malicious-spectrum · 5 months
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More Ghost Helper Clover doodles!!
Bravery is a good older brother :)
Link to the AU’s blog
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The main six’s (updated!) character bios all in one place! Mainly so I can link them in the intro post.
Text versions under the cut.
(Neutral/Pacifist route)
They/ Them (the Fandom would murder me otherwise)
Age - 12ish
Clover fell down into Mt. Ebbot to find the other Humans, NOT EXPECTING TO MEET THEIR GHOSTS.
Now having to search across the Underground to find their SOULs, Clover has to make sure everyone's happy & generally OK so once they reach the surface... They'll be sure that the ghosts can truly rest in peace.
Clover is admittedly a little silly despite trying to be a cool cowboy. Falling over from time to time, not having the best aim... Needless to say, Flowey's had to RELOAD quite a bit.
And by a bit, I mean a lot.
Age Upon Death - 9
Wanders the Dark Ruins looking for their big brother (Bravery), commonly following random monsters & watching them out of pure boredom.
They commonly lose their plush, "Bunnie", around the Ruins, as while they can manage to hold it... It still falls out of their grasp when they aren't paying attention. Don't worry, Clover helps them find it again!
Age Upon Death - 15
Guiltridden after causing the deaths of himself & his little sister's (Patience), Bravery's soul is buried in Snowdin's thick icy snow. Barely out of reach from reuniting with his sibling.
Clover & Patience come across Bravery's ghost, said ghost immediately rushing toward them upon sewing Patience. Hugging her tightly. He tries his best to guide Clover while also taking care of & diverting most of his attention toward his sister.
But could you BLAME him he missed her SO MUCH.
Age Upon Death - 14
Perseverance is very unhappy about the circumstances of their death, & complains about everything in the Underground because of it. They'd rather just study all the flora & fauna while being left completely alone. Regardless, the other Humans still talk to Perseverance for company despite them being antisocial. Except for Integrity, who also likes to be left alone. They tolerate Integrity because of this.
Perseverance's soul is found by a monster trying to get it to Asgore or a Royal Guard member early on in the dunes. Luckily, Clover stops them &... Perseverance just complains that they could've handled it & didn't need some "cosplayer'''s help. Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that.
All/Any Pronouns
Age Upon Death - 14
Kindness befriended quite a few monsters during their time in the Underground. One of them, Kindness's closest friend, managed to keep his soul safe from getting nabbed by royal guards. So Kindness keeps close by their house, using her ability to only really pick up cooking utensils to help her friend out. It also likes to wander around finding new ingredients & such. He commonly likes to ask Perseverance for their notes on plants & spices even if they can be a bit difficult sometimes.
Clover & company find Kindness in the Wild East's Saloon, hanging out with her best friend as she inspects a Feisty Slider. Then spotting Clover being dragged in by Ed & Starlo, & watching the chaos unfold. Yes, they were sad that the had to say goodbye to their friend, but it was for the greater good.
Age Upon Death - 16
We all know what happened to Integrity, right? Killed some monsters. Killed by Axis. Soul was used by Chujin for experiments. Well, Integrity's soul has been stuck in the basement for... A while. Hidden away by Ceroba so she wasn't reminded of her grave mistake.
However, her soul is able to wander quite a bit away, all the way to Steamworks & back because of her... High LOVE...
It's also because of this that she has more of a presence to Monsters, Maybe a figure flickering in & out of existence, or scattered footsteps in the sand. The other souls are... Also a tiny but wary of her because of this. She's silent & scary. : (
Clover encounters Integrity throughout their journey, but Integrity only really starts to stick around in the Steamworks. But... From a distance. Depending on the route, either because of Ceroba or Flowey.
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rosedavid · 5 years
can you do a headcanon of the ghc and co. (jonah, amber, tj, marty) going to a big shopping mall?? :)
Of course!! :) enjoy!
They ALWAYS go to The Spoon for group hangouts, so one day someone suggests that they go to the mall instead. 
Cyrus educates TJ on the magnificence of the mall pretzel shop. They share a pretzel, of course. 
The Shadyside mall still has those old things where you send coins down and watch them spin. Marty, Jonah, and TJ have races with their coins to see which will go down first. Only the first race is actually fair. After that, they all JUMP on top of each other to try and stop their coins from going down first. 
Amber educates everyone on makeup and nail polish. She offers to do everyone’s nails later (with Andi’s creative help).
Buffy and Marty try out all of the different sports objects at the sporting goods store until they get in trouble for being “too loud and disruptive”
Cyrus confides in TJ about his past fear of escalators (and how he’s still kinda freaked out by them). TJ makes sure to hold his hand when they get on one. 
Andi and Amber do an impromptu fashion show while they try on clothes at one of the local mall shops.
Jonah discovers a cool new music shop in the mall. He and TJ look at vinyls together. 
When TJ sees a bunch of basketball shirts, Cyrus has to physically steer him in the opposite direction. (TJ only comes out with having bought 1 basketball shirt and some other plain t-shirts, so Cyrus considers it a success).
They all try to fit in one of those tiny photo booths at once to get some pictures. It’s completely chaotic and they kind of get yelled at, but it’s worth it. 
Jonah and Marty compete to see who can finish their slushie first. Neither can finish because they drink them so fast that it gives them endless brain freezes. By the end, both of their tongues are completely blue
Marty scares Buffy by posing as a mannequin. She almost accidentally punches him in surprise, but he moves away just in time. 
Andi gets a ton of new craft supplies from a bunch of random knickknacks that she finds interesting. 
Cyrus is a super in depth and slow shopper. Everyone groans as they wait for him to make his way through the store because he looks at every. single. item. Of course, TJ has the upmost patience (but only when it comes to Cyrus), and he finds it really cute.
Send me Andi Mack headcanon prompts!
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Platonic Jarty/Dumba$$ Trio: New Beginnings
Author’s Note: This one shot was requested by @remedymoods. We wanted to give Jonah more of a fair chance since he still seemed like he wasn’t totally connected with the GHC in the finale. This is one of my spins on their story, as well as how the two of them became connected to TJ. Enjoy! 😊
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Jonah finished snapping the photo and handed the camera back to Andi. It was a photo of Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy all together, but for some reason they didn’t ask him to be in it. He put on a brave face as he took the photo, but for some reason he felt hurt. Maybe even a little betrayed? These were supposed to be his friends. Wasn’t Cyrus the one who said he was in the Good Hair Crew (GHC)? Why didn’t they even ask to take a selfie so Jonah could join? It was like none of the past two years mattered to the rest of his friends. He understood that these guys had been friends for a long time (to the point of knowing each other’s dental appointments!), but he also thought he was drafted into their group. That he was one of them. Not a temporary member, but an honorary one.
He wondered if it was because of everything they had gone through. He had to admit, his relationship track record wasn’t the greatest. Dating Amber twice, lying about it the second time, breaking up with Libby who was good for him, off and on with Andi, not being honest about his feelings with any of them, and at some points dragging his other friends (especially Cyrus) into the relationship drama of it all... it made sense if there was a little bit of disconnect from the rest of the GHC. 
But they had a lot of fun times together, too. Buffy and Cyrus helped him move, he was one of the only people invited to Bex and Bowie’s wedding, Chinese New Year at the Mack house, all of the times at school, sharing baby taters at The Spoon, hanging out with his friends not just during Space Otter’s Ultimate Frisbee team practice... it just made no sense why none of them would want him in the photo. Especially Andi.
Yes, he and Andi had rough patches, but he was wearing her bracelet. He cared about her because of the close bond they formed throughout the ups and downs of their relationship history. Even when they weren’t dating, they were still friends and supported each other. He considered them best friends, even if she didn’t.
In a last attempt to feel accepted in the GHC, he hugged Andi, saying, “love you, Andi Man”. It wasn’t to make her feel bad, but to let her know that she was loved by him. That he wanted her and the other friends in his life forever, even after she left for SAVA. The response, however, was not what he was wanting or expecting.
The response? Silence.
Jonah thought she would at least say she loved him back. A friendly love. A love that only comes after everything they had gone through. He didn’t want a romantic love with anyone. He didn’t feel that connection to anyone, but he did feel a love for Andi. One that was deep, because he cared about her so much and only wanted her to live her best life. Maybe that best life was at SAVA... away from him for a bit.
Jonah felt lost, wondering who he was going to be friends with now that Andi was gone. Would he be a temporary replacement for Andi in the GHC? No. He didn’t want that. He would never replace her and he was worried if he spent all of his time with Buffy and Cyrus, that might happen. He needed friends of his own and he needed them fast.
The group had agreed to meet up at The Spoon the next day for some of their ritual baby taters. Jonah walked in and saw Andi already sitting down at a table- Amber next to her, full uniform, talking her ear off.
Jonah hopped in a chair next to Andi. “Hey guys, what’s up?”
Andi’s face broke into a massive smile, “hey, Jonah! How are you?”
“I’m good! Hey, Amber”.
Amber’s face softened towards him. “Hey, Jonah. Listen, I’ll go get started on your Baby Taters and they should be ready by the time Buffy and Cyrus get here”.
“Ok, great. Thanks, Amber!” Andi said politely.
“Amber, wait!” Jonah said, quickly, hopping up from his chair, “can I speak with you a minute?” He got close to her so they were out of ear shot from Andi.
Amber looked uneasy. She rubbed her arm uncomfortably as she said, “look, Jonah, if it’s about us, I really don’t want to talk about it”.
“It is,” Jonah said. The moment he said it, Amber got a callous look to her eye and began to walk off. Jonah touched her arm in an attempt to stop her from walking away. “But,” he continued, “it’s not anything too serious”.
This got her to stop, turn around, and look at him again. Her face still showing some frustration.
“I just wanted to know if it was ok that I am here again. I know we talked about me giving you some space and I don’t want to invade that. This was more of a celebratory thing for Andi”.
“I know,” Amber said, her face showing warmth again. “You can come back here again. I appreciate you not showing up for a bit. I know that was hard for you, but it meant a lot to me that you respected me enough to do that. Go join your friends”.
“You’re sure?” Jonah asked, once more.
Amber smiled. “Yes, Jonah. I’m sure”.
“Thanks, Amber,” Jonah said, a slight dimple showing in his smile.
He turned around to walk back to where Andi was sitting, but saw four more bodies sitting at the table. He didn’t realize that in the time he had taken to talk to Amber that Buffy, Marty, TJ, and Cyrus had all shown up. There was a seat between Cyrus and Andi, meant for him to sit at. This made his heart jump a little.
Jonah sat back down as he said, “hey guys!”
“Hey!” “What’s up?” “J-man, how are you?” they all greeted Jonah in unison. This version of a welcoming committee made Jonah feel more accepted than the night before and he was happy to feel not as closed off from Amber or Andi, either.
“So... I didn’t expect to see all of you here,” Andi said as she looked specifically at Marty and TJ, a little gleam in her eye.
Buffy smiled softly, “well... there’s something we need to tell you, Andi”.
Andi’s eyes widened and Jonah could see the excitement racing across her face.
“Marty and I,” Buffy continued as he put an arm around the back of her chair, “we’re together”.
“Oh my gosh,” “Finally,” “Took you long enough,” the table chattered excitedly.
Buffy gave Cyrus an “excuse me?” look at the last remark.
“Well, I’m really happy,” Marty said, staring at Buffy with a massive grin.
“We’re both really happy,” she said, looking back at him, reciprocating the smile as she put a hand on his lap.
“I’m glad you told us,” Cyrus said, “because...” He lifted his hand up from under the table. His fingers laced with TJ’s. Jonah hadn’t even noticed their hands were down the whole time.
“Oh my gosh,” “Finally,” “Took you long enough,” the table echoed. This time, it was Cyrus glaring back at Buffy.
Amber brought over the baby taters and slid them on the table. “Hey!” she said excitedly to the four who just showed up. “Did I miss anything?...” Amber’s voice trailed off as she noticed the couples physical sentiments towards each other. “Gotcha.” She said as she keyed in. 
“Are you going on your break soon?” Andi asked. “Would you like to join us?”
“Actually, yeah, I would love that!” Amber said as she raced to her work time clock to take her break. She showed back up a few minutes later without her apron and hat and pulled up a chair between Andi and Buffy. 
The group laughed, made jokes about the new couples, did some tater theater, talked about old times and new times, and even dunked their baby taters in a shared strawberry shake (Buffy’s favorite). When it was time for everyone to go, the group gave each other hugs good-bye, except for TJ and Marty who still didn’t know each other well and Jonah and Amber in a failed attempt at making things less awkward between them.
“Hey, if anyone needs a ride, let me know,” Marty volunteered.
“Actually, I would love one,” Jonah said.
The group went outside and everyone got rides except for Marty, Jonah. They sat on the ground outside, waiting for Marty’s mom to pick them up.
“So, you and Buffy then?” Jonah asked, trying to break the silence.
Marty laughed and shook his head, “yeah, I’m still pretty surprised myself”.
“I’m sure you are. Isn’t it crazy we all went on that double date about a year ago?”
“Holy cow,” Marty exhaled. “That was a long time ago, wasn’t it? Thank goodness I had the patience to wait for her”.
“You literally dated someone else,” Jonah said with a flat tone in his voice.
“Ok, ok, so we all make mistakes, but Buffy is definitely not one of them”.
“Do you think you would have been better friends with us had things not ended badly between you and Buffy?”
“Jonah, that’s a pretty loaded question”. Jonah had to agree, Marty was right. But it really made Jonah think that maybe the GHC wouldn’t be the only people he relied on had he tried and talked to other people in the meantime and extend his social circle. He realized he spent so much time with them, that maybe he had been throwing away other opportunities to make new friends. New friends that want him in their photos and won’t leave to other schools.
“But maybe,” Marty continued, breaking Jonah’s train of thought. 
“However, Buffy wasn’t ready to be with me yet and I was kind of in a one track mind with her. I had other friends to go to when she didn’t want to be with me, so I didn’t really think about it,” Marty said, blowing heat on his hands to keep them from getting to cold in the beginning winter air.
Marty did exactly what Jonah wanted. Just then, Jonah got an idea and acted off of impulse. He stuck his hand out to Marty. “Well then, Marty, I’m Jonah Beck. Nice to meet you”.
Marty got a suspicious look in his eye, but played along. “Hi, Jonah Beck. I’m Marty from the Party. Nice to meet you, too”. 
Marty’s mom pulled up right after this exchange and both boys hopped into her van. Jonah and Marty talked excitedly about their similar interests in sports, parties, and dad jokes the entire way home. The two boys were laughing so hard, that they were to the point of tears by the time they got to Jonah’s new house.
Marty’s mom smiled as she watched the boys get along so well from the rear view mirror. She let the boys keep talking, so that Jonah could get out of the van whenever he was ready.
“Woe! Is that?!” Marty asked, amazed and confused as he spotted Jonah’s mom.
Jonah looked away sheepishly. “Yes, that’s her. That’s my mom”.
“Your mom is an internet celebrity and you never told us?!” Jonah realized he had only told this to the only people he had considered friends, until now.
“Actually... Buffy, Cyrus, Andi, and Amber all know... but now you do too. So congrats, man”.
Marty was still in shock. “I have to come over and meet her sometime”.
Jonah’s face dropped a little. Maybe he didn’t want to be Marty’s friend if the only thing he cared about was getting to know his “famous” mom.
“And we need to play more video games together, go skateboarding, we should try ultimate, oh! and basketball, and I have to show you this series on TV,” Marty continued to ramble without even noticing Jonah’s changed facial expression. Jonah’s face lit up again as he realized Marty didn’t want to know Jonah for his mom- he just wanted to know Jonah! His mom was more like an added bonus.
“Why don’t we exchange numbers and then we can chill sometime?” Jonah asked.
“Yeah, man! That sounds great!” Marty said excitedly.
“Docious,” Jonah replied, handing Marty his phone, opened to a “add new contact” screen.
Marty’s face suddenly looked really confused. “Docious?”
Even Marty didn’t know that? Jonah realized he stopped saying that a long time ago. He suddenly got a little embarrassed.
“That’s sick, man. I love that word. Can I use it?”
Jonah laughed. “Sure! Anytime”. 
“Docious,” Marty said again, with more pondering to his voice. Marty finished putting his number in and handed the phone back to Jonah. Jonah felt so much approval from Marty. Marty liked his funny phrase and didn’t mock him for it to the point of him not using it anymore. Marty wanted to spend time with him, not asking for space. He and Marty don’t have a messy background story he had to work through. They were just... friends.
Jonah hopped out of the van. “I’ll text you my number!” Jonah said as he shut the door and Marty waved good bye.
The next day Jonah got a text from Cyrus. 
Cyrus: Hey, JB, me and TJ are going to the park and we wanted to see if you’d like to join? 
At first, Jonah didn’t want to because he didn’t want to third wheel, but he found it a good opportunity to make new friends.
Jonah: Sure! Mind if I bring a friend?
Cyrus: No problem, my man! We’ll be there at one!
Jonah: Doc!
Jonah felt good adding that last part. He texted Marty inviting him, to which Marty replied with an enthusiastic, “yes!”
All four of them met up at the park and Jonah, Marty, and TJ all decided to play a game of two-on-one basketball. Marty and Jonah against TJ. It was a close game, but Marty and Jonah won by two points. Cyrus just watched, cheered, and made sure TJ had enough water. 
When they won, Jonah thought TJ was going to get mad, instead he responded with a, “yo Marty! Nice game!”
“Yo TJ! Same to you”
“Yo”, “yo”, “yoooo”. The boys threw the word around for another two minutes before Cyrus lost it.
“Could you guys possibly think of any other words to say?!” Cyrus asked, rolling his eyes and throwing his hands in the air.
Marty grinned, playfully, “aight”. He said with a smirk.
The other two played along and began throwing the word, “aight” around like a bunch of mimicking seagulls.
“I give up!” Cyrus said as he rolled his eyes again and put his hands in his face.
“TJ, homie, you’re awesome,” Marty said.
“Thanks, man. You too.” TJ said, patting Marty’s arm.
“We should do more stuff together. I think we’re a pretty fun group of dudes,” Jonah chimed in.
“Of course,” TJ said with a ‘duh’ expression on his face.
“Yo, let’s get a photo,” Marty said. The three of them got in together to take a picture on his phone. Marty snapped the photo and as he put the phone down to get TJ’s number so he could to text the both of them the picture in a new group chat, Jonah looked over sadly at Cyrus, who still had his hands in his face in shame.
“Hey, Cy!” Jonah called out. Cyrus’ face perked up. “Come get in the photo with us!” he said, waving Cyrus over. TJ and Marty also agreed and began waving him over. Cyrus jumped up and ran over to grab Marty’s phone.
“What are you doing?” Jonah asked.
“Taking a photo of you guys. That’s what you asked, isn’t it?”
“No,” Jonah said, grinning. “Be in the photo with us. We’re all friends.”
Marty snapped a photo of the four of them together. Jonah couldn’t have been happier. When he went to bed that night, he opened up his phone to a few missed messages from Marty and TJ. They were trying to make plans for the next day. When he opened up the messages, however, he realized he was in a group chat with the two of them. It had the picture of the three boys from earlier that day and TJ had renamed it, “The Dumba$$ Trio”.
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rainbowshipping · 6 years
Rambles About Season 2B
Ok so maybe someone has already said this, but I’ve been thinking a lot about Jonah’s anxiety and which of the main characters is going to find out first or how they’re going to find out. I’ve seen quite a few people suggest that since TJ is the only character (outside from Cyrus’s dad) who knows about what happened to Jonah that he’s going to be the one to tell one of the main characters, specifically Cyrus considering the fact that those two are on good terms and if TJ were to share something it would be with Cyrus. 
Now that does make sense and does seem to be the most likely scenario. But then I started thinking about the possibility of TJ telling Buffy instead of Cyrus. Because I think it would be really interesting if Buffy were the first to find out about what’s going on with Jonah considering the fact that she is the character who has criticized his constant obliviousness and optimism (mocking his lack of facial expressions, saying how he’s finally feeling “real human emotions”). Buffy and Jonah have so far had limited interactions with each other, which makes sense considering that unlike Andi and Cyrus, Buffy did not have any reason to try to impress Jonah. And seeing how much emotional turmoil he has caused her friends, it’s understandable how annoyed she can be with him. But it’s because she’s always viewed his laid back attitude as more of a flaw than something that contributed to his coolness, I think her being the first character to find out would lead to more interesting conflicts. 
So we really don’t know much about what’s going on in the rest of season 2, but from the promo Jonah seems more desperate to try and win Andi over. Now whether or not this is because Andi rejected him at the end of Bash Mitzvah, I think that Jonah is going to slowly start to lose his constant air of coolness that has sorta shielded him from his emotions. If Andi does end up rejecting Jonah (which based on the promo and set images that make it seem like she’s going to be spending more time with Walker and the Terri Minsky interview where she says how the storyline she’s most proud of is Andi learning that she doesn’t need Jonah seems pretty likely), than I think it would play out similarly to “Head Over Heels” where Jonah just doesn’t acknowledge the fact that he’s upset, only this time with the whole GHC. The reason I say this is because Jonah still views them as their own separate friend group, one he’s not a part of, and if things did end between him and Andi, he might just assume that they wouldn’t want to hang out with him anymore. Not completely ignore them, but not go to the Spoon with them or go out of his way to talk to them, maybe even surround himself with people from the Space Otters. In any case, I definitely think this will cause a rift in his friendships with Cyrus and Buffy, but this is where things start to get interesting for me. Cyrus probably won’t admit that he wants to still hang out with Jonah because he’s a loyal friend to Andi and Buffy will probably be annoyed with Jonah because of all the drama he’s caused and has always been woefully unaware of.
 Now if TJ is the one to mention what happened to Buffy, it could go either way in terms of whether or not Buffy realizes what happened based on what TJ describes. But this news will definitely serve as a huge adjustment for how she’s perceived Jonah thus far. She’s never seemed to be as swept up in the mystique of Jonah Beck TM, and the two sorta clash considering Buffy has always been the more cynical and practical of the characters whereas Jonah has always come off as persistently optimistic. None of this is to say that she’s heartless, just that since she has never really bought into his hype she just doesn’t have as much patience or sympathy for his nonsense like Andi and Cyrus have in the past. And especially after “Good Hair Day” she’ll probably be more sympathetic (not a lot but more) than she would’ve been even just a few episodes prior. So her realizing that all this time she thought that Jonah was just a clueless person might have actually just been a front to a much darker reality would be to me extradanairly interesting. 
Now is this going to happen? Heck if I know, there’s still a month and a half left before the second half of season two and we’ve seen one promo and from the looks of it Buffy moving is going to take center stage. But there are still thirteen episodes that have yet to air, which is a lot of time for this story to develop. And it definitely seems like the kind of thing that the writers are going to drag out for all the dramatic tension they can get. 
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newssplashy · 6 years
Multiple media outlets had claimed that Peace FM has made a donation of Ghc 2,000 for her medical bills and 5,000 for her upkeep.
Accra-based Peace FM has denied making a cash donation of GHC7,000 to Patience Osafo, the woman who was assaulted at the banking hall of Midlands Savings and Loans Limited.
READ MORE: Woman mercilessly assaulted by police lodges formal complaint
Multiple media outlets  and journalists had claimed that Peace FM has made a donation of Ghc 2,000 for her medical bills and 5,000 for her upkeep.
"So far, the assaulted nursing mother has received over GH₵40,000 cash donations, foodstuff, clothing. Peace FM has offered her an apartment and shop. The policeman thought he was beating the hell out of this woman but didn't know he was beating poverty out of her. Miracle God," the Head of Sports at  Accra-based Atinka FM tweeted.
 Reacting to the publication, the radio station noted: "Peace FM denies report circulating on social media that it has donated an apartment and a shop to Patience Osafo, the woman assaulted by a police officer at the banking hall of Midland Savings and Loans but rather Peace FM has made a donation of Ghc 2,000 for her medical bills and 5,000 for her upkeep."
A leaked video on Friday showed Patience Osafo being assaulted by a police officer, after she insisted on withdrawing her savings when banking hours had closed.
The police officer, Lance Corporal Frederick Amanor aka Skalla , has been interdicted according to the police.
READ MORE: Abusive police officer could be dismissed- Interior Minister says
On Saturday, she lodged a formal complaint at the Legon Police Station for an official investigation to be commenced into the conduct of the police officer.
via NigeriaNews | Latest Nigerian News,Ghana News,News,Entertainment,World News,sports,Naij In a Splash
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malicious-spectrum · 5 months
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Expanding on my drawing of Clover meeting the past humans as ghosts, this is Patience!!
They’re so silly. (Sad. & lonely.) (They had a fight with Bravery which is why they fell down Ebbot.)
Link to the AU’s blog.
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(Formerly on @malicious-spectrum )
Bio under the cut in case you can’t read it for whatever reason.
Age Upon Death - 9
Wanders the Dark Ruins looking for their big brother (Bravery), commonly following random monsters & watching them out of pure boredom.
They commonly lose their plush, "Bunnie", around the Ruins, as while they can manage to hold it... It still falls out of their grasp when they aren't paying attention. Don't worry, Clover helps them find it again!
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