#Freezerburn Friday
softly-potter · 2 months
Freezerburn week 2024 - Day Four
Day four submission for fbw❄️ happy Friday!
Prompt: love languages
Word count: 401
Warning: none
“It’s unacceptable that I've taken this long,” Yang says as she fluffs her hair. “My girl deserves a night out.”
Weiss smiles as she looks at herself in the mirror, applying her lip gloss. Her thin frame is clad by a silver blue dress with an exposed back and high neck collar, the material like water on her skin.
“Honey, I'm well aware that your love language is displaying,” Weiss says with a light laugh. “But I'm honestly not upset about it. I’m just excited I get to go out with you.”
Sitting on the edge of her bed, Yang watches Weiss with dark eyes. “That's not my only love language.”
Looking at her in the reflection, Weiss raises an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhm,” Yang hums, standing and walking behind the white-haired girl. She wraps her arms around Weiss' waist, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. “Acts of service, terms of endearment… body worship.”
Weiss ignores her but feels her cheeks heat nonetheless. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I hope you know I'll be slipping this off you.” Yang murmurs, pressing a kiss to Weiss' shoulder.
“I truly hope so.” Weiss says with a shiver, clipping her earring into place.
Yang helps her into her dark blue heels, some of the highest in her closet, and even with the added height, Yang towers over her.
“Shall we?” Yang asks, and offers her a hand.
As they enter the pub, Yang keeps a hand on Weiss’ lower back, allowing the girl to trail after her. The speakers begin to play loud, upbeat music, and Weiss whirls around to grip Yang's hand in hers before she tugs her into the dance floor.
“Weiss!” Yang protests, but she can already feel her resolve failing. “I can’t dance, you know this!”
“I know,” Weiss replies in a loud voice. “But I also know you’ll dance with me.”
The dance floor is thick with people and Yang can’t help but feel awkward, but as she watches Weiss’ face fill with unbridled joy, she can’t find it in herself to complain.
Hours pass and drinks are poured, dances held. Yang presses a hand to the small of Weiss’ back and tugs her close, putting her mouth close to her ear.
“Can I take you home, so I can show you just all of my love languages?” Yang whispers. Weiss can’t pay their tab and leave fast enough.
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texanredrose · 5 years
X and Freezerburn?
Yang paused, looking over the spices in their rack while mentally assessing what the stew happily boiling on the stove needed to complete the taste. Something was missing, something to give it that oomph, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, reaching for the onion powder before reconsidering and reaching instead for the cumin.
Then, she felt it.
A shift in the air, a sensation that called out to her on a deep and spiritual level, something that she couldn’t deny even without any physical proof right in front of her.
Abandoning the stew for the moment, Yang went searching throughout the house until she came to her wife’s study, cautiously entering.
“Weiss? You doing alright, Snowfall?”
“Hmmm?” The woman turned away from the window, her expression smoothing out from the hard glare that hadn’t seemed directed at anything in particular. “Oh, sorry, were you looking for me?”
“Nah. My ‘someone-special-is-pissed” sense was tingling.” She stepped inside, moving towards her wife and pulling the shorter woman into a loose embrace. “You wanna talk about it?”
“You’ve got to be joking.” Although her word choice indicated annoyance, she leaned into Yang and wrapped her arms around her waist. “You can’t sense when I’m angry.”
“Were you not really angry before I came in here?” Lilac eyes flicked over to the crib tucked beside the desk. “Is it the munchkin?”
“No!” Weiss jolted back, eyes wide, before composing herself. “I mean- yes, I was upset, but it has nothing to do with our baby. She’s an angel.”
“Then… what was it?” Ducking her head, she pressed a kiss to Weiss’ temple, not above using physical affections to achieve a desired outcome. “I’m all ears.”
“Father sent a missive.” Barely concealed venom infected her voice, blue eyes staring off at a crumpled letter lying on the floor. “It’s an official denunciation of any child of mine, barring them from using the Schnee name.”
A frown tugged at her lips. “But… you left your family name behind years ago.”
“That’s not the point.” Gently pulling away, Weiss went over to the crib and picked up their child, her voice turning soft as she carefully brought the little girl back over. “It’s that he’s trying, even now, to exert his power over her. He has no right but he’s always been good with paperwork. I broke away, but the idea that he might get even one figurative finger close to her…”
“We’ll never let that happen.” With a knuckle, she lightly tilted her wife’s chin up, pulling her into a sweet, reassuring kiss. “He’s gonna keep trying to ruffle your feathers, which means…”
“I… should… duck?”
A surprised laugh bubbled up from her chest, genuinely surprised by the, well, attempt at a pun. “Eh, close enough.”
At that, their daughter began squirming, apparently roused by the sound of her momma’s laughter. Weiss quickly set about calming her back down, having taken to motherhood like… well, a duck to water. The thought made Yang smile softly and lean over, pressing a kiss to both of their faces.
“Is lunch almost ready?”
“Yeah. I’ll go get back to it.” She started for the door. “Oh, and, remember…”
Without saying the words, she looked at her wife and thought ‘fuck that guy’ with enough force that the woman appeared to understand it easily, gasping.
“I didn’t say it!”
“You have loud thoughts, Yang Xiao Long!”
“And you have a loud voice, Weiss Xiao Long!” At her retort, they both smirked and went back to their tasks, Weiss hushing the baby by beginning to sing while Yang went to finish the stew.
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hanasaku-shijin · 7 years
Prompt! Rwby rock, weiss getting hecka nervous before a bigger show, yang helping her calm down
For Freezerburn Friday!
They’d performed in front of large audiences before. But this was going to eclipse all the others by far. Tonight the band would be playing for over a thousand people, and being they were still fairly new on the scene here, that was a major thing for them.
Ruby Blake and Yang didn’t seem too nervous about it, and Weiss couldn’t comprehend why. Perhaps it was because she was the singer, the one who had to project her voice for all those people to hear. Her own voice, not just the sounds of an instrument. 
While the others were getting their equipment ready, Weiss had shut herself in the bathroom, clutching the sink so tightly her knuckles were turning bone-white. Her chest was tight with nausea, her stomach gnarled and flipping over on itself.
What if her voice cracked? What if she forgot the lyrics? What if she froze?
She couldn’t even imagine how awful it’d be. Not just for herself but for the band, and for all of the fans who’d paid good money for the concert…
Yang was just helping to pack some chords and wires up when she noticed Weiss was absent, and had been for a while now. She immediately got an inkling of where to find her, and so she headed through the trailer and paused outside the bathroom door to find it shut, as expected. From the other side she could hear labored breathing and slight whimpers.
The response was a startled gasp.
“S-Sorry. I just need a minute-”
“Weiss, let me in. Please?”
There was a pause, and it was killing Yang to be so close to her and yet with this barrier between them. But to her relief the knob clicked and turned, then the door opened inward.
Weiss was paler than Yang had ever known her to be, so pale it made the ink of her tattoos seem that much brighter. Her skin matched the color of her hair, and she was clutching her chest so tightly her nails were probably about to tear holes in the fabric. When she spoke her voice was choked and scared.
“Y-Yang, I’m not sure if I can do this-”
“Whoa, hey,” Yang stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind herself. She quickly wrapped an arm around her girlfriend’s waist to steady her, feeling Weiss was about to collapse at any given second. “Easy. Just breathe for a sec, okay?” 
She pulled Weiss close, and her girlfriend almost sobbed with relief as she clung to her. Yang stroked gently over her shuddering back and shoulders, supporting just about all of her weight now. She could feel Weiss’ heart thundering so hard it shook her whole body. 
Yang had never seen her like this before. For fear she really might fall, she carefully eased her back a pace, then boosted Weiss up a little so she could sit on the edge of the sink. Yang sidled herself between her legs and hugged her tightly, locking both arms firmly around her back and shoulders.
“Easy, easy,” she murmured. “Take a deep breath, okay? Breathe…” Yang coached her through the breaths as Weiss clung to her back, swallowing thickly. She wasn’t quite sure if it was a panic or anxiety attack, but whatever it was she wanted to help.
So she stayed there for as long as Weiss needed her, stroking through her hair and rubbing her back, squeezing her tightly so she wouldn’t feel like she’d fall apart. She could still feel Weiss’ heart throbbing hard. 
But as the minutes ticked by her pulse gradually slowed into something steadier. Her breathing deepened and calmed down, and her vice-like grip loosened. Yang didn’t let her go even then, but continued to murmur softly.
“Atta girl. You’re fine, see?” She felt Weiss let out one more shuddering breath before the shivering finally stopped. She only eased back when Weiss did first, her eyes locking with ice-blue. The panic from earlier had vanished now thankfully. Yang cradled the back of her head and leaned their foreheads together. “You okay?”
Weiss swallowed again. 
“Yes. Thank you, Yang.”
“It’s fine. Just take it easy. No dumb concert’s worth you gettin’ hurt. We can call it off-”
“No.” Weiss’ voice was firm now, sure. “There’s no need for that. I’ll be fine, Yang. I just needed to get it out of my system.” She cupped Yang’s cheek and pulled her in for a sweet, slow kiss.
Yang braced her prosthetic on the small of Weiss’ back and the flesh hand on her side. She could feel Weiss’ heartbeat, now slow and steady. So she kissed back all she could before they parted.
“Okay. If you’re sure.”
“I am, Yang. Let’s get ready for this concert.”
With a nod Yang picked her up and helped her off the sink, keeping an arm around her for support. She opened the door and they headed out together to prepare for the big night.
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cyan-orange-studio · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Here I wanna share the commission I did for @Alarnis2  Some freezerburn for the soul! Happy Friday & have a great weekend!
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shera-dnd · 5 years
Freezerburn Week Day 6: Heartbeat/ Heart Attack
Slightly inspired by the only scene of How I Met Your Mother I ever watched
Now it’s Yang’s turn to be a useless lesbian
Yang was always down to help her friends and to try out new things, so when Jaune asked her to spend a week with a bunch of weird heart monitoring equipment attached to her - all for the sake of his degree - she didn’t hesitate to agree and now that the week was over it was time to check the results with him.
“Increased heart rate at the same time every morning, is that when you work out?” He asked, reading all the data they collected.
“More like a light jog to start the day” She answered casually
“Did anything weird happen during your jog last monday?” He asked, a little confused by whatever he was reading.
“Not really. I mean Weiss joined me on the way back to the dorms, but we do that every week” She explained herself and Jaune only nodded.
“How about Tuesday at around 9am?”
“Big test I didn’t study for as much as I needed” Her anxiety did kick in a bit, but no one needed to know.
“Yeah I know how that feels” He joked, continuing to read “Was that what happened on Wednesday at around 3pm?”
“No no, I was studying with Weiss for another test we had on Friday” She corrected, earning a weird look from him.
“Right... so that explains the spike Friday morning and we were playing Destiny together on Thursday night so that also explains that” He mumbled as he kept reading “So there was another spike Saturday night, but at this point I’m just gonna assume you met Weiss again”
“Hey, what are you getting at?” Yang asked, a little offended by the implication, but not denying his assumption.
“Well your heart rate is all over the place whenever you and Weiss are together, so you’re either really mad at her or really into her”
“Keep on reading, pretty boy” She ordered, absolutely avoiding the thought of Weiss.
“Fine, can you explain why there was a sudden drop immediately after the third Ice Queen incident?” He asked and Yang blushed.
“...I don’t wanna talk about it” she dodged.
“Yang, I need this data for my research” Jaune insisted “I promise you I’m not putting your name on any of this”
“Fine” Yang sighed “We were out celebrating with Weiss after I got my grades, but I was really tired from all the studying and her shoulder was surprisingly comfortable so I just fell asleep on her shoulder”
“I know!”
“My diagnosys is that you’re a useless lesbian” He declared, extremely frustrated with Yang’s shit “I suggest a daily dose of ‘getting your shit together’ until symptoms fade”
“Oh you’re one to talk” She deflected.
“Sorry, which one of us has a girlfriend and which one had three heart attacks this week over a cute girl?”
“Fine” she begrudgingly admitted “I guess you got a point”
“Yes, I do” He nodded, feeling very full of himself “Now go get her, girl”
Yang shook her head.
“Thanks, you dork”
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shaezerburn · 5 years
Flowers for Freezerburn Week. :)
WC: 1790
Haven’t written in forever. Dunno if I like it. Ahhhh. Either way, FREEZERBURN FOR THE SOUL ENJOY THESE TWO NERDS.
A single golden chrysanthemum laid on her desk.
Her lavender eyes scanned the room for a hint of who or what might’ve laid it there. Nobody seemed too suspicious, or out of place. The usual group of guys in the back were doing their, well, dude things. Some of the girls seemed to be doing their own things as well. Blake on her phone, Velvet messing with her camera, and so on. And well, there was another student - one particular student who always seemed to be giving everyone and anyone the cold shoulder. Weiss Schnee who was nose deep in a textbook.
Yang tried to envision every single one of her classmates sneaking in, and dropping the flower off on her desk. But none seemed more preposterous than to have someone like Weiss dropping off the flower. So much so that Yang snickered to herself, only to be interrupted by a smack on the back.
“Yang! Is that a flower?” Sun peeked around Yang’s shoulder, side-stepping now to grab the flower. He took a hearty sniff, “Oh wow, that’s pretty fresh.” He turned to Yang who had an eyebrow raised at his forwardness, he seemed to wave the flower in her face, “Is this from an admirer?” 
Yang yanked the flower out of his hand and carefully set it back on the desk. “Honestly, I don’t know. It was just here when I arrived.” She looked around the room, Sun doing the same but waving happily at Blake at the same time.
“You think it could be anyone in here?” Sun asked he spoke loud enough for Yang to hear as he walked a few feet to get to Blake’s desk. Yang set down her backpack near the desk, grabbed the flower and followed Sun to Blake’s desk. 
“Nah,” she shook her head, “Hey Blake, did you see who put this here?” she waved the flower in front of Blake’s face. Blake swatted at Yang, as Yang quickly pulled back the flower. 
“No. It was here when I walked in.”
“And that was?”
“Fifteen minutes ago.”
“Seriously?” Yang guffawed. The thought of someone coming in here so early before 8 am just to drop off a flower for Yang was seriously something else for her. Who would actually have the dedication to do that? Although Yang secretly found it kind of cute and sweet, she never considered herself ever getting flowers. Especially since she was the kind of gal to go and give flowers. “Weird…” she muttered.
“Who even grows these types of flowers, anyways?” Sun gawked at the flower. “What type is it?” he mischievously stole back the flower from Yang observing it in an obnoxious manner.
Yang shoved Sun in retaliation, “The least you could do is not destroy it and let me figure that out!” as she growled out her statement she stole back the flower and returned to her desk.
Yang returned to her desk and carefully slipped the flower into her backpack. This flower mystery was surely going to get the better of her and her thoughts. Yang could not figure out who, what, or why someone would leave a flower for her. 
“Alright class,” Professor Port called out as he entered the room “The lesson for today is…”
It didn’t really matter what the lesson was for Yang, either way, she’d pass. And either way, she’d get down to the mystery of who had left this flower on her desk. One way or another.
Weeks passed and the mystery of who had left the flower there was growing. Yang had managed to trickle it down to several suspicious people. One was Mercury, she hadn’t of known why she would’ve thought he was a suspect - but her gut instinct and the massive amount of glares she had constantly received from the suspect in question was something to be wary about. Maybe he had a crush. Or maybe he was buttering her up to be her number one enemy on the campus.
Sun and Blake had agreed on the suspicions of Mercury, but they also seemed to single out Shay-D. His goofy and nearly toothless smile was also something to be cautious about. Was he too, crushing on Yang? Or was this some sort of long-winded prank that Yang was waiting on the punchline for? 
Lastly, it seemed like Neptune was a good contender. Sun’s best friend. Although the combination of his incessant flirting and denial of the floral arrangement went hand in hand as the days went on. Yang wasn’t sure if Neptune was actually capable of such romantic interactions such as fresh flowers and of the likes.
Things for Yang had only grown more mysterious. One Friday morning Yang came in to see her desk surrounded by other classmates. Yang shuffled her way through the small crowd to see a gorgeous bouquet of chrysanthemums on her desk. Golden chrysanthemums lined the outside, while another smaller circle was covered with orange, and then a single yellow one rested as the centerpiece. 
A hard blush came over Yang as her classmates gawked at her new gift. Just who in the world was giving her these flowers? And how in the hell did they know that these were her favorite flowers? One single flower, Yang considered a fluke - but a whole bouquet dedicated to Yang along with her favorite colors… well that, that wasn’t a coincidence. 
Shooing everyone away from her desk, she slammed her backpack on the ground and sat at her desk. Focusing long and hard on the flowers before her. Their aroma to her, was intoxicating. Her favorite flower, and favorite smell.
She groaned and covered her face in her hands. This was going to bother her. Just who exactly was this mysterious flower giver? She looked around the classroom, exchanging small glances with some classmates who too were curious about the mystery admirer.
Sun and Blake gave her pitying looks and shrugs. It seemed like they too were just spectators in this spectacle. Her eyes scanned once more, she met eyes with someone she didn’t expect to. Weiss Schnee. Weiss seemed to sneer at her, brows furrowed. Her head quickly turned away, going back to whatever she was doing before their eyes had met. Yang shook her head and turned back to her desk looking at the flowers.
It wasn’t Weiss. Sun. Blake. Or Neptune, or anyone else in this classroom. Who in their right mind would just send Yang flowers of all things? 
She would figure it out one way or another.
It seemed like her mysterious admirer had other ideas when it came to a confrontation. In Yang’s locker appeared a sticky note -  ‘Meet me on the roof if you want to know who I am.’ It was signed with a badly drawn bouquet of flowers. It was way passed leaving time as Yang had stayed back for a little extra credit work. 
“So you know my locker number too?” Yang muttered to herself, folding the note and sticking it in her pocket. The roof, huh? Yang racked her mind by trying to remember what was on the roof. There were certain electives and academics that had taken odd spots around the school’s campus, so this just had to be another one.
She walked her way up towards the roof, taking a staircase after staircase. Just who else on earth would be at school still?
Finally arriving at the rooftop, she prepared to meet this mysterious admirer.
Passing through the door, she was greeted by bright sunlight on its way to meet the horizon, causing her to squint and shield her face with her hand. There was a light breeze in the air as Yang closed the rooftops door behind her. An aroma like no other hit her nose, she stared at ahead of her finally getting back her senses. 
Before her were rows and rows of flowers, lined up on the rooftops. A small cabin laid in the center of it all. Who exited the cabin, was what surprised Yang most of all.
Weiss Schnee exited the cabin, wiping sweat off of her forehead and approached Yang with an air about her.
“No way…” Yang stood there in shock, “You?!” she approached Weiss with a fervor. 
Weiss of all things nonchalantly nodded with a very soft “Yeah.”
Now flabbergasted Yang stood there with her mouth agape. “Why?”
This simple question made Weiss smirk. “You’re really cute when you look at flowers,” she answered almost immediately. “Your secret love for them is really admiring.”
Yang took a step back and blushed, “How would you know that?!”
“You really don’t notice the world around you, do you? Though, I guess there is to say you DO stop to smell the flowers every now and then.” Weiss sighed and twiddled her thumbs anxiously.
“What are you talking about?!” 
Weiss rolled her eyes, “You can’t be serious, Yang. Every Saturday, at 6:30 AM you pass by Fiona’s Flowers and smell every single flower there. Stopping at the chrysanthemums the longest. Then when you come by again, same day, 6:30 PM and do it again, but only if no one is watching.”
Yang was speechless. How the hell did Weiss know all of these things? And did she SEE her if Yang had taken every precaution to make sure that no one knew about her secret love and her secret routine when she goes to the gym and work!
“I work at Fiona’s Flowers by the way. Every Saturday.” Weiss admitted.
By now Yang’s face was the reddest it had ever been. “Please, don’t tell anyone…”
“Don’t tell anyone that you like flowers? Yang, do you know how ridiculous you sound?”
“I know, but please...can we let it be our little secret?”
Weiss approached Yang, her eyes locked on to Yangs. Yang’s blush grew. “Sure, but…”
She was now inches apart from Yang’s face, looking up at her intensely. Yang could feel her heartbeat in her throat, Weiss was gorgeous from afar she had to admit, but this close up? Beauty beyond words.
“Can you keep mine?”
There was a small hesitation with Weiss, she wasn’t sure that Yang would accept what she was about to do. But Yang watched her carefully, actually leaning in towards Weiss to help her with her own ‘secret’. Weiss’s lips met Yang’s. Yang had clearly accepted the movement, kissing her back - but as Weiss pulled away Yang was still clearly shocked.
“Uh..wow. Yeah, I…” Yang sputtered out, her body burned. Her face still having that one shade of red covering it. “C-Can we keep doing this?” her arms gestured around her.
“The flowers or the kissing?”
“Both?” Yang sputtered.
“Both is good.” Weiss smiled.
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archdukecaleb · 5 years
Freezerburn Week 2020 — Day 7: Free Day
Word Count: 1545
Yang Xiao Long was at the top of the food chain. She was the most popular girl in school, had tons of friends, and was the captain of the volleyball team. Everyone loved her because of her kind heart and willingness to help others. There was a running joke within the walls of Beacon High that compared her to being “the mom of the high school,” all because of how much she genuinely cared about everyone’s wellbeing.
She was superb at making new friends and being the light that brightened up everyone’s day. Her best friend, Blake, and her sister, Ruby, always said she could have whomever she wanted from the school if she would only show interest in them. Yang always thought they were exaggerating, greatly.
Regardless, Yang did not just want anyone from the school. She wanted the right person for herself. Someone special that was complex and interesting, who has more to them than can be seen initially. She believed she knew exactly who that person would be after first meeting her at the beginning of this year.
No one could say they were surprised that she managed to make nice with the infamous Ice Queen of Atlas. Yang always hated that nickname.
It was not the poor girl’s fault she was a little shy; aloof, even. Just because she never spoke to anyone and kept to herself, she had gained the reputation of being a cold loner. Rumor has it she curses everyone’s name behind their backs and has been plotting against them ever since she transferred from Atlas Academy for Girls.
Yang had debunked these rumors early on. She had never believed them to begin with. After talking to the girl for a few weeks, she had learned much about her. She learned she was not a hateful person with a personal vendetta against everyone, but a normal, teenage girl who was trying to find her place in the world like the rest of them. And her name was Weiss Schnee.
But, despite knowing more about Weiss, she still remained as mysterious as the origins of that scar over her left eye.
Yang could tell, ever since they started talking, that Weiss had a hard time growing up.
She would always try to change the subject when their conversations steered towards that time of her life, and she always became really uncomfortable when the topic of family was brought up.
It was after that when Yang decided to make it her personal mission to make Weiss laugh at least once a day. Many days, she was successful, but there were still days where she could only try her best. She was almost certain she was Weiss’ only friend, even after the several months they have been in school so far.
That broke her heart.
Such an amazingly complex person like Weiss deserved more compassion in her life, and Yang wanted to help as much as she could. As time went by, she found herself spending more time by Weiss’ side. She would feel happy when Weiss was happy and sad when she felt forlorn.
Soon, the signs showed themselves and Yang realized what was happening. She had developed a massive crush on Weiss.
Recently, Yang had become awkward around Weiss, which was completely foreign to her. She was always confident in everything she did, but this? The strange feeling in her stomach and sharp increase in her heartbeat were two things she was not used to.
She wanted so badly to delve deeper into Weiss’ story; to be there for her when no one else has, and she knew just the way to get started.
“I’m going to do it, Rubes,” Yang huffed as she walked down the hallway with her math textbook in hand, “I’m going to ask her out.”
Ruby grimaced, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“I’m not trying to burst your bubble or anything, but have you ever considered that maybe Weiss actually is as nasty as everyone says she is?”
“Have you actually talked to her?” asked Yang.
“No,” Ruby rolled her eyes, “But only because she refuses to speak to me. I’ve been her lab partner for this whole semester, and I still don’t know what her voice sounds like.”
Yang stopped and faced her younger sister, “That’s just because she’s… reserved.”
“Yang, you could’ve had literally anyone! Why did you have to choose her?”
“I just really like her, okay?” Yang pouted, “Can you just trust me on this one? Please?”
Ruby bit her cheek and sighed, “If you really think Weiss is a nice person… I’ll trust your judgment.”
Yang smiled and patted Ruby’s shoulder, “Thanks, Baby Sis,” she said as they resumed walking, “Now… What the heck do I do!?”
“Can’t you just, I don’t know… ask her out?” Ruby asked, “Just be straight up with her.”
“No way,” said Yang as she shook her head, “Weiss is classy. This needs to be something special, or it won’t work.”
“Um… Give her a flower, too?”
Yang sighed and dragged a hand over her face with a loud groan, “This isn’t going to work, Rubes.”
“Man, when you said Weiss was different, I should’ve believed you,” Ruby chuckled.
“This isn’t funny, Ruby. I want to be with her so bad, but I don’t know if she wants the same with me.”
Ruby pressed her lips into a thin line, “Yang, you are the strongest person I know. Whenever you set your mind on something, you can get it done. If what you said about Weiss is true, she’s just like any other person. For all you know, she could be building up the courage to ask you out too. You just have to shoot your shot, and take that leap of faith.”
Yang let her sister’s words sink in as a wide smile found its home on her face, “Wow, Ruby. That… actually made me feel better. When did you get so good with words?”
Ruby shrugged as Yang let out a chuckle.
“Okay! It’s settled then! I will ask her out!” said Yang, triumphantly as she spotted Weiss organizing things in her locker, “Tomorrow!”
Yang swiftly turned on her heel as the anxious tension in her chest began to expand exponentially.
“Yang,” called an angelic voice from behind her.
Ruby snapped Yang a swift salute and disappeared with the crowd.
Yang cringed and turned around with a toothy grin on her face, “Hiya, Weiss!”
Weiss closed her locker and smiled as she walked the short distance to Yang, “You didn’t come to my locker before first period today. Is everything alright?”
“Oh! Yeah, everything’s cool,” Yang chuckled nervously as her hand instinctively combed through her hair, “I just hit snooze on my alarm too many times.”
Weiss giggled as she reached into her bag, “My calc teacher gave us some candy today. I’m not really a fan of sweets, so I thought I’d take some for you.”
“Oh, cool! Thanks,” smiled Yang as she accepted the candy.
“No problem,” Weiss smiled back, “I have to head to chemistry. If I don’t see you later, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Wait!” Yang blurted, causing Weiss to turn back, “U-um… Before you go, I just wanted to ask you… something.”
Weiss looked up at Yang with a curious twinkle in her eye, “What is it, Yang?”
Yang chuckled nervously as she timidly placed her hand on the back of her head, “I was just wondering if… If you would— um… If you would maybe want to go with me… on a date… on Friday?”
Weiss’ mouth fell ajar as she scrambled for a response, “Oh! Um. Uh…”
“Y-you don’t have to say ‘yes.’ I completely understand if you don’t want to,” Yang added a little too quickly.
“No!” Weiss nearly shouted, “I mean yes! I do want to go on a date with you… But I can’t.”
The brief spark of joy in Yang’s heart was snuffed out.
“Oh… Okay,” she mumbled as she turned to leave.
“Wait!” Weiss called out this time, “Are you free on Saturday? Could we do it then instead?”
Yang’s eyes widened for a moment, “I think we could… Oh, wait. No, I promised Ruby I would watch her track meet on Saturday.”
Weiss looked at her shoes, “Oh…”
A thick fog of quiet formed around them as the rest of the students in the hall flooded into their classrooms.
“Well… Are you busy today after school?” Yang asked.
Weiss flinched, “Um… No, I’m free for the night.”
“Great,” Yang chirped, “So… I’ll pick you up at seven?”
A wide smile slowly formed on Weiss’ face, “That works for me.”
“Awesome,” Yang grinned, “It’s a date!”
The two girls laughed together as the bell indicating classes have started rang loudly.
“Uh oh. I should probably get to class now. I’m already late,” Yang chuckled.
“Yeah, me too,” said Weiss as she tucked a lock of her white hair behind her ear.
“Okay! I’ll see you later!”
As Yang turned to walk away, she made sure to wait a few moments before leaping in joy.
“She said yes!”
Little did she know, her date had heard her cry, and could not contain the smile that it enkindled.
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
my dude came out this weekend. just... he’s been isolated, we’ve been isolated... i wanted fancy dinner and i wanted to cook a venison backstrap that’s getting freezerburned in our freezer... so he came out.
we could pretend, for a night, that everything was normal, and we were just hanging out for a weekend. I even managed to forget that it wasn’t normal.
as he was preparing to leave, he asked when i thought i’d come home. i said i wasn’t sure. 
(my real thought is, they’re thinking at the hospital that Shit is going to Get Real this week. Thusfar, Dr. Friend can say with confidence that while they’re just masking all the time and treating everyone as positive [as he personally has been doing for a month now], the coronavirus patients are not coming to his area of the hospital at all, now. [he’s in the area with the operating rooms, as you’d expect.] Next week, however, as things up here are likely to peak, that may change. He and I spoke frankly about what would happen then. He said, if I think I’ve been exposed, I may not come home again, there are other places I can go. I said we could probably isolate within the house; there’s a bedroom in the basement, and if he called us and told us to prepare that, we could, and he could spend most of his time there, and we’d keep the kids to the back of the house while he did things like showering and such. he said he’d seen photos of other doctors talking to their kids through the glass door of their house, and he didn’t want that but he’d do it if that was what the situation warranted. He’d earlier laughed that he’s already started semi-isolating years ago, his kids won’t kiss him on the face because he’s too scratchy, they kiss him on the arm and think it’s funny. His son, not having heard the conversation, came in just then and kissed him on the ear. It was very cute.)
My dude looked solemn, and said, “well, don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but you’re useful here,” which was very typical of him in that he genuinely did mean it that way, he was trying to tell me that I don’t need to worry about him being lonely or scared without me, I should stay here because if I’m here I can help one kid focus on workbooks while the other one does the required online coursework, and absent that, the younger kid has to literally be locked in her bedroom in order for the older kid to be allowed to work on the computer. And especially if Dr. Friend has to isolate from them, there’s going to be absolutely no other way to do the coursework; as it is, he intends to help but is forever needing to do other things. 
(He did a liver transplant the other night starting at 2am, did I mention that? That was Friday night.)
(There’s a potential donor perhaps being taken off life support in one of the outlying townships, but he goes off call in 8 more hours so it possibly won’t be his problem.)
Anyway, I’m here another week at least probably. 
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fanzinewatch · 4 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   Click here to see all zines   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
📅 Monday, April 13th
Interest survey closes - Women! Wanted (One Piece)
📅 Tuesday, April 14th
Preorders close - True Kinda Love (Steven Universe)
Preorders open - I am Zim!!! (Invader Zim)
📅 Wednesday, April 15th
Contributor apps close - Mobius Crossing (Animal Crossing x Sonic)
Interest survey closes - Unnamed (Riverdale)
Preorders close - Blossoming (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Preorders open - The Butterfly Estate (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
📅 Thursday, April 16th
Contributor apps close - Holy Coloring Zine, Batman!! (Batfam)
Interest survey closes - Childhood Zine (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
📅 Friday, April 17th
Contributor apps open - Enduring Tides (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Contributor apps close - ObaMitsu Zine (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Contributor apps close - Freezerburn (RWBY)
Preorders close - LoL BNHA Zine (League of Legends x BNHA)
📅 Sunday, April 19th
Preorders close - Unnecessary Feelings (Ace Attorney)
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tovanori · 8 years
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microkittycosplay · 6 years
some things to look  forward to!
hey friends! from this friday to christmas, I’ll have the following in my store:  +all duo photo sets that I have the right to sell +all archived photo sets that I still have access to  +panties!  +custom polaroids (you pick the costume, tell me what clothes to wear or not wear) +the return of the Weiss video (I only sold a small amount, and many people said they wanted it! + mother. fucking. snap. chat.  other stuff coming your way! +there will be TWO cosplay masturbation videos available next month as well, any time I shoot a fetish video, I’ll try to shoot a more vanilla option for people who aren’t into that, at least until I know what people like a little more! + I’m planning to do an ass worship vid for many vids to be released in december patreon stuff! AHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN’T WAIT there is a white rose set! a freezerburn lingerie set and my amazing friend Deedeeshameless is visiting me this friday to get some content together <3 
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softly-potter · 2 months
Freezerburn week 2024 - Day Three
Day three submission for fbw❄️ hope you like it!
Prompt: D&D
Word count: 1,471
Warning: none
D&D is a heartless, intense thing; which is why Weiss never plays.
She smiles lightly as she watches Yang animatedly describe a new campaign to her group of players, her excitement nearly palpable in her voice. Around the table, Nora and Marrow groan and the three of them begin to talk over one another in an attempt to figure out how to proceed in their gameplay.
Weiss doesn't understand a word being said; but the game makes Yang happy, and that's enough for her. In years past Weiss had attempted to play D&D before, especially when she was trying helplessly to get Yang's attention. The irony of it all was Yang had gotten so good at playing in her attempts to win Weiss over. The board game hasn't been the thing to truly seal the deal for Weiss, however.
Cardin had been his usual dickheaded self during lunch period, poking fun at the younger students. Yang's little sister had been the object of his afflictions that day, and while Ruby had done her best to brush him off, Cardin kept at it, shoving her not so playfully. 
Yang had stood up and slung her arm over Ruby's shoulders. “You can always count on Cardin to cause a ruckus!” Yang had quipped, side hugging her sister before narrowing her eyes at the older boy. “But do that again and you’ll regret it.”
Yang and Ruby had walked away, big grins on their faces and leaving Cardin rooted and angry. Weiss had watched them move, her cheeks flaming when she realized just how pretty Yang's smile was.
Lucky for them, Velvet swooped in and lead him away before he could cause a bigger issue. Yang and Ruby had made it back to their table unharmed, and from her spot, Weiss watched.
After the run in with Cardin, Weiss began to notice the taller girl with blonde hair, and she realized two things immediately.
One, Yang was the head leader of the school's D&D club. They played every Friday after classes, and practiced most tuesdays. Two, Yang was insanely attractive. 
Trying to come up with ways to get closer to her, Weiss decided to learn all she could about the game, and for the next week, she researched random facts and campaign ideas in between classes.
She waited for the perfect opportunity to spout her new found knowledge, and in between classes she had found her chance.
Yang and her friends mingled in front of the doorway to the physics room, but before she could blink, Yang's friends walked away and she turned, headed straight down the hallway.
“Hi.” Weiss said, stepping in Yang's path. Yang had stopped in her tracks, looking at her blankly.
“Hey.” she responded in a bored tone. Weiss’ cheeks had burned.
“I,” she tried and cleared her throat. “Was wondering, if I could, join. Your club.” Yang had looked beyond confused, tilting her head and furrowing her brows.
“The D&D club,” Weiss had explained, getting hotter by the second. Yang slowly looked her up and down before letting out a small snort.
“You don’t look like you play.”
Weiss had flushed in embarrassment and clutched her textbooks closer to her chest. “Are you judging me based on my appearance? That's not very accepting.”
“I guess it’s not,” Yang had replied, her face changing into a smile before looking Weiss straight in the eyes. “Fine then. See you tonight.”
Weiss had felt like her brain had shut down.
Yang smiled, the same expression that had made Weiss notice her in the first place. “No time like the present. Plus we're starting a new campaign.”
She had walked away then, and Weiss had nearly jumped for joy.
Looking back on her first night playing D&D, Weiss had to laugh. It had gone horrendously.
While it started out smoothly, the minute Yang asked for her character name, Weiss had blanked. She picked a random one out of panic, but then Yang had asked for her level and class, and Weiss had broken out into a cold sweat. Nora and Marrow had snickered good naturedly but it didn't change how embarrassed she felt. Marrow, sensing the ruse, attempted to ask her more questions but Yang had waved him and allowed Weiss to simply watch instead of participate.
“Watching is the best way to learn.” Yang had commented, picking up her round of orange dice.
Weiss had tried, really hard, but even after watching intently the whole night, she was still lost.
After the session was over and Nora and Marrow had said their goodbyes, Weiss had apologized profusely. Yang had giggled before turning serious and asked why Weiss would even pretend to be a D&D player if she didn't know how.
“I… needed an excuse to talk to you,” Weiss had whispered, looking down at Yang's boots. “And, D&D is your thing so…”
Yang had placed a hand on her hip and let out a soft laugh. “I’m sure there are other things we can talk about.”
“Really?” Weiss had asked, and Yang had shrugged before giving her that damned smile.
“I’m a handful but so are they, so if you were willing to put up with us and our bullshit, I'd say you deserve some attention.”
Weiss had laughed with relief, so caught up that she hadn’t noticed Yang's lingering stare. The blonde had walked her to Weiss’ car, learning the smallest bits about one another. Weiss found out that both Yang and Ruby were being raised by their dad, and Yang found out while Weiss came from a contained family, they were never home. Weiss learned that Yang loved to play guitar, and Yang found that Weiss was a music enthusiast.
After a while, Yang had wished her a goodnight in a hushed tone, and as Weiss had driven away, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face, and things had only gotten better from there.
Numbers had been exchanged and smoke sessions had occurred. Since her parents were never home, Weiss offered her balcony as a place to hang out, and Yang would often lean against the porch post with a blunt between her fingers that they’d split.
A year into the friendship and Yang had plucked up the courage to ask Weiss out. Of course the white-haired girl had said yes, and Yang had taken her to the movies before getting ramen. Afterwards Yang had driven her home, her hand wandering to the passenger seat and taking Weiss’ fingers between her own. Weiss couldn't have stopped the blush on her face if she had tried.
Reaching her house, Yang had walked her to the door, still holding her hand before giving it a gentle squeeze. “Did you have fun?”
“Yes,” Weiss had breathed, her feet moving closer. “Thank you, so much.”
“The thanks is all mine.” Yang had grinned, her eyes dropping for a moment to their joint hands. She dropped their hands so that she could brush Weiss' bangs from her eyes, tucking the hair behind her ear.
“Will… there be another?” Weiss had asked, hoping she didn't sound too cringy.
Yang had smiled before placing a hand on Weiss’ hip and pulling her forward. “Absolutely another, and then if i’m lucky, one after that.”
Yang had pressed a kiss to Weiss’ forehead. “And another after that,” she’d whispered, and placed a kiss on her cheek. “And maybe even another.”
Pulling her face back, Yang had lifted Weiss' chin with her opposite index finger, and searched her face, eyes so intense it made Weiss’ hands shake, and when Yang had finally kissed her on the mouth, her stomach had flipped.
Weiss had grabbed Yang by the shoulders and pulled her closer, the dim light of the porch  bouncing off their clothing as her lips danced gently against Yang's.
Eventually she had pulled away, finding Yang's cheeks were pink and she was wearing the biggest grin. In that moment, Weiss had felt nothing but adoration and love, and she had pressed a kiss to Yang's cheek. “See you tomorrow?”
Yang had begun beaming as she nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets. “See you tomorrow.”
Returning to the present, Weiss blinks, lets her gaze focus on Yang who is already staring at her.
“What’re you smiling about?” Yang asks with a soft expression, and Weiss notices the game infront of her is nearly forgotten.
“Come on Yang focus!” Nora shouts, the other party members agreeing, but Yang ignores them, her gaze settled on Weiss.
“Nothing,” Weiss says with a little shake of her head. “Tell you later. Promise.”
Yang smiles and leans over to squeeze Weiss’ hand. Even after a year of dating Weiss loves the small acts of affection, and she settles back in her chair to watch them play.
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texanredrose · 5 years
For the minific thing, Freezerburn K? ♥
Yang slid on her knees, unable to consciously register the pain of rocks and metallic debris ripping into the fabric of her pants as her hands reached out, collecting up her girlfriend in her arms.
“Weiss?” Her voice shook and cracked as the dying groans of Grimm surrounded them, the foul beasts falling to the ground as their source crumbled to dust. “Weiss, can you hear me?”
A moan answered her, pale blue eyes opening just barely to look at her. “Stop shouting, I’m right here.”
A brief chuckle burst past her lips, that same tone echoing from years ago, the last time she held the woman in her arms in such a condition. Bloody, covered in bruises and soot, but they were a far cry from the duo who had fought side-by-side during the doubles stage all those years ago. They’d fought a war and won by the barest of margins.
“Why you gotta always scare me like that?” Her lips curled into a soft smile as she gently brushed white bangs back from the woman’s forehead. “Throwing your all in, just to show me up… it’s reckless, ya know?”
“Don’t you dare lecture me on recklessness,” Weiss replied, shifting slightly and wincing at the pain that had to be radiating from every part of her body. “I wasn’t the one who charged into the throng of those things.”
“I can take a hit.”
“And I can’t?”
“Not without breaking my heart.” Leaning down, she gently brushed her lips against the woman’s temple. “You can’t keep scaring me like that.”
“As if it doesn’t scare me when you do the same thing.” Feebly, one hand clutched her jacket. “You might be… a bit stronger… but I’m not strong enough… to see you hurt…”
“Weiss, stay with me-”
“I’m not dying, you buffoon.” Despite the literal meaning of the word, Weiss’ voice held that special little lilt that made even a swear sound like a term of endearment. “I’m just… tired…”
Cradling her girlfriend closer to her chest, Yang sighed. “Alright. You can rest now. I won’t let anything happen to you. Promise.”
“I know.” Her eyes closed, her breathing becoming deeper. “That’s… one of the many reasons… I love you…”
Her lips curled into a smile as a happy tear gathered in her eye, rolling down her cheek. “Love you too, Snowfall.”
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hanasaku-shijin · 7 years
Moments Of Comfort (ch6)
Drabble for RWBY Week 3, Day 6
~ F r e e z e r b u r n   F r i d a y ~
Patreon  ||   Other RWBY Week drabbles
A/N:  Just so you know, since this is being written right after vol5, all of these drabbles are basically set in the context right after their team reunion. I imagine they’re in some safe house of Qrow’s to recover a bit before going to Haven, and that’s where these drabbles all take place.
This one is a little bit longer than the others because I got a bit too into it ahah oh well~
Chapter 6.
Weiss was lost in one of the few books available at the safe house when Yang exited the bathroom from her shower. Due to her semblance, she'd never been one to use a towel for her hair for longer than a few seconds before she dried herself off with a burst of heat.
She yawned like a lion, stretching her arms up above her head as she entered the bedroom, vacant other than Weiss and herself.
Weiss peered up from her book for a second to inquire.
"How was it?"
"Like heaven," Yang sighed. "First shower in a few days, grossly enough."
Keep Reading
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good-sapphicrwbyaus · 6 years
Poll Time!
So it’s once again time to vote which RWBY sapphic ship will become the new header for the blog, only this time it’s for the month of September! This time the only choices will be Monochrome and Freezerburn this time around. You can find a link to the poll here! The poll will close next Friday at 12AM EST.
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kibblej · 6 years
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