#Fruit seller speaking in English
coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
🂠 ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠ 🂠 Tea party menu🂠 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 🂠
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Coffee speaking! Tea speaking! Twins speaking!
We have a various kinds of tea, chai latte is my personal favorite tho
Come on Dear, take a sit with us in this tea party! If you rather coffee, of course we have!
We have a lot of little treats to share with you as well!
Maybe is someone's happy not-birthday? oh, its our not-birthday too!
So, tell us, what do you wish to have?
🍅 Fruit salad:
🍋 Lemon:
edit! Not really bullys
human! Lemon + silly edit
wish I was your safe space
🍓 Strawberry:
edit! Not really bullys
🍈 Melon:
Sweet sweet rain
🍏 Green Apple:
edit! Not really bullys
🍍 Pineapple:
edit! Interruption
better that sleeping pills
➤ keep pretending
➤ Say something
do you notice?
human! Pin
You need a proper care, Dear (Lovesick! Doctor)
Can't you stay longer? (Lovesick! Patient x Reader.)
💐 Hanahaki killer:
Imagine if hanahaki isn't a sickness but a serial killer
❄️ Backrooms:
liminal space single daddy introduction post
🏪 The yandere shop:
welcome to the shop! What are you looking for?
Sneak peek of the first encounters
Out of the menu, still the choice (the seller post)
🎪 Circus:
Why being a side character when you can have the spotlight?
Oh, and if you don't find that little something you're searching for...
You can always sit and ask/sugest us, dont be shy, Dear. Although we express differently, we share our only braincell.
So come sit with us and enjoy this little tea party we prepared for you, with all the sweets and the sours too!
Ah, last but not least, english isn't our first language, probably you all will find weird things in my posts lol, y si prefieren leer algo en español, también pueden pedirnos usarlo si hacen un ask, acá está el intro post en español.
Our beloved neighbors that come to celebrate their not birthday with us! (anon list):
🧸 anon
🍰 anon
Do you also want to celebrate your not birthday? Of course, come with us, my brother makes the best brownie ever, you should try it!
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bilbobagginshome · 2 years
A Deadbeat's Journal 5
A Jotaro kujo x blackfemreader fic
February 18 20XX,
Kongowea is not for the weak . In actuality , it's really not for anyone who’s trying to have a positive day because my oh my, the trials you will endure as you navigate through the never ending abyss that is this market will leave many in shock ,in tears almost .
Despite the trials, the cheap groceries are the only sweetener to this otherwise bitter endeavor hence the trip .I needed to remind Jotaro of our ground rules;
“Don’t touch anything , don’t look at anything for more than a second and most importantly , don’t speak .” I sharply said.
Here’s the deal, consider Kongowea as a sort of free range market where prices can be reasonably bargained at .However , some of the unspoken rules include that you should never speak in English or even have a skin tone closer to the korean foundation shade range(paper) or you will get scammed. Moreover, you shouldn’t seem completely interested in what the merchant is offering, otherwise you may end up coughing a not so pleasant sum from your pocket . These are the most revered  rules that I’ve picked up whilst shopping here.
However, the most important rule that I have never shared to anyone is that I usually go on the least active day of the week which is when the trailers are offloading new goods and sellers are usually even more lenient with their price tags.Thats why we were there at 6 am on a Wednesday morning.
“Don’t worry about me , I can barely keep my eyes open.” Jotaro sleepily retorted whilst attempting to hold back a yawn.
We found a parking spot and I took the reusable bags . I told Jotaro to keep his hoodie up. The less people notice the pasty, bulking ,mass of a man , the better. 
“Wouldn’t people be staring at me more?”
“No cause aside from a sidelong glance , a working kenyan will always mind the business that pays them.”
He scoffed at that and let me lead him to the fruits and vegetables market . The government decided to place a toll tax of 30 shillings per person as if they don’t steal enough from us anyways. 
When we walked in , as expected only a few of my most trusted merchants were open. I immediately began purchasing .Luckily we purchased almost everything needed within the first 20 minutes .The only thing left was a pumpkin and two squashes which Jotaro desperately wanted.I politely asked one of the merchants to direct me to any of the merchants selling the required and she gestured at a young man two stalls across her .
The man , noticing we were headed to his stall immediately called us over.
“Ngapi?”(How much)
“150 nzima”(a whole pumpkin at 150)
“Ndugu si unipunguzie?mwisho wasemaje?”(Brother can’t you make it a bit cheaper, what’s your final offer)
“Mwisho 120”(final price 120)
I was too tired to go back and forth and it was too early to be arguing about money that Jotaro clearly had and didn’t mind spending . We ordered 2 and 5 squashes despite me informing him that I don’t particularly enjoy either tuber and he’ll have to find a way to eat it on his own . Just as I thought that the trip was very peaceful, the merchant broke the stream of consciousness  with the usual question I get asked whenever Jotaro’s around.
“Huyo mzungu…kwani ni bwanako?”(Is this white man your husband?)
“Hata , ni cousin wangu wa mbali lakini” (No he’s my distant cousin)I lied.
“Heh, kwa sababu nimeshangaa, kwani wewe pia umekuwa kama malaya wa siku hizi”(Yeah, cause I was wondering when you had become like these new prostitutes)he said with a slight laugh.
Mind you, I don’t even know this man .I was genuinely about to bash his head in one of his overpriced pumpkins as the utter audacity to say such a statement not only in front of a customer , but as though it's meant to be a compliment . I immediately gave him his money and walked away cause my hands were itching for a beatdown and I already knew where that road leads to.
Jotaro ,who noticed my stiffness after the foolish man’s remark , opted to say nothing till we entered the car . Once he had properly placed the groceries and sat down he slowly asked ;
“What happened?”
“He told he that he would have thought that I was a white man’s whore if i hadn’t said that you were my distant cousin” 
Jotaro slowly closed his eyes , deeply pondering on what I just said before saying ;
“I’m sorry that I constantly put you in these shitty situations simply by being around you. To be honest, I feel like beating him to bloody black and blue  but I can also write a 2000 essay on why that's a bad idea.” He said remorsefully, with a tinge of anger.
This is one of the few moments that I see Jotaro saddened for my sake . And to mark the occasion I gave him an even rarer hug as slight comfort.
“It’s okay, as they say in swahili, ‘All your dues will be paid on this very earth.’He’ll get what’s coming for him.”
“A hug , words of wisdom and you didn’t hit someone back for insulting you. Maybe I should start going to therapy too.” He joked whilst coughing the engine.
We ended up dumping the groceries on the counter to sleep off the morning haze. Washing and shelving them took an hour and half but despite the quiet way we worked around the five bags of groceries , I felt the most comfortable being around him than I had in the past 2 months we’ve been together. 
I'm also proud of myself . Punching the guy would have meant that I let my ego, once again, be controlled by external factors rather than internal.It was a nice esteem boost, one that I got from within rather than the usual exterior.
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lifeofanishamenonn · 2 years
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My First Ganesh Utsav Away From Home. Walking the streets of Banglore, I could see the beautiful pandals getting set up in so many streets of Shanti Nagar. Beautiful murtis of lord Ganesha were put up in different pandals for the celebration. Right in front of my apartment, there was a Ganesh temple, where the bhakts come and pray every morning, this year the Ganesh temple organized a beautiful Ganesh pandal for the same, and I got to be a part of it.
While I was in the pandal an old aunty caught my eye, she was dressed in a beautiful saree that matched the decor of the pandal, as I approached her she smiled back at me and said something in Kannada, I could not understand so I asked her to repeat she said are you new here in English? I said I was, and I was stunned to hear her speak in English. I asked her how long she has been living here in Shantinagar she said it’s been quite a while and she was in the states before. Turns out she was a civil engineer and worked for infosec, before moving back to India. Mrs. Nair and I had a whole conversation for an hour she told me how difficult life was for her in India and the states as she was a single parent, she grew up in a conservative Brahmin family but Mrs. Nair’s parents always wanted her to do well in life so they encouraged her to take up engineering. She told me how being financially independent was very important for a girl. She told me how she was the only female student in her class for civil engineering, she had faced a lot
of stereotypes in college, but never gave up. Later in the evening, she called me and my roommate
for lunch at her home down the lane. Mrs. Nair somewhere motivated me to be a better version of myself, talking to her not only made me feel good but also happy that I could always have someone behind my back in Banglore.
AKKITHIMANHALI, A name I had heard a lot from the locals in Bangalore as well as from the people in college, the place akkithimanhali happens to be a village now converted into a town right outside college the village now happens to be a town due to various developments that happened in the same area, when you walk down the lane you can see small kaccha houses covered with blue covers to beautiful duplex houses with a backyard splurged to the end of the roads, I could even spot beautiful small temples dedicated to the snake god and Ganesh. Akkithimanhali had a mixture of both worlds the poor and the rich, I haven’t seen or heard much about the history of this village but I had gone around to talk to the people or vendors in Akkithimanhali
As I and my friend walked down the road, we found a fruit seller who sells fruit baskets every day from morning to evening, college students being their usual customers. We decided to talk to them, and as we proceeded to talk to them, we saw two men near the stall as we continued to approach him the man who looked younger than the other man told us that they were a pair of son and father who had been selling the fruits baskets for the past ten years, before selling the fruit baskets they had a cycle repair shop. He, later on, told us their names. We asked him has anything changed since the past 10 years of them selling fruits and he said they said the place has not but people have. We had a fruitful conversation with both of them, they told us that they were determined to work as they want their children and grandchildren to get a good education.
Me and Shiki my partner for the assignment were determined to find more stories on the road and as we walked down the street, we met MR. Shazad. He was a young-looking 65-year-old man who owned a small shop down in Akkithimanhali, as we scanned through the shop, we found very interesting things that had to be the highlight for this essay.
He had colorful toffees in colorful dabbas a total mouth-watering moment, he had various types of chips and snacks in the shop which kept catching our eye. As we advance with a conversation with MR. Shazad we were caught back because he seemed very articulate, and conversed and expressed his feelings very effectively, he seemed like a very chatty and witty guy, he radiated a positive aura and seemed like he was very content with his life in akkithimanhali.
He told us how his kids are very well settled in Malaysia and his sons were very adamant about him moving in with them, when asked why he did not want to go abroad and close his small shop he said- “Pardesh mei koun jayega madam.”
The conversation with uncle Shazad left both of us very surprised and happy, as we walked more to talk to people the clouds started to gather in the sky, and we picked up the pace. The sky had been picture-perfect up until now, but that was about to change. The lovely cocktail-blue hue was starting to turn gravel-grey in color. Large cloud pillows were beginning to develop, covering up the sun's old yellow color.
Halfway across the street, I felt the first drop of rain. We ran to get shade under a parking lot near the road. As the rain became more vigorous I and Shiki got drenched in water but we did not give up but rather enjoyed the rainy day in Bangalore to the fullest, after we dried ourselves at home, we stepped out again in search of stories and people. We came across an old lady who was sitting on a chair outside her house, as we walked past her, she kept staring into us, later I and Shiki decided to walk back and talk to this old lady. When we reached the same place, we asked the old lady what was her name, and
he kept staring into our eyes, when we asked her the same question again, she said something in Kannada, and we understood that there was a language barrier, she, later on, called her granddaughter to help us with the language.
We asked the granddaughter the name of the old lady in English she said- Sarojni Amma, she told us that she lived all her life in a village in Karnataka doing farming for her and her family and she was the main breadwinner and when her son got a job in the urban city Banglore she moved to the city when asked if she likes the village or the city better she told us that she likes the city better as she does not have to do any agricultural work, her age does not bother her as she still works, she takes care of another old lady down the street and gets paid for it. She told us how she has been working all her life and still wants to because she cannot sit at home doing anything. After the conversation we had with Sarojni Amma, she offered us a cup of chai and we were thrilled to try it as we sipped our chai, we talked about how Banglore is cold, and beautiful on a rainy day, the conversation with amma was surely an eye-opening one, she is still a hardworking, and passionate young women on the inside and does not let her age define who she is. The old dusky, beautiful stories of Akkithitmanhali will always remain a major close part of my life and in my heart, stories that go unsaid should be heard by people, and I do see myself unlocking a few in the future.
when asked in the journalism class to write about an Indian childhood story. I knew who I had to choose, Thimayya was sitting write oppos to me in the class and I knew he was the perfect match formeI, me he him to talk about different things from cute guys to Politics. I knew his childhood was the funniest but not an easy one. He started with a story telling me how he wanted to go to an automobile show when he was in 8th grade but he never got a chance to because his parents were against it Thimayya in 8th grade was adamant and curious about this show which was in Noida, Thimayya’s dad was in the airforce so he lived in the airforce quarters with his parents in barely UP. Thirteen-year-old Thimayya did not stop trying, he kept trying to convince his parents but they did not get convinced, 5 days before the show he decided he wanted to run away from home so he packed up his clothes and looked at the map from his dad’s laptop because he did not have a phone and collected whatever money he had saved from not eating in the canteen which was about 2000 rupees. He then at night when everyone was asleep made a run to the railway station and bought the cheapest ticket. “Bhaiya Noida ka train ticket dena,” he said at the ticket counter. There is no direct train from here to Noida said the guy sitting at the ticket counter. You can take a ticket to Gaziabad he said. As soon as the ticket counter said Ghaziabad, Thimayya was scared and anxious because he had only heard bad violent stories about it, but he did not give up he sat on the train that headed to Gaziabad. Once he reached Gaziabad he had to figure a way out to reach Noida to watch the car show. When he reached the Gaziabad bus stand he reached out for his wallet but he could not find it, dripping in sweat poor Thimayya searched all around but could not find his wallet. He then decided to call his dad to come to pick him up or take him back home as he could not see the point of moving or continuing the journey any further as he had no money. His dad somehow managed to come the next few hours, uncle with a big smile on his face hugged Thimayya and told him how disappointed he was but later whispered in his ears- ill takes you to the show, now what do you want to eat?
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My Arcana OC/MC
(got bored and remembered one of my fav games the Arcana so I decided to make my own oc info. She is basically based on me, the player in that universe)
General information
Bianka Bal (birth full name)
The Fool (Major Arcana's body)
Bia (by her parents and some friends)
Bika (mostly used by everyone especially her close friends and all characters in game)
Love interest/End game
Shop keeper
Fortune-teller (present)
Vendor trinket seller (past, before meeting Asra)
Apprentice at Julian’s Clinic (Former)
(pet dog, familiar, received after events of game)
Daniela (mother)
Peter (father)
Martin (maternal uncle)
Hannah (fraternal aunt from whom she inherited shop)
Franz (fraternal uncle, married to Hannah)
Dagmar and Martin (her cousins; Aunt’s children)
Unnamed fraternal and maternal grandparents
Favorite meal
Spaghetti bolognese
Favorite drink
Favorite flower
Red rose
Personality traits
November 17
Zodiac sign
Physical description
Bisexual (for the sake of the story, I am actually straight irl but I based my “oc” on myself except for this little change)
5'1 (155.5 cm)
Eye color
Silver blue
Hair color
The apprentice's favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla and her favorite fruits are strawberries.
According le me, she is a kind, perceptive and helpful but also bit secretive and quiet person. She secretly has romantic soul and adventurous spirit and is very passionate about her hobbies and can hold grudges if you hurt or betray her.
His favorite season is winter.
Similarly, to Julian and Lucio, she is also prone to sunburn which she inherited from her father. Unlike them thou she is fine as long as she applies sunscreen with which her skin tans beautifully.
She loves animals (especially dogs like Lucio) but often struggles disciplining her new puppy, Leon.
Her favorite past time include reading books (she loves detective novels like Portia), singing (she sounds better at duets) and practicing magic.
She speaks two languages (English and her native language).
She has soft feminine voice.
She managed to develop her own personal gate after the events of game (regardless of route). Her gate looks very similar to the Fool Arcana card from Asra’s deck but it also has a big tree in middle of wheat field which stretches into the edge of a cliff- the rest is the same as in the Fool card.
She often makes typos and likes using cute stickers in chatroom (she is probably only one who enjoys Lucio's emoticons).
Bika has Central European accent.
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mukarramirani · 4 years
The Fruit seller - Raisa Ansari, PhD - Physics
The Fruit seller – Raisa Ansari, PhD – Physics
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Raisa Ansari, PhD Fruit seller
Indore’s doctor Raisa Ansari, who sells mangoes on handcuffs, is the truth of our system that everyone knows but no one wants to talk about. PhD in Physics Everyone is feeling pity on this woman today. But I do not feel pity for them, rather I am proud. Because I know Raisa is not ashamed of selling fruits and she does not find this work small. Rather, shame…
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So I go to buy dates from Chechen dried fruit-seller lad, and he hits me with that broken English "Ghow are you". Which, in the language of two foreigners in an ex-soviet country that don't actually speak the same language, is basically holding up a neon sign saying "I want you in me"
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xiaotopia · 4 years
Longing For You
Pairing: Fem reader x Aether
Words: 10k+ I lost count
Genre: one-shot, platonic relationship, fuff, angst, slight crack if you squint
Cw // mentions of character death, blood
Hi! It's my first time writing on here and I just write what's on my mind I'm sorry if this is bad since english is not my first language ㅠㅠ I promise I will get better with my writing! Enjoy ^^
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That's what you are feeling. It's been 3 days you got stuck in this unknown land. You thought it was beautiful, it really was. But will you be ready to face what's in front of you?
You manage to survive with fruits like apples and cashews, at least that's what you thought the name was, because in your world they called it cashews. Even though it doesn't really give you enough nutritions, as long as you get to live you're okay with it. Heck there were almost nothing here. You wanted to explore the place more but there are monsters everywhere, and you- with no weapon, could only run and hide in hopes of not getting spotted by them. Will you ever survive?
Sighing, "just another day like this I guess"
you said before drifting to dreamland under a tree in a secluded area of the unknown land.
"She's still breathing"
"Paimon! What are you doing?!"
You could hear someone whispering- half screaming to be exact, at someone but you are more bothered at someone poking your arm with a stick. Groaning, you woke up and realized someone invaded your place. Ready to fight whoever that was, your actions suddenly come to a halt when you meet a pair of golden eyes and his tiny little companion. They were as shocked as you, well... I guess you are more shocked to see a floating kid beside the blonde boy.
Quickly, you hide behind a tree. Since you don't have any weapon to defend yourself what else can defend you other than a tree?
"w-who are you?! And why you can float?!"
you shrieked, the little floating kid crossed her arms and scoffed at your question. Why would she scoffed at you?
"excuse me young lady but we're the one who should ask you that!".
You just meet her now but god knows how much her high-pitched voice started to annoy you. The blonde boy beside her started to speak up before his companion could even say a word,
"I'm sorry she bothered you. I'm Aether, and this is my travel companion, Paimon. We found a group of hilichurls around here and we already fight them off before it could reach your campsite. May we know what is your name?" he asks as his pair golden orbs stares straight into you.
"Uh.. My name is y/n..."
He smiles, assuring you that they're safe and can be trusted, you slowly got out behind the tree when he stretches out his hand for a handshake. You grab his hand, reciprocating his action. "it's nice to meet you y/n".
"Aether c'mon please?"
"ugh fine"
It's been a month you had stayed in Monstadt, The Land of Freedom, and a month since your encounter with Aether and Paimon. She still annoys you though, but you're really grateful that she can keep the conversation going because it always turns awkward whenever you tried to initiate a conversation with people. You learned that Aether didn't come from this world too, separated from his sister by the unknown god and now is looking for her in Teyvat. Hopefully, you can go back home too.
You missed your family of course but you're also happy that there are people who willing to take care of you, especially Barbara. She treated you like her own sister, beside Jean. You learned everything here from Lisa and learned how to fight from the cavalry captain Knights of the Favonious, Kaeya. And Diluc? He's hot, but cold as ice at the same time and you went to the Tavern once, only to see him talking to a bard named Venti, about how the bard needs to stop drinking all of his dandelion wine before he runs out of it because of him.
Now, Aether is in front of you as you manage to persuade him to bring you to one of his adventures. He never let you tag along because he told you it's dangerous outside. Both of you are no vision holders, but he has the power of Anemo. It's still a mystery to you but he's an outlander so it would probably make sense why he can have such powers even without a vision blessed by the Archons.
"But! You only have to fight the hilichurls only while I take down those mitachurls, got it?" he says. Nodding your head aggressively, you started your journey with him as an adventurer.
"Let's go to Liyue!" Paimon says excitedly.
"That was close, thank you y/n"
Aether pants heavily, letting out a sigh of relief as you kick off the last hilichurl with your sword. Turning around to face him, you tell him it's nothing.
You three bumped into a hilichurl camp in the middle of the road of Bishui Plans. Unfortunately, those group of monsters noticed you before you three could even hide.
You were about to follow Paimon but Aether called you, you look at him as his face expressed shocked. You asked him what's wrong only him to point at your hips. You were confused so you look down where he's pointing at. Well now you're equally as shocked as him, if not because of the shining crystal blue orb hanging on your belt.
"What... I-I swear it wasn't there before?"
You whispered, questioning yourself because how did it get there? How did you even got a vision? What did you do? You know it's a vision because Lisa has taught you at the library back in Mondstadt. How? That was all in your mind.
You hear Paimon gasped, putting her hands on her mouth, "you got a vision! Let me see!". She flew to look at your vision before touching it to get a better look. "You got a cryo vision!" she exclaimed.
"Cryo? You mean I get the power of ice?" You question her. She nodded her, "Yes! Now you can help Aether to fight enemies!". Looking down at your feet, sighing. Aether asked you what's wrong and you simply said you don't know how to fight. Like actually fighting enemies with your own power, how to use it and how to handle it. What if you unintentionally hurt people around you? Aether chuckled at your response. You look up at him, tilting your head in confusion.
"Don't worry, I'll teach you"
"I wish kaeya was here"
"You don't like it when I teach you?!"
Chuckling at your friend, you said it's not that you don't like it when he teaches you. It's because "it would be easier if a cryo vision holder teaches me how to control the element", you says.
He let out a puff, while you were stroking Paimon's hair on your lap. She snores softly and you swear you could hear her mumbling sticky honey roast in her sleep. Giggling at her, you wonder how can she be cute and annoying at the same time. It's unfair you think. You turned your head to look at Aether and he was zoned out, as always.
"Mind telling me what's in your mind?"
You picked up his habits quite quickly, since you both attached to the hips all the time. You would notice he always does this when he's deep in thought. The same goes for him. You both can read each other like an open book.
He looks at you, smiling. Shaking his head and tells you he always thinks the same, about his sister. You smiled back at him, you assured him that you will meet her soon. And now, you both enjoy the calm breeze as you both watched the sun set over the blue horizon at the nearby cliff in Liyue.
"S-sticky honey roast... "
That's how you feel right now.
This guy just keeps pestering you for 20 minutes now. You got separated with Aether as he got something to do with Zhongli, the Wangsheng Parlor Funeral Consultant. Aether wanted to let Paimon stay with you but you said you're fine on your own and you would enjoy alone time in the time being while waiting for them.
But you didn't expect this.
"Can you stop following me now?"
"Why would I?"
Rolling your eyes, you bump into his shoulder, or Childe as he call himself.
"Oh don't be like that girlie-" " I have a name shut up" you sigh for the nth time. You need to avoid this man, because he's one of the Fatui, you don't want to involve yourself and Aether with them. That's why you've been running and avoiding him at all cost.
"Well you never tell me your name girlie-"
"It's y/n okay? Now go you're getting on my nerve..."
you mumbled the last sentence. He only chuckles at your reaction as he enjoys it. You were buying some street food from the food stall and before you could give your mora to the seller, someone beats you to pay for the food. You were not complaining though, you didn't thank him either.
"Okay then but can I ask you one last question, y/n?" he smiles widely while you only look at him, chewing your spicy fish cake, unamused. His question however, almost send you to you death as you were choking on your food.
"W-what did you say?!" "I want to get to know about you"
Aether is not going to like this...
As expected, he was mad. No, he was furious.
"Why did you talk to him?!"
"I tried not to talk to him Aether, he kept following me when I tried to avoid him! To the point he creeps me out..."
Aether sighs, rubbing his forehead as Paimon watched you two arguing. Was this the only time Paimon shuts her mouth? Excluding the time she's asleep. She knows when to silent herself because this time, Aether is different in Paimon's eyes.
"So.. Did you agree?" he questioned, not giving you a glance. You shake your head, "No, of course I didn't. He's dangerous and he could hurt us if he has the opportunity..." Which is true. Childe is a harbinger, and you, just a mortal from another world who just got dumped to Teyvat out of nowhere.
Aether engulfs you in a hug, which surprised you. You could feel your cheeks burning from the physical contact. His arm wraps around your shoulder while the other strokes your hair, calming you.
"I won't let that happen to you, Paimon and me. I won't let him hurt us, I will promise you that I will protect you both from any danger. I don't want to lose another friend..." he says and the last sentence sounds more like a whisper to you but you understand him.
You also promised to yourself that you will protect paimon and him. Because you love them.
"Well traveller, you're quite stronger than I thought"
"Stay away from him!"
You yelled at the harbinger, keeping yourself from falling as you struggled to stand up. Paimon tried her best to keep Aether awake while you were guarding them, ready to attack him anytime.
Childe let out a loud laugh, as if he was mocking you and your companion. Shaking his head, he came closer to you.
"You know what, you're lucky that you didn't fall for my tricks" he chuckles. You were getting antsy everytime he take a step closer to you, "no one is fool enough to fall for a harbinger, Tartaglia" you sneered.
He was about to attack you with his hydro sword but you managed to dodged it with your power and turning it into an ice. You both fight for a while and fortunately, Aether came to help you.
After hours of fighting, that's what you think, you feel drained out. Slumping on the floor, you take a glance at Aether he was panting hard, Paimon at his side to support him. And Childe, he looks better than both you and Aether combined but he's still in a good shape.
As you were trying to stand up, you saw a glimpse of a woman at the corner of your eye. You widen your eyes and tried to push Aether away as you saw the woman was about to attack him with her sharp ice.
You made a wall of ice to protect Aether and Paimon from her attacks. However, you didn't do it for you. You didn't protect yourself and got hit by the ice. The ice wall from you melts, so does Aether's world when he saw you, bleeding from your own element.
Childe was as shocked too, he thought you were a genuine person, he really do. Is this what it feels when you know someone personally got hurt? He can't imagine what Aether feels now.
You fell, you felt dizzy as you hit your head on the solid ground.
"Y/n!" Aether and Paimon yelled your name, but why do they sound like they're miles away?
"Y/n! Keep your eyes open! Don't you very dare to close your eyes!" Your friend screamed. Paimon is holding your hand while sobbing on you. "Y/n you can't leave us! Paimon still want to have fun with you!"
All you can do is cry. You don't want to leave them. You still haven't find your way back home, you can't. But you were losing so much blood and all you could do is remembering your moments with your friends.
Aether and Paimon.
Aether holds you on his lap, you could feel his tears falling on your cheek. He cups your cheek as he stares into your (e/c) orbs. To him, it resembles the stars on the night sky. He wish he could look at them like this before.
Not when you're dying.
He put his forehead on yours as he keeps repeating "please don't leave" to you. You promised him that you will protect him, but not stay with him. Did you regret it? Yes. You wish you could stay but you knew at the end, both of you will leave eventually.
But you didn't expect that you would leave them like this.
With all your might, you hover your hand over his that was on your cheek, rubbing it softly. "Promise me, we will meet someday, wether it be in our next life or in different universe, promise me we will meet again" you said, voice getting hoarse and staring to his golden eyes. You want to remember his eyes, his nose, his lips, his everything.
"Paimon doesn't want you to leave!" your little friend cried, you let out a loud sob as you pull her to your chest, soaking your bloody shirt with her tears. You three tried to cherish your last moment together, even though it was a tragic one, like now.
Aether tighten his hold on you, Paimon cries harder when she saw the colour of your vision starting to fade, knowing you couldn't make it.
"Paimon loves you, y/n", all you can do is cry, before your last breathe you hear Aether says "I promise you, we will meet again.. I love you"
Your vision faded, you fall into a deep sleep and everything turns dark.
"She's awake!"
"Call the doctor!"
You slowly opened your eyes, the bright light hurting your eyes, still adjusting to the surrounding. You could feel your tears were falling. Why did you cry? Then it hit you.
You were in the hospital.
You remember what happened, was that all just a dream? It feels real, way too real for your liking.
"Thank god, you're finally awake!" your mom sobs. Wait, your mom is here? You're finally back? You were supposed to be happy but why did you feel sad?
"H-how long did I... Sleep?" you asked, voice raspy as your throat lacks of hydration. Your mom gave you a glass of water and you gladly drink it, your throat still hurt.
"2 months now, you got hit by a car and the guy felt bad. He even insisted to pay for your bills", your mom says as she hold your hand. It's been a few minutes but you missed them. Aether and your little friend Paimon.
"Oh.." that's all you can say. You really don't know what to respond. You were happy that you're finally awake but you also missed people you met in Teyvat. Are they real or just your imagination?
"I forgot to tell you, the person who pays for your hospital bill will visit you. He always visits you when me and your dad is busy with work", you nodded your head, didn't have the energy to reply your mom back.
Suddenly, the door opens, revealing a tall man. You face him, only to widen your eyes as you were shocked to see the person in your dream.
It's been a month since you got discharged from the hospital and been recovering well. You still struggle to walk on your own though, but nothing serious. Ever since you met childe, you both got along very well, not like the one in your dream.
"So... What I dreamed of during my coma was real?" You asked him, walking through the flowery path as the cherry blossom falls on the ground beside him arms clinging to his.
"Yeah. In fact, I'm still the same Childe in your dream!"
"Yeah as you wish. The only same thing is you keep paying things for me.. And being annoying"
You remarked. He only laughs and told you the reason why he keeps doing that is that it's the only kind action he could do, even now. But in reality, he felt guilty. He
"By the way, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. You won't mind right?"
"What's the point of asking me if you're going to introduce your friend to me now?"
"Geez woman, you're still the same"
you could only laugh at him. To you, he's a good friend but no one could replace Aether. If you met Childe, there's a possibility of you to meet Aether and Paimon right?
"Oi blondie! We're here!" Childe yelled, getting you out from your deep thoughts. You look up only to meet a pair of golden eyes that you've missed so much.
It feels like the time has stopped. He walked towards you and slowly, engulfed you in a hug. You were stunned, you meet him. You both found each other. You hugged him back, tightly. You let out tears of joy, he was relieved he found you that he also cried.
"You didn't forget me don't you?" You hear a feminine voice behind Aether, only to find Paimon crossing her arms, just like when you meet her for the first time. But what amazes you that she's in a different form. She looks... Like you. A woman.
Your eyes got teary again and went straight to her, giving her a big hug which she reciprocated. "I miss you so much Paimon" you burried your head into her neck. Paimon was happy she could meet her.
Childe and Aether could only look both of you with adoration. Aether cleared his throat, without looking at the man beside him, eyes still on you. "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't find her"
The red haired man could only smile, "it's no problem. I couldn't face anyone after what happened in Teyvat. Think of this as my way to apologize". Aether couldn't answer, he only nodded his head to let him know he's listening.
You went to him only get a hug from you. You missed him so much. And you noticed Aether doesn't have his long braided hair anymore, which saddens you because you always play and braid his hair.
"I noticed that you finally got rid of your annoyingly long hair", you teased him. You hear him chuckled as he tightened his grip around you. "Can't let the annoyingly long hair distract people sweetie. People found it weird here"
"But I like it though..." you blushed at the pet name he gave you. You both just couldn't let go of each other now. He strokes your hair, enjoying each others presence. "I'm so glad that I found you", "me too, I'm glad you're here".
The other two friend only watched you two reunited again, hugging each other and won't let each other go because you missed each other so much that you both are afraid one of you vanished anytime. But it's real.
"Childe can we get some sticky honey roast?"
"Good grief, paimon.."
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years
Headcanon | Pt. XVI (Green Hill)
Green Hill is one of the oldest Zones on Mobius, and the oldest zone on all of South Island.
Located on the northernmost end of the island, its name comes from the rolling hills found within the zone and the very distinctive color they take on in the spring and summer months. During those months it’s a popular tourist spot thanks to its serene atmosphere and beaches, and it’s because of tourism that the zone and its village remain in tip-top shape.
The Green Hill Village is small compared to other settlements. There are only around a hundred or so people in the main village, and a few dozen more scattered along the outskirts. Mostly made of quaint wooden homes, there are a few larger buildings such as The Village Hall, the hospital, and a few restaurants.
Green Hill is one of few zones that still use the planet’s native language, Mobian, alongside English. Many of its signs are still in the older language and many of the villagers still speak it regularly.
Year-round there’s a street market in the village and it serves as one of the main places to get anything one might need. From fruit, vegetables, meats and housewares, you can find just about anything being made and sold here. It’s mostly comprised of locals selling their wares, but a few sellers from Marble Zone come over as well.
Some of the zone’s most signature products are based around the beaches it borders. Fish is a very common product of Green Hill, as are things based around their signature coconuts alongside various herbs and plants found in the forest. 
The village has an annual festival during winter to celebrate the changing season and upcoming new year. It includes turning on the decorative lights of the village, set up each and every year by special select people. Green Hill’s seasons are very distinct and the zone does go through all four. Its winters are quite snowy, but summers are on the warmer side, and humid thanks to the ocean.
All events in the zone are organized by the locals with the help of The Village Council who help fund and lay out the rules for said celebrations. Rosie Woodchuck, Sonic’s adoptive mother, is a part of the council and lives in the main neighborhood within the village. 
Another notable face in the village is Johnny Lightfoot, who owns a restaurant/bar on the outskirts of the village and lives in a small house just outside of that.
The village overlooks expansive beaches on pretty much three sides, and a massive forest on the other. The latter is the main way in or out of the village, unless one is travelling by boat. While there is a path cutting through to make travelling easier, it is still easy to get lost in the thicket if one doesn’t know their way. 
This is part of the reason it’s so difficult to find one of the zone’s best kept secrets: The Freedom Fighter Base. Located far outside the village's borders and hidden within the ancient pipe systems, the base is entirely underground and rather large. The location remains a secret to this day and is heavily secure.
That said, Green Hill was easily where the story of Sonic and Robotnik started. Robotnik attacked the village mercilessly, and a handful of villagers (including Johnny and Porker’s mothers) lost their lives. After that day, Sonic took off after the mad doctor, leaving Green Hill for many years. 
His chasing after Robotnik lead the Green Hill villagers to piece together his relationship with the human but, thanks to Rosie, it was decided that those residing in the village would keep that secret. This remains true, even today.
Because of those events, and thanks to the Lightfoot Family, Green Hill’s cemetery overwent a major overhaul after the attack. It lays in the hills to the north of the village and it’s here you’ll find Sonic near New Years paying his respects.
In the XYL Verse, Green Hill remains mostly the same. The biggest change is the house built for Sonic and Mina that lays in the forest about a mile or two from The Freedom Fighter base. 
In the Forces Verse Green Hill is much different, having become the main settlement of The Resistance and those seeking shelter from the war. It is crowded and overpopulated, but functional thanks to the efforts of The Freedom Fighters and the villagers. As a safe haven the defenses around the village have been increased tenfold and it has become relatively closed off from the rest of the planet to help keep it under Robotnik’s radar.
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Weekend Edition: Contemporary Indian Fiction
Today is the first day of Diwali, or Deepavali, the Indian festival of lights. Although, traditionally a Hindu holiday, it is celebrated widely across India and the rest of the world. It lasts five days, during which time people clean their homes, decorate with clay lamps, create designs on the floor using colored sand and powder called rangoli, and visit with friends and family. 
To kick off Diwali 2020, we are highlighting four novels by Indian authors recently added to the OCL collection. To discover more, subject search “Indian fiction” in OBIS.
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The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
"A richly moving new novel--the first since the author's Booker Prize-winning, internationally celebrated debut, The God of Small Things, went on to become a beloved best seller and enduring classic. The Ministry of Utmost Happiness transports us across a subcontinent on a journey of many years. It takes us deep into the lives of its gloriously rendered characters, each of them in search of a place of safety--in search of meaning, and of love. In a graveyard outside the walls of Old Delhi, a resident unrolls a threadbare Persian carpet. On a concrete sidewalk, a baby suddenly appears, just after midnight. In a snowy valley, a bereaved father writes a letter to his five-year-old daughter about the people who came to her funeral. In a second-floor apartment, a lone woman chain-smokes as she reads through her old notebooks. At the Jannat Guest House, two people who have known each other all their lives sleep with their arms wrapped around each other, as though they have just met. A braided narrative of astonishing force and originality, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness is at once a love story and a provocation--a novel as inventive as it is emotionally engaging. It is told with a whisper, in a shout, through joyous tears and sometimes with a bitter laugh. Its heroes, both present and departed, have been broken by the world we live in--and then mended by love. For this reason, they will never surrender. How to tell a shattered story? By slowly becoming everybody. No. By slowly becoming everything. Humane and sensuous, beautifully told, this extraordinary novel demonstrates on every page the miracle of Arundhati Roy's storytelling gifts"-- Provided by publisher
One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan; translated from the Tamil by Aniruddhan Vasudevan
"Selling over 100,000 copies in India, where it was published first in the original Tamil and then in this celebrated English translation, One Part Woman has become a cult phenomenon in the subcontinent, jump-starting conversations about caste and female empowerment. Set in rural South India during the British colonial period, it follows a couple, Kali and Ponna, who are unable to conceive. Kali and Ponna try everything to please their parents and have a child, including circumambulating a mountain supposed to cure barren women, but none of the offerings or rituals helps. A more drastic plan is required, so Kali and Ponna's mothers agree that Ponna should go to the annual chariot festival, a celebration of the half-male, half-female god Maadhorubaagan. On the eighteenth night of the festival, there is an immense carnival, during which the rules of marriage are relaxed, and consensual sex between unmarried men and women is overlooked, for all men are considered gods. But rather than bring them together, this scheme threatens to drive the couple apart. Wryly amusing and deeply poignant, One Part Woman is a powerful exploration of a loving marriage strained by the expectations of others"-- Provided by publisher
The Secrets Between Us: A Novel by Thrity Umrigar "Poor and illiterate, Bhima had faithfully worked for the Dubash family, an upper-middle-class Parsi household, for more than twenty years. Yet after courageously speaking the truth about a heinous crime perpetrated against her own family, the devoted servant was cruelly fired. The sting of that dismissal was made more painful coming from Sera Dubash, the temperamental employer who had long been Bhima's only confidante. A woman who has endured despair and loss with stoicism, Bhima must now find some other way to support herself and her granddaughter, Maya. Bhima's fortunes take an unexpected turn when her path intersects with Parvati, a bitter, taciturn older woman. The two acquaintances soon form a tentative business partnership, selling fruits and vegetables at the local market. As they work together, these two women seemingly bound by fate grow closer, each confessing the truth about their lives and the wounds that haunt them. Discovering her first true friend, Bhima pieces together a new life, and together, the two women learn to stand on their own."--Dust jacket flap
Karimayi by Chandrashekhar Kambar; translated from the Kannada by Krishna Manavalli
Chandrasekhar Kambar is one of the most accomplished Indian writers working today. In each of Kambar's novels, the archetypical Mother, Karimayi, is at the center. The narrative of Karimayi moves through an astounding time span, beginning with the mythopoetic times of Goddess Karimayi's birth and continuing through the historical and cultural shifts in the life of a small rural community called Shivapura during the British colonial era. Karimayi breaks the familiar narrative of an idyllic and traditional village community being destroyed by the incursion of modernity. Instead, the multilayered narrative of Karimayi weaves everything into itself--the story of the village's past, the myth of Karimayi, the disorder that sets in with the invasion of colonial modernity and the lure of the city, and, most importantly, of the disruption of another form of "native" modernity that the village community has already begun to incorporate into its rhythms of life. Cleverly challenging colonial cartography, Kambar's book plays with the idea of an eternal India that exists between myth and reality.
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intothewilde · 4 years
⌠ ellie bamber, 20, cis female, she/her ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, GIORGIA WILDE! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (first edition books, walking in the rain, candy-scented lip gloss, getting lost in a museum, millions of twinkling city lights). when it’s the (sagittarius)’s birthday on 12/13/1999, they always request their CHERRY PIE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
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she can’t do shit with knives yet but it’s a great gif, don’t @ me) but DO like this if you want me to hit you up for plots
tw: implied neglect, brief mentions of mental illness and addiction
ok! so giorgia was born and raised in new york city. both of her parents came from extremely wealthy families. her mother was a french socialite and her father was the golden boy of a hearst-like (founders/owners of a distinguished publishing conglomerate) family from connecticut. some of his family members claimed to be descendants of one of oscar wilde’s cousins (a rumor that has yet to be confirmed) and he believed he had it in him to become a literary great himself. he seemingly succeeded, having published multiple best sellers popular with young pseudo-intellectuals. 
giorgia was never sure if her mother had wanted a daughter or a life-size doll. from a very young age she was primed to fit into high society and paraded around her parent’s lavish parties. most of her time was spent with nannies and violin tutors, studying her father’s poetic heroes, and dancing ballet. she was taught how to socialize with society’s elite, but she never felt comfortable doing so. she felt safer hiding behind her mother or sitting beneath the stairs with her nose in a book.
while her mother wanted her child to be pretty and proper, her father wanted someone to continue his family’s legacy. she learned to read when she was four, and by the time she was five, gio was forced to write in a diary every. single. day. (over the last fifteen years she’s filled up dozens of notebooks that live on a bookshelf in her childhood bedroom). she didn’t particularly like her father and she didn’t want to want what he wanted for her. (did that sentence make sense? i hope so). but she did like to write and she was damn good at it. her poetry was published in online journals and lit mags, her short stories won young artist awards. on the outside, she was everything her parents wanted.
but like i said before, gio struggled with the social part or being a socialite, and the life of an heiress was never something she wanted. she didn’t seem to have the right attitude - she was demure and diffident, a textbook wallflower. she was never happier than when she was reading a book or roaming a museum, always curious about the world around her. she never misbehaved or did anything wrong, but her parents wanted her to behave differently. 
their tribeca penthouse always had a certain cold air to it and the high ceilings only seemed to add to the lonely feeling that gio couldn’t escape. her relationship with her parents seemed to become more strained with each passing day. the more she learned about them the more gio realized she didn’t know them at all - the spa retreats her mother went on were really trips to psychiatric facilities and rehabs, and the endless slew of young women her father employed as assistants were all lazily hidden affairs. they never talked about it, if she tried to she was shut down or ignored entirely.
gio grew up wanting to go to nyu. she didn’t know where the dream came from (her parents wanted her to go to vassar or dartmouth) but she loved her home city and something about nyu had always called to her. she was accepted early admission to the gallatin school where she planned to major in an individualized study of creative and dramatic writing.
she loved her freshman year of college. she was finally out of her parents’ home and into a postage stamp of an apartment with an eccentric girl studying theater. she was around people from all over the world and all walks of life instead of the tiny bubble of rich snobs and private schools. she was around people she actually had things in common with. she was still shy and she still found it extremely difficult to talk to people. the easiest way for her to interact with people was to overcompensate for her shyness and be excessively friendly. when she was actually able to talk, she found she had many things to say, and once she started talking it was hard for her to stop.
her roommate was a big fan of movie marathons (in october they watched all of the scream movies, and then all of the saw movies, and then all of the children of the corn movies. that’s twenty horror movies. gio still has nightmares from them). for a few weeks in the fall she had a spy movie marathon. mission: impossible and jason bourne movies, mostly. something about them piqued gio’s interest, and she started reading spy novels, which quickly turned into her writing one of her own. she wanted the protagonist to be a woman for once, and one who’s main personality trait wasn’t tits. her novel, at dawn beneath the bridge of sighs, followed a cia operative and an italia aisi agent who are forced to work together to find the kidnapped daughter of an american diplomat along with the priceless jewelry she was wearing at the time of her capture. (do i know what the fuck im talking about? no!!) 
gio comes from a family of publishers so it was fairly easy for her to find someone who wanted to publish it, but the nepotism ended there, the success was all her own. it was lauded as an impressive debut novel and critics praised her subversion of genre tropes and inventive action sequences. but it stuck out to a select few for a different reason - the heroine used tactics uncannily similar to those used by actual spies, and she used them well. some people were curious as to how the character would handle other situations in the spy world, or really how the author would plan it.
so yeah she got a letter from gallagher, and she thought it was a joke at first. she eventually figured out it was very real (how? idk!) and her curiosity got the better of her. she decided it would be good for research, and that she could go back to nyu if she wanted to. once she arrived at gallagher, giorgia... did not know what to do. she had never been so out of her element, and she felt like she was terrible at everything. but that wasn’t really true, all the things you could study for were things she was actually learning. she became determined to actually do well, and as her first year comes to an end, gio still feels extremely unsure of herself, and unsure of where she wants to focus her studies, but she’s starting to feel like gallagher is the right place for her to be.
personality: she’s very sweet, very earnest, sometimes has a tendency to retreat into herself and get quiet, but she still combats her shyness with an outgoing attitude she learned from her mother that takes her far out of her comfort zone. basically as outgoing as an introvert can be. she tries to see the best in everyone and every situation. emphasis on tries, because she’s a total worrier and is often pulled between the desire to find a silver lining and the fear that something horrible will happen. she will give people more chances than they deserve and let them walk all over her. her self esteem can be pretty low, but one thing she is confident about is her writing (although she won’t tell you because she doesn’t want to seem boastful). art and literature in all forms are her favorite things and she could talk about it forever. she’s the kind of person who tries to learn everyone’s names and once she knows it she’ll say hi to you every time she sees you.
other stuff: she’s fluent in french and english and grew up speaking them equally. (she also knows some spanish, italian, german, and russian from her nannies, but she’s not fluent). she has a deep love for photography, usually bringing a camera with her at all times. she can play classic violin and piano, but hasn’t in a while and is probably rusty, she continued to dance until she came to gallagher and no longer had time to practice. she has a cat named pierre (named after pierre-auguste renoir). she's a vegetarian. she’s basically addicted to fruit. she listens to a lot of sad pop music. her favorite colors are blush pink and forest green. she watches a lot jean-luc godard and wes anderson movies. she’s kind of a sad girl/art ho. she gets crushes on people easily and all the time. she is very impressionable, and seems to experience heartbreak often. she just wants someone to lover her for her, you know? 
wanted connections: (im super fucking tired so im just gonna write some really basic shit but hopefully i’ll edit it tomorrow).
a best friend: it’s not easy for her to make friends but i want gio to have one person she can truly be herself around. a platonic soulmate, if you will.
friends: really just anyone who is understanding of how she’s not always comfortable talking but will also listen if she starts ranting about queer representation in 20th century poetry and plays, ya feel?
big brother/big sister: because she hated being an only child and she really needs someone looking out for her
bad influence: its not hard to be a bad influence on her but someones gotta do it!
good influence: someone who lets her baby ways rub off on them
idk what to call this but a sort of mutual respect with someone she’s had a class with?
idk what to call this either but someone she really clashes with, they just don’t understand each other
people she knew in nyc: she was there for the first 19 years of her life so if your character was there in early 2019 or any time before that, they could’ve run into each other
someone from a similar background who she can just be like... felt with?
hookups/flings: she loves love but love does not love her
an ex: could be good or bad terms idk 
crushes, mutual or unrequited
give me literally anything, the more angst the better!!
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waiting4inspiration · 5 years
The Psychic (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Summary: You’re an Avenger who’s taking a few months off to visit family in Romania and bump into the Winter Soldier while walking in the streets.
Warnings: I don’t think there are any...
Marvel Masterlist
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After the whole ordeal with Ultron in Sokovia and witnessing a few people losing their family members, you thought it would be a good idea to take some time off of being a "hero" and appreciate your own family. You hadn't seen them is a long time and actually missed them despite your siblings getting on your nerves sometimes.
Romania had always been your home. Born and raised in the capital, Bucharest, it felt really great to walk around the streets again, talking to the locals and easing right back into the Romania culture that never really left you.
The only reason why you left was because of the Avengers. Somehow, S.H.I.E.L.D had found out about your powers and recruited you for the Avengers Initiative. You didn't want to join them at first, not wanting to leave your home but your mother had pushed you to join them and you didn't want to go against a wise, old Romanian woman.
Your powers were vast and mind related. The simple way of explaining them is to call yourself a psychic. You’re able to do the basic things; like read minds, talk to people through thoughts and even move objects with your mind.
But then there are the more exciting things. Things like being able to control someone's mind, make them feel a certain emotion, or overload their mind to the extent of unconsciousness or even the extremity of death.
Sometimes you love your powers, other times you curse them. Days like when you don't have as much control as you like and your mind is plagued with the thoughts of the people around you. Headaches have basically become a big pain of your life now and overusing your powers leaves you in a weakened state for hours. Which is why this vacation is a great idea.
Walking the streets of the local market, you're happy to have your senses indulge in the smells of the food and the sound of your mother-tongue. It's boring in America where everyone speaks English which lacks the exotic sound you’re used to.
Stopping to buy some fruits at a store, you speak to the lady with a smile on your face as she places the groceries in a bag for you. That's when he notices you.
Bucky had come to Romania thinking that nobody would find him. He was so careful to not leave a trace, his mind races with thoughts about what mistake he made.
He obviously recognizes you from Washington DC. That time when Project Insight was about to happen and you were a companion to Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. You were the third person he was ordered to kill and he remembers the kick in the face you gave him. Not to mention the car that you threw towards him when he was about to shoot the redhead assassin.
And now, here you are. A few feet away from him in the busy streets of Bucharest. You didn't seem to notice him because you start to walk away. He notices the slight spring in your step, walking as if you had never been in a fight your entire life. As if coming to the street-markets was something you did every day and as if you hadn't been given orders to find him.
Obviously, you had no idea that Bucky was watching you the minute he saw you. You had no idea that he is in Bucharest, nevermind the fact that he's now following you down the street, curious to see what you're really up to.
It's not until you hear a familiar voice in your head that you begin to stop walking. Acting like your looking at something in the store beside you, you make brief conversation with the seller before lifting your head to look around you.
When your eye land on the familiar face of the man you know as The Winter Soldier, the blood in your veins freezes as your eyes widen. Feeling your heart skip a beat as he glares at you, your feet carry you away from the crowds around you as he starts making his way towards you.
You have no idea what to do. You hadn't expected this to happen and being caught off guard so dramatically causes you to panic. Not having any idea how far behind he is, your heart nearly stops beating completely when someone grabs your arm and pulls you into a dark, empty alleyway.
"How did you find me?" His bright blue eyes pierce yours as your back pressed against the brick wall behind you.
His left hand is wrapped tightly around your arm and if you remember correctly, it's his cybernetic arm. "What are you talking about?" you question, frowning as your eyes narrow at him. "What makes you think I was looking for you in the first place?"
There's no fear in your voice and no expression that you've been caught. Your words confuse him and he responds to your frown with one of his own. "Then why are you here?"
You contemplate telling him the truth, not knowing what he'll do. Looking in his eyes, you can tell that he's not the same man as he was in Washington. His eyes actually have some emotion in them. And what's better is the fact that his mind isn't barren anymore.
"I'm visiting my brother and sister," you confess, glancing to the side as someone passes by on the opposite side of the street.
Bucky takes a sharp breath through his nose as he lowers his head, releasing a bit of pressure off your arm. "You have family here," he states, making your head turn back towards him
Your eyes examine the change of emotion in his face. He's no longer defensive but slightly guilty. "Yeah. I grew up here as a child."
Letting go of your arm completely, he turns around and walks to the opposite wall before sharply turning back to face you. "So I suppose now you're gonna turn me in, huh?" he grunts, making you swallow a lump in your throat.
Honestly, you have no idea what to do. The right thing to do would be to turn him in, but you can tell that he's different. He's a changed man (kind of) and his mind is slightly jumbled up. The right thing to lawfully do is to turn him in and you both know you're strong enough to do it, but the right thing to consciously do is to help him.
His thoughts interest you. There are so many unanswered questions that run through his mind and it saddens you to find out that some of them are about his past. He's confused and secretly scared. Your heart yearns to help him, something telling you that he can be a good guy.
"No, I'm not going to turn you in," you confess, making up your mind about what you have to do. "Look, I want to help you." Bucky looks up at you, frowning at your words. "I can help you with your memories. I know that you're questioning a lot about yourself and I can help you regain what you've lost."
Shaking his head, he's confused as to why you would want to help him and how you can help him. "How?"
Taking a small step towards him, you place your hands in your pockets as you let out a sigh. "It's not going to pretty for either of us, but I can enter your mind, search for any memories that HYDRA may have hidden from you and I can bring them out," you explain, watching his face shift as he contemplates the possible repercussions. "But I understand if you don't want that and I will walk away as if we never met."
His silence makes you believe that he doesn't want your help. So, you start to walk away from him, heading back towards the street. "Wait." The quiet grunt causes your feet to stop and you to look over your shoulder at him. With a small nod, you smile.
Knowing that he's accepted your help, you gesture for him to follow you as you start to walk again. "By the way, you can call me (Y/n)," you say as he walks up beside you.
Looking down at you, he feels his heart warm at the sight of your smile. "Bucky," he simply says before looking back at the ground beneath his feet.
As he follows you to your apartment, the only thing he can think about is the way you don't look at him in fear. And that smile. That damn, golden smile that makes him feel like the person he was in the '30s. Or at least, the person he kind of remembers he was.
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Hic et Nunc (Here and now): the challenge of immigration in France
This morning at the market I met a fruit and veg seller from Egypt. He spoke a bit of English, so we had a short conversation in fits and starts, choppy sentences and lots of head nodding and probably too many utterances of “oui”.  Laughing at my market list, he graciously helped me find “petit oignon”, “echalates”, “frambroises”, and “bananes”. It wasn’t until the end of the conversation that he told me he was from Egypt. He said he’d be traveling there in two months. 
In this moment I wished I could readily speak French, as I wanted to know more about this man. What was his story? What was his experience in France? What was it like being an immigrant to a country that has traditionally been resistant to multiculturalism and diversity? Why did he come to Paris? How did he become a market seller? 
These questions remain unanswered. Yet after my short exchange with him, I was reminded of an exhibition I attended the other day at the Musée de l'Homme, entitled: “His et Nunc” (Here and Now). The exhibition features photographs by French photographer Clarisse Rebotier and explores how migrants arrive in France and are welcomed and integrated into society. 
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While I know that the market seller I met this morning has a personal story relative to his experience, I cannot help but wonder what connections could be made between his life and the lives of other immigrants showcased in this small exhibition... And now as I reflect on the exhibition, this was the main message of Rebotier after all-- each immigrant to France is first and foremost an individual with a unique story worthy of considering.
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  Placed within the context of a larger exhibition, “Saison en droits!”, which commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, thirty black and white portraits of French immigrants and refugees are displayed on a single wall. Subjects are photographed on the Esplanade of Human Rights at Trocadero, with the Eiffel Tower in the background. 
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The Eiffel Tower, while blurry behind the subjects, stands as a symbol representative of France, rooted in time and place. This in turn allows the photographed individuals to be rooted in time and place, be it for the quick snap of a photograph; many of these individuals have come to France fleeing war in their home countries. Most importantly, the depiction of the Eiffel Tower in each of the thirty portraits reveals that the Eiffel Tower belongs to everyone. This idea, taken as a key theme, can point to Rebotier’s underlying message that France should be and is for everyone. 
Looking at Rebotier’s documentary and artistic photographs, we glimpse smiling and peaceful immigrants, migrants, and refugees. Yet it is of supreme importance to recognize that the subjects in each of the photographs are not just immigrants, migrants, and refugees, but people with an identity. 
Rebotier has highlighted the identity of each of her subjects in two major ways. First, the names of each of her subjects are written in pencil next to their photographs on the museum wall. This is significant because a name holds one’s individuality. A name personalizes a story... for there is danger when we generalize, make assumptions, and consider “a single story” representative of any people group. 
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Considering the topic of immigrants in France, Rebotier says, “Although I often hear about people who are ‘different’, personally, I still haven’t understood what they’re supposed to be different from...?” 
The people photographed are more than immigrants, they are human beings with lived experiences-- deep sorrows and triumphant joys-- just like you and I. Written on the walls within this context, a name holds power; it distinguishes each person from one another but relates us all in the solidarity of being human.   
The second way in which Rebotier has highlighted identity includes transforming her exhibition into more of a participatory project. By letting each of her subjects develop their own photographs in the dark room, these individuals have become authors and artists themselves. This action, while simple, is profound in the way it communicates the idea of ownership over one’s life. Even though welcoming diversity and integrating refugees is currently a great challenge for France, immigrants and refugees do not and should not have to live subjugated solely under the titles of “immigrant”, “refugee”, or “migrant”. While these titles are part of their story and who they are at the moment, but it does not make up who they are in totality. 
We all must be empowered to embark on our own paths and live freely, unhindered by stereotypes and paths others have laid out before us to follow. 
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“They’re cheerful. They’re fighters! I wanted to show that refugees are first and foremost citizens who are incredibly full of emotions and life,” states Rebotier. 
After viewing this exhibition, I say let this be the new mantra for France. Through these small yet impactful images, I have hope for Paris and the fight for equality here. But still the hard work of change needs to be done.
One voice, that of Clarisee Rebotier’s, has spoken out-- and more still need to join-- because largely those who have suffered from discrimination have been silenced. Let the voices rise, against all forms of discrimination, and instead for unity. And may I add-- this is not an issue to be highlighted because of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but because it truly matters HIC ET NUNC-- here and now. 
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Uni life be craaaaazy I missed my surveyssss
Which colour would best describe your current mood? Maybe an olive green or mustard yellow...we’re on a quick family getaway and the place is very nature-y. Does bad grammar annoy you? I can understand if the person’s first language isn’t English, but if they’re being an asshole and they keep fucking up their grammar, that’s when I have to laugh. This is usually the case when Filipinos are super arrogant in the comment section and try to sound intelligent, but end up embarrassingly butchering English. Who played the last concert you went to? Paramore happened a year and two days ago. What's your opinion on winter? Never experienced it. I’m pretty sure I would love it. How many plants are there in the room you're in? There are none in the hotel room I’m currently in.
Are you wearing anything in your hair at the moment? No, it’s just down. I had it in a ponytail earlier during breakfast, but I removed the tie after. Are your first impressions of people usually wrong? It’s typically 50/50. Sometimes the people I make out to be a bitch are apparently the nicest people, and sometimes the people I make out to be a bitch turn out to be actual big bitches. What was the last book you read, and how did you find it? Like I keep saying, I haven’t read anything in a really long time. I recently bought a pre-loved copy of The Reader from a buy-and-sell group on Facebook, but the seller hasn’t gotten back to me in a while. Do you prefer green or red apples? I hate fruits. Which room in your house is your favourite? Mine or the sala, because our couch is really huge and comfy.
What was the last thing you microwaved? I think it was fried chicken. Tell me something interesting about one of your close relatives: My great-grandfather was a survivor of the Bataan Death March back in the Japanese occupation. At one point he collapsed but he was at the right place at the right time – he got pulled aside by some lady stranger who brought him to her house to nurse him back to health. When he came to, he went to the house’s cellar to hide. The Japanese caught on, stormed the house, and tore apart an image of the Holy Family that they saw in the home. The torn-apart pieces fell through the bamboo slats and into the cellar, where he was hiding. He kept those until he had the time to paste them back together. The reconstructed image is currently with one of my great-aunts. Always thought that was super cool. Do you often take the bus to get to places? No. Public transport is shit here. We do have a more luxurious point-to-point bus system, but I’ve never had to try it out since I usually drive. If somebody gave you a kitten to keep as a pet, what would you name it? The first name that came to mind was Lily. If you could travel back to any decade, which one would you travel to? 20s. Did you use to like making dens as a child? Like, forts? Not really. Are you currently listening to music? Yes. I have the Lemonade album in the background while taking this. Any languages you would like to learn? Spanish, or another Philippine language. I think trilingual Filipinos who can speak English, Filipino, and Cebuano/Chavacano/Ilocano/Waray/Hilagaynon or any other Philippine language are sooooo much cooler :’( Do you like the smell of freshly-mown grass? I can enjoy it, sure. Does it really grind your gears when people constantly quote Family Guy? I wouldn’t know if they were quoting the show since I don’t watch a lot of it. How many tabs do you have open in your browser? In my current window, there are four. Do you like to play Mario? I don’t actively play it but if I had the chance the play it, I wouldn’t say no. Ever flown a kite? When I was younger. What's your favourite topping for toast? Butter. What colour is the front door of your house? Brown. Can I stand under your umbrella? Ella-eh-eh-eh yes. If given the oppurtunity, would you employ a monkey-servant? No. Do you know anybody who is completely bald? My dad is bald but out of choice. Do you put decorations up for Christmas? Yep. We used to put lights out but we recently stopped doing that and just decorate the inside of our house instead. You have to paint a room in your house bright orange, which do you choose? Maybe the kitchen so that it looks livelier. Your least favourite flavour of ice cream: Rocky road. Would you rather have a leather or denim jacket? Denim. To wear leather in the Philippine climate is to hate yourself. Would you like to meet the Queen? Sure. What's your full name backwards? Nybor. ^ without any vowels? Nybr? Do you like elephants? I love them, but I wish people would leave them the fuck alone. Have you ever destroyed something of high value? I’ve broken so many phones in my lifetime. Do you prefer juice or soda? Juice, if I really had to. Do you often listen to the radio? I listen almost everyday since it’s what I listen to when driving. Can you imitate a southern American accent well? I’m really bad at any accent haha. Can you read maps? No. Do you think that bacon and maple syrup is a good combination? YES Do you have any piercings? My earlobes. Own a lot of hats? Not really. I only have a couple. Do you get a lot of earwax (don't be shy)? The only time it gets to be a lot is when I forget to clean my ears. Which musical instrument would you like to learn to play? The piano. How do you solve a problem like Maria? ??? Would you rather swim in the sea or in a pool? SEA. When I swam at a beach for the first time, I stopped going to pools altogether. Preferred alcoholic beverage: Tequila. Did you go camping this summer? Nope. How is your eyesight? Bad. I literally can’t see anything without my glasses. Are you into this whole vampire thing? I was crazier before, but now it’s like something I look back on fondly. What's a colour that you would never ever dye your hair? Bright yellow. How many sugars do you take in tea? I don’t drink tea, but I like my coffee with one sugar and two creams. Would you like to travel to India? I would love to. Do you live in a city? Yes. What was your favourite TV show as a kid? The first show I ever loved was Hi-5 (the original cast). Then when I got a little older, I got into Spongebob. Are you a fussy eater? Not at all. I’d eat anything, just except for fruits. Can you dance? NOPE Do you find green eyes attractive? Sure. My biggest celebrity crush has green eyes. Do you prefer to watch films at home or in the cinema? Either is fine. Can you remember New Year's Eve on the 30/12/1999? No.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Taste of the Wild vs Orijen
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Princess-pup-demands-high-quality-good-tasting-dry-dog-food.jpg Taste of the Wild (TotW) versus Orijen, who will win?
In our household, we’ve tried more than 50% of the different popular brands, and some not so popular.
Our household is made up of dogs with food allergies (Sophie and Calvin), heart disease (Daisy), Cushing Disease (Daisy and Sophie), high energy (Ginger), seniors, and picky eaters.
Finding a dog food that works for everyone can be pretty tricky.
There have been a select few that work for everyone, but more often we have multiple kinds of dog food in the pantry.
Picking the right food has become a more daunting task for many dog parents.
Why Should You Choose a High-Quality Dog Food?
I remember a time when buying dog food was as easy as throwing a bag of dog food in your grocery cart.
You should choose high-quality, delicious dog food because your prince or princess is worth it
Unfortunately, the ease and convenience of those days are gone for most of us.
With so many special needs and dog food varieties, the combination options are astronomical. Every dog is unique, and most have special dietary needs due to:
Health – GI Issues, disease, allergies, etc.
Weight (Both gain and loss)
Breed (German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Goldendoodles shouldn’t always eat the same food)
Activity Level
It’s incredible how many variables need to meet to come up with the right food for your dog.
With so many brands and recalls, it’s hard to know which one is the best choice to go with.
VarietyFirst IngredientProteinRatingPrice Taste of the Wild High PrairieBuffalo32%4.1$$ Check Price Taste of the Wild Pacific StreamSalmon25%4.3$$ Check Price Taste of the Wild Sierra MountainLamb25%4.3$$ Check Price Orijen OriginalChicken38%4.3$$$ Check Price Orijen Six FishAtlantic Whole Mackerel38%4.0$$$$ Check Price Orijen Regional RedBeef38%4.0$$$$$ Check Price
Taste of the Wild
Taste of the Wild Company History
Diamond Pet Company carries many different brands, one of which is Taste of the Wild.
The company started back in 1970 by two brothers-in-law and has grown quite rapidly.
Even though TotW has become a substantially large company, it has remained family owned since the beginning.
TotW has plants from California to South Carolina, with a few more in between. They have 5 manufacturing locations in total.
TotW uses sustainable and humanely raised ingredients. The formulas were developed based on a canines’ ancestral dietary requirements.
The commitment TotW makes to their customers is that it manufactures “…a high-quality, yet affordable pet food option.”
If you’re interested in learning more about this dog food brand, we reviewed Taste of the Wild in-depth here!
Taste of the Wild Varieties
TotW currently offers 9 different dry dog food varieties.
Of those foods, some are specifically tailored to the needs of small breeds and puppies.
Taste of the Wild 3 Best Sellers of Dry Dog Food:
High Prairie – Roasted Bison and Venison
Pacific Stream – Smoked Salmon
Sierra Mountain – Roasted Lamb
More Varieties at Amazon
More Varieties at Chewy
Orijen Company History
Orijen is one of two brands created by Champion Pet Foods, which originated in Canada. It was founded by Reinhard Muhlenfeld in 1985.
Exporting goods from Canada has not a common practice, but with aid from the Canadian government, Champion Pet Foods has been quite successful in selling their dog food globally.
Orijen’s approach to marketing is a bit unconventional.
Orijen doesn’t utilize traditional marketing plans but instead relies on their outside sales force and word of mouth.
Orijen Varieties
Orijen has 8 different dry dog food varieties, not including their freeze-dried food line.
Orijen Family Pet Food 3 Best Sellers of Dry Dog Food:
Six Fish
Regional Red
More Varieties at Amazon
Recalls and Lawsuits
Taste of the Wild
Diamond Pet Food has had several recalls, though TotW has only had a single incident in May of 2012.
The recall was for salmonella contamination at the plant in South Carolina. Dry dog food was the only one with contamination issues.
The production codes needed to be checked to verify if the food had salmonella issues. Food with codes having a 2 or 3 in the 9th space and an X in the next space were part of the recall.
Corrections to the manufacturing plants were successful in ensuring future issues did not arise.
However, there are two lawsuits filed against Diamond Pet Food specifically around the TotW brand.
Note that anybody can file a lawsuit and they are not evidence of guilt until ruled so by a judge
The two lawsuits are similar in nature, the first one was in August 2018 and the second one was filed in February 2019. The 2018 suit accuses TotW of food contamination in the following three varieties:
Prairie Canine Formula Roasted Bison and Roasted Venison Dry Dog Food
Pacific Stream Canine Formula Smoked Salmon Dry Dog Food
Puppy Formula Grain-Free.
The 2019 suit involves five varieties:
Prairie Canine Formula Roasted Bison and Roasted Venison Dry Dog Food
Pacific Stream Canine Formula Smoked Salmon Dry Dog Food
Prairie Puppy Formula Grain-Free
Southwest Canyon with Beef in Gravy
Southwest Canyon with Wild Boar
Both lawsuits allege the foods are contaminated with pesticides, heavy metal (arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium), acrylamide, and BPA.
Orijen has not had any recalls in the United States.
Coincidentally, Orijen also had a lawsuit for similar contamination claims as TotW. This lawsuit was filed in March of 2018 but was later dismissed in February of 2019.
TotW’s lawsuits may end the same way.
What’s Important When Choosing a Dog Food?
There are several things to consider when looking for the perfect dog food.
Often, we talk about ingredients, and that’s a big part of the decision-making process, but it isn’t the only thing to take into account.
Where the food is manufactured
Where the ingredients are sourced
Taste (What your dog thinks!)
Your dog’s individual needs (See list above)
Comparison of Taste of the Wild vs. Orijen
  Winner: Orijen   
These two brands have many similarities which made them fun to compare.
They both fashion their food on the more primal needs of our dogs, they both are grain free, and both brands are protein focused.
In addition to the philosophies behind their food they both outline, in the guaranteed analysis section, the Omega-6 & 3 fatty acid content.
Orijen designed their recipes to be 85% prime animal protein, 15% fruit and vegetables, and 0% grains and potatoes.
All of their foods are packed with superfoods like pumpkin, kale, and spinach.
Also, Orijen has included pumpkin and sunflower seeds in their recipes. They use a variety of beans and lentils to make up for the lack of traditional grains and potatoes.
Their guaranteed analysis reflects 38% minimum protein, which is substantially higher than most dog foods, including TotW. Another thing Orijen does that many other dog food companies shy away from is use organ meat in their foods.
Organ meats may sound icky, but they are healthy and nutritious.
The aspect of this food I don’t like is the lack of traditional carbohydrates. Many dogs need grains and easily digestible potatoes.
Taste of the Wild
TotW includes potatoes and lentils in their foods to make up for the lack of grains. They have also included potato and pea flour in place of wheat or rice flours.
The first two ingredients in their best sellers are high-quality animal proteins, and though it does have some fruits and vegetables it’s nothing compared to Orijen’s list of superfoods.
Price and Value
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
This was an easy pick.
Their food is in line with their goals of being of an excellent dog food at a low price. The average cost per pound for TotW is under two dollars while the average cost per pound for Orijen is over four dollars!
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
TotW is available in most pet food retail stores, both in person and online.
They are even found in some hardware stores, doggy daycares, specialty grocery stores, and vet clinics.
Orijen has similar availability in pet stores, but they cannot be found in grocery or hardware stores, only in pet-focused retail locations or online.
And even then, not at as many online retailers.
  Winner: Orijen   
Almost a tie, but because I had to choose (Daisy hasn’t learned how to write or speak English yet), Orijen wins by a small margin.
I believe it was the unique kinds of proteins that gave Orijen that extra push.
The X Factor
  Winner: Orijen   
Orijen offers specially formulated recipes for seniors, puppies, and a weight management variety.
Also, Orijen’s fatty acid content is significantly higher than most dog foods.
As an added bonus, they have added chondroitin and glucosamine into their recipes!
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
Orijen is in a class all of its own. With the high-end ingredients, the extreme levels of protein, and the abundance of superfoods, it’s hard to beat.
If you can afford to give your pupper a tiara, then Orijen is priced right for you
But like we mentioned before, ingredients aren’t everything.
Though Orijen can justify the price, it does make it cost prohibitive to the majority of dog owners. Especially if you own multiple dogs!
Taste of the Wild is a reasonably priced dog food and has the added benefit of being easy to find.
TotW is a quality dog food with an appropriate protein content that’s more suited to dogs with an average or activity level.
However, if your dog needs a high protein diet, such as working, sporting, or extremely athletic dogs, Orijen would be the best option.
Also, if your dog would benefit from the higher fatty acid, chondroitin, and glucosamine levels, such as dogs with arthritis or extremely active dogs, then Orijen would also be the better option.
The post Taste of the Wild vs Orijen appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/taste-of-the-wild-vs-orijen/
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propertylisthubseo · 2 years
Lagos Spotlight: The Enthralling Language Spoken in Lagos, Nigeria
Did you know any language in Nigeria? Is there an official Lagos language? 
Lagos is a continuously emerging megacity where dreams come true every day. It is the center of excellence where the brightest and best in the country converge to create unusual solutions to ever-evolving challenges associated with a diverse and audacious population. Many tourists and travelers who’ve lived in the city describe it as vibrant, colorful, a place where you can have a tremendous amount of fun. But before you get ready, pack your things, and book a flight to Lagos, you should consider some valuable terms before wandering in the city of Lagos. In that way, you can avoid accidents and other misfortunes commonly experienced by other travelers.
Language in Nigeria: The LAGOS LANGUAGE
The official LAGOS LANGUAGE is English, but LANGUAGE SPOKEN IN LAGOS is Pidgin English or Nigeria’s broken English. It’s not uncommon to see Nigerians communicate with their tribes’ men and women in their local LAGOS LANGUAGE like Yoruba speaking in Yoruba and Igbo communicating in Igbo. Same as the Hausas as well as other minority tribes.
Common LANGUAGE SPOKEN IN LAGOS’ streets is pidgin English/Naija English. You don’t need to be literate in the English language to know it. It comes naturally after some time in Lagos. It cuts across tongues and tribes and has its uniqueness.
However, some people may speak their local dialects or speak proper English or Pidgin English at home. So many times, you wonder at the alacrity at which refined gentlemen and ladies communicate. They switch from the conventional English Language to the Pidgin language when they perceive a threat. And also if they want to belong or feel like they are about to be cheated. To avoid being cheated, Pidgin LAGOS LANGUAGE is the thing to consider.
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Useful Terms in Lagos
LAGOS LANGUAGE is relatively easy to understand. There is a saying that says that if you are in Rome, do like the Romans. So, if you are a tourist visiting the City of Lagos for the first time, you should study their way of life and the languages they spoke. So here are some useful terms before wandering in the city of Lagos.
Ajebutter, ajebo, ‘bota’ or ‘botti,’ refers to one born with a silver spoon. It can be loosely translated to mean rich person. So don’t act like a spoiled kid when wandering the City of Lagos.
Ajepako is a hustler or someone who rose from the street. In simpler terms, be an “Ajepako” so that you won’t be lost.
Party! Party! Party! If you don’t mind the noise, you’re going to love this one. Lagosians love to party. And you don’t have to be a guest to enjoy the party.
“Traffic robbers”
Just in case you’ll be driving, expect these people wherever and whenever there is traffic. It is an inevitable law. It would be the if you were mindful about your belongings because they target travelers.
They call them talented because they genuinely are. Lagos hawkers can outrun Usain Bolt to sell their products. They even risk their lives to sell their wares. Expect to have a range of foodstuffs, vegetables, household items to fruits, and more whenever you are stuck in traffic.
Zobo is a popular drink made from the dried Roselle plant. It is trendy in Nigeria. Zobo is a medicinal tea to cure minor cough, upset stomach, poor appetite, and manage blood pressure.
Suya or the roasted chili beef or spicy grilled kebab is a street food you must try in Lagos. Usually sold in the open and the sun would be heavy during the day considering Nigeria’s weather. And most people are busy in the morning, so it’s a demand thingy. The Suya sellers also do all the preparations during the day. Consider buying it for some and partner with beer.
Language in Nigeria: Property List Hub Booking Makes your Lagos Trip an Enjoyable Experience
Visiting the City of Lagos is a giant ball game. It is both exciting and eye-opening. The city offers you a whole number of activities that can boost your morale or stress you out–it depends on how open and robust you are to face day-to-day life in this city. We can make your stay comfortable yet exciting.
Contact us today, and we will make your dream travel a reality.
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bomberqueen17 · 6 years
replied to your post
“deputychairman replied to your post “welp Instagram crashed so bad I...”
Manty are so ducking good...the only thing about Kyrgyz food I got tired of was the same tomato cucumber salad over and over when in season but other than that...mmm.
I’ve seen the tomato cucumber salad but since I’ve been eating in restaurants I get to choose what specifically I order, so I’ve actually not tried it yet. (I did get Judged for not eating a salad at dinner last night. Listen, lady. I do what I want.)
The food’s excellent. I saw a lot of writeups where people were like “eh, they don’t have a lot of vegetables, blah blah” but I’ve yet to object to anything. except the vaguely dusty-flavored juice at breakfast, I don’t know what that was supposed to be. (I still drank it.) I think we’re in luck that it’s late summer so literally everything is in season, there are fruit sellers everywhere. 
The other thing that’s incredible is that we went to a nice, fancy-ish place last night, had beers and an appetizer and main dishes, and the entire bill came out to... mmm, about fifteen dollars. Dude kept repeating it to himself as we walked home. “Fifteen dollars. Fifteen dollars!” Unreal.
wyomingnot replied to your post
i've been in a country where, despite english being taught in the schools, very very few people actually speak it. you get good at miming what you need. :)
It’s a mixed bag here! A lot of times, there’s just no English, and so people rely on gestures and random foreign words-- a waiter shyly told me bon appetit, another man said “Hallo!” and made an X with his arms to get my attention and warn me that the museum I was walking toward was closed-- I’d just seen him come from the door but I had assumed he was leaving after a visit. (”Hallo” is apparently German for “hey there” as opposed to the friendlier greeting it implies in English.), and we’ve had various warnings and advice offered in a lovely spectrum of European languages. The Russians at lunch did a lot of pointing and like, using the calculator and then pointing to each thing to show how much it was, narrating as they went. The ticket lady at the museum wrote down the number with a pen. But the cellphone store lady let us get about half a shambling sentence into the pre-rehearsed script I’d put together from Google translate, and interrupted to say, “What was it you needed, then?” and conducted nearly the whole affair in quite good English. Except at the end, when she put the printout up onto the counter and said something in Russian, pointing at the X’s that clearly indicated where to sign. She said something to the girl next to her, and the girl next to her laughed and said, “Sign here please”; clearly she’d been confessing to her coworker that she’d forgotten the phrase and the coworker had filled her in. And earlier in the conversation, she’d said something I hadn’t understood the meaning of, and i’d asked her to clarify, and she’d looked a little helpless and just repeated what she’d said, because she clearly didn’t have any other vocabulary to suit the purpose. But it was enough that I could figure it out. So, probably not a fluent social speaker, but a well-studied practical speaker. 
I just feel careless and ignorant for not having managed to learn any more of the local language. I mean, I have zero Kyrgyz-- rachmat means thanks, and I haven’t even managed to use that. But Russian, I really could have made more of an effort with, and clearly should have. So we’ll see if that proves problematic in future, especially as we go out into the countryside where English is likely much rarer. It probably won’t be the worst, though, because honestly for tourism purposes there’s not a lot you truly have to say. 
Dude had been watching various YouTube travel channel things and there was one careless Russian guy who was like “i’m gonna hitchhike to Kyrgyzstan” with zero preparation, and at one point he’s on foot in a very rural area far away from anything, and he’s mispronouncing quite drastically the name of the place he wants to go, and he was complaining because people kept stopping and asking if he was all right like that was a weird thing to do when you see someone obviously foreign wandering alone on foot in an isolated rural area. He did manage to get where he was going and realized once there that he was verbally mangling the name almost entirely beyond recognition, and yet had still gotten there just fine. 
So it gives me some hope, except that he was Russian and the only thing I really know how to say in Russian is все xорошо, which according to Duolingo means “everything is ok”. Useful occasionally but not on every occasion, y’know? Anyway.
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