#Froggo the Dragon
bobauthorman · 9 months
I'm not sure what's wilder, that Muppets Tonight cast Kermit as a vicious dragon...
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...Or that they did it twice.
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artcher-artwork · 11 months
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Frog coloring sheet! Coloring sheets
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frog-foundry · 11 months
9). Goku - Dragon Ball
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ybereneth · 4 months
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It is Amphibiuary again! Last year, I did only a few prompts because I lacked time. This year, the same might happen. But here you go, several days late: Amphibuary 2024 Day 1: Dragon! I made a little froggo dressed up as a dragon!
I first drew the frog on paper, scanned it, and then coloured it digitally. That is somewhat special because I haven't done any digital art in about 10 years or so, so hooray for that. Also, I do have neither a graphic tablet nor a regular one, so all the colour was done using my mouse, which was a pain in the arse.
I think I like the eyes best, but I am not fully happy with the wings. I am not fully happy with the texture and not at all with the shading. Also, they kinda look more like a weird butterfly than proper dragon wings, but alas. The concept was meant to be goofy anyway and I went far more all in than I had planned.
I hope you like my little frog dragon friend! P.S.: @molekel would not shut up about amphibiuary until I agreed to participate again. Thank her for the froggo's existence!
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An intro to my blog; Witchcraft, tarot, and general unhinged energy.
Bare-bones/TL;DR: My name is Frog or Froggo, whichever you prefer, I use he/him pronouns and this is a blog dedicated primarily to my practice as a witch. I do tarot readings over on Ko-FI, as well as some on here that are donation-based (You tip if you want, but you don't have to.) Donation-based readings are temporary to promote the paid readings, and I'll be closing requests once I feel I have a decent amount of people interested (or if i find that it isn't working and I'm just instead giving free readings and no paid readings.) Send in an ask for a donation-based reading, or head on over to my Ko-Fi if you want more of a guarantee that I'll get to your reading/want your reading prioritized. Please check the bottom of this post for what readings I do/don't do before sending an ask.
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I go by Froggo or Frog
He/him pronouns
Trans, panromantic, polyamorous, and just generally queer.
Quiet sunshine and rainbows type of guy, until you get to know me and then suddenly I won't shush and I keep talking about psychological horror
interests outside of witchcraft include writing, Genshin Impact (I promise I don't associate with the fandom they scare me so bad), music, anime, and "weird miscellaneous facts."
My craft:
I've been practicing off and on for about four years, but I've been around witchcraft my whole life. I no longer consider myself a beginner, but I wouldn't consider myself a beacon of knowledge either lol. I know enough to be comfortable practicing on my own, and giving others a few resources. If I ever post something with inaccurate information, something that appropriates any closed practices, or something that is otherwise not advisable, PLEASE let me know!
My interests in witchcraft include Tarot/oracle cards, deity work, crystals, and working with dragons. (Although, that last one is very new to me so I have very little experience to share so far.)
My work as a witch has begun to shape out as involving things that others fear and reject. I personally find this hilarious considering that I used to be so scared of everything.
I work with Persephone, Hades, Medusa, my familiar, Loki, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Khaos. They appeared to me in that order, with Aphrodite and Khaos being fairly recent additions as I'm typing this. (5/12/24) Note that this is a list of EVERYONE I work with at all, and some of them (like Medusa) only rarely show up in my life currently while others are more active.
I have a sideblog about my work with dragons, @officially-other, but it's so heavy on UPG, identity talk, feelings, etc. that I keep it separate from this blog. It's brand new as of editing but I plan on it being completely transparent.
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Things to expect from me: An unreasonable amount of witchcraft memes, lots of fun little stories about my guides/deities and interactions with them, general stories about my craft. My asks are open, but I may not always have an answer to any questions! See the "not a beacon of knowledge" bullet point earlier.
DNI: Racists, misogynists, trans/homophobes, ableists, bigots of any kind, pɘdo, I feel like I'm forgetting something but overall just don't be an asshole okay??? Plz???? Thank you. 16+ minors are okay, below that you can follow and lurk just please don't start a proper conversation. (/lh, lighthearted)
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Yes I know this is a bit long. I don't require that you read this but I don't answer asks with problems that could be solved by just reading this. I am no longer doing readings for anon asks, so please be off anon. Paid readings and any Tumblr readings that tip/donate beforehand will be prioritized, but other than that please be patient- when I post readings, I often get a lot of asks that takes weeks to get through.
Readings I will do:
General readings
Love readings (PLEASE check that it doesn't fall under "won't do" first)
Readings with a specific deity or entity (Paid readings get channeled typing,)
Pretty much anything that isn't on the "wont" list. (I reserve the right to say 'no' if something is brought up that I'm uncomfortable with but didn't think to put below.)
Readings I wont do:
Physical health readings (go see a professional)
Anything that constitutes "mind reading" (instead of "how does [person] truly feel" try "what's left being unsaid" or "what do I need to know" type questions.)
Sexual readings
Readings on a voice chat/call (yet)
Deity Identification readings (just not confident in them)
future spouse readings for free (I will do them paid, I just do the free readings to promote + for fun, and future spouse readings aren't fun for me)
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Cloud gazing Froggo & Bunny 🐸🐰☁️
I always loved to watch the clouds and see different shapes in them. Sometimes a dragon, sometimes a cat eating ice cream.
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thiccymothy · 7 months
Froggo Chinese Dragon 🐉
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I love it
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Tagged by @stealingpotatoes
1. Theon Greyjoy--A Song of Ice and Fire
2. Raven-- DC
3. Mina Harker-- Dracula
4. Alistair Theirin-- Dragon Age
5. Genji Shimada-- Overwatch
6. Carswell Thorne-- The Lunar Chronicles 
7. Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury-- Sailor Moon
8. Kanan Jarrus-- Star Wars
9. Cornelius Hickey-- The Terror
10. Rogue/Anna Marie LeBeau-- Marvel
Tagging: @parker-of-loxley, @rennskye, @macko-99, @46hasu, @sttron534, @froggo-02, @grainypicofthemoon, @ca314159bara, @apocryphist
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krowjet · 2 years
Welp, because I got tagged by @bornfromchalk’s mod for this, I’ll do it to.
Rules: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
I personally won’t tag that many because honestly… I don’t know that many. I don’t really have a lot of mutuals, to be honest. Anyways, let get this show on the road (cricky, get the bags!)
K- King and Lionheart (Of Monsters and Men)
R- Real Life (Imagine Dragons)
O- On Top of the World (Imagine Dragons)
W- Wolf (First Aid Kit)
J- Just the Two of Us (Cover by Khoi Dao)
E- Empire (Of Monsters and Men)
T- The Last of the Real Ones (Fallout Boy)
I honestly couldn’t find songs for O and E. Anyways, tags. @ainescribe @midnight-moon1ight @that-one-froggo.
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sonntam · 1 year
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I think I will stick to my Elven Sorceress with dragon heritage!
She is my little froggo.
I may still change up the top of her hair (it is too light in bright light), but otherwise I am pretty happy with her appearance.
The waifu looks also good. Very pretty and a bit ominous (as it should be).
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artcher-artwork · 11 months
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Do you like his hat?
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pocket-dragon · 2 years
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Some leetle dudes
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artfullyfaith · 2 years
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Boggly the wizard needs your help in acquiring some of the material components for his biggest spell yet, will you help Boggly? Or will you suffer the consequences?! 🤨
🪴 - Please don’t repost to other socials without proper credit! Thank you!
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behbuh · 3 years
some pics of the lego set i finished last night :)!
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and the most important pics of all
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golden baby froggo :')
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goblincloud · 3 years
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love <3
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Rat Man and frogge. the dynamic duo with no braincells between them.
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