#French Catholic elementary schools
the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Alright uninformed rant time. It kind of bugs me that, when studying the Middle Ages, specifically in western Europe, it doesn’t seem to be a pre-requisite that you have to take some kind of “Basics of Mediaeval Catholic Doctrine in Everyday Practise” class. 
Obviously you can’t cover everything- we don’t necessarily need to understand the ins and outs of obscure theological arguments (just as your average mediaeval churchgoer probably didn’t need to), or the inner workings of the Great Schism(s), nor how apparently simple theological disputes could be influenced by political and social factors, and of course the Official Line From The Vatican has changed over the centuries (which is why I’ve seen even modern Catholics getting mixed up about something that happened eight centuries ago). And naturally there are going to be misconceptions no matter how much you try to clarify things for people, and regional/class/temporal variations on how people’s actual everyday beliefs were influenced by the church’s rules. 
But it would help if historians studying the Middle Ages, especially western Christendom, were all given a broadly similar training in a) what the official doctrine was at various points on certain important issues and b) how this might translate to what the average layman believed. Because it feels like you’re supposed to pick that up as you go along and even where there are books on the subject they’re not always entirely reliable either (for example, people citing books about how things worked specifically in England to apply to the whole of Europe) and you can’t ask a book a question if you’re confused about any particular point. 
I mean I don’t expect to be spoonfed but somehow I don’t think that I’m supposed to accumulate a half-assed religious education from, say, a 15th century nobleman who was probably more interested in translating chivalric romances and rebelling against the Crown than religion; an angry 16th century Protestant; a 12th century nun from some forgotten valley in the Alps; some footnotes spread out over half a dozen modern political histories of Scotland; and an episode of ‘In Our Time’ from 2009. 
But equally if you’re not a specialist in church history or theology, I’m not sure that it’s necessary to probe the murky depths of every minor theological point ever, and once you’ve started where does it end? 
Anyway this entirely uninformed rant brought to you by my encounter with a sixteenth century bishop who was supposedly writing a completely orthodox book to re-evangelise his flock and tempt them away from Protestantism, but who described the baptismal rite in a way that sounds decidedly sketchy, if not heretical. And rather than being able to engage with the text properly and get what I needed from it, I was instead left sitting there like:
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And frankly I didn’t have the time to go down the rabbit hole that would inevitably open up if I tried to find out
#This is a problem which is magnified in Britain I think as we also have to deal with the Hangover from Protestantism#As seen even in some folk who were raised Catholic but still imbibed certain ideas about the Middle Ages from culturally Protestant schools#And it isn't helped when we're hit with all these popular history tv documentaries#If I have to see one more person whose speciality is writing sensational paperbacks about Henry VIII's court#Being asked to explain for the British public What The Pope Thought I shall scream#Which is not even getting into some of England's super special common law get out clauses#Though having recently listened to some stuff in French I'm beginning to think misconceptions are not limited to Great Britain#Anyway I did take some realy interesting classes at uni on things like marriage and religious orders and so on#But it was definitely patchy and I definitely do not have a good handle on how it all basically hung together#As evidenced by the fact that I've probably made a tonne of mistakes in this post#Books aren't entirely helpful though because you can't ask them questions and sometimes the author is just plain wrong#I mean I will take book recommendations but they are not entirely helpful; and we also haven't all read the same stuff#So one person's idea of what the basics of being baptised involved are going to radically differ from another's based on what they read#Which if you are primarily a political historian interested in the Hundred Years' War doesn't seem important eonugh to quibble over#But it would help if everyone was given some kind of similar introductory training and then they could probe further if needed/wanted#So that one historian's elementary mistake about baptism doesn't affect generations of specialists in the Hundred Years' War#Because they have enough basic knowledge to know that they can just discount that tiny irrelevant bit#This is why seminars are important folks you get to ASK QUESTIONS AND FIGURE OUT BITS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND#And as I say there is a bit of a habit in this country of producing books about say religion in mediaeval England#And then you're expected to work out for yourself which bits you can extrapolate and assume were true outwith England#Or France or Scotland or wherever it may be though the English and the French are particularly bad for assuming#that whatever was true for them was obviously true for everyone else so why should they specify that they're only talking about France#Alright rant over#Beginning to come to the conclusion that nobody knows how Christianity works but would like certain historians to stop pretending they do#Edit: I sort of made up the examples of the historical people who gave me my religious education above#But I'm now enamoured with the idea of who actually did give me my weird ideas about mediaeval Catholicism#Who were my historical godparents so to speak#Do I have an idea of mediaeval religion that was jointly shaped by some professor from the 1970s and a 6th century saint?#Does Cardinal Campeggio know he's responsible for some much later human being's catechism?#Fake examples again but I'm going to be thinking about that today
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sgiandubh · 5 months
JAMMF, 303
James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser is today 303. Born to both strife and greatness, on Beltane Day.
Fictional characters never die for good, their energy keeps on lingering somewhere, in a corner of our heart. So, here's a heartfelt Happy Birthday to a formidable character that one day chose to possess Herself's imagination and brought us all together, in this strange digital limbo of sorts.
Despite his rock-solid appearance, JAMMF is a real chameleon. My favorite JAMMF is perhaps the least talked about one. The Diplomat. Of course.
This guy, playing chess at Versailles (in reality, it's Prague, and a sizably different kind of Baroque, but let's not nitpick, here). A wonderful metaphor for what diplomacy was, is and always will be: a sophisticated game of chess.
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While in Paris, JAMMF is acting, in plain sight, as a diplomatic agent of sorts on behalf of Bonnie Prince Charlie's embryo of a government in exile. Desperately hoping and fruitlessly waiting for more. And making a very bad, emotional job of it all, when emotions are least needed, despite all those best laid plans. Still, he does exactly what a diplomat posted abroad would do. He meets all the important honchos, he brilliantly entertains all those people at his open table, he mingles with princes and beggars alike and of course, he dutifully reports in writing about all this, back to Scotland.
It is, therefore, a pity and a shame that Herself did not utter a single word, in Dragonfly in Amber, about the real Jacobite meeting place in Paris: Sorbonne's Collegium Scoticum/Scots College, or Collège des Écossais, founded in 1333, by an edict of the Parliament of Paris (what we would call today the local council) and as a belated, yet important consequence of the Auld Alliance treaty between France, Scotland and Norway:
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This is a place with a rich and minutely documented history, so much so that the adjoining street soon came to be known as the rue des Ecossais (Scots' Street), instead of rue des Amandiers (Almond Tree Street).
The building is still there, albeit with a different destination, a private Catholic elementary school. And a plaque inside the main building tells part of the story, in Latin:
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In 1325, under the reigns of Charles the Fair, in France and Robert the Bruce, in Scotland, David de Moravia, bishop of Murray founded this college. In 1604, Jacques de Bethun, archbishop of Glasgow made a seminary out of it, given to the perpetual administration of the Carthusian Order's Superior of Paris [later edit, forgot to translate that properly and the French version I eventually took out is incomplete, sorry!]. In 1639, the whole was placed under the authority of the King of France and the Archbishop of Paris, their supreme authority being solemnly ratified by the Parliament of Paris. In memory of the founders, the priests and the alumni, may they rest in peace!
[Later edit]: the eight year difference in records reflects the time it took for the Parliament of Paris to acknowledge the College's existence and offer its due legal protection. So: founded by the bishop of Murray in 1325 and legally authorized by the Parliament of Paris in 1333. Both dates are legit founding landmarks and can be quoted accordingly.
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Today we're learning about criminals, prostitutes, secret languages and medieval heretical sects!
I want to rant about Swedish etymology, specifically regarding the word bög. It is pronounced a bit like "beg," but with the lips pursed to an O and with a long vowel (IPA: \bøːg\).
The word means "gay man" and occupies a somewhat complicated place somewhere between a slur and the established word for homosexuality. I don't really like the phonoaesthetics of the word, but then again, perhaps I just had it hurled at me one too many times in elementary school.
Anyway, etymology.
There are two main competing etymologies for this word. I'll start with the one that I think is less likely: that the word is related to English bugger and French bougre. These words have been used in various parts of Europe to mean "sodomite" for centuries, deriving from accusations leveled at the Bogomil and Cathar heresies by the Catholic Church during the medieval period. These groups were gnostics, and (according to the Church) hated the sinful physical world to the point of being antinatalists: people who believe having children is morally wrong. So far this might in theory be true, but they were also quite dubiously accused of encouraging sodomy among followers to this end. The word bugger itself is presumed to either come from Bogomil or Bulgarian, since the Balkans were the origin point of these heresies.
We know for a fact that the word was borrowed into Swedish as buger (bugern, bugrar, bugrarna) around 1900, a word used by, among others, Swedish literary titan August Strindberg. That's also where the etymology for bög becomes a bit troublesome, because bög does not appear to have been a warping of the pronunciation of this word: it is already known to have existed in the Swedish lexicon at this time.
The alternate explanation goes back to the knallar, peddlers in particularly mid-southern Sweden (Västergötland/Westrogothia) who walked door to door selling whatever they could carry with them in the countryside. These people saw their peak around the 18th and 19th centuries, before declining into obscurity at the start of the 20th. These wandering salesmen are a fascinating topic in their own right, but what's particularly important for us is their secret language, Månsing (sometimes Monsing). The Swedish language has a rich and fascinating vocabulary of words I like to call "permanent slang." These words come from thieves' cants, the secret languages of professionals (such as Månsing and Knoparmoj, the chimneysweep language), and several minority languages like Yiddish and Romani Chib. Well-known Swedish words like tjej (girl), jycke (dog) and sno (steal) are all regarded as slang in the public eye, even though the words have been in use for well over a century, if not several centuries. Since slang is usually either quickly invented and forgotten or incorporated into standard language, this is very interesting in my opinion.
One such source for "permanent slang" is Månsing. The language is extinct now, and only caught the attention of linguists when it was already in decline, but we still have a few hundred vocabulary words documented, and one of the oldest and most widespread is bögis. This word bears a striking resemblance bög, and the -is ending is a very common Swedish diminuitive, probably first introduced in Månsing where it was probably borrowed from latin, such as in the Månsing word for dog, kanis (from canis). This ending was then (perhaps humorously) added to other words, like jamis, cat (from the Swedish verb jama, to meow).
The problem is the meaning of the word. Bögis does not mean gay, sodomite, or anything of the sort, it means peasant or farmer. The related word bögishäck means farm, and so on.
The reason why this is still a plausible origin of bög has to do with the relationship these peddlers had with farm owners. The knallar were seen as anything from semi-honest traders to downright scam artists and smugglers, so what would farmers have been from their perspective? Either prospective customers or potential victims to mislead and make money off of. This use of the word bögis came to enter city slang, where it took on a new meaning among people who had different life experiences.
In the late 19th century, slang and cant dictionaries start reporting the word bögis or bög as being part of the lexicon of the lower layers of the growing city of Stockholm. The "lumpen," the thieves and prostitutes, used the word to either mean "someone who is easily fooled" or as a synonym for "mark" or "target," that is, someone you intend to either sell something to, or rob. The connection to the way the knallar used it is fairly obvious.
Over time, the word came to usually refer specifically to the customer of a prostitute, and eventually specifically one of a male prostitute, and then also the male prostitute himself, though the path there was long. In the early 20th century, bög was still competing with the previously mentioned buger, as well as with sodomit, kvinnohatare (woman-hater), homofil, homos, and several words relating to pederasty.
By the 1910s it appears that bög was winning out, and as the gay movement came to Sweden in the 70s, the word began to be reclaimed by activists, though the exact level of offense the word carries is still a bit complicated, as mentioned.
This etymology makes bög a sister word to the English word gay, which was also originally slang used in growing cities by thieves and prostitutes. It also connects it to schwul, a German word with a similar story.
This also gives us an interesting social history of the LGBT+ movement: perhaps the reason why queer rights became an issue in the 20th century is because there was no such thing as a queer subculture until the 19th century, and the reason why it emerged then is very specifically because that's the when big U Urbanizarion took place, and thus when urban crime and underground communities emerged, which have a very distinct character from their rural counterparts. In other words, maybe big cities led to the emegence of an underclass of thieves and prostitutes, and maybe we have thieves and prostitues to thank for queer rights today! That's just a speculation, though.
My main source today was the work of Fredik Silverstolpe, who has researched swedish queer history for decades. I can give you some links if you DM me, but they are all in Swedish.
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doomsdxyblxe · 5 days
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pick your poison between jealousy and anger ,
˗ˏˋ 𓂃 (  kyle gallner.  cis man.  he/him ).  meet  billy branson,  a  thirty-four  year  old,  who  has  been  in  cloyne  for  just over a year ( back home after prison ).  they  are  a  line cook  at  sunnyside diner,  known  for  being  charismatic  and  violent.  they  are  often  heard  humming  along  to  seth by  ad infinitum.  residents  would  describe  them  as  the convict. 
both will bring you to the ground ,
background summary ;; ( tw: murder, abuse )
Billy has been troubled since childhood, largely due to a terrible homelife. He had been in and out of trouble since elementary school, with things only progressing as he got older. Ultimately, this resulted in Billy killing his stepfather when he was 16 years old after his stepfather had been beating his mother. Despite Billy doing so to protect his mother, the courts claimed he took it too far and had many chances to call the police after incapacitating his stepfather. Billy was sentenced for 2nd Degree Murder and served 17 years before he was released. Now, back in his hometown, he’s simply trying to adapt back to life outside, stay alive now that a string of murders have begun to spring up, and avoid the rumors that are springing up about his convenient timing. 
Basics ;;
Name: William “Billy” Branson Nicknames: Billy, "The Branson Kid" Gender: Cis Male Age: Thirty-Four Birthday: October 13th Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic Birthplace: Cloyne, Ontario, Canada Occupation: Line Cook, Self Proclaimed Chef at Sunnyside Diner Time Served: 17 years for 2nd Degree Murder FC: Kyle Gallner Relationship Status: Single
Family ;;
Mother: Veronica Branson ( alive ) Father: Unknown Step Father: Dale Branson ( deceased )
Appearance ;;
Hair: Long, Shaggy Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 5'10 Many various tattoos from his time in prison and after
Mental Health ;; ( tw: drug mention, alcoholism )
- shows signs of bipolar disorder - reliance on alcohol and nicotine - previous drug issues, currently clean
Random ;;
Languages: English, Basic French Religion: Formerly Catholic, Currently Athiest
Wanted Connections ;;
OLD SWEETHEARTS - Your muse and Billy were head over heels for each other when they were in high school. Your muse was the one good thing in Billy's life and when he went to prison, your muse did their best to support him. For a couple years, they kept the relationship up through letters and supervised visits. But in the end, it was simply too much. The pair split. Weekly letters became monthly, then yearly, and then there was nothing. ( open for a female muse, age 33-36 ) DRINKING BUDDIES - Just some pals to watch hockey, drink beer, and shoot the shit with. ( unlimited number, any gender/age ) ANGEL ON HIS SHOULDER - Your muse helped him get a job out of prison and attempts to help keep him on the straight and narrow. ( taken by aera choi ) DEVIL ON HIS SHOULDER - Your muse has no inhibitions about dragging Billy back into his troubled old life. Your muse is a bad influence, pushing Billy to do things he shouldn't now that he's attempting to get his life back together. ( taken by seonho han ) FUN FLINGS - Billy was in prison for 17 years and thus, the poor guy is making up for lost time. FWB sorta connections. ( open to any number, any gender, 24+ ) BAD NEWS BILLY - Your muse things Billy is nothing but trouble and actively warns people to stay away from him. They suspect he's part of the murders and attack that has taken place, due to his past and the first murder taking place not long after he returned to town. ( tbh could be a couple people, any gender/age )
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pillarsalt · 9 months
Any advice for women questioning if they might be bi?
This is an interesting question that I'm not quite sure how to answer. I thought I might tell you what my own experience in figuring out my sexuality was like, but I might have a bit of a weird story since understanding my attraction to men was actually more difficult than my attraction to women. This is stupid long and a bit navel gazey (walking down memory lane since I'm currently staying at my mom's place in my hometown). If you want to skip to the TLDR section at the bottom, I put the advice that came to me while writing this there. I hope it helps a bit, but if not, maybe others might want to add their own advice for anon in the replies?
I grew up in a smaller Alberta city that leaned conservative, but I was lucky enough to have open-minded and accepting parents who were pro gay rights. I went to catholic school (for french immersion lol), and before I even had the awareness that same sex attracted people existed, my elementary school friend group ostracized me, they said they thought I was a lesbian because I liked dinosaurs and roughhousing too much.
I was very confused until I was about 12 and learned that women could indeed be attracted to and have relationships with other women; that's when the understanding hit that there was a reason I felt differently about certain girls than I did about my other girl friends. Why I loved to sit next to them and stare at each individual feature of their faces when they talked, why I treasured the chihuahua webkinz Cristina from the bus gave me for christmas so much (I bought her a pack of lip smacker lip balm, this is so nostalgic lol), why I often gave Julia from my soccer team a playful shove if only to touch her for just a second. Now I knew what I was feeling. The problem was, aren't girls supposed to like boys? My peers would talk about how hot this one was and how they wanted that one's number; I just didn't get it. Boys were all just kind of weird and gross and scary to me.
In the next couple years I read more about lesbian gay and bisexual history and culture, learned that it wasn't wrong for me to love women but that many people wouldn't accept that. In high school (catholic high school!), if people asked, I answered truthfully, and it didn't make me popular. This is basically the reason I absolutely hate the word Queer; I had that word spat at the back of my head in the hallways by the grease ape hockey players who joked about "drinking beers and hitting queers". I had my share of crushes but didn't dare act on them. It frankly sucked, but I still made some friends.
(Funny tangent here: I had made a couple of new friends who were kind of in the 'cool bad girls' clique but didn't know my reputation. At lunch one day they stole my phone and as a prank they texted my mom "I have something to tell you... I like women" and she answered "you already told me that??" LMAOOO my mom felt so bad but like I told her, how was she supposed to know? anyway those girls didn't hang out with me much after that.)
Later on, I tried harder to fit in at school. I wore a lot of makeup and had a boyfriend for a couple months, which only confused me further. He asked me out and he was considered desirable and he was nice and didn't make fun of me, so I said yes. I used to set an alarm on my phone when I was at his place and pretended my mom was calling me and I had to leave. That scene at the start of But I'm a Cheerleader where Megan is just sitting there letting her boyfriend make out with her while she waits for it to be over, it really resonated with me when I watched it the first time lol. When he started hinting he wanted to have sex and put my hand on his boner through his pants, I couldn't take it anymore and ended it. I began to think I just wasn't into men at all. I kind of ignored them after that.
After a tumultuous almost-relationship with another girl who got then scared into claiming she was straight again by the homophobia at school and her religious mother (and then we weren't allowed to be each other's grad partners even as platonic friends), I had my first girlfriend after I graduated high school (we're still friends although she's fully into the theythem sphere now). She moved to another province and I discovered I'm not the type of person who can handle long distance relationships, so that was the end of that.
Finally in college, where people usually have their same-sex experimentation phase, I instead discovered that I am indeed attracted to men, I guess it just took me a while to find the ones who did it for me. A coworker turned close friend turned FWB turned long-term boyfriend confirmed that for sure. It was a whirlwind of self discovery but I was glad to have finally figured out what I was questioning for so long. So at the age of 19, I became as sure as I am now that I am not gay, not straight, but bisexual. I don't know if the kinsey scale thing is bullshit or not but I'd say I sit at about a 4. Things sort of fell into place for me eventually, which I think was lucky for me and I'm grateful for it.
I knew I was attracted to women from my early teens on, didn't figure out if I liked men until college years.
So if you're still with me, that's why I don't exactly know what advice to give you. Honestly, I wrote all of that mostly hoping you might find something relatable in there to build off of. Basically, are you romantically attracted to women, do you want to hold her hands, kiss her deeply, spend all your time with her, be filled with joy when you hear the beautiful sound of her voice, hold her closely until you fall asleep together? and Are you sexually attracted to women, is there a longing in you when you think about touching her body, her breasts, her stomach, her lips, her thighs, her vulva, the sensation of her touching you too? If it's yes to all of the above... yeah you're probably attracted to women.
But if it's yes to only one subset or another, here's the thing: I've seen a ton of straight people online and in my personal life claim they're bi because they're able to tell which individuals of their own sex are conventionally attractive or not. I posted a while ago about my straight male coworker who said "I think the guitarist in my favourite band is hot so I guess I might be queer?" and my other coworkers who immediately jumped in like YES YOU'RE QUEER YOU'RE SO QUEER leaving me like... okay but would you kiss him? Have sex with him? Fall in love with him? Again that's not necessarily your case, just that the lines have been seriously blurred when it comes to sexuality, between this sort of "everyone can be queer" thing and also the ubiquity and oversaturation of porn. Porn warps the shit out of all your mental processes but especially arousal and romantic and sexual bonding. This is how we get those women who talk about how they would fuck women but never have a romantic relationship with her. Porn culture warps their minds into viewing other women as objects from which to derive sexual pleasure, even if their natural orientation is heterosexual.
I guess my number one advice is that if you want to try romance and intimacy with a woman, MAKE SURE you are upfront with the fact that you're questioning your sexuality. There's no shame in questioning, of course. But another user and I were just talking about the large number of curious straight women who go on dating apps and waste the time and crush the spirits of gay and bi women who are just looking for love, not looking to be a litmus test or an experiment. I'm sure there are women out there who would be happy to explore your attraction with you, but also be on the lookout for people looking to take advantage of you and ABSOLUTELY run the other way if it's a het couple looking for a third, holy fuck don't even give those crusties the time of day.
Another piece of advice for you is that no two women are the same. Being attracted to women doesn't mean you'll be attracted to EVERY woman. This is why I'm wary of the types who say "I'm attracted to all women and only some specific men" like that sounds fake as fuck. Bi and gay woman have types and preferences just like straight women do.
All you can really do is keep thinking on it, keep exploring your feelings. It could help to talk it out with other lesbian or bisexual women in your life if you're lucky enough to have them. I wish you the very best but don't stress too much over it either. There's no rush, take your time, be well.
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onsomekindofstartrek · 4 months
It’s weird. English/Anglophone exceptionalism in popular culture seems to have come 180 degrees around from colonial chauvinism (English is uniquely good/civilized) to the opposite (English is uniquely bad/hard/awkward/“barbaric.”)
And it’s like… bizarre to me because English is just… some language.
Like, sure, there’s a long history of colonial conquest making it one of the most common second languages in the world. That’s not unique. French and Spanish have both done that. And yes, owing to the long period and wide range of countries in which it’s been spoken, and the prestige which English has been given in print, it does have one of the largest documented lexicons of any language, to the extent that it’s often claimed that it’s “the biggest language.” But I genuinely think that’s just situational.
And like, sure, it’s a little notable that it has lexical influences from both Norse and Medieval French, owing to different conquests of the Isles, and from Latin, owing largely to the Catholic Church. But it’s not unique for a language to pick up words from conqueror’s languages, and in fact this happened more recently to Modern Norse, as well as like… most of the common languages in the colonized parts of the world.
Or we can discuss some popular American misconceptions about English spelling and grammar, most of which are down to the fact that in America, English grammar and phonetic reading are literally no longer taught in most schools.
Like, yeah, it’s a little weird that our spelling has a really poor phonetic correspondence to pronunciation and lots of wildly irregular words in the common vocabulary. But so does Danish! It’s not even unique among the Germanic languages much less among languages in general. Vowels in Arabic vary wildly from region to region and can be more or less strictly correspondent to the written or implied letter. There are languages where you have to memorize the pronunciation of most words because they’re written with one or two characters per word.
And our insistence on using present participles to form the unmarked present tense of verbs (is doing, is going, is walking, etc.) is not unique or even particularly strange or clunky either, it’s just that not many West European languages do it. Spanish can do it but it’s not the unmarked form. German technically can but it’s rare. And those are just the two that I speak. I don’t know about the other common ones.
And Christ, no, English is not unique because of [weird pseudolinguistic hypothesis that I heard someone say once and took as fact.] Why are there like a million of these?
So I really wonder why this narrative of English being so exceptionally weird and bad sticks around.
Like, again, I do have to stress how badly most US citizens under a certain age have been failed by the public school system. They’re taught very little grammar and a lot of them are taught to read in elementary school by a completely fallacious method where they don’t sound out a world letter by letter, but instead try to recognize the whole word at once like an adult fluent reader would, or guess from context if they don’t recognize it. Which is not how you acquire literacy. Your average US citizen under 35 has an impoverished formal education in language. Actually I’d go so far as to say that the average US citizen under 35 has an impoverished education about the humanities in general.
But this alone doesn’t account for the prevalence of weird scurrilous myths about the English language.
Is it… is it an attempt by European-American L1 anglophones to paint themselves as victims of cultural imperialism? Because if so… oh boo hoo, the two most powerful empires in history imposed our native language all over the world. How terrible for us, we surely don’t benefit from that all the time. Oh, it’s such a terrible language? Oh wow, you’re right, you’re the real victim.
But that feels like it’s not entirely true either. I mean there’s definitely some useless liberal self-flagellation involved but I don’t think that’s entirely it either. And I get that there’s some amount of overcorrection for the old English-chauvinist narrative, but that doesn’t feel like enough of an explanation either.
Does anyone have a better explanation?
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Clover
Fullname: Luna Rosalie Lewis
Aliases/Nickname: Clover, Luz
Age: 14
Dates Of Birth: February 9th, 2010
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1 (188cm)
Ethnicity: European (part English, part Irish, part French)
Eyes Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Light Reddish Blonde/Magenta Ombre
Complexion: Fair Skin (a little pale complexion)
Skin Type: a light brown beauty mark under her right eye
Homes: Beverly Hills, California (Born in London, England)
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Beverley Hills High School Student, Beverly Vista Middle School Student (formerly graduate), Elementary School Student at Saint Christina School (formerly, graduated), Spy, WHOOP Agent,
Hobbies: Sketching, Drawing, Artworks, Reading, Studying, Listening To Christian Music, Spies & Noir podcasts including Cybersix, Going to Church with her family, Hanging out with her friends and family, Designing styles and spy suits, Piano lessons, Spending quiet time before bed/during Study Hall, Cheerleadering, FCA Club, Enjoy some afternoon tea, every afternoon
Goals: To become an artist/fashiondesigner, To save the world from threat
Favorite Color: Red, Burgundy, Magenta, Hot Pink
Family Members: Lawrence Lewis (father), Stella Cambridge (mother), Serena Celestia Lewis (older sister), Selene Iris Lewis (younger sister), Gerald Charles Lewis, Trent Lewis (paternal uncles), Charles Lewis III (paternalgrandfather), Grace Lewis (neè LaBride, paternal grandmother), Charles Lewis II+ (paternal great grandfather), Celina Lewis+ (neè Wale, paternal great grandmother), Charles Lewis I+ (paternal 2nd great grandfather), Cassandra Lewis (neè Spencer, 2nd great grandmother)
Role in the team: European Stylist Leader of the groups
Best Friends: Samantha Nyad Simpsons, Akari Yui Huang, Britney Kaiya Chopra, Dean Ace Simpsons, David Diego Rodriguez, Blaine Kai Huang
Rivals: Candace Margaret Sweet, Amanda Erica Xhanos, Sarah Dominique, Caitlin Kelly Thompson, Marvin Robert Smith-Xhanos, Tim Erin Scam, Chet & Kyle Kate
Love Intersts: Jennifer Anderson
Fashion Choices: Celestial Elegant as a beautiful and elegant girly girl while she wearing off the shoulder, camisole tops, leather/jackets/vests/dusters, denim/celestial patterns skirts, above the knee dresses, capri/mini leggings and wedge sandals/low heels boots/flats. She dislike wearing hooded sweater,sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts, maxi dresses/miniskirts and sneakers/high heels
Sexuality: Bisexual
Favorite Movies: Mystery, Noir and Christian
Favorite Books/Novels: Cybersix
Favorite T.V. Show: Mystery Documentary
Favorite Music: Christian Pop and Worship
Favorite Drinks: Peach Iced Tea and English Tea
Favorite Foods: Vegetarian French Cuisine Except Ratatouille
Worst Fear: Her father is being kidnapped by villains including her evil uncle Trent
Favorite part of being a spy: Being a leader of the trio
My version of Clover is not different from the original, for her design I made her a part English, part Irish and part French, she and her family were born in London, England in Western Eupore, after she graduated from Saint Christina School when she was 11 with her parents and her sisters, from London, England to Beverly Hills, California as she attended to Beverly Vista Middle School, and then she attended to Beverly Hills High School, she meet Sammy and Alexia, since childhood, she passed the art history exams as a top student before she and her family moved to USA from England after she graduated from Saint Christina School as she chose to work for W.O.O.H.P, her mother is an Irish surgeon and her father is a half English and a half French well paid psychologist, one of her sisters is 4 years older and younger than her, she is a college student and she is a middle school student. Clover is lean intelligent and beautiful part English, part Irish, and French fair/pale skinned girly girl teenager, with waist length wavy light reddish blonde/ magenta ombre hair tied up in a high ponytail, slightly reddish orange eyebrows, long thin eyelashes, ocean blue eyes, a light brown spot beauty mark under her right eye, heart-shaped lips and she wearing some makeovers like hot pink eyeshadows cherry red eyeliners, and matte rosy lilac lipstick, wearing some jewelry accessories and elegant celestial aesthetic clothes including off the shoulder/camisole tops, denim/leather/jacket/vests/dusters, above the knee denim/celestial patterns skirts, above the knee dresses, capri/mini/finest leggings, low cut socks and wedge sandals/low heels boots/flats instead of fashionable including hooded sweater, sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts, maxi dresses, miniskirts, sneakers and high heels combat boots, as her goal is to graduated from high school and attended to go The University of California, Berkeley, to study for art and design fashions. Inspired by Iris from Lollirock, Nya from Ninjago, Rainbow Dash and Cheerlie from My Little Pony Gen 3, and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
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hugheses · 9 months
Ontarian here! Yeah we have publicly funded Catholic schools and publicly funded secular schools. It goes back to our confederation and the related negotiations that made that happen.
TLDR; yeah we do have Catholic schools in Ontario, but students of many faiths (or atheist students) can and do attend them. I personally wouldn't read too much into the Hughes' attending one.
Generally, you can attend publicly funded Ontario Catholic schools if you arent Catholic, parents just need to register as a Catholic school supporter on their property tax forms. At the elementary (K-8) level, you sometimes need approval from the school/district to attend Catholic schools if students aren't Catholic. As far as I know, you don't need to be Catholic to attend a publicly funded Catholic high school.
At Ontario Catholic schools, you have to attend school mass and take religion class every year. You don't participate/receive Catholic sacraments. Other than health class (which for me lacked information about condoms/birth control), and prayers during announcements, my other classes weren't about religion.
... Canada was colonized by the French (who were largely Catholic) and the British (who were protestant). Before confederation, compromises were made in both the majority-French Lower Canada (now Quebec) to allow there to be Protestant schools, and in majority-English Upper Canada (now Ontario) to allow there to be Catholic schools. Then this was enshrined in the 1867 Constitution Act.
Eventually, the protestant schools became secular, and elsewhere, other provinces amended their constitutions to eliminate publicly-funded Catholic schools.
There are many people nowadays who are opposed to public Catholic schools for a variety of reasons (there are many redundancies to having two English school boards serve the same neighbourhoods, it is wrong to prioritize one religion when Ontario is way more diverse now, the harm caused by the Catholic church with respect to residential schools, SA, etc., the intersection of LGBTQIA+ students' rights and the Catholic faith (although some Catholic school boards are more progressive than others), etc.
Teachers unions in Ontario are generally quite strong, and given the need (afaik) to amend the constitution to get rid of the system, I am not sure if/when they will be eliminated. Also, sometimes there is a perception that Catholic schools are "better" than public (secular) schools because they have more funding (from the Catholic church I presume - but I am not sure if that is even true).
yes i do know about this! tho it feels very foreign to me from the US where this would be like, very illegal. i am ethically/culturally jewish on my moms side but my parents/grandparents are all atheists, and i chose to apply and go to a catholic school for HS bc i wanted to! and my experience was very similar in that it wasn’t super religious, aside from like monthly mass and the crosses in every classroom and mandatory theology class which i actually personally liked. the school itself was only 30% catholic students. so i agree i don’t think it necessarily means something that they went to catholic school but in this particular case i do think their dad’s side of the family being catholic is important to them and if i had to guess they probably did identify as catholic on whatever forms and stuff.
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nicoleanell · 11 months
Welcome and thank you in advance!! As I say every year (or every-other-year when I partcipate) these are just some thoughts, but feel free to focus on different characters/storylines/etc. I'm excited to see anything you're inspired to make from the sources below!
I also tagged all the fandoms so you can see how often I reblog stuff about them, consider it a vidding vision board. :D
If you're checking out any of these sources for the first time, content warning for some blood/gore in Renfield (played for comedy) and blood, jumpscares, animal death in Midnight Mass.
Film (Safety)
Renfield (2023) - Listen. Cinema peaked when Robert Montague Renfield decorated his little apartment in bright '70s colors and kitty cat bedsheets to Lizzo, and then peaked a second time when Ben Schwartz snorted a centipede. This movie is bloody camp nonsense but somehow also an earnest abuse recovery/revenge fantasy, and it gave me Emotions and a crush on Nicholas Hoult. His giant sad eyes and self-empowerment arc mean the world to me.
Abbott Elementary - Wholesome sitcom in the vein of Parks & Rec following teachers in a Philadelphia elementary school (as a child of two public school teachers it hits close to my heart). I'd kinda like to see an Ava vid, she's so entertainingly terrible but then has great moments of growth as well. Or one centered on Janine, Janine/Gregory, or just any kind of fun ensemble thing!
The Afterparty - Murder mystery comedy with the twist that each episode, a character gives their version of events in the style of different genre parodies. Honestly I'd be fine with just a season 1 vid because I liked it more than season 2. (With the exception of S2 giving me the Sapphic Wes Anderson Movie of my dreams.) S1 had just about a perfect ensemble (Yasper being a highlight) and great execution of the Rashomon-style premise.
The Bear - Drama/dramedy set in the chaotic back-of-house world of a Chicago restaurant. I love how real the environment, relationships, and characters of this show feel. I adore Ayo Edebiri so I'd especially like a vid centered on Sydney, her ambitions and anxiety and passion, but again anything that inspires you about the show would make me happy! I love everyone in this dysfunctional restaurant fam. I don't really ship Syd with Carmy so I'd prefer not an explicitly romancey vid.
Midnight Mass - There's a venn diagram between Catholic Trauma and Vampires that Mike Flanagan seemed to crack like nobody else ever has lol. After Hill House (which I got an incredible vid for a couple years ago) this is my favorite of his horror-drama miniseries, I really love the mood and themes it explores about faith/religion a source of both comfort and harm. Pretty much a "do whatever you want with this source" request!
Web Series/Internet Content
Dimension 20 - There's a lot of source here and even I haven't made it through all the older intrepid heroes campaigns yet (not to mention all the side quests). I've basically seen everything from A Court of Fey and Flowers onward. Favorites include Neverafter, A Crown of Candy, and I'm really enjoying the current Burrow's End series. But honestly if there's any season or mini-season or general vibe YOU especially love and would like to focus on, feel free to do so! And if you want to incorporate stuff like art, minis, fan sources, or just rely on the player dynamics, go for it. I love basically everybody but special shout-out to Lou Wilson.
Amaury Guichon (the chocolate guy) (Youtube/Tiktok/he also had a Netflix show) - Guichon is a French-Swiss pastry chef known for making elaborate, edible chocolate sculptures, and posting usually wordless montage videos of his process. I'm just kinda curious what a Chocolate Guy vid would look like! Watching his videos and the work that goes into each piece is so fascinating, and he has a really charming and pleasant vibe. Love the technical skill, the commitment to the bit, and the fact they often look like they taste good on top of it!
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transrevolutions · 2 years
Les Amis Appearance/Headcanon Masterpost
Julien Enjolras (he/him)
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 Chinese, 6’, dyed blonde hair. Very dark eyes. A good speaker. Wears a red jean jacket studded with pins proclaiming allegiance to various causes. Studying political science. Hard anarcho-communist. Aromantic and asexual.
Alexander Combeferre (he/they)
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Black, 6’2 (tallest of the ABC), kinky hair styled in a fade. Has silver square-shaped glasses. Wears lots of sweater vests. Studying medicine. Very studious and philosophical. Democratic socialist. Gay. Does not like to be called Alex.
Felix Courfeyrac (he/him)
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Latino trans man, 5’5, dark brown hair often dyed purple. Dresses fashionably. On the chubby side. Studying general education to become an elementary school teacher. Very outgoing, the life of the party. Anarcho-communist. Pansexual.
Jean "Jehan" Prouvaire (they/them)
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Black with long red hair and freckles, 5’9. Dresses badly on purpose. Loves poetry and gothic literature. Is majoring in English with a minor in Medieval History. Light brown eyes. Green anarchist and staunch environmentalist. Shy until you get to know them. Nonbinary.
Lee Bahorel (he/she/they)
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Black, 6’1 (AND A HALF!!!!), wears hair in braids. Wears lots of T-shirts with funny slogans. Does martial arts and boxes. Working in construction, college wasn’t for him. Anarchist (she believes the communist part should go without saying). Uses any pronouns, queer.
Connor Feuilly (he/him)
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White (mostly Irish), 5’8, red hair slightly darker than Prouvaire’s, lots of freckles. Leaning towards Trotskyism. Works two jobs and does freelance art on the side. Brought up in the foster system. Aromantic but not asexual, he and Bahorel are friends with benefits. Passionate about education.
Michael Joly (he/him)
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Korean, 5’4, has a disability from a broken leg that healed wrong; uses a cane. Wears a mask when out in public. Hypochondriac. Studying medicine. Marxist-Leninist in favor of the dissolution of the state, staunchly anti-Stalin. Bisexual. He and Enjolras have good debates. Wears glasses.
Amir "Bossuet" Lesgle: (he/they)
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Half-Black, half-Iranian, 5’8. Has bad luck. Studying (“studying”) law. Pansexual and in a poly relationship with Joly and Musichetta. Generic leftist who doesn’t want to put himself in ideological boxes. Bald. Pun master (hence the nickname).
Rene Grantaire (he/him)
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White (only Actually French ABC member), 5’6. Dark curly hair, messy stubble. Talented artist. Says he doesn’t believe in anything but actually cares about his friends. A bisexual pining mess. Denies having any interest in politics. Art student. Smokes too much.
Eponine Thenardier (she/her)
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Half-white, half-Chinese. 5’3. Long black hair. Collects knives. Bisexual. Claims not to care about politics (is lying). In a poly relationship with Cosette and Marius. Older sister to Gavroche and Azelma. Studying journalism on a scholarship.
Marius Pontmercy (he/him)
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White, 5’11. Messy brown hair and freckles. Studying law. Was raised conservative, became a classic liberal, eventually turned to democratic socialism under Courf’s influence. The only straight member of the ABC, but in a poly relationship.
Cosette Fauchelevent (she/her)
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White, 5’7. Brown-blonde hair. Very kind. Bisexual trans woman. Catholic. Democratic socialist. Studying fashion design. Spent about a year with the Thenardiers before being adopted by Valjean. Is trying to reconnect with her birth mom.
Musichetta Anikapati (she/her)
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South Asian, 5’5. Pansexual. Going to community college and working at the Musain. Anarcha-feminist who destroys transphobes with facts and logic.
Montparnasse (he/him)
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Vietnamese, 5'5. Trans man. Looks like a Hot Topic exploded in his vicinity. Shoplifts for fun. Leftist in denial who hates cops. Was involved in gang stuff until he met Jehan and decided to turn his life around. God protect you if you use his last name.
Gavroche Thenardier (he/him)
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White, 4'10 and growing fast. Shaggy blonde hair. Fifth grader. Eponine's half brother. Rare political kid, baby anarchist. Courfeyrac, Grantaire, and Bahorel are his other older sibling figures.
Azelma Thenardier (she/her): Half Chinese, half white. Seventh grader, 5'2 and still growing a bit. Eponine's full sister. Too focused on homework and hot girls to care about the political world.
Monique Grantaire (she/her): White, redhead, sixth grader. About 5'2-5'3. Grantaire's younger sister. Takes after her older brother in her enjoyment of art.
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skinnedlknees · 2 years
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» MEANING: Kim [ (Hangul: 김) is the most common surname in Korea. Kim is written as 김 (gim) in both North and South Korea. The hanja for Kim, 金, can also be transliterated as 금 (geum) which means "gold, metal, iron". ) was the name of a family that rose to prominence and became the rulers of Silla for 700 years. .]; Chan-yeol [ From Sino-Korean 燦 (chan) "vivid, illuminating; bright" and 烈 (yeol) "fiery, violent, vehement, ardent".]
VERSES: The Game, Excess Baggage, Fear of 13.
NICKNAME(S): Chan, Channie.
AGE: 28-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1994 September 12, Monday.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Gwangju, South Korea.
OCCUPATION: English/Korean Teacher.
RELIGION: Born Catholic, non-practicing. Spiritual but not religious.
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual; heteroromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
STRENGTHS: Loyal, Analytical, Kind, Hardworking, Practical.
WEAKNESSES: Shyness, Workaholic, Insecure, Overly Critical, Worry a lot.
FACE CLAIM: Kim Nam-joon.
HEIGHT: 6’0” [ 182 cm.]
WEIGHT: 154 lbs. [ 70 kg. ]
BUILD: Athletic.
» SCARS: Small ones from playing when he was little.
» TATTOOS: None.
HOMETOWN: Gwangju, South Korea.
RESIDENCES: Gwangju and Seoul, South Korea.
FINANCIAL: Lower middle-class.
EDUCATION LEVEL: University graduate.
DEGREES: Education.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Chanyeol is fluent in Hangul, his native language. He is also fluent in English which he teaches in high school. He is also learning some other European languages like French and Spanish. He is fluent in Japanese and can converse well in Mandarin.
PARENTS: Names to be added; both alive.
SIBLINGS: Younger brother and sister.
CHILDREN: He has no children.
PETS: He has a cat.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: Chanyeol is very good friends with Riri. They met when Chanyeol briefly lived in Jeju with his mother’s parents due to some hardships. He went to school there but eventually transferred back to Gwangju to finish. 
» TBA.
FAMILY HISTORY: There’s nothing much extraordinary about Chanyeol’s life. He grew up in a loving home although you can say his parents are ‘traditional.’ They were strict and still are and stressed out the importance of finishing school. His mother was an elementary teacher and his father was a farmer. Chanyeol and his siblings helped out their parents as they grew up not having a lot although their parents always made sure there's food on the table. 
Chanyeol and his siblings were raised to be humble and family-oriented.
Chanyeol went to college in Seoul; his parents working hard to send him to a university where he could get good education. He worked at the same time to help pay for his tuition although he did get scholarship because of his exceptional grades.
Chanyeol didn’t right away finish college. He had to stop for a year when his father got sick. He went back home to help around the farm and also support his younger siblings. He finally returned to university when his father was strong enough to manage some work. 
Once he graduated, he right away went job hunting and once working, he made sure to help out his parents. His mother still teaches but only part-time and manages a small store with his father as well. Both of his siblings are also in school. 
Chanyeol is very focused on work; he loves teaching. He works part-time as a sub at a high school in Seoul and he does cram school teaching English as well. He does private tutoring which makes him most of his money.
Re-connecting with Riri in Seoul gave Chanyeol an opportunity to open up a whole new side of his career. He has been hired by a few managers and trainers to tutor their young idol trainees. 
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Chanyeol dated but when his parents start nagging him about getting married, he doesn’t necessarily get scared but he breaks up with his s/o - he doesn’t like the pressure of being forced to start his own family. Besides, he has a lot he would like to achieve. 
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: He is good friends with Riri and Hajun.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: "Has its time and place.”
PHOBIA(S): Nothing really.
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spine-buster · 1 year
American here, is French a requirement for schools ? If so when is it introduced ?
Here, at least in my state, students can elect a language to learn in 7th grade and then in highschool we were required to have 4 years of a language (for those who wish to go to a 4 year university, not community college). Most students continued the language elective they chose in 7th grade in highschool so it was rather easy for lots to get a bi-literacy seal on their diploma at graduation if they took an AP tear . For us the major language was Spanish with German coming in a close second
I can only speak for Ontario (as provinces have jurisdiction over education), but I believe that in public schools, French begins at grade 4, whereas in public Catholic schools, French starts in grade 1. Regardless, you must take it up until grade 9, and then in grades 10-12 it becomes an elective. If you take French all four years of high school you can graduate with a French certificate. Other languages are offered as electives throughout high school, depending on availability. For example, my school offers Italian, Spanish, and Latin. My high school also offered German.
When I was a kid in elementary school we also had a local languages program and learned Italian along with French (the area I lived in in Toronto was very Italian, so it made sense for the area). I don't know if that's still a thing.
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jonathaneltis · 1 year
Jonathan Eltis – Dramaturge, Assistant Producer.
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I am so very thrilled to be a part of Seasons: A Magical Musical. From inception to stage, this project as with many large shows I have worked on over the years has been demanding and enriching, and we aren’t done yet! I draw on my vast experience of theatre acting on stage at the community level in Lindsay Ontario and directing productions at the elementary school level for tweet your five years. I have scored music for choirs and directed those same choirs drawing on my love of soul and gospel music.
Larger scale shows that I have worked on have been about bringing different groups together and building community. I ran the Community Performance Stage for RiverFest in Lindsay Ontario. I have directed stage entertainment for Canadian Parents for French fundraisers for several years bringing together French Immersion and Core French students from both public and catholic school boards. I contributed theatrical and musical direction to each of these events as well as having scheduled the other talent for those evenings.
Since arriving in Vancouver three years ago, I have been working in the film and television industry as an actor with a dozen principal commercial roles along with twenty supporting and principal roles in various independent films. My most recent film acting work will premier at HotDocs in 2018. This new career path has seen me immerse myself in scene study working under and collaborating with some of the top talent that Vancouver has to offer in both learning my craft and developing my instrument as well as creating new work for the world to view. Networking in the film and television world of Vancouver has allowed me to attract some great talent to this show to help bring it alive.
I am principally a musician, composer, singer, song writer at heart. I write in both French and in English. I continue to collaborate on music with local musicians as I did back in south Central Ontario. I am presently recording new tracks for a CD release. Parallel to all of this, I am composing music for and developing a story line for my own ballet.
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hello!! i hope your day is going/went amazing :]
i have two questions if you dont mind me asking,, 1. where in the philippines are you/your parents from and 2. did you/are you going to a catholic school? For me im from Manila (i know crazy!!!!!!) and ive always been in a catholic private school cause my parents are reaLLLY conservative.
sana di ako nageestorbo sayo ahdhfjjdjg,, at okay lang kung ayaw mo tong sagutin, curious lang ako!!
hihi!! my day is going pretty cool (my braces got removed yippee)
taga sa rizal ang pamilya ko, pero hindi ko sure kung gusto kong mag-specify yung bayan. (though ive talked about my hometown culture before!!) crazy that youre from manila wow!! i've never gone to private school, i've lived in canada since i was two at gusto ng mga magulang ko na marunong akong magsalita ng french so i've been in french immersion public school all my life (though weirdly enough my elementary school had a religious sounding name even though it was very much not religious)
hindi naman mo ako iniistorbo! i like to think that it's essential conversation for pinoys who are not currently living in the philippines (me) to discuss where theyre from it's like the first thing my parents have to ask when i make new filipino friends. i also like the tagalog practice 😌💞
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zooterchet · 6 months
Pre-Law History (War on Terror, UMass-Amherst)
Scenario: The People's Crusade, a media stoked movement.  
Response: We need these cows, the Arabs stole our meat.
The First Crusade, the sack of Armenia for holding Slavics as Russian Orthodoxy, Satanists outside the Gypsy gene.  
Response: Satan, is a deliberate faith, to be reversed through athletics; not battle, the proper murder, outside of prison's threat of the cell as an athlete.
The Third Crusade, the betrayal of the Jordan River Valley tower, unpaid labor.  
Response: Anything on a non-payer commune, is open to a snitch; you need to understand the face of a foe, not the truth.  Truth, is outside of money.  But money, rules the world, that's a teacher.
The Children's Crusade, the sales of children in the thousands to African slavery in exchange for marijuana seeds and samples, "Houses in Scotland".  
Response: "Con Air"; each of you convicts, are a job, and you've been in prison, your entire life.  Don't go in with the Africans, you've been raised "black", and they're far older at the game.  The Oath of the Italian Mafia; find the Boss, the Don, the Chump.  She isn't what she seems.
The Fifth Crusade, Pierre the Coward, the Red Badge of Courage, versus Saladin, the Witch Hunter, the arts war of al-Qaeda.  
Response: Starscream, the Decepticons, the Catholics, versus Optimus Prime, the Autobots, the Arabs.  This is a rare treat, if you can find Northrup Grumman; the Charleboises.
The Eighth Crusade, the death of the German King, due to heart attack from falling in the Rhine River, forced into place.  
Response: Any leadership war, is nothing without the King; but why do you have to have the King, on the spot?  He's sacrificed himself, by coming to your quarries.  Let Christ be King; Jesus was a pedophile, he saw for himself the ruthlessness of his father.  Loose Change.
The Twelfth Crusade, RIchard the Lion-Hearted, the gold trade, in Iranian souls, trapped via captive.  
Response: An O'Neill classic, "The Merchant of Venice".  The beginning of a brand.  "Ave Satani", Tip O'Neill.  Are you mine, rule of thumb?
The Thirteenth Crusade, the retaking of Jerusalem by Moslems, the homosexuals bred as soldiers.  
Response: Gay Niggers From Outer Space.  The illegal play; the Statue of Liberty; DC Comics, a "narcotics officer".
The Iranian resistance against Turks, the assassins, bred on marijuana prenatal exposure, and marijuana hashish oils, butter lipids.  
Response: The Nietzschean Society, the King's Men, and EON Productions.  The breaker of the rule, is the champion.  Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler, David Charlebois.
The Mongolian invasion, the conquest of Russia, Mesopotamia, and Vietnam, by Uighurs.  
Response: Sell toys, collect children's literature, and protect your women.  Three rules, together, a German, the modern anti-Semite.
The Reconquistda, the French Germans, conquering Spain, and allowing Uthman, to return to stature, as a Rabbinical Jude, a business owner and manager.  
Response: The Synagogue, is a punishment, unless refused three times; then an Arab, the old Southern Larchy Tune.  For the Goyim. 
The mince meat pie, the bond between priests and imamis, the beginning of the university, Muslim Shaykhs, college professors, managed by Rabbinicals, salesman, through priests, the homeless managers of the common people into military and police arms.  
Response: The whole thing has to be thrown out.  Then, you win, because someone, needed your help.  Law enforcement, is a tool of a university, and the arrest, is the highschool.  Elementary school, picks cops, the track athlete; the shutdown of a banking corporate, because a child, wanted to run away.  
The resurrection of Judaism, the victor of the military, as refusing products based on rationing, the bigot to be sided against in war.
Response: The Grand Ol' Party, The United Kingdom, the Nation-State of Israel, the Federal Republic of Russia, and the Assembly of France.  The last, John Wick, is post-humous.  Is France, ethnic?  Or just Jews? 
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