professor-omni · 1 year
Just getting settled in. Thanks for having me!
I'm Omni, he/him, a bassist in the USA. My friend Isto @suspendnodisbelief helped me get my blog set up, so that I have a place to read shitposts instead of doomscrolling on reddit.
I follow tags relating to metal music, bass guitar, and World of Warcraft at the moment.
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esinofsardis · 1 year
Get to Know You Me!
I was tagged by both @sinceremercy and @isabellehemlock -- you're great and thanks for tagging :)
Three Ships
Loustat (IWTV) -- my current loves. They're messy and complex and absolute disasters but I cannot get enough
Otayuri (Yuri on Ice) -- I love the dynamic between Yuri's spitfire and Otabek's ability to roll with anything. They're sweet together and the fanfics out there are amazing
Herongraystairs (The Infernal Devices) -- as much as I'm not a fan of the series or author in general, this is my first OT3 and I love how much they all want each other
First Ship
Aragorn/Arwen -- this ship is basically sacred to me. I don't even interact with fanworks on it for the most part because my headcanons are so precious. I shipped them from the moment I read the books at age 8
Last song
"Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush -- I've recently gotten really into her music and this song is soooo hard to sing but I want to master it
Last movie
Anonymous (2011) -- I watched this for Sam Reid and that's it. No matter how different he looks I know it's him cause his voice. We don't talk about his voice enough friends
Currently reading
Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice -- I'm about halfway through and it's really getting good!
Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown -- This book is changing my life. Especially while I'm dealing with a lot of disability shit, it's love to read about radical pleasure. And the idea that justice does not stop with solidarity or retribution or even reconciliation, but with abundant pleasure for all people is honestly overwhelmingly beautiful in the best way.
Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski -- Everyone read this book to understand your own stress responses if nothing else. Appreciating the science, wishing there was more data/discussion of non-cis people.
Currently watching
Sense 8 -- It's rare to see a show with this big of a cast have fully developed characters like this. Each of the main 8 characters could have their own show, and then they're also a perfectly balanced team with great interactions. Currently midway through season 2.
Currently consuming
Half-price Valentine's candy that I bought for myself the day after because I'm cheap but I like chocolates
Currently craving
Physical touch. I want to be held so bad rn
Tagging some old and some new friends: @goldenyearofgrief @lestatslestits @thechosenpyro @nikysavi @ineffablylestat @anonymouslyunremarkable @dontbesylly @savage-garden-nights @mythicaltzu
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
GTKY tag game
Thank you for tagging me @monsterbaity (and @massiveharmonytiger ) 🥰  I love these kind of games - and since they both had some overlap questions I compiled them into one 
Rule: tag (9) people you want to know better and/ or catch up with, then answer these questions below!
Here’s the nine people I’ll tag - some new followers/mutuals I’d love to get to know more 💖
@loustat-fangnatic @esinofsardis @fire-gift @fablesdelightme @nalyra-dreaming @airneeus @cuntyloustat @gorylestat @aryastark-valarmorghulis
Three ships: (from IWTV) Loustat, ArmandxDaniel, (from OFMD) StedexEd, and (from TOG) JoexNicky
First ship: Lady Oscar and André from 80′s anime, The Rose of Versailles that I got to watch in the 90′s
Last song: "I’m still standing" - Elton John (from this inspired and epic Lestat playlist)
Last movie: "Enough" - which in hindsight might not have been the best choice with a high anxiety day yesterday!
Currently reading: my ESS mass journal bc I missed it on Sunday!  Hoping to start reading "Good Omens" soon!  And my first Lenten book (out of two) arrived an hour ago!  It’s called “Seven Last Words” - and written by a LGBT+ friendly priest, Fr James Martin, SJ 🌈  I’m excited to dig into it after doing journal focused devotions for the last several years of Lent and Advent :) 
Currently watching: old episodes of Major Crimes and The Closer while I work on digital art 
Currently consuming: all the metas in my drafts to compile some of my own for IWTV :D
Craving: online orders for my kids to arrive so I can stop checking my phone for updates lol
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howldean · 2 years
thx for the tag merv my best friend merv @soldierpoetdean
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: ah a trick question already, i see how it is. Dean!! or bucky, or bee, or nio if you know my origin story and lore, hymn if you're biblically accurate
star sign: taurus
height: 5'8"
time: 6:13pm pacific time
birthday: april 27th
favorite bands/artists: the happy fits, kendrick lamar, lord huron, depeche mode, M.A.G.S., hozier, led zeppelin, and mother mother (honestly i listen to a lot of individual songs from artists but these are for the most part bands that i can put on shuffle and enjoy)
last movie: dogma
last show: *sigh* supernatural. NEW show though i've been watching merlin for the first time
when did i create this blog: december of 2020 i believe
what i post: what is this a government census?? i post what i post (spn, some old multifandom stuff, slice of life, and my projects)
last thing i googled: dean winchester everybody loves a clown
other blogs: dead x-men blog @antisocial-empath, jail blog @travelershymn, and angel/cowboy needless gender fodder aesthetic blog @hurricanehymn (might trade that and jail urls tho)
do i get asks?: surprisingly yes! i really need to send more at random but rye, january, and merv tend to send me stuff (this is your sign to randomly send me asks i love it so much it never annoys me ever)
following: 448
average hours of sleep: also 4-10 hours though honestly averaging a solid 6-8
instruments: none........ i do have a keyboard though and i wanna get back into learning that
what im wearing: band shirt and flannel and pajama pants. i've been like this all day
dream job: delightfully unemployed and tending to a community garden! but i'm working towards a degree in hospitality lol
dream trip: anywhere and everywhere. i want to do a mutuals roadtrip somehow and some way someday if i'm being honest
nationality: american....
favorite songs: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE most recently its another try by the happy fits, cult of personality by living color, smile by m.a.g.s, honeypie by jawny (i say that unironically it's a bop), wrong by depeche mode, and ghost on the shore/ends of the earth/the night we met/the man who lives forever by lord huron
last book that i read: a collection of poems called "safeword" by donald dunbar
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: ngl supernatural would be cool, disney's robin hood. yeah the fox one, and maybe one with cool dragons since harry potter is dead to me
tagging, should you choose to accept it: @the-foungaytions-of-degay @serpentski @quietduckpond @guychild @eileenguy @crabs-but-better @final-girl-cas @groot-the-tree-writes and curse you merv for tagging like. all of the people that i know..... @ YOU if you want to participate just act like i tagged you it's fine
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rynfinity · 1 year
rules: answer the questions and tag some people. include the tag 'g2ky bl mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answer.
I was tagged by: @coffeeyuqi thanks! <3 I’m probably not the best person to answer this one as I haven’t really watched many bls but here goes anyway.
what were the bls that took you by surprise last year?
Kinnporsche, definitely. I stumbled into it by complete accident, at what turned out to be a very opportune time, and it - and the fandom, even now that it’s more like fandomS - has made a big difference for me.
what were the bls that you felt a bit disappointed with last year?
I didn’t have any expectations, so “disappointed” doesn’t really apply, but outside KP nothing has caught my interest yet.
what was your favorite bl last year?
KP. Not that it really had any competition but I can’t imagine liking something markedly more anyway.
favorite bl/gl couples (not just of 2022)
In no order, vegaspete and kinnporsche. I like different things about them and while I’m on team vegaspete overall I can’t objectively say I enjoyed watching them more than kinn and porsche in canon.
Once the hyperfixation wears off I’ll probably accumulate more. :)
if you had to suggest a bl for someone what would it be?
I’ve definitely recommended KP to people, and bl to people as a genre, but I tend to be hesitant to recommend things overall. Everyone likes what they like for their own reasons, and just because we both like “x” doesn’t mean you’re also going to love “y” (even though I do). Also, I have a background in emergency services and am therefore kind of blind to gore… I always have to keep that in mind when championing media to anyone “on the outside,” lol.
what was your non-bl favorite last year?
I wasn’t really watching anything current at the time KP ran me over. I basically went straight from “still hyperfixated on Yuri on Ice!!!” to where I am now, and I suppose YOI kind of counts as a bl anyway.
tagging: @kerrikins @justfionn @thoresque @bitacrytic @minorfamilysupremacy and/or anyone else who wants to play. No pressure whatsoever!
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flameohotwife · 2 years
for the author ask game: 3, 21, and 25!
Thanks for the ask, friend! Sorry it took a minute to get back to you--I was hoping things would slow down a bit and they... haven't, haha.
3. what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else? I always write front-to-back. The exception is that I have written a few drabbles for friends or for prompts that I know I'm going to include in some form in a later part of one series, but when I'm sitting down to write something I always start at the beginning and end at the end.
21. what do you think when you read over your older work? It depends! Many of them still bring me joy in some ways, but there are definitely parts that I'll read and cringe at how it sounds. You would think that means I have improved with my writing but really it just means I am not my own biggest fan, haha.
25. copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of. Oh ooof northern! Did you read my answer to 21? Okay, lemme go find something...
She rubbed her fingers against her temples, seeking (and failing to find) a way to block out the sounds of screaming, fighting kids and squeaky notes. Inhaling a slow, deep breath, she forced her blood pressure back down on the exhale and prepared to face her children, setting aside her unfinished work for now.
“Kya,” she called, calmly. No response. Kya was too busy loudly bickering with Bumi over how to hang this set of streamers to even hear her mother. “Kya?” she called again, a little louder. Still nothing. “KYA!!!”
“ Why are you YELLING at me?!” Kya whipped around, eyes blazing in an all-too-familiar fashion. Sometimes looking at her daughter was like looking in a mirror. 
Katara almost bit back that she hadn’t yelled the first two times, but exhaled another calming breath through her nose instead. She stood to join her oldest two children by the window. “I didn’t think you could hear me over all the noise,” she explained, gesturing to the three of them, as Tenzin continued to blow away at his flute with eyes closed tight in concentration. Bumi reached for the back of his neck sheepishly and Katara smiled warmly at how much her oldest child reminded her of Aang. 
That's from Ties That Bind, my Katara Week fic. I'm proud of it not necessarily because of the prose or the wording, but because of how real it feels to me, being in the midst of kid chaos, still finding the little quirks of your children that they inherited from your partner (or you! haha) and feeling simultaneously overwhelmed and capable of handling it. Thanks for playing the Get To Know Your Author ask game, friend!!
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haradasaya · 2 years
Abelia!! [if you're still doing the ask game :) ]
I am ! This is actually my first ask from it haha
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I do actually !! I wear the same gold hoops every single day, they’re my go-to accessory !! I also had this necklace I wore for AGES like seriously I think I owned it for like 6 years and I wore it everywhere, everyday, but it broke back in 2020 😭
I’m also known to wear rings! My mom got me one that has grooves that look like baseball seams (bc softball is my favorite sport 😂) and I wear it all the time !!
And then of course my watch lol it’s not necessary because I just look at the time on my phone … 😅 but I like it anyways !!
Thank you for the ask ! It was super cute ♥️
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bougainvilea · 1 year
there r so many things i should have done and i cantmuster up the energy to do any of them
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starlitmark · 2 years
tell me about getting to know you<3
Omg 🥺🥺 well yn is a precious soul and I want to protect her with my whole heart, some of the squires are there for comic relief but I love them cough mingyu cough, Hwiyoung Hongseok and Yuto are actually the softest boys and I love them. There’s a lot to unpack Brooke 💀
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lucyfrostblade · 22 days
3, 4, 14, 16 for the gtky ask! <3
ask game link!
3. Favourite food? & 4. Favourite drink?
favorite food is an impossible question but i am a big fan of chicken burritos right now. carbs, protein, veggies, they have it all and i can really appreciate that.
favorite drink is not impossible but is embarrassing: redbull. just the basic flavor. it's embarrassing. but i also drink a lot of tea. there's this white cherry tea i am in love with rn.
14. Something you wish you were better at?
i did have a really emo answer typed out but uh that was a lot so a completely different answer: i wish i was better at art. i just don't have the patience to get better at it and i have too many hobbies for it to be reasonable at all now.
16. Do you have any tattoos? If not, would like to?
i have three tattoos! there's a tlt tattoo on my forearm that's the seventh house skull that i got back in 2019 right before i turned 19. then last october i got a two headed dog tattooed on my upper arm. and in february i got the head of a bunny on my thigh. i have plans for more i just love tattoos so much!
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sephirajo · 6 months
GTKY meme
tagged by @bloodless-happy
Last Song: Ertha Kitt - Santa Baby
Favorite Color: muddy mississippi blue
Currently Watching: idk, stuff
Last Movie/TV Show: um, nothing really? talking about perfect blue and stuff with a friend
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: spicy
Relationship Status: separated and nerdy
Current Obsession: bg3, starsector, mtas
Last Thing You Googled: starsector mods fleet size
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esinofsardis · 1 year
GTKY Tag Game
@isabellehemlock tagged me ages ago and yes I do eventually do things... I also love surveys lol
Are you named after anyone?
Two of my great-grandfather's sisters shared my name (the first died in infancy), but my parents were really just looking for biblical names. So not particularly
When was the last time you cried?
Last time the US healthcare system fucked me over and I had to go back to square one seeking treatment :(
Do you have kids?
Nope! I'm actually seeking a bilateral salpingectomy once the aforementioned health insurance nightmare gets solved
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Only with people I'm extremely comfortable with. I'm autistic--teasing and sarcastic conversations are actually a sign that I really trust you. It takes me years to get to that level with someone.
What sport do you play/have you played?
Closest thing to a sport is the social swing dancing I did in college. We met every Tuesday night for a lesson then a few hours of open dancing. It was so fun and I miss it a lot
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Height/size and whether the other person cares about it. I'm six feet tall and pretty heavy. Sooooo many cis men get super uncomfortable because I'm taller or as tall as them. It's like I notice how much physical space I take up in relation to another person and how cool with that they seem to be.
Eye color?
Dark brown with gold flecks. My eyes are one of the things I like best about myself.
Scary movies or happy endings?
This is a weird dichotomy??? I want stories that make me feel things
Any special talents?
Reading. I can read 100 pages/hour. I did 10 years of orchestra surviving off my ability to sight-read in three clefs. I also remember what I read or hear scary well--lectures actually work super well for me cause I just soak it all in. My parents called me a sponge for this. I'm a walking encyclopedia and I love it
Where were you born?
Ohio :/
What are your hobbies?
Embroidery, sewing, playing piano, research, writing (in theory), reading
Do you have any pets?
Despite the sheer amount of cat hair in my car, no. I enjoy my friends' cats, but don't really love animals much.
How tall are you?
6ft (my brothers say 5'11.75" but see what I said above about cis men not liking me being tall)
Fave subject in school?
In grade school, French and orchestra. I didn't really like English classes until I got to college and majored in it.
Dream job?
I wanted to be a writer as a kid. But honestly that led to so much pressure and baggage associated with writing that I specifically won't take writing-related jobs now. I can only work part time due to disability stuff, but honestly I have my dream job. I'm the secretary at a church I'm not a member of, so I get to do a variety of admin things--from filing and reminder volunteers that they need to show up places to filming YouTube devotionals and formatting hymn sheets to waging war with the printer and buying supplies. It's chill and steady and has really good boundaries because I don't attend on Sundays. The church also does a lot with humanitarian work in my city so it's cool to help out with that!
Tagging (with no pressure of course) @goldenyearofgrief @whiteorangeflower @revolution-starter @translouisdpdl @dancermk @sinceremercy @nikysavi @mythicaltzu
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
GTKY Tag Game
Thank you so much @energievie for tagging me for a fun tag game!  I could have sworn I did this one a few months back but then again, just because I couldn’t find it via my search button means nothing in tumblr land lolll - anyways, here we go! Are you named after anyone?
Technically I’m named after my great-aunt, Katharina (turning 90 this year!), but to be honest, my mom said it was more about just really liking the name in general versus like any kind of honoring family sort of thing.  My two middle names are my paternal and maternal grandmother’s names.  And fun fact: I was almost named Ka‘iulani if it had been up to my Dad (and I think my Mom won solely for the fact that most of her family would not have been able to pronounce it correctly lol)
When was the last time you cried?
Over the weekend, watching the latest season of Queer Eye
Do you have kids?
Two AMAB, and one baby in Heaven due to pregnancy loss
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only in person where I can hear tone, and see body language and vice versa - I can be very Vince Vaughn-ish kind of humor lol.  But online?  Nope, not without tone indicators.  My brain reads very literally (thanks NDcodedness).
What sport do you play/have you played?
I was the sickly kid (still am) - but I did a few years of choir, and show choir for two years in high school
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
How they treat and speak to others.  Though I can appreciate everyone has off days, and one snap moment shouldn’t be like the end all to end all - and words matter to me, I’m a words of affirmations gal, I believe that though someone can fake being kind, they can’t fake being mean.  And if someone uses their time and energy to consciously drag someone down, I will not invest my time and energy into nurturing a connection with them.
Eye color?
Blue, a smidge of green, central heterochromia in both eyes, and a gray outline
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies ftw
Any special talents?
Pretty much anything artsy, and (especially digital) organization related
Where were you born?
Fulda, Germany 
What are you hobbies? Anything artsy 
Do you have any pets?
Nope!  Allergic to pretty much everything pet related lol - but my mom who lives above us has several pets, so my kiddos meander upstairs for their pet fix.
How tall are you?
Five and five and a half - very important to include the half :)  Fun fact, same height as Marilyn Monroe <3
Fave subject in school?
History - with English, and Choir being close second and third.
Dream job?
Growing up: kindergarten teacher - ended up doing work with a lot of different children’s ministries and non profits, and human services in my late teeens, through mid30s.
Now?  I can’t offer consistent work hours due to chronic health issues, so adapting, I’d say, probably self publishing at some point, or selling zines.  Dipping my toes into it by offering prints on my (soon to be open) etsy store, and engaging with more fandom zines.  Might end up looking into it more seriously in another year, or two.
Tagging (with no pressure of course) @beepbeepsan @esinofsardis @carmine-sunlight @mylonelyangel7 @fablesdelightme @jennaflare @terribledelights @vexbatch @flawedamythyst @strawberryxfieldz @magslensherr @soitamulle
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camp-counselor-life · 2 years
Bag of Tricks
One of your greatest skills as a camp staff (and in many places in life) is your ability to adapt. One of the things you can use is a “bag of tricks,” in which you have mental and physical things to help you improvise activities. Here are my suggestions:
2-3 quiet games or never tells/riddles
2-3 active games - a mix of big space and small space
2-3 prop free team builders
2-3 prop free ice breakers/GTKY games
1-2 engaging topics you can talk about with minimal props
String/embroidery floss or boondoggle/luster lace
A bandana
Markers and a couple pieces of paper
A deck of cards (if you know games)
Your favorite game prop (space allowing)
Whatever else you need to play your favorite game (space allowing)
It’s also worth while to have alternative long activities, which you should come up with based on what is on hand at camp or your workplace. Stuff you know you have. Adapt, improvise, overcome.
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loupsgarou · 1 year
gtky and orange juice
@lesstat-de-lioncourt tagged me for this (thanks katie! ❤️) and in turn i’m tagging @hiraeth-doux, @bratloustat, @fizzyxcustard, @mirthcrowned, @marrasquutamo, @foreignemotion, @lovestruckdeans, @vampyre-lesbian, @mrsdulac, and @themyscra. no pressure!
🎵 last song i listened to: “maria” by alicebanD
🍕 ideal pizza topping: i’m simple. pepperoni for me thanks
✈️ dream vacation: israel, japan, or prague tbh
🍃 earth, wind, or fire: fire 🔥
📺 cartoons i grew up with: courage the cowardly dog, ed, edd and eddy, ahhh! real monsters, hey arnold, disney’s gargoyles, and batman the animated series. i was an odd child 😅
🕯️ favorite scent: fresh cut grass
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bojjed · 2 months
You know how you harass and try to kill people for having money? L
Gtky. Why. Doesnt make sense for you to exist Not in prison.
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