revenantghost · 1 year
OHHHHHH I stopped watching '98 last night right before things got Good, episode 12 is delicious
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tomboyyyaoi · 1 year
trigun twitter blows like actually fucking sucks ass like actually eats shit like good god what a cesspit. what a fucking travesty how those people live and consume media, twitter fandoms continue losing, seethe, rot, fester, youre all doomed
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fast-moon · 19 days
I'm 30 years late, but...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine originally aired when I was 10 years old. I loved Next Generation when I was a kid, so I gave DS9 a try back then... and immediately grew bored of it. They weren't going to new planets or having space battles, they were just sitting around in one place discussing space politics, and there wasn't even anyone funny like Data to hold my attention. So, I stopped watching after a couple episodes.
But, since I keep hearing it ended up being the best Trek seres, I've decided to go ahead and give it a full watch-through. Maybe now that I'm 40 and have more life experience under my belt, I can appreciate it more.
Turns out I do! I've finished the first season, so I'll give a run-down of what I thought of the S1 episodes below the cut:
1-2. Emissary: All right, I actually understand the premise this time which completely went over my head as a kid. The Bajorans were under Cardassian occupation for decades, the Federation showed up and drove them out, now the Federation is in control of the Cardassian space station DS9 to help the Bajorans rebuild and return to self-governance. But wait! Turns out there's a wormhole that goes to the other side of the galaxy here and it's suddenly become prime space real-estate! And the wormhole is inhabited by... mysterious non-temporal entities that spit out a magic orbs from time to time and the Bajorans worship them as prophets.
3. Past Prologue: Garak is queer-coded like whoa and gives Bashir a taste of his own medicine about not respecting boundaries. Is also possibly like a quadruple-agent. And tailors a fine suit. Also, Kira got a haircut. There's rats on spaceships?! Oh, that's just Odo. Okay. Still, the fact that he considered that a convincing disguise means there's rats on spaceships?!
4. A Man Alone: A guy backstabs himself and blames Odo for it.
5. Babel: Poor overworked O'Brien gets so stressed out he starts speaking in tongues. Then it turns out it's contagious. And it turns out that it's because someone sabotaged the station decades ago with a dyslexia virus and then just kind of forgot about it.
6. Captive Pursuit: This actually touches on a moral question I'd been wondering about if we ever end up with sentient AI: If something is bred/programmed to like being oppressed, is it more moral to remove it from its oppression even if that makes it miserable, or to return it to its oppression if that's what makes it happy? This episode chose the latter.
7. Q-Less: A surprisingly boring Q-centric episode whose only shenanigans involved a space stingray Vash was trying to sell off. Q really does miss Picard.
8. Dax: Oh, another philosophical thought-experiment: If you committed a crime and then get reincarnated in a traceable manner and retain all the memories of your previous incarnation, can your current incarnation be held liable for your previous incarnation's actions? This episode decides it doesn't want to answer this because she's not guilty, anyway.
9. The Passenger: Bashir becomes even more insufferable and nobody notices.
10. Move Along Home: Samurai hippies come through the wormhole and demand everyone LARP with them whether they like it or not.
11. The Nagus: Quark falls victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war with Asia". But only slightly less well-known is this: "Never get involved with a Ferengi when profit is on the line".
12. Vortex: So... Odo just lets a guy get away with murder because he has a sob story and claimed he knew others of his kind? Just because he was wanted unjustly on his home planet does not change the fact that he murdered a guy for hire. Also, Odo can get knocked out by a rock?
13. Battle Lines: Remember that "Great Divide" episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender that everyone hated? No reason.
14. The Storyteller: O'Brien goes down to Bajor to fix the pipes, becomes God.
15. Progress: Kira has to go convince a Boomer to leave his land because they need the resources to rebuild the planet, but he's all "I got mine, screw them." She humors his sexist behavior all episode, then burns his house down.
16. If Wishes Were Horses: Bashir wishes for his own personal side-piece Dax, and real Dax is weirdly okay with this because "boys will be boys". The conflict in this episode is literally solved by thinking happy thoughts.
17. The Forsaken: Odo gets sexually harassed so reports it to HR who just laughs him off because they think it would be good for him to get laid. Then he gets stuck in an elevator with his stalker and it's revealed just how physically strenuous it is for him to maintain his human form all day, and yet he has never been afforded any accommodations beyond a bucket to sleep in. This poor space slime, no wonder he's always so grumpy. #JusticeForOdo
18. Dramatis Personae: TNG's "The Inner Light", but stupid. Once again Odo has to save the day because he's immune to the humanoid crazypox that seems to infect the station every half-dozen episodes, and yet they still just can't find it in their effects budget to adjust station operations enough to allow him the minimal comfort of not having to contort himself into human form every day until he collapses just to do his job.
19. Duet: I am a sucker for "Did the janitors on the Death Star deserve to die?" sorts of moral discussions, and this episode delivered that very well. Also, I'm in lesbians with Kira.
20. In the Hands of the Prophets: Lady who doesn't even have kids at the school nevertheless takes issue that the children aren't being taught in accordance to her religious beliefs. It's been 30 years since this came out and nothing changes.
All in all, a decent season 1. It does show its age in places, especially in its treatment of female characters, and being written before the internet and smartphones caused seismic cultural shifts that its vision of the future failed to take into account. But still, I'm liking it now that I actually understand what's going on. On to season 2!
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Can you do a plant/flower shop au vash x reader where he's in charge of the shop and the reader is a customer and becomes a regular and they finally start dating?
I love this! Like can you imagine Vash owning a little flower shop so cute! I’m also a massive sucker for flower language lol but I apologize if it's not super accurate. Also, it's babygirl’s birthday, and well since we saw how his last birthday went! Here is some fluff <3 So happy birthday to my favorite man! Also, requests are open for anything, please send some in! (warning corny af writing below this is like 2700 words of fluff)
‘I was enchanted to meet you’
Vash x Reader (Modern AU)
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It starts with an impulse, you were having a terrible day, honestly, you were on the verge of tears and you just needed a little pick me up. Just to add insult to injury you had been caught out in the rain, you were soaking wet and miserable when you passed the little flower shop, you decided screw it! you deserved some nice flowers… and to get out of this weather.
So, without a second thought, you enter the small shop, a bell overhead going off as you do so. It's a charming little shop really, lots of different types of flowers and everything looks so green and fresh. You only feel a little bad about getting the floor all wet, but like plants need water, right? So, it was okay…surly.
“Hi! Can I help you?” a kind voice calls out, and it makes you jump you were so lost in thought that you weren't even thinking of anyone else being here. Turning around surprised to catch the very blue eyes of a guy who gives you a sheepish look, he's a cute, tall blonde, with large circle glasses sitting on his face and he’s wearing an apron, ah he must work here…duh! “Oh sorry, you caught me a little off guard.” You say with a soft laugh, Gee way to embarrass yourself in front of a cute guy! 
He doesn’t seem to notice your embarrassment or at least he kindly doesn’t point it out. He also doesn’t point out the puddle under you, he seems a little taken aback by your presence. He was probably shocked that anyone had been out in this weather, wait… he asked you a question. “Oh um, I was just…” you trail off like an idiot, a little lost in the blue of his eyes
“Wanting some flowers?” he says with an easy smile, God you must look like an idiot. Why else would you be in here? Today was just not your day, and this guy was being so nice to you! That was probably his job, but you were just one minor inconvenience from losing it. Your eyes drift to the name tag on his apron, Vash…
When you don't answer, Vash looks you over and notices well just how sad you look. “Here, wait by the counter, I’ll be right back!” he calls out, not giving you a second to reply as he disappeared down the aisle of bright flowers. With a sigh, you follow his instructions leaning against the counter, you’ve already made such a fool of yourself, maybe you should just leave. 
But you don't, maybe you are a little curious, and well it is still raining. Vash returns shortly after he told you to wait, he's holding a group of flowers together, they were pretty yellows, pinks, and whites some you recognized like the very obvious Sunflower. It was still very pretty, but now you are just a little confused you didn’t even get a chance to look at the flowers in the store. 
He gives you another sheepish look, as he wraps the flowers into a bouquet and hands it to you. “Sorry… it's just you didn't seem to know what you want so I picked these out for you!” You can see just the hint of pink on his cheeks, the flowers are lovely. “What are they? I mean the flowers what are they called,” you ask, finding the gesture really… nice.
And the way his face lights up when you ask, well it was worth coming in here alright. “Oh! Well, these are Sunflowers, and then these are daisies and Snapdragons with some filler greenery.” As he talks, he points to each flower excitedly telling you a little fact about them, his voice is really nice and he clearly knows his stuff. He looks embarrassed after a while to be rambling on so much, he rubs the back of his head “Sorry… I didn't mean to ramble. I’m Vash I own the shop!” 
Giving him a kind smile, you take the bouquet from him, it's lovely and simply just filled with life the opposite of the dreary attitude outside and the mood you were in when you first walked in, you tell him your own name before continuing to speak “I don’t mind, you really know a lot! How much do I owe you for these.” how could you not accept them, when he went through all the trouble, to select them just for you!
“They’re on the house.” He says kindly, and you can only look at him blankly, because why? “I can pay! I want to pay these are so nice and you went through all the trouble of picking them out!” You start to ramble a little flustered by the whole ordeal. Yeah, it was his job to provide flowers, but when was the last time a cute person had gifted your flowers? 
Vash just laughs softly; it’s a nice sound and he is clearly not mocking you or anything it’s just a friendly chuckle as he puts his hands up in defense. “Really have them! They made you smile and that’s enough payment for me” Vash goes red at his words and at how cheesy they sound he starts stuttering an apology and backtracking, but now it’s your turn to laugh. 
“Alright, thank you.” It really is a sweet gesture and honestly, it did make you smile after the day you had. You’ll have to come back and actually buy some flowers. The two of you continue to chat for a bit as the rain continues outside, he must notice your reluctance to leave back into the rain. 
To your surprise again, Vash hands you an umbrella telling you that you’ll just have to bring it back the next time you visit, he says this with such a sweet smile you can’t refuse. Accepting the umbrella with a thank you and a shy smile, you leave flowers in hand promising you’ll be back. During your walk home, you can’t get rid of the smile on your face.
You do come back, giving it a week or so to return the umbrella to Vash and to pick out some flowers. But it’s a little overwhelming, so many choices. “Need some help?” You don’t know how he manages to sneak up on you so easily, “actually yeah, I’m a little clueless when it comes to this… do you think you could pick some out for me? And I’m paying this time!” You add on quickly at the end, as Vash laughs. 
“Okay give me a second” and with one last look, he heads off in search of the perfect flowers for you, as you wait excitedly by the counter. You certainly could pick out flowers for yourself, but the bouquet he picked for you last time was so lovely that you just knew he would do a better job than you ever could. 
Vash returns with a colorful bouquet in hand, your eyes light up at the display eagerly asking about each flower, he points out the calla lilies, a white camellia, and some yellow tulips. Vash goes over each flower telling you about them, it’s nice you like listening to him ramble. The flowers as always are beautiful. 
“You know each flower is supposed to have a special meaning attached to it,” Vash says offhandedly as he puts the bouquet together for you, and that makes you even more interested, but before you can ask what the flowers, he picked for you mean you realize the time and you have to leave. You make sure to pay for the flowers, tell him goodbye, and thank you before you are off. 
After this you become a bit of a regular to the small flower shop, at this point the moment Vash sees you he knows to just pick out some flowers for you. And you love it, the special care he takes in selecting each flower, how pretty the bouquet looks, and the shy smile he gives you each time he hands it over. 
You also love to listen to talk about flowers, you ask more questions now instead of it just being a one-sided conversation and Vash is more than happy to answer any questions you have. Maybe you're going too often, but you like talking to Vash he’s so cute and nice! And it’s probably just his job to be nice to you. But you are starting to develop a crush, and it's embarrassing! It must be so obvious; you're probably making things awkward. Again, it's his job to be nice to you! You are just looking into things too deeply…unless you're not? You’ve seen Vash help other customers he's friendly of course! That’s just who he is, but it's not the same. Ugh, maybe you are looking into this too deeply. 
As you continue to visit the shop, you notice some more slight changes, maybe you are being bolder more obvious, and Vash seems to be flirting with you. It makes your heart race every time. The familiar bell dings overhead again as you enter, Vash is behind the counter helping another customer he looks up and gives you a smile before continuing to help the other person. Returning his smile, you browse the flowers. Reading the little note cards by each flower makes you remember something Vash said about flowers having meanings, maybe you’ll look up some later. 
A gentle call of your name makes you turn with a smile, Vash looks a little tired, his hair messier than usual he looks like he even has some dirt on his cheek, but he’s got that big smile on his face that he seems to reserve just for you. “You couldn't come at a better time! I just got a fresh shipment. Let me put something together for you!” you can’t refuse that, “Thanks Vash, I know whatever you pick out will be as wonderful as always.” the praise makes his eyes light up. 
Instead of waiting at the counter, you follow Vash watching him pick out each flower with care and telling you the name of each one, but you notice he never tells you what they mean. A couple of pink roses, light red carnations, a bundle of colored peonies, and even some lovely irises. You want to ask what they mean, but for some reason, you don't. Not wanting to break the spell that you too seem to be under. “Peonies are pretty rare, but they are in season and I thought you might like them,” Vash says softly.
Impulsively you reach out toward his face as he turns towards you, cupping his cheek and using your thumb to brush the dirt off his face. His face turns bright red, and you are sure you look just as flustered. Quickly retracting your hand, “Um sorry! The flowers are really nice, let me buy them right!” you manage to say this without stuttering as you turn and make your way towards the counter, God you are an idiot
Waiting at the counter and trying not to die from embarrassment, Vash eventually joins you still looking a little flustered. The two of you stand there quietly as Vash rings up the flowers for you, thanking him softly and hoping not to come off as too awkward you say your goodbyes and head home. The whole walk you can’t help but clutch the flowers to your chest, hoping you didn't ruin everything. 
It's late and you should be asleep, but your mind is still racing. With a sigh, you head into the kitchen for a drink when you see the bouquet sitting on the table. It makes you feel warm, and slightly curious Vash had seemed so excited about putting this set together for you… pulling out your phone you begin to search for what each flower means. And each search makes you blush more and more. 
Pink roses can mean blossoming romantic feelings 
Light red carnations can mean admiration and adoration
Peonies can mean romance and shyness 
And lastly, irises can mean courage 
You have to sit down for a second, you hope you're not giving this more meaning than it actually has. But Vash is the expert why would he purposely put this together for you if he had not meant…this? Did he return your feelings, looking at the flowers you feel determined and come up with a plan, you are either going to look like an idiot and you can never show Vash your face again… or the better outcome is you’ll get a date with the cutest guy you’ve ever seen!
No longer tired, you spend the rest of the night researching flowers. You just hope you don't mess this up…
You couldn't wait a day longer when you enter the store again, maybe you should have waited a couple of days, but you are scared that if you don't act now, you never will. Vash is busy with another customer; he looks up a little surprised but gives you that easy smile. It seems like he’ll be busy for a while, the customer seems very demanding. Perfect it’ll give you time to gather the flowers you need. 
You think you have what you need, holing the flowers carefully in your hands you head to the counter. Vash looks a little surprised, “I know you like to… pick the flowers out for me but I really needed these ones today!” you tell him quickly as his look of surprise turns to amusement, “Sure here let me see them.” You pass them to him, and for a second you see him frown as he looks over each flower. Before his face becomes neutral, and he begins to ring them up for you.  
Delphiniums, Gladiolus, some Stock flowers, and lastly some Lavender roses. You doubt it's a pretty selection of flowers, but they express what you want to say to him. Opening your heart, sincerity, affection, and enchantment. “This is quite a selection you picked out…” Vash says quietly, and when he hands them to you. You hand them right back. 
“These are actually for you.” 
Vash looks at you wide eye as he takes the flowers from your hands, he stares at you and you start to lose your courage here, “I looked up the meaning of the flowers you gave me yesterday and maybe I'm reading too into this… but I spent the whole night researching flowers on how to return those feelings if that’s what you even meant.” You ramble painfully, as Vash continues to just not say anything at all, oh you really done it now! 
He laughs and makes you tense up. He looks at the flowers with a bright smile and continues to laugh he sees the look on your face and reaches out taking your hand in his. “I'm not laughing at you, it's just… I've never been gifted flowers before!” You stare at him blankly… and then blush you literally just bought flowers from his shop and gave them to him to confess. Of course, he’s never got gifted flowers before! He owns a flower shop; you are so dumb. 
“Don’t worry it's really sweet, I love them! And what they mean…” Vash says kindly squeezing your hand, “Um but yeah, the flowers yesterday were a confession of sorts… I was just too much of a coward to actually tell you.” Vash says with a slight laugh and a blush high on his cheeks. It makes you feel better, that Vash is just as nervous about the whole thing as you, it makes you smile and squeeze his hand back. 
“Well, I like you too…and I was hoping, we could go on a date? Start seeing each other more?” You tell him, he smiles letting go of your hand to take one of the lavender roses out of the bouquet and leaning forward to tuck it behind your ear. “That would be really nice, and I was enchanted to meet you too by the way,” Vash says pointing to the lavender rose, he gives you a cheeky smile as you blush. It was so worth it to stop into this little flower shop, you knew you managed to walk out with more than just flowers.     
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax vol 8 random thoughts
i feel like i'm still emotionally caught up in volume 7 lmao... but we march on! mercifully i have less to say about this one than the previous volume, but this still turned out pretty long lol. maybe i should split my posts up more...
chapter 1:
the cross in the foreground of the title page... lmao. subtle storytelling techniques.
we know legato's skill is controlling someone else's body, we've seen him do it before. however. i've been rewatching bits of stampede here and there, in which his power is more like... idk, general application telekinesis? for example, he uses his power to affect the engine on the sandsteamer. it's not that important i suppose but it's a change i'm wondering about.
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this has me wondering. what's the relationship like between humans and plants on earth? it's been brought up a few times that humans stripped the earth of its resources. so is it just as exploitative? ...does knives plan on "saving" the plants on earth, too...?
meanwhile, wolfwood... wait a sec, is this...? --IT IS!!!
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...ahem. i mean, the poor man looks exhausted and miserable. but fr i missed his stubble so much, i was sad when he showed up clean shaven way back in trimax vol 1 lol.
...aaaand then the stubble is absent again. glad to have that one panel though.
okay, wolfwood intermission over, back to the conversation between vash and knives. everyone's already said so much about it already, and i've already gone over some parts of it, so i don't think i'm really adding anything here... but i want to talk about some aspects of it that didn't really fit into my other post.
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i touched on this in my volume 7 post. vash wants to wait, knives doesn't. and this is interesting to me, because... knives isn't actually wrong here? we saw the Last Run along with knives, we've seen how badly plants are treated. vash answering "that's the way it is" seems, i don't know... passive? like, knives's actions aren't GOOD, but i think his sense of urgency is a little warranted compared to vash just wanting to... wait it out?
and as we know, the reason why humans were trying to emigrate to a new planet in the first place was BECAUSE their resources on earth had run dry. so knives isn't really wrong about that either.
also, the page has already been posted a million times, so i won't repost it again, and also i've already said this, but vash getting so emotional at the mention of tesla that he breaks out of legato's control is crazy. he already fought against legato's control to crawl his way to knives and it wasn't even the full extent of his will.
also "don't you turn away from me, knives!" ...i'm repeating myself atp but god. he just sees right through him, doesn't he.
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his ass is not listening at all. knives, honey, he's saying YOU need to look inward!!! vash can see right through you and he's telling you that you failed at truly facing your pain!!! BUT YOUR ASS IS NOT LISTENING!!
chapter 2:
and we're here with livio and wolfwood... livio's mouth doesn't really open when he talks so i can't tell when he's the one talking lol. he... didn't really say much in stampede.
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livio is huge, what the hell! why'd they twinkify him so much in stampede!
i must say, so far i haven't met a trigun character that i didn't like. (aside from like, random unimportant one-off villains that i don't care about.) but i like everyone who's been important/recurring. even characters like legato and knives, with all they've done wrong, all of their genuinely heinous actions, i still love them. i get emotional about them and think they're well-written and interesting to think about. that being said... chapel is kinda pissing me off lmao.
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^ men will literally do... whatever this is instead of going to therapy.
(also this page is giving sephiroth vibes lol... this isn't the first and won't be the last time i will make this comparison. he IS a very sephiroth-like character.)
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OH, WHAT A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES!! i didn't realize how much i missed them until they showed up... :') and yay, luida's here too!
chapter 3:
oh, even brad is back!! :) (i recently rewatched the episode of 98 where he DIES... crossing my fingers he makes it to the end of the manga lol)
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meryl... ough :( i wish we could've seen her grapple with and work through all the trauma, talk with milly about it, etc... on top of having to face the sudden apocalypse... gal's been through so much. and she hasn't been able to talk with vash about what happened, the last time they saw each other was... well, it was a rough parting, to say the least. we didn't see her journey but we see her here, on the other side. more tired than before but still moving forward, able to talk honestly about the trauma she faced, and doing what she can to help people. she is so... cool.
also knives keeps making people just Vanish Outright like what is he doing exactly? eating them?? (<- this is a joke but actually.)
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the plant memory... knives was brought to his knees by it. and his expression... ough
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two breakdowns in two volumes... uaaagh, the effect of his face splitting apart is so GOOD. although i can't tell if the plants are deliberately showing him this, or if it's more of a side effect from absorbing so many...
and yeah, thinking about ordinary people, of course they wouldn't be the ones abusing plants. they don't have the power or authority to do so, especially not at a large scale. but knives doesn't see that - or hasn't seen it until now, rather - and thinks all humans are the same. so the real solution is to dismantle the structures that allow for plant abuse.
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also i LOVE the image of ww and legato that we end the chapter on. ww gets so many cool compositions, man.
chapter 4:
OUAGH, I LOVE WOLFWOOD. legato i love you baby but you deserved to get shot. also vash using his angel arm to escape...!! i mean, it's not like he has any other weapons he CAN use, but it's still... new to see him willingly using it like this.
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I LOVE THE COMPOSITION HERE!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!! the "amen" shaped like a cross? INSANE... and livio's face being in shadow so we only see the skull mask... this panel is SO good
i don't have that much to say about the fight... it's painful to watch. i already know ww and livio's history from stampede, and i don't know how much more of it we're going to get here in the manga, but juxtaposing scenes of young livio against his current self is... all we really need to know. and i love wolfwood's prayer so much, it's just... so sincere and desperate.
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i'm absolutely flabbergasted by the level of vashwood. everything about this is so fucking romantic, holy shit.
like. just the act of shielding ww is romantic in and of itself, but. also the fact that he answered ww's prayer. and that vash has been so afraid of his own power, which he's now using to protect... ugh. and their brief banter on the page directly after this is so good.
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AND THIS IS JUST. SO GOOD. vash doesn't care about his own life, but HE CARES ABOUT WOLFWOOD!! SO MUCH!! oooggghh THE VASHWOOD OF IT ALL!!!
and then he uses his angel arm again, and it's the fanciest it's ever been... powered up with love... he has full control over it now.
but also, i already talked about this line in my other post, but knives begging vash not to go and saying "we only have each other"...i only talked about knives's feelings in that post - it's true for him. he only has vash. but vash has other people who he loves and who love him. and that love is why vash is doing what he's doing right now. maybe it's what knives was reacting to, when he touched vash with his feather... he realized he couldn't make vash stay. and that's why the end of the chapter says "it's over." just put me in the microwave already. ugh. i should've put this in my other post but i'm having Revelations in real time as i write lmao.
chapter 5:
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oh hey! this is the first appearance of the little glass vial (a little glass vial? A LITTLE GLASS VIAL!!) that tristamp ww was constantly drinking from! aka the biggest death flag known to man. i was wondering when we'd see them.
also, ww is finally being honest and telling vash about himself...! :') it's all stuff i already knew from watching stampede, but still... it's rough. and the way stamp adapted it made it even more horrific and grotesque. ww looks, idk, around 14 or so? he was robbed of some pretty important years... i think his mind has more or less caught up to his body by now, but even if he wasn't a victim of experimentation, his childhood would've been cut short either way. it was already cut short the moment he was given a gun...
JUST HOW MANY WW DEATH FAKEOUTS ARE THERE GONNA BE. YOU CAN'T FOOL ME WITH THEM. two within a few pages of each other... is anyone keeping a tally?
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VASH BLANKIE MODE!!! he even has slippies on... :') he's cozy
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also wolfwood burrito :')
AND OH, MARLON'S BACK TOO!! i didn't expect to see him again, i'm just as happy as vash that he's here, lol. so many old characters coming back! and oh, meryl... :') they haven't seen each other since that day, and maybe vash thought she never wanted to see him again... this small gesture of hers was a massive relief to him. no words needed.
chapter 6:
okay since this is a spinoff/bonus chapter how are we counting the numeration. is this chapter 51. the trigun wiki says it's 50.5 but i know the wiki sucks ass so... (not like it matters...)
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simple yet effective way of telling us roughly when this takes place - this was before he met vash. i love how this is where he got his "priest" schtick from, just... rolling with maylene's assumption and then carrying on with it lol.
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this just hurts, especially coming right after ww's flashback. his life was put on rails the moment EoM took him.
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ehhh... i don't really have that much to say about this chapter that hasn't been said already... it's an interesting look at ww pre-vash. and the villain is annoying lol
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there's a lot that can be said of this chapter and ww's views on freedom, and i think other people have already done that better than me. but this panel sums up his priorities very concisely. no regard for his own wishes, doing as he's told, going "quietly" along... it's better inside the cage.
ummmm. i'm not ready for volume 9.
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sunak fired a pure conceratred beams of maths energy while zane blasted him with pistols “THE S BLADE HAS A HACK BLOOD CHARGE!!!!!!!” he chrgarted the hack blood and blowed away 100s of psykos in one hit
suella braverman takened out a gun shotgun “i will send you back to the boats you little basterd” she snizzled and fired but robbie rotten kicked her in the face “theres only room for one villain here!” he pointed and windmill kicked her over and over
kemi banerdock laughed “why becuse suffering is the point we want people to suffer and have no rights and be in pain becuse the suffering energy will bring our dark god into the world GOREFIELD!!” she laughed and megamangx had a look that was the horror “GOREFIELD ARE YOU INSANE IN THE BRAIN IT IS THE MOST EVIL ELDRERITCH HORROR OUT THERE IT WOULD BRING THE VOID OF LIGHT AND END EVERYTHING”
sunak fired more maths energy at megamangx while zane had gun fight with kenmi baderdock “theres too many psykos they keep coming” zane shouted holding his grounder as 900 psyko syndicate members had comed
yukari joined the fight and suddanly  remilia scarlet was there too “don’t worry megamangx we’ll help you fight the psykos you just deal with the torys” re,milia smiled and fired red spears of magic into them killing lots of the psykop heavy weapon solders.
megamanGX was filled with angry and remembered the magi books “the power of the elemants the true mage forms i must focus and draw from new power TO GAIN MY MAGE SUPER FORM!” megamanGX glowed as magic runes floted around his body “elemetnss of fire wind water ice and void i call to you and the crystals”
MEGAMANGX glowed WITH LIGHT AND ELEMANTS AS THE CIRCLED AND HE TURNED INTO HIS MAGE SUPER FORM WITH A SILVER WIZARD ROBE AND WIZARD HAT “ELEMANTAL JUSTICE STORM!” he shouted bringing a rain of fire and ice onto the tory party members hurting them real bad
“what is this he is not meant to unlock his mage forms kill him now!” screamed sunak
megaman gx kicked him in the face as he flyed into a tree real hard “i am the hope of the world the light of the crystals of magic and the end of suffering, you will pay for all the people you hurt for your culture war” megaman gx flashstepped and began punching him at high speeds
with the way cleared zane used the hackblood talisman and blew all the psykos up “you messed with zane now its time to pay the price” Zane grin and blasted kemi banderdock and suella braverman away as they crashed into a boat and exploded into explosions “at least you stopped the boats haha” zane laughed.
MegamanGX turned off his super form and joined the others “if they want to bring gorefield back thats bad news” said megamangx
Robbie rotten did not know the name “gorefiled what is that?”
Yukari looked nervsous but had to tell him “many years ago one of megamangx mentors who we joined with on a few missions years ago, a super sayian wolf called Vash but also called codename blade was tracking down an evil edlerich eniety called gorefield its not like garfield but his dark counterpart made up of all the evil garfield varianats from the multiverse you see everytime there is a good garfield there is energy that goes to make the gorefield” yukari sai
megamang gx looked at the sky “me and vash blade tried to stop it back then but it was to powerful almost destoryed contntess worlds so we had to work with a powerful girl lain to seal it away”
“lain the most powerful hacker ever, the hack blood masters have only heard of her in legend some say she doesn’t even exist” zane was surprisnised to hear that name.
“that is right only the most powerful hack blood masters ever knew even the name becuse lain feared her hacker powers so she sealed herself away and erased her name from peoples mind to stop the evil of the world from abusing her powers” yukari siad.
megamangx ofolded his arms “lets go to the human village i want a pepsi afgter that” and they all laughed
one day ago
Cat boy sans was in chains beaten  as a bald pattern sunglasses man was smoking a cigar and cover in gold chains “hey boy hey boy you mess with me you messin with top g” he said and booted catboy sans with hard as he couthed up blood
“i will never betray megamangx or tell you how to break the gorefield seals” catboy sans couthed and the baldy man punched him.
he lighted up enother cigar “i’ll teach you not to fuck with andrew tate you betyter give me what i want to know OR YOU A GONNA DIE!” andrew tate slapped him
there was a group of 12 year olds with there hair shaved bald wearing andrew tate shirts sunglasses and gold chains “listen up kids you want to be true top gs like me then you gotta k ill this son of a bitch a real man a real alpha he kills people cold blood style” andrew tate ordered as the 12 year olds started kicking the wounded catboy sans.
“THATS RIGHT YOU GOTTA KILL HIM DON’T BE A PU SSSY HIT EM HARD KILL HIM HIT THAT FUCKER HARDER YOU WANT TO BE AN ALPHA LIKE ME RIGHT!” Andrew hate laughed watching his radcialized fans beating catboy sans to death
one buy was scared “i don’t want to kill him its not nice” the boy said and andrew tate grabed him by the neck “you want to die instead you want to die as a beta male boy?”
THE boy cryed “no sir i dont wanna”
Andrew tate throwed him to the grounmd “then kill him or your not a real man DO IT YOU LITTLE SHIT” andrew tate said as the bot kicked catboy sans over and over u ntil he was dead
“there your becoming a real man now like me just make sure to keep paying your month fees for the program” andrew tate shed poofing his cigar and a man with a mushtash comed in wearing red and black overhalls and the mario hat but it was black and had the andrew tate cobra logo
“good a work with the a kids you are making them stonger for the a new world a world where a weakness will be a purged” SAID MARIO!
andrew tate poured mario a whiskey and they sat looking over the night city “you have learned well from me Mario i am glad you embraced the darkness being a hero made you weak” said andrew tate
m,ario pufed a cigar “i was a weak as a hero but your programs made me an an a alpha and lots of money now i will make sure i get my a money and anyone that gets in my way will a b e destoryed” mario said
Andrew tate looked over the body of catboy sans “send this beta cucks to the tory party as a massage to megaman gx” andrew tate ordered his followers,
mario looked at city and puff cigar “it is a new world a cruel a world only those who a embace pain and stength will a survive and a soon all that is a good will burn” said mario.
to be continued.
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crosspunisher · 11 months
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
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          How many bullets was Vash going to let pierce right through him? How many was it going to take until his 'atonement' was satisfied? Vash wasn't oblivious. Despite not seeing eye to eye on things like morality, the right and wrongs of life and death, Wolfwood knew that just as much as he did. The shooter's trigger finger twitched with every intention to kill Vash, their expression said it all. Although grazing Vash's stomach rather than going right through it, it left the blonde wounded nevertheless. The thoughts running circles inside Wolfwood's head contradicted his actions. As much as he wanted to shove that pistol where the sun doesn't shine, exacting vengeance on Vash's behalf ( ignoring the scolds and detests Vash would've made against it ), he instead turns to chase after the typhoon who woefully tucked tail and ran away. The wolf couldn't help but peer back over his shoulder, giving the shooter a cold, deadlock stare that read "Watch your back."
          Catching up did not take long, keeping up with the humanoid typhoon was now one of the things the wolf could do best. Vash was fast, but so was he. A trail of blood lead the man to a nearby vacant alley, an emotionally defeated Vash curled up at its farthest end. Is this how he felt all of the time? Outwardly, a determined gunslinger ─ internally, a sad, guilty soul? Wolfwood pondered such things as he stood from afar, comparing himself to the scene before him. He didn't have time to overthink it, shaking his head and gritting his teeth at the wave of ( self ) pity that washed over him.
          Where would scolding and fighting get them? Wolfwood was never afraid to give Vash an earful before, but this time, however, felt different. It looked different. With the better part of his brain telling him to just drop it, Wolfwood leans his weapon against the wall and sets himself down beside Vash. Across the alley was an assortment of tethered posters, most ripped apart or scribbled on with obscenities. A majority of the posters were of a very familiar announcement: "WANTED: VASH THE STAMPEDE. DEAD OR ALIVE: $$60,000,000 REWARD." There were so many of them. Hell, it felt like if they printed just one more, No-man's Land would've been out of paper for the rest of it's miserable days. All for the sake of putting the bleeding, broken man beside Wolfwood behind bars.
          Time passed as the two sat in silence for God knows how long. The sun began to set, bringing less and less visibility to the alley they abided in. Having stared at the same spot of the adjacent wall for so long, a sudden pressure to his shoulder brought the wolf back to reality, a confused and shaken hum escaping his lips. Leaning into him was Vash, resting his head on Wolfwood's shoulder. Wolfwood would bombard Vash with the same question, even giving his shoulder a few shakes in attempts for a response, and not receiving a single word in return.
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          ❝ Hey, hey, ❞ what started off as a gentle whisper turned into a nervously affirmed declaration, ❝ don't go passing out on me! Blondie! ❞ Rather than a verbal response, all Wolfwood could make out was a tired, agitated hum in return. Vash was stubborn, but he wasn't helpless. Wolfwood knew that. The man let out a heavy sigh of relief, adjusting his posture to ensure Vash was at least somewhat comfortable as he rested. ❝ Jeez.. fine. But we can't stay here all night. I'll drag your stubborn ass out of here by the teeth if it comes to it, y'hear? ❞
          The silence that followed was still, unwavering, but Wolfwood didn't mind. Vash was safe and he wasn't alone, that is what relieved him the most.
actions speak louder than words † Accepting.
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shingansoul · 1 year
That's How It Is (Trigun fic)
2023 Vashwood Week day 3, prompt: Scars
"I don't want to do this anymore."
This line has been rattling around in my brain for like 3 months so when I saw this for day 3's prompt i jumped on the chance.
To read on AO3, follow the link below. To read here, continue past the read more!
“I don’t want to do this anymore…”
His voice had barely been above a whisper, but the only other sounds out here in the desert night was the wind around them whipping up loose sand out beyond the rocky outcropping they had made camp at for the night and the fire crackling beside them a small distance away at their little camp’s center. And yet, it felt like it had to be said quietly, a confession like any other sin meant only for the priest and God to hear.
Wolfwood paused from his actions, having been digging through Vash’s bag to dredge out some kind of canned food they had picked up at the previous town to heat over their meager fire. He waited, to make sure he didn't miss anything else from his companion but he was met with silence and a growing sense of unease in the air, his hackles would have raised if his body was truer to his name. He slowly turned to look over at the blonde, sitting on the ground not even a yard away with his legs pulled up to his chest and his face buried up to his nose in his crossed arms atop his knees. Today hadn’t been a bad one honestly, nobody had come to claim Vash’s bounty, nor in the town they had left that morning were they recognized. They were in a walking stretch, Angelina III giving out the week prior but it wasn't horrible or unfamiliar territory. They had not sustained any major losses or reminders at all that day, it had been nice almost frankly.
Yet with how small Vash looked curled up beside him, Wolfwood felt at a loss for proper words. He looked fucking miserable, to be honest. Not quite sad just… everything about him looked and felt run down. Part of Wolfwood thought it was about damn time he let himself feel as ragged as watching how he lived felt, but in this moment actually seeing it unguarded for once felt…off, wrong. Wolfwood plastered on a good naturedly smirk and offered a weak chuckle, trying to glaze over the moment, afraid something delicate would break if he didn't tread lightly here.
“Hey now, my cooking isn't so bad and we’ll be in a town again in no more than a couple days if we keep up a good pace.” 
He tried to keep his tone flippant and light, like he was distracted not as if his attention and body weren't both wired up now keeping attention to any actions or words the other had. In response, Vash merely shook his head, his arms hiding a grimace on his lips as he grit his teeth. Wolfwood waited a few beats before returning to root through the bag, looking to get his original target to at least give off the impression he wasn't stalling and really was casually setting up dinner. He squinted to read the label on the can once he’d drudged it out from the bag, tilting his head a bit to better catch the fire light. 
“Now let’s see…oh now this is a score, you found tortilla soup back there? See, that’s pretty nice right?” He was talking out his ass, he knew it was obvious. But talking felt better than the silence, it put a distance between what he didn’t know how to address and moving through the evening to tomorrow. Hell, maybe they just wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't that be easy and nice? Wolfwood was a coward, he knew that. When it came to things he couldn't use his hands or the punisher for he was at a loss, too carved sharp from the life he’d lived so long having lost most of the real gentleness he had in exchange for a pretty good cover act he usually reserved for women and children to get information and the odd favor.
He set up their little hanging cooking put on its sticks above the fire and dumped the can of soup into it. Stoking the fire a little, he moved to sit not quite next to Vash, but maybe a foot to his right and kept his eyes on their dinner instead for lack of better focus. Now with both his task and his companion, he was caught in a place of quietly waiting. And so he did. It could have been moments or minutes, but Vash had taken the quiet as some kind of invitation and had simply let himself slump to the side up against Wolfwood's shoulder and upper arm. His legs were still drawn in but he turned his foot to be planted so the priest didn't take his entire weight, but it was still more than he was expecting and he reflexively gave out an “oof!”.
Vash kept his gaze downwards, but his position no longer supporting his arms he made to hug himself, his face more visible as proximity didn't allow him to truly hide behind his high collar. Wolfwood, unable to avoid him now, finally looked over at his charge proper for the first time since his small voiced confession. He was quick to notice normally pale lips now looked red and rough, like they’d been bitten through or gnawed on. Wolfwood sighed, scooching closer to Vash so their hips grazed each other, making the lean for the blonde a bit less dramatic and uncomfortable. Vash let himself be adjusted, resettling higher up on Wolfwood's shoulder proper pressing his cheek against the other man, his hair now tickling at Wolfwood's neck but not enough for him to do anything about it.
A pause.
“What do you do when…when it hurts for so long that you just stop feeling it anymore?”
Wolfwood’s brows furrowed at the question, unsure how to approach. “Are your scars acting up again?”
Vash hummed noncommittally, “Kind of.” He sounded unsure of his own answer, and Wolfwood could feel him working his jaw back and forth against his shoulder.
“Needle Noggin?”
“I think… I realized how much it hurt, and how long I've been hurting and…,” he paused, taking a deep breath as he turned his head to press his temple into the harder edge of his shoulder. “God, Nicholas, I'm so old and it never stops. It’s just the same thing every day and I keep moving forward but it doesn't matter, does it? I’ve walked every step of this entire planet at least once and yet I still keep walking, the only other constant is-...Does he hurt like this? Do you humans hurt like this? Is it like dying stars for you all, more painful but much faster until you just die?”
Wolfwood felt utterly gutted, like he’d been cut open and everything he had was spilling out instead of one of the most earnest admissions he had ever gotten from his companion. His voice had sounded so damn tired, not in a way anyone like Wolfwood could understand he didn't think. No, he was reminded how much the man beside him wasn't a man but a being, a creature much older than anyone else on this planet aside from the one who completed his matching set. And oh how this creature had suffered, open arms and warm smile rejected endlessly and punished. Had it always been like that, had there been no time truly that humans had returned Vash’s love? No, Wolfwood supposed not, human nature wouldn't change just because of a new planet just like that, no maybe because they were it was like a return to the primal selfishness that humanity had within them. To act otherwise was an active choice, and who would do so in favor of survival even at the cost of others?
Wolfwood reached around Vash and twisted until he could get both his arms securely around the blonde. With his grip sure, he tugged until he had pulled him over into his lap and, once sitting there with long legs awkwardly tucking up to trap Wolfwood's arm around his charge, he pressed Vash against his chest. 
“Hush. Just sit here.”
He did not. “Ever since we started traveling together, I imagined it would be you who finally killed me.”
“Needle Noggin,” he warned.
“Would you? Kill me?”
“Please? When everything is said and done, would you do that for me?”
Wolfwood screwed his eyes tightly shut, hugging the man in his arms probably far too tight for any comfort but he was never told to stop. “NO! I WON’T! I DON’T WANT TO!”
Vash smiled, a hollow gesture that made Wolfwood feel nauseous.
“Is that how it is…”
“It is! That is how it fuckin’ is, because we’re gonna live through the end of this and then im dragging your ass to December with me even if its kicking and screaming. And when we’re there, you’re not leaving anywhere without me to make sure you don't get your stupid ass killed just like it has been! This is how it is now!” His voice was grit through teeth in a harsh snarl, he could feel his lips peeled back and something guttural threatening to tear through his throat. He exhaled heavily through his nose, trying to keep it at bay before pressing onwards.
“You’re gonna love those kids, and they’re gonna climb all over you and beat you up until you cry. Miss Melanie is going to constantly scold you and you’re gonna duck your head and give her that stupid smile every time and then you’re gonna help us take care of all of the little brats we end up with and when it's over every day we-we’ll…we’ll just….we’ll do it again the next day, and the day after that.”
Wolfwood was losing steam; he had never believed he’d get far enough really do all that, he never believed either of them would survive this stupid mission, but he couldn't listen to this being who radiated hope and love for humanity just…beg him so softly to be killed just so he could finally rest. He wouldn't take any part in a mercy killing, he was the punisher and that was the killing he would do. And Vash….Vash had been punished for living more than enough. And so he firmly painted this picture of a future he didn't ever think could be real, willing one of them to believe in it as he spoke and not caring much which of them it was. He told him about the kids he could recall being there when he left, all the stupid chore they’d both be sent to do every day, how shit the beds were in the room they’d inevitably share to keep as much space for the kids available, he told him what December was like, he just kept talking until he ran out of things he could put into words. 
He resisted the urge to pant, feeling out of breath from his nonstop rambling about a life he had never hoped for before this very moment. As he sat there, clinging and breathing and just feeling, he idly thought how the soup he’d put on the fire was certainly burned. They’d still eat it anyways, of course. Lost in his scattered thoughts, he almost missed the oh so small voice in his lap, but he was quick to whip around to look down at blonde spikes and imagine what startling blue eyes looked like.
He felt a nod against his chest.
“That’s how it is now…” It felt less like a response for Wolfwood so much as feeling words in his mouth, but whether giving in as a defeat or genuine belief and acceptance, Wolfwood didn't care. He would cling to it as fiercely as he clung to their owner in his arms right now. 
Yes, Wolfwood was a coward.
He was painfully human.
And oh how selfish he was.
To cling to the very person he was to lead into death, to refuse him release even in the inevitability of both their horrible painful miserable ends. Playing roles in a story neither wanted to tell, they had no real choices before them did they? But even still, Wolfwood wouldn't let Vash just give up and leave him. He didn't allow it in Augusta, and he wouldn't now either, and to say it was for simply his orders and contract and not the memory of surprisingly soft hair against his skin and a too light body in his grip? 
Well that would make Wolfwood a liar too wouldn't it?
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myrainydayloves · 2 years
Guess what time it is??? It's the monthly Amanda is going to be a menace and burst into ask boxes to give out Gush Passes! Aka please use this as an excuse to go off about your faves I wanna hear--
{ @therequiemforthelost }
If you know me in person, you’d know exactly how important Carly Rae Jepsen is to me. Genuinely one of the best pop artists of all time. “Emotion” and “Emotion: Side B” are the perfect pop albums. They are genuinely the best thing pop music has produced so far.
But we’re not here to talk about perfection.
We’re here to talk about a comeback.
“Talking to Yourself” is her comeback song(god please). Vash is this weird comeback f/o. Stampede is this comeback anime.
I have a Ship Specific Carly song for every one of my main f/os but Vash alluded this. I always thought it was because Trigun was much older than the modern pop we have now. Now I see- Carly was still writing it.
The stand out line is, “Do you talk to me when you’re talking to yourself?”
Lyrical genius aside, the line is said in a taunting manner. As though Carly knows the unknown person is deeply in love well her. Sure, yeah, that’s a Vash ship stereotype(/p). Vash refuses to surrender to love, even if it’s what’s he looking desperately for. It also clicks in well with my s/I being a fortune teller.
What makes this Vash/Annaka specific is the second verse:
“ You were never just miserable
Without taking me with you all the way
Don't it hit you subliminal?
Now that I'm not the only one who's taking the blame?”
It’s also a taunt but it’s Vash’s. Any couple with this much trauma on both sides is Bound to have issues. They get into arguments over a lot. I’d go so far to explain it as though Annaka is Vash’s Cross. She sets him ablaze with just a few words. He confused his rising temp and blush with anger or fear. She confuses this devoted love as lust.
Finally, there is a moment at the end of the song, between the taunts of talking to yourself. Carly shouts from the background:
“Talk to me!”
Your Honor, it speaks for itself. I close my case.
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problemswithbooks · 4 years
002: Hawks
Thank you for sending in a question! I’m happy to answer!
How I feel about this character:
I like him! He’s not my favorite, but I think he’s a really interesting character. His design is also spot on! I think he really brought something new the story, sense before him we didn’t really have anyone in the cast who was even close to being as sneaky as Hawks is. He’s a planner, and although he’s a good guy, it’s still hard to know 100% what he’s up to, or what he’s going to do next. I’m always excited to see him in the story because it means something interesting is about to happen.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
i know his most popular ships are with Dabi and Endeavor. Some people ship him tragically with Twice too. Personally, I’m not a huge shipper, so I’m not super interested in any of his ships. I look at people shipping him and think ‘neat’ and generally keep scrolling. 
 My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I really like him and Endeavor hanging out. Thy have a really fun dynamic of older, grumpy guy, and energetic young guy. It’s fun to watch him tease Endeavor, and have Endeavor react to it. They also seem to understand each other pretty well, sense Hawks was able to get a coded message to him. I’m really hope neither of them die this arc so they I can see how their relationship changes, now that Hawks lost his wings, and was seemingly told Dabi’s true identity. 
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I guess the idea that if the story was trying to paint the Heroes as on the same level as villains, that Hawks would have been the character to drive that message home. If Horikoshi wanted him to be a bad guy, he would have made really apparent. When Endeavor first showed up for example, he wasn’t even subtle about how much of a absolute asshole he was. When i see people say that Hawks is supposed to be a bad guy or that his murder of Twice is presented as horrific by the story I get confused, because it could have been, but it wasn’t. If he was supposed to be a bad Hero character, Horikoshi wouldn’t have put in so many internal monologues about him trying not to kill Twice, or made him so concerned about saving people. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
As I said I want him and Endeavor to live and interact again. I think it’d be kind of nice if Hawks ended up staying with Endeavor for a while, sense he’s alone in his house now. It’d be nice to show both Endeavor and his family having separate lives, without Endeavor just being alone. That would make people feel sorry for him, and sort of give the impression that even if you change you’ll still be miserable. Having him and Hawks be friends and possibly commiserate about loosing their Quirks (if Endeavor takes a Quirk erasing bullet instead of dying) shows that even if his family can’t forgive/ want to be with him, he can still have a life without them. I also just like the idea of them learning how to be regular people together. Both of them value their Hero personas so much, it’s hard to say how either of them would handle being denied that life. I just really want these too to be friends, okay!
my OTP:
None. I don’t really care about shipping.
my cross over ship:
God, I don’t know. I’m not into shipping much as it is so I’ve never thought of a cross over ship at all. I guess maybe Vash from Trigun. They’re both seemingly happy blonds, but they’re also sad deep down and lonely. I think that could work, maybe.
a headcanon fact:
That he still has that Endeavor plush he had as a little kid. I love my stuffed animals and I’m older then Hawks by a couple years so why not let him have a comfort plush to sleep with. I bet it’s beat up and worn. Endeavor seeing it would also be funny because I think he’d be both embarrassed and touched.  
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