#Fritz Böhm
borisjelinek · 2 years
Harcov (Brzice)
Vývoj jména této osady, jež se nachází v 5 km dlouhém údolíčku Černého potoka (dnes Běluňky), je následující: v roce 1719 se uvádí „z Hartzowa Tb Chwalkowitz“, o 2 roky později „aus der Hotz Album Mariale Gradlitz“, roku 1834 „Hartzow“, „Harcow“ a „Hatze“ a v roce 1848 „Harcow“ a „Haatz“ (německy). Základem tohoto pojmenování má být české slovo „harcovati“ (potloukat se, putovat), případně odvozenina od něj „harcieř“. Z toho tudíž vidíme, že původně byl Harcov český a teprve za Šporků se stal německým, i když nikdy ze 100 %, v několika domech tu žili vždy Češi, a tak se tato ves nacházela přímo na německo-české jazykové hranici. V díle prof. Antonína Profouse "Místní jména v Čechách. Jejich vznik, původní význam a změny. Díl I. A-H" můžeme číst k vývoji výše jmenovaného názvu následující:
"V sv. Čechách leží nad horním tokem Černého potoka osada, rozdělená ve dvě části potokem, který tvořil kdysi hranice panství a dnes tvoří hranice okresů: a) Harcov, něm. Haatz (lid. Hots), vesnička 9 km vých. ode Dvora Králové n. L.: 1790 Hft Gradlitz und Heržmanitz: Hotze, Haatz von 12 N., Schaller XV, 86; 1836 Hatze oder Haatz (Hartzow, Harcow)... Dorf von 9 H. mit 60 E. (náleží ke Kuksu), Sommer IV, 122; úř. 1854 Harcov (Haac), něm. Haatz, 1886 Harcov, něm. Haatz.
b) Harcov (lid. v Harcově, do Harcova, harcovskej), sam. patřící k m. o. Brzicům 8 km sz. od Čes. Skalice: 1790 Hft Horženiowes: Brzicz sammt der Ghaluppe Harzow, Schaller XV, 53; 1836 Hft Smiřitz: Hartzow« (Harcow, bei dem Teutschen Hatze)... 3 H. mit 20 böhm. E., Sommer IV, 64.
Dnes je toto MJ. na národnostních hranicích. Všechna okolní MJ. jsou původu českého (Kopaniny, Kladruby, Běluň, Brzice, Výhled a j.), takže zde náleží přednost českému jm. Harcov = Harcův, t. dvůr, mlýn a p. V Praze se vyskytuje příjmení Harc i Hartz (v. Adr.) a to je svým původem nejspíše německý domácký tvar os. jména Hartmann n. Hartwig a p., srov. Fritz z os. jm. Friedrich, Heinz z os. jm. Heinrich a p. Jm. Harcov bylo v německém nářečí vyslovováno Haatsd."
Roku 1725 začal Harcov patřit pod znovuobnovenou faru ve Chvalkovicích. V roce 1840 při sestavování stabilního katastru se skládal z Horního Harcova (Ober Haatz), Dolního Harcova (Unter Haatz) a osady Grund a byl řazen k Velké Bukovině (viz https://ags.cuzk.cz/archiv/openmap.html?typ=omc&idrastru=B2_a_4C_1787_1). Jeho územní vývoj je však složitý, protože v průběhu staletí byl různě dělen. Před zavedením Stadionova prozatímního obecního zřízení patřila jeho jedna část pod smiřické panství a druhá pod hradišťské. Tehdy tu byla zmíněna existence 1 hospodářského dvora a 1 mlýna. Roku 1843 měla hradišťská část Harcova 12 domů a 90 obyvatel, naopak smiřická pouze 3 domy se 17 obyvateli.
V roce 1849 byl Harcov připojen k Brzicím. Z roku 1865 pochází žádost spojených obcí Brzic, Běluně, Harcova, Žďáru a Grundu o přidělení k jaroměřskému okresu. V roce 1870 se dostala do dražby usedlost čp. 9. O 6 let později mělo stejný osud stavení čp. 6, jež bylo odhadnuto na 1 261 zl. Vyhlášením c. k. místodržitele pro Čechy ze 31. ledna 1878 bylo potvrzeno rozdělení dosavadní brzické obce na 2 nové: Brzice (s Běluní, Dolním Grundem, Harcovem a Žďárem) a Harcov (s Horním Grundem). 13. dubna 1880 vytáhli z mlýnské nádrže v Trutnově mrtvolu 46letého dělníka Josefa Rössla z Harcova, který spáchal sebevraždu po tom, co při porodu mrtvého dítěte zemřela jeho manželka. Po obou zůstaly 4 děti, z toho 3 nebyly ještě plnoleté. V roce 1880 měl Harcov 121 obyvatel, kteří žili v 17 domech, z toho v Horním Grundu bylo 27 obyvatel a 4 domy. O 5 let později se dostal do dražby zdejší mlýn manželů Lokvencových čp. 1, který byl odhadnut na 4 658 zl. a 65 kr. Roku 1892 byli zdejší chudí obdarováni 20 zl. z pokladny milostí Jana hraběte Sveerts Sporka z Kuksu. V roce 1897 byla Kateřině Gottsteinové z Harcova udělena hostinská koncese v čp. 131 na rohu ulic Poštovské a Bartolomějské v Praze. Roku 1900 měl Harcov 17 domů a 70 obyvatel. V roce 1903 patřili mezi místní živnostníky: soustružník Johann Fischer, trafikanti Anton Menzel a Josefa Menzelová a rolníci Anton Menzel, Josefa Menzelová a Johann Schubert. Roku 1905 byl nabízen k prodeji za 4 000 K zdejší hostinec se 4 korci polí a luk, neboť jeho provoz nebyl příliš rentabilní. Místní obyvatelé totiž nenáleželi k příliš finančně zajištěným a za prací docházeli většinou jinam. V roce 1914 zasedalo 6 Čechů v 8členném obecním zastupitelstvu, což se projevilo v tom, že byla odsouhlasena změna jména obce z Haatz na Harcov. Z 1. světové války se nevrátili: František Havel (1886-1914) a Karel Žďárský (1894-1916), další byli prohlášeni za mrtvé až po válce (Karel Menzel, 1886-1914; Josef Mertlík, 1875-1915) a někteří byli naopak zraněni (Josef Groh).
Roku 1930 měl Harcov plochu 190 ha a ve 14 domech žilo 37 obyvatel, z toho 3 domy a 12 obyvatel činila osada Horní Grunt. V letech 1938-1945 byl Harcov rozdělen, neboť jedna jeho část byla přidělena k Velkoněmecké říši a ta druhá zůstala součástí protektorátu. Ta též obdržela jiný německý název, a to Harzhof. Po ukončení 2. světové války byl Harcov přičleněn k Velké Bukovině. Roku 1950 měl katastr Harcova 190 ha. V témže roce byla zbourána stavení čp. 1 a čp. 7. O rok později byl v Harcově v rámci dobrovolné brigády vysázen kus lesa. 1. července 1953 převzal čp. 2, jež dosud patřilo MNV ve Velké Bukovině, Okresní bytový komunální podnik ze Dvora Králové nad Labem. K 1. lednu 1954 ho navrátil zpět. V roce 1960 byl Harcov připojen s přilehlým Žďárem k Brzicím, zatímco jeho část Dolní Grunt byla přičleněna k Chvalkovicím (jako osada existoval v letech 1836-1949). Roku 1964 byl kritizován stav cest do Harcova a do Běluně, ale k nápravě nikdy skutečně nedošlo. V roce 1980 přestaly existovat osady Harcov, Dolní a Horní Žlíbek a byly sloučeny v osadu Žďár. V rámci toho došlo též k přečíslování domů.
Dnes je Harcov připomínán pouze jako název katastrálního území, všechny jeho objekty náleží do výše zmíněného Žďáru. Dodejme ještě, že tato osada byla známá tím, že se tu uskutečnilo několik pokusů o těžbu uhlí. Kolem roku 1850 v Horním Harcově vykopali císařští havíři vodorovnou štolu. V roce 1900 se ve stejném místě v tzv. Zadlu pokusil o těžbu chvalkovický továrník Vilém Dlabola. Všechny tyto pokusy skončily neúspěchem pro svou nerentabilnost. Dále můžeme ještě zmínit, že v Harcově měli svůj domek rodiče známého podvodníka a lupiče Viléma Bitnera. Ten se tam také 21. května 1891 narodil. Jedinou zdejší pamětihodností je zděná kaplička ze 2. poloviny 19. století.
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Kaplička v Harcově
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qagasekajod · 2 years
Bedienungsanleitung saba tg 54449
            ·dä -450 ·wil -451 asel -452 ·fe -453 ·bez -454 gt -455 ·sa -456 '') -457 -39217 ·roos -39218 ·rudi -39219 ·rùnd -39220 ·saba -39221 ·stegBonney, T. G. : Anleitung zur Löthrohranalyse 1,54449. 1,54029. 0,00835. In nachstehender Tabelle sind nun zunächst die Mittel-. I.12(12) Tag und Art der Veröffentlichung der (72) FACISZEWSKI, Tom, M., D., Marshfield, WI 54449, ARBEL, Giora, 44430 Kfar Saba, IL. -137- Bogatchew, V.: Observations geologiques dans le bassin de la riviere Manytsch -436- Böhm, J. : Fossilien von General Roca -432- Bonney, T. G. sede della Sezione Monte Ceneri (HB9EI): Ogni saba to dalle 14:00 ed il prime martedi del mese, dalle 19:00 al Ristorante delle Alpi, Monte Ceneri,
https://bewefurihi.tumblr.com/post/693166622935023616/fritz-7270-handbuch-mercedes, https://qagasekajod.tumblr.com/post/693166457376342016/denon-tu-460-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://xotalutifi.tumblr.com/post/693166524455911424/hameg-hm-205-3-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://qagasekajod.tumblr.com/post/693166701166084096/feuerzeug-kamera-bedienungsanleitung-siemens, https://museqivokiq.tumblr.com/post/693166641355292672/intertechno-funk-einbauschalter-cmr-1000.
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sesiondemadrugada · 4 years
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Wildling (Fritz Böhm, 2018).
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oftwodarkmoons · 5 years
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Wildling (2018)
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movie-shelf · 5 years
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tudorscharlot · 6 years
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Wildling (Fritz Böhm, 2018)
Nah. This is very literally like a Frankensteined-together combination of Ginger Snaps, Twilight, Nell, and Game of Thrones. Not to say that I think any of that is intentional. But to paraphrase Doug (as portrayed by Michael Showalter), these are interesting tastes that taste weird together. Bel Powley is continuing her ascendancy toward being one of the greats of her generation, and Liv Tyler is terribly sweet, but man, this is not a very good movie. SPOILERS I think it is just trying to be so many things that it doesn’t do any of them justice. You’ll basically never hear me bemoaning a lack of exposition in a film, but this movie could use more than it has. Not that it’s difficult to follow. It’s that the things that are most interesting are left largely unarticulated and unexplored. The part of this movie that is about an adolescent who has been raised in isolated captivity and is not socialized could be a whole movie and not just the middle act of a jumbled one. What is the emotional fallout of her formative experiences? How does she adapt to all these changes? Does she learn to connect with people or is it too late in her psychological development to do so? This stuff is just glanced at in passing if at all. And the philosophical questions this film raises about being true to one’s nature vs. conforming to society, or being wild and free vs. being so threatening to the world of men that they seek to destroy you - all of these themes could have been more deeply explored. And in the end, what does her transformation mean, if anything? I’m here for horror films that use the fantastic transformation of girls into monsters as a metaphor for the psychological experience of puberty and the transition from girlhood to womanhood, but what is this movie doing, exactly?
Maybe this movie is just about a pretty girl who turns into a werewolf-like creature and escapes to the wilderness, and it’s silly to try to make it about anything deeper. But Bel Powley is a bright, bright emotional light and such an intelligent actor. It feels like a waste to have cast her in a role where so little of her radiance is used and so little of her inner world is shown.
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thecraggus · 3 years
The real escape room is the cinema you're sitting in to watch Escape Room: Tournament Of Champions (2021)
The real escape room is the cinema you're sitting in to watch Escape Room: Tournament Of Champions (2021) #Review
You can always tell a movie’s good when one of the characters clumsily inserts the movie’s name into dialogue. It worked great in STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT and it works just as well here in ESCAPE ROOM: TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS. Zoey Davis (Taylor Russell) and Ben Miller (Logan Miller), survivors of the events of the first ESCAPE ROOM are determined to expose Minos, the murderous company behind…
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whatsnextmovies · 6 years
April 13, 2018
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dashalbrundezimmer · 3 years
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st. gertrud // köln agnesviertel
architect: gottfried böhm
completion: 1965
side window designed by fritz hans laufen 1968
camera: exa 1b / tessar 2.8/50 carl zeiss jena
film: ilford hp5 plus
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stainedglassgardens · 3 years
Favourite films watched in 2020
In no particular order:
Katalin Varga (Peter Strickland, 2009) The Gleaners and I (Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse, Agnès Varda, 2000) Land of Silence and Darkness (Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit, Werner Herzog, 1971) Post Tenebras Lux (Carlos Reygadas, 2012) The Return (Возвращение, Andrey Zvyaginstev, 2003) The Grand Bizarre (Jodie Mack, 2018) Transnistra (Anna Eborn, 2019) Ghost Town Anthology (Répertoire des villes disparues, Denis Côté, 2019) The Petrified Forest (Archie Mayo, 1936) Viy (Вий, Georgiy Kropachyov & Konstantin Ershov, 1967)
Complete list of all 323 films watched in 2020 under the cut!
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (Gurinder Chadha, 2008) Blade (Steven Norrington, 1998) Who Among Us! (Abhishek Prasad and Rebecca Kahn, 2019) Brotherhood (Meryam Joobeur, 2018) Disctrict 9 (Neill Blomkamp, 2009) Hair Love (Matthew A. Cherry and Karen Rupert Toliver, 2019) Kitbull (Rosana Sullivan, 2019) Sister (妹妹, Siqi Song, 2019) Nuts! (Penny Lane, 2016) The Judge (Erika Cohn, 2017) The Ghosts of Sugar Land (Bassam Tariq, 2019) Amazonia (Dominic Hicks, 2018) Dearborn Ash (Hena Ashraf, 2018) Pineal (Jenny Rinta-Kanto, 2019) Headcleaner (Nick Scott, 2019) Rattlesnake (Zak Hilditch, 2019) The Neon Demon (Nicolas Winding Refn, 2016) Skin (Audrey Rosenberg, 2018) The Banishment (Изгнание, Andrey Zvyagintsev, 2007) F is for Friendship (Shaya Mulcahy, 2016) Paradise Hills (Alice Waddington, 2019) Road House (Rowdy Herrington, 1989) Hustlers (Lorene Scafaria, 2019) I Believe in Unicorns (Leah Meyerhoff, 2014) Ghost Train (Lee Cronin, 2014) Troop Zero (Bert & Bertie, 2019) For the Love of God (Pour l'Amour de Dieu, Micheline Lanctôt, 2011)
Sitting Next to Zoe (Ivana Lalović, 2013) Dark Places (Gilles Paquet-Brenner, 2015) Nocturnal Animals (Tom Ford, 2016) The Limey (Steven Soderbergh, 1999) Side Effects (Steven Soderbergh, 2013) Good Sam (Kate Melville, 2019) Anima (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2019) What Did Jack Do? (David Lynch, 2017) Fleur de tonnerre (Stéphanie Pillonca, 2016) Parasite (Bong Joon-ho, 2019) The Field Guide to Evil (Peter Strickland, Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala, Katrin Gebbe, Yannis Veslemes, Ashim Ahluwalia, Agnieszka Smoczynska, Can Evrenol, Calvin Reeder, 2018) Devil (John Eric Dowdle, 2010) 37 Seconds (Hikari, 2019) The Falling (Carol Morley, 2014) Grave of the Fireflies (火垂るの墓, Hotaru no Haka, Isao Takahata, 1988) Elena (Елена, Andrey Zvyagintsev, 2011) The Lighthouse (Robert Eggers, 2019) Baskin (Can Evrenol, 2015) In Fabric (Peter Strickland, 2018) Leviathan (Левиафан, Andrey Zvyagintsev, 2014) Suffragette (Sarah Gavron, 2015)
The East (Zal Batmanglij, 2013) Solaris (Солярис, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972) Mamma Mia! (Phyllida Lloyd, 2008) There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007) Io (Jonathan Helpert, 2019) The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (David France, 2017) A Bump Along the Way (Shelly Love, 2019) Color Out of Space (Richard Stanley, 2019) Divines (Houda Benyamina, 2016) Vanishing Waves (Kristina Buožytė, 2012) Mirror (Зеркало, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1975) Zama (Lucrecia Martel, 2017) Swallow (Carlo Mirabella-Davis, 2019) Joy (Sudabeh Mortezai, 2018) Good Time (Josh and Benny Safdie, 2017) Quarantine (John Eric Dowdle, 2008) The Reflecting Skin (Philip Ridley, 1990) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Martin McDonagh, 2017) Leto (Лето,  Kirill Serebrennikov, 2018) The 39 Steps (Alfred Hitchcock, 1935)
Queen of Earth (Alex Ross Perry, 2015) Black Christmas (Sophia Takal, 2019) Dogs of Chernobyl (Léa Camilleri & Hugo Chesnel, 2020) Firecrackers (Jasmin Mozaffari, 2018) Les Misérables (Ladj Ly, 2019) The Evil Dead (Sam Raimi, 1981) The Daughters of Fire (Las hijas del fuego, Albertina Carri, 2018) The Fallen Idol (Carol Reed, 1948) The Wailing (곡성, Gokseong, Na Hong-jin, 2016) Inherent Vice (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2014) Sorrowful Shadow (Guy Maddin, 2004) Mistery Lonely (Harmony Korine, 2007) The Grand Bizarre (Jodie Mack, 2018) Zombieland: Double Tap (Ruben Fleischer, 2019) Waves '98 (Ely Dagher, 2015) Uncut Gems (Josh and Benny Safdie, 2019) The Last Séance (Laura Kulik, 2018) Too Late to Die Young (Tarde para morir joven, Dominga Sotomayor Castillo, 2018) Room (Lenny Abrahamson, 2015) Queen & Slim (Melina Matsoukas, 2019) The Holy Mountain (La montaña sagrada, Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1973) The Chaser ( 추격자, Chugyeokja, Na Hong-jin, 2008) Made in Dagenham (Nigel Cole, 2010) The Color of Pomegranates (Նռան գույնը, Nřan guynə, Sergei Parajanov, 1969) Lost Girls (Liz Garbus, 2020) Ghost Town Anthology (Répertoire des villes disparues, Denis Côté, 2019) And Then There Were None (René Clair, 1945) Doctor Sleep (Mike Flanagan, 2019) Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid, 1943) Circus of Books (Rachel Mason, 2019) Catfish (Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, 2010) Wildling (Fritz Böhm, 2018) Delphine (Chloé Robichaud, 2019) The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (Lewis Milestone, 1946) The Red Balloon (Le Ballon rouge, Albert Lamorisse, 1956) Nona. If They Soak Me, I’ll Burn Them (Nona. Si me mojan, yo los quemo, Camila José Donoso, 2019) The Lodge (Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala, 2019) Invisible Man (Leigh Whannell, 2020) Sans Soleil (Chris Marker, 1983)
A Russian Youth (Мальчик русский, Alexander Zolotukhin, 2019) Sicario (Denis Villeneuve, 2015) Fedora (Billy Wilder, 1978) LoveTrue (Alma Har'el, 2016) The Platform (Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, 2019) Water Lilies (Naissance des pieuvres, Céline Sciamma, 2007) The Assistant (Kitty Green, 2019) The Half of It (Alice Wu, 2020) Tomboy (Céline Sciamma, 2011) The Last Man on Earth (Ubaldo Ragona and Sidney Salkow, 1964) Beanpole (Дылда, Kantemir Balagov, 2019) Mommy (Xavier Dolan, 2014) The Fall (Jonathan Glazer, 2020) Girlhood (Bande de filles, Céline Sciamma, 2014) Carnival of Souls (Herk Harvey, 1962) Marguerite & Julien (Valérie Donzelli, 2015) Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu, Céline Sciamma, 2019) This Magnificent Cake! (Ce Magnifique Gâteau!, Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels, 2018) Romantic Comedy (Elizabeth Sankey, 2019) Transnistra (Anna Eborn, 2019) Eraserhhead (David Lynch, 1977) The Farewell (Lulu Wang, 2019) Emma. (Autumn de Wilde, 2020) Late Night (Nisha Ganatra, 2019) Charlie's Angels (Elizabeth Banks, 2019) Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (Cathy Yan, 2020) The Ancestors Came (Cecile Emeke, 2017) Suicide by Sunlight (Nikyatu Jusu, 2019) Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (Edward Burtynsky, Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, 2018) A Perfect 14 (Giovanna Morales Vargas, 2018) Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist (Lorna Tucker, 2018) Free Radicals (Len Lye, 1958) Aniara (Pella Kågerman and Hugo Lilja, 2018) Vivarium (Lorcan Finnegan, 2019) La Pointe-Courte (Agnès Varda, 1955) Diary of a Pregnant Woman (L'Opéra-Mouffe, Agnès Varda, 1958) Salut les Cubains (Agnès Varda, 1964) Uncle Yanco (Oncle Yanco, Agnès Varda, 1967) GUO4 (Peter Strickland, 2019) Atlantiques (Mati Diop, 2009) Sitara: Let Girls Dream (Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, 2019) Lions Love (Lions Love... And Lies, Agnès Varda, 1969) Živan Makes a Punk Festival (Živan pravi pank festival, Ognjen Glavonić, 2014) Plastic and Glass (Tessa Joosse, 2009) The So-Called Caryatids (Les Dites Cariatides, Agnès Varda, 1984) The Octopus (La Pieuvre, Jean Painlevé, 1928) Hyas and Stenorhynchus (Hyas et sténorinques, crustacés marins, Jean Painlevé, 1929) Sea Urchins (Les Oursins, Jean Painlevé, 1929) Bernard-L'Hermite (Bernard-l'Ermite, Jean Painlevé, 1930) The Sea Horse (L'Hippocampe ou "cheval marin", Jean Painlevé, 1934) Voyage to the Sky (Voyage dans le ciel, Jean Painlevé, 1937) Le Vampire (Jean Painlevé, 1945) Freshwater Assassins (Assassins d'eau douce, Jean Painlevé, 1947) How Some Jellyfish Are Born (Comment naissent des méduses, Jean Painlevé and Geneviève Hamon, 1960) Shrimp Stories (Histoires de crevettes, Jean Painlevé and Geneviève Hamon, 1964) The Love Life of the Octopus (Les Amours de la pieuvre, Jean Painlevé and Geneviève Hamon, 1965) Acera, or The Witches' Dance (Acera, ou le Bal des Sorcières, Jean Painlevé and Geneviève Hamon, 1972) Pigeons of the Square (Les Pigeons du square, Jean Painlevé, 1982) The Slumber Party Massacre (Amy Holden Jones, 1982) Jane B. par Agnès V. (Agnès Varda, 1988) The Cranes Are Flying (Летят журавли, Mikhail Kalatozov, 1957) Crystal Swan (Хрусталь, Darya Zhuk, 2018) Take Me Somewhere Nice (Ena Sendijarević, 2019) Microhabitat ( 소공녀, Jeon Go-woon, 2017) The Unforeseen (Laura Dunn, 2007)
Funny Games (Michael Haneke, 1997) Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress and the Tangerine (Marion Cajori and Amei Wallach, 2008) Wodaabe: Herdsmen of the Sun (Werner Herzog, 1989) Bells from the Deep: Faith and Superstition in Russia (Glocken aus der Tiefe - Glaube und Aberglaube in Russland, Werner Herzog, 1993) We Are the Best! (Vi är bäst!, Lukas Moodysson, 2013) Olla (Ariane Labed, 2019) Return to Reason (Le Retour à la raison, Man Ray, 1923) Ghosts Before Breakfast (Vormittagsspuk, Hans Richter, 1928) Sissy Boy Slap Party (Guy Maddin, 2004) The Republic of Enchanters (La République des enchanteurs, Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh, 2016) Sullivan's Banks (Sullivans Banken, Heinz Emigholz, 2000) Black Panthers (Agnès Varda, 1970) Asparagus (Suzan Pitt, 1979) America (Valérie Massadian, 2013) The Fall (Tarsem Singh, 2006) The Watermelon Woman (Cheryl Dunye, 1996) Douce Menace (Ludovic Habas, Yoan Sender, Margaux Vaxelaire, Mickaël Krebs, Florent Rousseau, 2011) Curling (Denis Côté, 2010) Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001) The Return (Возвращение, Andrey Zvyaginstev, 2003) Maillart's Bridges (Maillarts Brücken, Heinz Emigholz, 2000) Two Years at Sea (Ben Rivers, 2011) The Creeping Garden (Tim Grabham and Jasper Sharp, 2014) Homo Sapiens (Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2016) A Radiant Life (Une Vie radieuse, Meryll Hardt, 2013) Shirley (Josephine Decker, 2020) Disclosure (Sam Feder, 2020) Baghead (Mark Duplass and Jay Duplass, 2008) Lahemaa (Leslie Lagier, 2010) Closeness (Теснота, Kantemir Balagov, 2017) Touki Bouki (Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1973) Daughter (Dcera, Daria Kashcheeva, 2019) Human Nature (Sverre Fredriksen, 2019) 1 Dimension (一维, Lü Yue, 2013)
Post Tenebras Lux (Carlos Reygadas, 2012) Something to Remember (Något Att Minnas, Niki Lindroth Von Bahr, 2019) Gegenüber (Ewa Wikiel, 2019) The Claudia Kishi Club (Sue Ding, 2020) Villa Empain (Katharina Kastner, 2019) Fata Morgana (Werner Herzog, 1971) Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder,1959) Breakwater (Quebramar, Cris Lyra, 2019) Y a-t-il une vierge encore vivante? (Bertrand Mandico, 2015) Virus Tropical (Santiago Caicedo, 2017) The Tribe (Племя, Miroslav Slaboshpitsky, 2014) Integration Report 1 (Madeline Anderson, 1960) Tribute to Malcolm X (Madeline Anderson, 1967)
The Stopover (Voir du pays, Delphine and Muriel Coulin, 2016) Our Time (Nuestro Tiempo, Carlos Reygadas, 2018) Never Rarely Sometimes Always (Eliza Hittman, 2020) Land of Silence and Darkness (Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit, Werner Herzog, 1971) Continental, a Film Without Guns (Continental, un film sans fusil, Stéphane Lafleur, 2007) Spaceship Earth (Matt Wolf, 2020) The Go-Go's (Alison Ellwood, 2020) First Cow (Kelly Reichardt, 2019) Light of My Life (Casey Affleck, 2019) Wadjda (Haifaa al-Mansour, 2012) Spinster (Andrea Dorfman, 2020) Love and Anarchy (Film d'amore e d'anarchia, ovvero: stamattina alle 10, in via dei Fiori, nella nota casa di tolleranza..., Lina Wertmüller, 1973) Shapito Show (Шапито шоу, Sergey Loban, 2011) Charade (Stanley Donen, 1693) Cat People (Jacques Tourneur, 1942) Radioactive (Marjane Satrapi, 2019) Tabloid (Errol Morris, 2010) The Mourning Forest ( 殯の森, Mogari No Mori, Naomi Kawase, 2007) Lilya 4-ever (Lilja 4-ever, Lukas Moodysson, 2002)
The Nightingale (Jennifer Kent, 2018) Babyteeth (Shannon Murphy, 2019) Let the Corpses Tan (Laissez bronzer les cadavres, Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani, 2017) Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin, Wim Wenders, 1987) In My Room (Mati Diop, 2020) Katalin Varga (Peter Strickland, 2009) Les 3 Boutons (Agnès Varda, 2015) Somebody (Miranda July, 2014) Öndög (Wang Quan'an, 2019) Strasbourg 1518 (Jonathan Glazer, 2020) Mermaid (Русалка, Anna Melikyan, 2007) The Lighthouse (Маяк, Maria Saakyan, 2006) Phenomena (Dario Argento, 1985) That One Day (Crystal Moselle, 2016) Brigitte (Lynne Ramsay, 2019) The Wedding Singer's Daughter (Haifaa al-Mansour, 2018) Shako Mako (Hailey Gates, 2019) Carmen (Chloë Sevigny, 2017) The Summer of Sangailė (Sangailės Vasara, Alanté Kavaïté, 2015) Hello Apartment (Dakota Fanning, 2018) Seed (Naomi Kawase, 2016) Beyond the Visible: Hilma af Klint (Halina Dyrschka, 2019) Matthias & Maxime (Xavier Dolan, 2019) The Gleaners and I (Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse, Agnès Varda, 2000)
American Murder (Jenny Popplewell, 2020) Hereditary (Ari Aster, 2018) Ghostland (Pascal Laugier, 2018) Triangle (Christopher Smith, 2009) The Amityville Horror (Stuart Rosenberg, 1979) The Visit (M. Night Shyamalan, 2015) The House of the Devil (Ti West, 2009) Misery (Rob Reiner, 1990) The Exorcist (William Friedkin, 1973) Coherence (James Ward Byrkit, 2013) Metamorphosis (변신, Kim Hong-sun, 2019) Errementari (Paul Urkijo Alijo, 2017) I Am a Ghost (H.P. Mendoza,2012) The Changeling (Peter Medak, 1980) Witching and Bitching (Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi, Álex de la Iglesia, 2013) Thirst (박쥐, Park Chan-wook, 2009) V/H/S ( Adam Wingard, David Bruckner, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg, Radio Silence, 2012) The Autopsy of Jane Doe (André Øvredal, 2016) Overlord (Julius Avery, 2018) Häxan (Benjamin Christensen, 1922) Viy (Вий, Georgiy Kropachyov & Konstantin Ershov, 1967) Amulet (Romola Garai, 2020) A Bucket of Blood (Roger Corman, 1959) The Wasp Woman (Roger Corman, 1959) Mother! (Darren Aronofsky, 2017) Suspiria (Dario Argento, 1977) The Open House (Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote, 2018)
The Damned Don't Cry (Vincent Sherman, 1950) Notorious (Alfred Hitchcock, 1946) While the City Sleeps (Fritz Lang, 1956) The Man Who Wasn't There (Joel Coen, 2001) The Naked City (Jules Dassin, 1948) The Petrified Forest (Archie Mayo, 1936) Croupier (Mike Hodges, 1998) In a Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950) Elevator to the Gallows (Ascenseur pour l'échafaud, Louis Malle, 1958) Key Largo (John Huston, 1948) Dial M for Murder (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954) The Long Farewell (Долгие проводы, Kira Muratova, 1971) The Killers (Robert Siodmak, 1946) Gun Crazy (Joseph H. Lewis, 1950) Alphaville (Jean-Luc Godard, 1965) Laura (Otto Preminger, 1944) The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949) Dark City (Alex Proyas, 1998) Night and the City (Jules Dassin, 1950) Ace in the Hole (Billy Wilder, 1951)
Nimic (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2020) Elsa la rose (Agnès Varda, 1966) Le Bonheur (Agnès Varda, 1965) Little Girl (Petite Fille, Sébastien Lifshitz, 2020) Cold Meridian (Peter Strickland, 2020) The Fiancés of the Bridge Mac Donald (Les Fiancés du Pont Mac Donald ou (Méfiez-vous des Lunettes Noires)) (Agnès Varda, 1961) Along the Coast (Du côté de la côte, Agnès Varda, 1958) Vic + Flo Saw a Bear (Vic + Flo ont vu un ours, Denis Côté, 2013) Zootopia (Byron Howard, Rich Moore, 2016) It's a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra, 1946) Paddington (Paul King, 2014) Miracle on 34th Street (George Seaton, 1947) High Life (Claire Denis, 2018) Paddington 2 (Paul King, 2017)
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mistress-elizabeth · 4 years
Random Babylon Berlin Season 3 Thoughts
You have been warned...
(Also it gets really random)
Half the time I had no idea what was going on in the moment, but like, in a good way.
There were so many loose threads at the end, they should have filmed season 4 back to back. Like, what is up with the new trio infernale, Kattelbach, Elisabeth Behnke and Marie-Luise Seeghers? The hell, what is up with Dr. Schmid/Anno? Does anybody in the police department still care that the Armenian/Edgar and Walter Weintraub murdered the murderer of the actresses? And what happended to Svetlana Sorokina and Kardakov, who were MIA in this season?
Alfred Nyssen is younger than Gräf
Apparently there is only one therapist in all of 1929 Berlin and he also does occult practices as a side hustle
Helga has a type: brown-haired morally grey guys with mental health issues (who also have the same therapist who might or might not be her long lost husband)
Böhm: “that’s why there shouldn’t be women in the homicide department, they only cause dRaMa”
Böhm three weeks later: *running rampant at the stock market and holding the brokers hostage*
I am now a shipper on deck for Elisabeth Behnke and Kattelbach, their conversations about settling down and proper housekeeping were very nice
Helga cares surprisingly little about where her son is
Your secret meetings won’t stay secret for long if you always use the same department store entrance as a meeting spot, Frau Behnke
However, she’s still better at sleuthing than Richard Pechtmann/the artist formerly known as Fritz aka one of Benda’s murderers
Hiding the room behind the wardrobe was a very clever trick I think
Elisabeth Behnke is still complaining that Kattelbach doesn’t air out his room
I love how detailed the visual storytelling is and that they still have the same extras like (Reinstecke) Fuchs and Doris the other typist
Now that Sabin Tambrea made an appearance I’m counting on it that Sonja Gerhard joins the cast next season. These two are in everything.
I love how Gereon acts like he doesn’t know Alfred Nyssen when he was arrested very publicy in the case Gereon was working on two seasons (and in-universe about 4 on months) ago
Only about 4 months have passed since season 2 and the characters don’t act like it. They have like two murderous police officers who kill their co-workers in the span of 4 fucking months. And nobody is thinking about poor Jänicke anymore...
That’s one of the things I found a bit lacking in this season: while the minor call backs were really good, the big plot points were kindo swept under the rug like the Sorokina/Kardakov cliffhanger, the Anno reveal, the Wolter/Jänicke situation. I mean, I understand that Gereon is a bit preoccupied but still...
I found myself asking how many of the things happening were real. Just look at the last sequence with Alfred and Helga in the movie costumes... And does Gereon actually go down to the sewers to visit Dr. Schmid/Anno? And is he Anno or not?
I found the Edgar/Walter Weintraub crime plot to be a bit weak tbh, Edgar was so powerfull and schemy in the earlier seasons but here he was just meh
Charlotte’s side-storyline also wasn’t the most interesting for me this season, I don’t know why but I just couldn’t get interested.
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moviesandmania · 3 years
ESCAPE ROOM: TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS (2021) Preview with first trailer
ESCAPE ROOM: TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS (2021) Preview with first trailer
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions is a 2021 action-adventure horror film about six people locked in another series of escape rooms. Directed by Adam Robitel (Escape Room 2019; Insidious: The Last Key; The Taking of Deborah Logan) from a screenplay co-written by Will Honley, Maria Melnik, Daniel Tuch and Oren Uziel, based on a story by Fritz Böhm and Christine Lavaf and characters created by…
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Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale streamingITA Gratis in Italia film e Italia serie. Guarda Gratis Completo tutti i Film Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale (2021) Streaming ITA Online in Italia film e Italia serie.
Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale
Escape Room 2 - Gioco mortale (Escape Room: Tournament of Champions, conosciuto anche come Escape Room 2[1]) è un film del 2021 diretto da Adam Robitel.
La pellicola è il sequel de Escape Room (2019).
Data di uscita: 15 luglio 2021 Genere: Thriller, Horror, Azione Anno: 2021 Regia: Adam Robitel, Bragi F. Schut Attori: Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Holland Roden, Isabelle Fuhrman, Thomas Cocquerel, Carlito Olivero, Indya Moore, Deborah Ann Woll, Jamie-Lee Money, Corin Silva, Wayne Harrison Paese: USA Durata: 88 min Distribuzione: Sony Pictures Italia/Warner Bros Italia Sceneggiatura: Maria Melnik, Fritz Böhm, Will Honley, Christine Lavaf, Daniel Tuch Fotografia: Marc Spicer Montaggio: Steve Mirkovich Produzione: Columbia Pictures, Original Film, Shaken Not Stirred, Moonlighting Films.
Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Sinossi del Film e Trama del Film Italiano Escape Room 2: Gioco Mortale, film diretto da Adam Robitel, è il sequel dell'omonimo thriller del 2019, incentrato sul popolare gioco diffuso tra i giovani. Nel precedente film un gruppo di ragazzi, sconosciuti tra loro, si ritrovano a svolgere le diverse tappe dell'escape room per vincere un cospicuo premio in dollari, ma non sanno che la vera vittoria è uscire vivi dal mortale gioco.
Nel secondo capitolo Zoey (Taylor Russell) e Ben (Logan Miller), entrambi sopravvissuti al gioco precedente, sono determinati ad arrestare la follia dei sadici ideatori. dell'escape room, che durante la loro partita hanno ucciso quattro persone. Mentre sono sulla metro, il vagone si distacca dal resto del treno e Zoey e Ben insieme ad altri sconosciuti si ritrovano bloccati al suo interno. Ma non è stato un incidente, i sei estranei sono i protagonisti di una nuova sfida. Tutto il gruppo, però, ha già partecipato in passato all'escape room.
Trova tutti i Serie che puoi guardare in streaming online, inclusi quelli che sono stati proiettati questa settimana. Se ti stai chiedendo cosa puoi guardare su questo sito web, allora dovresti sapere che copre generi che includono crimine, scienza, Fi-Fi, azione, romanticismo, thriller, commedia, dramma e Serie di anime. Grazie mille. Diciamo a tutti coloro che sono felici di riceverci come notizie o informazioni sul programma cinematografico di quest'anno e su come guardi i tuoi Serie preferiti. Speriamo di poter diventare il miglior partner per te nella ricerca di consigli per i tuoi Serie preferiti. Da noi è tutto, saluti! Grazie per aver guardato il video oggi. Spero che i video che condivido vi piacciano. Metti un pollice in su, metti mi piace o condividi se ti piace ciò che abbiamo condiviso in modo che siamo più entusiasti. Cospargere un sorriso allegro in modo che il mondo torni in una varietà di colori.
Dopo essere riusciti a uscire dal vagone, la comitiva improvvisata si ritroverà bloccata in una serie di stanze e step dopo step perderà un membro del gruppo nel tentativo di trovare la vita d'uscita e salvare la pelle. Per superare le insidie delle stanze ideate dalla Minos Escape Rooms Corporation, il gruppo dovrà fare gioco di squadra e per vincere dovranno scoprire cosa li accomuna perché proprio loro sono stati scelti per questa partita, ed è così che i sei scaveranno nel loro passato per rivelare che ognuno di loro ha partecipato a questo gioco.
Watch Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source), and use the x264 codec. They can be ripped from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from its source (i.e. 1080p to 720p/576p/480p). A BRRip is an already encoded video at an HD resolution (usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to a SD resolution. Watch Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BRRips are only from an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from 2160p to 1080p, etc as long as they go downward in resolution of the source disc.
Watch Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxate downward for encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as they are transcoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or x264 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1.5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5 GB or 8.4GB), size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. Download Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie HDRip.
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Guarda [[ HD-1080p ]] <Escape Room 2: Gioco Mortale> Streaming ITA Altadefinizione La pellicola
Guarda Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale streaming ITA da guardare in alta definizione e in lingua italiana o sottotitoli. Escape Room 2 ITA filmsenza limiti e senza registrazione.
Guardare Film Completo Escape Room 2 streaming alta definizione qualità HD. Film Escape Room 2 [Sub-ITA] streaming in Italiano gratis e senza registrazione.
GUARDA ORA =>> https://play.topboxoffice.org/it/movie/585216
GUARDA / SCARICA ➤➤ https://t.co/wpTf2M2jHL?amp=1
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Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale streamingITA Gratis in Italia film e Italia serie. Guarda Gratis Completo tutti i Film Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale (2021) Streaming ITA Online in Italia film e Italia serie.
Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale
Escape Room 2 - Gioco mortale (Escape Room: Tournament of Champions, conosciuto anche come Escape Room 2[1]) è un film del 2021 diretto da Adam Robitel.
La pellicola è il sequel de Escape Room (2019).
Data di uscita: 15 luglio 2021 Genere: Thriller, Horror, Azione Anno: 2021 Regia: Adam Robitel, Bragi F. Schut Attori: Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Holland Roden, Isabelle Fuhrman, Thomas Cocquerel, Carlito Olivero, Indya Moore, Deborah Ann Woll, Jamie-Lee Money, Corin Silva, Wayne Harrison Paese: USA Durata: 88 min Distribuzione: Sony Pictures Italia/Warner Bros Italia Sceneggiatura: Maria Melnik, Fritz Böhm, Will Honley, Christine Lavaf, Daniel Tuch Fotografia: Marc Spicer Montaggio: Steve Mirkovich Produzione: Columbia Pictures, Original Film, Shaken Not Stirred, Moonlighting Films.
Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Sinossi del Film e Trama del Film Italiano Escape Room 2: Gioco Mortale, film diretto da Adam Robitel, è il sequel dell'omonimo thriller del 2019, incentrato sul popolare gioco diffuso tra i giovani. Nel precedente film un gruppo di ragazzi, sconosciuti tra loro, si ritrovano a svolgere le diverse tappe dell'escape room per vincere un cospicuo premio in dollari, ma non sanno che la vera vittoria è uscire vivi dal mortale gioco.
Nel secondo capitolo Zoey (Taylor Russell) e Ben (Logan Miller), entrambi sopravvissuti al gioco precedente, sono determinati ad arrestare la follia dei sadici ideatori. dell'escape room, che durante la loro partita hanno ucciso quattro persone. Mentre sono sulla metro, il vagone si distacca dal resto del treno e Zoey e Ben insieme ad altri sconosciuti si ritrovano bloccati al suo interno. Ma non è stato un incidente, i sei estranei sono i protagonisti di una nuova sfida. Tutto il gruppo, però, ha già partecipato in passato all'escape room.
Trova tutti i Serie che puoi guardare in streaming online, inclusi quelli che sono stati proiettati questa settimana. Se ti stai chiedendo cosa puoi guardare su questo sito web, allora dovresti sapere che copre generi che includono crimine, scienza, Fi-Fi, azione, romanticismo, thriller, commedia, dramma e Serie di anime. Grazie mille. Diciamo a tutti coloro che sono felici di riceverci come notizie o informazioni sul programma cinematografico di quest'anno e su come guardi i tuoi Serie preferiti. Speriamo di poter diventare il miglior partner per te nella ricerca di consigli per i tuoi Serie preferiti. Da noi è tutto, saluti! Grazie per aver guardato il video oggi. Spero che i video che condivido vi piacciano. Metti un pollice in su, metti mi piace o condividi se ti piace ciò che abbiamo condiviso in modo che siamo più entusiasti. Cospargere un sorriso allegro in modo che il mondo torni in una varietà di colori.
Dopo essere riusciti a uscire dal vagone, la comitiva improvvisata si ritroverà bloccata in una serie di stanze e step dopo step perderà un membro del gruppo nel tentativo di trovare la vita d'uscita e salvare la pelle. Per superare le insidie delle stanze ideate dalla Minos Escape Rooms Corporation, il gruppo dovrà fare gioco di squadra e per vincere dovranno scoprire cosa li accomuna perché proprio loro sono stati scelti per questa partita, ed è così che i sei scaveranno nel loro passato per rivelare che ognuno di loro ha partecipato a questo gioco.
Watch Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source), and use the x264 codec. They can be ripped from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from its source (i.e. 1080p to 720p/576p/480p). A BRRip is an already encoded video at an HD resolution (usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to a SD resolution. Watch Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BRRips are only from an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from 2160p to 1080p, etc as long as they go downward in resolution of the source disc.
Watch Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxate downward for encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as they are transcoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or x264 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1.5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5 GB or 8.4GB), size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. Download Escape Room 2 - Gioco Mortale Movie HDRip.
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filmstopia · 6 years
Wildling - Official Trailer 2018 - IFC Films
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Wildling - Official Trailer 2018 - IFC Films
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Anna spends her entire childhood under the care of a mysterious man she only knows as Daddy. He keeps her locked in an attic making her fear the Wildling, a child-eating monster that roams the outside. At age 16, Anna is freed by small-town sheriff Ellen Cooper who helps her start a new life as a normal teenager. But as Anna's body begins to blossom, her childhood nightmares return with a vengeance, leading to the conclusion of a terrifying secret. Directed by: Fritz Böhm Cast: Liv Tyler, Bel Powley, Brad Dourif
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page58-blog1 · 6 years
(Trailer) Discover Your True Nature in Fritz Böhm's Coming-of-Age Fantasy Horror-Thriller 'Wildling' starring Liv Tyler
(Trailer) Discover Your True Nature in Fritz Böhm’s Coming-of-Age Fantasy Horror-Thriller ‘Wildling’ starring Liv Tyler
    “Do you want to hear a story about the wild?” the ‘Wildling’ is a teenage girl’s coming of age comes with a terrifying twist. Since birth, Anna has been raised in isolation by a man she knows only as Daddy who has done everything possible to conceal the truth about the girl’s origins from her.
“She’s the girl that was kept in her father’s attic.” He keeps her locked in an attic making her…
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