igobets · 2 years
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Nice one I think, again with Freepick using another prompt and I must say the pictures are getting better and better...
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nmyphomania · 1 year
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Go follow and talk to me on my main blog: @pseudosis !
Welcome to the official blog regarding the Nymhomania kinktober series! Where we fulfill all of your darkest interests, with our star Firelord Zuko! This will be where you can register for Nmyphomania Premium, meaning you can get first looksies for when another episode is released. Updates on the series will be released and even sneak-peaks to look on future episodes. You can also request an entire episode with your own idea on “Freepick” days! A schedule will be shown so you know the perfect time to request it. However, in order to register, you need to be of age and pinned somewhere in your account to process your registration.
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#[¡! ❞𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬]
#[❜ ─𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬─ ❛]
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laismoura-art · 1 year
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Yellow and blue am I right??
I know I have mutuals from Argentina, so I hope at least they get this joke lol (¡Hola, vizinhos!)
Got the first pic from Freepick and they have that license thing so... the license thing:
<a href="https://br.freepik.com/vetores-gratis/uniforme-de-futebol-ou-futebol-de-selecoes-nacionais-argentina-brasil-espanha-franca-alemanha-italia-holanda-portugal-inglaterra_10600568.htm#query=camisa%20argentina&position=0&from_view=keyword&track=ais">Imagem de macrovector</a> no Freepik
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cptjh-arts · 1 year
AUGust Challenge 2023
Day 31 - Freepick
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Full colored! I probably will rework all the sketches (or most of them) some time, so I guess I have a lot to do when I am out of ideas XD
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lupales · 2 years
Por fin mi Paisaje de Aprendizaje Digitalizado
Ya llegamos al final del curso, nos toca ensamblar todas las piezas que hemos ido elaborando a lo largo de estas semanas de intenso curso.
He de decir que esta parte, es la que menos me ha costado pero la que más tiempo me ha llevado. Creo que la selección de tareas en el resto de los paisajes, me han servido para tener bien estructuradas las tareas.
La narrativa que he elegido ha sido la del libro el monstruo azul, me encanta ese libro. Sin embargo no he podido desarrollar la temática como a mi me hubiera gustado por falta de tiempo.
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En esta imágen reflejo el objetivo final del curso y lo que se va consiguiendo al realizar los diferentes retos. Este apartado considero que podría mejorarlo bastante más, desarrollando mejor el sistema de puntos en los que se basa. Espero que lo que he seleccionado sea suficiente para entender la mecánica.
Como reflejé en un post anterior, el tema de las insignias me parece muy abstracto y quería cerrarlo bastante en mi paisaje. Creo que es porque yo no he sido una persona que jugara mucho a juegos de tipo electrónico. Nunca es tarde para empezar.
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Este es uno de los retos que tendrían que hacer los alumnos, me ha encantado hacerlo porque quería aprender a arrastrar objetos en Genial.ly.
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Y por último están las rúbricas, que considero indispensables para evaluar el desempeño en los retos y de forma global en todo el paisaje. Esto sería un esbozo ya que en infantil es una herramienta a desarrollar.
A lo largo de esta fase he podido conocer las herramientas digitales propuestas pero muchas otras más, de las que destaco: Clipping Magic para editar imágenes, y freepick como banco de imágenes. Han sido todo un descubrimiento y me han servido muchísimo para desarrollar la digitalización del paisaje.
Espero que os guste porque he disfrutado muchísimo de esta parte del curso.
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yo-sostenible · 1 month
Un estudio liderado por el CSIC señala que el impacto es mayor cuando el número de estresantes como el calentamiento y la polución atmosférica aumentan y se mantienen en el tiempo Los bosques son uno de los ecosistemas afectados por el aumento de los estresores ambientales. / Freepick Un estudio internacional liderado por el Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS-CSIC), del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), ha demostrado que la resistencia de los ecosistemas terrestres al cambio global disminuye significativamente a medida que aumenta el número de estresores ambientales, especialmente cuando estos se mantienen en el tiempo. Los resultados del trabajo se publican en la revista Nature Geoscience. El Laboratorio de Biodiversidad y Funcionamiento Ecosistémico (BioFunLab) del IRNAS-CSIC ha llegado a esta conclusión después de analizar 1.023 experimentos de cambio global en todo el mundo en colaboración con diez instituciones internacionales, entre las que destacan la Universidad de Alicante; el Centro Alemán de Investigación Integrativa de la Biodiversidad (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; la Universidad Forestal del Noreste de China; el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) (Estados Unidos) y la Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur (Australia). “Los ecosistemas terrestres están sometidos a un sinfín de factores de cambio climático y degradación ambientales, incluyendo el calentamiento global, procesos de sequía, polución atmosférica, fuegos o sobrepastoreo, entre muchos otros. Sabemos que estos factores impactan en la capacidad de nuestros ecosistemas para proporcionar servicios como el secuestro de carbono o la fertilidad del suelo, ambos claves en la lucha contra el cambio climático y en la producción de alimentos”, explica Manuel Delgado Baquerizo, líder del BioFunLab y autor sénior del artículo. “Lo que no sabíamos -añade- es que un incremento en el número de estos factores afecta a la capacidad de los ecosistemas para resistir al cambio global ya que se vuelven más y más sensibles”. Efectos continuados del cambio global El estudio demuestra también que cuando los efectos del cambio global son continuados los ecosistemas terrestres ven reducida su capacidad natural para resistir un incremento de factores. Así se ha constatado tras analizar datos de un experimento localizado en EE.UU. durante 15 años en el que se incluyen impactos de múltiples factores de cambio global sobre servicios ecosistémicos como la producción primaria. “Nuestros resultados demuestran que la exposición prolongada a múltiples factores de cambio global, como el aumento de CO2 y el calentamiento, disminuye gradualmente la capacidad de los ecosistemas para mantener servicios esenciales como la productividad primaria. Esto es crucial para comprender las limitaciones que enfrentaremos en recursos vitales como la fertilidad del suelo” explica Emilio Guirado, coautor del artículo de la Universidad de Alicante. Por su parte, Guiyao Zhou, autor principal del artículo y miembro del BioFunLab, apunta que el estudio “muestra que el efecto del aumento de factores de cambio global en la resistencia de los ecosistemas es mucho más pronunciado cuando se trata de su capacidad para proporcionar servicios ecosistémicos que sobre la biodiversidad de nuestros ecosistemas”. “Estos hallazgos ponen de manifiesto que la sostenibilidad de nuestros ecosistemas pasa por la reducción del número de factores de cambio global asociados con la actividad humana” concluye Zhou. Referencia científica: Zhou G., Eisenhauer N, Terrer C., Eldridge D.J., Duan H, Guirado E., Berdugo M., Zhou L., Liu S., Zhou X., Delgado-Baquerizo M. Resistance of ecosystem services to global change weakened by increasing number of environmental stressors. Nature Geoscience. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01518 Fuente CSIC
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blogoslibertarios · 3 months
Ministro diz que leilão não foi descartado
Foto: montagem – @lulaoficial – freepick  O leilão para a compra de arroz, que havia sido descartado anteriormente, pode ser retomado, segundo o ministro do Desenvolvimento Agrário e Agricultura Familiar, Paulo Teixeira. Apesar de Carlos Fávaro, ministro da Agricultura, ter afirmado que a situação está normalizada, com preços e abastecimento sob controle, Teixeira destacou que a decisão final…
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iconosinterno · 4 months
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igobets · 2 years
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marcofuentes63 · 6 months
“NAVEGANDO POR AGUAS JURÍDICAS: Un estudio sobre la responsabilidad del porteador en el transporte marítimo”
Autor: Antonio Huaroto Parra, Bachiller en derecho por la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Ceo y fundador de Iuris Smart – portal jurídico. Creador de artículos y contenidos jurídicos. Perteneciente al cuadro de merito decimo superior. Aerial view of container cargo ship in sea. Freepick Nota del Editor: El reciente siniestro ocurrido en El portacontenedores Dali –con bandera de Singapur y…
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design-emporium · 8 months
Blob Green - bright abstract seamless pattern design , swim safe design, summer, swimwear, children's clothing
Mock-up pool background by aopsan on Freepick Licensing Terms of Use: All artwork, motifs and designs are created and owned by ngs studio and the artist Nora Gärtner-Schallenberg and are therefore copyrighted. You are purchasing a licence to print the design, but the designs remain the sole and exclusive property of ngs studio and I reserve the right to reuse parts of them in any future…
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speed-seo · 10 months
White Background: Top 10 Stunning Web Design Images
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White backgrounds are a classic choice for clean, minimalist web design. But they can also create stunning visuals to enhance user experience. This article will showcase 10 stunning white background images you can use to upgrade your website's visual design. We'll explain the purpose and effect of each technique, along with real website examples. Get ready to transform plain white backgrounds into eye-catching works of art! 1. White Background with Subtle Texture Image source: OnlineResize Textures add depth through contrast and warmth. A paper-like texture feels organic and cozy. Diagonal stripes feel dynamic and modern. The example image has a light gray diagonal stripe texture. This adds dimension while contrasting boldly against the black text and logo. Live website examples: - Stripe payment platform matches brand name with subtle stripes - Apple’s subtle gradient creates sleek, sophisticated look - Medium’s subtle noise texture feels simple and elegant 👍 Pro Tip: Experiment with paper and stripe textures to add an organic or modern vibe. The contrast warmly highlights surrounding elements. 2. White Background with Colorful Shapes Image Source: FreePick Shapes create focal points and visual hierarchy. Use geometric, organic or abstract shapes to convey mood and messages. Vary sizes, colors and positions for variety and harmony. The example image has colorful circles of different sizes and positions on white. This feels playful and cheerful while creating movement and drawing attention to key elements. Live website examples: - Mailchimp uses shapes to feel friendly, quirky - Spotify creates vibrant, energetic design reflecting diverse content - Slack shapes showcase features and benefits 👍 Pro Designer Tip: Use bright, varied shapes to grab attention while conveying the mood you want visitors to feel. Joyful circles helped create Mailchimp’s friendly brand. 3. White Background with Minimalist Illustrations Image source: Dreamstime Illustrations communicate messages creatively through visual storytelling. Minimalist versions feel simple, elegant and easy to understand. Match illustrations to content, brand or audience. The example image has cozy home improvement illustrations. These invite users in while contrasting boldly with text and buttons. Live website examples: - IKEA illustrations showcase products and services cleanly - Airbnb illustrations reflect friendly, diverse mission and values - Dropbox illustrations explain features and benefits simply 👍Pro Tip: Match simple but powerful illustrations to your brand story and values. Airbnb connects through friendly drawings reflecting their community. 4. White Background with Gradient Overlay Gradient overlays add smooth, subtle color transitions. This can create moods, contrasts or harmonies with other elements. Customize with different colors, directions and opacities. The example image has a blue/purple gradient overlay creating a cool, calm atmosphere. This also makes the white text and yellow button pop. Live website examples: - Instagram gradient matches colorful, trendy logo and content - Netflix gradient creates dark, dramatic effect highlighting shows - Duolingo gradient feels bright and fun, matching courses 👍Pro Tip: Use smooth color gradients to add visual interest or convey mood. For example, Netflix uses a dark gradient to feel dramatic. 5. White Background with Photo Collage Image Source: UpMenu Photo collages add personality by arranging images creatively. Match photos to topics, audiences or styles. The example image has a food item collage feeling delicious and appetizing. This matches the food delivery website theme while drawing attention to key elements. Live website examples: - Uber Eats collages feel diverse, mouth-watering displaying dishes - Pinterest collages inspire through captivating pins and boards - Etsy collages showcase unique products and sellers charmingly 👍Pro Tip: Curate and arrange collections of real photos to humanize your message. Uber Eats highlights food dishes mouthwateringly. 6. White Background with Abstract Art Image Source: WallPaperFlare Abstract art expresses through shapes, colors and forms instead of reality. This can communicate messages artistically and emotionally. Match to content, brand or audience. The example image has colorful curves and lines creating energetic, dynamic effects. This makes the text and button pop. Live website examples: - Adobe abstract art conveys innovation matching creative products - TED abstract art feels bold and impactful reflecting speakers and ideas - Spotify Wrapped summaries listening with personalized, colorful abstract art 👍Pro Tip: Abstract shapes and colors stylishly reflect concepts instead of reality. For example, Spotify Wrapped’s art conveys users’ musical personalities. 7. White Background with Typography Image Source: Shutterstock Typography visually arranges text through different fonts, sizes and colors. This can attractively communicate messages and draw attention. Match typography’s look and feel to content, brand and audience. The example image spells “design” with varied, eye-catching typography. This pops against while balancing the text and button. Live website examples: - Typeform typography creates unique, interactive engagement - Canva typography looks appropriately colorful and creative - Grammarly typography explains benefits clearly and smartly 👍Pro Tip: Craft text-based art by playing with fonts, sizes and arrangement for an elegant style. Canva spells out its creative focus through lettering. 8. White Background with Video Image Source: Coursera Video adds motion and excitement while effectively showcasing content. Use relevant video to capture and engage user attention while increasing retention. The example image has relatable video of coursera online education platform. This pops against while balancing the text and button. Live website examples: - Coursera videos dynamically showcase courses and instructors - Zoom videos showcase lively features and users - Netflix videos captivate through shows and movies 👍Pro Tip: Dynamically showcase your product or service through relevant videos visitors can play. Coursera brings courses to life through instructor footage. 9. White Background with Pattern Patterns cover parts or all of a white background with repeated designs. This adds consistent texture and style while creating contrasts or harmonies. Customize patterns using dots, stripes, florals, geometrics and more. The example image has a black dot pattern creating a fun, elegant effect. This makes the white text and pink button pop. Live website examples: - Dribbble pattern matches playful, stylish logo and content - Shopify pattern looks clean and professional like products - Trello pattern uses simple colors matching features and benefits 👍Pro Tip: Use repeating motifs like geometric shapes or floral designs for consistent textures and styles. Trello’s patterns reflect their tools’ organized nature. 10. White Background with Animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FtoelDmSlY Royalty free footages: White triangular backgrounds | abstract white background | Low poly background Royalty Free Footages Animation adds motions and transformations through things like transitions and rotations. This can bring white backgrounds to life while effectively and creatively communicating messages. The example image has a rocket launching animation creating spectacular, exciting effects. This makes the text and button draw attention. Live website examples: - SpaceX animation feels appropriately stunning and futuristic - Slack animation engages to showcase features and benefits - Codepen animation delights matching fun, creative projects 👍Pro Tip: Make it move! Subtle animations and transformations catch the eye while creating an interactive feel. Codepen injects energy through lively motion. Final words In summary, white backgrounds can become stunning web designs through creative techniques. Enhance experiences by adding textures, shapes, illustrations, overlays, photos, art, text arrangements, videos, patterns or animations. With a blank white slate, the possibilities are endless. We covered 10 artistic white background techniques to make your website shine. Now it's your turn to mix and match to best showcase your brand. For helpful tools and templates, check out Our Blog to save time bringing your vision to life! This is just the start of designing an amazing site - keep that creativity flowing! Read the full article
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔"Who will win: Chaminade or UCLA? Odds and preview." #NCAAFPICKS #freepicks #collegefootball...
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topsportscappers · 1 year
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PICK: New England 2.5
#sportsbetting #footballpicks #bettingpicks #bettingsports #mlbbetting #baseballpicks #sportsbettingadvice #nflpicks #mlbpicks #freepicks #bettingadvice #handicapper #sportspicks #sportsbets #freepicks #sportsbettingpicks #ExpertBestBets #mlbpredictions #nflpick #ncaafootball #ncaafpicks #cfbprediction #cfbpicks #cfbpick #mlbpick
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emeraldcitycomicon · 1 year
The Emergence of a Bidding War: Soccer Stars' Transfers Ignite a Competitive Race between MLS and Saudi Arabian League
New post on https://soccerpunt.com/betting-articles/the-emergence-of-a-bidding-war-soccer-stars-transfers-ignite-a-competitive-race-between-mls-and-saudi-arabian-league/
The Emergence of a Bidding War: Soccer Stars' Transfers Ignite a Competitive Race between MLS and Saudi Arabian League
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Photo by vecstock on Freepick Consecutive announcements regarding the transfers of Karim Benzema to the Saudi Pro League and Lionel Messi’s intention to play in Major League Soccer (MLS) in the U.S. have shaken the soccer world. These moves sparked speculations of a new international bidding war for aging soccer stars as Saudi Arabia and... Read more »
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