cover from the onslaught of angry men. You tossed your empty guns to the side and drew out another, catching a few bullets in your vest.
No time to reload.
"I got you, Hedwig. Give 'em hell," Billy said in your ear.
The deadly smirk on your lips was the only warning the men in front of you got. You charged again as the adrenaline coursed through your body, bullets flying precisely into their skulls.
One. Two. Three. Four men down.
When your bullets ran out, you dropped the gun and pulled out two daggers. Your eyes narrowed as you took off into a sprint toward the closest target, weaving effortlessly through the oncoming fire.
A slice to the forearm to disarm.
A dagger up the chin.
He dropped to the ground spluttering on his blood as you took the other dagger and sent it flying toward another's chest.
Rough muscular arms caught you by surprise and gripped you from behind, caging you as you struggled. You saw the gun in his hand and reacted.
Break the wrist to disarm.
You smirked at the loud pop of his bones. You grabbed the gun before it dropped to the ground as you slipped a knife from your vest. The pain in his wrist caused him to loosen his hold on you, allowing you to turn to face him.
Blade to the gut.
Bullet to the face. Point blank.
You didn't even flinch when his blood splattered across your face, joining the explosion of red already painting your figure. You could make out two more in your peripheral who dropped to the ground before they could advance on you, care of your guardian angel with a sniper rifle.
"Thank you, Blackbird," you said sweetly.
"Goddamn, doll," Bucky said, Steve stood beside him mirroring the same look of equal awe and fear.
This was the first time they had seen you in action. Hearsay and that little demo with Kim did nothing to prepare them for the sheer brutality you had when given the clear purpose to kill. You didn't hesitate. You didn't waste time. You didn't care that you were drenched in blood. You had a goal and you were going to meet it every time with ruthless violence.
This was who you were now.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" Steve came up to you looking worried after seeing you charging headlong at open gunfire.
He didn't like it. At least he had a shield. Skilled as you were, he didn't like that you were running every mission like you had a death wish. There was so much blood on you that it was difficult for him to tell if any of it was yours.
"None of the blood is mine," you dismissed, wiping your face with what was the only clean part of your sleeve. "Let's go. I hear more up ahead and Sam said that's where the shipment is."
Rounding the corner, you were faced with another cluster of goons with weapons aimed at your small group. They stood a good distance away in front of two shipping containers that were being readied for transport. Sam landed beside you along with a group of agents. Bucky pushed you behind him and Steve raised his shield to cover you both. Billy chirped in the comms that the snipers had repositioned and were ready. All of that barely registered with you, white noise against the rage that was brewing, because behind enemy lines was the goal you've been chasing for a decade.
"I have to say," he drawled. His voice, the first you're hearing of now, sending a chill down your spine. "I expected more from the Avengers. You didn't even bring Iron Man. I'm disappointed."
"Give up the serum," Steve growled.
"No. I don't think I will," he answered. "Kill them all."
All hell broke loose once more; fists, bullets, knives, and a shield flying in every direction. Bucky and Steve kept close to you, shielding you from most of the shots as you advanced. You gunned down every bastard you saw but your eyes never strayed from Salvacion who was just standing there watching the clash.
Taunting you.
Something nagged at the back of your head as you fought. It was unusual for the syndicates to be deploying this many people to a single location even if it was for the serum. While you were thanking every god you knew for luckily drawing Salvacion on this mission, his presence was also peculiar. Something else was going on.
Something else was here.
The syndicates were pushing back on your team hard, but you were making a dent in their numbers. When you saw Salvacion start walking away, that was when you felt the panic stir in your mind.
"I can't let him get away, Steve!"
You ignored his and Bucky's calls for you as you made a mad dash straight through the fight, efficiently shooting and stabbing anyone who dared get in your path. You were consumed with the purpose of reaching him, of finally being able to end it all.
You left the larger fight behind you in favor of this more personal one, the noise receding as you chased him farther. You caught a glimpse of him making his way up stacked containers and you sped up your run. You didn't even think twice about climbing the height. Nevermind potential broken bones. Nevermind getting cornered. Nevermind that you had no backup.
Salvacion would die today.
When you reached the top, you were surprised to see him standing there waiting for you but also that he wasn't alone. You raised your gun to match the one he was aiming at you, but he merely tutted and smirked. His other hand also had a gun, this one aimed up the chin of the person he was holding captive in front of him.
The amount of irritation this woman was bringing into your life was starting to get on your nerves. She was delegated on your team for this mission and you stifled the aggravated groan as you noticed that she was bleeding heavily from both shoulders causing her to not be able to fight back.
Top agent my ass.
"Hello, Nemesis," Salvacion grinned at you. "Or should I call you Y/N? Much more personal given our history, don't you think?"
Your name on his lips caused a wave of nausea and a sneer to grace your lips. You raised your gun higher, narrowing your eyes as his own pressed harder against Kim's skin. It wasn't an idle threat.
"Nice of you to show up for once. Was beginning to think you were avoiding me."
"Come now. Don't you enjoy our little game of cat and mouse?"
A game.
This was all a game to him and the malevolent smile on his face confirmed that. The fury in you burned, almost making you physically shake. Killing Lily was nothing to him while it had completely consumed your life. It had become your driving force while to him you were merely entertainment.
"You're going to let me go," he declared, fully confident.
"Is that so?"
"Yes," he dragged out. "Or else your teammate here will die."
"What makes you think I give a shit?" you scoffed. "Go ahead."
The way Kim's eyes widened in terror brought a sick sense of pleasure in you that you shouldn't be proud of. Salvacion let out a low laugh, amusement clear in his tone.
"Oh, dear child. No matter how much spite you wrap yourself with, you are the same naive hero wannabe you always were," he snickered. "Self-sacrificing. Even at the expense of your sister."
"You don't talk about Lily, you bastard!" you screamed, your grip shaking slightly on your weapon.
All of a sudden it was hard to breathe and your heartbeat was hammering in your ears. You didn't expect that finally facing him, hearing him talk about Lily like she was inconsequential, would shake you to your core. This was what you have been waiting for. This was what you have been building up to for the past decade. This was your purpose for living.
What were you waiting for?
"I am feeling generous today. Consider it my gift to commemorate our first official meeting," he said.
"What the fuck are you on?" you growled.
"Open the containers," he smiled. "See you soon, Y/N."
He abruptly tossed Kim to the side, pushing her off the ledge of the containers you were on and bolted away with a mad cackle. You shot at his retreating figure, desperately trying to aim through the turbulent emotions he inspired in you. You were going to chase after him when a yelp of pain caught your attention.
Kim was hanging by one hand off the edge, obviously struggling to hold herself up with her busted shoulders. You were too high up for her to survive the fall and she was too injured to help herself. Her grip was slipping.
"Y/N! Help me please!"
A dark shadow passed through your features. Saving her would mean Salvacion would definitely escape. Again. You didn't know if you would ever get another chance at him or when that would be.
You didn't like this woman. You never did. She tormented your youth, took joy in it even and as you reunited nothing changed. She was the same egotistic bully she always was. This was a dangerous mission. People die in the line of fire.
It happens. No one would blame you.
You dropped your weapon and clasped both hands on hers to pull her up. You strained with the effort, Kim being a deadweight adding to the struggle. You let go when half her body was safely on top, her legs swinging up to roll herself flat onto the surface. She was crying and whimpering from the fear and pain. You couldn't help the anger that bubbled to the surface.
You slapped her face.
"Get your goddamn shit together," you roared at her. "I don't have time for this. Call for evac, princess."
You ran toward the sound of helicopter blades, jumping onto crates and jolting your bones at the impact. You didn't care. The renewed rage had steadied you, calmed you almost to the point that the only thing you could see in your mind was taking him out. You had faltered and you would beat yourself up about that later, but you couldn't let him slip away again.
The helicopter was already starting to take off, Salvacion clearly visible through the open door. You cocked your gun and fired away. Empty. You slipped another gun out and fired. Empty. You kept running toward him, drawing and firing every last bullet you had as you screamed your frustration with every shot that missed.
You noticed that you managed to get a few through him by the way his body jerked. You were feeling optimistic until he reached around and pulled out a rocket launcher. You saw the sinister grin before he fired.
"Nem!" You heard your name being called, but you were too stunned by the horrible realization that you had failed today. You watched the helicopter slowly make it's way farther and farther behind the rocket that was hurtling toward you.
Even if you ran, the area of impact would still tear right through you. You were frozen in place, unable to process that this was how it would end. That it would end in you dying by his hand as well. That it would end without you making it up to Lily.
Your internal struggle was interrupted by a large body completely engulfing yours. The impact of the rocket threw you both to the ground and the loud explosion accompanied by ripping metal deafened your ears.
You struggled with your vision, the ringing in your head was painful and your body sore from crashing down. Oddly, your skull itself didn't feel injured. All of the pain seemed to be concentrated on your torso. You blinked a few times to focus the blur of your eyes as the repeated chanting of your name became louder.
"Are you okay, doll? Answer me, Nem! Come on."
Your sight finally focused to find that it was the brunette super soldier on top of you, covering you from what would have certainly been your death. The dread on his face gave way to a tired relief at you finally responding.
He pressed his forehead to yours and closed his eyes, taking deep steadying breaths. You noticed now that he was wincing and that his flesh arm was underneath you, supporting your back and cradling your head. His metal arm was detached, a mangled mess of forcibly severed wires and metal plates sticking out from his shoulder. Your eyes widened in realization.
"Bucky, your arm," you started to struggle underneath him, knowing he must be in a world of pain.
He shushed you by rubbing the tip of his nose against yours. Your eyes met icy blue ones and you saw him smile weakly, as if telling you it was worth it. He wouldn't hesitate to catch a missile with his arm again if it meant protecting you.
The rest of the boys reached you shortly after, Sam took Bucky and informed you that evac and medics were here. You were still in shock from what just happened. Billy took you gingerly in his arms, endlessly fussing at you and apologizing for not being able to do more even if you understood it was impossible for him to have tracked you through the chaos. Steve stood to the side, obviously furious at himself for not going to you even if you understood it was only right that he led the main fight.
Your body felt like it had gone through a war and you were too emotionally distressed to address anything else. You felt defeated. You felt at a loss. You failed Lily again today. Suddenly, you remembered what he told you.
His gift.
"Steve, Salvacion told me to open the shipments. He said it was a gift from him."
You didn't wait for them to respond, dragging your battered body limping across the yard to the crates. Billy recovered first, quickly jogging up to support your battered body straight with his. Steve followed closely behind, the uneasiness clouding the three of you. The locks were easily broken by Steve's shield and soon your gift was revealed.
What you saw drained the blood from all of you and caused your skin to immediately chill. It was the most sickening thing any of you have ever seen in your lives and that was saying something. How anyone could do this was beyond comprehension.
People. Dozens of people.
Crammed inside the steel box were dozens of people in various states of distress. All of them had barely any life left in them, barely sustained by the various IV bags hooked on their bodies. They hardly reacted when the doors were opened, too spent by what they had been made to go through to even blink. You suspected that a good portion of those who were not moving at all were dead. The smell was horrendous and this was coming from people who were about to be shipped to god knows where.
The horror you felt heightened to epic levels when you noticed that some of the drip bags held a different colored fluid, the distinct color of the super soldier serum. Then it clicked and the nausea finally overcame you. You poured your guts out onto the pavement, your stomach heaving violently as the truth made your vision spin.
Human testing.
Human experimentation.
And you had let the bastard escape.
Steve was going to approach you, clueless as he was on how to help you at that moment, but you had scrambled out of reach and ran out of the shipment yard. He called after you readying himself to go to you, but Billy's grip on his forearm stilled him.
"We're not who she needs right now, Cap," Billy shook his head. "Right now these people need us more."
"Where's she going?" Steve asked, swallowing hard on the lump in his throat and reluctantly agreeing.
"She'll be fine. Matt will find her."
Matt found you hours later. He had returned badly beaten and bruised from their own mission, but upon receiving word from Billy he pushed aside every painful injury he felt and rushed to where he knew he would find you. His chest tightened when he was told what you had seen. It was bad enough that you were carrying the guilt of your sister's death, but now you had the weight of all the lives that were victimized by these sick people too. It was too much for one person to bear.
He found you in the confession booth of the church on the corner of a quiet street and he couldn't see the broken look on your face when he opened the door, but he could feel it. He heard it in your unusually slow heartbeat, as if your organs were trying to give up. He heard it in the shallow breaths you took, as if the act of living was a betrayal in itself. He heard it in the cry that was begging to break through you throat. He could almost taste your despair.
He slowly knelt in front of you and pulled you urgently into his arms, squeezing himself into the tight space. He held you against him, clutching you tight and rocking you gently back and forth. This was an open secret shared between the two of you. When the darkness was overwhelming, you turned to each other and confessed. He pulled away after a long moment, cradling your face firmly in his palms. His thumbs brushed against your dry cheeks. Of course you hadn't been crying.
There were no more left to shed.
"Talk to me," he muttered, pressing his lips softly against yours.
"He experimented on a lot of people," you muttered. "And I let him go, Matty. I've been letting him carry on for ten years."
Your tone was almost a hoarse whisper, devoid of much emotion apart from a cold defeat. This worried him, but at least you were talking. You had known when you were being tortured that they Hydra hadn't perfected the serum. They kept torturing you in the hopes that they could get you to reveal anything about the formula, Steve and Bucky's abilities, or where samples of their blood were stored. You didn't talk.
Maybe you should have talked.
When the syndicates got their hands on the incomplete formula, they were faced with the same problem. A problem they apparently decided to solve by trial and error on actual people. You knew this. At the back of your mind you knew this, but it didn't register until you saw it for yourself tonight. Somehow you had ignored that fact because you had only been focused on your own grief.
"I let him go. I did this, Matty," you breathed, the guilt clear in your voice.
"No! You did not let him go. The bastard got away," he insisted. "And this is not your fault. I won’t let you think that this is your fault."
"No," you argued weakly. "I let him go. I had a shot at stopping him tonight and I didn't take it."
"Steve told me. You stopped to save Kim." The movement of his thumbs on your cheeks changed to soothing circles. "You stopped to save a teammate. That was a good thing."
You scoffed. "I wanted her to die."
"For a solid moment as she was hanging on for her life, I wanted to let her die."
"She's alive now because of you, Nem. You fought it. You're strong. You didn't give into it."
"But what if that's what I need to do? If I did I could have ended Salvacion tonight."
You could have ended it all tonight.
Salvacion's words tonight plagued you. if you didn't try to play the hero then this whole twisted operation could have been stopped. If you didn't try to play the hero then you would have gotten your revenge for Lily. If you didn't play the hero then Lily wouldn't even be dead. You had wanted to save people so much, make a difference in the world, that you didn't stop and think about how that would impact the people you held most dear.
"You don't honestly believe that, do you?" Matt asked cautiously, he knew more than anyone the struggle you faced. All of you were just a bad day away from completely snapping.
"I don't know," you admitted in defeat. You sounded so tired and confused that it broke his heart.
He held you for a moment more, waiting for your heart and breathing to return to normal. He didn't know what else to do or what else to tell you. He didn't know how to help you this time. Just then, he sensed the arrival of a Maximoff twin.
"Pietro's outside. I'll ask him to take you away for a while," he shook his head when he felt you were about to protest. "You need a break and you need some peace."
He led you outside, his pace slower than normal as your shoulders slumped lower to the ground in resignation. He exchanged a few words with Pietro before he pressed a kiss to your temple and pushed you toward the other man.
"Come with me, little star. I'll take care of you."
The next thing you knew, Pietro had lifted you into his arms and asked you to close your eyes. You buried your face into his neck as you felt the world around you dissolve in a blur, your hair whipped around but you weren't scared. The steady grip he had on you assured you that you would be safe. When he told you to open your eyes, you had no idea where you were or how long you had been traveling.
"Where are we?"
He gently set you on your feet as you looked around the area. It was beautiful. A dense lush forest that opened up to a lake with a small cabin. Isolated. Quiet.
Immediately you felt your body relax in the new environment. It was so far removed from anything and everything that it allowed you to let go of the tight hold you had on your life. It allowed you to let go of the rage for a moment.
"Sokovia," he answered. "This is mine. When Wanda and I were little, even before the enhancements, our connection was strong and can be overwhelming. I needed a place that was only my own."
"Wanda doesn't know about this?"
"No, it is the only secret I have ever kept from her. I've never brought anyone else here."
Turning to him, you could see the shy smile on his face. There was a reluctance there, as if he was nervous that his little hideaway would not be good enough for you. You were quick to shoot that thought down.
"It's beautiful, Pietro. Thank you for sharing this with me."
His smile brightened as he approached you and held both your hands in his. "We can stay for as long as you want to. I can go into town and get us more supplies. We can swim in the lake if you like and I can cook you paprikash. You'll love it."
He was so excited. So happy to be able to spend time with you. Elated to be able to share this sentimental place with someone else, but he saw the sadness in your eyes and it made him force himself to slow down. The smile on his face dimmed.
"Do you want to go somewhere else? I can take you anywhere you like."
The heartbreak and disappointment in his voice alerted you. You hurriedly wound your arms around his shoulders and forced his eyes to meet yours. You recognized the way he looked at you, but it was only now that you really noticed that he has always looked at you that way. He was so pure. So honest. So good.
He was too good for you.
"No, Pietro. This is perfect. You're perfect." You tried to smile up at him. "I don't deserve you."
Just like that he understood you. He drew you closer by the waist and pressed a soft kiss at the corner of your mouth. When he drew back, his smile lit up his face again.
"Why do you need to deserve me, little star?" he chuckled at the puzzled look on your face, finding it adorable. "Can I not just choose to love you?"
You frowned and he just laughed more. He shushed your protests by pulling you flush against his body, lowering his head to hover his lips mere inches from yours. He left this small distance as your choice to make just as he has made his.
"Let me choose to love you."
You could feel his breath on your face at this distance, see the sparkle of anticipation in his eyes, and his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
You made your choice.
Kissing Pietro has to be the most comforting experience that you had ever felt. He tasted like hot chocolate on a rainy day and you felt your body melt when he returned the gesture. You were sighing against his lips when the now familiar feeling of him dashing turned it into a surprised squeal. You blinked and you were lying down on a soft mattress with Pietro grinning down at you.
You laughed as you shared more kisses, hands giddily exploring each other and tearing away pieces of clothing until nothing lay between you. For the first time in a long time, you felt insecure about your scars. For the first time, you were reluctant for someone to see them. Again, just like that he understood you.
"You're beautiful, little star. You have always been beautiful to me."
He kissed you again, deeply and full of emotion that you melted into the bed. His lips traveled down your neck, your chest, your stomach. He stopped to nip and suck at the inside of your thighs causing you to involuntarily moan his name. Lower he went until his mouth was working gentle swirls on your sensitive bud. Your hips grinded against his tongue, desperately seeking more.
He pressed his mouth fully on you then, adding a finger much to your delight. He ate you like he worshipped you. Like he was blessed with the opportunity to bring you pleasure. Your body sang his praises, reacting with equal enthusiasm by soon reaching your orgasm. You shook beneath him as he allowed you to ride out your high, soothing you with gentle hands rubbing circles on your hips. He was smirking at you when he crawled up, satisfied that he had made you cum but clearly aiming for more.
He kissed you again as he lined himself up against your core, sliding it against your slit to coat it with your slick. He wasn't even inside you yet and you already felt like you were ready to cum. He held your gaze, silently asking for permission that this was still what you wanted. Instead of answering, you moved your hips to slip his length inside causing him to drag out a hiss and capture your mouth again. The groan you both let out when he bottomed out vibrated through your fused lips.
"You feel incredible," he whispered. "You feel so good wrapped around me. Just like I always thought you would."
"Pietro, please."
His strokes were slow and deep, hitting that special spot inside you that had you panting with want. The smooth roll of his hips was quickly driving you higher and higher toward another orgasm. It was so gentle. So sensual. So personal.
"Tell me what you want, little star."
Everything about Pietro's life had been one big event after another. Rushed decisions. Angry fighting. Missions. Even his very enhancement relied on speed.
He didn't want that with you.
With you he wanted to slow everything down. He wanted to savor every moment. He wanted to stop time if he could, keep you in his arms for as long as possible. Freeze you in this exact moment when all you felt was pleasure.
"More," you pleaded.
Maybe he could speed up just a little bit.
His strokes gradually hastened and he glowed with satisfaction at seeing you delirious with desire because of him. He palmed at your breasts, nipped at your neck, and bucked his hips just a bit harder.
He smiled. How could he deny you? He lifted you up until you were seated on him, holding you firmly with an arm up your back with his hand fisting in your hair. The other hand he slipped between the two of you to rub against your clit. You saw the wicked glint in his eyes before he dipped his head to lave at your breasts.
You felt like you were going to explode from the different sensations. That was until he decided to move your body to bounce on his cock, his own hips thrusting up to meet you and his hand on your back guiding you to wind your hips as you came down. Your clit hit his pelvis each time and another wave was added onto your building climax. You whined, moaned, and pleaded his name. Begging him to grant you release.
“Let go for me. I have you. Let go.“
He growled against your breast and pounded up into you until you screamed and shook above him, clenching him so hard you pulled his own orgasm out of him. He spilled into you, crushing you against him as you continued to flutter around him.
You fought to catch your breath and when you caught each other's eyes, still hazy from lust, you laughed. You felt free. You felt renewed. You kissed him then.
"I love you too, Pietro."
He looked at you with unrestrained adoration. He had been chasing after you for so long that he could hardly believe that he had finally caught you. That he was finally yours.
"What? You didn't see that coming?" you teased.
He chuckled and pulled you in for another lingering kiss. You felt so good in his arms that he has completely forgotten how it felt to not have you in them.
"I meant what I said earlier," he murmured against the skin of your shoulder. "If you want to we can runaway. I can take you away from all of this. We can stay here or we can go anywhere else."
He smiled warmly at you and pecked your lips when he saw the internal conflict flash through your features. Again, without a word he understood you.
"But I know that is not what you want," he reassured you. "I just wanted you to know that you have that choice if you should want it."
Tempting as his offer was, you knew you couldn't let go of Lily's memory. You would never truly be at peace until Salvacion was rotting six feet under and his whole operation was blown to bits. You couldn't leave your mission unfinished. And you couldn't bear to leave four other men behind. Looking back at the events of the past night, it felt more accurate to say five. Still, there was a sense of security from knowing you had that option.
"Let's go home."
A/N: Okay let’s take a vote. Should we forgive Bucky now?
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New York’s Sweetest Ass
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Request: If you still have a spot could you do prompt 6 (She’s hiding behind the sofa) with Billy Russo? 
A/N: Alright, I’m pretending everything is wonderful, everyone is alive and everyone is friends. 
“I cannot believe I said Billy Russo had New York’s sweetest ass on national tv this morning” I groan taking a swing of my wine.
“Well, maybe people took it as New York’s sweetest ass? He is kind of an asshole” Karen says a smile playing on her lips.
“Not funny nor helpful” I mumble resting my head in defeat on the bar table.
“Come on Em, it's really not that bad, Billy thought it was sweet” Karen says chuckling.
“I’m sorry what?” I say my voice raised panicked “he saw it?”
“Yeah and he knows we are friends, he called me to get your number” she says a slight blush tingeing her cheeks as she readjusts herself on the barstool.
I can feel my whole body turning bright red in embarrassment “he did what?” I ask.
“I didn’t give it to him, I said I would talk to you first” Karen replies reassuringly.
Burying my head back into my arms I groan “this day couldn’t get any worse”
“Well good, because Frank and Billy are on there way here to join us for a drink” Karen says.
Sitting up rapidly I almost fall off my barstool “call them and tell them no” I say panicked
“Too late” Karen says as Frank’s bulky frame starts to part the crowded the bar.
“Shit” I mutter dropping out of my stool and ducking down, trying to find a quick exit. Spotting a group of couches to the left of me I stay crouched down as I waddle over towards them, hiding behind one.
I hear Frank greeting Karen and another voice that must be Billy’s.
“So where’s Emily?” I hear him ask.
“Hiding behind the couch” Karen replies ratting me out.
I sink further down, waiting for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
“Hey” a soft voice says looking up I see Billy Russo leaning on his forearms over the top of the couch, a cocky smile on his face. “Uh, hi” I say my face flushed red.
“I’m Billy” he says holding out his hand.
“Emily” I reply shaking it, he grips my hand tightly.
“Well Emily, that doesn’t look like a very comfortable spot, why don’t you come join me for a drink?” he says not letting go of my hand.
“Umm, I was actually just about to head home,” I reply lying.
“Just one drink?” he asks smiling at me and I feel my knees go weak like some cliche in a romantic movie.
“I guess I can stay for one drink” I tell him standing up, smoothing down my dress as we head back to the table.
“Hey Frank” I say as I kiss him on the cheek and he pats my back.
“Hey kiddo” he says “you alright?”
“I’m okay” I say rolling my eyes at the kiddo comment.
“Alright, next round is on me” Billy says “What's everyone having?” he takes our drink orders and heads to the bar with Frank.
Slipping back onto the bar store next to Karen glaring at her.
“What?” she asks throwing her hands up defensively, “It's not my fault he’s very persuasive”
“oh I’m sure” I say rolling my eyes.
“just give him a chance, he probably won’t even bring up the comments from this morning” she says rubbing my arm reassuringly I promise since the accident” she says pausing trying to find the right words “he’s not as big of an asshole,  he can actually be quite sweet. Him and Frank have been working really hard on their personal skills” she tells me.
We watch as the boys make their way back across the bar as Billy slips onto the stool next to me and slides my glass of wine in front of me. Raising his beer “well I’d like to make a toast to Emily, her great speech this morning finally bringing us all together” he says beaming.
Groaning I put my head in my hands turning bright red I hear Frank whack Billy on that arm “I told you not to bring that up” Frank says gruffly. “Oh shit, I’m sorry,” Billy says “I was just trying to make a joke, a really bad joke”
Peeking out from between my fingers I sneak a look at Billy, regret is written across his face shaking my head I just laugh, lifting my head I raise my glass in a toast “this day could not possibly get any weirder or worse” I say.
“Here, here” Frank says as he clicks his beer bottle with my glass, Karen and Billy joining in.
“So Emily tell me a bit about yourself” Billy says turning towards me smiling.
“uhhh well I really don’t like being put on the spot,” I tell him fidgeting with my glass.
“really?” he asks “but you’re a reporter you basically spend your whole day in front of the camera”
“yeah asking questions, not being asked questions” I say nervously
“so what does the mysterious Emily have to hide?” he asks flirtatiously
“I have too many skeletons in my closet” I reply laughing
“what about you Billy? what sort of skeletons are in your closet?” I ask him.
A darkness quickly flashes across Billy's face before he laughs and it disappears “oh my skeletons aren’t kept in my closet, I’ve buried those far away.” he tells me smiling, “but on to a much nicer topic, tell me about your favourite food” he says
“my favourite food? I ask
“yep he says nodding, leaning forward. His eyes gazing into mine, making me feel like we are the only two people in the whole bar.  
“okay so my favourite food is pasta” I say “what about yours?”
“okay but what kind of pasta? pasta from where?” he says questioning me further.  
I just look at him puzzled and then I start to tell him about the time when I was in this little town outside of Rome where I had the most amazing bowl of ravioli, and nothing in my whole life has ever come close. His face lights up as I tell him the story, his gaze never leaving my face. We sit there talking for what seems like hours, I don’t even realise that Karen and Frank have left us
the bar starts to empty and the bartender calls for last drinks my eyes grow wide and I look at the time “oh my gosh it’s 3 am” I say panicked
“Yeah so?” Billy asks confused.
“I have to get home, well actually I have to get to work, I start work in like half an hour on my god I can’t believe I stayed out so late” I say as I jump off my stool grabbing my jacket and bag and racing out of the bar.
“Wait” Billy calls after me following me outside “where are you going?”
“to work” I say again standing on the curb looking for a cab.
“Alright well let me drive you” Billy says.
“you’ve probably had more to drink than me” I tell him “I don’t think you should be driving”
“well I’m not driving my driver will be driving” he tells me
“your driver?” I say confused
“Mmm, hang on” he says getting out his phone out of his suit pocket and dialing a number a moment later a black town car pulls around the corner and a man in a black suit steps out. Opening the backdoor “Mr. Russo” so he says
“thanks Blake” Billy replies ushering me into the car, I lean forward telling Blake my buildings address as he nods and we pull away from the curb.
“You have a driver?” I say surprised as we take off.
“You sound surprised” Billy replies.
“You seem like the type who drives themselves,” I tell him.
“I usually do, but sometimes when I have someone to impress I pull out all the stops” He tells me.
I just look at him puzzled “why would you need to impress Frank?” I ask Billy just throws his head back laughing “I was trying to impress you Emily” He tells me.
Turning red I just shake my head “oh, but why?”
“Let’s just say, you’ve been making my mornings brighter since I caught you reporting on pitbull adoptions six months ago,” he says, a small blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Oh” I say softly not game enough to look at Billy’s face.
A moment later the car comes to a stop in front of my office building.
“Well this is me, thank you for the ride” I say opening the door.
“Hey Emily” Billy says as I step out turning to face him “would you like to have dinner tonight with America’s sweetest ass?”
“Hmmmm, I’m pretty sure I called you New York’s sweetest ass” I say laughing.
“That too” Billy says smiling back “so is that a yes?”
“We will see” I say shutting the door.
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haribokart · 6 years
Haribokart’s Rock Band song list .38 Special - Caught Up In You 3 Doors Down - Here Without You, It’s Not My Time, Kryptonite, When You're Young, When I'm Gone 30 Seconds to Mars - Attack, Closer To The Edge, The Kill, Kings and Queens, This Is War 311 - Amber, Down 4 Non-Blondes - What’s Up? 5 Seconds Of Summer - She Looks So Perfect The 88 - Sons and Daughters A-Ha - Take On Me Abnormality - Visions AC/DC - Back in Black (Live), Dirty Deeds Done Cheap (Live), Fire Your Guns (Live), For Those About To Rock (Live), Heatseeker (Live), Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be (Live), Hells Bells (Live), High Voltage (Live), Highway To Hell (Live), The Jack (Live), Jailbreak (Live), Let There Be Rock (Live), Moneytalks (Live), Shoot To Thrill (Live), T.N.T (Live), Thunderstruck (Live), Whole Lotta Rosie (Live), You Shook Me All Night Long (Live) Ace of Base - The Sign The Acro-Brats – Day Late Dollar Short, Hair Trigger Aerosmith - Cryin, Dream On (Live), Dude Looks Like A Lady, I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing, Sweet Emotion, Toys In The Attic, Train Kept Rollin, Walk This Way AFI - Girl’s Not Grey, Miss Murder Alabama Shakes - Don't Wanna Fight Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet, Ironic, You Oughta Know Alice Cooper - Poison, School's Out (Live) Alice In Chains - Man In The Box Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret, Gives You Hell, Move Along, Swing Swing All Time Low - Weightless The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica, Ramblin’ Man Alphabeat - Fascination Amy Winehouse - Rehab Anarchy Club - Blood Doll, Collide, Get Clean Andy Grammar - Honey I’m Good Angels & Airwaves - It Hurts Animal Flag - Sink Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh Arctic Horror - Black Seas Arctic Monkeys - Arabella, R U Mine? Assuming We Survive - Open Water At The Drive In - One Armed Scissor Authority Zero - No Regrets The Automatic - Monster Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife, Almost Easy, Beast and the Harlot, Hail To The King Average White Band - Pick Up The Pieces Avicii - Wake Me Up Avril Lavigne - Complicated, My Happy Ending B-52's - Rock Lobster, Love Shack, Roam Bad Company - Shooting Star Bang Camaro - Blood Red Rock, Night Lies, Pleasure Bang on a Can All-Stars – Shadowbang (Head) The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian Barely March - Thinking Emoji Barenaked Ladies - One Week Bastille - Pompeii The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (Live) Bearstronaut - Shadow Beastie Boys - Make Some Noise, Sabotage, So What’cha Want Beck - Dreams, E-Pro Bee Gees - Jive Talkin, Night Fever, Staying Alive, Tragedy, You Should Be Dancing Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth Benjamin Booker - Violent Shiver Bent Knee - These Hands The Bergamot - Forgot About Tomorrow Between the Buried and Me - Prequel To The Sequel Big & Rich - Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) Big Country - In A Big Country Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl Billy Idol - Mony Mony, Rebel Yell, White Wedding Billy Joel - It's Still Rock And Roll To Me, My Life, Only The Good Die Young, Piano Man, She’s Always A Woman, Uptown Girl, We Didn’t Start The Fire Billy Squier - Lonely Is The Night Black Beach - No Place For Me ThevBlack Cheers - (You’re) Breakin’ Up The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling The Black Keys - Fever, Gold On The Ceiling, Howlin' For You, Lonely Boy Blind Melon - No Rain Blink-182 - Adam's Song, Aliens Exist, All The Small Things, Down, Feeling This, First Date, I Miss You, The Rock Show, What’s My Age Again Blondie - Call Me, Hanging On The Telephone, Heart of Glass, One Way Or Another, Rapture Blue Oyster Cult - Don’t Fear The Reaper Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling Blur - Beetlebum, Song 2, There's No Other Way BoB ft. Hayley Williams - Airplanes Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved, Get Up Stand Up, I Shot The Sheriff, Is This Love, Jamming, No Woman No Cry, One Love Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine, Blaze Of Glory, It's My Life, Livin On A Prayer, Wanted Dead Or Alive, You Give Love A Bad Name Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart Boston - Foreplay/Long Time, More Than A Feeling, Peace Of Mind The Both - Milwaukee Boys Like Girls – The Great Escape, Thunder Brad Paisley - Start A Band Brandi Carlile - Mainstream Kid Breaking Wheel - Shoulder To The Plow Bring Me the Horizon - Happy Song, Throne The Bronx - False Alarm Bruno Mars - 24K Magic, Grenade, Just The Way You Are, Locked Out Of Heaven, Marry You, Treasure Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69 Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth Bush - Comedown Busted - Thunderbirds Are Go! Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love BØRNS - Electric Love The Cab - Bounce Caesers - Jerk It Out Cake - I Will Survive, Short Skirt/Long Jacket Capital Cities - Safe and Sound Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting Carly Ray Jepsen - Call Me Maybe Carrie Underwood - All American Girl, Before He Cheats, Blown Away, Cowboy Casanova, Good Girl The Cars - Just What I Needed The Chainsmokers - Closer (ft. Halsey) Charlie Puth - Attention Cheap Trick - Hello There, I Want You to Want Me (Live) Chely Wright - Single White Female The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be The Chevelles - Get It On Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4, If You Leave Me Now Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode Chumbawumba - Tubthumping The Clash - I Fought The Law, London Calling, Rock The Casbah, Should I Stay Or Should I Go Cobra Starship - You Make Me Feel The Cocktail Slippers - Give It To Me Cohered And Cambria - Welcome Home Cold War Kids - First Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Clocks, Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, Fix You, Hymn For The Weekend, The Scientist, Viva La Vida, Yellow The Coral - Dreaming Of You Counting Crows - Accidentally In Love, Mr Jones The Cranberries - Dreams, Linger, Ode To My Family, Zombie Creaturos - History Repeats Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising, Fortunate Son, I Heard It Through the Grapevine Crooked X - Nightmare The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me, Karma Chameleon The Cure - Friday I’m In Love, Just Like Heaven Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Time After Time Daft Punk - Get Lucky Dance for the Dying – Thug Love Dark Wheels - V-Bomb The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down Daughtry - It's Not Over David Bowie - Fame, Heroes, Lets Dance, Modern Love, Space Oddity, Suffragette City, Ziggy Stardust Dead Sara - Mona Lisa Dealership - Database Corrupted Death Of The Cool - Can’t Let Go Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffanies Deep Purple - Highway Star, Smoke On The Water Def Leppard - Foolin, Photograph, Pour Some Sugar On Me (Live) Deftones - My Own Summer Del Amitri - Roll To Me Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus Devo - Girl U Want, Uncontrollable Urge, Whip It Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen Dinosaur Jr - Feel The Pain Dio - Rainbow in the Dark Dire Straights - Walk Of Life Disturbed - Down With The Sickness, Indestructable, Prayer, The Sound Of Silence DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Dolly Spartans - I Hear the Dead Don McClean - American Pie The Donnas - New Kid In School The Doobie Brothers - China Grove, Listen To The Music, Long Train Runnin The Doors - Break On Through, Light My Fire, People Are Strange, Riders On The Storm, Touch Me Dover - King George Dream Theatre - Metropolis Part 1, Panic Attack Duck & Cover - Knock Em Down Duran Duran - Girls On Film, Hungry Like The Wolf, Rio, The Reflex Dutch ReBelle - RudeBoys Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight Earth, Wind & Fire - September Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon Ed Sheeran - Shape of You, Sing Eddie Japan - Albert The Eiffels - Body Like That Electric Six - Gay Bar Elle King - Ex’s & Oh’s Ellie Goulding - On My Mind Elton John - The Bitch is Back, Crocodile Rock, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, I’m Still Standing, Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting Elvis Costello - Pump It Up Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds EMF - Unbelievable Endereverafter - I Wanna Be Your Man Erasure - A Little Respect Eric Cartman - Lady Gaga's Poker Face Europe - The Final Countdown Evanescence - Bring Me To Life, Call Me When You’re Sober, Everybody's Fool, Going Under, Weight Of The World Everlife - Real Wild Child Extreme - More Than Words Faith No More - Epic, Midlife Crisis Fall Out Boy - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, Centuries, Dance Dance, Dead On Arrival, Irresistible, I Don’t Care, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Sugar We're Going Down, This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arms Race, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs Filter - Hey man nice shot Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi battles The Pink Robots Fleetwood Mac - Don’t Stop, Dreams, Gold Dust Woman, Go Your Own Way, Landslide, Rhiannon, You Make Loving Fun Flobots - Handlebars Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over Flyleaf - I’m So Sick Fly by Midnight - Vinyl Foghat - Slow Ride Foo Fighters - All My Life, Best Of You, Breakout, DOA, Everlong, Learn To Fly, Monkey Wrench, My Hero, The Feast And The Famine, The Pretender, Times Like These Foreigner - Cold As Ice, Feels Like The First Time, I Want To Know What Love Is, Waiting For A Girl Like You Foster the People – Don't Stop (Color on the Walls), Helena Beat, Pumped Up Kicks Frank Turner - I Still Believe Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To, Take Me Out Fratelies - Creeping up the Backstairs, Henrietta Free - All Right Now Freezepop – Brainpower, Doppelgänger Fun. - Some Nights, We Are Young Garbage - I Think I’m Paranoid, Stupid Girl, Why do you Love Me Gary Clark Jr - Ain’t Messin ‘Round Gavin DeGraw - I Don’t Want to Be Generation X - Dancing with Myself George Thorogood - Bad To The Bone The Ghost Hounds - Ashes to Fire Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down, Hey Jealousy Glados - Still Alive Go-Go’s - Our Lips Are Sealed, We Got The Beat Goddamn Draculas - Bethany Golden Earring - Radar Love Goo Goo Dolls - Iris Good Charlotte - The Anthem, Girls & Boys, Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood, Feel Good Inc The Grateful Dead - Alabama Getaway Graveyard BBQ – Cheat on the Church Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown, 21 Guns, American Eulogy, American Idiot, Are We The Waiting/St Jimmy, Basket Case, Before The Lobotomy, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Brain Stew/Jaded, Burnout, Christian's Inferno, Chump, Coming Clean, East Jesus Nowhere, Emenius Sleepus, Extraordinary Girl, F.O.D, Geek Stink Breath, Give Me Novacaine/She’s A Rebel, Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life), Having A Blast, Hitching A Ride, Holiday, Homecoming, Horseshoes And Handgrenades, In The End, Jesus Of Suburbia, Know Your Enemy, Last Night On Earth, Last of the American Girls, Letterbomb, Longview, Minority, Murder City, Nice Guys Finish Last, Peacemaker, Pulling Teeth, Restless Heart Syndrome, Sassafras Roots, See The Light, She, Song Of The Century, The Static Age, Viva La Gloria, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Warning, Welcome To Paradise, Whatsername, When I Come Around, !Viva La Gloria! Grouplove - Tongue Tied The Guess Who - American Woman Guns N Roses - Shackler’s Revenge Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts H.I.M. - Killing Loneliness Hailstorm - I Miss The Misery Hall and Oates - I Can't Go For That, Maneater, You Make My Dreams Heart - Alone, Barracuda, Kick It Out Heaven’s Basement - I Am Electric The Hives - Main Offender, Tick Tick Boom Hole - Celebrity Skin Hollywood Undead - Young Honest Bob - I Get By, Soy Bomb Hoobastank – Crawling In The Dark Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight Hozier- Take Me To Church Huey Lewis and the News - The Power of Love The Human League - Don’t You Want Me HUNNY - Shy Hypernova - Viva La Resistance Ida Maria - Oh My God Iggy Pop - Lust For Life, The Passenger Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life, Radioactive, Thunder In The Valley Below - Bloodhands Incubus - Dig, Drive Interpol - PDA INXS - Need You Tonight The Isley Brothers - Shout The J.Gelis Band - Centrefold Jack White - Lazaretto The Jackson 5 - ABC, I Want You Back The Jam - Going Underground, Town Called Malice James Brown - Get Up, I Got You, Super Bad Pts. 1 & 2 Jane's Addiction - Been caught Stealing, Mountain Song Janis Joplin - Piece of my Heart Jason Derulo - Want To Want Me Jason Mraz - I'm Yours Jeff Allen - Recession Jeff Williams ft Casey Lee Williams - This Will Be The Day Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl Jethro Tull - Aqualung Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower, Crosstown Traffic, Foxey Lady, Fire Jimmy Eat World - The Middle, Pain, Sweetness Joan Jett - Bad Reputation, I Love Rock N' Roll Jocelyn & Chris Arndt - Shame Joe Jackson - Is she really going out with him? John & Yoko - Happy Xmas John Lennon - How Do You Sleep?, Imagine, Jealous Guy Johnny Blazes And The Pretty Boys - Cold Clear Light Johnny Cash - I Walk the Line, Ring of Fire Josh Turner - Would You Go With Me Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart Juanes - Me Enamora Judas Priest - Halls Of Valhalla, Painkiller, You’ve Got Another Thing Coming Juli - Perfekte Welle Julie Rhodes - Hurry Up (& Wait For You) Justin Bieber - Boyfriend, Love Yourself, Sorry, What Do You Mean? Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot, Ruby Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son Kasabian - Club Foot, Shoot The Runner Katrina And The Waves - Walking On Sunshine Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song, Miss Independent, Stronger Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone, Footloose The Killers - All These Things That I've Done, Mr Brightside, Smile Like You Mean It, Somebody Told Me, When You Were Young Kings of Leon - Crawl, Molly’s Chambers, Sex On Fire, Use Somebody Kiss - Detroit Rock City The Knack - My Sharona The Konks - 29 Fingers The Kooks - Naive Kool and the Gang - Celebration, Jungle Boogie Korn - Word Up KSM - Distracted KT Tunstell - Suddenly I See Kutless - The Feeling L7 - Pretend We’re Dead La Roux - Bulletproof Lacuna Coil - Our Truth Lady Antebellum - Lookin For A Good Time, Need You Now, Perfect Day Lady Gaga - Applause, Bad Romance, Born This Way, Edge of Glory, Just Dance, Lovegame, Monster, Paparazzi, Poker Face Laura Bell Bundy - Rebound LEN - Steal My Sunshine The Len Price 3 - If I ain’t got You Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way Lesley Roy - I’m Gone, I’m Going The Libyans - Welcome To The Neighbourhood Lightning Bolt - Dream Genie Lights Resolve - Dreaming Of Love Limp Bizkit - My Way Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit, Crawling, In The End, Numb, One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong, What I’ve Done Lit - My Own Worst Enemy Little Big Town - Little White Church Little Fish - Am I Crazy Littlefoot - Casablanca Live - All Over You Liz Phair - Rock Me LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem Lorde - Royals Lostprophets - Rooftops Lucinda Williams - Can’t Let Go Lucius - Turn It Around Lush - De-Luxe Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird, Simple Man, Sweet Home Alabama (Live), That Smell, Tuesday's Gone Macklemore - Can’t Hold Us MAGIC! - Rude The Main Drag – A Jagged Gorgeous Winter, How We’d Look on Paper Mana - Oye Mi Amor Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Mark Ronson Ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk Maroon 5 - Little Of Your Time, Makes Me Wonder, Misery, Moves Like Jagger, One More Night, This Love, Wake Up Call, Won’t Go Home Without You Mastodon - Colony Of Birchmen Maximo Park - Girls Who Play Guitars Megadeath - Peace Sells Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Men at Work - Down Under Metric - Combat Baby MGMT - Kids Michael Christmas - Cross That Line The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression That I Get, Where’d You Go? Miley Cyrus - 7 Things, Can’t Be Tamed, Fly On The Wall, See You Again, Start All Over Miranda Cosgrove - Headphones On Miranda Lambert - Gunpowder and Lead Modest Mouse - Float On Molly Hatchet - Flirting With Disaster The Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It Morrissey - Irish Blood English Heart The Mother Hips - Time We Had Motley Crue - Saints of Los Angeles Motorhead - Ace Of Spades Mountain - Mississippi Queen Mr Big - To Be With You The Muffs - Kids In America, Outer Space Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait, The Wolf Muse - Hysteria My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words, I’m Not Okay (I Promise), Sing, Teenagers, Welcome To The Black Parade Naked Eyes - Always Something There to Remind Me Natalie Imbruglia - Torn Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten Nazareth - Love Hurts The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather Neko Case - People Got A Lotta Nerve Nemes - Black Streak Neon Trees - 1983, Animal, Everybody Talks, Sins Of My Youth New Order - Blue Monday Newfane - I Recognise The New Pornographers - Electric Version Nickelback - How You Remind Me, Photograph, Rockstar, Someday Nicki Minaj - Starships Night Ranger - Sister Christian Nightmare Air - Who’s Your Lover Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds, The Perfect Drug Nirvana - Come As You Are (Live), Drain You, In Bloom, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Something In The Way No Doubt - Don’t Speak, Hella Good, Hey Baby, It’s My Life, Just A Girl, Underneath It All No Small Children - Radio Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky Oasis - Champagne Supernova, Don’t Look Back In Anger, Live Forever, Rock 'n' Roll Star, Supersonic (Live), Wonderwall Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks The Offspring - All I Want, Come Out And Play, Days Go By, Gone Away, Pretty Fly For A White Guy, Self Esteem, The Kids Aren’t Alright Oh Honey - Sugar, You Ok Go - Here It Goes Again, Shooting The Moon OMI - Cheerleader One Direction - Best Song Ever, Drag Me Down, Story of My Life, What Makes You Beautiful One Night Only - Just For Tonight Onerepublic - Counting Stars, Stop And Stare Opiate for the Masses - Burn You Down Orianthi - According To You Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay The Outfield - Your Love Outkast - Hey Ya! The Outlaws - Green Grass And High Tides Owl City - Fireflies Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train, Miracle Man P!nk - Funhouse, Get The Party Started, Please Don’t Leave Me, Raise Your Glass, So What, Sober, Who Knew P.O.D. - Alive, Youth of the Nation Panic At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Nine In The Afternoon, She's a Handsome Woman Papa Roach - Last Resort, Time Is Running Out Paramore - Ain’t It Fun, Brick By Boring Brick, CrushCrushCrush, Ignorance, Misery Business, Pressure, Still Into You, The Only Exception, That’s What You Get Parlour Bells - Never Let ‘Em Hold Ya Back Parks - Sweater Weather Party Bois - True Confessional Pat Benatar - Fire and Ice, Heartbreaker, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Invincible, Love Is A Battlefield, Promises In The Dark, Shadows of the Night, We Belong Paul McCartney - Band On The Run, Jet (Live), Maybe I’m Amazed Pearl Jam - Alive Permaband - Killing is just a means, Wrecking Machine Peter Cetera - Glory of Love Petty Morals - Mean Girls Pharrell Williams - Happy Pheonix - Lasso Phish - Llama, Wilson (Live) Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven, Wave Of Mutilation, Where Is My Mind? Poison - Every Rose Has It’s Thorn, Nothin' but a Good Time The Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me, Every Breath You Take, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Message In A Bottle, Next To You, Roxanne, Walking On The Moon Poni Hoax - Antibodies Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still Preachervan - Love That Hurts Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket Pretty Girls Make Graves - Something Bigger, Something Brighter The Pretty Reckless - Follow Me Down, Heaven Knows The Primitives - Crash Primus - Jerry Was A Race Car Driver Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale The Protomen - Light Up The Night Puddle of Mud - Blurry, Control, She Hates Me Queen - Another One Bites The Dust, Bicycle Race, Bohemian Rhapsody, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Don't Stop Me Now, Fat Bottomed Girls, Hammer to Fall, I Want It All, I Want To Break Free, Killer Queen, One Vision, Play the Game, Radio Ga Ga, Somebody To Love, The Show Must Go On, Under Pressure, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock You, You're My Best Friend Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow, My God Is The Sun, No One Knows, 3’s & 7’s, In My Head Ram Jam - Black Betty R.E.M - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, Losing My Religion, Man On The Moon, Orange Crush, The One I Love The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes Radiohead - Creep, Karma Police Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of, Testify Rammstein - Du Hast Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna Be Sedated Rascal Flatts - Life Is A Highway, Me and my Gang, Summer Nights Ratt - Round And Round The Raveonettes - Last Dance Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters Razorlight - Stumble And Fall The Red Chord - Hour Of Rats Red Hot Chilli Peppers - By The Way, Californication, Dani California, Give It Away, Scar Tissue, Snow ((Hey Oh)), Under The Bridge, REO Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You The Replacements - Alex Chilton Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Derringer - Rock And Roll Hooch Koo Rick James - Super Freak Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes Rise Against - Give It All Riverboat Gamblers - Don't Bury Me Robert Palmer - Bad Case of Loving You Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter Roxette - The Look Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely, Pretty Woman, You Got It Ruby Rose Fox - Pain Killer, Sky Diver Rufus - Tell Me Something Good Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Pina Colada song) Rush - A Passage To Bangkok, The Trees, Tom Sawyer Saint Raymond - Young Blood Santana - Smooth Sara Evans - Suds In The Bucket Savage Garden - I want you Save Ferris - Come On Eileen Scandal - The Warrior Scorpions - No One Like You Seether - Fake It Semi-Precious Weapons - Magnetic Baby Semisonic - Closing Time Shaimus - Like A Fool Shania Twain - Any Man Of Mine, Party For Two, That Don’t Impress Me Much Shawn Mendes - Stitches, Treat You Better Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do Ships Have Sailed - Let’s Just Dance Sia - Chandelier, Cheap Thrills (ft. Sean Paul), The Greatest (ft. Kendrick Lamar) Silvergun Pickups - Lazy Eye Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence Simple Minds - Don’t You (Forget About Me) Sister Sledge - We Are Family Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust Skillit - Feel Invincible Slipknot - Before I Forget Slydigs - Light The Fuse Smash Mouth - All Star, Can't Get Enough Of You Baby, Walking On The Sun, Why Can't We Be Friends? Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock, Today, Zero The Smiths - Stop Me, This Charming Man Snoop Dogg - Beautiful, Drop It Like It's Hot, Who Am I - What’s My Name, Sensual Seduction, Tha Shiznit Snow Patrol - Take Back The City Social Distortion - I Was Wrong Soft Cell - Tainted Love Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot Soul Remnants - Dead Black Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun, Superunknown The Sounds - Living In America Spacehog - In The Meantime Speck - Conventional Lover Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, Two Princes Spinal Tap - Short And Sweet Spirit Kid - To My Romeo Squeeze - Cool For Cats, Tempted St. Vincent - Birth In Reverse Staind - It's Been A While, So Far Away Stan Bush - The Touch Starship - We Built This City Steely Dan - Bodhisattva Stephen And The Colberts - Charlene The Sterns - Supreme Girl Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle, The Joker, Rock’n Me, Space Cowboy Steve Pardo - Super Beat Sports Big Baos Battle Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen, Stand Back Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground, I Wish, Living For The City, Sir Duke, Superstition STL GLD - Good Stone Temple Pilots - Plush, Vaseline The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog The Strokes - Reptillia Sublime - Santeria, What I Got, Wrong Way Sugar Ray - Every Morning Sugarland - Settlin Sum 41 - Fat Lip, In Too Deep Supergrass - Grace, Sun Hits The Sky Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger Sweet - Ballroom Blitz Swingin' Utters - This Bastard's Life Symbion Project – Exploited & Exposed System of a Down - Aerials, Chop Suey, Spiders T-Rex - 20th Century Boy, Children Of The Revolution, Ride A White Swan Talking Heads - Burning Down The House, Psycho Killer Taking Back Sunday - Liar, Makedamnsure, What It Feels Like To Be A Ghost Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Head over Heels, Shout Tegan and Sarah - The Con Tenacious D - Master Exploder, Rise Of The Fenix, Tribute Testament - Souls Of Black That Handsome Devil - Rob The Prez-O-Dent Them Crooked Vultures - Dead End Friends Thenewno2 - Crazy Tuesday Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back in Town (Live), Jailbreak (Live) Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You, Never Too Late Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life Tickle Me Pink - The Time Is Wrong Tigerman WOAH - Alone Time Tijuana Sweetheart - Pistol Whipped, Seven tiLLie - Save Yourself Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld - Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld Tokio Hotel - Humanoid Tom Petty - Free Fallin Tommy Tutone - 867-5309/Jenny Toto - Africa, Hold The Line, Rosanna Train - Drops of Jupiter Travis McCoy - Billionaire Tribe - Outside Twenty One Pilots - Heathens, Ride, Stressed Out Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock, We're Not Gonna Take It U2 - Cedarwood Road, Desire, I Will Follow, One, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Vertigo UB40 - Red Red Wine Underoath - Desperate Times Vampire Weekend - A-Punk Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love, Panama Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl Vance Joy - Riptide Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby The Vapors - Turning Japanese Vesuvius - Promised Land The Vines - Get Free Walk The Moon - Different Colours, Shut Up and Dance WAR - Low Rider The Warning - Free Falling, Survive The Warning Shots - Closer Closer Warrant - Cherry Pie Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London We Are the Fallen - Bury Me Alive We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet The Weeknd - Can’t Feel My Face, The Hills, Starboy Weezer - A Little Respect, Beverly Hills, Buddy Holly, El Scorcho, Hash Pipe, Island in the Sun, King of The World, My Name Is Jonas, Say It Ain’t So, (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To When Particles Collide - Constant Disaster White Denim - At Night In Dreams The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army, The Hardest Button To Button Whitesnake - Here I Go Again Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music Wilson Phillips - Hold On The Who - Baba O’riley, Behind Blue Eyes, I Can See For Miles, My Generation (Live), Pinball Wizard, The Seeker, Who Are You, Won’t Get Fooled Again Willie Nelson - On the Road Again Wolfmother - Woman Worshipper - Black Corridor X - Los Angeles X Ambassadors - Renegades X Japan - I.V Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart, Roundabout Young the Giant - My Body The Zombies - She’s Not There The Zutons - Valerie
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