sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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nedlittle · 2 years
it drives me bonkers the way people don't know how to read classic books in context anymore. i just read a review of the picture of dorian gray that said "it pains me that the homosexual subtext is just that, a subtext, rather than a fully explored part of the narrative." and now i fully want to put my head through a table. first of all, we are so lucky in the 21st century to have an entire category of books that are able to loudly and lovingly declare their queerness that we've become blind to the idea that queerness can exist in a different language than our contemporary mode of communication. second it IS a fully explored part of the narrative! dorian gray IS a textually queer story, even removed from the context of its writing. it's the story of toxic queer relationships and attraction and dangerous scandals and the intertwining of late 19th century "uranianism" and misogyny. second of all, i'm sorry that oscar wilde didn't include 15k words of graphic gay sex with ao3-style tags in his 1890 novel that was literally used to convict him of indecent behaviour. get well soon, i guess...
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estrogen could have saved her
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yurisorcerer · 6 months
most of Anilist's April Fool's Day edits are not funny but what they did to Akio's character page is pretty fucking great
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phrogv3 · 11 months
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Classic homestuck movie from 2006.
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haunted-xander · 1 year
Do you ever think about how Alisaie's biggest fear is losing the people she cares about? How the very first conversation you have with her alone, a deeply personal one, is about her confiding in you about those fears? Telling you that she hated the state of the world Louisoix died for because, to her, it wasn't worth the sacrifice? She tells you about all the allies she made and lost, who she watched die and could do nothing to save them.
Do you ever think about how Alisaie was consistently one of the first to act, to recklessly throw herself at danger throughout stb? She didn't care (as much) about herself getting hurt, but she'd be damned if she let her friends suffer without doing anything. She has to be fast and proactive, because if she can't protect them even when striking first, how would she be able to when acting after the fact?
Do you ever think about how every time her loved ones are in peril/are in risk of being in peril her heart just breaks? How whenever someone's safety is unsure she panics and immediately tries to contact them/rush to their aid? When Castrum Abania's cannon shot the tower that, for all she knew, Alphinaud was still in, she immediately stops what she's doing and runs to it in panic because her brother was in there and he might be dead.
Do you ever think about how when the Scions start getting their souls yanked to the First, Alisaie reacts the strongest? How, when Urianger and Y'shtola got taken, she fell to her knees shaking Uriangers body, screaming for him to wake up? And when Gaius appears with Alphinaud in the Burn, she immediately goes to fight him (before being stopped by Hien) because this man, who has been her enemy, is holding her brother's lifeless body. She doesn't care that she can't possibily beat him, he has her brother and she's already lost so much in such a short amount of time. She's lost Thancred, Y'shtola and Urianger already, she can't lose Alphinaud too.
Do you ever think about how you are the only one she can fully rely on at that time, but who is also at risk of being taken away? Of how she's so desperate for you to stay, to not be taken away, that Alisaie, who, for all her bluntness, prefers to rely on herself first and foremost, begs you not to leave her? She begs you. Alisaie does not beg. She yells at you to not do something, and she'll scold you to hell and back if you do it anyway, but she does not beg. But this time she did.
And then she ends up being taken away right in front of you. She cries out for help and uses her very last energy to reach out for you. And then she falls limp.
Do you ever think about how, when Alphinaud turns to tell her his plans at the end of Ultima Thule, she immediately rejects it without even letting him say it? She's lost so much and experienced so much grief, not only overall but also just in Ultima Thule. And she loathes to bring that grief onto another. Especially to one who has already lost so much, like you. She hates it. She ends up doing it, yes, but she hates it still.
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gemsalive · 2 months
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was really entertained by the idea of odile swearing like some kind of ka buan captain haddock so. isat x tintin fake panel redraw inspired by @openphrase123’s addition to this silly post GO
(btw: per original post, url’s officially Changed now! @/starsalive -> @gemsalive 💫💎)
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stu in edinburgh, 2024 europe tour. pencil and ballpoint pen on paper.
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vulpesarctica · 2 years
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A late-entry 2022 update for Sith Obi-Wan! Recklessly provoked by @silmairon who sent me kind words about my art progress on the 2020 version. 💕
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ringosmistress · 6 months
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hello-eeveev · 1 year
Essek and Caleb both learn the Maze spell and cast it on each other as Wizard Enrichment™. They get sent into a labyrinth with the goal of ‘escape’, and if they can’t get out in 10 minutes, they just get popped back out. No harm, no foul.
It starts out as a fun little activity, but then they start getting competitive about it. First, it’s basic races—who can get the fastest time getting out of a maze. But then, they get into a discussion about how the mazes are generated. Is it random? Is there some pattern to the various layouts? And if so, is there a style of maze that is more advantageous? Does the maze creator have any influence over the design of the maze?
The thing is, Maze only requires a DC 20 Intelligence check to escape. That’s nothing to these guys, and they crack it open pretty quick. So then they ask themselves, can we make it harder?
Their previous toyings with Maze RNG become full on experiments and deep dives to see if they can add increased difficulty. They start adding multiple levels, doors that require you to solve a puzzle to unlock, fetch quests, etc. They come up with the most difficult maps and challenge each other to get their times lower and lower and lower.
They become Maze spell speedrunners and modders is what I’m saying.
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ok ima fight the house shark
damn the house shark has hands
reminder my commissions are open :D
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nedlittle · 2 years
genuinely i think it's important for adults, especially in the plague times, to play pretend in our day-to-day lives. when i rub my back down with tiger balm so i can sleep without pain, i imagine i am a valiant knight tending to an old injury i received from a dragon. when i go to the store to pick up eggs and milk, i am a lone cowboy riding into town on a mission. when i turn my collar up against the wind i am a femme fatale who's killed 4 husbands and is scoping out a 5th. when i stomp around in the snow i am a doomed polar explorer. if being a little bit silly about my walk to the pharmacy helps me remember that life can be full of joy and whimsy, then so be it.
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beneathsilverstars · 3 months
The Universe
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You are The Universe, and The Universe is you.
Its cloak of stars is both worn and held, and it is the cloak and it is the arms and it is the space between. It cradles itself so carefully.
It is growing and full of potential. While it reflects the appearance of the viewer, it usually depicts them at a younger age: a time when the whole world was open before them.
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It grants exactly, exactly, your heart's desire, with the genuine simplicity of a child who hasn't yet realized that never going to bed is a long, long time awake. This is not a matter of external misinterpretation; The Universe, after all, is you.
It's most often depicted in religious iconography with an actual mirror for a face. If a mirror isn't possible, its cloak may be piled high enough to obscure its face instead, or its face may be left without form or shade. Occasionally an artist will get more specific, though, and depict it as a certain person or object, in order to highlight a particular aspect or cast the viewer in a particular role.
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The Universe has always been a little lonely, since being everything means being the only thing. But it is so much lonelier now. No one can look into its mirror without pain. No one even knows to try.
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aliveaudiencegang · 9 months
I wasn’t sure what I saw in his face. There was no clear sign of love or approval. Nothing to encourage me. It was like looking at the ocean: some days, you could tell what mood it was in. Most days, though, it was unreadable, mysterious. - (The Lightning Thief)
There was a different light in his eyes, a fiery kind of pride. “You did well Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God.
[The Lightning Thief]
I wasn’t sure how he would feel about seeing me again, but the corner of his eyes crinkled with smile lines. He nodded as if to say It’s okay.
[The Titan’s Curse]
I turned and found Poseidon smiling at me […] “Hello Percy, you’ve done well.”
[The Titan’s Curse]
“[…] And you Percy, are my favourite son.” He smiled, and at that moment, just being in the kitchen with him was the best birthday present I ever got.
[The Battle of the Labyrinth]
He held out his arms and gave me a hug. I realised, a little embarrassed, that I never actually hugged my dad before. […] When he pulled away, he smiled kindly at me.
[The Last Olympian]
Poseidon ‘showing no clear signs of love or approval’ towards Percy throughout the series
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magicalgirlfia · 3 months
Guilty Gear XX♯Reload Comic Anthology Translation: Hardboiled 2180
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This is a comic from the Guilty Gear XX Sharp Reload Comic Anthology, which I wanted to start translating. The original scans of this comic are by @tillman and can be found on archive.org
Here is a link to The Tongue-Cut Sparrow story I was talking about. It’s not very long or important to the overall manga but it might give a bit of context!
You can find the next translation here
​​Usual disclaimer: I am not fluent in Japanese and all of this is a one Fia job so everything might not be 100% accurate but I always try my best!
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