#Free Fallin'
wendersfive · 2 months
Witas Concert Vids - Stevie Nicks and Harry Styles BST Hyde Park, London July 12, 2024 x x x Free Fallin', Stop Draggin' My Heart Around and Landslide
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todays-xkcd · 1 year
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Their crash investigation team had some particularly harsh words for Dave Matthews.
Free Fallin' [Explained]
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kellymagovern · 2 years
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Tom Petty - “Free Fallin’“ [x]
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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At the Billboard Music Awards, December 9, 1992; photo by Reed Saxon/AP. (Both speeches can be viewed here.)
“George was the kind of guy who wasn’t going to leave until he hugged you for five minutes and told you how much he loved you. We knew where we stood with each other. […] I loved him so much, and if he had never played a note, I would have been so blessed to have him in my life. […] I'm just blessed by God to have known him. He had so much love in him. I realized it more with him gone that he was just pure love.” - Tom Petty, Rolling Stone, January 17, 2002
“‘Me and George have something somewhere where we're connected,’ Petty says with a laugh. ‘Some past life or something.’” - Pulse!, April 1999
“[George] was so funny, it’s hard to explain. He was the funniest guy I ever met. Such a keen sense of humor. A lot of fun. A wise person. He really wanted to know the meaning of it all. But at the same time, he was really light-hearted and tremendous fun. [Laughs] Just tremendous fun. And we got along so well. There’s really not a day that I don’t think about him.” - Tom Petty, Conversations With Tom Petty (2005)
“George [passing away] devastated me. I didn’t think George could die. It so ripped my heart out that I still can’t think about it.” - Tom Petty, Billboard, December 2005
“George came along, and we just got so close; it was like we had known each other in some other life or something. We were pals within minutes of meeting each other. I remember him saying to me a couple of days after we’d known each other — he’s just hugging me, holding me, saying, ‘Tommy, you’re in my life now whether you like it or not.’ It was like I’d been sent the very person I needed. He healed a lot of wounds.” - Tom Petty, Petty: The Biography (2015)
“I went through a bad period, you know, when my house burned… Just kind of one of those great gifts to run into Jeff and George like I did at that time. They probably don’t even realize it, but it really took away a lot of the pain.” - Tom Petty, In The Studio With Redbeard, 1989 (x)
“God I miss him you know. I miss him in the night a lot.” - Tom Petty, Concert for George microsite
“And so much has happed to me that you wouldn’t believe. I’m not gonna try to tell it all to you, but I’m thinking right now about one particular thing. I was looking out there - I know so many people here. Mo, Mo and Olivia [Harrison] are out there. I love Mo and I love Liv. Me and George Harrison and Jeff Lynne one night were at Mo Ostin’s house - this was before, we were just working on the idea of the Traveling Wilburys - and I had written this song ‘Free Fallin’’ and done the record and taken it to my label, MCA. And they rejected the record. And that had never happened to me before. I was like, wow, what do I do? So, we forgot about it. And we were at Mo’s house and dinner ended and George said, ‘Let’s get the guitars out and sing a little bit.’ And we sang and George said, ‘Let’s do that “Free Fallin’” Tom. Play that.’ So we had a kind of Wilbury arrangement of it with harmony. And we did it. And Lenny Waronker is sitting there, he said, ‘That’s a hit.’ With two acoustic guitars, you know? I said, ‘Well, my record company won’t put it out.’ And Mo says, “I’ll f*****’ put it out.” - Tom Petty, MusiCares speech, February 10, 2017 (x)
“I have a special fondness for him [Tom]. It makes you feel a little bit safer to know that someone like Tom is there for you. It’s a good umbrella to be standing under.” - Olivia Harrison, Petty: The Biography (2015)
“What makes Tom Petty a unique live performer is that he is a storyteller. His Florida drawl and the meter of his speech are engaging. Even his everyday observations sound more like tales, and whether he is singing or speaking you'll hear truisms in his words. I call him Aesop Wilbury.” - Olivia Harrison, Billboard, March 20, 2006
“Petty 'had a great bullshit detector – he didn’t suffer fools, just like my dad,’ says Dhani Harrison. While Petty and George Harrison 'were kind of stone-y, mellow dudes, they had that toughness. They’d kick your ass. But they loved the same stuff – ukuleles, motor racing. They would go to the Formula One races together.’ George 'really felt at ease with Tom,’ Dhani says, 'because it was like having another you next to you. There were more eyes watching out for you.’“ - Rolling Stone, 18 October 2017
“Tommy is just, like, the loveliest guy in the entire world. [...] [H]im and Jeff [Lynne] have been the nearest things I’ve had to a dad since I lost my dad.” - Dhani Harrison, Premier Guitar, January 16, 2018 (x)
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commanderbragh · 13 days
Travels, Slow and Quick
The waves lapped at the side of the ship as it sliced through the water. Banagan stood at the railing along the deck and watched as the docks of Stormwind grew ever closer. He appeared lost in thought as he stood there, so much so that everyone else on the deck just let him be.
It was a relaxing trip, he thought to himself. Sure, he could have made use of the portal back to Stormwind and arrived almost instantly. But the trip back gave him plenty of time to relax and the privacy to consider his thoughts. As the ship made its way next to the dock, the paladin knew his time was up and he would have to rejoin the rest of the moving world.
Banny watched as the men on the ship and the dock worked to secure the ship. Finally the call was made. Passengers and crew both began disembarking, carefully making their way down the gangplank. Banny picked up the satchel that had been on the deck next to his feet, adjusted his shield over his shoulder and started following the rest of the crowd. Within moments, he was on the sturdy dock and soon after that on solid land. Banny glanced up the huge path that led up from the docks to the city above, took a deep breath, and began making his way up the incline. 
Once he finally made it to the top of the walkway, Banagan turned and looked back at the docks below. He could see the ship he was recently on. The sails were slowly lowering as the remaining crew secured them for their stay. 
“Welcome back, Mister Larethian.”
Banagan turned to see a familiar person standing close by. The sunlight beamed on his shaved head and his worn leather tunic creaked a little as he shifted.
“Thanks, Erik. Been waiting long?” he asked with a grin.
“Not at all. But I heard you were on that boat,” he said, nodding his head slightly towards the docks.
“Heard? You been spying on me?” Banny stepped over and extended his hand which Erik took and shook firmly.
“No. But my business partners assume that I will want to know when certain individuals arrive in Stormwind.”
“I’m that important?”
“Your family is, yes.”
“Good to know. How are you doing these days?”
“Business is busy as always. And you?”
“I’m doing okay. The trip was relaxing.”
“That’s why you chose a boat instead of the portal.”
“Yeah. Wanted a little time to think.” Banagan started moving towards the entrance to the city with the rogue falling in beside him.
“I don’t know. Weird dreams, mostly.”
“Yeah. For the last few weeks, I’ve been having some odd dreams. I can never remember them. But when I get up, I’m still tired and I know that there was something important to them, but I can’t remember what.”
“Interesting? How so?”
“Others have told me about odd dreams as well. Something urgent or concerning for all of them. Mostly people associated with the Cathedral.”
“My father?”
“Not that he’s told me,” Erik said, shaking his head.
“But he wouldn’t necessarily say anything,” Banagan said, finishing Erik’s thought.
“Not necessarily.”
“What have the others said about their dreams?”
“Just that there always seemed something important that needed to be done.”
“And did they figure out what that was?” Banny asked, stopped along the path to look at the rogue.
“Not that they have told me. A few of them spoke of traveling to Dalaran.”
“Dalaran? Why there?”
“I don’t know. I think some of them just thought it was the right place to begin. And since Khadgar and the Kirin Tor are there, maybe they believed someone there could help them to figure out the meaning.”
“I mean, it’s a place to start I guess,” Banny responded with a shrug. “Maybe I should head there and see what’s been figured out.”
“Before going home and seeing your father?” Erik asked, his eyebrow raised slightly.
“Yeah, it shouldn’t take that long,” Banny answered with a grin. “And it’s not like I’ll take a boat back from there. Maybe a couple of hours asking around and then I’ll be back in time for dinner.”
“Sounds reasonable enough.”
“Would you send word to my father and let him know what I’m doing?”
“Of course. Anything else?”
“I think I’m good,” Banny said, reaching out to shake Erik’s hand again. “Thanks. I’ll talk to you when I get back.”
“Safe travels, Banagan.” Erik released the paladin’s hand and turned towards the trade district of the city. 
Banagan smiled and then started walking towards the mage tower that peaked above the surrounding buildings. After a little bit of walking, he finally found himself standing at the foot of the tower and the winding path that circled up around it. Adjusting his gear again, he began his ascent and soon found himself at the entrance. Stepping inside, he found a novice mage greeting people. The paladin asked about hiring someone to open a portal to the city of Dalaran. After a moment of discussion about price, the novice led the paladin into the tower and introduced him to another mage. The novice explained the request to the mage. Soon coins were exchanged and the mage cast his spell. A portal spun open before them and Banagan could see the streets of the floating city through it. Banagan thanked the mage and began stepping through the portal.
As the paladin passed the threshold of the portal, he experienced several different sensations, each immediately following the previous. First there was a bright flash of multi-colored light. Then he felt as if he was being pressed against from all sides. Finally, as he passed through the portal he found that there was no ground for his foot and he began to fall. The wind rushed against him as he fell and bits of rock struck his shoulder.
Banagan barely had the presence of mind to look around and see that he was in midair, free falling towards water below with debris of various size around him. Most importantly, though, was the complete absence of a floating city. Looking down, he saw the water directly below and only a short distance away was land. The water was quickly getting closer and it was at the last minute that Banny’s instincts kicked in. He called on the Light and shimmering glow surrounded him just before he struck the surface.
“Oh sh—“
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slowsweetlove · 1 year
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the-summer-sun-au · 2 years
Source: Sonandoenvinilo , Instagram
Tom Petty, Free Fallin'
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heyyyitsmegia · 1 year
Belly is funny for this...
And I'm a bad boy, 'cause I don't even miss her I'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart
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margflower · 1 year
Last year or so I asked RaveDJ to remix Tom Petty and The Monkees and honestly it works.
You're welcome?
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Free Fallin' by Tom Petty
not me laughing to myself when hearing this song played on the restaurant spotify, thanks to rez dogs
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gungieblog · 2 years
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sail-away-to-space · 1 month
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morerogue · 3 months
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
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poprocklyrics · 4 months
I'm gonna free fall out into nothin' Gonna leave this world for a while
Free Fallin', Tom Petty
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callmeblake · 1 year
FIDLAR - Free Fallin'
Came up in my release radar.
I like this cover more than I was expecting, a lot more.
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Tom Petty: Free Fallin'
Throwback Song of the Day: March 20, 2019
” She's a good girl, loves her mama Loves Jesus and America too She's a good girl, who's crazy 'bout Elvis Loves horses and her boyfriend too “
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