#Frenchie the boys
themo-themo · 3 months
The Boys are back so a reminder
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The actor playing Frenchie - Tomer Capone, was not only an IDF soldier but a squad leader.
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With his brigade taking part in The Second Lebanon War that killed over a thousand civilians and left 900 000 people displaced.
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And he obviously is in favor of Genocide Joe for sending funds to Isn'treal to continue to colonize Palestine.
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Free Palestine 🍉🍉🍉
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ladyantiheroine · 2 months
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I love you Frenchie never change.
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samuelroukin · 3 months
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TOMER CAPONE as Frenchie & ELLIOT KNIGHT as Colin in THE BOYS (2019— ) Episode 4.01 Department of Dirty Tricks
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maarigolds · 3 months
When Frenchie is canonically bi but him and Kimiko will never be a thing
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nobitchs-world · 7 months
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If you’re gonna make a smut fic please specify which sexual acts that will be in it I don’t want to be surprised attacked by a nigga getting his butt fingered
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absinthe-auncle · 22 days
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So I started watching The Boys…
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mateusbolado · 2 months
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dont separate them gang
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ex0rin · 8 months
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The Boys S03E01: Payback + BONUS:
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grabyoursaintsandpray · 2 months
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Kimiko breaks her silence
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myballetflats · 3 months
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scififettuccine · 3 months
maybe a frenchie x supe!reader? there’s not enough frenchie fics out there! like maybe they don’t get along but they’re forced to work together?
A Wild Fix: Part 1
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Pairing: Frenchie x Reader
Summary: You, Wild Card, a 27 year old Supe newly signed by Vought, are recruited by Billy Butcher following an incident in Vought Tower. With the help of The Boys, you vow to destroy the corrupt system that wronged so many. But will your mission be tainted by your constant bickering with one of your new team members?
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Violence, drug use, Homelander (Obviously), mentions of drug use, questionable French
Notes: I absolutely LOVED this request. I slept on it once I saw it because I had so many ideas and I didn't know where to start...but my goal is going to be a 3-5 part series! I'm going to try my best to keep each part under 2k, maybe 1.5k each? No gender was specified in the request so I'm gonna keep it as a GN reader!
From the outside...Vought as a whole seemed like the shiny pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that every Supe had striven for since the company's creation. But you? You knew the truth. Only 24 hours into your career as a member of The Seven, you had been subjected to more violence than you expected from a group that was supposedly supposed to save people. Your first meeting with the rest of the group had gone south quickly once you questioned one of Homelanders statements, and stood your ground when he told you to back down. Before you could even blink, you were pinned against the wall, with a firm hand pressed against your neck, constricting your breathing. In that moment, you understood that being compliant was the only thing that would secure your status as living. So that's what you did, you nodded your head and said “yes sir.” Needless to say, you left that room with the fear of god, no, the fear of The Homelander, choked into you…But you knew you couldn’t sleep here. So you booked a hotel room for the night, hoping maybe the receptionist wouldn't notice the bruises on your neck.But while you walked there, tears streaming down your cheeks as you hugged yourself to keep the cool night air out of your jacket, you were approached by a man named Billy Butcher. The two of you had a lengthy conversation outside of the hotel regarding the truth behind Homelander, The Seven, and Vought as a whole. Then he made you an offer you couldn’t refuse: a chance to get back at Homelander. A chance to bring yourself justice, as well as bring justice to the others he had hurt in his desperate pursuit of ultimate power. Of course…you agreed. 
You had kept in touch with Butcher the following week on a burner phone he had given you, knowing that Vought had most likely bugged all of your personal technology…and on your next day off? You met him at a location that was unknown to you, one you would soon come to be familiar with. As he ushered you down the wooden stairs of the unknown building, you weren't met with the most reassuring of environments. Drug paraphernalia, along with various illegal weapons, and full ammo boxes littered the expanse of the rather unwelcoming looking hideout. You stopped at the bottom step and pointed to a literal stack of plastic bags containing what you could only assume was coke.
“That’s…” you swallowed, “That’s coke.” Butcher, who had been guiding you down the stairs with his hand on your lower back, laughed and shook his head.
“That’s right, love. Bags of coke.” Billy said with a small chuckle as he patted your back and stepped onto the broken concrete floor of the basement, greeting the others that inhabited the space. The first person you noticed was a rather lengthy looking young man who looked to be around the same age as you with slightly curly brown hair. Admittedly, you thought he dressed like a twelve year old. He was seated on a questionable looking couch, next to an older man with a bigger build and a darker complexion…who looked like he could snap you in half with little to no effort. Your gaze then flickered further into the room, and your gaze landed on a man who was around the same height as you. Not exactly tall…but not short either. The man in question had a buzz cut, a piercing on his left ear, and was wearing an orange and black tie-dyed shirt, along with cargo pants. He was seated on one of the tables that housed various pieces of drug paraphernalia, and was seemingly using a business card to arrange lines of coke on the back of an old phone book that sat on his lap.
“Well boys…here they are. This is Y/N L/N.” Butcher interrupted your silent evaluation as he addressed the room. He walked back to your side and put a hand on your shoulder, moving to point to the younger man on the couch. “That poor bastard there is Hughie,” he moved to the man next to him, “that's MM,” and finally…he pointed to the man sitting on the table. “That’s Frenchie.” Frenchie pulled his head away from the phonebook, white power dusted on his nose.
“Bonjour-” He said, cutting himself off with a sniffle as he wiped the coke from his nose. Oh, that's why they called him Frenchie. You narrowed your eyes, the greetings of the two other men falling on deaf ears as you looked Frenchie over. Clearly something important had been said during the duration of your staring, because you were knocked out of your thoughts by a firm nudge to the shoulder by Butcher.
“Oi, Hellen Keller! Are you up for it or not?” Butcher asked. He realized you hadn’t heard him and narrowed his eyes with a sigh. “We’re going to meet up with an info plug…You can either come or stay here with Frenchie.” You sort of just panicked and blurted out an answer, not wanting to ask any dumb questions about the info plug.
“I’ll stay…with uh, Frenchie.” You said. As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. You weren’t an overly judgy person, you really weren't…but you couldn’t help but feel a bit of trepidation regarding staying alone with a man who had done coke off the back of a dirty phone book within the first minute of you meeting him. Butcher smirked when he saw the look of regret on your face.
“Right then. We’ll be back, love.” He said, gesturing for Hughie and MM to follow him out. “Make yourself at home.” With that, the three made their way up the stairs, leaving you alone with Frenchie. You took the moment of awkward silence that followed them leaving to look around the basement, your feet glued to the floor of course. The walls of the space were composed of a skeleton made of wooden posts, which were filled in with a mixture of red brick, and the same color of concrete that the floor was made of. The walls in question were littered with spray painted tags of many different colors, most of which you couldn’t read, due to the fact that they were in a different language, but they were oddly beautiful nonetheless. The lighting in the room, just a few hanging light bulbs, added to the strange ambiance of the room.
“You are Wild Card…Yes?” The silence was broken by Frenchie, who was still sitting on the table, but now facing your direction. You turned to him and nodded, albeit awkwardly.
“Yeah…Yeah. That's me. Just call me Y/N, though.” You said, trying your best to give a convincing smile.
“Y/N…” He nodded as he repeated your name, “Oui. A good name.” He looked at you for a moment, almost waiting for you to respond. When you didn't, he pursed his lips and blinked. “Remind me, Y/N…What are your powers exactly?” You sighed when he asked that. It was always strange explaining what exactly your powers were.
You were called Wild Card for a reason. While you were powerful…using your powers was sort of like playing a game of russian roulette, only with the gun pointed towards the other person. You could do a multitude of different things, along with the constant of your strength, speed, and agility. You could create different balls of explosive matter, you could manipulate and use the moisture present in the air for multiple different attacks, along with a few other niche things. The problem was…you never knew which would happen beforehand. All you could go off was the feeling you felt in your palms. You weren’t exactly the most reliable Supe abilities wise…but every one of your random attacks was extremely powerful, making you a good person to throw into the mix if things aren't going well for the rest of your team, which is why you were a valuable member to add to The Seven.
“Uhm…Have you ever played Uno before? Like the card game?” You asked. Frenchie nodded. “Well it’s kinda like when you put a wild card down in Uno, and you get to pick a color…Except you pick the color blindly.” Frenchie sort of stared at you for a moment, before he started laughing. You tensed up when you heard him laugh, but you tried to laugh along, due to the fact that you couldn’t tell if he was laughing with you or at you. “Forgive me, mon cher-” He stifled a laugh before continuing, “that is the silliest thing I've ever heard.” At that comment, you frowned, taking a step back even though you were across the room from each other.
“Silly? It’s not silly at all…I’m pretty powerful, all things considered-”
“But you just use it blindly?” He asked with a chuckle. “What happens when you want to shoot a fireball or something, but you summon a child’s teddy to your hand instead?” That ticked you off. Who the hell was he to insult your powers? He was a druggie, and didn't even have any.
“How can you sit there and insult me when you were doing lines off the back of a 30 year old phonebook when I walked in?” You asked, your words coming out a bit more spiteful than you had intended. Frenchie narrowed his eyes, but tried to shake off his anger. He wasn’t fond of fighting with people over small things, especially not when intoxicated. 
“Ah…I see…” He said with a chuckle that you could only describe as pathetic, “All Supes really do have an ego, don't they?” He asked, hopping off the table he was sitting on.
“Hey! You've known me for five minutes and you're already making assumptions about me?” You balled your fists and took an accusatory step forward. Frenchie raised a brow.
“And I’m safe to assume that you’ve already painted this image of me in your head like some sort of druggie asshole?” Damn. He got you with that one. But alas…You were too prideful to let him have the last word. You scoffed.
“Maybe I’ll change my opinions when you’ve done something other than do drugs and laugh at me.” You said with a roll of your eyes. You weren't a conflictive person…But the last few days had been long and hard, so you couldn't exactly help it.
“Ditto, mon amour.” He said, his face painted with an absolutely infuriating smirk.
“Fuck you.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest. “You know nothing about me.”
“Eh bien, va te faire foutre toi aussi.” He said, almost matter-of-factly, mocking your current stance. You didn’t speak French, but you could only assume he had said something insulting back. Well, fuck you too. You were about to spit something back, but thankfully, Butcher came walking back down the wooden stairs, an eyebrow raised.
“Everything's alright down here, love?” He asks, the look on his face a mix between suspicion and curiosity. 
“Yeah. Everything is fine.” You said, your tone strained. Butcher then looked over to Frenchie, who simply gave a thumbs up before leaning down to do another line off the phonebook. You huffed and rolled your eyes. You were too exhausted to say anything else.
The nerve of this man.
I think it's safe to say this mini series is going to be lots of fun! I love Frenchie as a character, and it was really fun to come up with a fun Supe persona for the reader! I hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for part 2! I'm also working on a taglist form so keep an eye out for that! Adieu!
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heartgibbss · 1 month
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lgorstheme · 3 months
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Sorry for the long post but sometimes I think I'm funny. (original post)
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murdockcastleslut · 3 months
hi! can i please request a frenchie fic where the reader is a former member of the seven? with whatever angsty prompt you like. thank you!
okay i am so excited for this and i may sob writing this! i kinda took inspo from this tiktok edit of frenchie and kimiko. oh and this is the prompt im gonna use, "listen to me-" "No, no!" "my dear, i swear, that isn't what i meant." "oh yeah? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there." | request info here!
you were fuming, was he right? were just another piece of shit supe like the rest of them, like a-train, like the deep, like homelander?
his voice cuts you train of thought when he tries to reason with you has you pack what you could into a duffle.
"listen to me-" his accent thick.
"no, no!" you yell just trying to tune out his voice.
"mon coeur, i swear, that isn't what i meant." he pleads to you.
"oh yeah serge? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there." you say as you move towards your nightmare.
"please please just look at me." he reaches for you hand.
you turn and look at him tears glossing your eyes as you try and scowl.
"mon amour, please i didn't mea-."
"please just fucking stop!" you yelled at him. "this who i fucking am! i'm a fucking no good piece of shit supe right? i was a fucking fool to think that maybe just maybe my mentor would do the right thing! but you can't fucking judge me when you still follow order from butcher like his fucking lap dog!"
"that's cruel and you know it." he says.
"that's right it is. you're right i am. but i'm fucking right. he treats you like shit and he doesn't care about you and he's on some fucking vendetta and he doesn't care who gets hurt. I want to hurt homelander as much as he does! but i would never put you or anyone else on in fucking danger! so yes i might have slipped up but i owned up to it and made sure everyone was fucking safe! while that fucking cunt could two shits if a supe like me sends up dead. so i'm fucking done." you shut your eyes and clench your fist digging you fingers nails into you skin.
frenchie takes you and into his and gets on his knees.
"if you need to be mean, be mean to me. if you must inflict pain, perhaps i can endure it so you don't have to suffer." he pulls your fingers away from your palm.
"please don't leave. not like this." he looks up at you with pleading eyes.
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ftfeu · 2 months
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Happy family 🤗
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nobitchs-world · 7 months
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Me after realizing I have to wait for new chapters of my fav fic
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