#Fushimi doing a nice thing is always sweet good boy
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
(It's the fushimi-sukuna friend anon again, thanks for answering my asks! Here's another one) Fushimi curiously looks up info on his new gaming buddy and finds out Sukuna's birthday is coming up. He realizes Sukuna probably only has Yukari to celebrate it with and remembers how back the he only had Yata to celebrate his birthdays. You think he'd do something about it or even just give the kid a present?
This is definitely one of those ‘Fushimi wants to do something nice but can’t admit he wants to do something nice’ scenarios XD Like say the two of them have been continuously playing together pretty regularly, they don’t often meet in person but they chat a lot. The game has some function where it will tell players on your friends list when there’s an upcoming birthday and Fushimi gets an in-game notice about Sukuna’s. Fushimi initially ignores it, thinking why should he care that it's that brat's birthday, but then he remembers how the two of them have on occasion talked about their respective pasts and complained about whose family sucks more. Fushimi clicks his tongue and mutters to himself that there's no point in feeling sorry for that guy, like for Sukuna's birthday I imagine his family threw him lavish parties full of people they want to maintain connections with and the party was more about his parents than him but as far as Fushimi's concerned at least Sukuna had a party and gifts. He remembers Sukuna grumbling about how his parents only bought him what they thought he wanted and never anything he did actually want and Fushimi quietly admits to himself that maybe that wasn't terribly better than the nothing he used to get.
After this he keeps seeing the reminder, ticking down the days until Sukuna's birthday, and every time he sees it Fushimi feels this uncomfortable tightness in his chest. One evening after playing games he meets Yata for drinks and at some point Yata asks if Fushimi's still playing games with Sukuna. He has to admit that he's pretty surprised the two of them have managed to get along so far and Fushimi just shrugs and says the brat's less annoying on the other side of a computer screen. Fushimi mentions that it's nearly Sukuna's birthday and Yata's like oh are you gonna get him anything, like it's the most natural thing in the world, and Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away. Yata gives him a fond look and says well it's up to Fushimi and then starts chatting about old times and all the fun stuff they did in middle school on their birthdays. Of course this reminds Fushimi of how important it was that Yata cared enough to celebrate his birthday and when he gets back to his computer he ends up just like buying Sukuna something for their game, like gear or a credit to his account.
The next day is Sukuna's birthday and he's surprised when he logs in and sees something from Fushimi. Yukari notices and probably thinks it's nice, like oh so your friend got you something (cue obligatory 'he's not my friend!'). Sukuna shrugs and says yeah okay it's kinda nice, he could use this anyway, but he is actually pretty happy to get something that he wanted for his birthday. The next time he and Fushimi play the game Sukuna mentions that he saw Fushimi's gift, Fushimi starts to get defensive but then he just shrugs and says yeah, he figured you get someone a gift for their birthday right, because it's a day that people find special. Sukuna pauses and then finally he's like 'well...thanks' and they both quickly get back to playing, and they're probably both glad that the other can't see them smiling from the other side of the computer screen.
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Weekly Meal Prep (Yandere!Omi Fushimi)
note: this is my first attempt at working with the yandere theme so i don't really know if i did good or bad,,, but something about messed up omi just sends me straight to hell. hope you enjoy!
word count: 2.9k
"This is so good! This has got to be one of my favorite curry dishes so far." You gushed, shoving another spoonful of the new curry in your mouth.
"Glad you liked it. The place had bad reviews, but I think it's just because normal people don't know how to appreciate the raw and concentrated flavor of curry." Chikage grinned as he looked at you endearingly
"Ugh," You scoffed, "Why can't people understand that the raw flavor of the spices are supposed to taste like this? I dislike the artificial flavors of watered down and manufactured spices because of how... fake it tastes in curry dishes." You were about to go on a full-on rant about how using real spices in curry dishes should be the only way to cook curry.
Chikage watched you with his emerald eyes, admiring how beautiful you looked when you talked about something that you were so passionate about. Yeah, sure, he disliked women, but being here with you made him realize that maybe the other gender wasn't all that bad. Actually, he still hated women; He just didn't hate you.
You weren't a woman. To him, you were a goddess.
"Thank you for taking me out, by the way." You suddenly spoke, breaking your rant about the whole curry ordeal. "You didn't have to, but you did. I appreciate that a lot, Chikage."
His lips curled up in a warm smile.
"Don't mention it, director."
After you two finished your meals, you had to go back to the dorm immediately to hold several meetings with the troupes regarding their next projects. As Chikage held the door open for you, his eyes darted back inside the bustling restaurant.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Chikage?"
Again, he smiled at you, but it was more strained than the last.
"Of course not. Let's go home, shall we?"
"Oi, careful." Juza wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. A motorcycle was speeding by and it nearly hit you, but thankfully, Juza saw it before it impacted. "Tsk, careless drivers piss me off. Stand here." He then guided you to walk inside of the sidewalk.
"Oh crap, I didn't see that. Thank you, Juza! You're so nice." Juza blushed at your kind words, but he shook his head to rid of the thoughts.
"'S nothin."
"Hey, look at that! They're selling a new flavor of crepes! Come on, let's check it out!" You grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him over to your favorite crepe place. They didn't have a line yet, which was good, because you were able to purchase the new crepes for you and Juza.
"Here!" You grinned at him, handing him one of the crepes
"Lemme pay for them."
"Nonsense!" You gently pushed the crepe further into his hand, and his mind went wild when your fingers brushed his skin. "Consider this a thank you gift because you saved me earlier."
He took the crepe hesitantly, and muttered a quiet "Thanks." before he bit into it.
His face lit up immediately.
"'S sweet. I like it."
"Marshmallow crepes. Genius! We should bring one home for Hisoka. I'm sure he'd love this!"
Juza smiled. He adored how you were always considerate and thoughtful of other people even when you weren't physically with them. It's one of the many things that he loved about you.
Suddenly, he felt a shiver down his spine. He looked around, but was suddenly distracted when you were spilling the cream all over yourself.
"Oi, tissue!"
He handed you a few tissues so you could wipe your shirt, and you had to admit that was a little mortifying to be that clumsy in front of the younger male.
"Thank you for being so reliable, Juza. Makes me feel
As you were mindlessly walking home, Juza couldn't help but think to himself why that motorcycle looked so damn familiar.
"Come on, director-chan! I promise you, it tastes good!"
"Kazu, I am legitimately going to HURT you."
"No you're not! That's so mean!" Kazunari wept crocodile tears.
"Come on, director-chan! It's just a bite!"
"Kumon, I'm going to die. If I don't make it, tell everyone in Mankai that I love them and that I always treated them as my own family."
"Director-chan, you aren't going to die here." Kumon sweat dropped.
"No, I've accepted my fate. If this is what I must do for love, then at least I'll go out knowing that I did it for you boys.
"Director-chan, it's just a salad. You don't have to be so dramatic about it!"
"It's a death trap! I know you boys want to kill me so you can always get free time!"
"If anything, we're concerned about you health! That's why we want you to eat this!" Kazunari made sure that the fork had greens, kani, and a mishmash of everything before he held it in front of your mouth. "Here, say ah!"
You wanted to throw up. Vegetables. Disgusting.
"This store sells the best kani salad! You have to try it, I promise you'll like it!" Kumon looked at you with big doe eyes and you sighed in defeat.
You leaned forward to eat the portion on the fork and Kazunari blushed because he realized that he was feeding you. It was an adorable sight, and maybe peer pressuring someone into eating healthy food could be an addition to his growing list of love advice.
You blinked. "It's... actually pretty good."
"Right?!" Kumon beamed before giving the restaurant owner a thumbs up.
"Here, director-chan!" Kazunari filled the fork again, "Say ah!"
Your face bloomed red and you snatched the fork from his hand, "I can feed myself just fine, Kazu!"
"You really are the cutest!"
"I wanna feed you too, director-chan!"
Kazunari watched as Kumon bothered you while you ate the rest of the salad. It was off-putting how there seemed to be a cold atmosphere in the room. He looked around to see that there were just a few customers sitting in the dining area. His eyes landed on a hooded figure who was sitting in a lone booth in the corner of the room. The figure had his face hidden behind a menu, but there was something about the person that reminded Kazu of a certain brunette that they loved in Mankai.
Maybe that was just coincidence.
After all, there were a lot of brunettes in Japan.
"It's odd for you two to take me out for Chinese." You stated. Your eyes were scanning the menu of the new Chinese place that opened just a few blocks away from the Mankai dormitory.
"Tsumugi found out about the egg drop soup because apparently it's famous outside of Veludo Way. He was insistent that we take you to try it." Tasuku replied, eyeing how excited Tsumugi looked.
"I've heard great reviews about the egg drop soup and I've been dying to try it." Tsumugi's usually calm and gentle tone of voice was laced with a child-like glee, and it took all of your willpower not to reach over the table so that you can pinch his cheeks.
"He already ordered individual soups for us, but if you want anything else off the menu, go ahead and order it as well." Tasuku won't admit it aloud, but he liked spending time with you and Tsumugi. Being with his bestfriend and his favorite director made him feel a sense of comfort that just made him feel all warm and gooey inside. He felt at home with you two and he wouldn't exchange that feeling for the world.
"It's refreshing to be with you two, especially since it's a lot calmer whenever Tasuku isn't at your throat, Tsumugi." You giggled, ignoring the deadpan look that the athletic male beside you was giving you.
"I'm glad you feel that way, director-san." Tsumugi chimed, smiling. He took your hand a placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. "Spend some more time with us, alright?"
Your face immediately felt hot and you pulled your hand back to save yourself from being more embarrassed than you already were.
"Is it just me, or does it feel like we're being watched?" Tasuku murmured as his eyes quickly scouted the room. Ever since you entered the restaurant, Tasuku already had this instinct in his guts screaming that there was someone watching you. Not just you in particular, but the three of you. You heard him speak, but what he said was unclear.
"Sorry, did you say something, Tasuku?"
"Oh, I was just mumbling. Don't worry about it.
"Three orders of egg drop soup. Can I help you with anything else?"
"No, thank you!"
"Enjoy your meal!"
Tsumugi immediately began to eat his soup even though it was still hot. His face melted into pure bliss as he felt the delicious components sliding down his throat.
"It's so good." He commented, masking his elation.
"It really is!" You added, taking quick slurps from your spoon. The soup itself tasted rich in flavor; It wasn't too runny, nor was it too starchy.
"It tastes okay to me."
"That's so disrespectful, Tasuku." You jokingly said with a mocking tone. "This soup legitimately changed my life. I wish I could have it everyday, along with curry."
"You somehow managed to sneak curry into the conversation again, huh?" He sighed, smiling at the way you laughed afterward.
Tasuku continued to consume his soup while observing how you and Tsumugi were practically worshipping the soup. He decided to ignore the eerie feeling building in the pit of his stomach gnawing at him alive.
Maybe it was just the soup.
"Hurry up. We don't have all day."
"Gee, you don't have to be so mean about it!"
"I told you to make it quick. We have to get back in town because we have another meeting to attend to."
You and Sakyo just got out of a business meeting outside of Veludo Way. It was regarding a sponsorship for the Autumn Troupe's next play. Sakyo, the greatest cheapskate and money-pinching Sakyo, was more than willing to accompany you to the next town over if it meant saving the company tens of thousands worth of yen. As long as it involved finances, the blond always needed to be a part of it.
"I know that, but we need to grab lunch before we head to the next meeting. It's bad to miss out on meals, you know! Come on, we'll just grab something from this store and rush back to Veludo Way."
Sakyo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, but you did have a point. He was also feeling the hunger starting to rise inside of him. It was already lunchtime by the time you guys finished with the first meeting of the day, and he didn't really have a proper breakfast earlier.
You walked into this quaint little restaurant on the side of the road owned by a lovely old couple.
"Good afternoon, may I help you with anything?" The old lady asked warmly.
You felt your heart soften, "Is it possible to get two yakiniku bento boxes to go?"
She smiled, "Of course, dearie. They'll be right out."
"She seems nice!" You whispered to Sakyo, who was sitting across from you.
"She reminds me of you."
"Eh? Don't tell me I'm already aging! I don't wanna be like you yet!"
"I can and will leave you here."
"Eh, but seriously, how?"
Sakyo sighed exasperatedly. "She... sounds nice. Lovely, even. She just has a nice smile and it reminds me of how nice you are when you talk to other people."
"S-Sakyo, is that really you? Who are you? Are you an alien? How are you being so honest right now?"
"I'm going back to Veludo Way without you.
"Hey, I'm kidding!" You pouted.
"Two yakiniku bento boxes to go?" An old man, presumably the husband of the lady they talked to, walked over to you two and handed you the bag of bento boxes.
"Ah, thank you!" You bowed before taking the bag from his hands. You took your wallet out to pay, but Sakyo already left money in the box where you put your payment.
"Hey, I can-"
"Consider it my treat. You'll be working hard today, after all." For a brief second, he gave you a warm smile. However, it was quickly replaced by his usual scowl. "Now hurry up and let's go."
"Geez, I was just about to call you cute as well!
"I am not cute, _____."
As you two were walking out of the restaurant, the old couple gave you a fond smile.
"We were like that too when we were younger."
"Mhm. They look good together, don't you think?"
When you got back to the car, you began to snack on the onigiri part of your bento. You didn't notice how Sakyo's eyes were glaring daggers into the figure who was idly sitting on his motorcycle just a good few meters away from the car.
The figure was wearing a denim jacket and a black helmet, but he could see a few tufts of brown hair sticking out from above the nape of his neck.
His hand grasped the steering wheel in a tight grip until his knuckles turned pale. What was he feeling? Anxiety? Hostility?
The sensation of being... followed?
His mind was racing at the thought, but he decided to rid the negativity filling his consciousness to the brim.
"Sakyo, here's your onigiri." Your voice snapped him out of his daze, and he shot you a small smile.
"Thanks. Let's head back to town now."
Seeing the pure innocence, joy, and trust in your smile made him content. He wanted to protect you and your smile forever.
If only he could.
You woke up earlier than usual because you promised Itaru that you'd go with him to the game store down the street since today was the release day of the new game he'd been itching to buy.
You sat up to stretch and noticed that Omi was in your room.
"Gah!" You gasped, pulling the sheets up to cover yourself. "Omi?!"
He gave you a warm smile, "Oh, good morning! You're finally up. Sorry for barging in like this, I just wanted to call you over for breakfast."
"Th-Thanks for waking me up but um, do you mind? I'm still kinda in my nightwear." You blushed, knowing that your bra was still unhooked.
Omi's eyes darkened for a brief moment, but it was gone as soon as he blinked. It was replaced by the usual hazel eyes that gave you the warmest and kindest looks.
"I'm sorry! I'll be waiting for you outside." He then left your room, shutting the door behind him without making a sound.
"Jeez, Omi." You muttered to yourself. You quickly hooked your bra together then changed into a more decent t-shirt, appropriate enough for the other boys in the company to see you without being flustered or bewildered out of their minds. Seriously, Azami acts as if he's never seen a girl's shoulders before, what's up with that?
You tied your hair in a ponytail and went out of your room to head over to the kitchen where a bunch of familiar platters were waiting for you.
"Oh, wow, isn't this quite a... variety for breakfast?" You spoke, careful with your words. You always appreciated Omi for making food for the company, but the dishes he served this particular Saturday morning seemed like a mishmash of different food combinations and you just couldn't put your finger on why the food looked and smelled so familiar to you.
"Dig in, my dearest director." He replied, with his back facing you. It seemed as though he was still preparing something by the sink.
You took a seat and viewed the selection he prepared for breakfast.
Curry. Delicious, by the way.
Kani Salad.
Egg drop soup.
"Hey, didn't I..." You whispered to yourself, finally realizing that the meals he prepared for you were all meals you've eaten that week.
How did he know? Did the guys tell him about it?
"Well? Aren't you going to eat? You've been enjoying these all week, why not relive the moments one more time? I made sure to prepare them just the way you like them, after all." Omi's voice was laced with something... unknown. Was it possessiveness? He didn't sound like the warm and loving Omi you knew and love.
This Omi was... dangerous. He was terrifying. His back was still facing you, but you could feel a threatening aura from his broad shoulders because of how they looked so stiff.
He turned around and you froze upon seeing his half-lidded eyes. There was a crazed look in his pupils, something that reeked of want, lust, and obsession.
"You had curry with Chikage on Monday. Marshmallow crepes with Juza on Tuesday. Kani Salad with Kumon and Kazunari on Wednesday. Egg drop soup with Tsumugi and Tasuku on Thursday. Then you had a yakiniku bento box with Sakyo yesterday, right?"
Your eyes widened. The boys were pretty aware of the places you went to and who you went there with, but how in the world did Omi know everything?
"Don't worry about it. You don't have to go out with them anymore. I'm the only one who gets to cook for you from now on, okay?" Omi took steps closer to you. You wanted to scream, to run out of the room, to call for help from anyone, but you felt as if you were paralyzed with fear.
This wasn't Omi anymore.
He stopped when he was directly in front of you from across the table, and you could see his thin lips twist into a sadistic smile.
"Dig in, my precious director."
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jojotier · 5 years
write some Tsukishima and Koito personality swap
(This is horrible. The worst request. I wrote it anyway. It’s 4k words. Fuck you)
There was something electric in the air that morning. It was the kind of feeling that preceded battle, the thrill of the kill so close at hand. It was the feeling of stark blood red against white snow and white clothes and snow-white purity, staining the blank canvas of the world with the color of his valour and their blood. It was a chill up a spine, nerves and neuroses firing into empty space- the coming storm, the hairs on feral hairs standing to attention in the din of silence.
Yes- change was coming, quick as the marching soldier along his path and just as striking.
Well, that was certainly an odd feeling, Tsurumi mused silently to himself. Last he checked, the only thing he had scheduled that day besides some paperwork and the general maintenance in checking up on his inner circle including a little trip to a hot spring.
By all accounts, it was an utterly typical morning when he walked in. Nikaidou was the first that he saw, and then Usami was the next. Nikaidou seemed to be doing well enough for himself, adjusting the prosthetic on his right leg as he chatted to a passing soldier.
… Hm. That was funny. Tsurumi had a feeling that the prosthetic was on the left, for some odd reason. But that couldn’t have been right, because there was Nikaidou, hand resting at the place where his stump of a right leg met the ingenious prosthetic that Lord Arisaka had so graciously given him. Brushing the feeling off, he went to greet them, holding onto the pink paper encasing the sweets with a somewhat tighter grip.
“Good morning to the both of you!” Tsurumi smiled, setting the box down in the middle of the table between them. Usami, predictably, startled the moment that Tsurumi made himself known, eyes widening to a degree not dissimilar to a doll who didn’t have any eyelids to blink with. Tsurumi did not find this comparison unsettling in the least and wondered how anyone could be unsettled by poor Superior Private Usami, who looked more like an excited animal the longer he received attention for his merits and his- ahem- creative failures. “And how are we this morning, hm?”
“F-First Lieutenant!” Usami squeaked a little, bristling to attention nigh instantaneously. Tsurumi smiled at that- it was always nice to be appreciated by such willingly loyal men… “First Lieutenant Tsurumi-san, it’s great to see you!! We were just talking about when Koito’s getting back,”
“Ah yes, the Second Lieutenant…” Tsurumi hummed, thinking on the assignment he’d sent the boy on. This was the second assignment he’d been sent on alone, after his utter failure with securing Shiraishi Yoshitake. It was both an intelligence-gathering mission, and a mission to secure the next convict’s skin- but most of all, it was a second chance. Koito Otonoshin was quite lucky that Tsurumi recognized his eagerness to please, and that a little over half of the male relatives in his extended family made up a good number of political positions in the Meiji government.
[The Meiji government itself would not have existed had that fateful Battle of Toba-Fushimi in January of 1868, wherein forces from Choshu and Satsuma defeated the ex-shogun’s army, not started the Boshin War. Satsuma remained a large player in the war and one of its leaders, Saigo Takamori, would go on to become one of the great nobles of the Meiji Restoration, before he went off to become leader of the Satsuma Rebellion years later.]
[After the war, many Satsuma men were placed in positions of office within the Meiji government.]
“Have you gotten much word on the status of his mission?” Tsurumi asked congenially, always happy to see that business was being conducted as usual. Usami finally turned to face him, a wide smile on his lips and a blush on his face that accentuated the little stick figure tattoos on his face, forever running away from each other, but never able to get farther…
Hm… that wasn’t right. Tsurumi was absolutely sure that he’d drawn those figures to be running towards each other.
Normally he might chalk this up to Usami getting the tattoos done incorrectly, or the tattoo artist not knowing what he was doing. But that was exceedingly unlike Usami- and if the tattoo artist had done it incorrectly, Tsurumi likely would have had to deal with a dead body.
The feeling of something not quite right settled in his stomach, bubbling like hydrogen bubbles at the core of a bomb. It lay in wait, quietly staining his insides with the incoming chemical explosion, as Tsurumi thought that perhaps he should pay more attention. Perhaps something had gone with Koito’s mission, at the rate this odd day was going.
He only caught half of what Usami had said, but he had the gist of it. “- coming back to give you a full report, sir! Apparently, he found some stuff he wanted to speak to you about…”
“I see.” There was still a chance that Koito had succeeded, and was waiting to present the skin. Odd, though- Usami didn’t seem to phased while relaying this information. Usually, Usami said Koito’s name with an amount of venom, some jealousy- just a result of both of them competing to win the most of his favor. But right then, Usami seemed totally nonplussed to think that Tsurumi would be speaking with Koito at length, alone. “I’ll need you to get Sergeant Tsukishima, then. Send him into my office, will you?”
And interestingly enough, it was at Tsukishima’s name that Usami balked, face twisting with a murderous gleam coming to his eye. “Are you sure, sir? I thought this would be a… lone meeting, with the Second Lieutenant.”
“It will be,” Tsurumi said, eyes narrowing. Yet another surprise- it wasn’t often that Usami had the audacity to speak up against him. Thankfully, Tsurumi knew just how to put him back in his place- with a quick, well-timed grip, Tsurumi gripped Usami’s chin and pressed harshly on his cheeks. “But I need Tsukishima nonetheless. After all, you wouldn’t want to get in the way of what I’m thinking, would you? Or else I may just need Nikaidou to bring me another pen…”
Usami melted almost instantaneously like putty, cheeks flushing red as Tsurumi’s words sunk in. The superior private tensed, shaking his head as much as he was able to in Tsurumi’s vice-like fingers. “N-No! Not at all, sir- we’ll get Tsukishima right away, sir-”
“If he’s even awake, the lazy bastard,” Nikaidou snickered in a way that suggested this was a true fault he was making fun of. It privately caught Tsurumi off guard, but it could just as easily have been a practical joke of the man’s.
“Well, you heard the First Lieutenant!!” Usami said, voice slightly high pitched and shaky, “Get Tsukishima up, no matter what!”
Tsurumi delicately asked, “Has anyone checked on the Sergeant’s wellbeing?”
Usami’s mouth fell into a pout as he tried to nuzzle into Tsurumi’s hand. Tsurumi held the superior private deathly still, mostly because the idea of that little stick figure tattoo looking like it was trying to run towards his palm was a little weird. “Nooooo… but you know him best, so…”
“I should check on him,” Tsurumi mused as he tried to pull away. Usami tensed, holding onto Tsurumi’s receding hands.
“No! There’s- no need!!” Usami said, giggling nervously. “Besides, the Second Lieutenant is here, and-”
Tsurumi’s eyes narrowed further, but he decided not to question this. “Alright, then.” He dropped his hands, but leaned his face closer to Usami’s. “But know this- we’ll be revisiting this at a later time, Superior Private. I look forward to our next talk, when you’re feeling a bit more… amicable, towards your superior.”
“O-of course!! Please, do what you’d like,” Usami said, puffing out several shallow breaths as he stood stock still, like a hare in sudden lanternlight.
“I’ll be in my office- tell the Second Lieutenant that I’m in,” Tsurumi said, turning away. “And make sure Tsukishima comes to me as soon as possible.”
“Yessir,” Nikaidou said, nodding. Tsurumi went over to open the package of sweets- dango and tsukisappu pan, mostly- and took out a second empty package within it. He filled it with some of the sweets and took it with him, snacking gingerly on a stick of dango as he went. Such an odd day… and it was only just beginning.
Tsurumi supposed he should have expected Koito to show up first, but that didn’t stop him from being slightly disappointed when he arrived before Tsukishima. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the Second Lieutenant’s company- he was quaint, in his theatrics and his zeal, and oh-so-useful- but it was likely that the barrier of language would be a bit of a problem. Unfortunately, those thoughts were halted when Koito stepped into the room.
Gone was the usual dizzy smile on his face, and gone was most of Koito’s hair. Now Koito wore a military issue buzzcut and serious expression, both kept as neat as neat could be. Koito bowed politely at the waist, and most surprising of all, spoke clearly. “First Lieutenant.”
“Second Lieutenant Koito,” Tsurumi acknowledged, trying to keep his surprise to himself. “You seem well this morning.”
“Yes,” Koito said, clipped, as he stood back up and crossed the room.
“Did you do something new with your hair?” Tsurumi asked mildly, nudging the box of snacks towards the Second Lieutenant. “It looks good.”
“No,” Koito said, and most shockingly, he wasn’t reacting like Tsurumi expected. In fact, he wasn’t reacting at all- there was no acknowledgment of the complement beyond a momentary ghost of a smile, there one moment and gone the next. There was no string of words. There was nothing.
“I see,” Tsurumi said, eyes narrowing slightly. “Well, I’d like to wait for Sergeant Tsukishima to come in. It’ll do us good, I think.”
Somehow, Koito’s blank expression grew even blanker, more unimpressed. “If you say so, sir. Shall I start some tea, if we’re waiting on him?”
“That sounds wonderful, Second Lieutenant.” When Koito stood up, Tsurumi couldn’t see even a hint of trembling or outward nervousness. It was as if a fine veneer of stoicism had tamed Koito into a well-behaved machine. “Would you like something to eat? I’m sure that you’re famished, after your trip.”
Tsurumi could work with this.
What Tsurumi had his doubts on was Sergeant Tsukishima, who almost stumbled into the room with all the grace of a sack of potatoes.
Now, this Tsukishima was far different- the military buzzcut was slightly growing out, lots of stray tufts of black hair sticking up just the slightest bit and a patchy shaving job leaving him with a bandage underneath his mouth. When he bowed, it was graceless and jerky, low to the ground. Tsurumi had thought it strange that Koito spoke in such a low and smooth voice- but that was nothing compared to the emotional dissonance of hearing Tsukishima practically yell.
“HERE, Tsurumi-san-! I didn’t know you were here yet, but I do now, so we can start whatever you need!”
Tsurumi was so floored for a few moments that he could only stop and stare at the eyes of his right-hand man and closest advisor, nearly groveling on the floor with his eyes practically pinched shut, as if waiting for a blow. Near the electric kettle, Koito let out a nearly inaudible sigh and reached for a third mug.
“Pardon me for a moment,” Tsurumi said, getting up. “I just remembered that I left something in the other room. Help yourself to some food…”
He stepped out of his office and took a second to wonder, what the actual hell? As much as Tsurumi was prepared for all sorts of wild things, there was something so inherently wrong with seeing Tsukishima act this way that it made him balk for the first time in possibly ten years since he’d gotten his frontal lobes removed.
But he could work with this.
He listened in and from the room, Tsukishima whined loudly. Glancing into the window, he saw the Sergeant sprawled out face down on the floor, giving a vaguely pitiful whine as he pouted. “Koitooooooooooooo….”
“No.” Koito deadpanned, closing his eyes in exasperation. “Don’t do that. And show some manners- address the First Lieutenant by his rank, will you?”
“I shouldn’t need to! He knows me!” Tsukishima rolled onto his back, hands rubbing his hair a bit as he kicked his legs out. “Ugh! The fact that I have to take orders from a literal infant is the worst- how are you even here anyway?”
“Success has no age, Sergeant,” Koito said, setting a mug of tea in front of Tsukishima.
“Well it should, and the age cap should be younger than me.” Tsukishima didn’t touch the tea yet, going limp once again against the floor. Koito sat gracefully and sipped his own tea, serene and calm in the face of his superior’s tantrum. Tsurumi had a feeling that they saw this as wholly normal. “And you keep having to tag along here! It’s been forever since I had time with the First Lieutenant, you know that? I almost lost an arm and a leg the last time! Koitooooooooooooo, why can’t you listen to these things?”
“I’m aware,” Koito said. “But then again… it seems as if the First Lieutenant has been acting strange lately, no?”
“No, it doesn’t.” Tsukishima stubbornly said, turning onto his side and lounging a bit. His uniform was supremely rumpled at this point, which wasn’t good since he’d apparently just woken up.
“He’s been a little dodgier than usual.” Koito continued, voice quiet and contemplative. “Something… may be on his mind.”
“He’d tell me about it,” Tsukishima said with the utmost certainty, a fire igniting behind his eyes. “Remember, he knows me- he knows me BETTER than you’ll ever know him! He tells me things. And he’s not dodgy! He’s just extremely secretive!”
“I see.” Koito said, holding a placating hand up, “Perhaps my word choice was not the best. He just seems… a little more distant.”
“… Maybe a bit.” Tsukishima ceded, chewing on his lip. “But that doesn’t mean you get a free pass to speak to him however you want! I’ll take it up with him after your report. He knows I owe him, since he saved me.”
Koito sighed. “Yes, from death row, I kn-”
“Not JUST from death row!” Tsukishima said, sitting up quickly in a flurry of movement, with eyes shining with pure adoration. “From everything! From Sado, from myself- he came in there and taught me-”
“Oh, God,” Koito whispered to himself, eyebrows furrowing. “Not again-”
“- made sure I knew how to live out here, with the rest of society-”
“This is the third time this week, please st-”
“- let me be truly worthy of calling myself his friend and ally!” Tsukishima was standing now, fists clenched as he gave his grand speech. Koito, having given up, sipped at his tea. Tsukishima’s singing of Tsurumi’s praises continued for two sustained hours, allowing Tsurumi time to go reprimand Usami (and bite off a bit of his fingertips for trying to start shit with Tsukishima), eat, and finish all the paperwork he had.
When Tsurumi heard it finish, he slowly opened the door a crack, peering inside. Koito got up and began making another pot of tea. Tsukishima looked expectantly to Koito, saying, “Well, that’s that- my and Tsurumi’s story. Didn’t it inspire you, Second Lieutenant?”
“I’m nearly weeping from the sheer beauty of it, sir,” Koito said, pouring Tsurumi a fresh cup of tea. “And I believe that the First Lieutenant enjoyed it too.”
Tsukishima gave a sudden shriek at that moment, choking off in the middle with a sound, not unlike a dying walrus. Yes, Tsurumi could, indeed, work with this, he thought as he swept into the room, grinning. “Apologies, boys! I was a little held up with some other matters for a moment there- but it was quite the riveting speech you gave, Tsukishima.” He dabbed at his eye, a hand coming up to his chest. “I believe I’m close to tears myself, hearing such kind words from an old friend!”
When Tsurumi took Tsukishima’s hands, Tsukishima held on tight, looking teary-eyed himself. “It’s the least I can do,” Tsukishima said, eyes shimmering, “with all you’ve done for us… Tokushirou, my closest friend…” And that’s when the mumbling began.
For a second, Tsurumi thought that his hearing had given out, or that he was hearing things- because the Sergeant’s mouth was moving, but barely any sound was coming out. And what little sound there was, it was so fast and mumbled with such a thick Sado accent that he could barely make it out. “Hm? Can you speak up?” Tsurumi asked.
Bristling, Tsukishima suddenly scrambled away from Tsurumi’s grasp, hauling Koito up by the uniform collar. Koito sighed and allowed himself to be manhandled, bending down when Tsukishima tugged on his sleeve and feverishly whispered, “Get down here!!” Then, Tsukishima started mumbling into his ear.
It was the most surreal scene. Instead of Tsukishima translating, it was Koito translating for Tsukishima.
“He says that you’re his dearest friend, and the dearest person he has in the world, sir.” Koito translated, knees bent a bit as Tsukishima stood on tiptoe to reach. Was it weird that Tsukishima seemed shorter than usual? “He says that while loyalty should have no definition, that his loyalty could be defined as following you to the ends of the earth, and doing anything in his power to ensure that you succeed. So please don’t be mad about the tatami mat.”
Tsurumi resisted the urge to ask just what in the hell Tsukishima had done to his tatami mat and instead smiled, fingers unclenching. “It’s no trouble! What are friends for if not to forgive? Besides… “ His grin grew impossibly wider. “You’ll make up for it, correct?”
Tsukishima mumbled slightly louder, and certainly more feverishly. Koito said, “Yes, he’ll do anything.”
“Lovely!” Tsurumi took his place behind his desk, taking a sip of tea. “Koito, perhaps you could find a way for him to help?”
“I can actually think of one, sir,” Koito said, straightening up. “It has to do with my report… and the convict.”
“I see.” Tsurumi settled in, smile growing wider. “Proceed with your report, then.”
Koito nodded and began. “The convict has exiled himself to Sado Island and is currently hiding along the beach. I know precisely where he is, and his schedule is easy enough to follow- it appears as though he is back to planning arson.”
“Maehara Akito, correct?”
“Yes sir.” Here, Koito hesitated. “I… did not go to capture him, sir.”
Tsurumi’s eyebrows raised. Well, this was new- the Koito he knew would have done everything without a second thought. “And why is that? If the reason isn’t sufficient, you know I’ll have to scold you…”
This Koito still winced a bit at the prospect, but he kept himself steady, looking Tsurumi in the eye. “Maehara Akito is fourteen years old, sir.”
“Is that so?” Tsurumi asked, humming. It certainly was odd- how had a juvenile offender ended up in Abashiri? “And you’re certain he had the tattoos.”
“Yes, I am. I saw him without his shirt, trying to wash his clothes.” Koito said, mouth ticking up just the smallest bit. “It didn’t look as if he knew how.”
“There’s not much known about his life outside the prison, yes…” Tsurumi thought for a moment, then asked, “Why didn’t you take him?”
“I…” Koito sucked in a sharp breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “… I thought the extenuating circumstances would need me to report to you first, considering Maehara’s age. I did not want to hurt him.”
“I see,” Tsurumi said, looking Koito in the eye. Such a trivial concern, in the end… That boy would have to be skinned one way or another, and if they didn’t, someone else was sure to do it. Besides, Maehara Akito had lost the right to be considered a child after those naughty, naughty deeds that he’d committed… “Second Lieutenant, tell me this- how many have perished in the fires that boy has started?”
“… Upwards of forty-two, sir.”
“And how many more will die if we allow him free?”
“Tsukishima.” Tsurumi called, and Tsukishima snapped into attention, hand coming up to salute.
“Go with the Second Lieutenant to finish the job he started.” Tsurumi grinned wide, unable to stop himself. Such a fine mess Noppera-bou had made, bringing the very lives of children into it! But if the old fool had deemed these children fit to stand the fires of Hell, then the flames are what they would face. “Bring the boy to me. And while the Second Lieutenant recuperates, we will handle the skin.”
“Of course,” Tsukishima nodded feverishly.
“Sir, wait a moment,” Koito said, fists clenching. “That convict is still just a boy.”
“He forfeited the right to that title with his crimes.”
“He still has a chance to change.”
“This is non-negotiable, Second Lieutenant,” Tsurumi said with finality. “Tsukishima, be a dear and get Usami in here. I think the Second Lieutenant may need more help than he realizes…” The way Koito looked at him felt foreign, on the young man’s face. It was cold and blank, staring at him not with quiet humor or screaming admiration- but with open defiance. Tsurumi grinned, a few drops of cerebral spinal fluid dripping from under his mask. It was a challenge. A game of chess and wills. Tsukishima left the room, and Tsurumi said, “You are dismissed, Second Lieutenant.”
But Second Lieutenant Koito didn’t leave, just as Tsurumi guessed. He stayed standing, stock still, in the middle of the room. Waiting. Watching. Tsurumi sighed, and began to speak. “Sometimes, my friend, things must be done for the greater good…”
“I was his age when we first met,” Koito said, deathly quiet. “Isn’t that right? You’ve been so distant, so unlike yourself- surely you remember, First Lieutenant?”
“Of course I remember, Koito,” Tsurumi said smoothly. This truly was a delicate situation- despite the fact that this Koito had the same experiences as the Koito Tsurumi was more familiar with, he was also a little too withdrawn. A little too moral in his inexperience, with not enough of the carefully conditioned admiration. He was likely perfect for battle- but how could he use a defiant pawn on the field? He would be careful here and do his best to charm the Second Lieutenant. He’d done it once before, and he could do it again. “Which is why I trust you to understand- you know me, after all. You know what we must do to reach our goal…”
Before Tsurumi could continue, Koito interrupted. “I do know you. And I must ask… usually, you call me Otonoshin, when we’re alone. Do you truly trust me now?”
Tsurumi smiled. “Of course I trust you… Otonoshin. So please, hear me out-”
Koito shot him faster than he could blink.
It passed straight through his chest, staining the white uniform with red, red blood. As he brought his hand up to cover the wound, blood stuck fast to him like hot wax. Koito looked at him, cold, defiant. Tsurumi looked at his eyes and suddenly realized what was wrong.
The eyes that Koito had should have belonged to Tsukishima.
A Tsukishima downtrodden by his history and death row was tamed… but a Tsukishima who had grown up spoiled rotten, spoiled rich and rewarded…
Tsurumi had miscalculated.
Koito said, “I lied.”
As Tsurumi staggered towards his own gun, about to return fire, he blinked once, twice, and then sat straight up in his bed, unspoken Japanese curses still on his lips.
Moonlight spilled in from the window, casting shadows across the room and falling on a wicker crib against one wall. Beside him, the bed shifted, and a soft, feminine voice mumbled in sleepy Russian. {Kouichi…?}
Ah, that was right. Tsurumi wasn’t his name at the moment, was it?
Tsurumi mentally took on the name Hasegawa Kouichi and glanced over at the Russian woman, still turned away from him. She was unwilling to give up her position curled up on her side of the bed, pale hair splayed out on the pillows. Unknowingly, there was a smile curling on Hasegawa’s lips. {It’s nothing, Fina. Just an odd dream.}
{Odd how?} Fina asked, stirring just the slightest bit as she slowly lifted herself on her elbow. Her line of sight was still firmly towards the crib where little Olga lay, snoring as nicely as a little angel.
{Well, I think I was a capitalist, for one,} Hasegawa chuckled, rubbing his smooth, hairless chin. {And there were Japanese soldiers there…}
{Not like the ones who almost got us at the border that one time, right?} Fina asked laughingly, and Hasegawa could practically imagine the way her eyes twinkled.
{Shhh dear, we were never at the border… They can’t prove it was us.} Hasegawa said.
{Oh, oh of course- those canon thieves could have been anyone.} Fina giggled quietly to herself, before turning over. Eyes slipping closed, Hasegawa moved to press his lips against hers, to the pure agony of any person reading about it. {Mmm… Tokushirou…}
Hasegawa’s eyebrows furrowed as he opened his eyes. {How do you know that n-}
Usami stared back, creepy ‘owo’ face lifted from better, better thought out fanfics. “Sir, isn’t it a beautiful night~~~?”
Tsurumi nearly screamed as he scrambled up, looking around the room. He had woken up- a second time, apparently, which was just stupid- in his quarters, with the same furniture and blankets. His pressed white uniform was hung up, so bright in the morning sun that it made Tsurumi’s headache worse. Glancing at his bedside table, he still saw the half drunken bottle of Pincer Vodka.
He sighed and decided not to go drinking any foreign alcohol with Arisaka anymore.
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alicialeila · 6 years
Hii!! For the writing prompts 2.0, maybe Mikototsu with 6."You're hiding something from me" if you can!? Love your writing!! ^^
Hey!!! Thank you for the prompt! :DWould you believe I kinda had something started in my WIP folder that suited this perfectly? It’s pure fluff and I hope you like it! :)
Totsuka took the last batch of chocolates out of the oven and smiled at how perfectly formed they’d turned out. He was getting better at this every year. He set them down on the cooling rack before turning to the oven to set it to the required temperature for his next project. He double-checked the recipe he’d pulled up on his phone. It was a little bit more ambitious: red velvet cupcakes with specially made red frosting. They were, of course, for Anna.
It was the day before Valentine’s Day and Totsuka was, as he did every year, making chocolates for the Homra boys. Since it was Anna’s first Valentines with them, he wanted to do something special for her. She deserved to be spoiled a little bit.
As he was mixing the cupcake batter in a large bowl, he heard someone enter the kitchen and sigh. Grinning knowingly, Totsuka turned to greet Mikoto.
“Good afternoon, King!” Totsuka said brightly. Mikoto’s gaze traveled from the cooling chocolates to the mess in the sink, and then finally to Totsuka himself. He eyed Totsuka’s sleeve, and when Totsuka looked down, he saw that he’d gotten batter on his favorite sweater. “Oops,” he chuckled.
“This again?” Mikoto asked.
“Why not?" Totsuka chirped. "Valentine’s Day is a day where you’re supposed to show people you love them.” He grabbed the cupcake trays.
“Are those for Anna?” Mikoto peered into the bowl at the red batter.
“Yep! I think she’ll like them. Is she still out with Yata and Kamomoto?”
Mikoto grunted in affirmation.
“Good. I should be done by the time she gets back.”
Mikoto lingered for a moment, and Totsuka heard him chuckle softly. When Totsuka turned to look at Mikoto, he’d already stepped out of the kitchen.
Totsuka returned to his task with renewed focus, carefully pouring the batter into the cupcake trays. He hummed to himself as he worked. Totsuka liked this kind of thing; giving small gifts and treats on holidays, birthdays. Someone had asked him once if was annoying for his birthday to be on Valentine’s Day, but frankly, Totsuka didn’t really think about it much. He’d much rather focus on how fun it was to give than have any expectations about getting something instead. He’d learned that lesson as a child who had grown up poor with an unreliable father.
Once, as a kid, he’d given his father flowers that he’d picked for Valentines Day. When his father’s face had crumpled, Totsuka had hesitantly apologized, naively thinking his father was displeased. But the fierce hug he’d received, and the kiss to his hair, had reassured him otherwise. When his father had apologized for not being able to give him anything for his birthday, Totsuka had shrugged. At least his father was home, he’d thought. That night, they’d shared a few of the chocolates Totsuka had received from his classmates, and it was, overall, one of the nicer memories that Totsuka carried with him into adulthood.
With Anna’s cupcakes cooled and frosted, Totsuka hid them in a high cupboard, where Anna would definitely not find them. He gathered the chocolates into containers, and then stuffed them in his bag, so he could package them at home, away from prying eyes. Everyone was oddly quiet when Totsuka emerged from the kitchen, like he’d interrupted something, but seemed to respond normally when he said goodbye for the evening. He paid it no mind.
Totsuka enjoyed the cool, fresh air as he walked home that night. Excitement thrummed through him as he thought of the next day. He hoped Anna would be happy.
The next morning, Totsuka woke up earlier than usual to make sure he had enough time to package the chocolates. He’d arrive at Homra early enough to give everyone their treats before the bar opened for the evening.
He arranged the chocolates into little plastic baggies, making sure Mikoto’s was full of the dark chocolate Totsuka had specially made for him. Each bag was labeled with one of the boys’ names. It was kinda cheesy, but what was wrong with that? Smiling at his handiwork, Totsuka got himself ready for the day. It would probably be a busy night at Homra, being Valentine’s Day and all. As he was putting the treats into a box, his phone rang.
“Hello?”“Totsuka, are you still home?” Kusanagi asked. He sounded stressed.
“Yes,” he said, glancing at the time. It was still early, much earlier than he’d normally head to Homra anyways.“Okay, good. Can you run to the store for me before you come over?”
“Sure, Kusanagi-san.”Kusanagi listed off a few random items Totsuka would need to go to the market for, before hanging up abruptly. Totsuka wrote himself a list and tucked it into his pocket.
Not even an hour later, as he was tidying up his tiny kitchen, Totsuka heard a knock at his door. Swinging it open, he was surprised to find Mikoto standing there.
“Yo,” Mikoto said, a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
Totsuka blinked. “King? What are you doing here?”
Mikoto shifted awkwardly. “Thought you’d have stuff to carry.”
That, Totsuka thought, was a lie. As someone who didn’t talk much, it was easy to tell when Mikoto was lying. Totsuka laughed to cover his suspicion. “I don’t have that much to bring.”
Mikoto shrugged, and Totsuka moved aside to let him into the apartment. Mikoto looked around the small space. His eyes landed on a brightly colored painting that clashed with the other assortment of decorations Totsuka had in his place.
“Ah, it’s cool, isn’t it? I found it one night when I was walking home from Homra.”
“It was someone’s garbage?” Mikoto looked at him skeptically.
“Don’t say it like that,” Totsuka chuckled. “I think it's nice.” Totsuka grabbed his coat and scarf. “Let’s get going! We have to stop at the store for Kusanagi-san.” He smiled brightly at Mikoto.
Mikoto stared down at him for a moment. “I have to go to the bathroom,” he said abruptly, and disappeared down the hall. Totsuka waited restlessly on the couch for Mikoto to reappear a few minutes later.
“Can we go now?” Totsuka asked, a little bit teasing. Mikoto nodded, avoiding Totsuka’s curious gaze.
They walked to the market in silence. Totsuka watched Mikoto check his phone a few times and type out a quick message.
“Is that Kusanagi-san?” Totsuka asked. Mikoto grunted.
This was, Totsuka thought, highly unusual. It was rare for Mikoto to even carry a phone on him, never mind actually answer messages.
The market was busy, full of last-minute shoppers buying slightly overpriced cuts of meat and flowers. When they’d gathered everything on Kusanagi’s list, after zigzagging through the store ridiculously, Mikoto picked the longest checkout line. Totsuka tried to cover his smile, amused at Mikoto’s attempts at stalling them. He said nothing, until they were on their way back to Homra. “You’re hiding something from me,” he said lightly.
Mikoto choked on a cough, his cigarette tumbling from his open mouth. Totsuka laughed, delighted, and Mikoto glared at him in return.
“So, what is it?” he chirped. “Are we avoiding Homra? Was Kusanagi-san making you clean? Did somebody eat Anna’s cupcakes? Did you break--”
Totsuka couldn't finish his sentence, because Mikoto put his mouth in the way, pressing their lips together in a soft, somewhat off-center kiss. Totsuka’s heart stopped, and only started again when Mikoto was pulling away a few seconds later.
Totsuka’s mouth hung open, gaping, poised to say something, but nothing came out. His lips tingled.
Seemingly satisfied with short-circuiting Totsuka’s brain, Mikoto started walking again. It took a second for Totsuka’s legs to start working again so that he could trail behind Mikoto. He knew he should probably worry because Mikoto was most definitely hiding something, and there was always the possibility that he was having a very vivid hallucination, but Mikoto had kissed him, and those worries faded as he pressed fingers to his lips.
By the time he was stepping through the door at Homra, Totsuka was still preoccupied enough that it took him a moment to process what was happening.
He was greeted by a chorus. “Surprise!”
Everyone was already there, standing around, watching him, holding party poppers, party hats atop their heads. Even Fushimi was wearing a hat, though he was frowning like he was at his own execution instead of a party.
A banner hung over the bar top, and it read HAPPY BIRTHDAY TATARA in red.
“What?” he asked, dumbstruck, covered in confetti.
There was a tug on his shirt, and when he looked down, Anna was holding a party hat in her outstretched hand. “For Tatara,” she said. She offered one to Mikoto next, and with the power of her puppy dog eyes, managed to get him to wear it, too.
Kusanagi brought him a drink, and Totsuka accepted it with a smile. “You didn’t have to do this,” he said. “What about Valentine’s Day?”
“Anna said we should do both,” Kusanagi replied.
“Ah,” Totsuka hummed. “It was Anna’s idea, but I’m sure Kusanagi-san was the mastermind.”
Kusanagi chuckled, plucking a stray piece of confetti from Totsuka’s hair. “Well, I sent Mikoto because I figured he was the only one who you wouldn’t be able to get to talk. I gave him two instructions: stall you until I messaged him that it was okay, and to shut you up if you started askin’ questions.”
Totsuka choked on his drink, flushing at the memory of how exactly Mikoto had managed that.
Kusanagi gave him a thump on the back. “You okay?”“Fine!” he said too brightly. He snuck a look at where Mikoto had taken a seat, with Anna stuck to his side.
They ate way too many sweets that night, with all the chocolates and cupcakes Totsuka had made, along with the birthday cake that Kusanagi and Anna had picked out from a bakery down the street.
And later, when Mikoto gave him a real birthday kiss, Totsuka couldn’t help but think that it was the sweetest thing he’d tasted all night.
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scarbladed-archive · 5 years
👫 !!!!
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Kenshin loans his spinning top to Inuyasha after the hut burns down. As his innocence has been completely and utterly slaughtered with the final blow being his wife’s death on his sword, the man who must continue to be Battōsai until the new era comes - will stain his hands. It’s by sheer loyalty and kindness that his adoptive son not much younger than him travels with the teenager until he begins wandering at 19, after vanishing in the battle of Toba Fushimi . 
Kenshin’s first wife Tomoe always sang this particular song to Inuyasha, / or this one  she knew like Enishi, she couldn’t replace either of their mothers, but wanted to be a soothing balm as being with such a young child was a much more natural thing. More natural say, then fighting the emotions ( like love ) other than grief making her feel differently towards the man who had stolen her ‘happiness’. At night, Inuyasha can hear the more distant member of an already quiet family humming the tunes softly under his breath quietly patting his blanket as the stray child sleeps in their hut. He finds out that the strange ‘medicine seller’ in Otsu Village can carry a note as nicely as his wife - though it still feels a bit off, there’s something warm in it. The care for him is genuine, even if Tomoe gazes at Kenshin with equally hesitant and sad eyes – and Kenshin at her with subconscious protective light. It was then he realized he was watching a ‘married couple’ falling in love.
Kenshin adores and helped slightly encourage Inuyasha to go over the village maiden who was so adept with herbs, Kikyou. Her bright eyes and loving spirit and earnest nature towards his adoptive child warmed him in a securing sense that even as he continued to roam the country to quell what injustice and suffering he could by peaceful means – she would be someone who could truly be a better ‘home’ for him then Kenshin feels he ever could be. In return, he was present for the wedding and never misses anything particularly special in their small family - a feared legend / nightmare who continues seeking peace for anyone but himself, his daughter-in-law who hides a will of steel behind her sweet demeanor, and his fiery son, who has an ingrained desire to help even though the world owes him nothing - and the gentle, soft, sorrowful ‘mother’ that died in blood and snow.
Inuyasha and Kaoru get along splendidly, as much as Kaoru and Kikyou do when Kenshin finally stumbles upon his own personal happiness and a ‘home’ in Tokyo. They often frequent visits there from Tokyo to Kyoto, back and forth interchangeably depending on which portion of the family wants to visit. Before that, Kenshin and Inuyasha exchanged letters of their time spent apart, updates on the country that fades into Kenshin’s own personal, generally inscrutable thoughts that only one or two fingers of people could count on their fingers beyond what he wants others to see or perceive about him.
 He divulges on missing Tomoe, but finding hope in a fiery kendo instructor and her shared ideals – in a proud ‘Tokyo Samurai’ and a fist-brawling fighter who declares himself Kenshin’s ‘best friend’. Between their two loves, one new and another found as a symbol of hope for Kenshin’s family, Kikyou, ( who he’s helplessly doting on and often will take her side if she argues with Inuyasha because happy life happy wife! )  their two girls like to playfully see what the letter says by calling out, ‘is the news good’ from whatever tasks are going on - but neither girl pries. They know what these two share are sacred bonds. 
When Kenshin hears about his real father, he merely smiles and says when he receives the Tessaiga, that he trusts him ‘to use it in an honorable way just as he is’ . Of course this embarrasses and flusters Inuyasha but he stops for a second at the pure love on Kenshin’s face that is purely familial and built from years of tragedy, war, and loyalty. As the new era rolls along into peaceful days – their constant over-protective bearings towards each other never change. Kenshin teases half seriously – ‘so when do we meet the other brother?’ to which Inuyasha has no problems whacking his very small father figure into the dirt . 
When Kenshin leaves and ‘vanishes’ even in Kyoto, it’s Inuyasha that familiar with the former assassin’s pathways, and history with the swordsmith Arai Shakku, who gave him the reverse-blade’s first shadow ‘form’, knows where to likely track him as the ‘old man is always too stupid to involve people in his problems and would happily die bearing it all alone’ hence, joins Kenshin most likely in the battle against Shishio if not at least joining in the battle for the Aoi-ya alongside Hiko, either way, he finds Kenshin, plain and simple - and again, punches him. 
Basically, these two have seen and suffered great loss, and found hope in family beyond themselves, but always, always come back to one another, from the original three, Tomoe, Kenshin and Inuyasha, to Kikyou, Inuyasha and Kenshin, to the Kenshingumi, Kaoru and Inuyasha and Kikyou and Kenshin himself – the family grows, and together they grow with it - and somehow in this gigantic growing family, they thrive - and Inuyasha’s wish of his father finding ‘peace for himself’ is fulfilled in meeting Kaoru and the others aside from being with his daughter-in-law and Inuyasha himself. In the end, what started as a tragic family? Becomes one big happy family that started from one little boy spooked by a scarred teenager and his quiet wife penning in a diary.
Each year Kenshin and Inuyasha visit Tomoe’s grave along with Kaoru and Kikyou. It becomes a family affair to not forget the past, to love it for what good it brought, but to accept the future and the present, and know that the one that is gone is happy. For the both of them. And smiling in both of them - after all, the ‘new world’ Kenshin spoke of is here and it’s just begun.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Imagine one day all the s4 boys are together and then suddenly starting to think of random fushimi headcanons like "i bet fushimi is into this" or "i bet he does this" and they're either completely right or completely wrong and one day they're all staring him down because they're trying to imagine him doing something but he glares back at them because he has no idea why everyone's been staring at him all day.
I can totally see the alphabet squad doing this, especiallyconsidering that Scepter 4 seems to love gossiping. Like imagine thealphabet squad all have some free time, like it’s post-ROK and theStrain activity has died down and everyone’s just hanging out in theoffice being bored. Munakata, Awashima and Fushimi are all in ameeting together so Akiyama’s in charge of keeping an eye on everyonebut even he’s slacking a bit, letting everyone chat as long as theydon’t neglect their duties. Maybe the talk just starts out simple,like discussing their favorite sweets and someone idly wonders whatkind of sweets Fushimi would like. As it turns out everyone hasthoughts about that, like Doumyouji thinks Fushimi seems like thetype of person to only eat bitter chocolate while Hidaka feels as ifFushimi might enjoy pastries, Akiyama and Benzai add in thepossibility of like a pineapple parfait because they saw him eatingpineapple with his rice once.
The pineapple thing is new for the others and Hidaka wonders if thatmeans Fushimi likes pineapple, this then turns to Enomoto mentioningthat he saw a pineapple keychain on Fushimi’s keys once.  Fusecrosses his arms and is like wait does that guy have a thing forpineapples, Enomoto adds that doesn’t the local convenience storehave that pineapple mascot character and maybe Fushimi likes that.Kamo recalls seeing Fushimi drinking a water bottle that had a cutemascot character dangling from it too and Doumyouji’s like huh soFushimi-san’s into mascot characters like that huh. Akiyama wondersif Fushimi simply has an interest in small and cute things, perhapsthat’s why he always focuses on Homra’s short Yata Misaki so much(Hidaka suddenly feels oddly dejected by this idea).
Then they start wondering if Fushimi is like the Lieutenant and keepscute stuffed animals in his room, Akiyama adds he saw a stuffedrabbit under Fushimi’s bed once when he had to wake Fushimi up for anemergency mission. Somehow this turns into wondering if Fushimiactually fixes stuffed animals for local children, because he can fixa kotatsu so it’s not out of the question that he could fix a stuffedanimal too. Fuse thinks it’s impossible that Fushimi would be able tobe nice enough to kids to fix their stuffed animals though and hedoesn’t seem interested in helping girls either, they decide maybeFushimi does it in secret because he doesn’t want people to know hedoes good deeds. Doumyouji’s head shoots up as he’s like wait,Fushimi-san is a superhero who does good deeds in secret, everyoneagrees that well no one knows what he does on his days off so it’spossible. Eventually this evolves into ‘Fushimi-san fights crime insecret on his day off’ and the squad are all in awe of theirsuperior’s commitment to his duty. Right about this time the meetingfinishes and Fushimi walks out of the office complaining because hewas supposed to have the day off, Doumyouji gives him a wide smileand thumbs up as he tells Fushimi-san to take his whole day off, thecity needs him after all.
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