#FunFacts about sen!
sen-sational · 3 months
FunFact about me
TW for...gore mention??
When I was about 2 I was wearing earrings and my mom's sisters necklace (I think) and her sister got inpatient and snatched the necklace off me but it got caught on one of my earrings and ripped my ear (idk how much) and I ended up having to get it stitched and now you can't even tell.
I haven't worn earrings ever since :3
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
(Previously, dans le rewatch HPI...)
Yo ! Je vous ai manqué ? J’espère que oui, parce que sinon vous allez devoir endurer dans la souffrance tout mon rewatch de la saison 2, je dis ça je dis rien...
Morgane "J’ai passé la moitié de ma vie à faire des sitting anticapitalistes" Alvaro qui part en shopping spree consumériste dès qu’elle a trois thunes sur son compte courant... I've said it before and I'll say it again: I find the Pretty Woman montage extremely cringe.
(à part pour l’origin story de la doudoune rouge et des croco ankle boots 🥰)
Funfact: Napalm Decapitation est un groupe qui n’existe pas.
Askskjfkskfjksjk, la tête de Karadec pendant TOUTE la scène de crime, this is a testament to Mehdi's acting
"Daphné!" -> Morgane qui lance son manteau au hasard dans sa direction me fait toujours autant rire
"Commandant, je peux vous parler une minute ?" / "J'ai eu des nouvelles concernant les coups de feu que tu as tiré à Malo-les-bains" -> le tutoiement/vouvoiement dans toute sa splendeur, je note, je note...
Adam est painfully terrible au demi-tour en douze trois temps, ça me rappelle mes séances d'auto-école, lol. Et pourquoi y'a personne sur cette nationale ? I have so many questions...
"Vous voulez connaître les neuf autres ?" 😂😂
La ! Soirée ! Koh Lanta ! Pizza !! Comment j’avais oublié cette ref au moment de l’écrire !!!
Morgane x le gyrophare, littéralement dans mon top 5 des moments connerie de Morgane...
"Ah bah ça tombe bien parce qu'elle est morte" -> le TACT de Morgane, bordel 😱
Karadec x l'anecdote random sur Miterrand et l'andouillette -> top 5 des moments les plus absurdes de ce show
Morgane calling Adam a Drama Queen, aksksjkjskj, something something pots, kettle, toussa toussa...
Un yacht et un chat sans poil ? Sérieusement Daphné ? C'est ça que tu t'achèterais en premier si t'étais riche ?
Morgane qui plaque Gilles contre le mur !!!! Et ensuite il se redresse et on voit qu'ils font la. même. taille. 😆
"Bah merde..." awww she cares so much about him 😍
Un lassi mangue... Le retour du jus de pomme eau gazeuse... This is too much to handle 😱
Mais bordel Adam, pourquoi tu lui fais la gueule comme ça ? 😭
Morgane est tellement obsédée par Karadec, be still my heart 🙊
"Vous lui avez pas demandé ?" 😅
Morgane qui devient sérieuse avec la voix qui tremble quand Céline mentionne que Adam risque son poste <=> Adam qui perd pied quand Morgane risque son poste dans le 2.02, my heart!
Les "Et ?" parfaitement synchronisés de Céline et Morgane, asjksjks
Remember that time when Roxane was an antagonist? "Roxane Ascher, sympa ?" Because I don't.
"Tu te sens comment ?" "Comme un type qui va se faire opérer à coeur ouvert par un marteau-piqueur" 🤣🤣🤣
Franchement, c'est quand-même hyper injuste de la part d'Adam d'en vouloir à Morgane pour avoir foiré l'entretien avec Roxane 😰
NIGHT TIME IS THEIR TIME! Pardon, mais leurs petits rendez-vous nocturnes, là, ça me rend dingue...
"Pardon..." 😱😱
"Vous vAlEz bIEn qUelQuES déSagRéMEnTs" (on rappelle que dans le contexte, "quelques désagrément" = perdre son poste, il est quand-même vachement détendu du slip, le Karadec, là), et qu'il lui fait des blagues sur le vol de sa voiture, ET QU'IL RESSORT LE TOP TEN DE SES MOMENTS PRÉFÉRÉS DE LA LIFE 🪥🪥🪥
Leurs sourires... THEM... Ils se kiffent tellement c’est pas possible!!!! 😭
"Oui bah moi je sais qui c'est" 😂
Je sais pas vous mais moi j'adore voir Karadec interroger des gens, my man takes no bullshit and I love that about him
Le lassi mangue !! La vanne du label rouge !! Le visage de Morgane qui se décompose !!! My babies are desynchronized SO BAD 💔
Adam, un flic border ? (Et Laure Berthaud du coup c’est quoi selon Roxane Ascher ?) Laissez-moi rire, lol !
Adam qui protège Morgane devant Roxane OMG, comment il la kiiiiiffe 😱
Le petit clin d'oeil de Gilles en mode "ça va bien se passer" pour rassurer Adam, il est trop chou 🥲
Morgane qui est toujours aussi obsédée par Adam, comment elle le kiiiiiffe 😱
Conclusion, je me tape la tête contre les murs, merci bonsoir
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indulgentia · 3 years
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RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your music library on shuffle and list the ten songs, then tag 10 people.
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O1. PERSONAL JESUS - Johnny Cash
Feeling unknown and you're all alone Flesh and bone by the telephone Lift up the receiver I'll make you a believer
Lights out killing it some more Bad bitches get down on the floor (4x)
hana, dul, ses BITCHES !  /  1. 2. 3 BITCHES!
O3. BONEKINHA - Gloria Groove ft. Hatsune Miku (fanmix)
A bonekinha não sabe brincar (2x)  /  The lil’ doll doesn’t play (2x) Chega no baile ela desce, ela sobe  /  in the party she goes down, then up Os maloka vai se apaixonar.  /  the playas’ gonna fall in love
O4. LENTO - Kika Boom ft. Lia Clarck
Hoje a minha amiga é a lua  /  Today the moon is my friend Já me viu totalmente nua  /  Has seen me totally naked Eu tô louca no meio da rua  /  I’m insane in the middle of the street Porque hoje eu sou tua  /  Because today I’m yours
O5. RAISON D’ÊTRE - Dir en Grey  (tw: eye horror, blood, nudity)
kagami no mae de tada hitori enji kitta piero ga /  a lone pierrot performing before the mirror sotto boku no mae ni yori iu no sa / softly comes before me to say kimi wo kurushimeru no wa boku ka sore tomo kanojo ka  /  is it me or is it her who makes you suffer? hitori no boku ga sasayuku no sa  /  all alone I'm whispering  
O6. SANTA MADRE CASSINO - Matanza ( funfact this is one of my bolg’s url )
Uma noite se passou  /  One night has passed E o covento então virou.  /  And the nunnery then became SANTA MADRE CASINOOOOOO!!
O7. PAPAOUTAI - Stromae
Ah, dites-nous qui, tiens  /  Hey? Tell us who huh? Tout le monde sait comment on fait des bébés  /  Everybody knows how to make babies Mais personne ne sait comment on fait des papas  /  But nobody knows how to make dads
O8. TÁ NA GAIOLA - DJ Kevin O'Chris
Cheiro de perfume bom (ei, tu tá na gaiola!)  /  Smell of good perfume (hey, you’re in the cage!) Cheiro de marola boa (ei tu tá na gaiola!) / Smell of good weed (hey, you’re in the cage!) Várias malandras jogando (ei, tu tá na gaiola!)  /  Lotsa playas gaming (hey, you’re in the cage!) Os amigo faturando (ei, tu tá na gaiola!)  /  Friends billing (hey, you’re in the cage!) Vem sentando e rebola!  /  Come along, dancing and twerking!
O9. MAGNOLIA - Suilen  ( aka my smut song )
Now I’m everywhere, now I am nowhere And all is in this symphony
I don’t nee your blood my dearly beloved All I want is to be in your love
1O. AU LEVER DU SOIR - Émilie Simon
Tes yeux m'ont fait perdre une guerre, mon coeur  /   Your eyes made loose a war, my heart Depuis je décroîs (2x)  /   Since then I wane (2x) Tes yeux m'ont fait perdre mon sens de l'honneur  /  Your eyes made me lose my sense of honor Depuis je décroîs  /  Since then I wane
tagged by: @kathexismania​ tagging: If you scroll down to this point YOU’RE TAGGED ( and tag me so I can see it ) ! ~ ♡
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midnight197 · 4 years
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I started to work on a little Art-Series where I gonna draw my OCs with their Skeleton-Counterparts they developed from! So this is the first one! Cor! The first concept of Cor was simply to have a Friend of Reniei 's Character Oj-4 that stucked in some kind of Dream-Reality. And since I didn't wanted him to be lonely I wanted to gave him a friend. Which leaded to the creation of Cor xD He also started to be some kind befriended with Neye and Shard, since both of them also was kind of related to Dreams (more about it later in their Comparing). And because of that relation to Dreams that Cor had, I got in my mind, to make him related to Dream-Sans and Nightmare-Sans. (But since I liked Nightmare more, I made Cor his Son xD). The reason for Cors excistens was, that he originated from the last good feelings of Nightmare. This relation to Nightmare also made him related to one of Renis Skele-Kid, Sen which made them basically Halfbrothers. (Till Reni changed Sens Dad Nightmare with Lynn xD) But Cor didn't stayed without a Brother for long. Later on Sheylarts came around with Dread. A KillerxNightmare-Shipchild with a horrible attritue xD And Cor wanted to make him happy, so I basically throwed him at Dread xD which turned into the start of a huge character-development for both Dread and Cor. Over time however, I lost interest in Undertale-AUs, especially Sans-Focused ones. I wanted to change my Characters so I made Cor a human. I wasn't sure what to do with him for some time, but I was playing around to make him somewhat related to my Dreamcatcher-Species, since I thought that would fit quite well. Which did at the end! However! He didn't lost his Connection with Dread after all. Since Shey also went Original with Dread, I was able to somehow keep them together. Not as Brothers anymore but as Friends. Especially after I designed a Dreamcatcher-Version of Dread which became canon at the end. And there we are with Dreamcatcher Cor. There isn't much Story I have planed for him, except some small things here and there. He's a special Case as a Dreamcatcher, since he doesn't have a Dreamer like every other Dreamcatcher but isn't a Lost Dream either, which he can't explain why this is the case. But sometimes he feels really lost about this. Lost and lonely. Another reason why he likes to be around Dread a lot. I also kinda designed a Shipchild from Dread and Cor some time ago lol xD It's not canon tho and I'm not sure if I gonna keep him, redesign him or whatever xD (I don't even know if Shey looks at them as a Ship or just as Friends, just lemme dream plese jkjk xD) Oh yeah and little Funfact: Back then, Cor was able to enter the Dreamworld by using his Key on his own Soul to basically open up a door xD now he just can switch between realitys how he likes too, it just draines some energy from him xD The Key is just an accessoires for now till I get a better idea for it xD Another Funfact: Cor's Name comes from "Core" which basically means the Core of someone like the Soul of a Person And yeah, I think that's all what I can say about Cor for now xD I love him, he went such a long way and I hope even longer! It's just funny, that I kinda draw Cor more than my own Dreamcatcher x'D a bit sad tbh xD Anyways! If you have read it till here, congrats! xD Hope you guys like it!
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sassynosubete · 6 years
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𝓑𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓪 𝓶𝓮𝓬𝓫𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓶, 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓶𝓮𝔃𝓼𝓲𝓷
A multiverse stevetony playlist with Turkish songs, title from Attila İlhan's poem ''Ben sana mecburum.'' which kinda means ''You're a must for me, you never know''. (cover by: hellogarbagetime)
I translated some parts of the songs so you can understand them a little bit, if you want a complete translation of any song you can ask me! Turkish is a hard language and has very deep words so I’m sorry if i translated something wrong or used wrong grammar in English, it’s not my native language.
 Ben Seni Çok Sevdim (I loved you so much) by Cem Adrian
Ben seni çok sevdim – I loved you so much
Belki zordur anlaması sessizliğimden – Maybe it’s hard to understand because of my silence
Ben seni çok sevdim – I loved you so much
Sen oku kelimeleri gözlerimden – Read the words from my eyes
Ne Güzel Güldün – Pinhani
Yalandan da olsa – Even though it was a lie
Ne güzel güldün o akşam bana – How beautifully smiled you at me that night
Tutuklu – Sezen Aksu (tn: This is really hard to translate but Prisoner i guess im sorry)
Ben sende tutuklu kaldım – the word itself means prisoner it must mean I’m your prisoner but it really means ‘’I stopped at you (tn: like life continued but it was you it was you idk how to explain but it’s way more deep sezen is a queen)
Kendi hayatımdan çaldım – I stole from my life
7 cihan dolandım – I traveled 7 worlds
Bana mısın demiyor – They don’t even care (tn: funfact we don’t have he or she in turkish so…)
Yan Benimle – Sıla (Burn with me)
Gezdim seni sokak sokak – I traveled you street by street (tn: okay im sure this makes so sense but bear with me)
Vallah yok hesap kitap – (Vallah means I swear to God) There’s nothing else (tn: she says she has no other motives in her actions)
İçimde avaz avaz – Inside me, loudly (kinda screaming)
Yan yan, yan benimle! – BURN BURN BURN WITH ME (tn: it could mean our love will burn us or a metaphor for sexual intercourse who knows)
Bekle Dedi Gitti – Çizik by Kaan Tangöze
Bekle dedi gitti – They said wait, they left
Ben beklemedim, o da gelmedi, ya – I didn’t wait and they didn’t come back
Ölüm gibi bir şey oldu ama ama ama – Something like that death happened but but but
Kimse ölmedi – Noone died
Gittiğinde – Göksel (When you’re gone)
Susmasan olmaz mı? Anlatsan bir kere – Can you not be silent? Just tell me about it once
Önümde kitli kapılar, anahtarları sende – There are locked doors in front of me, you have all the locks
Gitmesen olmaz mı? En azından bir gece – Can you not go? Just for one night
İçimde bir kara orman yanıyor, gittiğinde – A black forest inside me burns, when you are gone
Bir Damla Gözlerimde – Sertab Erener (A Tear In My Eyes)
‘’Sakladığın şey her neyse, beni üzer mi?’’ – Whatever it is you’re hiding, would it make me sad? (tn: mcutony feels are real)
Öyle çok şey var ki içimde – There is too much inside me
Hep sustuk konuşmak yerine – We always kept quiet instead of talking
Konuşmadığımız her ne varsa, seninle – Whatever there is we didn’t talk about
Sakladım gözlerimle – I hid them in my eyes
Sen Dönmeden Uyumam Bu Gece – Yalın (I Won’t Sleep Tonight Before You Come Back)
İsteyip de söyleyemediğim çok şey var – There are so many things i wanted to say but couldn’t
Sen dönmeden uyumam bu gece – I won’t sleep before you come back
Düşün bir, benden başka gerçeğin mi var?- Think about it, do you have any other reality other than me? (tn: damn)
Sen dönmeden uyumam bu gece
Haram Geceler- Pilli Bebek (tn: Haram means something forbidden by religion but here also means it’s too painful)
Yanıyorum, yanıyorum – I’m burning, I’m burning
Ah yanıyorum yanıyorum
Yar, yine bana haram geceler – Love, nights are haram for me, again (tn: Yar means lover but idk how to explain it’s kinda soulmate-ish)
Senin için ağlıyorum- I’m crying for you
Haydi Söyle – Kalben (Cmon Say It)(tn: she is asking her heart to tell her lover to about her love)
Haydi söyle, onu nasıl sevdiğimi – Cmon tell them how i love them
Haydi söyle, rüyalarda yandığını –Cmon tell them that you burn in your dreams
Haydi söyle, uykusuz gecelerimi- Cmon tell them about my sleepless nights
 Nefes Bile Almadan – Redd (Without even taking a breath)
Nefes bile almadan, seviyorum seni - I love you without even taking a breath (tn: insert here that panel where tony breathes life into steve, you’re welcome)
Her Şey Sensin – Yalın (You are Everything)
Şimdi  senden vaz mı geçmeli? – Now, should i give up on you?
Masal olup yola devam etmeli? – (tn: hard to translate bc there is no real subjects) Should it be a fairytale and should i continue my way
Ben kalpten sorunlu, aşkta sorunluydum- I was troubled at heart, troubled at love
Anladım her şey sensin – I understood that you are everything
Yine Yazı Bekleriz – TNK (We would wait again for summer)
Belki unuturuz onu, tüm kasımdan kalma çiçekler gibi – Maybe we will forget it like all flowers from november
Arasına koyarız şarkı yazdığımız, kırık hayaller saklı defterin – We will put it between pages of the notebook in which broken dreams are hidden
Belki de saklarız onu kalbimizde bir delik açar gibi-  Maybe we will hide it like opening a hole inside our hearts
Belki denize ulaşır içimizdeki nehirler bir gün – Maybe rivers inside us would reach to the sea one day
Yine yazı bekleriz- We would(will) wait again for summer
Herkes Öldürür Sevdiğini (Yet each man kills the thing he loves) – Ezel soundtrack by Toygar Işıklı (tn: thank god this is actually an Oscar Wilde quote)
Yet each man kills the thing he loves (tn: okay so in english ‘’thing’’ could mean anything but in this record, the actor says ‘’everyone kils the person they love’’ so it’s completely ‘’i love you i kill you’’ thing here)
Hoşçakal (Goodbye) – Şebnem Ferah
Seni ararken kendimi kaybetmekten yoruldum – I got tired of losing myself while searching for you
Bulduğumu zannettiğimde, kendimde ayrı düştüm – When I thought i found you, i grew apart from myself
Bu garip bir veda olacak çünkü aslında hep içimdesin – This will be a strange farewell because in reality you’re always within me
Ne kadar uzağa gitsem de gittiğim her yerde benimlesin- Even if I go far away, you’re with me
Söylenecek söz yok – There is nothing to say
Gidiyorum ben - I’m leaving
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icaarrus · 6 years
What's your favorite thing about Sewoon? I would love to hear your love for him too! -💗
get ready for another faux poetry then because my love for Sewoon bends space and time baby
Sewoon is the first person I noticed when I started watching Produce 101 and by watching I mean my friend shoved it into my face (and when I didn’t react to Open Up she figured that I would probably like Oh Little Girl better) (and she was right) and even back then I am so fond of him. His little wave at the start, his stable voice, and of course who can forget that wink that could sen post-its flying? did you know that it also send my heart flying? probably, if you’ve read my url. I love his softness, like Sewoon is all curves and no edges. I started watching Produce 101, long story short, and I got caught up in a small snippet of his self written song. I also love how he can be a little snarky and sassy, singer-songwriter or idol? fuck all that, he’ll be a CEO because he wants to. his calm manner, his tendency to see the good in everyone and everything, his patience, how he doesn’t facilitate mnet’s portrayal of Scary Dongho but instead says that he is a nice person. His expression doesn’t reach all the ranges like Seongwoo’s and maybe that’s why I cherish all his laugh, all his smiles (the wide ones, not the polite ones), the moments he let himself look vulnerable, the moments he tries to look strong. I love seeing him dance too! and not the simple choreos we see now after he debuts but the hard ones. I’m talking nayana kind of hard. I’m talking about his determined eyes as he forces his limbs to move. I love how he is just so nice, so realistic (choosing subvocal 1 when we all know he wants to be the lead vocal just bc “i’ll get pushed down anyways”) but still as ambitious. Funfact: to this day I have never seen the final episode of Produce 101 because why would I want to see Sewoon stand there, one rank short from debuting?
I learned later that he didn’t cry on camera, but breaks down as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.
sewoonie? you can be weak in front of us. we will still love you.
okay cut to the time I “met” Sewoon again, this time as a soloist. “This is your ponyo boy,” my friend said. “he has a nice voice, and even nicer songs.” and I believe her, so I watched Just U. There he is, the goldfish boy I know and love, singing, eyes averting the camera, gestures awkward, but voice? flawless. And when I found Nevermind? tears. The song that he sang on the first episode! my favorite song! it’s here! it’s wonderful! I love how the song is just so him in the sense of that is totally what he would do. Speaking of “so him” have you realized that he never put out a loud concept like oh my comeback will be badass because my debut is soft and cute? Because everything we see is just Sewoon. What Sewoon would wear, what Sewoon would say, what Sewoon wants to show us. Shy smiles and soft desaturated colors? I love it. He loves it too, I’m sure. Bright blue cloudy skies are what I associate with Jung Sewoon. Have I mention how much I love that? Probably just a little less than how much I love Jung Sewoon.
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