greattideflow · 6 months
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Local gay doing dabs and looking cute.
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tubbs-is-my-friend · 1 year
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lplantxll · 4 days
snark appreciation post because I love him so fucking much
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I have so many videos and photos of him at this point I need to make more. I need a snark army i love then so much
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goldentigerfestival · 6 months
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Stageplay Yuri and Flynn being absolute couple goals.
(Bonus Segments: 1, 2)
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Rénjiān Zhì Wèi Shì Qīng Huān (Love Actually)
WANG YIBO as Zhai ZhiWei (2017)
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And a little treat for all you thirsty bitches
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cassowariess · 1 year
So earlier today I saw stupid people arguing that lesbians should fuck men and not five minutes ago I saw a TERF argue that straight and bisexual women should stop defending the fact that they fuck men. Susan, you do realize that's the literal definition of straight and bi women. Do you really expect *straight* women to exclusively be attracted to...women?
Half of this website has brainrot and I feel no sympathy for any of you lmao
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day 51 └[∵┌]
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Luna from Virtue’s Last Reward
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Me whenever Paul and Prue tear a baker apart for something that doesn't really matter yet completely fail to praise or critique what actually does matter- flavor, taste, texture and done-ness.
The sheer audacity of it all!
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blkwag · 1 year
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greattideflow · 2 years
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Dancing pumpkin kitty
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tubbs-is-my-friend · 1 year
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applescabs · 10 months
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0 notes
goldentigerfestival · 6 months
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Vesperia Stageplay featuring emotional Flynn because we deserved these scenes in the game!!!
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bitch-for-bo · 10 months
The Better Brother (artist! Matsukawa x chubby fem reader) 18+
miss me? ;)
TW: you're a cheater BUT you only cheat on a cheater asshole AND we support women's wrongs :))))
summary: Your fiancé leaves you across the ocean to sort out this whole 'wedding' thing all by yourself. Well.... lets just say that YOU get sorted out instead ;).
(((((((((loosely based on the movie Moonstruck (heavily recommend!!!!))))))))))
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“Married?....... You want to get married?......to me?” 
You wondered what you looked like at the moment, you wondered if your eyes were bugging out of your head or if your jaw looked completely locked in its unhinged position.
 It definitely felt like they were. 
It felt like your whole world had just come crashing down around you. All because of those 4 little words. 
“Why not? You’ve taken care of me for the last 5 years, I want to take care of each other for the rest of our lives.” 
…..this wasn’t a part of your plan. 
You didn’t quite know what your life plan was…. But it definitely wasn’t this.
“Why now?” you whisper, noticing that for every second you didn’t answer your boyfriend with an ecstatic yes, another restaurant patron's eyes locked onto you. You could feel your face growing hot with embarrassment and yet you still couldn’t blindly accept this proposal, not without knowing why.
“Why not now?” he asked, taking your hands into his. You could see the sweat starting to form on his hairline, the anxiety of public rejection becoming apparent in his tone as you worked to avoid his gaze. 
Why not now? 
Does he not hear himself? Why not now?
“I just-” you stuttered out, taking your hands back into your own laps, wiping the moisture off your palms against your thighs. 
“-Just hear me out!” He cut you off, perhaps a bit too loudly as well, seeing as the crowd of nosy spectators seemed to be inconspicuously growing by the second. He looked frazzled, in fact, this might have been the most affected that you’d ever seen him. Usually, he was the cool-headed one, the blasé, jaded businessman. But now he sat, his voice raising with each word, face red with humiliation. He looked panicked, far too panicked for the situation. 
“My mother…” He started, clearing his throat, trying to collect himself before he could make a fool of himself in public. 
Ahh… his mother
you thought….. That was obviously why he was so panicked. That was why he was asking you this all of the sudden. 
His mother was pressuring him.
Well, the joke is on him, you’re not gonna give in just because of the wishes of his mother. 
“....My mother is dying.”  
If your eyes weren’t bulging out of your head before, they definitely were now. 
“w-What- when?..... Oh god….” you gasped, the guilt automatically washing over you as you watched your partner's face melt into worry, his brows knitting together as you brought your hands back onto the table to envelope his. 
“They called me this morning…. They asked me if I could fly back home to….. ya know?” 
“Of course..” you nodded, “you need to be with her right now…. Have you booked your flight yet? Should I try to book it now?” 
Now listen…. It was a serious situation. And a horrible one at that, and you were 100% devoted to getting your partner home to his dying mother. But you couldn’t deny that you were also trying to steer the conversation back away from marriage. 
But he wasn’t going to let you forget. 
“Darling please….” he sighed, squeezing your hands in his, “my mother, she once told me that all she wants in this world… all she wants… is to see me happy… to see me married. And I want you to marry me.” 
“God….” you sighed “I just….. You’re sure you want me?...” 
He nods, holding your gaze. 
It felt like his eyes were melting into your face. And if that wasn’t bad enough, there were still a good handful of people burning holes into your back. They were all expecting an answer. 
Not only that, they were expecting a particular answer. An answer you weren’t sure that you were ready to give.
But for god's sake, the man’s mother was dying, and he pretty much made it sound like her dying wish was for her son to marry. If you said no now you’d be a monster. 
Against your better judgment, you glanced around the restaurant, your eyes meeting the eager gazes of not only fellow patrons but staff as well.  God, was that a tray of champagne waiting??
After scanning the room, your eyes finally made it back to the man who just asked you to marry him. 
“Yes.” you whispered, offering him a small, unsure smile. 
A smile that he returned tenfold, announcing to the restaurant, “she said yes!” prompting applause and congratulatory champagne. 
He slipped the ring onto your finger, kissing your hands as you sat and watched him with that same small smile on your face. 
“Now of course, I’ll have to fly out to my mother, but we should get married as soon as possible.” He said, dropping your hands to take a long drink of champagne. “I trust you want to organize the wedding?”
So much was happening, staff was swarming around you, pouring drinks and grabbing your hand to inspect the ring, and the restaurant chatter had resumed, and somehow along the way a violinist had been called in to serenade you as well. 
You felt like your brain was being torn into 5 different pieces, all equally painful and all equally taxing.
You couldn’t even answer his question before he’d moved on in the conversation, rambling about flight times, how long he’d be staying, and who was going to fill in for him at work.
You were definitely overstimulated by the complete chaos surrounding you, but you told yourself it would be okay, that you could just zone out until he eventually tired and decided to drag the both of you home for the night. 
Were you ready to get married? Hell no! But what were you supposed to do? 
God, what would your parents say about this? Marrying a man nearly 20 years your senior. Did you love him? Of course!
….well…..maybe…… you definitely felt a strong connection with him……. so then what was this dread?
It was just anxiety. It had to be. After all, you had never planned to get married in the first place. You’d seen one too many marriages fail, one too many couples grow to hate each other and you’d sworn it off. 
It wasn’t that you hated marriage in particular, you’d seen plenty of happily married people, you suppose it was just the fact that in your mind, it was impossible for you to be one of those happily married people.
You’d never been good at relationships. In fact, your current relationship had been eerily long. Usually, something would’ve happened by now. You would’ve walked in on him cheating, or you would’ve woken up to all of his stuff gone. But that hadn’t happened yet. 
So maybe it was love, you told yourself. Maybe he was the love of your life and you were ready to get married. 
After all, 5 years is a crazy long time, right? 
Far too long to stay with a man you didn’t love……right?
What had you gotten yourself into? 
Within the week, your now fiance had booked a flight out to his home city, leaving you behind with a long wedding to-do list. 
On the positive side, after your initial dread spiral, you were feeling much better. You reminded yourself that everything happened for a reason and that there was no reason that your marriage couldn’t be any less fulfilling than the last five years had been.
You reminded yourself that your partner had stuck with you for five years, that kind of stuff doesn’t just happen to people who aren’t ready for marriage. 
Anyways, you felt much better….. Happy even. 
Your parents definitely could’ve taken the news of you marrying an older man…… better….. But at the end of the day, they admitted that as long as you were happy… they were too. 
In all honesty, you think that they were mostly just relieved that you found someone to marry you. 
Your family would never say it out loud, but you often thought that none of them believed you would ever find someone to be with. Deep down you felt like your parents always betted on your siblings for things like inlaws and grandchildren.
And you couldn’t blame them necessarily. You weren’t the conventional definition of beauty (a fact that all of your exes had brought to your attention sooner or later) and you definitely didn’t have low standards.
This meant that you forever lived in a limbo of never being “good enough” or “pretty enough” but never being willing to settle. So where did that leave you? 
Alone until you found your fiance. 
To be honest, it was rough at first. He was this bigshot investor that was only slightly younger than your father and for some reason, he’d taken an interest in you, his (used to be) intern. 
At first, you ignored the attention, young and uncomfortable with the idea that an older man could find you desirable. In your field, you were used to all of the finance bros, who wanted you in the bedroom but never in public.
But slowly, as he managed to worm his way into your daily schedule, you found yourself warming up to him. He’d walk past your desk each day, sometimes leaving you a coffee with a little winking face drawn on the side, sometimes he would smooze as you took the elevator with him, but most of the time it was him just making small comments along the lines of “you take care of me so well,” or “I’m lucky to have you looking out for me” which slowly transitioned into “i love the way you take care of me” and “am I lucky enough to take you to dinner” 
Before you knew it, five years had passed. And while you’d technically never defined your relationship in words, or moved in with each other, or even met each other's families, you still thought of yourselves as dating…. well……engaged now. 
You looked down at the to-do list that sat on the cafe table. Most of it was fairly straightforward, arrange the flowers, get the caterer, cake-tasting, wine-tasting, the list went on.
The one bullet point on the list that definitely wasn’t straightforward was the last one. 
Invite Matsukawa 
Apparently, your beloved fiance had an estranged brother. A younger brother whom he hadn’t spoken to for the last 10 years. 
An estranged brother that you were in charge of tracking down and inviting to your wedding. 
What could possibly go wrong? 
He was a fucking mortician. 
That's what could go wrong. 
Your fiance had given you a little bit of background on his brother, and from the sounds of it, he seemed to be a fairly normal person. But come on…. How many normal people were morticians? 
But nevertheless, you had told your fiance that you would do it. You would do it so that he could reunite with his brother and restore their relationship. Would it be a little weird for you? Yes. But it seemed that recently you’d been kicked out of your comfort zone, and apparently weren’t allowed back in. 
So you’d looked up the address to the funeral home Matsukawa worked at, and decided that your goal for the day was to somehow convince him to come to his brother’s wedding. 
Now all you had to do was work up the nerve to go in and actually talk to him. 
You glanced out of the cafe’s window at the funeral home. 
It’s not like it was overwhelmingly off-putting. It looked crisp and clean, a great place to bring your recently lost loved one……. But that didn’t mean it didn’t still give you the heebie-jeebies. 
You looked back down at your coffee. There was probably only a sip or two left, which meant that you could no longer put this off. 
Hesitantly, you left the coffee shop, holding your almost empty coffee cup as a shield of sorts as you approached the front doors of the funeral home. 
You opened the doors. 
It was quiet.
As to be expected. 
You walked up to the empty reception desk, inspecting it for some kind of bell or button to alert someone of your arrival, but much to your dismay there was no such thing. 
You looked around you, there wasn’t much to see in the lobby area, an expensive-looking rug, a nice velvet-covered loveseat, and a couple of potted plants…. Other than that there really wasn’t-
“-Fucking christ!” you gasped, jumping at the sight of a man's disembodied head peering through an open cut out in the wall.
You clutched your chest, trying to recover as he simply watched you, not even bothering to move. All the man did was grin at you, having the audacity to chuckle at your display of fright. 
“Shit…” you breathed, turning your back to the man while trying to regain the quickly diminishing confidence that you had, you know, the confidence that was barely there to begin with. 
A couple of deep breaths later, you decided that you felt stable enough to face the mystery man again. Now that the initial surprise/fear had passed, only dread and a smidge of anger remained. 
Like, who the fuck would do that?? For all they know, you were a prospecting customer who’d just lost a loved one and you were greeted with the harrowing sight of a man’s head in a window. 
You turned around, not sure if you should demand an apology, or issue one, when you were greeted with the sight of perhaps the prettiest man you’d ever seen. 
Yes, he was the same weird man that had literally just pretended to be a severed head, but hey… first impressions were rough. 
You opened your mouth to speak, still unsure of what to say, but thankfully, he spoke first. 
“Sorry about that, it’s never gone over well and yet I keep trying.” 
Wow his voice was deep, but not deep like ‘trying to be deep’ or even like ‘just woke up deep’ it was just… deep. 
It was nice. 
You were engaged. 
Why was that so hard to remember? 
You let out a small laugh before clearing your throat. 
“Well, it was… interesting, I’ll give you that.” 
He gave you another lopsided grin, but said nothing, forcing you to try and remember why you walked into the building in the first place. 
Fiance’s brother. Right. 
“Anyways, I’m here today because I’m looking for Maksukawa, is he working today?”
“Is something wrong” he asked, a much more acceptable mask of professionalism slipping over his features. You shifted from heel to heel, wondering if you should really tell this man about your fiance’s private family life. 
“Nope, just here to talk with him.” you settled on that. Surely you wouldn't be asked for more. 
“How do you know him?” 
Of fucking course you’d be asked for more. Because having things go your way is just too much to ask. 
“Oh, I’m just his brother’s fiance.” you said, trying to keep your voice light and unworried. 
But as soon as you said it, the man’s eyebrows shot up and his jaw (which was gorgeously sharp) became set. 
And while that reaction was a little weird, and definitely raised a little suspicion, you decided to ignore it and press forward. 
“You see, I’m here to invite him to the wedding on behalf of my fiance.” You took a step closer to the desk that the man had retreated behind as you said it, trying your best to keep your shoulders squared and the pep in your step. 
“He’s not interested.” the man, who had been nothing if not good-natured up till now, turned away, affirming your suspicions. 
“You’re Matsukawa aren’t you?” 
He ignored you and instead turned to head back through a set of swinging doors behind him, leaving you slack jawed and speechless. 
Your partner had warned you of his brother’s standoffishness, but when you’d asked about why they hadn’t talked in 10 years, you received no clear answer. But judging by the way Matsukawa just left you in the dust, something big must’ve happened. 
Nevertheless, you weren’t one to step down from a fight, no matter how scared or uncomfortable you were, so you followed him through the back doors into a little room with lockers lining the wall.
“I’m right, right? You’re Matsukawa?” 
His back was facing you as he closed the door to his locker, his shoulders were definitely tensed but not nearly as much as one would expect considering the fact you were definitely not allowed back here, a rule which you rudely defied. 
“My friends call me Issei.”
“Okay Issei, I’m here to-” 
He turned towards you, his eyes flicking over your body once, before cutting you off. 
“I said my friends, not some kid who's marrying my bastard brother.” 
Once again, your jaw dropped. What the fuck was it about these brothers making you at a complete loss for words? 
“Excuse me?” 
Seriously, did their mother not raise them properly? 
Their mother. That’s why you were there. Their mother is dying and her dying wish was for her son to be married. 
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before continuing before you lost your nerve. 
“Listen, I’m just here to invite you to the wedding. I’m not sure what went down between you and your brother, but I do know that he wants you at our wedding. Anyways, he’s family and family forgives each other, so please just take this.” 
You held out the RSVP invitation to Issei, you set your jaw firmly and squared yourself in front of him, showing him that you wouldn’t tuck your tail and run. 
He looked you up and down again. You tried not to focus on how his gaze made your stomach flip and your ears burn. 
“How old are you?” He asked, his eyes landing on the invitation pinched between your prettily manicured fingers. 
“Does it matter?” 
Issei’s eyes traveled up your wrist to your arm, then shoulder, then neck, before finally landing on your face. He grinned at the look on your face, because while it was clear you were trying to keep a fire in your eyes, you were just about as intimidating as a puppy. 
“It does.” 
“Can I ask why?”
Issei took a step forward, narrowing the distance between the two of you until there was only a couple of inches. 
“Because I know how old my brother is, and I wanna know why a girl who was in diapers when he was joining a frat is standing in front of me, saying she’s his fiance.” 
Your eyes, which had been locked on his, standing your ground, flicked to the ground. 
“So what is it, the money? The house? Did he accidentally knock you up? Let me guess, he’s your boss and you just wanted to stay his favorite, you didn’t even mean to get that drunk at the company party. Is that it? Or did you-” 
Before you knew what was happening, you’d already reached your hand between the two of you and slapped Issei across the face. 
For the first time since you’d met him, that stupid grin was gone, and in its place a look of surprise. You spoke before he could.
“Listen here,” you said in a low tone, trying to keep your voice from shaking due to the adrenaline flooding through your body,
“You don’t know me. You’ve never met me, never talked to me, and you sure as hell have never gotten close enough for me to disclose jack shit to you, much less how I met and got involved with your brother. I get that you guys don’t like each other, but that is no fucking reason to get pissy with me. In fact, how dare you talk about me like that? It doesn’t matter if your brother wronged you a thousand times over, you have no right to talk to me in that disgusting manner.” 
You stopped to take a breath, closing your eyes so that you wouldn’t see Issei and chicken out of your speech.
“Now. I’m leaving, and I’m leaving you with the invitation to this stupid fucking wedding. You can come or not, I don’t care. Goodbye.” 
Before he could respond you turned on your heel and fled back through the set of double doors, back into the safety of the main lobby. Once you were on the street again, you let yourself slow down, releasing the breath you’d been subconsciously holding. 
You couldn’t believe that you’d done that, it was almost like you’d blacked out. You really couldn't even remember what you’d said. Oh god, hopefully you didn’t say anything too rash. 
Even if Issei deserved it, he was your partner’s brother…..
….maybe you were too harsh. 
You scolded yourself as you walked down the street, trying as best as you could not to look like a crazy person, muttering to yourself as you made your way back to your apartment.
The guilt and worry of what you’d said and how you’d behaved was eating at you. Did Issei deserve to be slapped? Yes! 100 fucking percent he deserved it. 
But still…. 
If he hated his brother before you’d done that, he most definitely hated him even more now. 
Maybe, you thought as you laid down to sleep, you could try and go by the funeral home tomorrow to smooth things over. 
Maybe you could use the stress of the wedding as an excuse to why you’d slapped him, yeah…that was a good idea. 
…or at least the best idea you had.
And while you tossed and turned with guilt over slapping your fiance's younger, very good-looking brother, Issei was in a similar boat.
Well… kind of. 
He didn’t necessarily feel guilty over how he treated you. He was just being honest, there was no way in hell he’d attend his lousy brother’s wedding, that bastard could apologize a thousand times over for what he’d done and Issei still wouldn’t forgive him. 
No, what he did feel guilty about though is the fact that he pretty much blew any chance he had of seeing you again. 
If Issei was a better person he’d feel guilty about his feelings for you, fortunately he never claimed to be one. 
He’d given up on sleeping hours ago, the only thing that closing his eyes got him was visions of you. The look on your face when you scolded him, the sting that your palm had left against his jaw. 
And christ your body….
If Issei had believed in God, you were definitely her. 
He could drown in you if you’d only let him.
So without any other way to soothe himself or fall asleep, he drank. A little too much if he’s being honest. So much that he didn’t even care when his neighbors slammed on his walls to tell him to turn his records down. 
He preferred to sulk this way. That was what he was doing, sulking over a beautiful woman that he’d never see again, over a woman who was going to marry his brother, his enemy. 
And as the night went on, the bottle of booze in his hand emptied further, until he nearly saw double as he worked on anything to distract himself from thoughts of you. 
Perhaps when he said you were God he meant the opposite, God could never plague him like you were. You were a devil, a devil committed to his devil brother…. The thought made him feel a little better. Not much of course. 
He eventually called into work, leaving some half-ass excuse on their answering machine as to why he wouldn’t be coming in that day, before dragging himself to bed. He was drunk enough to sleep, but not drunk enough to escape dreams of you.
The next morning, bright and early, you stood outside of the funeral home with two fresh coffees in hand and an optimistic smile on your face. Today was the day that you would convince Issei to come to the wedding if it was the last thing you did. 
To be honest, you were completely ready to give up and tell your fiance that his brother had died some terrible death within the last 10 years, but as soon as you’d heard his voice over the phone, asking if you’d been able to convince Issei yet, you chickened out of it. 
You didn’t know if you were just feeling extra sentimental or if it was your fiance whining about how now that his mother is dying, family is the most important thing, but you now stood on the sidewalk in front of Issei’s workplace with a renewed vigor and immovable stubbornness. 
You walked into the building, scanning the lobby, making sure that Issei wasn’t pretending to be a floating head again. 
You frowned at the sight of an empty lobby, walking slowly up to the desk as if you were expecting the gorgeous mortician to jump out at you at any moment. 
“Hello?” you called out, trying to crane your neck to look through the small windows of the double set of doors that you’d been through yesterday. 
“Hi there!” you heard a new voice come from a different direction. 
When you turned your head, you were slightly disappointed to find an unfamiliar young woman, dressed in black, smiling as she walked behind the desk to help you. 
“Hello,” you replied, trying to hide your disappointment with a small smile, “I’m looking for Matsukawa, is he here?” 
“He actually called in sick today, I’m sorry.” 
Your shoulders must’ve sagged a little because the woman looked at you curiously, her eyebrow raising.
“Can I ask why you’re asking for him?” 
“Oh it’s nothing,” you sighed, “I’m just engaged to his brother and I’m supposed to convince him to come to the wedding. We got off on the wrong foot yesterday so I thought I’d swing by today and try again.” 
The look of shock on the woman’s face was enough to make you straighten your back and hold your coffee a little closer to your body. She must’ve noticed your discomfort as she quickly apologized. 
“Sorry, I just totally didn’t expect that to be the reason…. I feel really bad telling you this, but I don’t think you should waste any time on that. Issei hates his brother.” 
So Issei’s coworker knows what happened but you don’t? Was your fiance trying to set you up for failure???
“Well, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened?” 
A look came over the woman’s face, that look that says ‘I’m not supposed to be talking about this, but I absolutely LOVE talking about it’. She leaned over the counter, gesturing you to lean in closer. 
“Ten years ago, Issei was engaged to this woman, beautiful girl, a real pretty lady, they’d met in school and decided to get married young so they could start having kids. So one day, Issei gets off work a little early, so he decides to surprise her at her place, and what does he find when he gets there? His brother, buck-naked in her bed.” 
“No!” you gasped, horrified at the image of your fiance home-wrecking his brother. 
“Yes! So Issei’s pissed right? Screaming and throwing shit everywhere, his fiance’s crying, the neighbors are yelling, and what does his brother do?” 
The look of suspense on your face was prominent enough to make the woman behind the desk grin as she paused in dramatic effect. 
“He tells Issei that it’s been going on for months and that they’re running off together.” 
“What?” you scoff, leaning back away from the woman in awe. 
You couldn’t believe what you’d heard. Is that really the kind of man you were about to marry? 
“Worst part about it, is that since Issei’s so much younger than his brother, the girl wasn’t any older than 20 while Issei’s brother was nearly thirty six!”
“So what happened?” You asked, feeling slightly faint at the overwhelming amount of information you’d received. 
“Nothing, Issei was heart broken, his brother ran off with his girl and there was nothing he could do about it. That’s why they haven't talked in 10 years. And from the sound of it, the whole family took the brother’s side so now Issei doesn't talk to them either.” 
You wondered if you looked like a gaping fish at the moment as you grappled with yourself, trying to find words to say. You couldn't believe that your fiance could do something so heinous. 
He stole the love of his brother’s life, and obviously it never went further than an affair because he’d never even mentioned his ex to you.
Of course, now that you thought about it, he didn’t mention much of anything to you. 
The woman must’ve seen the turmoil on your face and taken pity on you because she reached under the desk and pulled a sticky pad and pen out and started jotting things down. 
“Anyways, I’m just gonna give you his address, it’s not too far from here. Swing by if you're brave enough, but now that you know the history, you can’t blame him if he doesn’t wanna talk to you.” 
You nodded and thanked her as she handed you the sticky note. 
“Now that I know, the only thing I feel is guilty about how I treated him yesterday.” you looked up at the woman, offering a grateful smile “thank you for telling me.” 
She waved you off as you began leaving the lobby, “Don’t mention it, I hope everything works out the way it should!” 
With one last thank you, you left the funeral home and started off down the street towards Issei’s apartment. With the newfound knowledge of the brother’s history you now realized that asking Issei to come to the wedding was like asking him to reopen old wounds.
And hell, with what you just found out you weren’t sure you wanted to marry this guy anymore. You know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater. Could you really trust that he hadn’t done the exact same to you in the last five years? 
Anyways, the very least you could do now was apologize to Issei and hope that the two of you could treat this like water under the bridge. 
So that’s where you’d gotten to where you were. Sitting at his kitchen table as you watched him nurse his hangover with the coffee you brought him and a plate of breakfast that you’d cooked for him. 
You watched as he poked at the eggs with his fork. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know how you liked them.” you apologized, your voice coming out much squeakier than indentinded. But based on the fact that you were sitting across from perhaps the most gorgeous man you’d ever met who still had bed head and was only sporting a loose fitting pair of black sweatpants, you’d say you were doing pretty good at keeping your voice calm. 
“No, they’re good… thank you..” Issei muttered, keeping his eyes on his plate. He couldn’t look up at you right  now. 
The first thing he’d woken up to this morning was you knocking on his door, and normally that wouldn't have been so bad. In fact, he could think of few things better than the sight of a pretty girl waiting for him on his doorstep. The only reason he didn’t enjoy your early morning visit was because it gave him no time to take care of his raging morning wood, which was significantly worse than usual thanks to you being the star of his dreams the night before. 
He glanced up from his plate, trying to sneak a glance at you as you concerned yourself with the view from his kitchen window.
You were even more stunning in the morning light, the sun outlining the soft curve of your chin as you smiled at the city's skyline.
He looked back down at his breakfast, not nearly as appetizing as the sight sitting across from him. 
“Anyways,” you said, breaking the silence as you watched him near the end of his breakfast, clearing the plate of the last slice of toast. “I wanted to come by and apologize for how I acted yesterday, I was-” 
Before you could even finish the apology, he held a hand up to stop you. 
“Don’t even mention it, I was out of line.” 
You frowned as he got up to put his plate in the sink behind him. 
“Okay….” you said, unsure of how to approach the next topic, “well, I also wanted to talk to you about the wedding,” 
As soon as the word ‘wedding’ came out of your mouth you saw his (very nicely built) back tense. So you rushed to finish the sentence as fast as you could to prevent him from completely shutting you out. 
You saw the tick in his jaw and the stern look on his face as he turned towards you. You couldn't help but shrink in on yourself a little, this was the first time you’d seen him as anything but aloof, and to say it was… intimidating… was an understatement. 
Hot?.... Yes definitely… but also very intimidating. 
“Why would you apologize for that?” 
It was a fair question, especially considering that you were also starting to have the sneaking suspicion that you were a victim of infidelity as well. Just because you never caught it, doesn’t mean it never happened.
“I just-” 
“-You know what,” he cut you off, holding a palm up to you, “why don’t you let me get cleaned up a little and then I can take you somewhere a little nicer to talk about this.” 
Your eyes widened and you felt your face start to heat up at the idea of “going somewhere” to “talk” with this man. 
You dreaded what he meant by ‘clean up’, the idea that he’d be showering with only a door or a room, at most, between you was making you ashamedly wet. 
You could only pray that Issei didn’t notice the way you unconsciously squirmed in your seat.
And lucky for you, he didn’t. He was far too busy trying to figure out how to get himself to his bathroom without you noticing the sizable tent he could feel beginning to pitch. The only thing helping calm him down from being in the same room as you was the painful reminder that you were his brother’s fiance, along with the mention of what his brother had done to him 10 years ago. 
“Okay. I’ll just wait here” you said, nodding as you focused your gaze on your lap, desperately trying to hide your look of embarrassment from Issei as he walked past you to his bedroom. 
He closed the door with some kind of ‘make yourself at home’ comment, but once again, you were too preoccupied with your own arousal and ergo embarrassment to reply.
It was only when you’d calmed down a bit did you get up and explore the living room of his apartment. You were surprised to find it littered with not only human anatomy books and atlases (which was to be expected considering his career) but also with books filled with art, and even sketchbooks filled with what you assumed to be his own drawings. 
In fact, now that you were looking closer, you could tell that Issei was something of an artist as well, the biggest hint being an easel and half-painted canvas in the corner of the room. 
You couldn't help yourself, and went to inspect the work. When you got closer you could see the faint sketch lines on the canvas, and when you looked up from the painting to the window that it faced you saw the pieces of paper taped to the window, references for the painting. 
You wanted to say that the painting of the woman was embarrassing. You wanted to say that the sketches of her nude body were scandalous, but you couldn't help but fixate on the beauty of Issei’s work. 
The drawings made you feel warm inside, they made you feel seen. 
If you squinted, the woman in the drawings almost looked like what you saw when you looked in the mirror. Of course you’d never seen anyone like yourself depicted in any art, so the feeling was definitely new but for some reason, you couldn't stop the warmth that started in your chest from traveling down to rest between your thighs. 
And the more you looked at the drawings, the worse it got, as you noticed more sketches, some having the plus size woman drawn in different lewd poses, her curves almost highlighted due to the morning light coming through the paper. 
You got so lost in the art that it almost felt like you were the woman in the drawings and that you could feel Issei watching you… memorizing your shape so that he could sketch you. 
Your whole body was on fire as your fingers brushed against the papers on the window, tracing the figures outlines with one hand while gliding across your own outline with the other. 
Normally you wouldn’t be caught dead acting like this, but it was like Issei’s work had you in a trance. The art mixed with the idea that there was a wet and very naked Issei less than 20 feet away from you had gone straight to your head, almost making you dizzy. 
You didn’t know how long you’d been looking at the sketches, and you definitely hadn’t known that Issei had walked out of his bedroom to find you staring at his work a couple of minutes ago. 
He knew that he should’ve at least tried to hide all of the shameless drawings of you, for god’s sake he’d only met you for 10 minutes yesterday. But you had haunted him, the only way he was able to sleep last night was after drawing you in all of the poses he longed to see you in. 
So he stood silently in the doorway, watching as you traced his work, did you not realize it was you that he had drawn? Unless you were some sort of exhibitionist, you’d never be okay with some strange man you’d just met drawing you, much less drawing you as a nude model. 
He let it go on for another minute or two, he wanted to let himself memorize your body again, he didn't know if he’d ever have another chance to see you and he’d be damned if he let his painting go unfinished. But even as he watched you, committing your shape to memory, he couldn’t help the nagging desire to touch you, he told himself that he wanted to feel you because it’d make his art better, he told himself there was no other motive. 
He watched you finally move to the painting, watching you, he feared that if he let you continue you’d recognize yourself seeing as the painting held more color and detail. 
“What do you think of it?” He asked, making you gasp as you jumped and whirled around to face him. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to snoop!” your eyes were wide and panicked, and yet he didn’t see any hint of recognition in them, hopefully meaning you still were unaware that you were the art’s model. 
“Don’t apologize…. But please… I want to know what you think.” 
You shyly turned back towards the canvas, not brave enough to compliment him to his face. 
“It’s beautiful… you’re really good.” you breathed, the heat almost unbearable now that he was in the room. 
“Only as good as my model.” he chuckled.
“Well she’s beautiful.” you complimented. 
You were ashamed to admit the twinge of jealousy you felt towards the model. You had to remember that you were engaged…. Well at least for now….. in a week…. who knows?
“I think so too.” Issei mumbled from behind you, you could hear him moving but you still didn’t have the courage to turn back around. 
You’d hoped that Issei couldn’t detect your arousal, but, of course, he could. What kind of artist would he be if he couldn’t observe? How else would he have looked at you close enough to paint you after just one meeting? 
That said, Issei was more than pleased to know that you wanted him just as urgently as he needed you. He wondered if you’d lost sleep over it like him. Even at the risk of sounding naive or rash he wanted to ask you if you’d thought of him last night, as you walked home alone, as you slipped on your night clothes, as you drifted off to sleep. 
He felt like a love-sick puppy, a feeling he hadn’t let himself feel ever since the love of his life walked out on him. Of course, with you standing in front of him who knows if she’s truly been his soulmate. If she had been his soulmate then why did you make him feel like this? 
“Do you-” the words died on your tongue as you turned to find Issei directly behind you. The two of you were now close enough for him to see the way your breath caught in your chest. 
You knew you should’ve stepped back, even risked knocking over the painting to get away, but it felt like your feet were superglued to the floor. You could hear Issei’s heart pounding in his chest as he looked down at you, staring into your eyes as you couldn’t help but stare back. 
“Don’t you recognize her?” he whispered, his eyes darting down to your lips. 
“I’m sorry?” 
Your voice was barely audible, but at least it wasn’t shaking as Issei rested his hands on our shoulders and guided you to turn back towards the painting. 
“Isn’t she familiar?” 
His lips were right next to your right ear now, his breath warm as it tickled your jaw. 
You stayed silent as you tried to focus on the artwork, somewhere deep inside, you knew exactly where this was going, but you had no power to stop it. You didn’t even think you wanted to. 
“I don’t know” you mumbled, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt Issei’s palms travel down your sides to rest on your waist, his fingers digging into your skin ever so slightly. 
“Look again.” he urged, placing his teeth over your pulse, scraping the skin as he started to massage your hips. 
You forced your eyes open, your vision feeling unfocused as you tried to search for familiarity in the lines. It was only when Issei turned your body away from the painting, causing your eyes to drift to the full length mirror propped against a bookshelf, that you gasped in realization. 
It was you. 
And holy shit was that hot. 
You felt Issei grin against your skin, that grin you’d seen him constantly sporting since he’d met you, and you couldn’t stop the quiet whine from leaving your chest. 
You pressed yourself back into him, feeling him pressed against the curve of your ass, making him groan. 
“Fuck…” he hissed, his hips jerked at the unexpected pressure, making you giggle in response.
He backed away from you, grinning to himself when you spun around, your lips downturned in disappointment. 
“Come with me to bed.” He said, taking your hand in his. 
You raised your eyebrow at him, a small smile coming over your face.
This morning was all the push you’d needed to break things off with his brother. You had definitely made up your mind to that. Plus…. even if Issei wasn’t looking for revenge against his brother… you were. 
But still… that didn’t mean you didn’t want Issei to work for it. 
“Hmm… why should I?” you teased, following his lead as he backed into his bedroom. 
The grin never dropped from his face, if anything it got more confident. He knew he had you in the palm of your hand, but he also knew that you had him in the palm of yours. 
“You really gonna make me beg for it sweetheart?” he asked, pulling you against him and switching your places. You bit your lip as you felt the bed pressing up against the backs of your legs. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down till his face was level with yours.
“You would look good on your knees.” you whispered, your lips brushing his. 
You felt him twitch against your hip as he cursed under his breath, looking away from your eyes. 
Issei knew he needed to pace himself, if you kept teasing him like that this would be over before it started and he definitely couldn’t have that happening. 
“Wait, what’re you- hey!” you gasped as Issei pushed you back to where you were sitting on the edge of the bed. “What are you doing?” you asked as you cautiously watched him lower himself to his knees, his hands spreading your legs to let him kneel between your thighs. 
“I thought you wanted me to beg…” he teased, laying his cheek against the inside of one of your spread thighs as he looked up at you. 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Your brain was short wiring at the sight of the dark haired man kneeling between your legs, his hands were so big, his fingers gripping your calves, coaxing you to spread your legs further for him. 
You said nothing as you tangled your fingers through his hair, pulling softly to force his gaze up to yours. 
His face was red and his pupils blown out, the sight was so erotic you thought you’d cum on the spot. You didn’t know anyone could ever find you this attractive, but as he let out a quiet whine, staring at you through half-lidded eyes, you realized a scary thought. 
The thought that this man might want you even more than you wanted him. 
“please…” he mumbled, pressing his head into your hand, willing you to guide him where he so desperately wanted to be. “...wanna taste you…”
You felt like you’d taken a nine-iron to the chest. But god did you feel powerful. 
You tightened your grip on his hair, as you felt him work off your pants, pulling your soaked panties off with them, biting his lip at the feeling of the damp spot in the center of them. 
“You’re so pretty….” you sighed, letting him go to rake your fingers over his scalp, “You wanna eat me out?” 
He nodded, his tongue wetting his lips as he practically drooled over the sight of your bare cunt. 
He wanted to paint you like this, spread out for him like a fucking masterpiece. But that would have to wait.
He could feel his head weeping against the front of his sweatpants, he’d (thankfully) gone commando in hopes of being where he was now, unfortunately that meant the feeling of the fleece lining was unbearable as he tried to ignore it, focusing on your pleasure first. 
Without another word, you laced your fingers back through his hair and pushed his head down between your legs, gasping as you felt his lips quickly attach to your clit, wrapping around it and sucking, making your thighs snap shut around his head. 
“fuck….” you gasped, obviously not expecting that overwhelming intensity right out of the gate.
Issei just moaned into you, bucking his hips at the feeling of your thighs pressed against his ears, he ran his hands up your legs to your stomach, guiding you to lay down on your back before hiking your knees over his shoulders. 
And despite your position above him, you were completely powerless to his touch, leaning when he told you to, hesitantly opening your legs back up to allow him greater access. 
When Issei felt your thighs loosen around his head he nearly cried, but he would have your legs wrapped around his head again, for now he needed to bring you to orgasm as fast as possible.
He pushed you further back onto the bed, helping you lay on your back as he repositioned himself between your legs, his hips pressing his hardened cock into the bedsheets. 
His lips pressed to the insides of your thighs, sucking bruises into the skin as your fingers grasped at the sheets behind you.
“You’re so pretty” he muttered into your skin, looking up at you in awe as your chest heaved. 
You doubt that you looked any kind of attractive right now, and yet Issei stared up at you like a sinner to a priestess. 
“Please…” you gasped, your back arching away from the bed.
“Shhhh… I know…” he whispered, his mouth traveling back to your core, his tongue dipping between your folds, making you practically cry for more. 
Issei’s brows were knit together, all of his being focused on not cumming in his pants from your taste. He wanted more…. he needed more. 
“please…” he whimpered “...can I use my fingers?”
“N-mhm- yes..yes-please….” you gasped, crying out because as soon as you said it two of his fingers bullied their way into your pussy. 
You cried from the burn of it, which melted into moans as his lips soothed your clit while his fingers curled inside of you. 
It was gentle at first, he settled on warming you up to his fingers, gently pulling and pushing them in and out of you, kissing your clit with each plea or whine. 
But as soon as he felt you relax, it started. He began with just sissoring his fingers inside of you, wanting to stretch you out for his cock before you came.
But as soon as you whimpered the words “..’m close Issei..” he abandoned all patience, pressing his fingers into your g-spot as he scraped his teeth against your clit, making you cry out. 
You tried to close your legs around his head again, but he caught one of your thighs with his free hand and pressed it back down against the bed, forcing you to stay open for him. 
You tossed your head against the sheets, whining how good it was as Issei buried his fingers into you again and again, pushing at your g-spot until you felt you high coming towards you like a freight train. 
“Fuck…-gonna cum…Issei, ‘m gonna cum…” 
“Shit..” Issei moaned against your clit, making you jerk against his face, your stomach clenching at the vibrations it sends through your body.
“come on, Sweetheart…. I want you to cum from my fingers…..please…” 
Issei  leaned back to watch your face as you came, feeling his cock twitch desperately in his pants at the sight of you gasping for air as your legs twitched beside his head. 
You couldn’t form a single thought as you felt the wave of your orgasm wash over you, making your mind fuzzy as tears threatened to fall down your face. 
Issei worked you through your orgasm, whispering praise against your thighs as he pressed his thumbs into your hips, massaging his fingers into the curve of your ass. 
Eventually he worked his way back up your body until his chest covered yours and his hips ground against your thigh, reminding you that this was very much, not over. 
Issei could look at you forever. If he thought you were beautiful before, you were absolutely breathtaking now, basking in the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
God he needed you. He was convinced he’d need you for the rest of his life. 
Still breathless from your high, you hooked a hand around the back of Issei’s neck and pulled him towards you, catching his lips in yours. 
He moaned as your fingers pressed into his nape, encouraging him to deepen the kiss, forcing you to taste yourself on his tongue. He could feel his brain getting fuzzier by the second, he wanted to cum.
And you could tell with the way he tried to angle his hips away from you, trying to create the least amount of friction against himself as possible. 
It was almost cute in a way, it’d been a while since someone needed you this badly, like a hormonal teenager. The only reason it wasn’t cute was because you needed him just as badly. You were ready for him now, your core twitching at the thought of it. 
Before Issei knew what had happened, you flipped the two of you around, pinning him to the mattress as your ass rested dangerously snug against his clothed cock. 
“Wai-” he started but you cut him off, pressing one of your perfectly manicured nails to his lips. 
“It's my turn to have fun.” you said, offering a playful wink before crawling back down the bed to come face to face with his erection. 
You could tell that it was painful by now, the only thing preventing it from standing to its full potential was his sweatpants.
Issei thanked god they were black, he’d leaked so much pre by now it probably looked like he already lost it. 
Not that you would’ve minded, in fact you were face to face with his tent wishing the pants were gray for that exact reason.
You decided not to be cruel and pulled his pants down, trying (and failing) to hide your surprise when he finally sprang free. 
“Fuck…” Issei gasped above you, his fingers gripping his bedsheets, trying not to cum from the look in your eyes.
“You’re so pretty Issei…” you swooned, he winced as your fingers wrapped around him, making you giggle. “Such a pretty boy…” you gave an experimental tug, biting your lip when his hips jumped off of the bed and a whimper slipped out of him. 
“Do you want me to help you feel good, pretty?” 
Issei could feel his face burn in humiliation as he nodded feverishly, he couldn’t help it, he’d do whatever you told him to no matter how embarrassing, for you, he’d do it. 
You moaned as you took him into your mouth, your hand using his precum to stroke what couldn’t fit. 
“Fuck…” Issei whined, his hips twitching out of his control with the way you worked him. 
He felt like he couldn't breathe, and you only made it worse as you came off of him, only to turn your focus downwards, wrapping your tongue around his balls, taking them into your mouth. 
“Shit… wai-fuck…”  
You went back to his head, swiping your tongue across the slit, flicking your wrist as you stroked him closer to his high. You knew that he was close by the way his knuckles were white, gripping the sheets as he gasped and panted above you, begging you to slow down. 
He really did look so pretty like this, biting his bottom lip while he tried not to cum too soon. It suited him much better than that stupid fucking smirk he always had on. 
“Come on Issei…” you coaxed, your hand quickening its pace as his breathing grew even more ragged, “show me how good you feel…” 
Issei made the mistake of peering down at your face, you were staring at him through your lashes, biting your lip as you grinned. That’s what made him lose it, the sight of you making him grunt and shake as he released, whimpering as you made a show of catching it on your tongue.
“What a good boy…” you praised, licking up anything that managed to land on his pelvis, enjoying the feeling of his hips shaking beneath your taste buds. 
“It’s too bad though…” you said, sticking your bottom lip out in a fake pout as you sat back on your knees watching as Issei’s head raised off the bed to look at you, “‘cause I’m not tired yet.” 
You giggled as Issei’s head dropped back down with a groan, he obviously knew where this was going. 
You crawled back over him, positioning your hips over his, stroking him, trying to get him hard again. 
“Wait” he pleaded, 2 minutes, that’s all he needed and then he could do it again, he just needed two minutes. 
You decided to be nice and settled on just grinding against him. 
“you’re no fun.” you mumbled, leaning down to leave your own bite marks, something you didn’t doubt he’d done to you already.
You settled on his chest, admiring how soft his skin was, you bit into it, surprised at how hard the muscle was below. 
Yes, you knew that he was really fucking built when you saw him in just his sweatpants, you even knew he was built when you saw just how broad his shoulders looked in his nicely tailored work suit, but you were surprised just how strong he felt under your fingertips. 
Maybe it was the fact he’d let you take control this whole time that made you for some reason think that he couldn't pin you down if he wanted to, but now you knew, he definitely could. 
And god was that a tempting image. 
Knowing that he could easily overpower you, could easily force your face into the mattress as he fucked you, but chose to listen to you so nicely was so fucking attractive.
You felt yourself tighten around nothing, keening as your clit caught against the head of his cock when you rubbed yourself against him. 
“So good…” you moaned, resting your forehead against his chest, grinding down on his cock.
Issei decided he’d had enough, he was ready whether his dick was hard again or not. Which it was. How could it not be with you on top of him? He could feel your arousal, it made it almost impossible not to just slip his cock into you.
“Please….” he breathed, “...fuck please….” 
You giggled from your place above him, leaning back to where you sat against his hips, comfortably sat with him wedged between your thighs. 
“Come on Issei….how should I know what you want me to do?….” 
Issei just whined beneath you, his body practically shaking under your touch. You brought your hands up to rest on his chest rather than the sheets on either side of his head. 
“Please…..” he gasped again, his toes curling into the sheets when your prettily manicured nails circled his nipples. 
You just grinned, dragging your hands up his neck, circling to his nape to hold his head, forcing him to look into your half-lidded eyes. 
You leaned down towards him, grinding down onto him as you placed pecks on his face, starting from the edge of his lips… then to the arch of his nose… and finally up across his jaw, landing next to his left ear. 
“What honey….” you cooed, loving the way you could feel his chest heaving beneath yours as you pressed your tits to him, as if his brain had melted already. 
Issei whined, pressing his eyes closed, trying not to cum like a fucking loser before he even had the chance to be inside of you. 
“.... you want some pussy, Baby?...” 
“Oh fuck…. Please-please-please…. want it so bad…” Issei whimpered, his fingers leaving the sheets to grip the fat of your hips, undoubtedly hard enough to bruise. 
You would’ve laughed if it wasn’t so pathetic. 
Without another word, you reached under you, and all in one go grabbed his cock and slid onto it, gasping as you took it to the hilt on the first try. 
Issei’s vision went white as he felt you press yourself down onto him, the pulse of your cunt around him making him dizzy, making him whip his head away, trying to hide from you as he let out a choked sob, along with stuttered, breathy ‘thank you’s.
“Fuck baby…” you groaned, reaching back up to cradle issei’s face with your hands, “.....feel you in my fucking throat….” 
“..yeah?..... can I move…fuck-please…” Issei pleaded, making you wince with the force that his nails were digging into your hips. 
“Fuck…” you dropped your head down, pressing your face into the nook of his neck, trying to stay strong, trying to stay in control as you felt your brain going fuzzy and your tummy turn to jelly. “...yes… please fuck me-ahh-” 
You weren’t even able to finish the sentence before Issei’s hips started snapping into you from underneath, the force of his thrusts bouncing you against his chest. You moaned, feeling the air getting repeatedly knocked out of your lungs. 
“Shit- slow-slow down Issei…” you winced out, the feeling of him slamming into you so fast was too much too early. If he kept going like this you’d both be done in no time. 
“not so much baby…” you said again, trying to catch Issei’s attention after failing the first time, but unfortunately for you he was long gone, the only thing on his mind was pounding into you until you came all over his cock. 
Issei couldn’t even hear you as you begged once more for him to slow down, he coudln’t hear anything over the sounds of his own moans and grunts paired with his hard breaths and of course the wet sounds of your cunt as he fucked into you like a fucking rabbit in rut. 
He swore to god that there was nothing better than this, than the sound of you moaning above him as he drilled into you, his hands gripping the swell of your ass as you bounced on his cock. 
It wasn’t long before you gave up on trying to take it slow, releasing yourself to the pleasure of Issei’s cock pushing at your walls while you cried into his neck, whimpering encouragement into his skin, trying your best to meet his thrusts. 
“Oh my goddd….” you gasped after a particularly hard thrust, feeling his tip ram against your cervix when he adjusted you on top of him, bringing his heels up to dig into the mattress to allow him to fuck you even harder. 
Your chest was no longer resting against his as the new angle forced you to lean back, barely giving you time to bring your arms behind you to support yourself as he used you. 
Issei almost cried at the new position, not only because now he could push into you faster and harder, but because now with every thrust he could watch the way your tits bounced and your eyes rolled back into your head. 
He could feel the itch of his orgasm starting in his gut, making him panic at the thought of this ending, at the thought of you getting up and walking out of his life after he scares you away with his intensity. Incidentally, the panic is also what allowed him to finally tune back into his surroundings, tune back into anything other than the feeling of your cunt squeezing him. 
“Isseiiiii…” he heard you beg, your voice further ripping him out of his trance, he stilled inside of you, despite every fiber of his being saying not to.
It was only when he stopped that he noticed the way your arms were shaking under you, threatening to give out. 
“Fuck…” he said, scrambing to sit up further on the bed, wrapping his arms around your torso to pull you into him, allowing your arms to take a much needed break as he pulled your weight properly into his lap. “I’m sorry…” he whispered against your shoulder, “fuck ‘m sorry…. you just feel so good…” 
He let you catch your breath, whispering apologies as he sucked more marks into your skin, his hips grinding his pelvis against your clit, making you gasp and keen as his tip rubbed against your g-spot inside of you. 
This was almost worse than when he was moving, yeah it felt good, fuck it felt so good that you could barely remember your name, much less the reason you’d wanted him to slow down, but if he continued like this you knew you’d finish for a second time, and while you really wanted to finish, you wanted him to finish inside of you first. 
“Issei…” you moaned, leaning away from him to look into his eyes, your cunt tightening around him at the sight of his blown out pupils and red cheeks, making him whine. “Issei let me lay down Baby…” 
He nodded aimlessly, his eyes focused only on your tits as you slid off of him, laying down beside him, hoping he’d take the hint to climb over you and continue. 
Thankfully he did, or at least got half of the hint. He climbed over you, his forearms framing your face as he resumed grinding himself against you, his cock slick with your arousal as it continued gliding between the folds of your pussy, the tip catching your clit with every stroke, making you both shake against each other. 
“...ngh- please baby….” Issei whined against your neck, “...please lemme fuck….” 
Your head was thrown back against the sheets, as you moaned out for him, wrapping your arms down and around him, raking your nails against his lower back, making him shiver and whine against you. 
“Go ahead baby…” you urged, spreading your legs further for him, “...make me cum” 
That was all Issei needed to resume the godless pace he’d set earlier, lining himself up with your hole before hammering you further into the mattress. 
You gasped below him, once again feeling him deep enough to wonder if he’d somehow broken your cervix with the power behind his thrusts. 
He was drunk on you, whining a repetitive ‘yes, yes, yes’ into your skin before you decidedly to shut him up, gripping his hair and guiding his mouth to one of your nipples. 
You both moaned as he latched on, sucking hard enough to make your walls squeeze, practically choking his dick as he continued humping into you like a love-sick puppy. You could feel him twitching inside of you, telling you that he was also close. 
“Fuck issei…” you begged, pressing his face closer to your chest, smothering him with your tits as he moaned and jerked into you. 
At this point your couldn’t tell who was fucking who, with the way your hips were arching off of the mattress to meet his thrusts, making you both cry as his cock dragged against your insides perfectly. 
“Fuck Issei, ‘m close…” you breathed, intentionally squeezing his cock, trying to get him to cum before you fell off that cliff.
 He pulled himself off of your chest just long enough to whimper “fuck-me too baby…” before sending whiny vibrations back through your body as he licked and bit at your tits. 
“Yeah?” you asked, “you gonna ask me if you can cum inside?” 
You felt him jerk inside of you at the thought. 
“D’ you wanna cum inside Issei?” you whispered into his ear, biting your lip as he nodded against you, his mouth never leaving your nipple but a pathetic whine coming out of the back of his throat as his thrusts started getting messy and out of sync. 
You could both tell that the other was close, and while Issei desperately wanted to make you cum first, you both knew that he wasn’t the one in charge right now. 
Issei fucked into you with a continuous stream of ‘please’ coming from his lips between each pant, his thrusts were getting sharper and off beat as he felt his balls starting to pull up, getting ready to shoot his load into you. But he was determined, he wanted to feel you creaming around his cock before he finally filled you. 
But of course, you had other plans, your fingers reaching down to dig your nails into his ass cheeks, helping him keep the tempo of his hips slamming into you steady. Your cunt felt so fucking good for him, warm and tight and twitching as your release threatened to rear its head. 
It was a silent battle of who’d break first, until you took his earlobe between your teeth and whispered into his ear. 
“come on issei, give me your cum…. Please…” 
That finally pushed him over the edge, making him cry against your chest as he tried to pull himself out of you to finish, thinking that you were just saying to finish inside to make him cum.
But as soon as you felt him try to pull out, you dug your nails deeper into the skin of his ass, pressing his body flush to yours as you felt the ropes of his cum start filling you up. 
“Fuck… oh my god….” Issei gasped against you, his legs jerking and abs flexing against you as he felt you milking him dry. 
The feeling of his cum pushed you into your release as well, making you throw your head back, mouth open as a silent moan ripped through you, your back arching as you felt yourself gushing, your mixed release dripping down your ass and Issei’s balls, no doubt soaking into Issei’s sheets. 
Even if Issei said something to you right then, you didn’t hear it, it was like you lost all ability to do anything other than stare at the ceiling, feeling the waves of your orgasm rocking through your body. 
And Issei honestly wasn’t much better, laying against your chest as his hips twitched in the aftermath, making you whine below him as his softening tip rubbed his cum into your raw walls. 
Eventually though, Issei came back to, pushing himself back up onto his forearms to make sure you were ok. He just found you staring at his ceiling, your mind still blank and fucked out. 
He brought a hand up, brushing your hair out of your face, kissing from your lips to your forehead, whispering ‘thank you’s’ and ‘you did so good for me’s’ as he gently pulled out and left to get a cloth to clean you up. 
Somewhere along the process of Issei dragging the warm cloth across your skin, you remembered to feel self conscious due to the light streaming in through the bedroom window’s blinds. 
Issei just tsked at your attempts to cover yourself with your hands, did you miss the last hour? He was fucking obsessed with you. You were fucking perfect to him. Fuck, not just to him, you were just perfect. 
“Stop.” he grumbled, pulling your hand away from your stomach and replacing it with his own, gripping the plush of it between his fingers, groaning when you whined and jerked against him. 
You just rolled your eyes, obviously it was pointless to argue with the man who’d just sucked your tits and gave you probably the strongest orgasm of your life. 
“Whatever” you groaned, trying to push him away from you so you could at least retreat to the bathroom. Another plan, which he gladly spoiled as he latched onto you even tighter, abandoning the washcloth and opting to kiss across your neck, trying to distract you from the thought of leaving. 
“Come on….” he whispered into your neck, pulling your body against him, groaning at the softness of it, “come take a shower with me… and then….” he reached down to your tits, tracing their outline again with his fingers. 
“And then let me draw you again…” 
“What am I gonna tell your brother?” you asked, hoping to kill the mood to at least be able to slip from Issei’s grasp, enough to let you leave both of the brothers’ lives without doing more damage. 
But Issei just laughed, still tightening his hold on you, forcing you to stay with him in bed. 
“Just tell him the truth” 
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” you said, side-eyeing Issei, watching him grin down at you with that familiar grin. 
“That you’re gonna marry the better brother.” 
*blows dust off of microphone*
hope you liked it bestie!!!!! tell me whatcha thought <3 <3<3<3
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luvrrgirl444 · 9 months
chapter 22: rockstar gf era
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liked by sashluvsfood, historiareiss & 656,800 others
👤 theroses
planetyn officially in my rockstar gf era
conman69 ngl u put ts on 🤢
⤷ planetyn wish i could say the same for u goofy
historiareiss welcome to the club 🥰🥰
⤷ planetyn glad to be here 🥰🥰
lifearlert SICKENING
⤷ planetyn I LOVE YOU DOWN
jaegerbomb fit is fitting baby
⤷ planetyn SHE SUPA THICK
username the best yn era yet @jaegerbomb ty king
⤷ jaegerbomb my pleasure
⤷ planetyn gtf??
jaegerbomb mine 😳😳
⤷ planetyn yours 😳😳
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liked by lifearlert, planetyn & 459,330 others
👤 planetyn
jaegerbomb you get me so high
conman69 CORNBALLS
⤷ jaegerbomb get a load of this guy
planetyn you’re so cute
⤷ jaegerbomb no you baby
username second pic someone go check on yn..
planetyn clean up on isle my pants 😳😳
⤷ jaegerbomb oh ok 👍
planetyn hey handsome are u single 🥰🥰
⤷ jaegerbomb yes single and ready to mingle
⤷ planetyn dm me 😉
username they’re so unserious i love
sashluvsfood MY WIFE and her ugly bf 😒
⤷ jaegerbomb and who are you 😂
mikasackerman are u doing drugs young man?
⤷ jaegerbomb i saw u selling coke yesterday
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liked by conman69, lifearlert & 342,290 others
👤 mikasackerman
sashluvsfood stole her hat so she stole my bed :(
mikasackerman i love ur bed
⤷ sashluvsfood get out of it pls
planetyn 🤔
⤷ sashluvsfood 🤫
⤷ username WHAT?????
horseface haha just like you stole my cali hoodie right 😂
⤷ horseface you’re a criminal
username is this a soft launch..?
⤷ sashluvsfood welllllllllllllll
view 25.6k others..
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- how do we feel about mikasasha..
taglist <3 : @greeniegreengreen @bakuhoes-bxtch @itzgabz22 @princess-jaeger @marsandsaturn @violenthots @roses-arerosies @conniesbbymama @llovergirlll @iheartamajiki @clipperlighter @liliorsstuff-blog @hoohoohope @akvrae @rinslutz @miniaturelunar @sheluvzeren @shigamiryuk @chamomilespetal @booistoleyou @asp7n @heartz444anna @thatartistshar0n @vintagexparker @tsukkisukkii @venusinx @seeingivy @cyberkitty1 @anitatvd @blamemef0rit @crvzy-fujoshi @seeingivy @dazaisfavgf @bubbabobabubbles @erenspersonalwh0re
338 notes · View notes
Fluffy Domestic Relationship HCs ~ Nanami Kento
I’ve been feeling pretty depressed lately, so I thought - What would cheer me up a bit? Ah yes, Nanami Kento, one of the few characters that I would love to marry.
They’re a bit chaotic, but they’re all adorable asf~
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If Kento is in a committed relationship, whether you are a Jujutsu Sorcerer as well or not, he’ll have the both of you retire and gtf out of that field because the last thing he wants is for either of you to get hurt - Or worse, die - When you were at your happiest.
Hence why, the both of you took normal University studies in advance!
No matter whether you’re still studying, or you’re working, Kento will wake up before you and prepare you food and something to drink for your long work hours.
He can’t stand the idea of you not being well taken care of, and while he’s constantly sleep deprived and doesn’t always take care of himself, your well-being is above all else for him.
Would watch any movie, tv series, cartoon that you like - Literally anything, even if it’s not really your style, all because he loves having you rest your head on his chest and relaxing, snuggling to his side like a kitten so he can stroke your hair.
Doesn’t mind if you’re emotional at a movie - He will just hug you and let you cry in his arms and sob about how awfully sad what happened was, and by the end of it, he will just say “If you don’t want that to happen, then it didn’t. It ended how you wanted it to end.” and so on, but more in touch with the plot of what you watched.
Loves it if you tie his tie - And if you don’t know how to do it, he would show it to you once, then would guide your hands, slowly and gently, explaining every step, just so you can have that kind of intimacy with you.
Absolutely loves going on dates with you at small cafes or tea houses - The soothing smell of a fresh beverage, calm music, a chill atmosphere, an intimate and small table somewhere near the corner or next to a window and just relaxing together and basking in each other’s presence.
Has the softest, most loving smile whenever he sees you, and you can literally see that gentle love sparkling in his eyes - It makes your knees weak and you can’t help but swoon.
Doesn’t use many nicknames with you, preferring to call you by your name because he loves you so much, it’s unreal.
When he does use nicknames, though... “My love”, “My darling”, “Angel”, “Honey”... And adding his low, suave voice, whispering into your ear... Well, you melt on the spot.
Always tells you to text him whenever you got to work, home or to whatever destination, if you’re alone, afraid that somehow, some curse would attack you and he wouldn’t be there to protect you - It eats him alive, but he hardly ever expresses that fear.
Though, on more vulnerable night, he’d hold you to his chest, just happy that you’re alive, and still there, with him, and would express how much he loves you and how afraid he is of losing you.
Would love to have a dog with you - I think something like a Golden Retriever, but any kind of dog is very much welcomed.
If you’re not at home, he would go and sleep on the couch with the dog, but if you ARE home... Well, he won’t be cuddling you anymore, but the dog will be between the two of you.
Insists to being the one going on walks with the dog because he gets so attached to it - And sorry, but the dog would love him the most too.
Literally works so that he has enough money to buy you things that you love, but don’t want to spend money on, because they’re too expensive - All kinds of gifts like clothes and accessories, you name it, he will go to the shop (prefers that, rather than ordering online because he can feel the material and properly see the shades).
Of course, you need to do a catwalk in those clothes - Even if those clothes are actually lingerie. 100% quality silk lingerie.
But above all else, he wants to go on trips with you because he loves to be away from work and anything that stresses him, so being somewhere far away (from Gojo) only with you, visiting beautiful places, wearing traditional clothes, taking couple pictures together -
Yeah, that’s why he works so hard all the time.
Oh, by the way -
He started buying only high quality shirts because he caught you wearing one at some point and thought you looked adorable, so he wants you to feel comfortable in his clothes, if you ever want to wear them. (He saw how fashionable oversized shirts are, so if you like that, why not? He’s pretty smug about it, tho)
If you don’t have who to go with, he would agree to go to concerts, even if he doesn’t have a clue about the band, or isn’t a fan of it, because he doesn’t want you to go alone if it makes you uncomfortable, or would deny yourself in fear of being alone.
Can’t function properly without at least one kiss from you.
Is a fan of chill video games (after you got him into games) like Hidden Objects or Zuma/Luxor, but the former, he would play with you mostly, because he likes enjoying the plot with you, and you project the game on the big plasma TV to see those damn hiding objects better.
When he’s super tired, he loves to lay back with his head on your lap and just relax, feeling your fingers caress his hair so soothingly, so lovingly, he feels in Nirvana, especially if you place a small kiss on his forehead.
I lied, Kento’s biggest fear is Gojo finding out about you - Which happens pretty early on in the relationship.
Not only is Gojo teasing the hell out of him, but he also randomly steals you away to tell you embarrassing stories and show you old pics of Ken knowing very well that you would go home to him and giggle like a little kid.
Tries even setting up traps to keep that silver haired freak away from you, but deep inside, he knows it’s no use, and he has to suffer from eternal shame because of him.
He’s a fantastic listener, even if he isn’t trying to - So basically, he’s up to date with all the gossip, to the point that he’s saying “No, not X, that bitch.” in the most done with life and cynical way possible, he would chime in with advice or retorts on how awful some people are.
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