#Friends of Grange Park
insidecroydon · 1 year
'Path Wars': Time to park worries about these improvements
CROYDON COMMENTARY: Not everyone shares the concern for the future of a protected public park expressed on these pages last week, as Thornton Heath resident BEN GADSBY, pictured right, explains As a resident of Thornton Heath, I am a keen reader of Inside Croydon – one of the best ways of keeping up to date with everything that’s going on across, around and affecting our area. Off track: the…
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nordleuchten · 1 year
what is the best source for information on georges lafayette?
Dear Anon,
that is a wonderful question! You will shoot me a message, if you found the answer, yes? :-)
But all jokes aside, it is a little tricky to find information on Georges due to several reasons. He never wrote his own Memoirs, he has always very gladly occupied his fathers shadow and no historian has yet decided to dedicate their professional life to Georges. If you just search for the term “Georges Lafayette” most results will deal with the relation between George Washington and La Fayette. Still, there are some resources I can recommend if you want to do some research.
Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825, Volume 1 and Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825, Volume 2. Both books were written by La Fayette’s secretary Auguste Levasseur and give great insight into La Fayette’s Tour of 1824/25 – including Georges, who accompanied his father.
Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette by Jules Germain Cloquet. Cloquet was the family’s physician and a friend. The focus of this books lies once again with the older La Fayette but nonetheless offers a view of Georges and his position within the family.
Life of Madame de Lafayette by Virginie, Marquise de Lasteyrie du Sallant is primarily concerned with Adrienne but, for example, details Georges’ whereabouts and “journeys” during Adrienne’s imprisonment in France.
The best thing there is, are letters. Sadly, Georges’ letters have never been compiled and published but that does not have to stop us! Founders Online has a number of letters about and by Georges (here and here). The letters that are written about Georges are mainly between Alexander Hamilton and George Washington during the early 1790’s when Georges was in America and later between La Fayette and Thomas Jeffersons (but also James Madison and others) when they updated each other regularly about their families. The Library of Congress has a few handwritten letters by Georges to George Washington (and a few others). Georges Washington’s Mount Vernon also had a few letters from Georges to members of the Washington-Parke-Custis-family, but as far as I knew they are only partially digitalized.
The University of Chicago has a number of letters by Georges La Fayette – quite the treasure chest. Same goes for the Archives départementales de Seine-et-Marne. The family’s manor La Grange is located in this department and the archives have a webpage and a great PDF-file on the family. Again, La Fayette is placed in the spotlight but there are also a few but highly interesting tidbits about Georges.
Then we have the Paris Archives, État civil reconstitué (XVIe-1859) in France. There you find documents like birth-, marriage- and death-certificates.
Last but not least, Georges’ political opinions are partially documented in the Archives Parlementaires (huge thank-you to @echo-bleu for helping me finding these.)
I hope you are able to find the information you are looking for and I hope you have/had a lovely day!
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jerzwriter · 1 month
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OK, Ren, since I forgot Trystan & Carolina. lol From this list.
🍗Favorite Food - Trystan & Carolina
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Baklava for Trystan and Mofongo (this is a pork variety) for Carolina.
I'm pretty sure Drakovia would have some variant of Baklava, and I can see Trystan getting into arguments with his Greek/Armenian/Turkish, etc. friends about who invented it and who makes it right.
Carolina may have similar arguments with her Dominican friends about who created mofongo - Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic. But Carolina would not argue as long. She'd rather spend her time eating! lol
🎮 Favorite Hobby - Trystan & Carolina
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I know Trystan is into martial arts and shopping, but I thought he needed a unique hobby that you'd never expect from him, and I think he's into bird watching. I think you can find him at The Grange in NY's Central Park and he's the most sophisticately dressed bird watcher there! lol
Carolina loves photography. She took it up for practical/work-related reasons, but she enjoyed it so much she began doing it for pleasure, too.
🌏 Favorite hangout - Trystan & Carolina
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Trystan: The Overstory Rooftop Bar in Manhattan.
Carolina: The Drunk Tank :)
Thanks for the asks @dr-colossal-pita
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Sexual Squealing! Words: Jonny Dee, Photographer: Steve Double Taken from the New Musical Express, 9 April 1994 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
After 13 years Pulp are Top 40 virgins no more, having finally lost their pop cherry with 'Do You Remember The First Time?' Jonny Dee shares some pillow talk with Jarvis Cocker and comedian/Pulp fan Jo Brand before making his excuses and leaving to poll various popstars about their very own first time.
Pressed up against a hotel room window 25 flights above the city. With UHT cream. And the whole of the Cowdenbeath reserve football team watching. In the toilets on Concorde. On a desk, On the roof. On a washing machine. They did it with candle wax. They did it in a bin liner filled with sun tan lotion. Up against the bonnet of a hired car, in Safeways car-park, at night, right in front of a security camera. With fruit. On drugs. In the bath with a bottle of Matey. She smeared fish paste all over his chest then they went at it like rabbits. In the rain. With Robbie Coltrane. On a mountain. They did it.
For most people, these situations are ridiculous fantasies. It never really happens like that. For the majority of us, it's damp patches, squeaky beds awkward. Pulp realise this. They know there's a world somewhere in between David Lynch and Grange Hill, The concrete world of council estates, Berni Inns, parks and pubs.
Jarvis Cocker, Pulp, Jo Brand and the NME have sat around a table in an East London photo studio all weekend, drinking coffee, telling each other things they'd never dare tell their mothers. About wanking... "I remember when someone first mentioned the word masturbate," remembers Jarvis. "I raced home to look in the dictionary and it said 'to abuse oneself'. I thought what, like shout 'you twat' at the mirror?"
About friends, about going with your best mate's girlfriend, Jarvis has talked about his favourite celebrity perv rumours - the American singer who enjoyed shitting on a glass coffee table while his partner lay underneath; the hamster story; the TV host who said "f--- me 'til I fart" to the producer in what they thought was an empty studio; the '80s star who went to hospital and had two pints of semen pumped out of him ("Later, it became dog semen!").
He talked about his first time, and his last time and the in between times. Now it seemed as if he'd gone too far - revealed too much. Recently Jarvis Cocker told a magazine about an erotic correspondence he keeps with a woman he has never met. Talking about how it had ruined the salacious magic of their postal affair. Revealing his sexual fantasy now would probably do the same. You don't have to tell us if you don't want, Jarvis. But he will. Because Jarvis Cocker loves to talk. And when you talk to Jarvis Cocker it is impossible not to talk about sex.
Pulp's songs are full of it. Their excellent new album, 'His 'n' Hers', is bulging with songs about shagging, and relationships, and what goes on between two people behind the net curtains: 'Lipgloss' - about being chucked by your lover; 'Acrylic Afternoons' - about making love in the afternoon being more special because everyone else is at work; 'Babies' - about spying on teenage lovers from a wardrobe; 'Pink Glove' - about dressing up to keep your sexual appetite feisty; and, of course, Pulp's first bona fide hit single 'Do You Remember The First Time?'.
Jarvis remembers his first time. He talks about it in a short film Pulp have made about the subject which will be shown on Channel 4 next month. It was in a park in his hometown of Sheffield, at night, behind some privet hedges, about 20 yards away from a bandstand. He was 19 and Pulp had just released their first album. Also in the film, talking about who, why, when and where are a dozen or so friends and celebrities - Jo Brand. Vic & Bob, Terry Hall, Alison Steadman. Justine from Elastica and Vivien Stanshall, among others.
"People imagine that celebrities have this idealised life," says Jarvis. "Again, it's the thing about sex being shown in this idealised light and really you should do it on a beach at sunset and violins are going to be playing. And somehow, if you do it in the back of a Ford Cortina then you've not done it properly. These famous people, all their introductions were as fumbling and untidy as anyone else's."
Russell, Pulp's guitarist, who has puzzlingly brought along 182 pairs of second-hand sunglasses all wrapped in protective plastic sheets, is, obviously, an obsessively fastidious character. Yet he is a man whose current star status - Pulp are on the verge of their much-longed-for Top Of The Pops and This Morning debuts - is anchored to nappies and bringing home the bacon as father to a six-month-old boy and five-year-old girl. Russell's sexual awakenings are, unsurprisingly, the strangest of all. He was 16 on a camping holiday with some mates... "I met this ginger lass and although I didn't really like her very much I thought, y-know, she was alright. So I asked her back to our tent, there was about four of us in it and nothing really happened but in the middle of the night I got all tangled and I ended up on top of this person next to me, doing it. But it wasn't this ginger girl, it was my friend's girlfriend," And was the friend in the tent at the time? "Oh yeah, he wasn't very happy about it, like"
Bassist Steve, a Sheffield Wednesday fan, lost his cherry in a house that backed on to Sheffield United's Bramall Lane ground when he was 16, to a glamorous blonde nine years his senior. Nick, the drummer, rather suitably since he's the sensible member of the group, lost his in a loft conversion "on some nice orange scatter cushions".
Resplendent in self-applied make-up and jumble sale chic, Pulp have the air of a band that has just stepped out of the salon. Jo Brand, meanwhile, looks like she's just stepped out of Ladbrokes. She is here today to share a makeshift conjugal bed with Jarvis for the NME. The scene is intended to insinuate that Jo has just seduced the lead singer of Britain's most fancy pop band. In reality the liaison is far from romantic - photographer Steve Double stands five feet above them balancing on a wobbling plank suspended between two ageing step ladders.
"Could you light up another fag, please Jo?" asks the lensman as the comedian puts out her 15th Silk Cut of the hour. "Oh, yes please," she deadpans, relishing the prospect. Sadly, in true life, Jo and Jarv are not lovers, but just good friends. They met after Brand professed a liking for Pulp in an NME interview and later agreed to appear in the First Time film. Hers was at a party, in the bathroom, with her head knocking against the toilet through the 30 seconds it took her first mate to climax. Jarvis and Jo make a good couple, both are collected and down to earth and from similar backgrounds - both have cared for people with disabilities, Jo as a psychiatric nurse, Jarvis in a nursery for deaf children. "When I first met Jarvis I embarrassed him by saying I thought 'Razzmatazz' was a work of utter genius," Jo reveals. "I don't really like much modern music, my head is stuck in the bands I liked when I was a teenager - The Clash and The Damned. But Pulp are great. I like Jarvis' songs because he realises that life is basically shit, but it's OK really."
That's Jarvis and Pulp encapsulated. For most people, the realisation that life is basically shit and not all Tizer and Cadbury's Roses comes when they're tortured teenagers, Jarvis Cocker, though, had his first Bell Jar moment at the age of five. "I had meningitis, that's what f---ed up my eyes. And because everyone thought I was going to die I got given loads of brilliant presents. then when I didn't die all the presents had to be burnt. All except these crap rubber spacemen 'cos they could be boiled. Things were never the same after that."
Amongst the confessions in the film there is an almost inconsequential long shot of a heavily pregnant mother wheeling a tot in a buggy. It's there to tell you that this, without precautions, is what the sweaty moments on shag-pile carpets result in. More tellingly, it looks as if the woman is no actress but has been filmed surreptitiously. Likewise, Pulp songs sometimes seem like small fragments of life glanced at from outside basement windows, lives constructed from strangers spotted in bus shelters.
It is easy to see why friends readily confess their amorous liaisons to Jarvis. He's easy to get on with, with a gentle Sheffield accent and unflappable nature. It is only when he forgets himself and starts mimicking the NME photographer's southern tones during the photo shoot that you see a different side of him. "Innit, innit," scoffs Cocker. "Taking the piss?" snaps Double half-jokingly. Cocker is visibly flustered. He is not, it seems, a man who enjoys confrontation - especially not violent ones. 'Joyriders' on the album is inspired by a gang of 14-year-olds his Hillman Imp broke down next to on a Sheffield estate. For a moment he thought they were going to attack him: that used to happen a lot when he was a kid because of his height and his glasses. Instead they made him sit in the Ford Sierra they'd stolen, listening to a rave radio station, while they hotwired his car for him.
So when was the last time you were hit? "It was about four days before last Christmas in London, about 3:30 in the morning. Me and Steve were walking back from a party and we saw these three kids on the other side of the road. One of them said, kind of cheerfully, 'Do you wanna fight?' It was said like, 'Have you got a light?', not aggressive, really casually. And while I was thinking about it he hit me in the face and my glasses went flying. Steve tried to pick my glasses up and he got kicked in the face." Did you hit him back? "No."
Have you ever started a fight? "Only once, at school. It was with one of my friends and we didn't really want it to happen but we kind of got stuck in this thing of saying 'I'm harder than you' and before we knew it everyone was crowding round us shouting 'fight, fight'. It became known as the longest fight in school history. I've never liked the idea of hitting someone in the face, it doesn't seem right, so I was trying really hard just to hit his sides and he couldn't reach my head anyway, so it just went on for hours."
Who or what do you despise? "Quality music - this spineless soul or castrated reggae that seems to mean quality, all this 'we're sophisticated us' when they're about as sophisticated as a plate of whelks. AOR music - Phil Collins, Eric Clapton. the main reason being - apart from the dire quality of the music - that by inference it implies that if you're an adult you're only interested in blandness. It's like once you get to a certain age you're not interested in anything exciting any more, you just want something that sounds OK on the M25."
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Right now thousands will be having a Pulp record in their house for the first time. 'His 'n' Hers' is a perfect introduction: like a box of chocolates with equal portions of milk and dark, it is scattered with the teenage pop sensibilities of 'Babies' and 'Lipgloss', and with the crooning adult symphonies of 'Someone Like The Moon' and 'Pink Glove'. It is, indeed, utterly wonderful - Jarvis' voice reaching hitherto unheard ecstatic highs, from a Bryan Ferry, to an Ian Curtis, to a cheesy crooner, forever sounding like a man possessed by the music and only just managing to keep his composure.
Right now Pulp are possibly the most fashionable band in Britain, yet to many who have never been convinced by Cocker & co's shenanigans there lurks a deep suspicion that Pulp somehow aren't a proper band. They've been around too long (13 years), they're too old, they're a joke. They are all unpretentious, candid people who treat their fans as friends and maybe this is part of their problem - there's no mystery. Where most bands would spend their record company advance on fast cars and the latest Issey Miyake, Pulp take the train and shop at Cancer Research. Steve, currently homeless, prefers to sleep on Jarvis' floor rather than take up the offer of a free hotel bed.
Most of Pulp are all too aware that there are people who loathe their band for all the wrong reasons. They've read the ground-level presumptions: that Pulp are ironic, wacky and kitch, one too many times. They're hardly likely to carve '4 Real' into their forearms but, says Steve, "Just because we don't take ourselves too seriously doesn't mean we don't mean it." "We didn't set out to be different from other bands," adds Jarvis, "it just sort of evolved. That's what upsets me when people write those things - it implies it's all a clever joke. And the minute you mention the word ironic it implies you're not involved in things, and that's not true. I'd hate people to think I was observing things from a great height and saying 'this is what human beings are like, aren't they silly'. It is heartfelt."
The 'In Bed' pictures finished, Jo and Jarvis untangle themselves from the bedsheets and change out of their nightwear. They sit around for a while, flicking through the 1970s Men & Women magazines Jarvis bought from the charity shop across the road, and talk naturally turns to sex once more. "I read this problem in a tabloid paper recently," Brand tells us. "It was from this woman who enjoyed smearing fish paste on this bloke she was having an affair with. Then one day her husband came home from work early and the only way her lover could get out of the house was to jump through the window. And her question was: 'Can I get the council to repair the window?'"
It is that time once more. Time to ask Jarvis about his darkest sexual fantasy. Has he done it pressed up against a window, in a bin liner, with fish paste? With a nun? With two nuns? "I'm not going to tell you," he says, temptingly, mysteriously. "But it involves sherbet fountains."
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jabbage · 1 year
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kaileeandag · 4 months
So,my mind will "hear" songs that could play when my American Girl OCs books begin or at specific moments. So,figured I'd do that now. Only includes specific characters
Sothea: -Meet Sothea: In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry -Sothea's Summer Job: Philadelphia Freedom by Elton John -Sothea's New School: La Grange by ZZ Top (I have no idea why) -Sothea's Christmas Shock: My Christmas Card To You by The Partridge Family, A Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives,and Happy XMas (War Is Over) by John Lennon
Siri: -The Kid and I: A Siri Classic (Meet portion): Magic by Pilot -The Kid and I: A Siri Classic (School portion): Mamma Mia by ABBA -The Kid and I: A Siri Classic (Christmas portion): Silver and Gold by Burl Ives -The 4th,Thai Style: A Siri Classic (Summer Portion): Philadelphia Freedom by Elton John -The 4th,Thai Style: A Siri Classic (Changes Portion): More Than a Feeling by Boston
Brooke: -Meet Brooke: The Cup of Life by Ricky Martin -Brooke's New School: Carnival by Natalie Merchant -Happy Y2K,Brooke!: Tomorrow by Silverchair (plays just a couple seconds after the year changes from 1999 to 2000) -Brooke's Best Friends Day: All Star by Smash Mouth -Brooke's Y2K Summer: Summertime by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff -Changes For Brooke: Stronger by Britney Spears
Rose: -I Have To Fit In Somewhere: A Rose Classic (Meet Portion): Carnival by Natalie Merchant -I Have To Fit In Somewhere: A Rose Classic (School Portion): The Cup of Life by Ricky Martin -I Have To Fit In Somewhere: A Rose Classic (Christmas Portion): All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey -Rose's (Not So) New Year: A Rose Classic (Birthday Portion): Gotta Get Through This by Daniel Bedingfield -Rose's (Not So) New Year: A Rose Classic (Summer Portion): Soak Up The Sun by Sheryl Crow -Rose's (Not So) New Year: A Rose Classic (Changes Portion): In My Place by Coldplay
Amirah: -Amirah's Disaster: When It's Over by Sugar Ray -Amirah's Christmas: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer by Burl Ives -Happy Birthday,Amirah!: Falls Apart by Sugar Ray (when Amirah hears about her brother being jumped) -Amirah Leaves It Behind: Here Is Gone by Goo Goo Dolls, This Used To Be My Playground by Madonna (when Amirah's dad's car pulls away from the driveway of their old home in Bakersfield) -Changes For Amirah: Gotta Get Through This by Daniel Bedingfield
Sophie: -Meet Sophie: The Boys of Summer by The Ataris (the only difference between this version and the Don Henley original is the band mentioned. In the original, the Grateful Dead after mentioned when he says 'Out on the road today I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac' and Black Flag in the Ataris cover) -Sophie's New School: Unwell by Matchbox Twenty -Sophie's Christmas Emergency: Harder To Breathe by Maroon 5 -Sophie's Getting Better: My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys -Sophie's Risky Choice: Float On by Modest Mouse -Changes For Sophie: Be Like That by 3 Doors Down
Erika: -Meet Erika: Summertime by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff -Erika's New School Year: I Believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly -Erika's Black Friday Mayhem: All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey and Space Jam by Quad City DJ's -Happy Birthday,Erika!: Can't Nobody Hold Me Down by Puff Daddy (only the clean parts, obvi) -Erika Helps Out: Legend of a Cowgirl by Imani Coppola -Erika's Grief: All Cried Out by Allure & 112
Blaire Oliveira: -I Don't Belong: A Blaire Classic (Meet Portion): Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park -I Don't Belong: A Blaire Classic (School Portion): Show Me How To Live by Audioslave -In My Culture: A Blaire Classic (Birthday Portion): Don't Belong by Cold -In My Culture: A Blaire Classic (Changes Portion): 100 Years by Five For Fighting
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silverlynx · 6 months
10910 Albion Drive, Thornton, CO 80233 from Oatis Green Photography on Vimeo.
Welcome to your stunning new home in the desirable Grange Creek neighborhood in Thornton, CO. This impeccably maintained 5 bedroom 2 bath ranch home with finished basement will not disappoint and offers a perfect blend of modern elegance and comfortable living. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by an abundance of natural light that fills the spacious living areas, creating an inviting atmosphere for both relaxation and entertainment. The open-concept layout seamlessly connects the living room, dining area, and kitchen, making it ideal for hosting gatherings with family and friends. The gourmet kitchen is a chef's dream, featuring sleek countertops, stainless steel appliances, ample cabinet space, and a convenient breakfast bar for casual dining. Step outside to discover your own outdoor paradise, where a spacious patio awaits for alfresco dining, barbecues, or simply soaking up the sunshine while enjoying your view of Grange Creek Park open space. The park has miles of bike paths that connect to other parks and Margaret W. Carpenter Rec. Center all within walking distance. Conveniently located, this home is just moments away from top-rated schools, parks, shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Easy access to major highways ensures a seamless commute to downtown Denver or other nearby destinations. Don't miss the opportunity to make this your forever home. Schedule your showing today and experience the epitome of Colorado living!
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sciretech · 1 year
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Parameet this year was amazing, we got to hang out with so many members of the paranormal community, both old friends and lots of new ones, all the while learning more and more about this fascinating subject
We are very happy to share that Parameet are hosting three events next year, and that we will be at all three!
Parameet South
Leigh Park Hotel, Wiltshire 13th-14th April
Parameet Midlands
Sketchley Grange Hotel, Leicestershire 29th-30th June
Parameet North
TBA (Rumored to be in Cheshire)
Hope to see you at one of these events, if you are interested in learning more and getting a VERY reasonably priced day pass, just visit https://hauntedresearchcentre.com/haprc
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Exciting Sporting Extravaganza This Week - A Must-Watch!
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Sports enthusiasts, get ready for an action-packed week filled with thrilling matches from football, cricket, and hockey! Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking for some exciting entertainment, we've got you covered with this listicle of must-watch sporting events happening this week: Women's World Cup Matches: - Argentina vs South Africa (Friday, 28 July 2023, 6:00 am - Forsyth Barr Stadium) - Sweden vs Italy (Saturday, 29 July 2023, 1:30 pm - Wellington Regional Stadium) - France vs Brazil (Saturday, 29 July 2023, 4:00 pm - Suncorp Stadium)Germany vs Colombia (Sunday, 30 July 2023, 3:30 pm - Allianz Stadium) - Japan vs Spain (Monday, 31 July 2023, 1:00 pm - Wellington Regional Stadium)Portugal vs USA (Tuesday, 1 August 2023, 1:00 pm - Eden Park) - South Korea vs Germany (Thursday, 3 August 2023, 4:00 pm - Suncorp Stadium) UEFA Champions League Qualifying First Legs: - Panathinaikos vs Dnipro (Tuesday, 1 August 2023, 11:30 pm - Apostolos Nikolaidis Stadium) - BATE vs Aris Limassol (Wednesday, 2 August 2023, 12:00 am - Mezokovesdi Varosi Stadion) - Maccabi Haifa vs Sheriff (Wednesday, 2 August 2023, 11:00 pm - Sammy Ofer Stadium) Men's ODI Series - West Indies vs India: - 1st ODI (Thursday, 27 July 2023, 09:30 am - Kensington Oval, Bridgetown) - 2nd ODI (Saturday, 29 July 2023, 9:30 am - Kensington Oval, Bridgetown) - 3rd ODI (Tuesday, 1 August 2023, 9:30 am - Brian Lara Cricket Academy, Tarouba) - 1st T20 (Thursday, 3 August 2023, 10:30 am - Brian Lara Cricket Academy, Tarouba) ICC 2024 T20 World Cup Europe Qualifier: - Germany vs Italy (Friday, 28 July 2023, 10:30 am - Grange Cricket Club) EuroHockey Championship II 2023 Men: - Portugal vs Turkey (Friday, 28 July 2023, 10:15 am - Dublin, Ireland) - CZE vs TUR (Saturday, 29 July 2023, 9:00 am - Dublin, Ireland) - Italy vs Ukraine (Friday, 28 July 2023, 2:15 pm - Dublin, Ireland) 2023 4 Nations Men's Invitational Tournament (Barcelona): - India vs England (Friday, 28 July 2023, 1:00 pm - Terrassa, Barcelona) - ESP vs NED (Saturday, 29 July 2023, 8:00 pm - Terrassa, Barcelona) Now, grab your popcorn, invite your friends over, and enjoy these captivating matches! Whether you're a football fanatic, cricket lover, or a hockey enthusiast, this week promises to be an unforgettable sporting extravaganza! Don't miss out on the excitement and cheer for your favorite teams as they battle it out on the field. Let the games begin! Read the full article
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insidecroydon · 1 year
Council sends in bulldozers to village's cherished green space
CROYDON COMMENTARY: Contractors working for the council have had the bulldozers in one of the borough’s much-loved, and much neglected, public parks. Old Coulsdon resident SALLY ANN VOAK shares her concerns Don’t dig this: Sally Ann Voak in Grange Park On Monday morning, residents in Old Coulsdon woke to the sound of heavy barriers being erected in their much-loved Grange Park, a precious public…
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spoilertv · 1 year
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lodgeonlakesiesta · 2 years
What are Top Amenities in Lodge on Lake Siesta Texas?
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El Paso on Rio Grande River acts as natural boarder between the United States and Mexico. It is renowned for its family friendly environment, diverse landscape and rich flora and fauna in Texas. Franklin Mountain State Park is the top attraction visible from long distance. The 27000 acre park provides the best wildlife view and sightseeing trips complimented by scenic drives and hiking trails. El Paso is popular for its cuisines which are mix of Mexican and Texas tradition.  
Texas is dotted with luxury vacation rental properties for tourist to stay comfortably. Clear the calendar for an easy going getaway at this 4 bedroom with 4.5 baths, vacation rentals for ultimate El Paso getaway. The El Paso vacation lodge for rent has 2-acers bass pond nestled in the pine woods. Whether you are seeking privacy and comfort or outdoor adventure, you will find everything you are looking for while staying here. Boasting 4,000 sq. ft. of tastefully appointed living space, this home, with 13 beds and multiple common areas, is the perfect place for retreat and reunion.  
Well decorated with art and décor El Paso vacation cabin by owner boasting tastefully appointed living space, and multiple common areas, is a perfect place for retreat, workshops, reunions, or any other activity where fellowship is involved. This pet friendly vacation cabin is loaded with world class amenities and services. Explore amazing tourist sites, bird watching and numerous outdoor recreational activities in the region. The family friendly vacation rentals are equipped with kitchen, Wi-Fi, TV, refrigerator, coffee maker, indoor fireplace, BBQ grill and more.
Some of the landmarks nearby El Paso rentals include Mission Trail, Plaza Theater, Museum of Arts, Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site, Zoo, Chihuahuan Desert Garden, Centennial Museum, the National Border Patrol Museum, Fort Bliss, and more.  
Texas also known as the Lone Star State in south central region of the United States is delightful and diverse region excellent for vacationing. With the beginning of vacation/festive season people/tourist tend to choose some quiet place for vacation with family and friends. Fayette County’s La Grange is one such tourist destination, offering peace and tranquility with comfort and luxury. The peaceful environment along Colorado River with annual county fairs provides much needed tranquil atmosphere and fun vibes perfect for vacationing in Texas. The friendly locals and warm hospitality of the vacation rental owner will make your vacation here in City of La Grange truly magnificent. Fayette County was formed out of part of two adjoining counties, Bastrop and Colorado and was named after the American Revolution Hero General La Fayette.
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ocxees-blog · 2 years
9 Top-Rated Student Accommodations Nearer to the University of Birmingham
When international students decide to study abroad, the UK is their top choice. It has a large number of cities and famous colleges. Birmingham is one of those cities. Birmingham has the youngest population on the continent, with approximately 40% of its residents under the age of 25. It is a terrific area for young people to live and work.
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Within an hour's drive, the city has more than 400 schools, 15 universities, and three universities, including the University of Birmingham. With vibrant energy and unwavering determination, It seems sensible that Birmingham has a flourishing start-up sector as well, with so many innovative enterprises making it big. Since its heyday as the industry leader, the city has supported innovation. Let’s examine some crucial aspects of the main University of Birmingham.
The University of Birmingham, also known as UOB (or Birmingham University), is a public research university in Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom. The University of Birmingham has the distinction of being one of the greatest institutions in the UK, having been named the 9th best global university in the UK by The Complete University Guide 2022 and the 9th best university in the UK by The Times 2020. Birmingham includes subject-specific departments for a variety of topics. The university's system was reorganized on August 1 into five "colleges," which are made up of many "schools":
Arts and Law
Medical and Dental Sciences
Social Sciences
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Life and Environmental Sciences
Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain, two former British prime ministers, David Gill, the CEO of Manchester United, Rodolfo Neri Vela, a former astronaut, and a host of other notable individuals are among the noteworthy alumni of the University of Birmingham. The best places for student accommodations near the University of Birmingham are listed here.
1. Athena Studio
Athena Studios Birmingham, a popular choice for students from around the world, houses students from the University of Birmingham, Aston University, and Birmingham City University. Birmingham is located on Bristol Road and is affluent yet traditional. The distance between the University of Birmingham and Aston and Birmingham City Universities is only seven minutes on foot. Both fully furnished shared units with en suite bathrooms and self-contained studio apartments with private toilets are available. You can find a variety of entertainment alternatives in Birmingham City Centre, which is less than 15 minutes away from Athena Studios Birmingham.
Location: Bristol Road, B5 7SN, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: Cadbury World, Anne Hathaway’s cottage
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: Khanum Balti, Goose Sally Oak
Amenities –Bike storage,  A common room, bike storage, a gym, a laundry room, 24/7 security, social events, and a game room.
Book at the price - of £235.00 Per Week
2. Oak Brook Park
One of Birmingham's most well-liked and opulent student housing options, Oak Brook Park offers students a remarkable experience. Numerous chic studio rooms with en-suite bathrooms and fitted kitchens are available next to Dominos Pizza Restaurant. The University of Birmingham is only three minutes away, and University College Birmingham is also close by, making this a fantastic choice for students looking for housing in Birmingham.
Location: 17 Grange Rd, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6BL, United Kingdom, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: Tesco Express, ODEON Luxe Birmingham Broadway Plaza, Selly Manor Museum
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: BBQ, Dream Grill House and Cafe, Cafe 55
Amenities –secure access, CCTV, contents insurance, an on-site service team, 24/7 assistance, a fire system
Book at the price - of £152.00 Per Week
3. Bagot Street
Bagot Street is an ideal place for an evening out with friends because it is surrounded by a variety of attractions, clubs, pubs, and must-try eateries close to the University of Birmingham. Students in Birmingham can take advantage of amenities like a common room, a gaming area, and a movie theatre. The University of Birmingham and Aston University is the closest universities to this location. Students can choose from a range of student flats in Birmingham, including Silver, Gold, and Platinum en-suite rooms.
Location: Pershore Road, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: PlayFootball Birmingham Indoor, Museum Collection Centre, Birmingham Museums Trust.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: The Ivy Temple Row, Grand Central Kitchen – Birmingham, Opus Restaurant.
Amenities – A common room, bike storage, a gym, a laundry room, 24/7 security, social events, and a cinema room.
Book at the price - of £227.00 Per Week
4. Pebble Mill
Pebble Mill, which lies on Pershore Road, is only a short stroll from the University of Birmingham. The top clubs and restaurants around the University of Birmingham are conveniently positioned close to this chic and opulent student housing Birmingham, which also offers easy access to public transportation. Additionally, nearby universities are Birmingham City University and Aston University. An extensive selection of en-suite apartments with an endless list of amenities are available for you to choose from. Vita Student Pebble Mill is the location for you if you wish to reside in the greatest University of Birmingham accommodation.
Location: Pershore Road, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: Canon Hill Park, Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: Costa Coffee, The Selly Park Tavern, The Watering Hole.
Amenities – A study room, a communal area, a gym, yoga classes, a garden with a BBQ area, and secure car parking.
Book at the price - of £227.00 Per Week
5. Belgrave View
Belgrave View Student Accommodation is only 15 minutes from the city center of Birmingham and is an ideal location for students choosing to attend the University of Birmingham, Aston University, or Birmingham City International University. You can reach Birmingham Airport after a 25-minute journey. Students can choose from completely furnished, en-suite apartments in the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum categories. In addition to offering the residents a parcel delivery service, this fantastic University of Birmingham student accommodation complex features a music and gaming area.
Location: 1 Belgrave Middleway, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: Birmingham Central Mosque, Birmingham Back to Backs.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: McDonald’s, The English Breakfast Club, Gaijin Sushi
Amenities – Music practice room, on-site gym, 24/7 security, car parking, wheelchair access, bike storage, and games rooms.
Book at the price - of £115.00 Per Week
6. Cornwell Street Studios
The greatest student accommodation in Birmingham is found at Cornwall Street Studios. The building, which is in the center of Birmingham, provides students with amazing opportunities. There are numerous studio alternatives available for accommodations. This apartment is perfect for students attending these universities because it is only a 5-minute walk from the University of College of Birmingham and an 8-minute walk from BPP University.
Location: 89-91 Cornwall Street, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, St. Philip’s Cathedral.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: The Old Royal pub, Boston Tea Party, Jojo Lounge Bar & Restaurant
Amenities – A study room, a communal area, a gym, a 22″ LCD TV, a study desk, a comfy bed, a wardrobe, a built-in kitchen,
Book at the price - of £135.00 Per Week
7. The Heights
This Birmingham housing's distinguishing feature is close to schools like the University of Birmingham and Aston University. It is the perfect university accommodation in Birmingham. Additionally, there are several train stations and bus stops that provide good access to the city's many neighborhoods. The Birmingham City Hospital is merely a 10-minute drive away in case of any unanticipated emergencies. There are studio rooms and rooms with six beds available at this hotel. If you want to stay in the best University of Birmingham accommodation, get a room at The Heights Student Accommodation.
Location: 30 Staniforth Street, Birmingham B4 7DR, United Kingdom, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: The Lock-Up, Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum, St. Philip’s Cathedral.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: Bailey’s Caribbean, Sacks of Potatoes, Hens & Chickens.
Amenities – A study room, a communal area, a gym, yoga classes, a garden with a BBQ area, and secure car parking.
Book at the price - of £159.00 Per Week
8. Bentley House
Studio and en-suite rooms are available in Bentley House student accommodation in Birmingham. Bentley House is a safe place with personnel on duty around-the-clock and CCTV coverage. Additionally, there are laundry facilities on-site and a maintenance crew to help students in any way they can. For students attending University College Birmingham, University of Law-Birmingham, Aston University, and Birmingham City University, this Birmingham university housing is ideal. St. Chads are the closest tram stop, while Birmingham Snow Hill is the closest train station. Make sure to reserve a place at this fantastic UOB student residence right away.
Location: 10 Moland Street, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: The Lock-Up, Legoland, Queen Victoria Statue.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: Colin's Tse, Costa Green Pub, Syriana Restaurant
Amenities – Common room, on-site gym, study areas, and a courtyard.
Book at the price - of £151.00 Per Week
9. Metchley Hall
With CCTV surveillance and keyless entry, Metchley Hall accommodation is safe. It provides apartments and studios. Newman University and the City South campus of Birmingham City University are both an 8-minute drive or 17-minute walk from the University of Birmingham, respectively. The university campus' west gate is close to a train station. Several bus stops are close by and can be reached on foot in 20 minutes. Don't wait, then! Now is the time to reserve the perfect University of Birmingham accommodation!
Location: Metchley Hall-Birmingham 500 Harborne Park Rd Harborne Birmingham, B17 0DA, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tourist hotspots: The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Lapworth Museum of Geology.
Restaurants/pubs/cafes: Jade House Birmingham, Costa Coffee, Pin.
Amenities –  All-inclusive utility bills, 24/7 security, car parking, and on-site laundry facility.
Book at the price - of £155.00 Per Week
Each of the accommodations mentioned above has a defined number of seats. So quickly reserve your spot using Ocxee, one of the greatest accommodation providers. If you're stuck or unsure about the best course of action, you can get a free consultation from top experts.
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theanimewriter · 2 years
hihi i have an idea what if the group saw (y/n) coincedentally during (Vol 11, Ch 144-145.5) (they accidentally bumped ito them and invited them to come along)(i thought it was kinda weird and then i remembered najimi is also there for some reason) (i dont know if you read the manga but i recommend it because its really funny and a bit questionable.. but overall it is very entertaining) :> - 06/17/2022
Golden Week is better with you //Part 1.//
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pairing: gn!reader x Shousuke Komi
Warning: None!
Summary: It Golden week and Komi’s,Tadano’s,family is there to spend time on a fun adventure.(Plus najimi is there too.)Come to find out that you are also there for a trip with your family as well;maybe this trip won’t be so unbearable if you are there with Shousuke.
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This is the week where family came all around just to join together and to have fun with each other.Twin Course Mosaki used to be just a cart racing park,but now of days it has became a big amusement park;plus there’s a campsite for families to enjoy.
And Your family is also no exception to this event.Your whole family wanted to go to the Twin Course Mosaki to camp and have a good time together.
Once you have arrived to your destination,you and your family have gotten out of the car; your parents told you ‘to go straight to the New Feel Athletic WakuWaku to have fun and maybe meet some friends that you knew there.’ So you did as you were told and headed your way there.
When you got close to the crazy jungle building, you heard a very familiar annoying high pitch voice. “WHOHOOO!!! I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR WEEKS FOR THIS!! LET’S GO EVERYONE~~~!!”
Of course it’s that voice.Najimi’s voice. just as you gotten a bit closer,you notice that Tadano was there and not just him but Shouko and Shousuke is there as well.You saw Tadano chatting with Shousuke-or rather,Him talking to himself since Shousuke was just blankly staring at Shousuke.
Then Tadano saw you coming up to the group.”Ah! Y/N I didn’t think you would be coming here.” Tadano said with his arm beside his head.Shousuke was just staring and before he could say anything,you all heard from afar, “COME~~~LET’S GOOOOOO!!!!”
“Why don’t you come and join us,Y/N.” Tadano said with a smile on his face, “I mean you’re already here so..”
All Tadano did was Granged and yell that he was coming and walk inside the building.When Tadano was out of ear shot you said to Shousuke, “ I can tell that you you look more grumpy than you usually do.”
Shousuke just grab your hand and pull you into the building before the demon-I mean,Hitomi was going to drag him in herself.
Once everyone was there and ready, the race to the top is starting now!
Of course,the first one that went up was Najimi.They went to the first obstacle.It was like a big spider-Web that they had to go through,it was made out of rope. 
Najimi made it through with ease,while yelling the whole time as well.Everyone was even impress by Najimi and they all clap-almost everyone (Shousuke-mood killer) and Hitomi even said, “You’re as agile as always,Najimi.”
The next turn is Komi-sans.All she had to do was to jump to rope to rope all the way to the other end of the monkey gym.Then she was try to go through a hole but was a bit harder for someone like her to do because-
“Komi you are tall.So you’re at a disadvantage.” Tadano said trying to make Komi feel better for not fitting to go in,but all it did to make her embarrassed about her height.
Tadano turn… honestly,nothing really happens so we could skip this part.
Shousuke was up next.He been quiet most of the time and just watching-not them but you.He just wanted to be by your side the whole time while listening to you talk about your day or your interest.(Much more entertaining then this whole dumb thing that going on.)
Hitomi was not going to let him make goo-goo eyes at you and have him being a love sick boy his whole unproductive life, so she just stared at him without saying a word.
Shousuke finally gave up after a couple minutes of Hitomi staring him down and he just went to complete the challenge of swing bar to bar.
Who would Shousuke be if he didn’t do it like he was a professional athlete.And who would Hitomi be if she didn’t patronize Shousuke by saying, “So you can do it if you try~~~Shousuke you’re so cool~~!”
He would have liked it if you were the one saying that to him.(Because it wouldn’t say like he was a kid who learn how to walk for the first time.)
“You’re doing great Shousuke,Way to not be grumpy!!” You yell from afar.When Shousuke reach the other side he saw Shuoko just smirking at him knowing full well that he love the praise that you gave him.
| (• ◡•)|⭥⭡⭣⭢⬃⭡⬳⬳⥃⬎⬀➸⬑⬑⬀⬀⬄⭥➬⟰⟿
There are only a few more trials to go through and the one the gang had come to is a Big rock wall that’s looks like it falling and hanging on a string.
“Whoa…This one’s slanted back” Tadano comment amaze of how the rock wall.
Najimi wanted to be the first one up.Then Tadano went up and right before he could reach the top Najimi said, “Fight on…..FIGHT ON!!!!” Najimi seem to get even more intense than before;Tadano couldn’t help but feel a little concerned by this.(He did try to cheer as well but it was still sounded very confused.)
Hitomi also went up and she also yelled on the top of her lungs with Najimi.(Shousuke and Shouko-Komi-San- both thought at the same time of, Do we have to yell too?) Shuoko climbed up as well and tried to cheer with Hitomi and Najimi (Which went very unsuccessfully.)
Shousuke pointed for you to go up before he does-Gentleman that he is- but you instead that it’s ok for him to go up before you.(For Shousuke it wasn’t a big deal and he always listens to you when you tell him to do something)
Once Shousuke had gotten to the top he heard, “Huh why do you listen to Y/N so easily but not me!!! Not cool little bro!” Hitomi complain mockingly, she was always ready to tease Shousuke at any given moment,isn’t she.All he did was ignore her well he saw you reaching the top of the rock climbing wall.
Shousuke reach out his hand to pull you up, but then Shuoko saw from afar of how touchy her little brother why being (for Shousuke at lest in public that is) and she snickered at him knowing that he did that on purpose just to hold your hand for a tiny bit.
“Thank you,Shousuke.” You said to him.
Shousuke just nod his head as a way to say ‘your welcome.’
As more of the games you guys went through the more Shousuke got hotter and hotter.The weather was very sunny and Shousuke hates having to do stuff on a hot sunny day.
So when the group almost reach the top you saw Shousuke lift his shirt and rub his face with it.You saw Shousuke did this and was shock to see him do that.
You tried to look away but you couldn’t-But to be fair,It’s Shousuke for crying out loud.When Shousuke put his shirt down and saw you staring at him.
When he saw this he was confused for a hot second, but notice that you were staring at his torso. Shousuke raise an eyebrow when you turned away from him and walked towards the group.
Shousuke also walked towards the group while he only thought about how you were eyeing him up thinking you didn’t just got caught by him.
There was a few more things before they got to the end.
First Shuoko tried to walked through the balance beam with ropes everywhere.Then Najimi got a cramp while climbing up the big long rope.After that Shousuke tried to escape and he was able to condense you to come with him; (and when I mean condense-I mean,he grab your arm and dragged you to the exit.) but before he could even touch the door knob, Hitomi grab him by the collar of his shirt and dragged both of you back to the group.
“WE REACHED THE TOP~!!” Najimi yelled on the top of their lungs as they ring the big bell above them.
Hitomi took a picture of you,Tadano,Shuoko,and Najimi while Shousuke stood off to the side staring at ‘something.’ Hitomi pointed at a stamp that you can put on your hand as a award for you reaching the top.
You saw Shousuke off to the side (As usual) and he didn’t have a stamp on him.So, you decided to go up to him with the stamp and gently grab his hand and put the stamp badge on him.
This did surprise Shousuke despite how he looks like he doesn’t care (he does care,a lot) and you were also very close to his face to the point he can see very detail of it (and he loved every second of it).Shousuke just wanted this moment to last forever, but all good things come to the end.
“Come on love birds~Let’s go back to the camp site!” Hitomi teased the both of you,but especially towards Shousuke because she notice that he was staring at you for a little to long for a friendly comfort.
The Camp Grounds
“Ever since He started High School,He been more happy lastly~” Shūko was beaming about Shousuke to the other parents ‘bout his well being.
Tadano mother said back. “I know how that feels~!! It’s so nice to see your win kids happy with their school life!!”
“And how sweet it was when they come with a smile on their face!” Your parent(s) said two the other mothers.
Then Shūko said with a soft smile on her face, “I guess this is just part of being an adult.I wonder if they’re even having fun on this vacation…”
“WE’RE BACK~!” The parents turned their heads to the voice of Najimi’s running towards them with the rest of the group.
Tadano,Hitomi,and Shouko were all taking to watching about how fun today was.You and Shousuke and the other hand seem to being talking too-By that I mean,you were taking to him.
Shūko just looked at Tadano mom and your parent(s) and giggled to them about how much fun you all had and it showed.
With a Joyous smile Shūko said, “Welcome back!”
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Note: I just wanted to say there wasn’t much Shousuke x reader content until the slight end,so I’m sorry about that.(I feel like this story wasn’t this good,But I’ll make the other part if a lot of people wish to see it.)
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winnix85 · 3 years
About Lewis Nixon’s mother Doris Ryer Nixon (Mrs Stanhope Nixon)
Source: mostly from old newspapers and digitized documents (I can’t guarantee the accuracy because they are fragmented information. I will just put it out there for someone may find some interesting useful backstories).
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Doris Ryer was born on Oct 1 1894.
Her father Fletcher Ryer was a wealthy pioneer agriculturalist in California. He owned 6,600-acre (27 km2) ranch on Ryer Island, which was named in their honor. Because Doris was his only heiress, this ranch all went to Doris and then to Lewis Nixon III and ultimately to Grace Nixon. It's an agricultural (instead of livestocks) ranch. They grew crops, fruits and vegetables such as wheat, milo, safflower, pears, apples, cherries, grapes, tomatoes and asparagus. They produced such large amount of asparagus that Doris's mother, Mrs Ryer was nicknamed Asparagus Queen back then. This farm is still up and running today, managed by Clarence Hester from 1950s to 1990s (Nix' war buddy, the regimental S3, the one who wrestled with Dick in that photo), after him by his son Thomas Hester.
Doris was educated at Madame Payen's school in Paris from 1906 to 1914 (her entire high school).
Fletcher Ryer died an early death in 1911 (when Doris was about 16). Doris was close to her mother Mrs Blanche Ryer. Mrs Blanche Ryer, though very charming, married very very young. As a pretty, attractive, wealthy widow she determined to ensure that her daughter Doris have a brilliant "bellehood" as a girl. She took Doris to tour around the world. For example, in Sep1913, they traveled to Russia to present Doris at the court of Tsar Nicholas II (Very inconvenient timing, I have to say).
Doris was very sweet and attractive, with pretty black eyes. Her mother has always been most ambitious for her handsome daughter. She aimed to marry Doris to British aristocracy. Doris was presented at Buckingham Palace in 1914, wearing "a white satin princess gown embroidered in pearls and brilliants". Mrs Ryer has had her eye on several members of the British aristocracy for Doris, "but this cruel war, of course, smashed all of her well-laid plans to smithereens." She has to stoop so low to choose from American heirs.
Doris married Stanhope in Jan 1917 in New York at Church of Heavenly Rest. Their wedding was the social event of the year. Guests from coast to coast attended Nixon-Ryer wedding.
The bride's costume was soft white satin, made in combination with pearl embroidered net. She worn a lovely veil, the same that had been worn by her grandmother at her wedding, which was held in place with a band of diamonds. Her only other ornament was a necklace of diamonds with a large pear-shaped diamond pendant, the gift of the bridegroom.
Because the father of bride has died, she was given away by governor of New York Charles S. Whitman. Among those in attendance were the Brazilian ambassador and Argentine ambassador.
After the wedding the new couple went to Bermuda for honeymoon and then they lived at 52 East Fifty-second Street NYC (but later moved to 46 East 65 Street). In 1920 census, the household of the new couple included Stanhope the head of the house, Doris the wife, Lewis the one and half yr old old baby son, and a butler and 3 maids. They also have a suburb house at 167 Grange Ave, New Jersey (a 20-room estate, equiped with oil burning hot water heat, a 4-car garage, servants quarters, a boat house and a stable).
After marrying off her daughter to the Nixons, Mrs Blanche Ryer re-married in 1920 to Clifford Erskine-Bolst, a British conservative party politician. Mr Erskine-Bolst was elected to the British House of Commons in 1923 and again in 1931. To help him win the election, she made generous donations to King George's Hospital in England. She campained hard for him, making speeches and appealing to the constituency in the South Hackney district. 
In 1920s, mama Doris bought a villa at Riviera France from the late Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia. She lived there until her death in 1939 (This villa went to Nix. But he didn't like living there, too much hassle to open the house. He prefered to stay at the hotel Cap Estel. In 1950s he leased it to the Kennedys).
Doris and Stanhope seemed to be ok in 1920s. They attended social events together and traveled to England together. After Lew, they had a baby boy in 1922 (who tragically died in 3 months. Doris' mother went to New York to be with her.) Then they had Blanche Nixon in Aug 1924 (also born in NYC). While living in NYC, it seems little Lew was often spending time with his grandfather. Grandpa often took him to play at central park. For example, he took Lew to that model yacht regatta in central park when he was 7, and to skate in central park in Jan 1927 when lew was 8. In 1927, Doris took 2 yr old Blanche to France to visit her mother, but she didn't take Lew (maybe he was too naughty?). Anyway, Doris took Blanche to see grandma almost every year but Lew was only with them on one visit when he was 10 yr old.
Doris appeared to be lonely and out of place in the social circle of New York. Here is a social note about her in 1929: "A remarkable girl with her embroidery frame, actually engaged in a simple, normal occupation in a land where the atmosphere is charged with hang-overs, gambling-losses and mistrust. Nobody around here looks twice at a woman with mauve hair like Madame de Roch, or at a man with ear-rings and a bracelet on his ankle. But let a girl take out a half-finished centerpiece and commence embroidering and every lorgnette in the crowd is whipped into place."
At the end of 1920s, Doris seemed to be so unhappy to live on the east coast anymore, and she still regarded CA to be her real home. Stanhope sold their house in New Jersey and bought a new house in Montecito (also a mansion with a large stable and everything). In the 1930 census they were living at 180 Cold Spring Road, montecito, CA (Stanhope, Doris, Lewis (11yr), Blanche(5yr), and a French governess, and 2 servants). Lew attended boarding school at Cate School in Santa Barbara.
In social notes in 1930s, Stanhope and Doris mainly attended social events in CA (Santa Barbara and San Francisco), they also travel to New York to visit Mr and Mrs Lewis Nixon Sr.. The family traveled a lot, not only back and forth between east-west coasts, but also trips abroad. Doris always took Blanche with her, but Lew traveled on his own even when he was as young as 15 yr old. It appears that Doris and Stanhope's relationship has gone sour in 1930s. For example, in this 1934 social note: "The Stanhope Nixons will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nixon. Mr Nixon will return to California on Jan 1, and Mrs Nixon will sail for Europe to spend six months on the Riviera with her mother." (almost as if Doris was running away from Stanhope and hide in France after briefly met him on Xmas day. Meanwhile 15 yr old Lew was at boarding school in CA).
In 1940 census, Doris and Blanche were still living at 180 Cold Spring Road, montecito, CA (with a housekeeper, a cook and a maid). Stanhope was no longer in this household. Maybe they have separated. Lew was also not in this household for he has left for college.
Among the CA high society, Doris was a all-around likable person: "Doris is always bubbling over with enthusiasm, her joy of living and her wit making her a welcome guest at any affair". She was very enthusiastic about opera (and art events in general, such as oriental dance). She attended the openning of Opera Season at San Francisco every year (usually with Blanche, and she will grab Lew when she can catch him). In 1940, she offered a prize for the "Best one act play" to stimulate interest in the Lobero Theater of Santa Barbara. She also went to see excellent plays in New York when it's in season and made some witty comments about the remarkable fashion trends in New York: "The only lavender and old lace that you see today is on the individual--the lavender in the tinted hair, and the lace on the dainty unmentionables."
After the Pearl Harbor Attack, Doris turned from a socialite to a civic leader. In 1942 she became the national vice-president of the American Women's Voluntary Services (AWVS) (and during ww2). The AWVS recruited and trained women to harvest crops, do nurse works, driving trucks and sell war bonds. She encouraged women to show more interest in international affairs. She also founded Guide Dogs for the Blind in 1943 (primarily to help the blinded veterans) and she made generous donations. In addition, she was the state commander of the California Cancer Society.
The AWVS duties kept her so busy, she has to relinquish her box at the opera house. She only had long enough time to have a toasted chicken sandwich for lunch. She put generous amount of English mustard on her sandwich. When her friends cautioned her not to put too much, she said:"If it puts me out, I will be a most excellent subject for the first aid class I am about to attend, and we will all find out how much we know!"
In the summer of 1945, Doris and Stanhope finally divorced (Stanhope even filed counter-suits seeking divorce on the grounds of desertion). They divorced in August, and Stanhope married "the Blond" in September 1945.
In June 1948, Doris died at home (944 Chestnut Str San Francisco CA). She had a stroke (and she always had hypertention). It seems her death was an unexpected sudden death because one month before she was still traveling around France with her daughter Blanche. Her will dictated to split her legacy equally between Blanche and Lew. She also left generous amount of money to employees such as housekeeper, secretary. For a former maid, she gave her $225 monthly for life.
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ienjoywallpaper · 3 years
Moving on from SDV Grandpa...
...and on to my farmer's parents! Another entry to the inktober prompt list by the excellent @buttonso, my farmer's parents met at the Stardew Valley Fair. My farmer's mother, Millie, is Chuck and Charlotte's daughter. Her father, Phil, is from the suburbs outside Zuzu City. This one's a long one (for me anyway), clocking in at nearly 4000 words. Enjoy, or don't... but I hope you do :)
Stardew Valley Fair
By: ienjoywallpaper Word Count: 3,966
"Millie, you go on and have some fun. I have to finish the grange display before Mayor Wilson goes and gives that hair-brained logger Durst a second look for his selection of honey… like his honey is better than Oakwood's… humph." Millie Lowell shook her head. Her father took the yearly fair’s grange display way too seriously. She left him to his grumbling and decided to look for her cousin, Clara. As she walked past the other grange displays, she waved to Marnie as she was helping her father. Marnie grinned and ran around the box to pull Millie into a big hug.
"Oh my goodness, please save me," she whispered, "I just wanna go home and sit with my cows." Millie giggled. Marnie pulled away and shot a playful frown at her friend, "I'm only here because Shaun refused to show. I blame you for running my little brother off by dumping him." Millie sighed.
"I keep telling everyone I'm sorry, but it just wasn't working out..." Marnie rubbed Millie's arm and shook her head.
"I'm teasing, obviously. You're way too good for him. As great as it would have been to be sisters-in-law, I wouldn't wish his gloomy ass on anyone - least of all you. You need to get out more. There's no one young enough left in this town. Except Willy, and he’s not interested unless you’re part fish." Marnie let out a hearty laugh.
"I don't know if I'm ready to get back out there yet." Millie confessed, "Not that I'm pining over Shaun, but I think I need some time, you know?" Marnie nodded.
"Understandable. You should enjoy your 20's." Millie laughed.
"You're only 30, Marnie. You talk like you're some old woman." Marnie flipped her thick braid over her shoulder.
"29. But, I'm an old soul." She joked. Marnie's eye caught on her father lifting a heavy crate of eggs. "I should go help my dad before he throws his back out again." She leaned in for another quick hug.
"Oh, hey, before you go, have you seen Clara?" Marnie frowned.
"Yeah, about half an hour ago." She cringed. "I'm sorry Mils, she ran off with… what was it you called him? Grimey Mc-something?" Millie rolled her eyes.
"Greasy McSkip." She let out a frustrated groan. "Will that girl ever learn?"
"Not everyone can be as level headed about relationships as you are, Millie." Marnie watched her father take a faltering step with the egg crate. "I really gotta go. Enjoy the fair, don't worry about Clara, and remind me to let Shaun know he owes me big time." She winked at Millie and turned away to help her father.
Phil Peterson hopped out of his buddy, Andy's car, and bounced in place while he waited for him to come around to join him. Andy groaned.
"Dude, why are you even so excited to come here? It's the Stardew Valley Fair, not a theme park." Phil clapped Andy on the back and grinned.
"I can't explain it man, I'm just so excited to be here this year. I woke up this morning and just knew it was gonna be a good day." Phil took an exaggerated deep-breath in and let it out with an audible "ahhh." "Do you smell that, Andy? Do you know what that smell is?"
"Cow shit and fried butter?"
"Maybe. But also, screw you, that's the smell of opportunity! I'm determined to have a good time today! What do you have against the fair anyway? And if you don't like it, why'd you come with me?" Andy rolled his eyes.
"I only came to try and get one of those mysterious 'stardrop' things I've heard about. And besides, someone has to keep your unrelenting optimism in check." Phil laughed at Andy and shook his head as they walked on into the fair. Vendors were set up under a large banner proclaiming "Grange Displays." It was an interesting selection of local artisan goods and crop yields. He considered meandering through the area until Andy pulled him toward the games.
"We'll start with the shooting booth. It seems the easiest place to rack up tokens. I need 2,000 to get that stardrop." Phil allowed himself to be pulled, but stopped short when he saw a gorgeous brunette making her way toward the Smashing Stone game.
"Hey man, you go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later."
"Whatever, Phil. Just remember, 2,000 tokens!" Andy called as he single-mindedly headed to the shooting booth. Phil never took his eyes off the woman. She held herself gracefully, with a timid confidence that was both alluring and intimidating. It made no sense to Phil why exactly it was intimidating, but suddenly his mouth was dry and his palms were getting moist. He walked toward the game, watching a man ahead of her lift a large hammer and bring it down forcefully on a pad, launching a small rock toward a bell. He thought it looked easy enough, so he swallowed and approached her.
"Excuse me, do you care if I join you?" She looked at him, seeming confused by his request.
"Um… this is kind of a one-person-at-a-time sort of deal." She replied. Phil cleared his throat, feeling like if he opened his mouth right now, his nerves would produce only a tight squeak.
"I realize that, but you see, I'm not from around here. You seem like you know your way around, I could, perhaps, join you for the afternoon and get properly acquainted with the attractions." She blinked back at him, nonplussed by his forwardness. He had to admit, he was surprised he made it through his suggestion without his voice cracking like a teenager, he was so nervous. The girl regained her composure and looked skeptically back at Phil.
"How do you know I'm even from around here?"
"Are you?" Phil attempted a flirtatious tone… but he probably just sounded cocky. She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"What if I said no?" She raised her eyebrow ever so slightly.
"Then I would have to join you simply to learn a thing or two about confidence and looking effortlessly comfortable with myself - because you seem so at ease in a place you don't live, I must know your secret." A pretty blush colored her cheeks and Phil fell just a little bit more. "I'm Phil Peterson, by the way." He offered his hand for her to shake. She considered it for a moment and took it. Her hand was surprisingly rough, but Phil found he rather liked the feeling of it in his.
"Millie Lowell. It's nice to meet you, Phil" Millie looked toward the Smashing Stone game and back at Phil.
"Well, if you are going to join me, and since you are a visitor, it would be rude if I didn't let you try first." She motioned to the hammer. A wide grin spread across Phil's face. He knew this was going to be a good day. He approached the game and the attendant called out to him.
"STEP RIGHT UP! TEST YOUR STRENGTH!" He felt Millie's presence behind him and only slightly wavered in his confidence. He felt an overwhelming need to impress her as he put his hands around the hammer and lifted. He nearly staggered as he realized the hammer itself was much, much heavier than he anticipated. Trying to hide his embarrassment, he awkwardly hefted the hammer over his shoulder and brought it back down with as much strength as he could muster… Unfortunately, he failed to aim properly and it glanced off the edge of the pad instead of hitting it in the center. The stone barely moved, and heat rose from Phil's collar bones straight up to his hair. The attendant held back a chuckle.
"Wow. Zero strength. I'm actually impressed with how weak you are. Here's a star token." He flipped a small silver star in Phil's direction. Phil caught it, and hesitantly turned back to Millie, his cheeks still burning. He could tell she was resisting peals of laughter, her blue eyes bright with humor. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.
"So much for trying to impress you." Millie finally laughed in earnest - a glorious, happy sound that seemed to brighten their surroundings.
"Actually, it takes skill to get that rock to barely wiggle. Color me impressed." She took the hammer from Phil's hands and walked up to the pad. Effortlessly, she brought the hammer up above her head and literally smashed the pad as she brought it down. The rock soared up and dinged the bell. The attendant smiled.
"HA! Now that's what I like to see! Have a star token." Millie took the token from the attendant and turned back to Phil. His cheeks burned and he felt the desire to crawl under a rock for a few years.
"Now that was impressive." He held his hand up to offer a high-five. Millie giggled and slapped it.
"I guess that's what happens when you work on a farm." She handed the token to Phil. "Here, I don't need this. Besides, part of your tour requires you to play all of the games and then use your tokens to buy some prizes, so you can just add this to your total." He looked a moment at the token, feeling just a little overwhelmed Millie decided to stay with him. He gave her a lopsided smile.
"Let's hope I do better at the other games than I did with this one."
He did not. Millie watched with amusement as he failed over, and over, and over again. If he weren't so embarrassed after each failure of the games, she would have thought it was some sort of backwards way of flirting. As it was, each failure was endearing, because she saw how determined he was to win - so even if it was flirting, she had to admit it was working. They stood together next to the fishing booth counting up his tokens. Phil sighed in defeat.
"300 tokens. Can you even get anything with 300 tokens?" Millie thought briefly.
"Um, do you like sunflowers? I think you can buy some dried sunflowers for 100."
"Do you like sunflowers?" Phil asked with such sincerity, Millie was touched.
"Um, actually, I do. They're my favorites." Phil nodded.
"Then with my meager winnings, I will buy you all of the dried sunflowers." Millie blushed.
"You don't want to try to get something for yourself?" Phil cocked his head.
"Why would I want to do that?" Millie shrugged.
"You know, to remember your time today?"
"Oh, believe me, there's absolutely no way I'm gonna forget today. Today's the day I met you." Millie blushed.
"Wow, that's a good line." She rubbed her arm awkwardly and couldn't quite meet Phil's gaze.
"It wasn't a line. I mean it. Millie Lowell," he stepped a little closer and tentatively reached for Millie's free hand. "I have a feeling you might just be the most memorable thing in my life from now on." Millie's heart gave a little thump as she locked eyes with Phil. His hazel eyes were intense, more determined than when he was playing the fair games. No one was able to lie that well - she could tell he meant exactly what he said. She blushed and smiled as she looked back down at her feet. A charged moment passed as he continued to hold her hand. She finally looked up and over in the direction of the park.
"Do… would you like to join me to get some food?" She looked back and smiled. A nervous smirk appeared on his face.
"I believe that's all part of the tour, right?" Millie giggled
"I guess so. Come on, we'll get some food before you spend your tokens." Hesitantly, Phil let go of her hand and motioned for her to lead the way.
"So, Millie, you said you work on a farm. What's that like?"
"Well, it's my father's farm, so it's like chores… except they last all day and usually involve shoveling animal poop, harvesting crops, and getting pecked by chickens…" She chuckled. "What about you? What do you do all day?"
"I work for the postal service." He grinned.
"That seems interesting, do you like it?"
"It's certainly rewarding. I like knowing I've been entrusted to deliver correspondence. It doesn't have to be important, or even personal, but knowing I've had a hand in connecting two people somehow, I consider it an honor." Millie smiled.
"Wow. That's a really wonderful way to look at it. It must be extremely satisfying being so happy with your work. " Phil nervously ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and gave her another lopsided half-smile.
"You could say that. I always expected to be indifferent to my job. Growing up, you always hear someone talking about 'it's a means to an end' or 'it pays the bills', but, I just immediately loved it. You could say I haven't had to work since the day I started my job." Millie watched his eyes sparkle as he talked. "What about you? You must get some satisfaction from working the farm?" Millie frowned. It wasn't a subject she talked about a lot, but she sensed Phil was trustworthy - that maybe she could be completely honest and not be judged by him.
"Oakwood has been a wonderful place to live, and my parents were always great and hard working. But if I'm honest, it was always my father's dream to run the farm, not mine. I stayed around to help my dad after my mom died, and I feel awful saying it out loud - but, if I had my choice, I would leave Pelican Town and Oakwood and probably never look back." She looked around and blushed, suddenly very aware of their surroundings. They had finally reached the buffet and several locals were hanging around the area, chatting animatedly. Phil leaned slightly closer.
"I'm sorry about your mother." He pitched his voice a little lower, and she was internally grateful for him picking up on her discomfort.
"Thanks. It's been about 8 years now. I'm certain she's resting happily with Yoba and that gives me comfort." She shook the thought from her mind. "But enough about all that. It's time you experienced quite possibly my favorite part of the Fair." She smiled genuinely, "Fair food."
She was right. The food was amazing, but secretly, Phil was still convinced Millie was the best part of his day. Her eyes sparkled as they talked over their food and swapped stories about their different backgrounds. He felt like he could talk to her for hours and never get tired of listening to her giggles or watching her wide-eyed reactions. She excused herself after they ate, leaving Phil alone to consider his next move. He took their trash to a nearby bin when Andy appeared around a corner, looking like the cat that caught the canary.
"Dude, I am the man. I got my tokens, and then some. Here," he tossed a burlap bag that jingled when Phil caught it. "I got one, dude, one of those stardrop things. They're insane. They wouldn't let me get another one, some crap about 'only one per customer.' so there's another 2,000 tokens in there." Phil choked.
"How did you get 4,000 tokens so fast?!"
"What, like it's hard? You point the thing at the targets and shoot." Phil remembered it being a little more complicated than that, but he wasn't going to argue. "So… How has your day gone? You ready to leave yet?"
"Uh, no… I've got a couple more things I need to do. Have you eaten? We can catch back up after you eat…" Andy narrowed his eyes and smiled.
"Oh, you're still with that girl, aren't you? The one you ditched me for!" Phil rubbed the back of his neck and shot Andy an awkward grin. "Aw, man, I saw you two all the way at the other end of the shooting booth. Where is she? You ashamed for her to meet your best friend?"
"Andy, no…" he sighed, "Look, I just want a little more time with her. She's… she's different… and she doesn't need to be harassed by the likes of you." Andy playfully punched Phil's arm.
"Whatever man, leave me alone to rot away from boredom." he joked. Phil rolled his eyes.
"She's better company for me today than you would've been, asshole." He replied sarcastically. Andy laughed.
"Fine. I'm gonna stuff my face. Come find me when you're ready to go." Andy winked and walked toward the food tables. Phil chuckled to himself, then turned to see Millie approach.
"Sorry about that. Was that someone you know? Do you need to leave?" She asked lightly. Phil shook his head.
"Nah, that was a buddy of mine, he's going to eat and we'll meet up in a bit." Millie nodded and looked up at the changing sky. Sunset was closing in and Phil regretted that his time was running short. Millie looked back at him and smiled.
"Well, you have one item left on your tour, I'd hate for you to leave without experiencing the whole thing."
"By all means. Lead the way, m'lady." Phil bowed and waved her ahead. Millie giggled as she walked.
Millie hung back as they approached the seller's booth, wanting to give Phil space to make his own purchases. She sat down on the bench and looked out over the crowds. She was surprised they hadn't been approached by any locals yet, but thankful at the same time. Her father and Marnie were about the only ones in town not giving her a hard time about breaking up with Shaun, and to see her with a strange man all of a sudden would likely get the gossip mill running double-time. She decided that would be an issue for another day. For now, she smiled thinking about her day with Phil. He was cheerful, funny, and she felt so comfortable in his presence. He was so different from Shaun. That thought made her sad, but it was true. A shadow moved in front of her feet and she looked up at Phil carrying three large decorative vases full of dried sunflowers and a small paper bag. She couldn't help but smile as he handed the flowers to her and blushed.
"As payment for being such a wonderful tour guide on what might just be the best day I've ever had." Millie shook her head, her grin liable to crack her face in half.
"Are you always like this?" She asked. He stared back at her, a genuine, half-smile playing across his face.
"I guess you'll just have to find out." He held out the paper bag. "In a stroke of luck, I inherited some stray tokens from my buddy, so I got you this, too." She looked at the bag with curiosity. She wasn't sure what it could be, but she had the feeling she didn't want to open it in the middle of the town square. She stood up with up her flowers in one arm then held out her free hand.
"Follow me." She instructed. Phil smiled and took it, holding firmly.
"With pleasure." They walked together toward the river, away from the bustling crowds and Grange Displays. She stopped at the river's edge under a stately oak tree. She loved this tree and its bright orange foliage. She set the flowers down at the base of the tree and turned back to Phil to retrieve the bag. She noticed a slight blush on his cheeks as she took the bag from him.
"I have no idea if you'll even like this." He explained, "but I'm told it's pretty special." She opened the bag and peeked inside.
The contents were not unknown to Millie, but to say she was surprised when she pulled out a waxy purple stardrop was a gross understatement. She looked up at Phil, not entirely sure what to think. He was a visitor, he would have no idea the meaning behind his gift. Her throat grew tight with emotion.
"Phil… I-I don't think I can accept this." She whispered, lowering the fruit back into the bag. He frowned.
"Of course you can, I wanted to give it to you." Millie shook her head.
"Stardrops are very precious and personal. They're meant to be consumed by the person who found or purchased it. To be given as a gift…" she paused, "well, they're traditionally given to… a spouse." Phil's blush deepened.
"Oh, I see." He looked at Millie and she squeezed his hand just a little tighter.
"You had no way of knowing. It was very romantic, thank you. Enjoy your prize. I'm very happy with the flowers." His face softened, Millie recognized fondness in his expression.
"Ok, then." She held the bag out to him and he took it back. He let go of her hand and shuffled awkwardly on his feet. "Um, I do have one question, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Sure, what is it?" He took a breath.
"May I… may I write to you, Millie Lowell?" Millie was touched. From anyone else, it would seem to be a very strange question, but it seemed just right coming from this man.
"Only if I can write back to you, Phil Peterson." The grin that lit up his face could have powered the entire valley for a week, she was convinced. He reached out his other hand and Millie took it.
"I knew today was going to be great." He murmured, gazing fondly into her eyes.
2 years later…
Phil peeked around the corner at Millie. His wife. Her husband. He got butterflies thinking about those titles. They were still so new, but he'd been ready for them from day one. He watched as she removed her necklace and veil, then reached up to slowly remove the pins from her elegant up-do. Their eyes met in the mirror and she blushed.
"Hello Mrs. Peterson." He entered the room with his hands behind his back. He'd long ago laid aside the tux jacket and rolled up his sleeves. Millie was still wearing her wedding dress, but he was in no rush just yet.
"Hello, Mr. Peterson. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He chuckled.
"Well, you know, I hear there are some very odd traditions in the valley. Such as using shells to propose, and weird winter holidays that require you to decorate trees." Millie shook her head and laughed. "But someone told me once that when one spouse deeply loves the other, that one gives the other a special gift."
"Oh, really?" She put her hands on her hips and smirked. "And what exactly is this 'gift' and am I appropriately attired?" She replied flirtatiously. Phil grinned and began to move closer.
"You look astonishingly, beyond-any-of-my-wildest-dreams stunning. I'm in awe of your beauty, and your attire is impeccable." She raised an eyebrow.
"Phil, wha-"
"Close your eyes." He whispered, "And hold out your hands." She shook her head as she closed her eyes, deciding to amuse him, and held out her hands. Phil placed a small paper package in her palms. She opened her eyes and cocked her head to the side. "Millicent Harlowe Peterson, my wife, this is for you." Confused, she unwrapped the package and then broke out in laughter.
"Phillip Graham Peterson, my husband, you are a sentimental fool! Where on earth did you find another stardrop?!" Phil smirked.
"I have my ways." Millie set the package aside and pulled Phil into a kiss.
"Best day ever." She sighed.
"Since the day we met."
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