#Fujieda Yoshino
digi-egg · 5 months
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A new TCG set with the theme of Heroines of Digimon is available for Pre-order.
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isleepatfiveam · 2 years
Digimon Data Squad/Savers
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I decided to embark on a journey to watching all of the Digimon Media I haven't watch for my project RE, starting with Digimon Data Squad...slash Digimon Savers. I personally prefer Savers.
I actually enjoy this quite a lot.
I just have one complaint;
Marcus shouldda gotten his ass beaten. Preferably by Mercurymom.
I like the concepts presented it just seems very disjointed and kidna rushed.
Overall 5/10.
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sofascribbles · 1 year
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Yoshino Fujieda BT13-100, Lalamon BT13-049 by koki, Sunflowmon BT13-050 by Ryodan, Lilamon BT13-054 by Tsunemi Aosa, Rosemon BT13-057 by Kenji Watanabe, and Rosemon: Burst Mode BT13-060 by yuuki. from BT-13 Booster Versus Royal Knights
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cloudypinkblink · 1 year
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My beloved boy I felt like drawing him today hehehe I'm over the fever part of my illness but I think I might be losing my voice LOL
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orange-s-mario · 5 months
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Happy Digimon Day Everyone!! Here’s the 2020 Digidestined and their pals battle damaged and exhausted wearing their Revenge of Diaboromon outfits I even added The DATS Agents and Culumon! Sora and Mimi High-Fiving Each other!
It is August 1 and everyone is celebrating the Odaiba memorial or whatever fans wanna call it!
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The Humans and their Digimon Partners in Digimon Savers/Data Squad picspam
(Japanese and English dub names)
Masaru Daimon / Marcus Damon and Agumon
Tohma H Norstein / Thomas H Norstein and Gaomon
Yoshino Fujieda / Yoshi and Lalamon
Ikuto Noguchi / Keenan Crier and Falcomon
Satsuma Rentarou / Richard Sampson and Kudamon
Miki Kurosaki and Pawnchessmon (Black)
Megumi Shirakawa and Pawnchessmon (White)
Hiroshi Yushima / Homer Yushima and Kamemon
Suguru Daimon / Spencer Damon and BanchoLeomon
Chika Daimon / Kristy Damon and Piyomon/Biyomon
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amethyst-geek · 2 years
How We Got the song Legend Xros Wars
Yamato: so which evolution theme do we want to play when we kick butt during the final battle?
Masaru: I vote we have battle royale. The last person standing will get to have their show’s evolution theme be played.
Ruki: I second that.
Takuya: but what if the winner comes from a series that has more than 1 evolution theme?
Jian: Really? THAT’S your main concern?
Old Clock Guy: Or I can commission a local band to write and record a new song altogether.
Yoshino: I prefer that idea. That way, we can save our strength for the final battle.
Old Clock Guy (who doesn’t want his stuff broken): Um yeah. 
Edit: added Takuya and Jian’s lines after they popped into my head on January 23, 2023 
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jthedrake2 · 8 months
One day I was scrolling tumblr and I stumbled across an idea by cloudypinkblink and I wanted to take my own crack at it.
Essentially it’s a swap au where Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshino swap roles with Kouki, Nanami and Ivan. So in this universe The bio hybrids get Digimon partners and our DATS trio become Biohybrids and work for Kurata.
Partner lines
Kouki: Commandramon -> Sealsdramon -> Tankdramon -> Darkdramon
I imagine Kouki in this universe to be ranging from a delinquent or even a small low tier criminal. He’s just the type of guy to constantly get in trouble with the police. Here he is much more willing to help others and he meets his partner Commandramon after saving him from a more intimidating Digimon. However he is still hotheaded and very arrogant, but has high amount of determination. After he evolves Commandramon into Sealsdramon, he gets arrested by DATS members and is allowed to be free if he works for DATS from now on.
Commandramon in this is essentially a goofy but loyal soldier. Similar to how Agumon calls Marcus boss or Aniki, Commandramon would constantly call him Sir or Kouki sir as he views Kouki as his general. At first Kouki wants to use Commandramon to help him but does bond with the military dragon.
Nanami: Floramon -> Woodmon -> Ajatarmon -> Lotusmon
Nanami takes the role of Thomas here. In this universe I imagine her coming from nothing rather then being rich like Thomas is. She’s very hard working and highly values perfection above all else. This pressure of being perfect also extends to her partner with her sometimes being too harsh on her for any errors. She doesn’t get along well with Kouki at first, in fact they are worst then Marcus and Thomas in terms of rivalry at first. But help one another when they bond, With Kouki learning to think before he leaps and Nanami learning to be less hard on herself and others.
Floramon is an extremely shy but very sweet Digimon. She is also very clumsy but tries her best to hide that fact from Nanami. Eventually she will become more confident as the series goes on and Nanami will treat her better. They basically have a Shuji and Lopmon thing going on except it’s a bit less bad, not by much tho, Could be good dark digivolution potential.
Ivan: Gizamon -> Ebidramon -> Anomalocarimon -> Spinomon
Ivan here is the Dad friend of the trio and is honestly the only thing that keeps Nanami and Kouki from killing each other in the beginning, I also like to think whenever they argue Ivan would jokingly refer to them as a “Lovers spat” to which they stop arguing and turn their anger at him. Like in canon, He is very much a family man. He joined DATS as a way to support his family but eventually starts to love the job. He is also the one to meet Kouki like how Yoshino meets Marcus in canon. He’s smarter then in canon, tho he still isn’t that bright. He doesn’t say stuff out loud unless he’s extremely nervous.
Gizamon would be a bit more cynical then his partner. He’s the brain to Ivan’s brawn in this case. While not outwardly friendly to most, he still capable of doing good and hopes to help Ivan with his family matters. His siblings like to play with him a lot and he enjoys it to, but he’ll never admit that tho.
For the lines I decided to lean into the mega sand ignore the armors as I really wanted to use Commandramon. But if you want to include the armors here is some alternative lines involving them.
Kouki: Hawkmon -> Thunderbirmon -> Megadramon -> Darkdramon
Nanami: Wormmon -> Coatlmon -> Arukenimon -> Lotusmon
Ivan: Armadillomon -> Stegomon -> Triceramon -> Spinomon
As for Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshino, They are now working for Kurata. I could see Thomas being Kurata’s second in command and being the first to join. Yoshino would be second to join him and perhaps we could have her try to manipulate Ivan tho I don’t see what purpose that could serve, maybe to cause others not to trust him perhaps. Still working on it.
Marcus would be the third to join, We could have him involved in the story with Kouki as an old friend of the Daimons with Marcus and Kouki having a brotherly bond. After the whole Garudamon debacle, Marcus nearly dies with Kouki saving him by digivolving into Tankdramon. Marcus would find out about his dad and want to go to the digital world to find him but Sarah adamantly refuses due to Marcus nearly dying and not having a Digimon partner. It would then escalate into a much more heated version of the scene with Sarah and Marcus talking about Marcus going into the digital world.
Marcus would then storm out the house and ask Kouki to take him to the digital world. Kouki would refuse out of not wanting to see Marcus getting hurt. This would then have Kurata come to Marcus and manipulate him into becoming a bio hybrid.
As for their bio hybrid forms following the theme of Armor and Mega
Marcus: BioFlamedramon and Biodorbickmon
Thomas: BioKangurumon and BioAnubimon
Yoshino: BioKabukimon and BioCeresmon
I also have other ideas to further this swap concept to make this universe sound more interesting then canon.
Keenan is not becoming a bio hybrid so maybe here we can have Kristy and Keenan swap partners here with Keenan getting Biyomon and Kristy getting Falcomon.
Maybe even swap roles with Kristy becoming a jungle girl further hammering in Sarah’s protection of Marcus. Probably will only swap partners but it could be fun.
Kristy: Pinamon -> Falcomon -> Saberdramon -> Vulturemon
Keenan: Biyomon -> Aquilamon -> Garudamon -> Valkryimon (Maybe have Valdurmon as a burst mode?)
Another reverse idea is how the royal knights are a big thing in data squad and we also have Merukimon who is a member of the Olympus 12. So maybe we could have Sleipmon and Merukimon swap around and have the main final threat be the Olympus 12 rather then the royal knights.
Richard Sampson: Kudamon -> Reppamon -> Kyukimon -> Merukimon
We would also have Homeros over Yggdrasil as Homeros is the creator of the Olympus 12.
Maybe even have Kurata become Titamon perhaps as Belphemon is more of an enemy to the royal knights and him becoming Titamon, the enemy of the Olympus 12 would further cement him being a threat and enemy to the digital world.
And with Yoshino becoming BioCeresmon it could make for some good lore potential, Maybe you could have Ceresmon in the role of Frigimon and kill her off, then have Kurata use her data alongside Yoshino. This could be a pretty interesting and dark.
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elimultilastname · 10 months
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rurulaura · 1 year
Even Hirogaru precure came it i couldn’t help but to notice the cast fits digimon almost exactly. And with the first male precure i felt inspired to draw this. Hope you enjoy
Also. Soras it’s Hero time! Reminds me of masarus it’s fighting time! from data squad
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Data squad in style 😎
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Digimon - requested by moon-shadow-1985
1 + 2. Nene Amano
3 + 4. Yolei Inoue
5. Airu Suzaki
6. Angie Hinomoto
7. Suzie Wong
8. Yoshino Fujieda
9. Eri Karan
10. Rika Nonaka
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