#GOD i fucking wish
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@darlin-djarin @engagemythrusters even though i am not beloved mutual @tobytost , please accept this
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slimesaurian · 9 months
call me a pumpkin the way trans women are using me
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hey wow i love the springlocks in the movie. thats really cool. they look cool. its a strange choice because they arent really anything like the graphic novel/book descriptions or the ones we see in the suit head in
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sister location
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oh. oh. oh. huh. man. man thats. hm.
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sappymix1 · 8 months
twitch streamer tinakitten appears before the united nations to announce the return of minecraft series “crunch craft”
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upwards-descent · 2 months
The most Me™ thing to happen this week was watching Abigail (great movie btw) and commenting that some of the characters were being put through unsurvivable violence, and then on our way out of the theatre, I stepped through a door and somehow landed my foot wrong and it's been in pain ever since 🙃 fictional bitches can be thrown through walls and I can't even walk down a hallway without getting hurt
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lulumk1 · 3 months
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WASHINGTON—Moments after pulling shut the door to the Roosevelt Room and locking it behind her, a terrified Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly told aides to “Stab him! Stab him, you cowards!” on Friday after she plunged a knife into President Joe Biden’s back. “What are you waiting for, you fools? Strike now! Strike before the opportunity goes cold!” said the blood-dappled vice president, who, as her staff appeared to grow uncertain of the blades in their shaking hands and backed away toward the exit, reminded each panicked aide in turn that they had pledged their fealty for this day. “Think of all I’ve promised you. Think of all we stand to gain. Quick, now, the first blow has been rendered. There is no going back. We’re confederates in this. We must act now or be damned by inaction!” At press time, sources confirmed President Biden had complained to an assistant of a tightness in his shoulder and returned to the Oval Office with the knife still protruding from his back.
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unperceive-me · 4 months
Once again I am daydreaming of being inbetween a woman’s legs while she’s sitting at a desk, and i’m under it just eating her out leisurely. No rush. Just for her enjoyment (and mine tbh). She’ll tap me on the head when she needs to move or if I need to speed up or slow down. She’ll throw in the occasional “good girl” which would make me hum in happiness.
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kandidandi · 1 year
Have some warm soup and crackers
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Anime food looks so delicious hhh..
oh my god oh my vof igmogo f k yog jg jngbjnmjbgmjbg
you ar emaking me so hungyr i want soup so fucking bad
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theiloveyousong · 6 months
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hermithomebase · 9 months
I dont watch bluey and am not in any related fandom, but from what I’ve seen and heard of the show i could see a hypothetical adult discussion board about what certain lessons are good for kids to be learning vs what could have been handled better and that sort of stuff
but knowing what I do about the Internet I guess that’s probs not the kind of Arguments taking place huh
definitely not what people are arguing ahout babes.
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iscratchdoors · 10 months
as im gradually existing as an open transgender around people that know me longer and they become more comfortable asking questions that aren't the initial "wait but how will you procreate" i'm learning just how many cis people think the legal gender marker is something that just sorta magically changes when you change your legal name or get on hormones like the amount of people that have asked me "wait so you're legally a dude now? like by law?" and i had to explain to them you have to get sterilized for that and to get sterilized you gotta get approved by the High Commission and to get approved by the High Commission you gotta play their stupid real life test game for a year and to play their stupid real life test game a doctor has to let you on hrt and to be let on hrt you need to be diagnosed and to be diagnosed you have to be referred by another doctor that can gatekeep you for literally however long they please for no reason. theyre like whaaaat huuuuh i had no idea like they think it just Happens. they think the government just changes it if you ask nicely i guess
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many-gay-magpies · 3 months
werewolf pain transference save me. werewolf pain transference. save me werewolf pain transference
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florallychaotic · 3 months
Sorry thinking about my own OC from an original work that I've had since I was sixteen is making me sick I can't go to work today
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babygirlgeralt · 3 months
watching a doco on the 90s and hearing a stat that households spent 11% of their income on food... 11% 😭😭😭 and that was a record HIGH 😭
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bluecookiesabi · 4 months
Maybe. If I think about it hard enough. First Aid will magically render himself
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anonymouscentral · 7 months
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common anon!!! thoughts
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