blunt-force-therapy · 1 month
Naming all my cities after Transnistrian cities was probably the best choice I made. There's some idiot out there trying to remember which island 384-45 and 385-45 are in but I'm just over here knowing that Tiraspol and Bendery are on one island, Rybnitsa, Camenca and Grigoriopol on another, and Dubossary, Slobozia and Dnestrovsc on yet another island
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tattysail · 2 years
Back in 2013 I played Grepolis for about a year and joined an alliance called the Hell Hounds. I'm pretty sure I played through Facebook or something.
I don't think it's supposed to be a role-playing game, but that did not stop me. I was inspired by Malazan Book of the Fallen, but clearly put my own spin on things. Recently, I found the screenshots I took of my silly little messages and forum posts on my old laptop. These made me laugh more than they should and I am so stupid and I just need other people to witness them.
Consider this a historical record of my reign told through my messages, which read bottom to top. These mark the beginning of my journey.
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Since I was pretty new to the game, I would get attacked a lot. Luckily, my alliance was super chill and would help out. I think this was the first time I ever called for their aid. Forum posts read top to bottom, like normal.
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I don't have pictures of forum posts before these but, clearly I had been on my bullshit long enough for people to notice. That Boone617, what a guy!
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f4y3w00d5 · 23 days
my weird ass completely overdoing everything in grepolis
i now have dedicated cities, will designate the amount and which troops per city, have daily goals, blah blah blah
asked about how much ABP i should manage to get in a month with 15 cities too
managed to gain two cities last ops and i hadnt even finished building my cities back up :)
They said 12 or more cities this time next year i should be able to like. Double the amount i have rn by then, we're supposed to gain one city a month (EASY FUCKIN PEASY, I JUST GOTTA FIND IDIOTS IN MY POINT RANGE)
I'm hoping to get up to 5 more cities in a certain two oceans by the end of the year, should be easy enough, i just gotta build four more city slots
Anyways does anyone wanna play with me? i can invite y'all to islands near some of my cities, and if youre active enough the alliance im in will let you join?
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Daily Goals for Grepolis
+10 things for cultural levels (you have 15 cities, and some arent using any resources, should be easy)
building slots at least twice a day (so 4 going up/down per city a day)
At the very least start each island quest
Monthly Goals
+1 city a month
at least one city slot a month
30,000 abp a month(?)
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A player in my Grepolis game just offered to form a QPR? I’m not sure what that even means. We’ve got a pretty good set up going on, we have a good alliance foothold and domination victory could be in the cards… Should I accept, what would accepting mean for future game plans?
This is way too good of an ask to be wasted on me I don't even have a funny response
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yanzinator · 3 days
When are u not thinking of haruka/lh
I'm struggling to answer this...
Oh when I'm cubing! I don't really cube much nowadays though...
when I'm focused on something that's unrelated to Haruka. Like a terraria boss, or grepolis planning.
If I'm eating with friends at home. I am thinking about her if we go out to a restaurant, so only at home.
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curvesandcosplay42 · 1 year
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"Athena - InnoGames' 'Grepolis' Version" (Greek Goddess, ArtStation by David Roterberg via Pinterest)
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A player in my Grepolis game just offered to form a QPR? I’m not sure what that even means. We’ve got a pretty good set up going on, we have a good alliance foothold and domination victory could be in the cards… Should I accept, what would accepting mean for future game plans?
is this sent to the wrong person? i don't even know what grepolis is...
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they-who-wander · 1 year
Hii; just passing by to ask if you're alright (It's been some time since I've seen u here) 🌻
Ohhh hey Sunflower!
I'm doing surprisingly good! I'm up to date with my meds and all, I quit my horrible job, I have a boyfriend and we just got the sweetest dog on earth!
I'm just trying to not use social media as much. I still play flightrising and grepolis if you want to add me there (WanderingPaws) but that's not really social media/tumblr >.<'
How have you been, little flower? :)
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jeerusbeerus · 2 years
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ottawaserjantes · 6 years
In the Army Now
https://www.facebook.com/monpompier http://jeux-alternatifs.com/index.php?p=jeuHitP  https://fr-fr.facebook.com/JeuxAlternatifsCom/  http://dasboot.motionforum.net/  http://www.navypedia.org/ships/germany/ger_cr_coeln.htm  http://fortwiki.com/Fort_Sedgwick_(1) https://www.facebook.com/Das-Boot-la-simulation-navale-gratuite-en-php-107053126041834/  https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Steven_Vogel&action=edit&redlink=1 http://encyclopedie.das-boot.fr/encyclo_nomenclature_allemagne.php _@sdis974 http://encyclopedie.das-boot.fr/encyclo_nomenclature_france_libre.php http://encyclopedie.das-boot.fr/encyclo_nomenclature_angleterre.php  http://encyclopedie.das-boot.fr/encyclo_nomenclature_etats-unis.php  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Armed_Forces_ranks_and_insignia (rennes rennes armées_#rennes2 _@ArchivesOntario _
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrant_Officer   [gahan gore garanton #rennes2 name generator_mes2grandperes grall heliAS (jedi19 carré orleans #gagné #gagnon historiCAL GEO81 #Mitsubishi louisianeçavousgagne phosphore phosphore438decemb2017(439jan2018)solar2017 (1980airedale(agendAStexASinstr/letudiant88_charré lecendrier Montfort Lemoine_929DIV(1974/75 #bean #blossom #april2018 beaucouze hero zero restau univ #rennes2 @PetPeopleStores(OH) 15:58 jedi19/04_2018(lepoint1988)#savigny77 #DELL(warrant officer_ottawaserjantes.tumblr simswithmei.tumblr)http://dasboot.motionforum.net/t18127-presentation-warren-galant
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6ln_(1928) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne 
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:_Montfort,_Quebec?uselang=fr#/media/File:Caserne_de_pompiers,_Montfort,_Wentworth-Nord,_Qu%C3%A9bec..jpg http://archives.radio-canada.ca/societe/histoire/dossiers/976/  https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/fra/decouvrez/politique-gouvernement/Pages/guides-thmatiques-explosion-halifax.aspx  Bibliothèque et Archives Canada 
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blunt-force-therapy · 3 months
One thing that makes me a toxic Grepolis player is that I like to form an alliance and invite the lowest ranked members of the greatest alliance in the map to participate
This DOES mean that we have 1 guy with 50k points while 6 of us have slightly above 10k and 4 have around 1500, but it's funny
Also we have no strategic depth and the war we're currently engaged in will likely be to the death
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korolevic · 5 years
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Игра GREPOLIS Готовы покорять Древнюю Грецию? Хотите пойти по стопам Одиссея, Леонида, Елены Прекрасной и других греческих героев? Тогда начинайте захватывающие приключения в древнегреческом мире! Grepolis - это бесплатная браузерная онлайн-игра с упором на коллективную игру и стратегию. Цель заключается в том, чтобы превратить небольшой полис (так греки называли города) в гигантский мегаполис. Собирайте могучие армии с такими мифическими существами, как мантикоры или гидры. Ведите свои флотилии по древнегреческим морям и захватывайте далекие острова. Создавайте могущественные союзы вместе с друзьями и стройте планы совместных нападений на общих врагов - по суше, по морю и с неба. В ходе своего эпического путешествия к величию и славе не пренебрегайте благосклонностью божеств древнегреческого пантеона - Зевса, Геры, Афины, Аида, Посейдона и Артемиды. Их благоволение может стать решающим условием победы. Возводите уникальные чудеса света и станьте величайшим правителем Древней Греции! ПОСТРОЙТЕ ВЕЛИКИЙ МЕГАПОЛИС Ваше приключение начнется на небольшом, мирном острове, где вы встретитесь с другими игроками. Вам нужно будет основать новый город и собрать первые запасы ресурсов. Помогите своему городу превратиться в величественный полис и развивайте его при помощи 13 различных зданий и 8 монументальных строений. В академии вы сможете изучить различные технологии и получить возможность расширить свою империю на других островах! ОБЪЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ С ДРУЗЬЯМИ И ЗАХВАТЫВАЙТЕ НОВЫЕ ОСТРОВА В Grepolis вы быстро найдете новых друзей и сможете объединиться с ними в могущественный союз. Сообща планируйте свои действия, составляйте сложные стратегии и крушите общих врагов! Помогайте друг другу божественными силами. Обороняйте свои города, сосредоточивая войска и перемещая их согласно стратегическим планам. Вместе вы сильнее, вместе легче расширять границы своих империй - город за городом, остров за островом, океан за океаном! Read the full article
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f4y3w00d5 · 3 months
lmao the guy i spent like 2 days fighting and ended up taking one of his cities is now trying to join my alliance-
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Mythic City
Max For
-Barracks -Harbour (but only if the god is poseidon) -Farm -Warehouse -Cave -Temple
-Harbour (10, if the god is not poseidon) -Senate (24, then deconstruct) -Academy (34) -Marketplace (9) -Wall (15~)
Special Buildings
-Thermal Baths -Statue
-City Guard -Meteorology -Ceramics -Trainer -Conscription -Fast Transport Ships -Plow -Bunks -Divine Selection -Temple Looting
-Espionage -Colony Ships -Conquest -Cartography -Battle Experience -Strong Wine -Set Sail
~Zeus~ -Divine Envoy -Manticore -Minotaur
~Poseidon~ -Divine Envoy -Cyclop -Hydra
~Hera~ -Divine Envoy -Harpy -Medusa
~Athena~ -Divine Envoy -Centaur -Pegasus
~Hades~ -Divine Envoy -Cerbeus -Erinys
~Artemis~ -Divine Envoy -Griffin -Calydonian Boar
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snowybitch1237 · 8 years
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This is why no one should attack my small, baby cities on Grepolis, I get angry and then will band together my other cities to completely crush you and scare my girlfriend while doing so, and I will show no mercy.
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