froggiesir · 1 year
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hall0wedwyrm · 23 days
missing him
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thechaoticcheese · 1 year
Ok so like, while watching Ranboo's stream earlier and rewatching Gen Loss, I feel like GL!Sneeg might be a slightly bigger character than we thought. I'm not sure if anyone talked about this, but like, he was able to in a sense break the scene a little bit and get reprogrammed by Showfall Media DURING THE SHOW. He completely goes back into character which is carefree, but then near the end of Episode 2, he "kills" himself and GL!Austin Show. Now I know this is because GL!Ranboo needed to survive. Though, I wonder, if say, those whose bodies were recoverable, would be turned into the staff at Showfall. My first watch through, I kinda thought that seeing the line of staff cause one kinda looked like they had Sneeg's hair, but at the credits it didn't seem like it. Though it does make me wonder how much of what Hetch said is true.
Like how much can we trust Hetch? Where do they keep other entertainers/actors? Cause we only saw one floor, there has to be multiple areas right? And say like they do "die" during a show, they could reshow up again. Kinda like GL!Sneeg and GL!Charlie. I know there's a lot in the air, but like, it feels like either GL!Charlie and GL!Sneeg is important, it's just GL!Charlie is more prominent than GL!Sneeg.
Like any thoughts or add ons to this? I'm really curious if anyone thought the same.
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ghommytommytime · 1 year
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havrani-otec · 1 year
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i will most definitely get around to answering asks tomorrow (i'm so deeply sorry for the delay), but for today, i have something for the genloss au from a while ago.
so basically, gl!ranboo is technically alive, but their head is still in the box. and they can see just fine. i don't know how any of this works, so neither does anyone else. especially gl!charlie.
(tap on images for better viewing experience maybe)
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B̷̰̎͛A̶̘̳͂D̵̙̚ ̸̣̍H̸̟̅A̸͖̗̎͠T̴͉̬̐ ̴̛̼́B̶̻̅̾A̷̞͂D̴̠̻̈͊ ̵͖̦̇̏H̵̡͌͝A̵̢̦͂͒Ţ̸̛ ̷͖̈́̕B̶̫͚̂̌A̵̪͒D̷͇̥̉ ̵͕̦͂̈́H̴͍̟̿̿A̵̳̎T̶̛̖̪
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totally-razzical · 1 year
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when the sneeg gets snagged <— is in visceral anguish 
(Please lemme know if this is not how you do an image description correctly or if I should add anything! Be honest! As I have never done this before and would like to do better moving foward.)
[Image ID: A couple of pieces of fanart of the streamer, sneegsnag. The first image has a drawing of him making a confused expression in the top-left corner with his hat turned backwards, two doodles of him wearing his hat in different ways in the top-right corner, the writing around them saying “Is seeing all the horrors, all of them actually.” and “Y’all we vibing.” And the last one at the bottom having sneeg and ranboo holding eachother while shocked. The second image has sneeg looking scared and yelling “What is the sick place!” as he gets dragged away by two masked henchmen /.End ID]
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mads-is-tired · 1 year
Ranboo saving Charlie while he was streaming is the direct reason Charlie died I'm not okay
Ranboo said in their stream today that there were two choices that he actively made without the audience's input. One was choosing the security code on his own, and choosing to save Charlie from the brainwashing. Obviously using the wrong code stuffed it all up (which released the wire monster) but they said that because of the time it took to pull Charlie out, by the time they reached the doors the showfall media employees were locking them. Which eventually leads to both Ranboo and Charlie's deaths, and almost mirrors the final choice of episode three, choosing to live but be under showfall's control forever, or to die, only it hadn't been realised yet. 
also SNEEG!!! The poor guy tried to get out and get help again but never made it, and died alone (because of Ranboo’s choice, ouch). While showfall probably wouldn't have allowed it but a storyline where he did make it out would be insanely cool. 
Another thing, while the theory that showfall kidnapped Charlie as a kid and raised him to be their entertainer is very cool and has a lot of potential, I don't think that's the way the story would go. Showfall was(is??) going to use Ranboo until he no longer had any use to them, like all of the other actors, combined with sneeg's death suggests that raising a child and creating a whole personality and audience for slimecicle would be overly complex when they could just take people who have already done the work for them. The slimecicle channel is canon to the genloss universe now, and they likely would have had Charlie continue to stream to keep up appearances like he's not missing. Also, when ranboo finds all the streamers he recognises Charlie by name, suggesting they knew each other before showfall got to them, because iirc the name Charlie is never used in episode 1 or 2. And there is surely enough history between the two for Ranboo to want to save him, but recognises that he can't save everyone. That or he just felt bad for ripping the man's guts out. 
Anyway, I have Too Many Thoughts about Generation Loss and desperately want to know if Charlie and Sneeg are dead dead or if they'll be coming back for more generations because they were both so good in this series.
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honkceasar · 1 year
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I am unsure what compelled me to create this
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just1gnome · 1 year
they are going to beat you to death
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froggiesir · 1 year
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but what if they escaped or smth
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personwithatophat · 2 months
Cutscene Theory
During genloss we see several cutscenes. I don't think a single one should be trusted.
Heres why.
Cutscenes and prerecorded bits in genloss are used generously to give proper effect and punch to the story being told. many being used because it simply wouldn't be feasible to do live, or for comedic purposes.
Dimensional door scenes (forest, beach, hell, slime dimension, warehouse) Cooking challenge cutaways the ep 2 laser room and even the ep 3 button sequence these are all prerecorded. and not just for us, but in the context of the show as well. They don't pretend that scenes arnt prerecorded. in the laser sequence, vinny is thrown across a room, gets hit by an anvil, before ranboo and sneeg get beamed up out of the room. Further, multiple dimension doors are very clearly done on a greenscreen. Showfall prerecorded their scenes. the only people they need to fool are the cast members, and in that case it's brushed off as a "don't think about it too hard" situation. The real question is how this affects the story. and the answer is alot. Prerecorded scenes mean that while cast members are experiencing a silly video like its a wacky and current experience, their bodies are either just going through motions....or as it's highly implied, they get "Paused" during the duration of the scene. Due to sneegs escape attempt, we have proof that the characters can be paused. a stasis where they don't move, don't experience, and don't remember anything happening in front of them. I propose we try to peel behind the presented video and imagine whats behind the camera. I propose that during the laser scene and vinnys "death" ranboo was busy getting guided by an employee to the blacklight room which we know from the mall layout, was on the other side of the floor. I propose that when opening the dimensional door, ranboo kept getting paused before the door would actually open, which is why he still struggles with it when the camera lets him. a detail very intentionally cut from TFC. I propose That from the moment we see ranboo and charlie enter the room with hetch, they don't stand a chance. that there was no reprieve. no chance to think about the place they're in, no grand final determination and chase to freedom. instead, while we were watching the bow to a grand final show.. the real ranboo is being dragged down an escalator. carelessly. mask scraping against and cracking against the floor, being pulled down to the first floor of the mall to be strung into the place reserved for him. the heart of the facility. ready to face judgment. -Tophat
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thechaoticcheese · 1 year
This post contains Gen Loss spoilers!
So I was thinking about the final scene of Gen Loss where GL!Ranboo's head gets boxed, specifically when Ranboo on one of their streams talking about Gen Loss, he mentioned that there were wires in his mouth. That got me thinking after rewatching and seeing it...
Did GL!Ranboo always have those wires in his mouth, just due to them not being seen they weren't built in? If so that's interesting, cause I've always wondered how the mask worked. I figured the wires and the logo on the back of his neck is connected to his brain but if there is another set of wires in his mouth, that must mean there are multiple brain entry points.
I also want to bring up them HAVING to use a constant mask on GL!Ranboo (other than Ranboo wanting to remain a mostly masked creator). Is his mind so powerful that they HAD to keep having constant instructions put directly to his brain compared to the others who basically have a personality programmed into them with just about 10 seconds or less being put in a full mask, I assume before shows, or in GL!Sneeg's case during one.
If so, how many other creators have this mask or has had it? Would GL!Sneeg have gotten one or just gotten killed due to being able to break his mental hallucination easily? Though rewatching the scene where GL!Sneeg tries to escape it's the "slime" hat that breaks his hallucinations, like really breaks it. After The Puzzler puts the "slime" hat on him his eyes gets wide and he panics a bit but manages to stay calm to leave. Not to mention the screen does that weird side glitch affect when someone isn't in control. Why I never noticed this detail before idk, but I don't think anyone mentioned the blood hat unless it was talking about GL!Austin Shows(Austin). After the glitching happens Squiggles seems to have realized something was up too, or Hetch? I think they're the same person in a sense, please correct me if I'm wrong. After that Sneeg books it out of there, probably trying to leave as fast as possible before getting caught by Showfall Media's employees. I wonder what he saw out there due to him calling it "(What is) This sick place(?!)". Could he have seen Security? How much of the Mall could he have seen?
I also wanna take the time to talk about GL!Austin. I saw on a post that he seemed so freaked out about everything, especially when The Puzzler was going around and playing with Frank and the "slime" hat, which we have found out was indeed blood. I personally think that this is half true. Going back and rewatching Ep 2 near the beginning where GL!Sneeg is reprogrammed live, he is frozen like everyone else. He isn't moving or anything, so he is mind controlled like the others, but maybe he's "allowed" to see what really is happening, that Frank really is a skeleton/rotting corpse and that there is blood on GL!Sneeg's hat, hence how he speaks about how sick The Puzzler is. Though that's just a lil food for thought.
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athena-xiii · 1 year
The Spirit of the Cabin
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so i noticed a trend in genloss fanart. and i made a thing to explain that trend
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