fiendishfyre · 6 months
Prongsfoot Microfic: February - Vomit
@prongsfoot-microfic Ao3 ★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂
James vomited as he saw the carcass of the deers, mother and child. Sirius stood behind him, rubbing his back in circular motions. “There, there pro-” “Don’t! Not that name right now,” James said with a shaky voice. Sirius felt his heart twist in dismay. Then, with resolve, he moved away from James and took out his wand. James gave him a confused look, but turned away when Sirius lifted the dead bodies. He made a grave for them. Slowly, James approached and took Sirius’ wand, making swirling motions with it. Up sprung some flowers over the grave. He passed the wand back to Sirius who then put it away. There wasn’t much he could do or offer James. It was life, creatures died, then rotted. But James had grown less comfortable with seeing ‘prey animals’ dead. Ever since he became an animagus. Sirius told himself he’d be there to comfort James at least. 
Also Happy Bday, James. c:
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greyfongschemmenti · 7 months
Kyalin prompt, Young Kyalin playing around, with a water gun?
Lin walks into her home letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she leaned against the door. It was the hottest day of the year and as much as the metal suits were designed to withstand heat. This was getting too much. As Lin put the keys in the bowl and grabs yesterday's mail to sift through. She walks down into the bedroom setting the papers down and bents her armor off. As she walks back out into the main room she almost stumbles into a toy water gun. Her brow raises then realizes that the house is unusually quiet. Lin turns around to see if Kya or one of their niblings were around in case she forgot they were supposed to watch Rohan or Meelo. Lin bents down to pick it up and notices a note attached to the back. Boo
"Boo?" Lin whispers confused then before she can react Kya jumps from around the corner and soaks her with water.
"AHA! I won and you lost!" Kya stuck her tongue out and shimmied a victory dance.
"I wasn't aware we were in a water fight" Lin wiped the water off of her as best as she could.
Kya smiled as she bent the water out of her wife's clothes as she stepped closer to her to greet her with a kiss, "always except the unexpected" she smiled against her lips as Lin returned the kiss.
"Since I came out victorious. You have to make dinner" Kya nonchalantly walks away while Lin quickly looks up "I didn't sign up for this!"
"Rules are rules Linny. I didn't make them" Kya looks back at Lin who hasn't budged then tugs her wife to the kitchen "I'll help, but first tell me about your day" she smiles as she comes behind Lin and wraps her arms around her setting her chin on her shoulder.
After dinner, Kya washes up the dishes and cleans up the kitchen. As she puts the wash towel down to dry she heads out to join Lin in the living room for some after supper tea and listen to the radio. Kya turns the corner then gasps as she meets a splash of water followed by a laugh. "Lin...Beifong"
Lin laughs harder then steps closer to Kya with a smug smirk "Beifongs never lose, dear"
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instacelebsx · 8 years
So hyped to announce my G.O.O.D. Music Family as the first headliners for @fyrefestival. Get tix now at fyrefestival.com. VIP access for my followers… use my promo code KJONFYRE for the next 24 hours to get on the list for the artists and talent afterparty on Fyre Cay. #fyrefestival
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fiendishfyre · 6 months
Prongsfoot Microfic: February - Frogs
@prongsfoot-microfic Ao3
Sirius laughed as he and James ran around the Black lake, trying to catch some frogs. They had challenged themselves to do it without magic. If there was one thing Sirius learned fast about his new friend, it was that James loved challenges. It paired well with Sirius who often enjoyed them as well. Often bored by mundanity. It was why his previous tutors knew to level up the lessons they gave him before he would just run off. This was…pointless, they threw the frogs in these buckets but they’d just hop back out. But James was having a thrill and in turn, it made Sirius excited to catch the slippery creatures. “Oh, Sirius lo-no!” James said, tripping over a rock and stumbling into the lake. It was shallow so there was no cause for concern about James drawing but when he stood up, he was soaked and muddy. And his glasses were missing from his face. “Oh, Merlin, I lost all my frogs.” “You lost your glasses,” Sirius said, walking over. He took out his wand and used an accio to retrieve the glasses. James thanked him once he had them back on. “I lost…Unfair, but I accept this loss with grace and dignity. And as a man of my word, I will let you decide what we’ll do next this fine Saturday afternoon,” James said, dramatically. It made Sirius chuckle and James broke out into a grin. Another thing he had learned was that James could make him laugh with relative ease. Sirius could have his typical, bored, distant expression, when James would crack a joke or pull some magical stunt that had Sirius breaking into a fit of laughter. “How about we just fly around on our brooms, no chasing or anything,” Sirius said, getting a puzzled expression from James but the 11 year old didn’t argue. They dried James off, leaving behind the frogs as they got their brooms. They flew around the towers, around the Quidditch field, and back over the lake. “I could get used to this,” James said, breaking the momentary silence they had. “Flying? Weren’t you born with a broomstick in your hand? How much more used to flying could you get?” Sirius said with an eye roll. He earned himself raspberry, feeling some of James’ saliva land on his arm. Gross.“No, I mean hanging out with my best friend. I never had one, I like it.” The way James had said that, with a smile on his bright face, no ounce of hesitation or bashfulness. Sirius didn’t know about best friends, he’d never had one. Closest was his brother, Regulus but siblings didn’t count. And they certainly didn’t click the way he had compared to James. He looked down at his hands, clutched around the broomstick handle. “You’re my best friend too,” he eventually replied.
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fiendishfyre · 2 years
Regulus x Barty Jr.
Barty Jr. was an oddball amongst the slytherin, tried hard to be accepted then tried too hard to go beyond. Intense in his interests and exploits. Similar to his father yet oh so different. No, Barty Jr sought power in darkness where his father sought light. He was a black sheep of his family, similar to how Sirius was the white sheep.
Regulus knew that Barty had potential, could see the venom dripping from his fangs. And in hushed whispers and mutterings, they talked of the dark lord. Of the power he wielded. How they wanted a taste of it.
"My father could only hope to be half the wizard the dark lord is," Barty said, eating into his sandwich as they sat outside in the courtyard, nearly empty. No one liked to sit near them. Regulus name too intimidating, Barty proven to be a menace to most.
"The dark lord has the right thinking we need to restore glory to dark wizards," Regulus said, taking a bite from his own meal, a bagel with all sorts of toppings on it. He repeated what he'd heard Bella's husband say and he had eagerly nodded to it before.
"You think...my father see me when I'm the right hand man of the dark lord?" Barty whispered, his usual bravado slipping away when he was just with Regulus. Regulus himself disliked displaying such cowardice but with Barty, it was different. It was... alright.
"If you're father does not even look your way, know he's a lost cause and you deserved better than him," Regulus said, and as they sat there, eating their meals. Their hands slowly crept to each other, back of their hands touching before their pinkies intertwined.
Not edited!
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fiendishfyre · 1 year
Honestly I'm stuck on making this one fic either prongsfoot or wolfstarbucks and I'm rethinking my whole existence now.
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fiendishfyre · 2 years
Hello! I'm interested about Sirius Fest Fic? Sirius is by far sooooo addictive!
I am a sirius addict. Will not quit anytime soon. I think you know how much I can obsess over the man. XD Well, that fest is over but I can still continue the fic. Sirius 'breaks' and doesn't run away, actually becomes the proper heir or as proper as he allows himself because you can't 100% break that guy down. Grey/Dark!Sirius for sure. I am still on the main chapter and it's like building on Walburga and Orion nearing their ends wits with him. Oh, the main relationship will be Sirius/Rabastan! Hahaha. I had/still have big plans. I don't want it to be a one shot fic. Want chapters and all. I never do chapter fics. So that'll be new for me. Past chaptered fics I've done were never updated past like chapter 3/4. BUT this one I want to finish it. hgiewugehjwk I am rambling. I have notes of this fic in my notebook myself. I usually only do that if I really like the fic idea.
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greyfongschemmenti · 6 months
In the dimly lit balcony overlooking in Avatar Korra Park, their eyes locked with a mixture of longing and regret. Lin’s stands still, dealing with finding the strength to walk towards her. She mutters to herself, cursing her emotions before taking a small breath and takes her first step. A trembling hand reached out, hesitating before touching Kya’s shoulder. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the soft music playing in the background from street performers.
Kya’s gaze softened, the hurt in their eyes slowly melting away. "I missed you," they admitted, their voice raw with emotion. The tension that had hung heavy between them seemed to dissipate as they both realized the depth of their feelings.
Tears welled up in Lin’s eyes as she leaned in, seeking solace in Kya’s warm embrace. In that moment, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them entwined in a bittersweet embrace, their hearts finally finding their way back to each other.
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greyfongschemmenti · 6 months
I just binge read your y/n x lin series and omfg im so obssesed 😭 the plot was so good and I loved seeing lin get the love and care she definitely deserves! I hopeeee you find the inspiration again to continue book 4 but if not, thank you for such a great story!
Oh my gosh, first off kudos to you for reading that monster of a series 😭💕 this was a nice surprise to see waking up. Lin deserves the world. Thank you for your kind words and I definitely want to continue the series but I’m having a hard time on where to start and the direction I want to take the story. You don’t know how much this message means to me 🥹
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greyfongschemmenti · 7 months
Now who let me write this. Each book is like 100 pages. I didn’t know I knew enough words to write this much 🤯
That’s the first two works from See You At The Station, Hesitate and Under Pressure.
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greyfongschemmenti · 7 months
Imma have to reread what I wrote for the Lin x Reader fanfic I had before I do any more writing ✍️
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
Could you write a angst turned fluff for Lin x female or gender neutral reader?
Bonus points if the reader is a firebender. You don’t have to tho :)))
okay, so I’m gonna have to split this into parts because weeee boi 
do I write a lot.
Fun Fact: This story was a piece I was thinking of adding to my Book 4 of See You At The Station Series. Idk If I will still use it, but I did change the Reader to a fire bender per your request. ;)
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Reunion (Lin x Reader)
This is set after the whole Zaheer (within the three year gap)
“Thanks for agreeing to accompany me tonight, Cin” you gave your date a gentle smile
“If I didn’t, you would make some excuse to leave early. What of our potential investors and buyers?”
You laugh as you fix your collar while looking at the rearview mirror “It’s always about business with you.”
“Here let me help” Cinder offers and reaches over to fix the collar laying it out then flattens out the suit jacket. Your cheeks slightly blush of the close proximity. Cinder slowly looks up and meets your eyes.
You clear your throat as you straighten up “thanks”
She gives you a warm smile as she sits back into her seat and puts on her seatbelt “don’t mention it. Let’s go”
Asami was invited to attend a state dinner in Republic City as she has been coming up with plans on modernizing Republic City's Central City Station. Asami had a stroke of inspiration on the tram designs and wanted to work on the ramifications. So she couldn’t attend so you offered to go as a representative for Future Industries. Rather than attend this dinner by yourself, you decide to take Cinder.  The Head of Automotive Interiors for the Satomobile. You and Cinder, a firebender, have become friends in the past six months after going through a bad breakup. You decided it would be a good idea to bring a fellow designer to talk up the next line of Satomobiles while you talked about the business.
Walking up the steps into the government building where the state dinner was being held. You smoothed down your suit jacket and let out a deep exhale. “You good?” Cinder looped her arm around yours giving your hand a gentle tap. Looking over you nodded your head “yeah, all good.” you reassured her and gave her a smile before walking the both of you toward the doors giving the guard your invitation.
“There’s president Raiko, we should introduce ourselves” Cinder looks at you and she starts walking both of you towards his direction. “Mr. President” Cinder approached and Raiko’s brows raised as he saw you giving you a big smile, “Captain y/n! So nice to see you here!” he extended his arms.
You smiled politely before gently correcting him “that’s former Captain, Sir. I no longer hold that position, remember? I’m now working along with Ms. Sato at Future Industries as partner and Head Designer.”
You and Raiko grab each other’s forearms in greeting as you give a firm shake “Right, sorry Ms. y/n, but is it okay if I call you Captain still? Despite the trouble in the city you held that position well. Wonder what happened.” He spoke as his security team covered him, keeping him safe while the perimeter was protected with RCPD’s finest. He took out his metal cigar canister taking one out.
“Uh...sure I guess although I’m not sure how the current Captain will take it” you looked around before looking back at Raiko as he is looking for a lighter “oh allow me Sir. If I may of course”
Raiko looks back at you and gives you a nod and you flick your finger, a flame coming out. An officer approaches to stop you but Raiko puts his hand up to prevent him as you continue lighting the cigar for him. “Thank you, Cap”
“Anytime, President Raiko.”
Cinder nudges you and fakes a cough giving you a cue “oh right so sorry” you apologized and turned dropping your arm down as you direct the attention to your date. “Mr. President, I would like to introduce you to Cinder, our brilliant Head of Automotive Interior of our successful satomobiles. She has been working diligently with our creative team on creating a beautiful car in the next season.”
Raiko gently shakes Cinder’s hand as she gives him a smile and respectfully bows “Mr. President, pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh no the pleasure is all mine. Are you two?” he eyes and points at the two of you. Your cheeks slightly blush “no no, sir. Purely business associates. We’re friends of course but just colleagues.” you clear your throat trying to bring down the head to your face.
“My apologizes”
“It’s okay, I understand with my arm around hers and our clothes slightly matching. I’m also from the Fire Nation.” Cinder tries explaining and you gently put your hand on her back and whisper in her ear “I think that’s good Cin.” you smile at President Raiko as he nods understanding “I don’t judge.” there’s an awkward silence before Raiko’s assistant comes up and whispers in his ear. Raiko speaks up, turning back to the both of you “Well I hope you enjoy the state dinner.”
You and Cinder bowed to the president before Cinder rubs her eyes “I blew it didn’t I?” she whispered. “Noooooo not at all.” you tried to assure her when she glares up at you and you laugh softly “it’s okay. He’s going to forget about it by the end of the night.”
A waiter with a tray of drinks comes by and you grab two glasses handing one to Cinder “Here this should take the edge off” you pass her a glass and watch as she downs it quick then grabs the one that you intended for yourself and downed it as well.
“Uh...that was for me…” you looked at Cinder then down at the two glasses in your hands
“Crap, I’m sorry”
“No worries, this isn’t my kind of drink anyways. Feeling better?” another waiter comes by and you set the two empty glasses on the passing tray. Cinder gives you a wide smile and nods “loads better. We should be meeting with these important officials on transporting vehicles for sales.” Cinder grabs your hand and tugs you along, but you stop. “Woah, how about you speak with Ambassador Zeng from the Earth Kingdom while I grab myself a drink from the bar.”
“Seeing as I took your glass back there. Fine. See you soon” Cinder gives you a smile before she heads over and approaches Ambassador Zeng.
You sigh as you near the outdoor bar unbuttoning your suit jacket as you wave a hand at the bartender, “a Pegu Club please” you order and the bartender nods as she starts pouring some gin, curaçao, lime juice, and bitters into the shaker with crushed iced. She starts giving it a good shake before pulling out a chilled cocktail glass and pouring the drink in it, finishing it off with a twisted lime and hands it to you. You gave her a nod and raised the drink in appreciation before taking a sip. Once you savored the alcohol you felt your shoulders relax.
“New haircut? Surprised to see you here”, it’s been a while since you heard that voice. It still gave you an effect as you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You inhaled before turning around and placing a smile on your face, “Chief Beifong, I’m sorry I can’t say the same. Figured I’d run into you sometime throughout the night, but it seems like you ran into me.” you calmly spoke as you took another sip from your drink.  
“Pegu Club?” she eyes the glass then up at you as a little bit of your facade escapes but you try regaining it and look away. “Yes, it is” you tap on the glass.
“At least some things never change...” She looks away at the surrounding scene, before her eyes look back at you. Noticing your physical changes, for once you’re dressed in a fire nation suit and your hair once long in length has been cut short. It looks nice on you, Lin thinks. Though the thing she couldn’t stop looking at were those eyes she missed. The bright amber eyes that seem to look like glowing embers from a fire. Sometimes it brought a shiver down her spine in the way you looked at her at night.
“It’s a favorite-” your voice brings her back from her thoughts and she looks back at you.
“I know….” a sudden softness slips from her voice, causes you to look up and meet those jade eyes. It causes you to lose your breath for a second that you need to take another sip to regain some control. Pegu Club was one of your go to drinks and Lin would often order it for you at restaurants and even tried to prepare it for you at home. Home.
“It’s good to see you Lin-I mean- Chief Beifong. I should get going. I left my partner alone long enough.” you stepped forward and started walking when Lin grabbed your arm to stop you “that Fire Nation girl you gallivanted in with? You sure have a sweet spot for fire nation don’t you?” she looked at you talking under her breath.
“What are you insinuating?” you looked down at her then darted your eyes around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Lin doing the same. “Say it”
“Don’t act daft. First Iris and now her.” Lin put an extra emphasis on the word and you arch your brow up. Lin thinks you and Cinder are together. Is she jealous?
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Lin. Please let go.” you mutter back and Lin’s grip loosens as you smooth the sleeve and button it up. “Now, if you excuse me, Chief. I have business to attend to” you bowed your head and walked away. Lin watched you go and pinched the bridge of her nose as she cursed herself for acting like this.
After talking to various ambassadors and important officials at the dinner making influences and possible deals with the neighboring cities and nations. Cinder and you decided to leave a couple of hours early before the festivities were to end.
“If you wanted to stay, I could have left you the car and I could’ve called a cap” you smiled as you walked Cinder down the steps to the valet. “Nonsense, what fun would I have with you gone.” she nudges you and you laugh nudging her back.
“I’m glad you came. I needed a friend tonight and glad you helped with the pitches. Hopefully we’ll hear from the assistants tomorrow morning on scheduling test runs and meetings.” you talked as the valet driver handed you the keys and you opened the door for Cinder. Cinder smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek before squeezing it “look at you opening doors for me. So cute, but I could’ve done that myself” you laugh as you rub your cheek “I know, but let me do something nice.”
Cinder rolls her eyes and gets in the car as you close the door for her and starts walking around to the driver’s side. You open the door before looking up and see Lin talking to one of her officers and she turns her head and looks at you.
You sigh and tilt your head down on the roof of the car before you run your hand through your hair, “I’ll be right back, I forgot something” you told Cinder before you stepped back and walked over toward the Chief of Police as she orders the officer back to their post, “leaving so soon?” she folds her arms as you exhale “uh.. Yeah busy morning at work” you slide your hands in your slack pockets. Lin looks over your shoulder then back at you “is that what you’re calling it?”
You roll your eyes and look away “you can just say it Lin”
“Say what?”
“That you’re jealous for starters.” you smirk a bit as Lin rolls her eyes and shrugs “I’m not.”
“Sure, so you insinuating falsely over the relationship between my colleague and I twice in one night has nothing to do with you being jealous.” you pulled your arms out and folded your arms looking at the chief of police. The night late and a sudden chill with a couple party goers starting to leave and head to the valet.
“I have work to do” Lin snarls as she drops her arms and starts to turn. You step forward and touch her arm but quickly retract it “If you want to talk, really talk. I’m going to head back to my office after dropping Cinder off”
“Cinder?” Lin pursed her lips and you sighed getting the car keys from your pocket “office”. You sternly looked at her before you turned and walked back to the car. Getting in the car and starting it up “everything okay with the Chief?” Cinder looks at you as you slowly let go of the clutch and apply equal pressure to the gas, driving out of the area “yeah, just wanted to check up on former bosses. It was nice to see the chief” you look straight down the road as you drive away from downtown. “That lady scares me. She’s so intimidating.” Cinder taps on the window then decides to roll down the window as you let out a chuckle “yeah, she can be, but once you get to know her she isn’t all that bad” you turn a street and drive down the bridge until you reached Shassa Village. “You had to live in one of the fire nation neighborhoods.” a light chuckle as you looked at the street signs. “Well do I need to remind you that I am a fire nation lady” she ends in a sing-song tone.
“Yeah, but just because you’re from the fire nation doesn’t mean you have to stay in a fire nation borough.”
Cinder shrugs and smiles “it reminds me of home. Is that a problem?”
“No, of course not” you smile back as you pull up to Cinder’s townhome “alright, here we are.” you shift the gear stick in park, “thanks for the ride and for tonight”. Cinder gets out of the car and closes the door “See you bright and early tomorrow morning” she taps your car roof then walks up the steps and opens her door to give you a wave and you wave back, driving off.
Rubbing the back of your neck as you stare at your drafting table looking over the sketches you drew in the past two hours. Drinking the glass of whiskey you’re holding then rubs your eyes. It’s been the third straight night that you’ve snuck back to your office to work. Stifling a yawn then quickly blink as you set your glass down and grab your brush and softly brush off the eraser shavings from your drafting papers and get your pencil and compass to work on the new satomobile’s curves. You were planning on presenting a new line of satomobile, a luxury line. This new car would be sleeker with curves, integration of phones into the cars into the Public Switched Telephone Network of Republic City, and a better radio system.
Lin was able to secure and made sure everyone left the area safe and sound while her men checked surrounding areas. Saikhan approached the chief “I saw the state dinner was a success.”
“It seems it had” Lin gruffed back as she watched her men work
“Were my eyes deceiving me or did I catch Cap in the night? Did you request them to help us with the security intel?” He looked at the metalbending officers packing up the squad cars before looking at the chief.
“No, former captain y/n was here as a guest. It appears Ms. Sato couldn’t make it so y/n had to come as a representative for Future Industries.”
“Some snazzy date they had” he commented and Lin glared at Saikhan “apparently they’re just colleagues” she muttered and Saikhan nodded “So you two talked?”
“We ran into each other at the bar earlier in the night”
“Did y/n want their job back? As much as I hate to admit it, they were a damn good detective and leader” he gruffed as he folded his arms.
“No, let’s head back to headquarters. I don’t want to hear a word from your wife about how late I’ve kept you. All because you wanted to gossip.” Lin dropped her arms and started walking away, thinking back to her interactions with you throughout the night. Never forgetting how you looked and worked around the room.
You looked up at the clock and noticed it was nearing 2 in the morning. “I should leave now and get some sleep on an actual bed”, you muttered to yourself as you stood up from your drafting table and walked over to your desk to grab your jacket. You turned around to look out your office window as you fixed your sleeves and collar. A part of you was upset that a certain chief of police didn’t show up, although you understood. She had a job to do tonight and she most likely had better more important things to do. You sighed then finished off the whiskey left in your glass before setting it down on your counter. As you’re cleaning up your desk you hear the door open across from you “I’m sorry Jed. I know I promised to leave sooner, but-” you shuffle some papers into your portfolio.
“If you’re going to keep Jed up this late. He should get a raise or at least buy the poor boy a coffee. He was practically asleep when I saw him”
Your eyes widened as you placed your palms on the desk and slowly looked up. Lin standing across from you. Slowly stand up straight and walk around your desk “We provide our security with the amenities. I would have to check up on that later.”
For a second there was silence between the two of you and you were unsure of what to say “I wasn’t sure you would show up...”
“Neither did I...”
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
Hi! How are you? Hope you're doing great beside the boredom:D
I was thinking about some LinxReader thing and I came up with a scene where Lin is at the market and she's staring at some type of steak for a special meal with Katara (she wants to cook a traditional south water tribe dish to make her second mother feel at home) and the reader came behind her and helps her to pick the right one. After that encounter there are some other occasions for them to meet (I leave at your imagination to do the magic lol) and well Lin is intrigued and want to try and give the reader a chance.
Okay, I'm really bad at these things :')
okay, so I’m gonna have to split this into parts because weeee boi do I write a lot. 
The Market (Lin x Reader)
This is set after the whole Zaheer (within those three year gap)
Lin’s brows burrowed as she looked at the vast variety of cuts at the meat market this morning. She learned from Tenzin that Katara was coming in from the South Pole in the evening. Deciding that she would want to prepare her mother figure with a meal. Surely she remembered how to recreate the dishes Katara taught her when she was a little girl.
Though it has been decades since she’s prepared a traditional meal. Since becoming Chief, she has tended to keep at the quick meals or whatever Saikhan would force in her hands that his wife “accidentally” packed extra for. After the third time she was quick to realize the gesture.
Lin pursed her lips as she looked at the different cuts of fish. A passerby walked up and stood beside her as they also took in the sight of the fish.
“Hey, Jin. How fresh are the fish?” the stranger asked the merchant.
“Hey-Ho y/n!! Just caught these freshies this morning.” Jin smiles as the stranger nodded and caught interest at a cut of Koi. The stranger looked over and caught the chief of police in a pensive thought. They motioned Jin’s assistant to package up the Koi they picked up before stepping towards the esteemed Chief. “You seem to be thinking quite a bit for a fish” you spoke then gave her a soft smile.
“Hmm? What? Oh yes I’m... trying to decide what to pick” Lin muttered as she focused back at the stand. “Right....” you turned to look at the fish as Jin’s assistant came with the fish wrapped up in brown packaging as you thanked them.
“Excited to hear what dish you’ll create with this dish, y/n” Jin’s assistant smiled brightly as you placed the wrapped up fish into your ice chest. “Yeah, I’m thinking of maybe baking this piece in some ginger garlic marinade.”
“How did your last dish go?”
“The seaweed noodles with steamed halibut? Oh it came out really good. I wasn’t sure how it would come out when I steamed the sea prunes with the fish, but I was glad it came out good. Gave it a nice sweet and savory taste” you smiled as you picked up the ice chest and pulled out your wallet to pay for the fish. “Thanks so much” you smiled as the assistant bowed and walked back to the register.
You turned around and pursed your lips as the chief was still standing around.
“Well, what are you preparing? Maybe I can help you decide” you offer.
“I don’t need help. I’m perfectly fine.”
“Sure, I’m sure you have it all under control” you smirked as you couldn’t help but watch Lin look at a fillet of halibut. “If it’s the halibut you’re eyeing, keep an eye out for white, glossy flesh. You'll also want to avoid any brown spots on the white flesh” you comment as you eye a piece in the back and pick it up looking around for any imperfections and check the skin. “Like this one… it’s perfect” you smile then slowly set it down where you grabbed it.
“I didn’t ask but thanks I’ll keep that in mind” Lin grumbled then looked down and noticed the ice chest. “What did you get?”
“Oh just a piece of Koi. Figured I’d try earth kingdom today” you wave her off as you look down at the chest then back up at her.  
“Today? What do you normally cook?” Lin looked at you confused. She can’t really pinpoint your nationality from your all black attire, but she noticed your bright green eyes and she could have sworn there were specks of gold or amber.
“A little bit of everything, I guess? I come from a mixed family. Earth and Water parents, but I also have some fire on my dad’s side. So I grew up eating different dishes.” you looked around as you explained.
“Ah so that explains the seaweed noodles and your knowledge on halibut” Lin muttered as she turned to face the fish.
“So you heard that? Eavesdropping, are we chief?” you smirked as you turned to look at her and Lin’s eyes widened a bit. “It’s not like you kept your conversation low. The merchants across the street would hear you.”
“I’ll keep it quiet next time then. y/n” you introduced yourself, she extended her hand and gave each other a handshake. Lin lets go and picks up the halibut you picked up earlier “so this one is perfect, hmm?” Lin analyzed it for herself. “Yeah, perfect for Republic City’s chief of police.”
“So you say” she looks at you
“So I say” you eye Lin back not tearing your eyes away from hers
“I’ll take your word for it then” Lin looks up and motions for Jin to wrap up the fish.
“If it’s not then so help me Raava I don’t get locked up.” you joked
“I don’t think Raava would be able to help if this fish isn’t up to those perfect standards” Lin quipped up and you quieted down feeling a sense of doubt for picking the fish.
“Well….I mean maybe there is another that might be better?” your voice suddenly shaken as you look back at the other piece.
“Are you questioning yourself now?” Lin’s brow raises and hides her humor behind her voice as she folds her arms.
“What? Of course not” you stand up straight and look at Lin trying your best to look confident.
“How about this? I’m always around this market during weekend mornings. If that fish didn’t come out then you’re free to lock me up for some crazy offense.” You smirked as you looked at her eyes
“If it does?” Lin pays and thanks Jin for the halibut before looking at you. “Well you get to say thanks and I get to see the chief again.” you smiled as Lin placed her fish in her ice chest.
“For Raava’s sake you better be right, y/n.” Lin mutters before she walks off.
Next week rolled out and you were picking up some fresh vegetables and fruits. You were checking on how firm a mango was when you heard a voice “I see Raava has graced you”.
You put the mango in your basket when you turned around “Chief, glad to see you” you gave her a smirk as you packed some more food into your basket. “Grocery shopping?” Lin stepped forward as she grabbed some kale as her eyes glanced down in your basket.
“Yeah, figured I’ll shop for the week” you responded back as you grabbed a bunch of kale “so from that comment earlier I can safely assume the fish came out nicely”.
Lin looked at you and gave a nod “yeah, the dish was a success. Great reviews.”
You gave her a smile and nodded back “I’m glad everything worked out for you chief Beifong.”
“Pardon?” you looked at her as Lin grabs some grapes and puts it in her basket “My name? It’s Lin. You can call me Lin”
“Oh...right. Well Lin I’m glad it worked out. Are you prepping for another dish or just shopping?” you tried to carry on the conversation without being too weird or awkward.
“Shopping as well. Too busy during the week.”
“Right...protecting and serving the city. If you ever want some good food I know this small diner on the corner of 3rd and Yang. They’re open pretty late.”
“What do they serve?” Lin decides to engage as she grabs a couple of  fruits as she places them in her basket. You shrug and rub the back of your neck “A little bit of everything. It’s a little hole in the wall so not many people know about it” you reach in your pocket and hand the merchant a couple of yuans for your groceries.
Lin’s brows furrow as she thinks about your recommendation.
They did recommend the fish and they seem to know about food. Maybe Lin should listen to them.
“I’ll check it out when I can” she looks up as she also pays for her groceries.
“Sounds great”
Since that time at the market you and Lin would run into each other on the weekends and slowly the conversation would change to a shop or a diner nearby. Chatting about Lin’s line of work and when she would ask about you, you would answer the question but revert the attention back to her or change the subject. Lin felt slightly suspicious of the action, but felt that some people preferred their privacy to something she understood.
There was one Saturday morning the conversation ran longer than usual, both you and Lin were in a heated discussion on the pro-bending tournament. Either of you refusing to believe your teams would lose
“Eel Hounds are going to win the finals. They have only missed one game and that was because of that dumb ref” you exclaimed as you get your cup of tea and took a sip. Lin more relaxed shakes her head waving you off “no, you’re wrong. The Komodo Rhino have an equally strong offence and defense to win the finals.”
You smirk as you look at Lin “well I’m not budging on my choice”
“Me either”
“Well we can agree to disagree.” you bring the cup back up to your lips“but the Eel Hounds are going to win” you quickly say as you take another sip. Lin picks up a piece of sweet pun and throws it at your face. You laugh out as you catch it then glance at your watch, your eyes widening.
“What? I didn’t mess your clothes right?” Lin looks at you confused as she notices your change in demeanor.
“What? No no. I’m late. I was supposed to be back at work before noon.” you reach down into your wallet and take out a couple of yuans.
“I got this.”
“Fine, this can be a tip then” you give her a smile as you pull your jacket on.
“Are you going to be in trouble?” Lin stood up as she paid the check
And you shook your head “nah, I just have this deadline that I cannot miss. I’m really glad we did this. Let’s do this again sometime” you smile as you touched her arm before stepping out the shop.
It’s been two weeks since that last interaction and Lin was busy with knuckling down on Triad business. After the recent bust she felt like she could relax a bit. Lin managed to finish her work early. She looked at the clock as she walked down the bullpen seeing 11:15pm. Walking down to her car and driving towards her nearby apartment she kept during the week. She remembered of that place y/n mentioned and decided to drive by it. Surely it’s already closed, most shops aren’t opened this late in the middle of the week. Surprisingly the diner’s lights were still on and Lin’s stomach started to rumble. “Shit, I forgot to eat lunch” she muttered and decided to pull over. Maybe this was a good time to try out this little shop in the alley.
While Lin stepped into the shop a couple walked out and nodded at the chief. Lin found the shop now empty which was to be expected and a voice rang out, “I’ll be right with you!”.
That voice…..
“What can I do for you” y/n appeared from behind the kitchen doors and stopped. The only noise being from the saloon doors swinging. y/n standing there in a black chef’s coat and black slacks.
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greyfongschemmenti · 3 years
The Reunion || Part 3
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word count: 925
Part 1 Part 2
Lin looked at you then softly shook her head in disbelief taking a second to look away “Never took you to cut and run”
These words caused you to laugh out “I’m the one who cut and ran? Me? I’m not Tenzin”
You take a deep breath and sigh “This is the time I usually leave the office. We wouldn’t want Jed to come check up on us? Like you said there’s no point in keeping the poor boy up.” you eyed her as you opened the door and motioned for Lin to go out the office first. Lin reluctantly walked out understanding and you closed the door behind you as you locked the office up. As you and Lin walked towards the front of the building and you nodded to Jed that you’re the last to leave. He nods back and you walk Lin to her car making sure the coast is clear. Opening your bag and taking out a small piece of paper and scribbling down. You handed it to Lin, looking straight at her “don’t leave yet….meet me here. We can talk there”. Lin was about to not listen to you until she looked up and saw your eyes, those ember eyes. They looked like they were pleading with her not to go, even though she was tired of the long shift she had at the station. Deep down she wanted to go and see what you wanted to talk about. 
“Fine” she resolved and saw you give her a quick nod, maybe afraid she would change her mind.
 “I’ll meet you there” a tone of hope escaping your lips as you closed your bag and headed for your car. 
Lin didn't know what to think as she drove down the outskirts of the city limits. Future Industries was located in the southern section of Republic City by a nearby mountain range. It’s been a while since Lin last spoke to you, some meeting with Ms. Sato and Raiko about security for an investors banquet. It was just a greeting, an awkward greeting and a few stolen looks. Lin remembered the way you tried to keep things amicable and as easygoing as possible. Whereas Lin tried to avoid you and focused on her officers. Given that the interaction happened a month after. 
Lin drove up and saw you have already arrived and was leaning against your satomobile with your arms crossed. 
“Thanks for meeting me here, Lin” you stood up straight as Lin got out of her car. 
“Where is here exactly?” she looked around and just trees around them as they stood by a Cliffside. 
“This used to be a popular meetup spot for teens to make out or do other stuff…”
“Did you forget that I’m a cop?” Lin looked disgusted as she tried not to think of teens, but also confused as to why you brought her here to this spot.
“Did you forget that I’m a former cop as well” you let out a laugh before continuing on, “since the new business construction around the area. This spot hasn’t been active for quite some time. There might be a new spot somewhere else” You sighed as you walked close to the edge of the cliff. 
“How did you ever find this place?” Lin looked around before kicking a small pebble over the Cliffside. 
“Cinder actually showed me this place”
“Don’t start.” you smirked and let out a chuckle before continuing “Cinder found me in my office after a rough night. We talked and she told me about this spot. It seemed to do her some good so she figured it would do the same for me. It had a little of everything. The wind, trees, the view of the bay, and since she’s a fire bender, she built a little fire” you explained to Lin the story as you kneels down and put together a little bonfire nearby. “Cinder explained how just listening to nature and see how the city looks from here just gave her a calming effect and hoped it helped me”
“I’m guessing it did since we’re here” Lin waved around at the area. a silence settles between you two as Lin steps beside you and the both of you look out at the water and dark sky. 
“Why this place?” Lin broke the silence
“Our usual spot doesn’t need that” you whispered back your response as you slid your hands into your pockets. 
The usual spot, an ordinary tree in the middle of what’s now Korra Park, you and Lin would hang out at that tree for hours just talking when you first met. You were just hired as a beat cop and showed promise as a detective relatively fast. Lin was impressed. She kept you near by having various sparring matches, asking your input or ideas on cases. Soon there was something brewing between the two of you that neither one of you wanted to believe was real. That was until an almost kiss happened at that very spot that scared Lin. Until emotions kept brewing and you and Lin kept a secret relationship for a couple years.
Lin looked over at you and was about to scoff, how can a location not need something. It’s just a place. 
Then, she notices your hurt face. The face that you’ve been holding up since that interaction at the bar. 
Lin was going to speak up, but was unsure what to say.
“I’ve missed you Lin” you spoke first, keeping your eyes straight ahead. Unsure how you would react if you looked over at the older woman. 
“Don’t...” Lin interjected shaking her head
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
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The Reunion || Part 2 
word count: 1,507
Part 1
cw// smoking
Taking a moment to take in the image of Lin standing in front of you. You take a stand from your desk and welcome her in. “You always knew how to make an entrance, have a seat.” you smirked as you walked over and placed your empty glass on the bar counter.
“It’s not like I asked for it. I hate the attention” Lin stepped forward as she closed the door and took a seat at the couch adjacent from the desk.  You let out a small laugh “I feel like a small part of you likes it.” you retort back as you prepped some tea and used your firebending to heat up the water. Walking back towards the couch and taking a seat across from Lin on the other couch. Placing the tea set on the coffee table between the two of you.
Once the three minutes were done you poured the tea into the cup and handed Lin a cup “just like you liked it” you muttered as you looked at her. Watching her reach out and take the cup from your hand before you sit back and take a sip of the black tea.
“It’s been a while…” you begin as you place the cup on your knee. Lin put the tea cup on the table and got up “this was a mistake...I shouldn’t have came”. Walking towards the door when you hurriedly put the cup on the table and rushed over to her, but careful not to lay a hand on her. Respecting her space “why did you. There had to be a reason” you called out to her and watched Lin stop with her hand on the doorknob.
Because I missed you, Lin thought
“don’t know” she stated out flatly
“Right” you ran a hand through your hair as you looked over at your desk and kept cleaning up. Lin took the opportunity to look around. Remember how your office at your shared apartment looked, always messy but you swore that everything made sense.
“How does this make any sense to you. There are papers everywhere!” Lin laughs as she looks at the different piles scattered all over your office. Then looks over and notice you furrow your brows while in a deep concentration on a sketch. “I know...I know...love. It looks disorderly, but I swear there is a system here” you look up at Lin, who is standing by the doorway and give her a bright smile. Lin shakes her head and smiles back...
Lin bites on her lip a bit as the memory came back and she turned away from you. Lin unsure what to do with her arms if to fold them, put them on her back, or keep them at her sides. She looks over at your drafting table where she keeps your plans for what seems to be a new satomobile.
Finishing packing up you glance over to where Lin is and you start to internally panic “uh….it’s not finished” you walk over to her.
“It looks nice...a new project?” Lin sounds interested in your work. She always had whenever you would talk about Asami’s ideas and your creative mind on how it would look. Lin would dabble in painting while you sketch to your charcoal pencils.
“Yeah, a personal project. It’s what kept me busy these past….months.” you muttered as you cleaned the eraser and pencil shavings.
“What is it exactly? I know it’s a car but what makes it different from what we have out in the streets?”
Lin looks down at the schematics, her lips pursing as she reads the notes and admires the details before looking up at you. You glanced away before Lin noticed you looking at her as you cleared your throat “right, umm this is a more luxury model. I modeled after the busy...er... career folks.” you walk closer towards Lin standing beside her as you start pointing out your ideas. “As the busy gets bigger, there is always work to do. So this car will have basically everything our everyday business owner will need. It has a better radio, a phone, for business calls, better transmission, smoother ride, the overall look will be sleeker and sexier” you explained along as you stared at your sketch proud of your work. Lin caught that glint in your eye and noticed how animated you talked and she honestly missed hearing your voice.
“You’re sure all of this will fit in your satomobile?” Lin raises a brow once she realizes you’re done talking.
You nodded determinedly “Won’t stop until it’s like how I imagined it. That’s why I haven’t presented it to Asami yet.  I’m working with an engineer on how to implement a phone and we’re getting close.” you looked over and gave her a soft smile. Lin’s lips matched yours and your eyes glanced down at her lips before you diverted your eyes somewhere else. “I hope it’s to your liking, chief” your tone back to professional. Lin was caught off guard before she blinked and questioned you “my liking?”
“Well you were the general idea” you turned around and walked toward the window behind your desk as you took out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a puff before turning around and facing the chief of police. “I was?” Lin now was clueless as to what you could mean. Did they design a car for me?
“Well as Chief of Police you’re constantly on the job so….” you shrugged a bit “this car could be your personal car with the amenities that can give you what you need to keep working and moving” you leaned back against the window as you folded your arms.
“You made me a car?” Lin raised her brow and dipped her hip to the side in disbelief. “You were in mind but not just you. Other workaholics like you. I seem to remember being upset not being in the constant know whenever you would drive from the apartment to the station.” you teased as you took another drag from the cigarette.
“You’ll be surprised just how much development I can miss from that drive” Lin says dryly as she rolls her eyes, bringing her arms up and folds them across her chest.
“Well hopefully if all things go well with my plans, this car will help.” you give her a smirk before putting the cigarette out on the ashtray on your desk. You lick your lip gently as it dried out from the smoking.
“What does your girlfriend think about it?” LIn asks you and she notices your whole body language changes. “She’s not my girlfriend” you muttered as you looked down at the desk “I’m pretty sure I’ve told you that.”
“Does she? I saw the way she looked at you” Lin says as she thinks back at how Cinder would look at you. The subtle gestures, the hand touching the excessive laughing at your jokes. Your jokes weren’t that funny. Okay, maybe they were but hearing her laugh at your jokes just made Lin....upset. It didn’t feel right....
“She can look all she wants. We’ve already discussed it. It’s not going to-”
“you’ve discussed it?” LIn cuts you off and you look up at her a slight tint appears on your cheeks.
“Yes, she spoke of interest, but I refused” you kept it professional as you stood up straight.
“There’s nothing to stop you” Lin’s face now looked unchanged, emotionless, preventing herself from feeling anything than the anxious feeling that you could be with another. She couldn’t really do anything, you were free to do what you wished. Be with whoever, there was nothing between the two of you any longer. The decision was made and now both of you were living with it.
“Right” you scoffed as you run your hand through your hair “is this how it’s going to be between us?”
You drop your hand as you sighed. Lin turned around and folded her arms “there’s nothing between us”
“It was going so well and now you’ve made it awkward between us, Lin!” you exasperate as grip the back of your leather desk chair. “It used to be so easy to talk. Now the tension is so dry a wildfire can easily be set off” you flick a small flame from your fingers and watch it spark before putting it out.
“It’s our reality now” Lin takes a step towards the center of the room
“It didn’t have to be and you knew that” you stood up straight as you turned to face your former lover.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what.”
“Then say it”
“That our relationship didn’t fail because of lack of love, Lin. It was forced to break because of fear.”
“I wasn’t scared” Lin said matter of factly as she folded her arms
“Then what was it?” you scoffed in disbelief
“I was being cautious”
Shaking your head at the reasoning you grabbed your bag and coat before heading to the door.
Lin put her hand on your forearm to stop you “where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m leaving”
You head towards the door when Lin gently tugs your forearm to stop you as she looks right into your eyes.
“I’m leaving” you whispered again, softer this time.
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
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(I just really love these fan arts so since this is a pinned post... I attached these art pieces from artist @tinaducain​) 
See You At... (Lin x Reader Series Masterlist)
This goes along the seasons of TLOK and contains scenes and dialog from the animated series.
TLOK 1: Hesitate
You move into Republic City wanting to serve your life purpose of saving and protecting. You decide nothing would be better than joining the RCPD. How will your relationship with the Chief of Police progress as the city gets taken over by an evil force lead by a man known as Amon.
TLOK2 2: Under Pressure
Six months after the Equalists Revolution, tensions start to rise in the South Pole with the water tribes. Friendships and relationships are put to the test when trust is questioned. How will you and Lin find some ground as you try to set some foundation to your new sort of relationship. Can you handle Lin or will you hesitate and lose patience.
TLOK 3: In These Arms
Lin Beifong has finally come to terms about her feelings about you and made the next step. The both of you are trying to develop this newfound relationship when the sudden re-emergence of airbenders is causing disruptions in all the nations. Things start to take a turn for the worse when one of the people who was gifted air bending turned out to be the notorious criminal Zaheer - the man responsible for the attempted kidnapping of Korra when she was a little girl. It turns out he is part of a group of dangerous anarchists who wants to overthrow the world's governments and the Avatar.
How will Chief Beifong, you and the rest of Team Avatar be able to handle this new villain? Will it come between you and Lin?
Lin x Reader One Shots:
Hold Me, Even For A Moment Not Bad
Happy New Year, My Love
Lin x Reader Prompts
The Reunion (Angst/Fluff) || Part 1 Part 2
The Market (FTL)|| Part 1 Part 2
One Shots
You are you and I am me || Bumi I meets Bumi II
Beifongs Keep Their Promises || Lin Beifong & Iroh II
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