nexus-nebulae · 4 months
why am i literally only getting the dumbass google ai on MEDICAL SEARCHES. that could KILL SOMEONE
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omgeto · 1 year
Are like tinny rocks in your kidney that form and you have to pass them by drinking lots of water and uh- peeing them out. WHICH AS IT SOUNDS PAINFUL.
The pain starts in your back and as it goes down the pain travels down. Until yeah you pee it out.
It’s caused from like to much soda, salt or caffeine in your diet… and… well… I’m- I’m an energy drink fanatic so uh- yeah.
I had one before and quit but APPARENTLY a year later my kidney was like HERES TWO MORE.
it’s said to be as painful for women as giving birth no epidural.
Translation IT SUCK.
But yes yes please a cheese board sounds lovely!! Salami and all!
I feel like im gonna get a kidney stone. I ONLY DRINK 'SODA' AND CAFFEINE AND SALT. can 18 year old young girls GET KIDNEY STONES. thank god for free healthcare since idk what doctors do to people w kidney stones but ik whatever it is they'll do it to me for FREE. KIDNEY STONE ANON U HAVE SCARED ME :(((. LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE
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Fic idea cause I’m not getting any sleep from these stupid ass Kidney Stones.
Let me know if you want me to write it.
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He’s seen you in another dimension, happy, pregnant with another child, with another him. He would do anything to have that with you.
Part of him thinks that he could easily slip into that dimension, get rid of the other him but would that you buy it? Would the other you even love him the same?
He missed you, he just missed you so much but it took one Glitch for you to come back to him and in his mind he could only blame one person for you being taken away for so long.
One Miles Morales.
You just hope you can stop the man you love for making a mistake.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
In the spirit of offering bad medical advice, there's been some success with riding roller coasters to get rid of kidney stones. Which is clearly something you should try that wouldn't end badly at all
You know what, I'd be for it if I didn't think my wobbly head wouldn't pop off the top of my spinal column like a malfunctioning Pez dispenser.
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beemovieerotica · 6 months
i'm so mad i got an entire surgery to get rid of my kidney stones and then went back for an ultrasound this week and there's STILL one in there!!! also i'm tired of doctors telling me to hydrate more i'm literally the most hydrated person who's ever lived. like i'm sick of it ok my pee looks like water!! my bloodwork gets flagged for being too hydrated!! and then they look me in the eye and say "drink more water" bitch if i did i would die
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rumoredtoexist · 6 months
i decided to read "i love Atsushi" because i thought it'd be fun and i so naïvely thought that "it couldn't be that bad right?" right? right??WRONG. i have never been so horrendously wrong in my LIFE. i actually think i might need electroshock therapy after reading this. anyways some honorable quotes and mentions are as follows: the entire first page was just "DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT" so, that was a promising start (the very first fic, cause it was essentially a bunch of one-shots, was of siblings, the fact that i even got past that is beyond me.) "kidney stone licking" as a tag????? what??? does that even mean??? that's not even the worst one but i literally cannot get past that. anon/op referring to THEIR labia as "succulent flaps of love meat" that one made me really stop for a second. oh and also "spikey tiger cock" being used over and over and over again. (it was also a tag) one man one jar was mentioned. and other MUCH worse things that i don't even think i can mention for the mental well being of literally every person ever??? i like to push the limits of what i can read and watch, I've read playground, I've watched the pokipsy tapes, the farm, and a ton of other horrid horror movies but this, this crossed so many lines i just. what. what. what. now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go scrub the folds of my brain to rid myself of the atrocity of whatever the fuck i just read. goodbye, i hope your night is better than mine.
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lisaplant4 · 26 days
Went to the hospital Hypertension Clinic this morning. Consultant discharged me, said he was 'really happy' and that he 'rarely sees results like this in clinic'!!! So that's one thing sorted 😁
If I could just get rid of these bloody kidney stones already! 🤣
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annacoleman · 2 years
for those of you who didn’t see my post, on sunday night I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance because I was experiencing severe pain in my abdomen (amongst other things.) I found out that I have a large kidney stone, and if it doesn’t pass, I will require surgery.
I haven’t felt like doing much lately other than laying around because the pain can be so extreme that it also tends to make me feel very nauseous. with that being said, I haven’t been able to create any content or really even be on here much. 
I don’t see myself posting much (if anything) until I feel better and finally get rid of this thing. but, I will still check my dms if you want to chat. I could always use some friends in times like these.
finally, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s messaged me and shown me love and support this past week. it’s been extremely hard going through this, and just having people who care about me has made it a little bit easier. thank you. I love you.💖
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imaginingbleach · 4 months
So, just got reminded I wrote this when I was what I believed at the time was cramping.
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I had gone to urgent care and gotten an ultrasound and it turned out I had a cyst on my ovary!
Rambling rant bellw
Unfortunately, when I went to a doctor sometime later; he didn't really do anything for me.
An even bigger fun fact, I wrote this 5 years, 7 months and 2 days ago.
I have been dealing with worse pain than at that time for the past two-ish years.
It's taken me this long at a few different hospital related visits, but my PCP has agreed that if my current gyno can't (state laws, she's out of state) or won't (personal belief or whatever); she will refer me to someone who WILL give me a hysterectomy.
I've been saying just remove it all since I started seeing her in 2019 😭
She admitted that a gyno wouldn't agree until we tried an IUD and I finally got one in November...
It was literally, and I'm not joking, for me? The most painful experience in my fucking life -- and I've possibly passed a kidney stone.
I was told the pain would pass, but the IUD hasn't helped with the pain and hasn't totally gotten rid of my period :'D
It's even made my hormones worse!
I'm seeing her on Monday and if I don't get a "okay we'll do it" I'm immediately messaging my PCP for a referral.
I don't know why "I literally can't stand straight for ten minutes because my back flares up in pain" isn't being taken more seriously.
Or why she thinks that can't be related to the constant cysts on my ovaries. :')
Anyway, like I said was just reminded and amazed at just how bad the past five years have been in that regards.
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 4 months
The other day in the car my younger brother said that passing a kidney stone is like…a man’s version of giving birth. Like he said that it would be just as much, if not more painful than childbirth and that it’s the closest thing men will experience to giving birth. And I was like “…bro? Do you think women just…don’t have kidneys?” And he continued to argue that kidney stones had to be worse than giving birth to guys because idk the journey to pass a kidney stone is longer for dudes because of their dicks???? And I’m like “Okay bro listen. I’m almost 100% sure that a kidney stone would not rip your dick open so childbirth is definitely worse.” And he has the audacity to go “Well some kidney stones could be the size of a watermelon.” Bro who is letting it get that big???? Is there some sort of LAW saying you can’t get rid of a kidney stone until it is the size of a watermelon? That would be incredibly painful for the person to even let it get that big in the first place so if it was that big there would probably be a good chance that person has something wrong with them where they can’t feel pain (like that one girl with the 25 foot tapeworm from House MD).
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
Do you have any advice for preparing to get phallo/the process leading up to it? Also any advice on staying stealth while getting the surgeries done? I'm currently stealth and am looking to get phallo if/when I can afford it, but I don't know where to begin or how to not out myself to people during the whole thing.
Okay, lots to answer here. We will start with phallo prep. Alright, so one of the first things you have to think about is your donor site. You have a few options: forearm, lower back, and thigh. You want sensitive skin because this will form your member. And if course making sure you are healthy, no smoking, etc.
I chose my forearm. No matter where you pick, hair removal is important. For example: check the inside of your non dominant arm and see how hairy it is. They use the inside of your forearm to make the urethra. We don't want fissures, so most important for hair removal is your inner forearm. You can easily stay stealth while prepping your donor site with hair removal. Lots of people "don't like body hair". Or "I really want this tattoo to be perfectly visible". You don't need to offer a lot of information, people really dont care. "I want to prep my arm for a tattoo sleeve, and i dont want the hair to grow back and wreck the design". But lets be honest, they are in the busy of hair removal and they want you there. They dont care why lol. Explaining the scarring on the forearm after phallo: I say I burned my arm working at one of my first jobs in fast food. People have never questioned me. In fact, they usually will take it upon themselves to tell me some sort of burn story of their own to relate? I guess. Either way, it's chill. dont sweat the scarring. Definitely look up places that laser or electrolysis in your areas, or if you're worried in a city over. The point is: your skin will continue to grow hair, whether it's thick or teeny soft ones. You don't want that inside you. Same goes for the outside, your member will grow hair if you don't get the hair permanently removed.
It hurts, I'm not going to lie to you. But you'll be very happy with the results in the future. It's worth it. So... look into some hair removal places.
Exercise is important. Wrist exercises to strengthen are good if you choose forearm.
I'm not sure if you've had any surgeries. But you will need to get a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy as like the first "surgery step" of phallo. It's important to have these surgeries, especially if you've been taking T for longer than 10 years. If you don't remove the uterus and ovaries but keep taking T... you have a very high risk of getting cancer. So please, if you can try to see an endocrinologist at least once to get some basic knowledge on the effects of the hormones in relation to the inner workings of the human body, that would be good.
Stealth wise: it's your body and you can be rid of whatever innards you want lol. Meaning: tell the doctor you don't want the uterus and ovaries, and you want them removed. When asked "why...are you sure". "Yes, I am absolutely sure. I could go into surgery today if you have an opening" They won't have one open obviously but the point is: be insistant and strong and stern. If the doctor needs reasons here are a few: I don't want kids. I am in pain because of my period and it's affecting my quality of life". USE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE: "this affects my quality of life"
When you're in the process of phallo to stay stealth I used the excuse of needing to have corrective surgeries on my penis. Honestly. I was staying with my inlaws for the last two surgeries and they do not know at all. And I told them I had issues with my urinary tract (for me i have kidney stones and I said one tore me up inside so I needed to fix it). And honestly you won't be up and moving a lot after the first process of phallo, I don't really think you'll have an issue having to hide that. I want not just you but every dude to know men pee sitting down a lot more often than you think. After your first stage chances are you will have too much swelling to do the urethra surgery at the same time (but it can be done, I've heard people tell me). Basically the internet can provide you with medical excuses and stuff to tell others if they get too "intimate" with you.
Hopefully this helps a bit. If you have follow up questions, you know where to go!
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curedcare · 2 years
10 yoga poses that will reduce your belly fat in winter
Although you may not realize it, obesity can have many negative effects on your body. Obesity can disrupt your sleep cycle, cause you to feel tired, and increase your risk of developing many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and kidney stones. Experts recommend that you eat well and exercise regularly to lose belly fat. If you want a flat stomach, then you need to eat right and also exercise regularly. To tone your core, you must try the best yoga postures to reduce belly fat.
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Yoga poses can help reduce belly fat
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar is the founder of Akshar Yoga Development Centre and spoke to CuredCare to discuss the best yoga poses for losing belly fat.
Akshar states, “Abdominal obesity can be dangerous and can also pose a risk to your health.” If you have a large stomach, you are more susceptible to developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Yoga asanas can help with weight loss and toning your stomach in an effective and safe way.
These are 10 yoga asanas that can help you get rid of belly fat.
1. Halasana (Plough pose)
While you are lying on your back, your palms should be next to the floor.
Raise your legs 90 degrees by engaging your core muscles.
Place your palms flat on the ground.
Your legs should be under your head.
If necessary, brace your lower back with your hands.
Take a few deep breaths and maintain your position.
For 15 to 20 seconds, keep the position.
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2. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
Sit down. Place your hands on either side of your head and turn your arms to the shoulder.
Take a deep breath and then lift your body up in an arch.
Your body’s weight should be evenly distributed among your four limbs.
Maintain the posture for 15–20 seconds.
3. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Deepen your breath, then lift your arms and legs and lie on your stomach.
Try to look up and lift your legs and arms as high as possible.
Maintain the posture for 15–20 seconds.
4. Santolanasana (Plank pose)
Place your hands on your stomach and lift your pelvis, knees and upper body up. Then, grab the floor with both your toes.
Check the alignment of your spine and pelvis. Place your wrists just below your shoulders and your arms straight.
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5. Vasisthasana (Side-plank pose)
Begin in Santholanasan (Plank).
To the right, lift the left hand.
Align your feet.
Repeat the process on the opposite side.
6. Ustrasana (Camel pose)
Place your hands on the yoga mat, and extend your arms upwards.
Place your hands on your feet and arch your back.
Breathe deeply and then bend your back.
7. Eka padasana (One foot pose)
Start in Samastithi. As you raise your arms and join your hands in the Pranam Salutation, keep your back straight.
As you inhale, tilt your upper body forward so that it is parallel to ground.
Keep your arms straight up to your ears.
Slowly lift your right leg behind you, while keeping it straight.
Your upper body, arms, right leg, pelvis, and upper body should be straight.
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8. Chaturanga dandasana (Low plank)
Start in a plank and lower your arms to the ground.
To maintain a 90 degree angle in your elbows, lower your head.
Your elbows and wrists should be parallel to each other. Your shoulders should be pulled in and your body should be aligned.
For ten to fifteen seconds, hold the pose.
9. Padahastasana (Standing forward bent pose)
Standing, straighten your back.
Place your hands down.
To make it easier, you can bend your knees.
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10. Hastha uttanasana (Raised-arms pose)
Stretch your arms upwards and lift your hands.
To create an arch, tilt your head, neck and upper back slightly.
As you raise your upper body, keep your arms in front of your ears.
Focus your gaze up.
The stomach is the most difficult part of your body to lose weight. The yoga poses mentioned above can be helpful in reducing belly fat. They increase heart rate in the same way as aerobic exercise. This aids in calorie burn and increases metabolism.
Original Article: 10 yoga poses that will reduce your belly fat in winter
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ivy-saurs · 1 year
not kramer getting rid of his fridge because he only wants to eat fresh food after his kidney stone incident 😭 king where do you think you're meant to keep the ingredients for your fresh food 😭
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Teacher Life Update April 2023
It takes months and sometimes yours for things to occur to me that I should have understood way before.
I am finally changing doctors which I needed to years ago but like any good autistic, change is a horrible thing and I'm only doing it because I'm pretty much forced to & I'm so fed up with the awful service I get from the doctor I've been going to for 6 years.
The new doctor is not entirely new to me, I have gone to her before and I am now kicking myself for not making her my primary care physician about 3 years ago when I had the chance. I won't be able to get an appointment with her until next month but I am already composing in my head what I am going to talk to her about.
And that's when it occurred to me that so much of what I go through on a daily basis with my mobility issues has nothing to do with my physicality, even though I am a lot weaker than I used to be. It is all due to the unbelievable amount of anxiety I feel every minute of every day.
I came to the previous doctor with this issue. I had plateaued out on Zoloft and asked him to be put on something else. He put me on a Paxil and initially it did okay but I knew he was starting me off on pretty much a baby dose and I needed a higher dose. When I asked for that higher dose he put me right back on Zoloft which was pretty much like just giving me a placebo.
Add that added to the amount of stress I'm under everyday teaching the covid generation and it is like I exist in a state of anxiety that is so elevated, by the time I'm off work and go home I am completely deflated and can't do anything.
This means my house is a wreck and my husband thinks I'm some kind of lazy, awful wife who just doesn't want to take care of things. And I cannot make him understand it is not a matter of not wanting to it is a matter of being so physically drained because of the stress and anxiety that I cannot move.
Add to this the everyday stresslately of the death of my surrogate godmother, the death of my great nephew, having to try and file assault charges on one of my students (which did not work because I did not get to and I did not even get to get kick that student out of my class so that student is still there), and then all of that stress manifesting in kidney stones for which my doctor that I'm getting rid of forgot to call me in pain meds for 4 days for. Which was the last straw in causing me to get rid of him.
On top of all of that it is mid April, which is the anniversary of my sister's death, and the anniversary from last year of the single worst employee evaluation I ever had in my life.
I have spoken about this last year but if anyone is on here and is new here is what happened in a nutshell.
I had had the same principal for 5 years and I thought we had a very good relationship
. In the beginning I actually felt very close to her. I do not know what happened last year. Something changed. And she made my life a living hell the entire year. She said she had an open door policy but when I came to her and took advantage of it she completely dismissed anything I had to say and worse after I had told her everything I needed to and was crying, she looked at me very coldly and said" Mrs. _____, do you feel better now !?"in a voice that said I had completely wasted her time and my own.
Because I refused to spend any more time than I had to working with someone out of my apartment who screamed at me and was hateful to me every time we were engaged, I was told I was being a baby and unprofessional.
I was told I had not grown any in 6 years. I was told I was too stupid to go back and teach in the English Department even though when I was in The English Department for 3 years we had the highest test scores we had since.
Even though we had gone through several teachers in the social studies Department that year and I was the one who stayed and did all the work, I was told that she did not tell people thank you for things like that. It was not her leadership style to tell people thank you. Her version of letting you know how thankful she was for you was giving you a donut once every quarter and cooking for you once a year. And this was literally word for word.
This came totally out of left field because the entire year every single walkthrough, and every single observation I had gotten by the two asst pribcipals was unbelievably positive.
I had the mother of all panic attacks after that---- or actually during but as soon as I got out of her room I just completely broke down and could not even walk over to my room I just kind of froze.
The head of this bed Department saw me I knew immediately something was wrong, came and walked me over to my room because I just could not move an inch.
that's what my panic attacks are, it's not fight or flight for me it is always freeze or pass out.
I left that room never wanting to teach again, not in our district or any other,. If I hadn't been on medication I would have thought very seriously of killing myself.
It has been one year and because of that I am still completely terrified of that woman even though she is no longer my principal but has been moved to a higher position as assistant superintendent.
And this is going to be TMI but I just want to demonstrate how scared I am of her. It is so bad that even though I have minor incontinence problems, if I see her in the hallway when I have it off. I would rather urinate on myself then have to pass her in the hall to get to the bathroom.
I have had nightmares about her for the last year including last night. I had a dream that even though I was so sick I was in the hospital she forced me into a wheelchair and made me come to work anyway.
I have only had to be in the same room with her one time since that encounter and that was for a parent conference that she set in on without me being told in advance that she was going to be there. And I literally thought I was going to pass out during it. After she left I could not get up or leave my room for the next 30 minutes I just sat in place shaking.
This year we have a new principal but he is a little mouse of a man who has no Authority whatsoever and pretty much answers to her, I'm assuming. I don't think he makes any big decisions on his own. And he will be evaluating me or he already has I'm just waiting to find out what he thinks.
So I am just waiting to find out if I'm going to be taking into a room with another person and mentally and emotionally annihilated and tortured for an hour like I was last year.
I have to give myself a lot of credit for going through this all the time.
I'm really hoping that this new doctor will get my medication right so that I don't have to do this next year.
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gleeokenspiel · 2 years
Heeeeey im soooooo sorry, I know you might find this a bit strange but I really do have a huge favor to ask but im so embarrassed to ask for it but I guess there’s no harm on trying, right? Can you consider boosting/sharing the post I pinned for my cat please? We’re in desperately need of help rn. Im so sorry for coming across your inbox like this. Please also consider answering this privately or send me a msg instead! Wishing you well and I hope that you’ll have an amazing year ahead of you ❤️❤️
im was debating answering this publicly over deleting it but here we are. this scam is apparently fairly common so in this essay i will-
you know, i watched you delete that pinned post live in 4k because a mutual of mine called you out for being a scammer in its notes and instead of rebutting them for being a jerk abt it you deleted it and reposted it to get rid of that comment
not only are all your rbs from source (meaning you probably created an account semi recently, just looked up top posts in cats, many of which I already rbed today from mutuals and blogs i followed and rb'd to pretend to fill your blog)
every single one was mass rbed an hour ago as i type and the oldest post you've rb'd was 4 days ago
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and hell, wouldn't you WANT a public ask so people see it if you're gonna go through the trouble of.. i dont know, asking random people on the internet on tumblr dot com?
on top of that, i am not a medical profressional so i cannot say for 100% certainty, but apparently that doctor's note treatment only treats kidney stones and tooth surgery. and i dont really know how its done elsewhere, but somehow "antibiotics to go home with" seems. kind of out there for a note w/how vague it is
if your cat is actually in need of help, im so sorry. but also a lot of things dont really seem to align and looking at other cases things kinda have the same vibe (primary reblogs only, very few reblogs, PMing people)
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jakemorph · 2 years
committing disembowelment by ritual blade to get rid of kidney stones
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