#GFBS information
gfbs-the-decaying · 5 months
⚠️🩸/ Disturbing imagery . Blood / gore . Animal death and injury . Body horror . all around a lot of gruesome stuff
Throughout the 2 years GFBS has torn through the region, variants of the decaying have arisen. Some documented cases are
The contaminated- Those who contracted the virus from the water- while not much of a danger, they were the main cause of major spread
Tundras Strays- located in the northern regions in: Northern Stathmore Valley, and Arborford Tundra; Their "corpses" have not rotted into the late stages
Mutants- Currently much is unknown about this specifc set of mutants, however some presume them to have been past lovers unable to leave eachothers sides.
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parab0mb · 2 years
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I call this one "Snatcher Snatches Moonjumper's Social Security Number". He really is a good friend, and such a little jokester!
This is totally, 100% the canon reason why Moonjumper was cut from the game and his role fulfilled by the Snatcher. Really! You can trust me, I'm a GFB employee! Seriously! I'm definitely not just impersonating one! I swear this personal information isn't fraudulent! Hey who's breaking down my do-
But seriously, I wanted to draw some more hat game stuff while it's still occupying head space. And as a fan of the game I figured I was obligated to draw the haunted noodle at least once.
Also just wanted to mention that Snatcher's appearance and the context for the picture were inspired by the early version(s) of the game's story and, more specifically, the @shane-frost animatics (seriously go watch those if you haven't already).
EDIT: Added bg for visual clarity
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
seeing that lovebutton doesnt have any Genius submissions is making the archiver inside me want to transcribe everything to put on genius.... and i gotta make a proper archival page for Gods Favorite Beefcake on my own website though-- i dont want Genius to be the only place that the transcriptions and information exists. GFB and Dan Warren are my top fave artists of all time and i dont want them to be lost to time!!
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uromotoutoka · 2 years
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🍾 二千と二十二、末頃 久方ぶりに堪能したJessicaが 諸々パーフェクト過ぎて 眼鏡飛んでいったんだよな 今宵サロキにてレコ発、おめでとう ----------------------------------------------- 2023.02.19(sun) JAM JAM JAM! 松山サロンキティ OPEN 18:00/START 18:30 ADV ¥2,000/DOOR ¥2,500(+drink ¥600) -cast- Jessica ゼロカル クリエイテル ----------------------------------------------- リリースされる、ちりぢりな夜 そしてそのMVの盛り上がりに 賛同する場面だろうけど 僕は投稿に混えてる この曲でぶち上がっていたのよ 来月頭に控えたROCK TRIBEで 久方ぶりに共演出来るのも喜ばしいところ ----------------------------------------------- ROCK TRIBE 21周年記念祭 https://bit.ly/3YdyGjf JEANDORE Presents ROCK TRIBE 21th Anniversary Luxury "Alpha and Omega" 2023.3.5 (Sun) @新居浜ジャンドール Open-Start/Last 14:30–15:00/21:00 Ticket Adv 3500yen +1Drink Order (Door+500yen) ROCK TRIBE Dj's (Vinyl Only Set) Nori Guest Live 鋭児 Live caico Jessica  throma  LADALES 鋭児 (エイジ) https://lit.link/age2020age [Profile] Vo.御厨響一 Gt.及川千春 Ba.菅原寛人 Key.藤田聖史 Dr.市原太郎 2019年渋谷のストリートでセッションする中で出会い結成 2021年1月 1stEP「銀河」4月 2ndEP「Fire」リリース 同年、Love Music「フジテレビ」ニューカマーコーナーにて紹介、つくばロックフェス出演、BAYCAMP@新木場スタジオコースト出演、10月 3rdEP「連理」リリース、12月 渋谷WWW SOLD OUT!!! 2022年、Spincoaster主催 MIND TRAVEL、りんご音楽祭2022、FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'22、GFB'22(つくばロックフェス)、Scramble Fes 2022、RUSH BULL 2022、やついフェス 2022など大型フェスに参加 Altanative Rock,Soul,Hiphop,Electroなどを混ぜたようなバンドの既成概念を壊すジャンルレスな 音楽性と、JAMをしながら作り上げていくリアルを追求するライブパフォーマンスが特徴的である バンド名は当初”同時代性を表現する"という意味を込めたAGE表記より2021年に鋭児へと改名 鋭児はVo.響一の尊敬する祖父の名前である [前売りチケット店舗販売] Bar Caezar (松山) ; https://barcaezar.jimdo.com マルイレコード (松山) ; https://www.facebook.com/maruiplus/ JEANDORE (新居浜) ; http://www.jeandore.com [NET販売] LAWSON Ticket ; https://bit.ly/3wGpGrg (Lコード:63710) ※受付期間: 2023/2/1(木) 10:00 ~ 2023/3/4(土) 23:59まで [Information] ROCK TROBE HP ; https://rocktribe.wordpress.com/ LINE@ ; https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vle6726y JEANDORE (新居浜ジャンドール) 〒792-0022 愛媛県新居浜市徳常町6番8号CINEXビル 2F Te l: 0897-32-3567 Fax : 0897-47-0348 HP ; http://www.jeandore.com 問い合わせ mail ; http://www.jeandore.com/contact.html ----------------------------------------------- Liveの時間にかけて晴れていくって いいレコ発日和だな、徳を積んだか 今宵もROCK TRIBEも何卒 https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1lWekvfjd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xxfaylinnxx · 3 years
Actually, I don’t know how to start this...wow all of this regret is really messing with my mental health. I’m even considering leaving the fandom at this point as it is just too painful for me to go on. I made many positive experiences and memories with ahit but also really, really negative ones. It has got to a point where the negative outweigh the positive. I love a hat in time with all my heart but all the effort and work just never pays off. The pain is so much greater than the sense of achievement and fulfillment. It feels like a toxic relationship, because I always come back to it even if it hurts me so much. And I don’t want to feel this depressed ever again. I’ve been in this fandom for 3 years now, I met many great people, made friends, learned so many new stuff. But it also caused me so many down phases, self-doubts and negative memories. I have never stayed in a fandom this long and don’t know if I’m ready to leave. Of course this is also not the only reason as irl stress and other problems are catching up on me. Overall I am feeling just awful for the last few months. But this was probably the last straw that broke the camel’s back. 
If you are wondering what had happened, basically I missed probably my biggest chance. I provided art for the newest mod of the Creator DLC “Vanessa’s Curse”. I drew covers for it, icons and designed an outfit together with my commissioner. At that time no one knew what would actually become of this mod. So when out of the blue a few months later I had to sign an agreement I declined. They couldn’t tell me what was going on or why it was needed. I was too scared of sharing my personal information and didn’t want to be exploided. I didn’t trust the creator to my misfortune. So I messed up. They couldn’t use my art for it anymore because of me not signing the contract and had to replace all of it. Now it’s all in vain and all the time and effort that went into it for nothing. I am so deeply regretting my choices, for being so selfish and also for missing out this huge opportunity. This mod meant everything to me, it would have fulfilled one of my biggest dreams to work with the offical ahit/gfb. But it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s over. And I’m left with regret and dissapointment in myself.
Maybe you can understand my situation a bit more now, maybe you don’t. Maybe I just need some time but it won’t be easy no matter what I do. 
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timetravelinghk · 3 years
I'm not sure if you actually care but GFB confirmed that Vanessa's Curse IS canon, and so are all the other CDLC's that'll release
First of all I want to apologize for spreading false information. To that time I wasn't involved into the whole business, what's canon/gonna happen next anymore. I was only assuming because at the time I was working with them, it was considered only to be a mod. As well as I mistook it for two years on and off in development as it actually were three.
You can say what you want but in the end of the day it was intended to be a mod, if it wasn't for the fans, this canon wouldn't have existed.
Another thing that's standing out for me ever since are the original voice lines in the offical Death Wish DLC. Everyone seems to forget about the previous lines where he actually mentions her. The one where he says he's got a lonely old friend living all by herself in a dusty old manor. The one where he says that everyone has a soulmate and that she's waiting for him? To be honest I can't imagine anyone else who could have been refered to here other than Vanessa. Of course one could argue that it was meant to be ironic or in a sarcastic manner but really, for me it sounds way more nostalgic and wistful. And it adds so much more to the character than just blank hate, bitterness and disgust towards her. Because feelings are complicated and messy. So even if something hurts you so bad sometimes you can't just completely turn your back against it, hate it and just drop all your former feelings. Sometimes you can't help but long for the good old days.
The Seal the Deal DLC with DW included was created by the original creators so it will always have a higher priority for me. Don't get me wrong, I love fan made content about Snatcher and his backstory! It's a fun and exciting experience how others interpret and tell the story of the two but it will always be something fanmade/non-canon for me.
If GFB decided to make it canon, everything that happened in this mod, even if it's mostly based on a multiplayer online mode, then I feel like the "previous version" of how they told the story doesn't line up with the "new one". The voice lines from Death Wish just don't really match up with the mood in the VC DLC.
I especially liked the cryptic lines a lot because you were able to interpret so much in them. Gfb did such a good job in telling a story carefully and making it mysterious in a way. If you have to think on your own and put the puzzle pieces together yourself it will feel much more like an achievement, like something special. You have to think and interact and don't just get every info thrown straight at you.
I know, I probably sound like I'm crying over here and hating over there. But in reality I just felt like telling you how I feel and share my point of view. Maybe you agree, maybe you don't. It's both understandable. But I think my thought process here is important for the further progression of this comic.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
It’s that time again.
We had to do some MAJOR changes. There’s disappointment in some ways because it feels like we’re doing less, but it’s actually just... less effort? CW did not drop season passes on its content on Amazon or other major platforms and are cycling it all through the app (and before that came to light, Amazon changed some of its mechanics that were part of the plan)
Buuuut some information dropped in GfB will be very useful. If you can’t be in the server, that’s fine, just catch on and support what people are doing in public.
I will note: this infographic includes a URL to an article that we’d prefer not go viral UNTIL then, so feel free to read it, but just wait to tweetshare it until the time in the graphic: Jan 21 8PM/20:00 EST (time zone adjuster here)
If you can’t be there (or even if you can), schedule at least 5 tweets for EXACTLY 8PM EST on tweetdeck. Remember: do not engage official CW accounts or official CW tags. 
Tweet form will be:#Walkawaytexasranger first, #somethingtosay second
Like: “I’ma #Walkawaytexasranger because I have #somethingtosay about profiting off kids at the border (link)”
Seriously, wait on the RAICES link until trend time cuz we want it to go as viral as possible with the highest visibility to the GA to try to hit goal. Rushing a few hours will actually help the kids less.
At least one tweet for the fundraiser and one for the article URL.
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There will be followup campaigns replacing #WalkAwayTexasRanger with #Harmed for Charmed at 8PM EST Jan 24, and #Riverstale for Riverdale Jan 27. Feel free to compile your information on why they’re problematic. Feel free to schedule your 5 tweets about this, also, right now, on tweetdeck. 
Please also QT/crosspromote the RAICES fundraiser as seems best functional in the others, as the fundraiser will be open until Jan 31st.
President Biden will be reuniting these families soon, but there’s a lot of work to be done and they’re more than “inspiration” for a cop drama. So let’s make a difference.
People in GFB have an extra layer of material, but I think you’ll catch on once it starts rolling. It’s the harder hitting edge but I promise this is everything. Even if you barely use twitter. 
Schedule five tweets, two of which are the article and charity. 
Rule of 5: scroll the hashtag, try to make sure everything has 5 likes, RTs, comments, QTs. 
Big Buzz: If a particular post seems to be shooting off to the moon, and has like 234 likes already, everyone comment on that with the tags in quick replies relevant to the conversation. Preferrably one big fundraiser post and one big article post, anything that seems majorly impacting, and then one big meme someone shoves in the tag or something.
Avoid spam filters: include articles, avoid repetition, use images or gifs if possible, don’t use more than 2 tags.
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standardgroup · 4 years
Important Benefits of Using a Counting Machine
Advances in technology have made life less cumbersome, especially when it comes to the way businesses are now being conducted globally. Specialized office machines and equipment like note counting machines have helped in the improvement of workplace efficiency and accuracy in business transactions.
These counting machines have now provided businesses with a variety of solutions, all aimed at improving efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. Note counting machines like the Glory GFB-800 in particular have become indispensable to most retail shops, banks, and hotels today.
These money counting machines, offer diverse advantages and are extremely valuable for businesses.
The following are advantages of using a Counting Machine
Time Saving                        
One of the major benefits of using a Note Counting machine is that it is fast, effective and time saving.
The note counting machine provides a far more effective and faster counting of bank notes at a much faster and accurate rate than a human. It also has capacity to handle a lot of cash at a single time.
It takes only a few seconds for the note counting machine to count your bank notes and there is no need for the user to waste time in rechecking the figures because the counting is always very accurate.
Just a single quick count offers the result. You may place the machine just next to your cash counter and save considerable time. Small sized machines may be placed at the desk for quicker tasks. They do not occupy much space.
Simple to Operate:
The currency counting machine is also exceptionally simple to work with. It accompanies an arrangement of programmed start and stop settings..
The machine begins counting automatically, when the notes are inserted into it and stops when the money is counted completely. The note counting machine is also very user-friendly.
Another important benefit of the counting machine is the convenience it offers the user. For example, most Glory note counting machines are designed to be handy and portable, allowing the cashier to carry it about.
Most Note Counting Machines are battery operated and can for this reason; they can be used conveniently, even in the event of a power failure.
Another beneficial thing about the cash counting machine is that the outcome is in every case extremely precise contrasted with manual counting.
For instance a human may make an error while counting notes manually, but the machine rarely, if ever makes such mistakes. It separates the notes well and counts them.
Even old and ruined notes stocked to one another are counted independently by the machine
Smart and Reliable:
Modern cash counting devices don’t just look elegant and stylish they are actually smart. The machine is intelligent enough to understand its own system.
Post self-examination, it informs the user if there is any problem found in its operation. Some machines also recognize different denominations. They give the total amount instead of just counting the notes.
Where to buy note counting machine in Nigeria
Other than the 5 advantages of Note Counting Machines, listed here, there are numerous different advantages you can get when you purchase quality counting machines designed by a respectable brand
SGI Global Enterprises is one of the major suppliers of Note counting machine and other office machines in Nigeria.
If you’re looking for where to buy quality note counting machine in Lagos, or anywhere in Nigeria, you can buy your note counting machine from us and we’ll deliver it to you wherever you are. To do this, you can place a call directly or send an email to us and we’ll get back to you immediately.
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mothpile · 4 years
I can't think about empress a hat in time for too long or else I'll get 1) gay 2) vry mad she got cheated out of a cool timerift explaining her backstory because holy FUCK im just gonna say it. gfb you can NOT have a cool character and put graffiti's around of her in the met ros and then NOT EXPLAIN . IM SO MAD . rumbi factory could've 100% just been some death wish addition that comes with the metro dlc !!!!!!!! or something I'm just MAD . WHY DIDNT THE EMPRESS GET HER LORE MOMENTS GFB WHY ARW YOU SUPPRESSING INFORMATION FROM THE LESBIA
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flowerbeom · 4 years
Formally : jaebeom, intimidating, writings(specifically GFB) Informally : momsie 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
jaebeom: lol, I’m loving that he is the first part of my brand.  intimidating: WHAT?!  writing (spefically GFB): I should probably try to work on that update, huh? but thank you, my blog is (well should be) a writing blog first and foremost.  momsie: except you find me intimidating lol... 
i love you either way, nikki baby. 
→ tell me 3 things that make up ‘my brand’
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cracksz1 · 2 years
Anti-Porn v27.3.6.22 Crack With Activation Key Free Download 2022
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Anti-Porn v27.3.6.22 Crack With Activation Key Free Download 2022:
Anti-Porn Crack 2022 Download The internet grew to become parenthood into a challenge, mostly on account of the grown-up content that is large, one search faraway from your children. The pleasant manner to head approximately this is to install devoted software which could limit get right of entry to such beside the point websites. Anti-porn Free Download casts out the awful online and offline content material, at the same time as supplying dad and mom a high-quality deal of manage over their children’s pastime. Other than forbidding get admission to pornography, it blocks chat packages or games and it lets in parents to determine the quantity of time their kids spend on the laptop.
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Anti-Porn Activation Key casts out the bad online and offline content while offering parents a great deal of control over their children’s activity. Aside from forbidding access to vulgarity, it blocks chat applications or games and it allows parents to decide the amount of time their kids spend on the computer.   Feature: - Here are some key pointers in moving forward. - Block Porn Internet Websites: - Anti-Porn blocks many pornographic net sites and predatory phrases. - You could also specify a factor that - prevents children from viewing, for example, online websites and offensive phrases. - At the same time, you can control the filtering accuracy. - Restricted Internet Chat: - The anti-porn serial key can restrict many popular chatting software and web chat chambers. - Get Internet access by day and time: - You can easily assign internet access times on certain days, even at certain hours. - A unique feature of Antipoorn is that computer time will be classified as Greenwich Mean Time. - Keep a complete log of PC history: - Antipoorn Full Crack has detailed logs of all visited, blocked or unknown Internet websites. - File traffic information to review Internet usage. - You can take inventory of your children's laptops, - search all the pics, movies, song files and web pages. - The definition depends on the sites: - Antipoorn has consulted a number of websites that are suitable for children. - You can add another one. Screenshots:
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Serial Key : RT GV KJGF DGDHGSD GUKDHDF HG JK YT IUO GD GHF BJG IHY HGNB JGNB IU TR YFTB  UYKNM LN  YU  YTV YNB  UIBN TFR DF CX TR HGF HJG JH JH JHG HHG FG JH HG KJ IU TR CBG GCB ,M KJ GJ YG YUFD GH JH HJ UFS U43WR SFUYER JHUSD HKSF JHSDG HJDF JKSF UYDSF JDF KJCGF KJFG JHDFG JHKSF JHKVSD JHV FDSKJDSF JFSFD Activation Key: W3 T4 GF 7U GT5 RT4 VD EF R4 JY , L9 J7 6HY G5 R EF VF CS DW EF RG GFB YT RWE EF FV BF N UK YHJ T FV DV  DWD GR YJH IK P;.K, JMN G BGF FV DC DC JHG SC EVD R HT 7J 5G 4R 2E W1 E3 R4 5G J7 8I 9L JU7 HY6 G5 F4 D3 3ED E2 3E 4R JHG DE RF TG YHJ GB FV CD SX AZ DC VF GB HN JM MK YJ GT RF ED DS XS EF GR HT FEW EGFT  TJM HN GBF F DCV C DQS EFW ET TY GH FB VF CX X S WS E ER E3 D DC DW GFR HY JM BG FGV FR ED DC RFVG TH RG DV DW W GRF Y GRF F DC CX SX How to installAnti-Porn crack? - After downloading, extract the zip file using Winner R or OneZip - After squeezing, the zip file installs the program as normal. - Do not run the software after installation. - Please always read the radium file. - Please copy and paste the crack file into the c / program files. - Run the software after installation. - You are done Enjoy the full version now.   Read the full article
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minijenn · 6 years
Universe Falls Chapter 51
Damn its been almost a month since we’ve had a new UF chapter can ya’ll believe that? Well now we finally have one and its... ok. Kinda short and kinda lackluster but whatever. I need to get back into the swing of things now that I have no distractions holding be back anymore (aside from the ones i put upon myself) but anyway, here ya go. Enjoy!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/173015479819/universe-falls-chapter-51
Chapter 52: Cry for Help
With the metaphorical roller coaster ride of events and emotions they had been consistently on for the past several days, Steven, Dipper, and Mabel all readily welcomed a break from this torrent of essentially earth-shattering revelations and aftershocks. However, the “break” that Steven and Mabel had formulated was one that Dipper wasn’t exactly fond of, but was ultimately outnumbered on, which was how he ended up being sandwiched squarely in between the enthusiastic pair as they turned in for the ongoing Crying Breakfast Friends marathon.
All the same, two thirds of the trio were thoroughly enraptured in the depressing escapades of Sniffling Croissant, Sad Pear, and Bawling Bacon all weeping inconsolably over some sort of ‘shocking’ reveal concerning their mysterious family members. “Wow…” Steven mused in amazement in light of this turn in the show. “What a great plot twist! I can’t believe Sniffling Croissant’s dad was actually one of the Angry Lunch Enemies all this time!”
“I know, right?!” Mabel exclaimed, just as stunned. “And that they finally found Sad Pear and Bawling Bacon’s long-lost aunt! It’s like everything’s unraveling all at once and its so crazy! I wonder how everyone is gonna react to all these huge drama bombs!”
“You guys are kidding, right?” Dipper interjected dryly. “Those ‘plot twists’ were totally predictable. I’ve only seen a few episodes of this show and from what I’ve seen, they’ve foreshadowed all that stuff so much that just about anyone could have figured it out from basically the beginning.”
A beat of somewhat awkward silence passed at this callout, until Steven found a silver lining in it and quickly perked up. “Aw, Dipper! You really are invested in Crying Breakfast Friends after all, just like me and Mabel!”
“…Believe me, Steven, I’m really not,” Dipper deadpanned, rolling his eyes at the over the top cartoon on TV.
Not long after this exchange, the temple doors began to open and instantly, all three of the kids directed their attention away from the TV and in that direction instead. After all, none of them had really heard anything from any of the Gems since the return of their apparently tumultuous memories the other day. Suffice to say they were all immensely curious to know both how they were coping with what they had discovered, as well as whatever it was they had remembered in the first place. But given how sensitive of a subject it likely still was for the Gems, the kids knew they were in no position to pry about any of it; the last thing they wanted was to set Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl off again so soon after the solid ground they once stood on abruptly crumbled apart underneath them.
But still, that didn’t mean the trio didn’t want to know they answers they themselves were still missing even after it was all said and done.
So they watched in somewhat tense silence as Amethyst trudged out of the temple, silent and clearly sullen as she kept her rather embittered gaze downward on her way over to the fridge. She didn’t bother to spare a glance up to the kids on the loft, much less make an effort to speak to them as she dully searched for a snack. The purple Gem’s distracted distance continued only until Steven hesitantly spoke up with a small smile, one that was filled with plenty of concern for Amethyst in light of what had happened just a few days ago.
“Uh… hey, Amethyst,” he greeted with slight uncertainty, exchanging a brief glance with the twins before continuing. “You, uh… you wanna watch Crying Breakfast Friends with us? There’s an all-day marathon going on.”
The purple Gem’s shoulders hitched at the offer, but she didn’t turn to face the trio as she muttered out her response. “Nah… I’m… I’m good…”
“A-are you sure?” Mabel asked, trying to be just as encouraging as Steven. “We’re in the middle of a really good one right now!”
“Not really,” Dipper remarked, though he was quickly corrected by a sudden elbowing from his sister. “Ow! Uh, yeah, I-I mean, it’s really, um… great…”
Amethyst hesitated for another moment or two before finally glancing over her shoulder at the kids, briefly taking in their warm, hopeful expressions before letting out a relenting sigh. “Yeah, alright,” she complied, heading up towards the loft herself before plopping down on the floor in front of the TV. “But only for a little while. I’m sorta… busy dealing with some… stuff.”
None of the kids bothered to ask what that “stuff” might have been, largely since they already had a pretty good guess about it. Even so, another bout of tentative silence took over the room, filled in only by the overdramatic wails of the breakfast characters on screen. But when it was finally broken, Steven was the one to do it, interrupting the show somewhat apprehensively as he addressed the purple Gem on the ground below him.
“Um… Amethyst?” he began, unsure of how to really phrase what he really wanted to ask, so instead, he went in another direction instead. “H-how are you feeling after the whole, um… you know… memory thing that happened the other day?”
“W-what, that whole thing?” Amethyst quickly replied, flinching as she forced a scoff out. “Pfft, I don’t even care about that junk anymore. I-I mean, its really messed up stuff, yeah, but uh… its fine, its whatever. It happened a way long time ago anyway, so its not like it even matters anymore anyway.”
“Uh… no offense, Amethyst, but it sure didn’t seem like it doesn’t matter based on how you guys reacted to getting those memories back in the first place…” Dipper noted truthfully.
“Ugh, well it doesn’t!” the purple Gem snapped, frustrated. “I don’t know about Garnet or Pearl, but I’m over it, so we don’t need to talk about it anymore!”
The kids exchanged a glance, rather doubtful of this claim based on Amethyst’s heated reaction, but none of them were too keen on continuing much further when it came to asking her anything related to the formerly missing memories. After all, it didn’t seem like they’d be getting too far along with the purple Gem when it came to getting answers about them anyway. “Well then, i-if the memory thing isn’t what’s bothering you, then… what does have you so down?” Mabel asked, still wanting to cheer the obviously discouraged purple Gem up.
Amethyst started at this, her eyes growing wide before her cheeks flushed in dark purple embarrassment, which she was quick to play off with another harsh scoff. “N-nothing!” she barked defensively. “Nothing’s got me down, I’m fine! I don’t know why you guys are grilling me with so many questions anyway, I thought you guys just called me up here to watch your weird cartoon with you and-” The purple Gem cut herself off as she nodded towards the TV, only to notice that the program had cut out into loud, bizarre static largely out of nowhere.
“Aw, hey! What’s the big idea?” Mabel asked with a pout. “Steven, did you forget to pay your cable bill or something?”
“My dad’s usually the one who does that, and he’s always pretty on top of getting it paid on time…” Steven mused thoughtfully as he looked to the snowy screen. “But this is pretty weird. It was doing this yesterday too…”
“Well, then maybe its just something wrong with your TV,” Dipper guessed. “Still, its not like you really need to rush to fix it or anything. Its not like we were missing much anyway…” He finished his last statement in a sarcastic mutter, one that Steven and Mabel readily disagreed with.
“Are you kidding, bro-bro? The entire show could be turning itself upside down right now, and all we’re seeing is a bunch of static!” Mabel huffed impatiently. “We gotta figure out a way to fix this!”
“Ugh, hang on, I got it,” Amethyst said as she stood and stepped beside the TV. The purple Gem then proceeded to give it a few soft kicks, though they did little to change the ongoing flow of endless static. “How about now?” she asked, glancing to the TV herself. She jumped back in surprise, however, as the static suddenly shifted, the television itself vibrating wildly as an unintelligible bout of odd gibberish began bursting from it.
“I-it’s never done that before,” Steven remarked, keeping a close eye on the screen along with the twins to see what might happen next. Soon enough, the screen soon changed again as an image gradually began to take shape upon it along with a voice. And as soon as both of these things became clear and distinguishable, the entire group present let out a startled gasp upon seeing exactly what, or rather who was interrupting the scheduled programming.
“This is Peridot,” the green Gem began with her prerecorded message, her manner clearly aggravated and rather frantic as she continued. “Transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned Crystal System colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised; my escort and escapee informant are gone and I am now stranded! Please send help!” With this desperate plea, the message repeated itself, with Peridot once again making her anxious appeal to the mysterious Yellow Diamond. Based on this alone, it took almost no deliberation between Amethyst and the kids for them to reach the decision to call Garnet and Pearl out of the temple so they could this troubling transmission. And upon hearing it for themselves, both of the other Gems were quick to place their own lingering remorse from their recalled memories aside, just as Amethyst had, for the sake of the brand new problem at hand.
“I don’t get it…” Mabel remarked, aptly confused as they all watched Peridot’s message over again. “Why would anyone give Peridot her own weird commercial? It’s not like she really has the kind of personality meant for television.”
“She probably just took over the airwaves, Mabel,” Dipper remarked, rolling his eyes as he cast another disdainful glare at the Gem on TV. “Though who knows how she managed to do that. I guess she might be smarter than we give her credit for. Maybe.”
“Doubt it,” Garnet said, her manner stoic as she rose to properly stand.
“Ok, thanks,” Steven finished his conversation on the phone before hanging up and addressing the others. “Connie says its on her TV too.”
“But where could Peridot be broadcasting a signal that strong?” Pearl asked with a concerned frown.
“There’s only one place,” Garnet said, taking in a deep, resolved breath before looking to her uncertain teammates. “Amethyst, Pearl. I know a lot has happened these past few days. And even more has changed as a result of everything we’ve learned. But… despite it all, its time we pull ourselves together and get back to doing what we do best: protecting the Earth from anyone who wants to harm it, including Homeworld. Now,” the Gem leader paused her bold, reassuring, and inspiring speech as she gracefully hopped down from the loft, putting on a small, somewhat unreadable smile as she looked up to the group still gathered above and encouraging them to follow. “Let’s get going. We have a transmission to interrupt and certain green Gem’s plans to thwart.”
The warp pad to the Gem communication hub located far off in the distant desert had been destroyed near the beginning of the summer courtesy of Sugilite. This meant that the only way the Gems and the kids could get there was on Lion, which was a pretty cramped ride, even as the pink beast roared a temporal portal there from Gravity Falls. Still, the night air was cool and crisp as they all arrived, Lion quickly plopping down in exhaustion underneath them as they all disembarked from his back. “Lion, are you ok?” Steven asked with concern, giving his faithful pet a comforting pat on the head as he allowed him some rest.
At the same time, Dipper and Mabel let out a simultaneous gasp of awe as they got their first glimpse of the towering communication hub before them, a Gem locale neither of them had been to since they had not been present for the Gems’ previous venture there. “Whoa… this place is amazing!” Dipper exclaimed, already immensely curious about it as he took a step closer. “I can’t believe something like this just… exists in the middle of the desert like this! What’s it for?”
“Well, it used to be used to transmit messages between the Earth and Homeworld…” Pearl began her brief explanation before Amethyst interjected.
“Before we busted it up a few weeks ago, just like we do with all of Homeworld’s old junk they got lying around here,” she remarked, playfully punching her hand and ignoring the white Gem’s exasperated huff.
“Well… it doesn’t look so busted up now…” Mabel noted, glancing back towards the hub.
“No, it doesn’t…” Garnet agreed, looking up to the tall beam of light emitting from the top of the tower up into the clouds above. “It’s as I feared…”
“Peridot must have somehow repaired the communication hub…” Pearl ventured with a frown as she surveyed the haphazard job the green Gem had apparently done. “Well, at least some of it. I suppose we really did underestimate her…”
“So… we just gotta wreck it up again, right?” Steven asked before letting out an excited gasp of recollection as he looked between Garnet and Amethyst. “You guys should form Sugilite!”
At this suggestion, Dipper adamantly shook his head, remembering well the aforementioned fusion’s violent rampage several weeks ago. “Uh, Steven, that might not be the best-”
“Oh my gosh, yes!” Mabel interjected brightly. “I didn’t get to meet Sugilite the last time around and I’ve always wanted to see how super tough and strong she is! Can you guys form her? Please, please please?!”
While Garnet didn’t provide much of a reaction, especially when compared to Pearl’s expression of silent fear, Amethyst smiled awkwardly, stretching casually as she cast a glance over at the Gem leader hopefully. “Er, y-yeah, well… its up to Garnet, I guess…” she said, a hint of anxiousness in her tone, one that was mingled with a certain amount of eagerness as well. “W-what do you say, G? Shall we mash it up…?”
“No,” Garnet staunchly replied, instantly shutting the purple Gem’s already wavering hopes down before they could even try to grow.
“B-but… don’t we need to be huge like last time?” Amethyst asked, her expression falling as she thought of the practically countless reasons for such a rejection. Reasons that were all rooted in things she had done and mistakes she had made.
“Last time was a disaster,” Garnet said, her tone steady and calm. “Last time we fused, Sugilite went berserk. Its because of her that we can’t even warp here anymore, not to mention how we nearly took out all those manotaurs.” The Gem leader paused, sighing softly as she took her shades off and looked down to the disheartened purple Gem sympathetically. “I can be brash, and you can be reckless. And we can both get carried away. So for the time being,” Garnet put her shades back on, her authority on the matter clear as Amethyst saw her reflection in them. “Sugilite is benched.”
“O-oh… yeah… o-ok…” Amethyst let out a sad sigh of acceptance, averting Garnet’s gaze out of shame as she knew that certainly wasn’t all there was to it. Certainly, the Gem leader wouldn’t say it out loud while the wound was still so fresh, but the purple Gem believed that her foolish, senseless bout of rebellion against the team before that portal just a few short days ago had everything to do with this. A rebellion that she could feel nothing but regret for now that it had all but ruined whatever trust the Gem leader might have once held for her.
“What we need now…” Garnet continued, turning to Pearl, who up until that point, had been standing off to the side in silent observation. “Is to be careful.” While Steven and Mabel let out a shared gasp of excited realization at this, Pearl starkly froze, her eyes wide with surprise and wonder as Garnet placed a hand on her shoulder and offered her a bold grin. “It’s you and me, Pearl. Let’s fuse.”
Upon hearing this offer, tears immediately welled up in the white Gem’s eyes, a huge smile claiming her features, perhaps the first one she had worn since recovering her lost memories. Garnet’s smile faded upon watching Pearl let out a choked, joyous sob, her formerly calm manner completely compromised for happiness and elation she couldn’t hope to contain. “Don’t cry, Pearl,” the Gem leader advised and the white Gem complied, sucking her tears in as she nodded, her lip still quivering all the while. “Come on, let’s do this.”
“I-I’m right behind you!” Pearl readily exclaimed, hurrying after Garnet as she claimed a wide open space for them to preform their fusion dance in.
“Woo-hoo!” Steven cheered, rushing ahead as well to watch as Mabel quickly followed, joining in his excited chanting. “Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!”
“Huh. You know, its pretty weird that its taken us this long to see Pearl and Garnet fuse,” Dipper noted inquisitively. “What’s their fusion even like?”
“Oh believe me,” Amethyst huffed, crossing her arms as she begrudgingly joined the group. “You’re sure as heck about to find out…”
A bright glow sparked through Garnet’s gemstones as she smirked, putting aside all thoughts of painful memories or frightening revelations as she looked to Pearl with renewed confidence. “I’m ready.”
“H-hang on!” Pearl quipped, hurriedly stretching herself out as she continued buzzing with obvious excitement. “It’s been such a long time…” The white Gem’s smile deepened as he own gemstone began to glow, and with an elegant bow, their fusion dance began. The entire thing was slow and elegant, with both Gems slowly, smoothly strutting towards one another. The group on the sidelines watched as the pair met, Pearl linking her arms with Garnet as she stood in front of her, both of their expressions intimate, seductive almost. And then, in a movement so fluid that it barely even registered, the Gem leader suddenly lifted her partner up as though she weighed nothing at all, tossing her incredibly high up into the air in a daring, deft maneuver. The kids jaws’ collectively dropped as Pearl preformed a midair spin high above them, before spreading herself wide, a smile still bright on her face as gravity began to pull her back down towards Garnet’s outstretched arms. The moment she landed, the bright glow of an oncoming fusion enveloped them both, their combining forms steadily growing in size as they reshaped and united. The white light soon turned into a pale orange sheet, the silhouette of a new being appearing behind it until she broke that curtain of light herself.
“Gooooooooood evening, everybody!” the new fusion bombastically declared as she made her debut. Her appearance was surprising to say the least; like most of the Gems’ fusions, she was tall, roughly about 30 or so feet in height as she stood with an air of elegance and self-importance. Her attire and mannerisms carried an air of natural showmanship to them, with a stately black tailcoat and leotard, dark leggings, and a large, bright orange bowtie. Her skin was a deep shade of vermillion, her short, rounded, somewhat triangular hair pale orange, and the rounded shades covering both sets of her bright, expressive eyes dark pink and transparent in coloration. Aside from an extra pair of eyes, the fusion also sported two pairs of arms, one from her poofed sleeves and the other from her slender torso, each of them bearing a pair of long white gloves. The fusion’s effervescent, toothy grin widened even moreso as she caught sight of her captivated audience, which she didn’t hesitate to saunter forward to cheerfully greet. “This is the lovely Sardonyx, coming to you live from the soon-to-be-former communication hub! How are ya’ll doin’ tonight?”
“Greaaaat…” Amethyst deadpanned, far from fond of Garnet and Pearl’s rather over the top fusion.
The kids, on the other hand, were completely awestruck by her, Steven and Mabel in particular as they met her appearance with huge matching grins of excitement. “Giant woman!” the young Gem exclaimed, stars in his eyes as he craned his neck up to look at the massive fusion.
“Oh my stars!” Sardonyx exclaimed, putting three of her large hands down in front of the kids and silently beckoning them to hop on. While Mabel and Steven readily did so, Dipper was somewhat more hesitant, though even so, he climbed onto one of them before the fusion raised all three of the kids up to her level. “If it isn’t Steven Universe, Dipper Pines, and Mabel Pines, all in the flesh! We finally meet. So, what do you think?” Sardonyx smirked as she spun her torso completely around, the arms connected to it somehow remaining in place as she preformed this surprising illusion. “Was I worth the wait? What am I saying? Of course I was! Ohohohoh!”
The fusion’s excitable laughter echoed throughout the desert, eliciting similar chuckles from all three of the kids, though Amethyst refused to join in on the merriment from her spot on the ground. “Oh my gosh, Sardonyx, you’re so funny!” Mabel quipped, bouncing up and down on her heels on the fusion’s large palm. “And so stylish too! I love your bow tie!”
“Oh, why, thank you, Mabel darling!” Sardonyx beamed happily, using her free hand to adjust the aforementioned bow. “It really is quite the trendsetter, isn’t it? Then again, I’m really quite the trendsetter in general, so its not that surprising, is it?”
Mabel let out an amused chuckle at this, thoroughly charmed by the fusion’s apt sense of humor. “Nope! I guess its not!” she laughed, Sardonyx briefly joining in before Dipper interjected.
“Hey, so uh…” he began somewhat awkwardly as he caught the fusion’s attention. “Just a quick question: are you guys always so… theatrical when you’re fused?”
“Theatrical! Now there’s a million-dollar word!” Sardonyx exclaimed with a dramatic gasp of amazement. From there, the fusion suddenly caught Dipper off guard by pulling his hat off his head by the brim with just a single finger, playfully grinning back down at him as she spun it casually upon said finger. “And what an absolutely perfect one to refer to someone as showstopping as I am! Of course, I would expect nothing less from someone as well-read as you, Dipper. Excellent observation, as usual!”
“Oh, w-well, uh-” Dipper was interupted as Sardonyx suddenly returned his hat to him, and at this, he couldn’t really hold back something of a bashful grin as the fusion offered him a proud wink of approval. “Heh, thanks.”
“But of course,” Sardonyx chimed as warmly as ever.
“Wow, Sardonyx,” Steven mused, stars still in his eyes as the fusion looked over at him. “You’re so articulate!”
“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest little charmer!” Sardonyx gushed, playfully and gently pinching the young Gem between the fingers of her free hand as he laughed brightly. “I could literally squish you right now. It would not be hard!”
“Ah, n-no!” Steven chuckled, loosely wriggling out of her grip before the fusion pulled all three of the kids a bit closer to her face.
“Sorry,” she laughed herself with a zealous smile. “I’m just so excited to be here! You see, I haven’t exactly been myself lately. Ohohohoh!”
The kids were all quick to understand Sardonyx’s playful quip and join in on her laughter as she gently set them back down on the ground. “Ha! Fusion joke!” Steven chuckled, glancing back over at Amethyst, who simply groaned in aggravation as she averted the fusion’s attention.
Still, Sardonyx hardly payed her any mind anyway as she once again rose to her full, towering height, a coy grin still playing on her features. “And jokes aren’t the only thing I’ve got,” she began, the gem on her forehead flashing as Pearl’s spear emerged from it. The fusion caught it with one hand, though one of her lower ones tapped her on the shoulder, momentarily ‘distracting’ her. “Hm?” Sardonyx kept her act up as she tossed her spear high into the air, gasping in faux surprise at its disappearance until it came back down towards her. The fusion grinned daringly as Garnet’s gauntlets formed over both her hands, and as the spear approached her, Sardonyx punched her fists together on the lithe weapon, forming an entirely new one altogether: a massive, powerful hammer.
“Whoa…” Dipper mused in amazement at this display as Mabel let out a squeal of elated excitement. “That’s… so cool!”
“Cool is only the tip of the iceberg,” Sardonyx playfully remarked, spinning her hammer as she slung it over her shoulder. “An iceberg that, much like the troublesome hub that stands before us, is about to be completely raised, right along with your expectations.”
“Are you gonna smash stuff with your giant war hammer?” Steven asked the fusion in immense curiosity.
“Hm…” Sardonyx thoughtfully paused. “‘Smash’ is the word one would use to describe what… someone else might do.” Upon hearing this, Amethyst couldn’t help but let out another disgruntled sigh, knowing that this very pointed remark was clearly aimed at both her and the fusion she shared with Garnet. One that couldn’t have been any different from the one that was currently present. “Now,” Sardonyx continued, taking a high, graceful leap into the air, her hammer in tow as she pounced towards the communication hub. “The proper words to describe yours truly are… specific!” The fusion shouted boldly as her hammer swung down on one of the pillars, knocking it out of alignment as she plunged through the gap it had made to tackle another one. “Intelligent!” Her hammer landed once more, taking over several columns at once. “Accurate!” She proved this claim by hitting one of the pillars perfectly before launching herself over the hub. “Faultless!” Sardonyx continued as she took a high leap into the air, a beaming grin upon her face as she sailed through the air in front of the moon. “Elegant…” As more pieces of the hub fell, the fusion continued her list, each descriptive word punctuating another hit of her dependable hammer. “Controlled! Surgical! Graceful! Theatrical,” she flashed a bright grin down at the kids, who all cheered her on in light of this cordial shout-out. Even so, Sardonyx took a grand leap up to the very top of the hub, preforming an impressive flip as she claimed her upmost perch. “Aaaaaand…. Powerful!” She stopped her hammer right before it could land upon the most essential pillar, her manner turning thoughtful once more as she finished her ongoing proclamation. “But yes, occasionally, I am known… to smash.”
With a single, almost gentle tap from the end of the fusion’s hammer, the primary column came crashing down, the light emitting from the hub instantly going dark as Peridot’s message ceased its transmission. The kids’ unanimously applauded Sardonyx’s impressive preformance as the fusion easily landed before them once more, none of them noticing Amethyst’s bitter ongoing pout. “Now, just remember, everybody,” Sardonyx said, spinning her hammer out before it disappeared in a burst of glittering dragonflies. “If you ever have need of the lovely Sardonyx again, just let Pearl and Garnet know. I’ll be there in a flash,” the fusion grinned jokingly once more as she lowered herself down to her audience’s level before taking her leave. “Literally!”
In a burst of light and dragonflies, Sardonyx disappeared, leaving Garnet and Pearl intimately holding each other in her place. In the aftermath of their fusion, the pair of Gems took pause, looking to each other with wide eyes briefly before they both simultaneously exploded into a burst of absolute elation and cheer. Before they even exchanged any words at all, they burst out into a shared gale of warm laughter, especially as Garnet picked Pearl up and easily spun her around in a round of delighted victory. In that moment, after such a round of triumphant fusion and mission execution, thoughts of dark, disturbing, newly-remembered memories couldn’t have been the furthest thing from either of their minds. The pain and woe of the past several days seemed to have evaporated into nothingness, taken away by the uplifting, exciting experience they had just had the privilege of sharing together. And given that this was the happiest the kids had seen any of the Gems since the portal incident, they were all more than eager to join in on this celebration.
“Woo!” Steven cheered as him, Dipper, and Mabel ran up to the ecstatic pair. “You guys, that was great!”
“Yeah!” Mabel readily agreed. “I always hoped you guys’ fusion would be awesome, but Sardonyx was even more awesome than I could have imagined!”
“O-oh, really?” Pearl smiled with a warm, flustered blush. “Well, that’s good!”
“We were awesome!” Garnet proclaimed with a bold flair, eliciting shared laughter from the others.
“I’d say we were,” the white Gem’s grin widened upon hearing such adulation from the Gem leader herself. “Why don’t we do that more often?”
While the others continued happily praising Sardonyx’s most recent ‘preformance’, no one really noticed as Amethyst intentionally hung back from the group, her arms wrapped tightly around herself as she turned away with a disappointed sigh. She had never really been too fond of the bombastic, prideful fusion to begin with, but in light of recent events, she couldn’t help but feel even more disdain towards her than usual. But really, Amethyst knew that her bitterness didn’t completely lie with Sardonyx; a large portion of it was reserved for herself, for the foolish, reckless, borderline stupid decisions she had made. To go overboard with Garnet during Sugilite’s last appearance, to take Stan’s side over her teams’, to even go as far as to physically oppose them all because of a feeling and little else. A feeling that, in the aftermath of it all, had only brought her perhaps more shame than she had ever even known before.
Shame that seemed to tower over her, just like the showstopping fusion she always seemed to stand in the shadow of.
Given that Crying Breakfast Friends had an effective plethora of episodes, its marathon continued over the course of several days, and to avoid any further possible broadcast interruptions, Steven and Mabel had opted to continue watching it down at the Mystery Shack instead of the temple. In doing so, they managed to rope both Dipper and Stan into joining them, and while they weren’t too keen on watching the bizarrely depressing cartoon, but unfortunately neither of them were able to think of any good excuses to get out of it. So the group congregated in the den, which was still somewhat in shambles from the portal incident and the government invasion a few days prior, to watch the show with varying levels of interest.
“Why won’t you say thank you?!” Grumpy Pancake wailed somewhat angrily to Glum Glass, who answered in an expectantly mournful manner.
“B-because! I don’t know how!”
“Aww…” Mabel mused with a sympathetic frown. “Poor Pancake! He just wants to feel appreciated for all his hard work!”
“Yeah, but I can see Glass’ point too…” Steven said thoughtfully. “That’s just the thing with this show! All of its characters are so realistic and relatable!”
“You guys do realize you’re talking about a pancake and a cup here… right?” Dipper asked rather sardonically.
“Yeesh, I can’t believe you kids are actually into this sappy show,” Stan remarked just as dryly. “This thing is so far out there that it puts the cartoons that me and Ford used to watch when we were kids about animals beating each other over the heads with mallets to shame.”
“Oh yeah, how is Mr. Ford?” Steven asked, glancing away from the TV with newfound concern. “He seemed like he was really worried about the Gems the other day after they, uh… um… a-after they got their memories back and everything…”
“Pfft,” Stan scoffed, rolling his eyes at the mention of his brother. “Heck if I know. Sixer’s holed himself down in the basement for the past several days, probably working on some sort of nerd project or something. He’s barely even come up here at all and anytime he does he’s all mopey and depressed, acting like I didn’t just rescue him from some sort of nightmare dimension, the ungrateful jerk.”
“Aw, Grunkle Stan, you don’t mean that!” Mabel protested. “You and Grunkle Ford are brothers! You two love each other, just like me and Dipper do!” At this, she startled her brother by wrapping a playful arm around his shoulder, though unlike a few days ago, he didn’t push it away this time.
“…Kid, me and Ford aren’t as… uh… w-well, we used to be… um… ugh… never mind…” the conman let out a sigh of defeat, glancing away from the kids almost remorsefully. And, before any of them could pursue the unsavory manner any further, Stan quickly changed the topic to something a bit more manageable. “Uh, s-so anyway, how are the Gems doing? I heard that whole memory thing was… kinda rough for them.”
“Actually, they seemed mostly ok yesterday,” Dipper pointed out.
“Yeah, we went to the communication hub in the desert and Garnet and Pearl fused into Sardonyx and she took the entire thing out with her huge hammer!” Steven explained with a bright smile. “You should have seen it, Mr. Pines! It was incredible!”
“Sardonyx?” Stan questioned, raising an eyebrow before letting out a huff of a scoff. “That over the top broad? Yeesh, it’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about her.”
“Wait, Grunkle Stan, you’ve met Sardonyx before?” Dipper asked, rather surprised at this.
“No, but I’ve heard plenty about her from Amethyst,” Stan said, rolling his eyes. “Any time Garnet and Pearl turned into her, she would to vent to me about how pompous and annoying she was. Always seemed to be a sore subject for her if ya ask me, but what the heck do I know about all that Gem drama anyway? Seems like every other day those three are-” The conman suddenly stopped short upon noticing that all three of the kids were looking to him with concerned confusion, prompting him to realize he was treading on rather uncomfortable ground in light of recent events. So once again, Stan diverted away from the matter, even if he did want to discuss it further, just in a different way. “Hey, uh, I-I just remembered, I need to grab something from the kitchen,” he said casually enough as he rose from his chair. “One of you kids wanna lend me a hand?”
“Sure, Grunkle Stan,” Mabel volunteered with a smile. “I’ll-”
“No, not you,” Stan quickly rejected, much to his niece’s confusion. “You,” he snapped his fingers as he pointed at Steven instead. “Come on.”
“Oh, uh, ok,” Steven got up, somewhat confused, though he still followed Stan into the kitchen nonetheless. “So, what do you need help with, Mr. Pines?”
Stan paused, taking a beat to briefly glance back at the den, where the twins were still apparently distracted by the TV, before getting to the matter at hand. “I need you to tell me how Amethyst’s really doing,” he said, trying to act as disinterested as possible and coming across as anything but.
“Huh?” Steven frowned, caught off guard by this somewhat strange request.
“Ugh, listen, kid,” Stan began with an exasperated sigh. “Ever since the whole portal thing, Amethyst’s barely said a word to me. I know she’s pi—ticked off with me for keeping all of it a secret from her for all these years and I understand why, but whenever she gets mad at me, she’s usually pretty quick to get over it and move on. But this time is… different.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, she hasn’t even come down here to rant to me about this whole Sardonyx thing!” the conman exclaimed, somewhat frustrated as he began to pace. “I’m usually the first person she comes to to blow off steam with, especially about something like this, or heck, even that memory thing, but she hasn’t and it—it’s just… ugh, forget it!” Stan let out another aggravated groan as he slammed a hand down on the counter hard as he pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly upset.
Steven was silent for a moment upon seeing the conman’s outburst, concern filling his expression as he glanced down thoughtfully before tentatively speaking up. “You’re… worried about her… aren’t you?” Stan didn’t turn around or even offer a verbal response, but the way his shoulders hitched at this question was more than enough to give the young Gem his answer. “Mr. Pines, if you’re really worried about Amethyst, why don’t you just go up to the temple and talk to her yourself?”
“Because between you and me, kid, I’m probably just about the last person Amethyst wants to talk to right now,” Stan muttered, clear shame in his tone as he finally turned to face the young Gem. “B-but whatever, its fine. I’m sure everything will work out, j-just like it always does…” The conman’s already thin layer of confidence wavered as he turned to head back into the den, a small, defeated sigh escaping him as he spared not another word. After all, what could he really say to explain just how much guilt and regret he had felt ever since that confrontation in the portal room days ago?
However, before he could escape back into the den, Steven hesitantly stopped him. “M-Mr. Pines, wait, I-” The young Gem stopped short, part of him wanting to continue on this tangent concerning Amethyst, though he ended up acting on another part of himself instead. “Y-you… Did you know?”
“Uh… know what?” Stan turned, genuinely confused as he looked back at Steven.
The young Gem paused, faltering as he looked to his feet and remembered the glass tube resting so innocently inside of Lion’s mane, the Gems’ reactions to regaining every painful memory they had lost. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to hear the admittance of the bitter truth from yet another adult he genuinely trusted, but if that truth was there at all, then Steven had to know. “M-my… my mom took the Gems’ memories about Mr. Ford and the portal from them…” he said, his voice so quiet that it was practically a whisper. “I still don’t know why she did it, but… it hurt them. She hurt them… And I… I just was wondering if you ever… knew anything about that…”
Stan was quiet for a moment upon hearing this, his expression softening as he happened to notice the tears starting to well up in Steven’s eyes. For a brief moment, the conman didn’t really know what to say to help ease the young Gem’s obvious pain; so instead, he did the easiest thing he could: he told the truth. “I… No, I didn’t know,” he said, a hand placed against back of his neck as he glanced to the side. “But… to be honest, its… kinda not that surprising to hear. No offense to you, kid, but your mom… she was… shady, to say the least.”
“Tell me about it…” Steven muttered, rubbing his arm as he let out a wavering sigh. “Mr. Pines, I… I think I get it now. Why you never liked my mom that much, I mean. All you wanted to do was save your brother… You never wanted to hurt anyone. But my mom… she hurt so many people… Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Mr. Ford… and you.” The tears welling up in the young Gem’s eyes finally reached their tipping point as they finally fell, a tight, pained sob escaping him, one that he had been holding back ever since he had first come across that memory tube. “And… I’m so, so sorry about what she did, Mr. Pines. I know she thought she was doing the right thing, but she wasn’t and no one even knew and Mr. Ford could have died in there, but it was like she didn’t even care and she didn’t even see how much you missed him and wanted him back, and I’m so sorry that she-”
“Whoa, kid, hold on!” Stan interupted, unable to hide his concern as he unceremoniously knelt down to Steven’s level. “What the heck are you apologizing for?”
“F-for what my mom did…” Steven sniffled, weakly wiping a few tears from his cheek.
“For what your mom did…” Stan repeated with a knowing nod, his expression conveying that he understood, at least on some level, what the young Gem was feeling. “Not anything you did. You know, kid—I mean… Steven,” The conman let out a sympathetic sigh as he placed a hand on the morose young Gem’s shoulder. “Your mom was no saint. From what I’ve seen and from what I’ve heard, she screwed up a lot. But I’m not lying when I tell you that nothing that she did was your fault. I don’t blame you for any of this mess, I’m pretty sure the Gems don’t blame you for any of it, and Ford better not blame you for any of it, because if he does, I’ll knock him senseless. Same goes for anyone else who tries to pin any of the nonsense Rose caused on you.”
Steven paused, rather overwhelmed by everything the conman had just said as his tears continued silently falling. “B-but… but Mr. Pines, I-”
“But nothing,” Stan interjected, shaking his head as he tightened his secure, almost comforting grip on the young Gem’s shoulder. “I know what it feels like to carry that kinda blame around, but the difference between you and me when it comes to blame is that I deserve it. You don’t. And you better stop thinking that you do, otherwise I’ll sic Mabel and her aggressive positivity on you.”
Steven was unable to hold back a laugh at this, one that was filled with a type of relief that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. While he wasn’t sure if he was ready to hold onto what the conman had just assured him of, namely the idea that he held no guilt in the mistakes his mother had made, he still wanted to believe that nonetheless. And, perhaps with a little time and a little effort, it was something that he could come to believe. Eventually.
Even so, in light of his newfound happiness, Steven ended up startling Stan by launching himself towards the conman in a sudden, warm embrace. Stan flinched, caught off guard by the burst of affection, though he was even more surprised by what the young Gem said next. “Thanks, Mr. Pines,” Steven whispered, tears drying on his cheek amidst his genuine, gentle smile.
For a moment or two, Stan allowed this unexpected hug to continue, recognizing that the young Gem likely needed this and realizing that in a way, maybe he needed it too after the events of the past several days. Still, the conman had to keep up appearances, hence why he didn’t let this embrace linger for too long, regardless of admittedly how welcome it was. “Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Stan remarked with faux exasperation as he pulled away and stood. “I swear, kid, you’re about as schmaltzy as that soppy cartoon you’re so into.”
Steven let out another small chuckle at this, but before he could, they were interupted by Dipper and Mabel as they briefly stuck their heads into the kitchen. “Uh, Steven?” Mabel began with an anxious frown. “You might wanna see this.”
Everyone returned to the living room to find a sight that all three of the kids found to be disconcertingly familiar: the TV’s normal signal had cut out, replaced nothing but noisy, blank static. An all-too familiar echo of what had dominated the air waves the previous day. “It’s the signal again!” Steven exclaimed, aptly surprised.
“Peridot must still be trying to get in touch with Homeworld,” Dipper mused with a resolved scowl. “But how’d she manage to fix that communication tower so quickly?”
“Well, one thing’s for certain,” Mabel said with a grown smile. “No matter how many times she puts it back together again, there’s one fusion we can count on to smash it to pieces! Let’s go get the Gems!”
“Yeah!” the boys readily agreed, the three of them starting to head out to go to the temple. However, Steven stopped short near the door, even after the twins had already gone through it, pausing briefly to glance back at Stan. The conman didn’t say anything as he stood near the static-filled TV, his hands on his hips as he watched the kids go. He did, however, spare Steven a bit of a wry, yet reassuring smile and nod, almost as if to solidify the newfound solidarity between them. Solidarity the young Gem couldn’t help but deeply appreciate in light of how almost everything he thought he knew had been so harshly uprooted as of late. Which was why he returned the conman’s smile before going on his way, hoping to hold onto the thought that no real blame rested with him someday.
Even if that day wasn’t quite today.
As soon as the kids made it to the temple and reported the signal’s return to the Gems, they all collectively set out back to the communication hub, knowing that they had to put a stop to Peridot’s plans before they could ever hope to come to fruition. With the hub obviously repaired, there was little deliberation amongst the group (save for a small, relatively unnoticed sigh of disappointment from Amethyst) to bring Sardonyx back to break the tower apart once more.
“I hope you’re ready,” Garnet smirked as she stood apace from Pearl, beckoning her forward as the kids and Amethyst stood on the sidelines to watch once more.
“You know I am,” Pearl grinned as she finished stretching out before emerging into an elegant pirouette, dancing Garnet’s way before they met, just as they had the previous night. And, just like last night, the warm glow of fusion surrounded the pair and from that glow, Sardonyx rose to the occasion once more.
“What’s this?” the bombastic fusion asked with faux surprise upon breaking her curtain of light once again. “An encore performance? Just couldn’t get enough of me, could you?” She smirked down at the group below before breaking out into her iconic uproarious laughter. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let the show begin!” And with this proclamation, Sardonyx boldly leapt into action, her hammer materializing in her hands as she pounced for the tower and got to work tearing it apart. The kids were more than ready to cheer the showstopping fusion on once more, though their excitement was soon broken through as they heard Amethyst’s dejected sigh right behind them. The purple Gem didn’t notice as all three of the kids turned towards her in confusion, her back turned to them as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself. And then, as she looked back up towards the hub, or more specifically, towards the graceful fusion deftly breaking it to pieces, she did the only thing she really could think of to finally let some of her heavy, ever-accumulating emotions go: she sang.
“Maybe you’re better off with her,” Amethyst began, her melody and manner both sad as she hunched her shoulders away from the tower. “I think she’s better for you.”
This was a truth the purple Gem knew she couldn’t really deny as she looked towards Sardonyx once more, realizing just how level-headed, just how skillful, just how stable the fusion was compared to the wild, rowdy, out of control, Sugilite. Just another bitter reminder for Amethyst that when compared to Pearl or even Garnet, she was always, always the odd one out, the runt of the litter, the mistake.
“I forgot how great it felt to be us,” she continued, closing her eyes as she tried to recall that feeling. That strength, that power, that freedom she felt any time she fused with Garnet. They were all things that she cherished, things that she valued, more than the Gem leader likely even knew. But now, because she had taken them all for granted and had been reckless and foolish, she wasn’t sure when she’d ever get to experience those things again. “Guess I got… carried away…”
“I had to use you to make me feel strong, but I don’t care about that now,” And indeed, she didn’t. Because what had happened with Sugilite was already dead and buried in the past. What wasn’t buried, however, was a slight far worse than the unruly fusion’s outburst. A brash, dangerous choice she had made in the heat of the moment, an act of rebellion so momentous and so uncalled for that she doubted her teammates would ever really forgive her for it. And as far as she was concerned, maybe forgiveness wasn’t something she deserved for her actions before that wretched portal in the first place. “I see a tower built out of my mistakes,” she sang, fighting to hold back tears as she watched Sardonyx dismantle the physical tower rising high before her, wishing that she was strong enough to tear her own shadowy tower apart herself. “And it all comes crashing down…”
“Is there something I can do?” she asked, her hands in tight fists at her sides as she wished she could take it all back. She wished she could undo the past, that she could fix what she had broken, that she could rise above the faults she constantly seemed to be drowning in.
“Is there something I can do?” she sang again, practically begging for something she knew she’d never get. Because when it came right down to it, her actions in that portal room weren’t something she could blame on Stan or Ford or even Rose. They had been solely her own. And of course, that only made the sting of their consequences even worse.
“Is there something I can do?” she pined one more time, knowing that it was hopeless. There was nothing she could do. Nothing to undo her mistakes, nothing to regain her teammate’s trust, nothing to be any more than what she had always known herself to be: a failure.
“Can I make it up to you?” she finished with a solemn sigh of defeat as Sardonyx finished her work, landing before the dimmed tower triumphantly before disappearing in a flash. She turned her back on Garnet and Pearl as they shared a warm, harmonious laugh over their second victory together, a victory that she knew she’d never get to share. No, instead, the only thing she’d get to have was the heavy, suffocating weight of her mistakes, bearing down on her brutally and crushingly, just like they always did.
Or so she thought. For while Amethyst had poured her heart out through song, she failed to notice the trio that had served as her audience rather than Sardonyx’s. And despite how much they enjoyed the dramatic fusions’ theatrics, they all unanimously sympathized with the purple Gem. After all, it was clear from her song and her reactions to Sardonyx alone that she was feeling left out, excluded from her team to the point that it made her feel devalued and unimportant. In light of everything else that the Gems had gone through lately, that alone made all three of them want to do anything they could to help lift Amethyst’s lowered spirits in the hopes of returning some sense of much-needed normalcy once more. And so, almost as soon as they returned from the communication hub, the kids began to formulate a plan, one that would hopefully serve a twofold purpose: help Amethyst out of her funk and stop Peridot’s plans once and for all, all in one easy, fell swoop.
Night still presided over the vast desert sands as Lion emerged onto them, toting a smaller group of passengers than usual as he leapt out from the portal he had created with a mighty roar. The kids and Amethyst all dismounted the pink beast, the trio stepping forward first to find that the communication hub was still down, just as they had hoped, a sign that their newfound plan might just end up working after all.
“Uh… so are you three gonna tell me why we came here again, or not?” Amethyst asked, her arms crossed as she glared towards the downed tower.
��Well, the way we see it, Peridot seems pretty determined to get that message of hers to Homeworld,” Dipper explained. “After all, she’s already been here to fix the communication hub twice now.”
“Which means the odds are pretty good that she’ll come back a third time when she realizes its all busted up again,” Mabel added with a knowing grin.
“So all we gotta do is wait for her to show up and bam!” Steven slammed his fist into his palm. “That’s when we’ll get her.”
“Oh, yeah!” Amethyst perked up upon hearing this plan, a grin spreading across her face as she also playfully punched her palm. “Bam! She won’t know what hit her.”
“Garnet will be so impressed when she finds out that you caught Peridot all on your own,” Mabel winked to Amethyst, implying that they fully intended on giving the purple Gem all the credit for this group effort.
“And then she’ll think I’m cool again!” Amethyst surmised excitedly, fully understanding the kids’ intent here. “But, uh… are you guys sure you’re up for this? Peridot may be a nerd, but she’s kind of a tricky nerd, if ya haven’t noticed.”
“I think we’ll be just fine,” Dipper smirked as he nodded back to the sword strapped to his back. Likewise, Steven readily summoned his shield while Mabel took out her grappling hook and cocked it, proving to the purple Gem that the trio was more than prepared for anything Peridot threw their way.
“Heh, yeah, should have figured you dorks would come prepared,” Amethyst chuckled, genuinely glad for their help. “Now, let’s catch us a nerd.”
To remain discreet and unseen, the group tucked themselves away behind an outcropping of rock not too far away from the communication hub, one that gave them an ideal vantage point to keep a lookout for any signs of Peridot’s approach. Steven’s telescope made the task a bit easier as they sat and waited, taking shifts of looking out of the spyglass, hoping to catch a glimpse of the green Gem as she snuck through the open desert towards the tower in what would hopefully be a failed attempt at repairing it.
“Hm… nothing… more nothing…” Steven mused with a frown as he surveyed the desert surrounding the hub. Amethyst and the twins were sitting nearby, their backs against the rock as they waited for any new developments in slight boredom. They were all quick to perk up, however, as the young Gem let out a warning gasp upon finally spotting something through the telescope. “Oh! I think I see her!” he exclaimed, quickly zooming in to get a better look only to find that it was a false alarm. “No wait… that’s just a weird cactus.”
The others all groaned in exasperation at this, but even so, they maintained their vigil, even as the hours of the night seemed to drag on without any hint of an appearance from Peridot whatsoever. Most attempts at conversation had drifted off quite some time ago as they all grew collectively more weary and exhausted by the hour. Even so, at some point roughly after midnight, the ongoing round of sleepy quietness was broken by a loud, tired groan from Mabel.
“Ugh, this is so boooooring…” she huffed, crossing her arms as she slouched against the rock. “It feels like we’ve been waiting forever.”
“Its only been a few hours, Mabel,” Dipper remarked, glancing away from the telescope briefly. “Still, I guess this plan isn’t really working like we thought it would…”
“You can say that again,” Amethyst sighed in disappointment. “I don’t think she’s coming, you guys.” The purple Gem paused for a beat, her expression filling with confusion as she glanced over at Steven beside her, only to find that he was oddly focused on his fingers as he moved them close together, but never allowed them to touch. “Uh, what are you doing?”
“I just figured out something really cool,” Steven grinned as he continued his newfound trick. “If you make your eyes blurry, it looks like there’s a little magic sausage between your fingers.”
“Wow…” Mabel mused as she tried it out for herself. “You’re right, Steven! Man, I can’t believe I’ve never tried this before, its great!”
“Pfft, this is stupid,” Amethyst rolled her eyes as she positioned her fingers close together. “It doesn’t even work—whoa…” The purple Gem cut herself off in amazement as Steven pulled the hair covering her other eye away, allowing her to see the aforementioned imaginary “sausage”.
“Heh, well, even if we didn’t catch Peridot, at least I taught us all a fun way to pass the time,” Steven concluded with a satisfied grin.
“Well, maybe we’d have a better chance at finding Peridot if we tried something else,” Dipper said, nowhere near as bemused as Steven, Mabel, and Amethyst currently were. “Like, I don’t know, actually hunting her down and capturing her instead of waiting for her to come to us, which she might not even do?”
“But what if she comes while we’re out looking for her?” Mabel asked with a frown. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to see if she shows up here again?”
“Actually, for once, I’m with Dipper,” Amethyst remarked, flipping her hair back into its usual place over her eye. “The sooner we nab Peridot, the sooner she’ll stop fixing the hub, and the sooner I won’t have to deal with Sardonyx anymore.”
The kids paused for a brief beat at this, exchanging a worried glance as they remembered what Stan had told them concerning the purple Gem’s opinions on the theatrical fusion. Still though, the conman had never mentioned exactly why Amethyst felt that way, hence why Steven was prompted to figure that out firsthand. “Uh… Amethyst? Why… why don’t you like Sardonyx?”
“Yeah,” Mabel joined in just as curiously. “She’s a lot of fun, and she has a cool hammer, and she’s-”
“And she’s graceful, and smart, and controlled, and ugh!” Amethyst finished with a groan as she flopped down into the sand onto her back. “She’s basically everything Sugilite isn’t. Everything I’m not… No wonder Garnet wanted to fuse with her instead of me… She doesn’t even trust me anymore, and why would she? I’m nothing but a backstabbing screwup!”
At this, the purple Gem slammed her fist into the rock behind her, her eyes tightly shut in her remorseful frustration, startling all three of the kids. As Amethyst let out a bitter sigh and placed her head in her hands, none of them were really sure about what to say to reassure her, mostly since they were still somewhat confused by this heated outburst in the first place. “A screwup?” Steven questioned gently. “Amethyst, what are you-”
“I’m talking about what happened with that stupid portal!” Amethyst snapped before the young Gem could even finish. “How I tried to stop Garnet and Pearl from shutting it down! How I basically fought them away from it! My friends, my teammates, I just… turned against them all because I thought it was a good idea to listen to Stan, but it wasn’t! Because now we know, we remember what that machine was for, what it could have done, who it could have-” The purple Gem cut herself off sharply, sucking in painful tears before she continued. “I was stupid. Reckless and stupid, just like I was the last time me and Garnet formed Sugilite, only this time it was with something even worse. And that’s why she won’t fuse with me anymore… Because I nearly ruined everything…”
As Amethyst buried her head into her arms and pulled her knees to her chest, she let out a small, broken sob, one that wasn’t lost on any of the kids as they silently searched for some way to comfort her. The source of her ongoing bitterness and despair the past few days was now clear, and it was obvious that it had more to do with just the memories she had recently recalled. Those painful feelings came from a place of guilt, of remorse so deep and so profound that she obviously didn’t know how to really reconcile it for herself. Which was why perhaps she needed some help when it came to doing just that.
“A-Amethyst,” Steven began softly, ready to place a steadying hand on the distraught purple Gem’s shoulder. “What you did wasn’t-”
“Whoa! Hold on!” Dipper suddenly interjected as he looked through the telescope once more. “Guys! I think I saw something!”
“Huh?” the others all quickly questioned, rising to stand as they congregated around the telescope. Upon peering through it, they were able to see a small, distant light gliding across the far off horizon at an impressive speed as it readily approached the communication hub. And, as Steven took his turn and zoomed in on this light just a bit, he gasped in surprise upon seeing exactly what it was.
“P-Peridot’s escape pod?!” the young Gem exclaimed, allowing the others a chance to see. “She… fixed it somehow?”
“But I thought we had it!” Amethyst protested, knowing that they had apprehended the broken pod when it had been found by the kids and the teens in the abandoned field several weeks ago.
“You don’t think she could have stolen it from the temple, do you?” Mabel asked fretfully.
“I wouldn’t put it past her…” Dipper muttered scornfully, a hand already on the hilt of his sword as they watched the pod easily scale up the side of the tower.
“Whoa…” Steven whispered upon watching the pod’s tractor beams begin to piece the broken hub back together again. “She’s lifting the pillar guys and she’s fixing the hub.” The young Gem paused as the escape pod did, coming to a stop at the very tip of the hub as an indiscernible figure, presumably Peridot, emerged rom it to inspect her handywork. Steven zoomed in once more, trying to get a better look, only to notice that the silhouette standing high above them really didn’t look much like Peridot at all upon a second glance. “Hey, y-you know for some reason, Peridot kinda looks like-” He gasped, his jaw dropping in shock as the figure on top of the hub finally came into clear view, revealing something that sent him absolutely reeling as he relayed it to the others. “Pearl?!”
“What?!” Amethyst and the twins exclaimed in dumbfounded unison, none of them able to believe such an admittedly unbelievable claim.
“Let me see!” the purple Gem was quick to push Steven away from the telescope to look for herself, only to find that sure enough, Pearl herself was standing on top of the hub, a smile of satisfaction on her face from her successful repair of the formerly downed Gem tech. And despite how alarming this unexpected revelation was, Amethyst was very quick to put the pieces together as to exactly what had been going on all along, including the white Gem’s very impressive deception, as well as the no doubt incredibly heavy fall out that would result from it all in the end. “Oh no…”
Needless to say that in light of their discovery the previous evening, Steven, the twins, and Amethyst were all quite unnerved as they sat in front of the TV up at the temple the following morning. The television hadn’t even been turned on, mostly because they all already knew static would inevitably await them as a result of the communication hub’s repair. A repair so strangely yet so discreetly done by Pearl of all people, which was a mystery none of them, save for Amethyst, could really figure out.
“Why would Pearl rebuild the hub?” Steven wondered aloud, voicing what they were all thinking.
“Maybe she’s trying to study how it works?” Dipper theorized, hopeful for the white Gem’s innocence, even if it seemed like she really wasn’t. “T-that way we could come up with a plan to keep Peridot from fixing it again.”
“No…” Amethyst shook her head glumly. “I don’t think that’s it…”
“Maybe she just wanted to get everyone more TV channels,” Mabel suggested with a bit of a forced smile as she turned the TV on, only for, as expected, static to fill the screen once more.
“Oh my! This is no good!” The group gathered on the loft all jolted in surprise as Pearl joined them, putting on an apparent front of surprise as she noted the ongoing static.
“W-what’s wrong?” Steven asked nervously, exchanging an uneasy glance with the others as Pearl readily kept her act up.
“It’s Peridot,” the white Gem surmised instantly. “She must have fixed the communication hub again!” As much as the kids and Amethyst wanted to voice that they knew that this claim was, in fact, far from the truth, they didn’t get that chance as Garnet entered the house, and much to their dismay, Pearl didn’t hesitate to grab her attention. “Garnet, it’s the hub again,” she reported with faux worry. “We’ll have to hurry back to the desert and tear it down once more!”
“Hm, Peridot’s evading my future vision…” Garnet mused with a hint of frustration in her tone, clearly not suspecting anything. “No matter how many times I try, I can’t see us finding her. Oh well,” the Gem leader shook her head clear as she led the way back outside. “Come on, team.”
“Oh, yes! Let’s be on our way!” Pearl sang brightly, a wide, excited smile on her face as she followed Garnet out, more than ready to form Sardonyx with her once more. Amethyst and the kids however, were the last to leave, all four of them bearing the same exact secret that Pearl did. A secret that, they all knew, only had a matter of time before Garnet discovered it. And once she did, there was no telling what might happen.
“I can’t believe Peridot is causing us so much trouble!” Pearl huffed in showy annoyance, though she was quick to perk up once again as her and Garnet prepared to fuse. The communication hub stood tall and repaired once again, just as the white Gem had left it the previous night, and all the while Amethyst and the kids stood by, unsure of what needed to be done to put an end to the white Gem’s bizarre façade. “But it hardly matters, right, Garnet?” Pearl quipped, clasping her hands together happily as the Gem leader gave her a smile of confidence. “We can disable this tower as many times as we need to, together! Okay? Ok. I’m ready! Are you ready?”
As the white Gem continued to cheerfully ramble on, Amethyst wrapped her arms around herself tightly, wishing that Pearl hadn’t conceived this awful plan in the first place. But she had, and the purple Gem knew that remaining silent on the matter would only make her as guilty as her own teammate in all of this. “I know what she’s doing…” Amethyst muttered to the kids, hating that things had come to this even if she understood. Oh, did she ever understand. Because if she had been in the same place as Pearl was, she wasn’t entirely sure if she wouldn’t have done the exact same thing too.
“Y-you do?” Steven glanced over at her, the twins sharing his worry as Garnet and Pearl prepared to fuse behind them. That is, until Amethyst decided to finally put an end to this deceitful charade once and for all.
“Stop!” she shouted, taking a bold step forward and already regretting it the very moment she did.
Garnet and Pearl froze at this, clinging onto each other though their dance was stalled as they both looked to their teammate, startled. “I-Is something the matter, Amethyst?” the white Gem asked, clearly caught of guard.
“G-Garnet… I…” Amethyst bit her lip, averting the Gem leader’s gaze out of guilt, though even so, she knew this had to be done. “I know you might not trust me after… w-what happened the other day, but… y-you… you shouldn’t fuse… i-it… it’s not…”
As Amethyst trailed off, the kids quickly leapt in, hoping to explain the matter more than she was currently able to. “Uh… Pearl… we saw you…” Mabel admitted with a hesitant frown.
“W-what?” Pearl asked softly, her eyes wide as she began to follow, though she only really understood as Dipper elaborated.
“Last night,” he began, a bit more firmly than Mabel as he looked to his sword teacher with clear disappointment. “We were out here waiting to see if we could catch Peridot if she came by again but… she didn’t… And instead you did…”
Pearl sucked in a sharp gasp at this, her breathing short as she looked between the group before her and Garnet, who was still holding onto her, staring at her for answers she couldn’t possibly give. “Pearl,” Steven spoke up, his tone sad and imploring. “What you’ve been doing… i-it’s not right. You have to tell Garnet it was you!”
“I don’t understand,” Garnet finally spoke, her shades catching Pearl’s reflection in them as she stared back up at her nervously.
For what seemed like ages, the white Gem said nothing, her form trembling slightly at the horrific realization that she had been caught. That her nearly perfect plan had fallen to pieces right in front of her. Just like everything else as of late, so it seemed. “I… I’m sorry…” she began, her voice so soft it could barely even be heard as tears started to well up in her eyes. “It’s just… s-so much happened these past few days and… after what we learned, I… I felt like… I felt broken… A-and I needed… something to take that unbearable pain away… And when we fused it was like… it all just… disappeared… You don’t know how much I needed that, Garnet… It was… so much fun being Sardonyx with you…”
Garnet’s reaction to the truth was immediate. With a harsh gasp of shock, her hands quickly flew away from Pearl, almost as if touching her in light of her trickery had physically burned her. The white Gem quickly righted herself, her eyes still wide and tearful as she looked to the Gem leader standing over her, her eyes still covered by her shades, though her expression was filled with obvious surprise and hurt as she shook her head in disbelief. “That’s why I couldn’t see us finding Peridot…”
“W-wait! Let me explain!” Pearl pleaded, shakily rising to her feet.
“You’ve been fixing the hub!” Garnet snapped, her shock turning into rage as she took an aggressive step towards the startled white Gem.
“It really was Peridot! T-the first time…”
“You tricked me!”
“No, no, no! W-we just needed a reason to fuse!” Pearl tried to rationalize, though now that what she had done was out in the open for everyone to know, she couldn’t help but feel rather terrible for her actions now herself. “All I wanted was to feel… whole again! I just wanted to share a few more victories with you!”
“Those weren’t victories!” Garnet shouted, her hands in tight fists as she seemed to tower over Pearl, her anger fiery and fierce. “I can’t believe you’d lie to me like this, after everything we’ve just discovered! I thought you’d know what it’s like to be deceived like this, Pearl, but clearly you’ve learned nothing! Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re no better that he was!”
Pearl sucked in a shrill gasp at this, her hands flying over her mouth as her tears finally fell at such a vicious proclamation. Upon hearing it, Amethyst acted on a whim, knowing that even despite Garnet’s justifiable anger, even Pearl didn’t deserve to be part of such an awful, unfitting comparison. “W-wait, Garnet!” the purple Gem threw herself in between her quarreling teammates. “You know, we’re so much weaker than you! Fusing with you is like, our one chance to feel… stronger!”
“Don’t defend her!” Garnet yelled harshly, making the purple Gem flinch back in fear at the harshness of her tone. “Peridot is still out there somewhere and Pearl’s been distracting us with… nothing!”
“G-Garnet…” Pearl tearfully tried to interject, only for Garnet to instantly cut her off.
“That’s enough!” Garnet ordered, refusing to hear anymore of the white Gem’s desperate excuses. Despite how clearly furious she was, the Gem leader was still mindful of the task at hand, her outraged glare still apparent as she turned to Amethyst instead. “Amethyst, fuse with me!”
Amethyst balked at this, her eyes wide in surprise at this unexpected invitation—no, rather this demand to fuse with the Gem leader at a time like this. “W-wha… b-but I-”
“Let’s just get this over with…” Garnet hissed, her hands still in tight fists as she grabbed the purple Gem’s arm almost roughly. Pearl quickly scurried away from the pair as they preformed a rushed, inelegant fusion dance, one that the white Gem and the kids all watched in apt fear in light of the Gem leader’s still very prevalent fury. In fact, that fury was still incredibly present in Sugilite as she formed, her massive presence far more aggressive and abrasive than it had ever been before as she didn’t even bother summoning her weapon. Instead, the rowdy fusion took the hub down with a single two-fisted punch, one that slammed hard into the tower’s pillars, shattering them in a way that would ensure it would never be repaired by anyone ever again. As the glow from the hub faded and its remains came crashing to the ground, Pearl could only watch with wide eyes of terror as the last strand of comfort and stability she thought she had left in light of how much had already fallen apart come crashing down right in front of her yet again.
And just like the last time, she only had herself to blame.
A feeling of solemn sadness filled the temple the following day, to the point that the overdramatic wails of the characters of Crying Breakfast Friends only seemed to lower Amethyst and the kids’ spirits even more as they sat up in the loft to watch it. None of them were really that invested in the show, however, in light of what had happened the previous day and how rattled it had left them all. Though one scene in particular did seem to ring somewhat true to how things were going in reality as Crying Pear begged Sad Spoon for forgiveness over a wrongdoing.
“Oh please, forgive me!” the pear wailed tearfully.
“Of course, I forgive you!” Sad Spoon cried in response, both of them bawling as they warmly embraced over their repaired relationship.
Amethyst let out a small, sad sigh upon watching this exchange, hoping for something similar between Garnet and Pearl, though nothing of the sort had transpired yet. Because as things were now, the Gem leader was still simmering with unspoken anger towards her teammate, the betrayal clear to read on her face as she warped into the temple. Ironically enough, Pearl also stepped into the house, her expression remorseful, tired, and sad as she approached the temple gate. Her eyes were red from recently shed tears, tears that looked like they were on the verge of returning once more, especially as Garnet passed by her. Neither Gem made eye contact with each other, though Pearl did briefly stop in the middle of the room, almost as if she wanted to say something to Garnet. She didn’t get the chance, however, as the Gem leader walked out the door, not even willing to give her teammate even a single moment of repose. With a soft sigh of disappointment, Pearl’s shoulders drooped as she continued on to the temple gate, disappearing inside of it for what would surely be yet another round of mourning over things she couldn’t change now.
The purple Gem shook her head as she watched this entire exchange, or lack thereof, unfold before her, guilt weighing heavy upon her shoulders as she realized she had yet another regret to add to her ever growing list of them. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said anything to Garnet about Pearl’s deception at all. Maybe things would have been better off if she had just decided to grin and bear it and left it all well enough alone. True, Pearl had lied and tricked Garnet, and based on the memories they had just reclaimed, it was grave mistake on her part. But still, Amethyst knew that anything would be better than the rift that had torn her team apart at the very worst of times.
“Man, it sure would be nice if things worked out the way they do in cartoons,” Steven spoke up quietly, the twins nodding their silent agreement as they had all noted the very same tension between Garnet and Pearl that Amethyst had.
“Yeah…” the purple Gem sighed morosely as the young Gem turned the TV off. “It would…”
And indeed, it would be better if things could so easily repair themselves like that, or if nothing else go back to the way they were before. Because at least before, amidst the portal opening, amidst Ford returning, amidst their memories being returned to them, the Gems could all lean on each other for some kind of support in their mutual confusion and eventual sorrow. At least they could find solace in the fact that they did not have to suffer alone, that they had solidarity in the unbearable pain they all shared. And perhaps if they had depended on that solidarity to heal them more than searching for their own ways of fixing the unfixable past, maybe none of this would have happened. But it had. Another storm, one just as big and powerful and destructive as the last one, swept through their lives once again, ripping apart some of the last few strands of support holding the Crystal Gems together.
Which meant that once those final strands were inevitably broken, it would only be a matter of time before they fell apart completely.
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davidanderson1796 · 3 years
For more than 17 years, Delta has gained industry recognition by continuously offering innovative, quality brushless DC air cooling products. Our broad product range covers axial fans  from 25mm-200mm, blowers from 30mm-250mm, cross-flow fans, and slim blowers. A combination of our distinctive patented blade design, innovative structure design, and "Sensflow" control not only greatly increases cooling performance but also reduces system noise with temperature sensor control when the fan is in low load operation. We also produce fans with hot-swap construction, fan trays, and modules with strong pan and first-rate efficiency.
Delta's FMBG, Winner of the 12th National Invention Award
 Product Research & Development
Innovations are everywhere in our products. Engineering expertise backed by sophisticated test instruments and equipment gives Delta powerful design capabilities. Advanced engineering equipment such as Star-LT simulation software, computerized CNC machines, semi-anechoic chambers, and wind tunnels are used to develop high-performance, low noise, and cost-effective products. Recently, Delta has introduced industrial leading design with the PFB-E and GFB-E series  and advanced electronics controlling configurations.
Quality Assurance
 Quality Assurance
Delta is an ISO/TS-16949 accredited and ISO-9001 certified manufacturer for brushless DC air cooling products. We implement strict reliability tests in the design stage and have Statistical Process Controls at each production process. Because of our outstanding performance in quality and reliability, we not only have received a "Certificate of Excellence" from numerous vendor awards from major customers, such as Dell, Nortel, IBM, HP, NEC, Xerox, Philips, NCR, and others.
Delta's automation  is highly specialized with state-of-the-art computerized equipment. We build computer-integrated automated production lines in-house for assembly and testing. This allows us to provide large production capacity plus high quality and cost-effective products to our customers.
The Delta air cooling group began overseas production on a large scale first in Dongguan, China, in 1991. To further support regional demand and worldwide logistics support, Delta also manufactures product lines in Thailand Wellgrow and the newly built Wujiang plant in China, linking with our vertically integrated manufacturing system.
 Global Operations
Our worldwide network of sales and technical support teams is available to customers in Asia, the USA, and Europe. These teams are backed by centrally located design-engineering centers that diagnose problems in the design stage or the production stage. Delta Electronics Group has also successfully installed and implemented a SAP R/3 system to enhance its linkage with customers and suppliers and further monitor and maintain our worldwide logistic hub operation.
For More Information Click Here
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avajones · 4 years
Basalt Fiber Composite  Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2020-2026
Reports and Data has added a new report titled Global Basalt Fiber Composite Market to its ever-expanding repository, which aims to offers valuable insights into the Basalt Fiber Composite industry with regards to the market share, market size, market valuation, and regional bifurcation for the vertical. The report is fabricated with thorough primary and secondary research and is updated with the latest and emerging market trends to offer the readers opportunities to capitalize on the current market environment. For a thorough analysis, the market has been segmented based on types and applications along with an extensive regional segmentation.
Market Size – USD 196.0 Million in 2018, Market Growth - CAGR of 10.7%, Market Trends –Surging growth in automotive sales in developing economies
The research report on the Global Basalt Fiber Composite Market further provides an extensive analysis of the factors influencing the growth of the market. The report considers the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the key influencing factors of the Basalt Fiber Composite market. The report is equipped with the latest global scenario on account of the COVID-19 crisis. The economic landscape of the global market has been impacted by the pandemic. The report further discusses the present and future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall growth of the market.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1698
Competitive Landscape:
The study provides an in-depth analysis of the key competitors and their business strategies.  The top leading companies dominating the market covered in this report are Kamenney VEK, Zhejiang GFB Basalt Fiber Co., Mafic SA, Technobasalt-Invest LLC, Russian Basalt, ISOMATEX S.A., INCOTELOGY GmbH, Sudaglass Basalt Fiber Technology, Shanxi Basalt Fiber Technology Co. Ltd., and Mudanjiang Jinshi Basalt Fiber Co. Ltd, among others.
The report encompasses thorough research carried out by the application of advanced analytical tools such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis to pinpoint the growth trends and patterns. This offers a competitive edge to the reader to understand the dynamics of the competitive landscape. The report further provides coverage of strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, and partnerships, among others undertaken by the top players of the industry. The report also provides strategic recommendations to new and emerging players to help them formulate better entry and investment strategies.
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Furthermore, the market is segmented on the basis of types and applications, along with projections about the key segments anticipated to dominate the industry in the coming years.
Request Detailed Table of Content  @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/basalt-fiber-market/toc
Product Type Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Chopped Strands
Mesh & Grids
Form Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Usage Type Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Application Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Aerospace & Defense
Electrical & Electronics
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/basalt-fiber-market
Regional Coverage:
For a detailed understanding of the competitive landscape, a thorough regional analysis covering North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa is offered in the report. It studies the market size, market share, revenue contribution, production and consumption patterns, supply and demand ratio, import/export, and the operations of the key players located in those regions. Furthermore, the report also covers a country-wise analysis of the industry.
Industry Trends:
The report offers an extensive analysis of the current and emerging trends in the Basalt Fiber Composite market. It offers insights into the trends and their impact on the growth of the industry. Market trends relating to technological developments, product advancements, competitive landscape, and regulatory framework, among others, are covered in the report.
Market Scenario, Size, and Forecast:
The report covers macro and micro-economic factors that are anticipated to affect market growth and dynamics. Along with this, the report also offers insights into the social, political, economic, and legal aspects that are anticipated to influence the growth of the market. Moreover, the report provides a thorough analysis of the size in terms of value and volume and offers an accurate forecast of the market growth and expansion till 2027.
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Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market.
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uromotoutoka · 2 years
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🏇 No More BORED #4 にて名演を繰り広げた caico,LADALES 再び揃って体感できる 待望のROCK TRIBEが 新居浜ジャンドールにて ----------------------------------------------- ROCK TRIBE 21周年記念祭 https://bit.ly/3YdyGjf JEANDORE Presents ROCK TRIBE 21th Anniversary Luxury "Alpha and Omega" 2023.3.5 (Sun) @新居浜ジャンドール Open-Start/Last 14:30–15:00/21:00 Ticket Adv 3500yen +1Drink Order (Door+500yen) ROCK TRIBE Dj's (Vinyl Only Set) Nori Guest Live 鋭児 Live caico Jessica  throma  LADALES 鋭児 (エイジ) https://lit.link/age2020age [Profile] Vo.御厨響一 Gt.及川千春 Ba.菅原寛人 Key.藤田聖史 Dr.市原太郎 2019年渋谷のストリートでセッションする中で出会い結成 2021年1月 1stEP「銀河」4月 2ndEP「Fire」リリース 同年、Love Music「フジテレビ」ニューカマーコーナーにて紹介、つくばロックフェス出演、BAYCAMP@新木場スタジオコースト出演、10月 3rdEP「連理」リリース、12月 渋谷WWW SOLD OUT!!! 2022年、Spincoaster主催 MIND TRAVEL、りんご音楽祭2022、FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'22、GFB'22(つくばロックフェス)、Scramble Fes 2022、RUSH BULL 2022、やついフェス 2022など大型フェスに参加 Altanative Rock,Soul,Hiphop,Electroなどを混ぜたようなバンドの既成概念を壊すジャンルレスな 音楽性と、JAMをしながら作り上げていくリアルを追求するライブパフォーマンスが特徴的である バンド名は当初”同時代性を表現する"という意味を込めたAGE表記より2021年に鋭児へと改名 鋭児はVo.響一の尊敬する祖父の名前である [前売りチケット店舗販売] Bar Caezar (松山) ; https://barcaezar.jimdo.com マルイレコード (松山) ; https://www.facebook.com/maruiplus/ JEANDORE (新居浜) ; http://www.jeandore.com [NET販売] LAWSON Ticket ; https://bit.ly/3wGpGrg (Lコード:63710) ※受付期間: 2023/2/1(木) 10:00 ~ 2023/3/4(土) 23:59まで [Information] ROCK TROBE HP ; https://rocktribe.wordpress.com/ LINE@ ; https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vle6726y JEANDORE (新居浜ジャンドール) 〒792-0022 愛媛県新居浜市徳常町6番8号CINEXビル 2F Te l: 0897-32-3567 Fax : 0897-47-0348 HP ; http://www.jeandore.com 問い合わせ mail ; http://www.jeandore.com/contact.html ----------------------------------------------- そこにイベント後に偶然遭遇した 児島君,かつ君達のJessica そしてthroma ゲストに鋭児 Noriさんから選ばれしバンドや曲を NoriさんのDjやROCK TRIBEの作り出す 絶好の空気の中、体感出来ること ほんと、すさまじいので 是非沢山の人に味わって貰いたいです 何卒 photo 7 by ogakei 意外と撮り損ねてきたこのスリーショット ありがとう。いい薬です https://www.instagram.com/p/CokXsiOv2_E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shabazsayyed · 4 years
Basalt Fiber Market Overview with Demographic Data and Industry Growth Trends by 2027
A Global Research Report on the Basalt Fiber Market has been published by Reports and Data to help readers engaged in the industry and new entrants understand the market. The report focuses on the current scope as well as on the upcoming growth opportunities in the market for the forecast period. To understand the structure of the market, the report also includes reliable data on local consumption and global consumption. The report also mentions details about the leading industry players along with information like the company profiles, product offering, and specifications, price, capacity, cost of production, latest technologies, revenue share, contact information, and others.
The market report also includes details of the major segments of the Basalt Fiber Market. The Basalt Fiber Market is divided into different segments on the basis of types, applications, and end-users. The report also consists of geographic analysis of the global Basalt Fiber market. The information mentioned in the report is vital in order to forecast the future of the global market.
This is the latest report covering the current COVID-19 scenario. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected every aspect of the worldwide industry. It has brought along various changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and the initial and future assessment of the impact are covered in the research report. The report discusses all the major aspects of the market with expert opinions on the current status along with historical data.
Get a Sample PDF Report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1698
Key Players Profiled in the Report:
Kamenney VEK, Zhejiang GFB Basalt Fiber Co., Mafic SA, Technobasalt-Invest LLC, Russian Basalt, ISOMATEX S.A., INCOTELOGY GmbH, Sudaglass Basalt Fiber Technology, Shanxi Basalt Fiber Technology Co. Ltd., and Mudanjiang Jinshi Basalt Fiber Co. Ltd, among others.
Product Type Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Chopped Strands
Mesh & Grids
Form Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Usage Type Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Application Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2016-2026 and Revenue, USD Million; 2016-2026)
Aerospace & Defense
Electrical & Electronics
Key questions answered in the report:
·         What will be the predicted market size and growth rate in the forecast period?
·         What are the major factors driving the Global Basalt Fiber Market?
·         What are the different risks and challenges faced by companies in the industry?
·         Who are the prominent players in the Global Basalt Fiber Market?
·         What are the latest trending factors influencing market growth?
·         What are the key outcomes of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis or SWOT Analysis?
·         Which are the various global opportunities and growth prospects for expanding the Global Basalt Fiber Market?
This research report delivers a 360° overview of the competitive landscape of the Global Basalt Fiber Market. Furthermore, it includes massive data regarding the latest trends, technological advancements, and methodologies. The study analyzes the Global Basalt Fiber Market in a detailed and extensive manner for the readers to gain better insights.
For geographical segmentation, regional supply, application-wise, and type-wise demand, key players, and others, this report covers the following regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East & Africa. The report sheds light on the competitive landscape of the market that covers the product offerings, services, market shares, and business overview. This Basalt Fiber Market research report covers various dynamic aspects like the market drivers, restraints and challenges, and growth prospects. The prominent and leading companies are profiled in the report.
 The research report has taken the help of several graphical presentation techniques like infographics, charts, tables, and pictures to study the numerical data. It mentions guidelines for both established players and new entrants in the Global Basalt Fiber Market.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1 analyzes the Basalt Fiber Introduction, product offerings, and scope, complete market overview, growth opportunities, market risks, driving forces, and others.
Chapter 2 presents a detailed study of the key manufacturers of Basalt Fiber, along with sales, revenue, and the price of Basalt Fiber.
Chapter 3 includes the competitive scenario, highlighting the major manufacturers and vendors.
Chapter 4 shows the global Basalt Fiber market by regions, clubbed with sales, revenue, and market share of Basalt Fiber, for each region, from 2016 to 2026.
Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, study the market by region, by type, by application, and by manufacturers, with the sales, revenue, and market share included by key countries in these regions.
Browse full report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/basalt-fiber-market
The Basalt Fiber Market report delivers the principle locale, latest economic situations with the item value, benefits, production capacity, demand and supply, market development rate, and others. Additionally, the report also offers SWOT analysis, speculation attainability investigation, and venture return investigation.
Thank you for reading our report. If you wish to find more details of the report or to inquire about customization, please let us know, and we will offer you the report as per your needs.
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