#Gaara matsuri
ginjaanimeloversstuff · 4 months
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dira333 · 1 month
Of forgotten Anniversaries and unexpected Gifts - Gaara x Reader
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You wake up to an empty bed, the place next to you cold. 
For a minute, you stay where you are, one hand resting under the other pillow.
But you have to get up, even if you don’t want to. 
The blue sky is taunting you, promising a stifling heat. You dress for it, anticipating the worst.
The kitchen is empty, only the dirty dishes in the sink indicate that you’re not living alone.
With a grimace, you scrub the plates down. It’s always the job of the last one to get up and Kankuro has made it a habit to get up extra early to get out of the chore.
At least he made sure to leave enough Porridge for you to also have breakfast.
You meet him where you expected him to be, hunched over yet another puppet in his workshop.
Two knocks on the doorframe to alert him.
“What?” He asks without looking up.
“Have you seen your brother?”
“Why are you asking me? He’s your husband.”
“He didn’t leave a note, I just thought-”
Kankuro looks up now. You’re pretty sure he’s measuring you, reading you in a way you don’t want to be read.
“He’s the Kazekage. I’d look for him in the tower.”
“Thanks,” you mumble awkwardly before turning away to leave.
“Be nice to him,” your brother-in-law yells after you. As if you’d ever been anything else.
“Lord Kazekage is in a meeting,” a young Chunin declares with an air of arrogance. 
“For how long?”
“I don’t have the permission to tell you that.”
Someone calls your name just as your grip on your bags tighten. You can’t sock a Chunin in the face but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to.
Matsuri walks down the long hallways, smiling.
“What brings you here?”
“I wanted to see my husband,” you point out.
“Oh, Gaara-sama? He’s in a meeting until nine but then he should have a fifteen-minute break before the next meeting.”
The Chunin pales at your conversation.
“Yes,” you tell him pointedly.
“You are not dressed in-”
“I am dressed in standard uniform because I have work to get to. Do you think I just sit at home and stare out the window?”
Matsuri’s hand on your shoulder tells you that you’ve been a bit too harsh on the poor guy. 
“You’re excused,” you tell him and he slinks away as quickly as he can.
“Everything okay?” Matsuri asks as soon as the guy is out of sight.
“Just peachy,” you breathe out through your nose.
“I… I’d better get going then. When’s Gaara’s Lunch break?”
“He usually doesn’t take one. Rice cakes are served during meetings so if he gets hungry, he eats those but he usually just eats in the mornings and evenings.”
You purse your lips, thinking.
“When does he get out?”
“He should be done at six, but sometimes meetings run later. Do you want me to notify you?”
“I don’t know.” You fight with the uniform that suddenly feels too tight.
“I’ll... I’ll get going.”
“What are your plans for today?”
“I was going to visit the outposts. I was planning on doing that since I got here but everything else kept me busy.”
“I’ll accompany you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I will,” she smiles. “Come on, let’s get going. It’s going to get even hotter and we want to use the shadows as long as we have them.”
“Today is your anniversary,” Matsuri comments on your first break.
“Is it weird?” 
You know exactly what she means and her direct approach is exactly what you need. It’s not without reason that Matsuri has quickly become the person closest to you in this village.
“Yes, it’s weird.” You purse your lips. “We’ve been married for a year but living together… it’s been barely three months now. Everyone has a set routine, too. Don’t disturb Kankuro while he’s cooking, or working on his puppets, or painting his face. Don’t eat anything without asking first, because it could be poisonous. Don’t touch Gaara without warning him first.”
“I know it’s hard to believe sometimes, but Gaara really does care for you.”
“I know,” you nod with a heavy heart. “I know. It’s just… I don’t think he knows what being married means sometimes.”
“I think he doesn’t know he’s allowed to exist as a human being too. He never complains when he gets scheduled for meetings back to back. I’m pretty sure he’d love to have a Lunch break.” Matsuri huffs. “But his secretary is a bitch.”
You gasp. She laughs.
“She really is. She’s some old hag that worked for his dad. Oh, please, can you tell her off? If you tell her to give him a lunch break and an early evening, she will have to listen. You’re the Lady Kazekage now.”
You purse your lips. It does sound appealing.
“How about…” You hesitate for a second. “How about we plan a celebration? For my anniversary? I could surprise Gaara with it. A weekend just for the two of us.”
“Oh, I’m sure that would be lovely. You could take him to the bathhouse. It’s a rare treat for anyone and I’m not sure he’s ever been there.”
“A bathhouse?” The idea does sound appealing, you have to admit.
You return to Suna in the late afternoon, the sun still baking the village, even though the shadows are now growing longer and longer.
The guards greet you with welcoming smiles.
Not everyone in Suna likes you, but you can feel them slowly warming up to you.
Your family’s roots are just as strongly tied to Suna as those of the Kazekage Family. But when it became clear that they’d never rule the village, your grandfather relocated the whole Clan to a smaller village at the border of the Land of the Wind, easily taking over the reigns there.
Marrying Gaara has been just as much a political decision as it has been a romantic one.
After all, it’s hard not to fall in love with Gaara, with the calm confidence he exudes and the gentleness he treats you with - well, when he’s not drowning in work
You stop at the market on your way home, buying groceries, snacks and, following an instinct, a Cacti you haven’t seen yet in your husband’s collection.
But Gaara’s not home yet. 
Ashikaga-san furrows her brows at you when you enter.
You changed into more formal clothing for this visit, the gold and diamonds glittering on your hands and neck. The jewelry isn’t technically necessary for your outfit, but you’ve noticed how often it humbles the people trying to pick a fight with you.
“I want to see my husband,” you tell her.
“He’s in a meeting.”
“And when was that meeting supposed to end?”
“It’s going to end when it’s going to end.” She sneers.
You smile but it’s more like baring your teeth at her.
“When was the last time he had a break?”
“He used the restroom an hour ago.”
“Do I have to repeat my question?”
She huffs. “It’s a normal workday for a Kazekage, I don’t see why you should have a problem with that.”
“How old did the last Kazekage get?” You ask, your tone sweet.
She immediately bristles. “That has nothing to do-”
“I disagree. Overworking the person you should be assisting isn’t going to give you brownie points.”
“Well I can’t end the meeting now, can I?” She hisses back.
“No,” you agree. “You can’t do that. But you do have influence. Let’s start with clearing his weekend first, shall we? I’m going to pick him up around noon, so make sure there are no appointments after that.”
You glare at her until her mouth closes again and she nods.
“I know he’s busy, so how about we plan fifteen-minute breaks every two hours and half an hour for Lunch?”
Her mouth is pulled into a straight line as she goes through his calendar under your watchful eyes.
You know very well that Gaara’s an early riser. Not to mention that the early hours of the morning are the ones most enjoyable in the desert. It wouldn’t make sense to force him to push those early appointments further back only to be able to curl into him in the morning. But now you might have the weekends to do that, at least. 
“And now,” you pull a little note out of your bag, “you’ll go into that meeting and hand him this note.”
Ashikaga-san doesn’t look the least bit happy to be ordered around this much, but she does as she is told.
Only fifteen minutes later different officials file out of the Kazekage’s office, leaving only Gaara behind, his hair mussed and his face pale with exhaustion.
“Hey,” you knock lightly against the doorframe. “Can I come in?”
“Yes,” he nods, rubbing a hand over his eyes. “Come in. Close the door.”
You round his table and take a seat on the armrest of his chair, leaning into him.
“Hey,” you whisper, only now feeling just how much you’ve been yearning to be close to him.
“Can I touch you?”
“Yes,” he nods, catching you as you slide onto his lap, your arms circling his shoulders.
You sit like that for a while, basking in each other's presence.
“I missed you,” you tell him quietly, face hidden against his neck. “The bed is cold without you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” you hum. “But…”
“I am like a plant too,” you pull back to look into his eyes, pale green and beautiful. “I’ll starve if you don’t give me your attention.”
“I’m sorry.” Gaara presses a kiss against your temple, the tip of your nose, your lips. “I’m trying to be better.”
“Do you know what today is?”
You smile ruefully. “It’s our anniversary.”
“Oh.” His brows crinkle. “Has it really been a year already?”
“It has. Though I think we could celebrate our marriage twice. On the day we married and on the day I moved in.”
“Celebrate it.” He repeats these words as if he’s tasting them for the first time. “How?”
“Well,” you get comfortable with a smile. “For one, the husband has to stay home and spend time with his spouse.”
“Yes. Like staying in bed longer or taking a bath together. Breakfast in bed is also highly encouraged.”
Gaara’s lips stretch into a shy smile.
“You do like staying in bed longer,” he points out and you nudge his shoulder with your head. “It’s great,” you tell him with a smile. “You should try it sometime.”
“What else?” He asks. 
“Well, kisses. Lots of them. I think at least a hundred.”
“A hundred?” You can hear the laughter trying to spill but he’s keeping it at bay. “Only a hundred?”
“Mhm, it can be more though. As if there could ever be enough kisses, you know?”
“I know.” His right hand has found your hip, his thumb drawing circles into the fabric and the skin underneath. “Go on.”
“Gifts, too. Not that I need much, but flowers are usually nice. Or jewelry.” You look down at the diamonds adorning your hands, set into intricate golden chains that are wound around your wrists and fingers, up your arms and around your neck.
“That reminds me,” you pull a little sachet out of your bag. “I got you a gift. Well, I got you a few gifts, but this is your first.”
His shy smile is back, quivering at the edges.
Gaara opens the sachet slowly, pulling out a single golden ring.
“And here I thought I’d get some chains,” he teases.
“Maybe later,” you hum, taking his hand and slipping the ring on. “When I’ve properly measured your shoulders. But this ring will remind you that you’re married.”
He lifts his hand, looking at the evening sun reflecting off the gold. 
“Thank you.”
“Now,” you lean back to press a single kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Are you ready for tonights celebration? I set up a table in your garden. Just the two of us, your Cacti and a nice bottle of wine. I won’t keep you too long, I know you need to get up early tomorrow.”
Gaara hesitates.
“What is it?”
“I want to give you more,” he admits, the grip he has on you tightening. “I don’t want you to starve.”
“How about… How about we leave now and talk about the details over Dinner? I do have something planned for this weekend.”
He agrees quietly, his hand never letting go of yours.
You wake up to an empty bed, the place next to you cold. 
For a minute, you stay where you are, one hand resting under the other pillow.
When you pull it toward you, you find a single sand rose sitting in it. 
Carefully you place it in the vase on your nightstand. So far you’ve collected five of them, one for each day since your anniversary.
The blue sky promises a hot day, but you don’t mind it much. You’ve been able to cool down over the weekend at the bathhouse, already planning your next visit. 
The kitchen is empty and you hum a tune as you do the dishes, prepare Lunch for you and Gaara, and because you feel generous today, one for Kankuro as well.
Two knocks at the doorframe of his workshop.
“I made Lunch for you.”
“Oh,” his head snaps up. “Thank you. Is it poisoned?”
“Not this time,” you tell him with a smile. “But I hope you like pickled Onions.”
Kankuro grimaces. “Not particularly.”
“Too bad. The one making Lunch picks the dish.”
“Like I’m going to start making Lunch for you.”
“Too bad, you better get used to pickled Onions then.”
You visit the hospital today, promising to come back in the afternoon to help out after Lunch. 
Ashikaga-san doesn’t look happy to see you, eyeing the Bento Boxes in your hold with thinly veiled disdain. But you don’t care about her.
Gaara’s smile at your sight is more important to you.
“How was your morning?” You ask, settling on his lap instead of one of the chairs. You raise the chopsticks to feed him pickled Onion.
“Too early,” he reminisces. “I would have liked to stay in bed.”
“I wouldn’t have complained,” you take a bit for yourselves. “Yeez, these are strong.”
“Yes,” he smiles. “I like them like that.”
“I was thinking about working part-time at the hospital.” You tell him more about your visit, opening your mouth in between sentences when he feeds you as well.
“I agree with your decision,” he nods his head to emphasize. “Though I might have a few other missions in between for you. We got some interesting news today, but I haven’t had the chance to check it out yet.”
“Tell me about it when you did,” you lean for a last kiss, knowing full well that Ashikaga-san is waiting on the other side of the door, anxiously checking the clock. 
Matsuri reaches you shortly before you’re meant to leave for the night.
“Hey,” everything about her, from the way she holds herself to the way her brows are furrowed, is telling you something is up.
“Gaara-sama asks to meet you at home? Right now, if possible.”
“What has he gotten up to now?” You ask, but she doesn’t answer, just hands you a note.
Gaara’s handwriting is a familiar sight. 
“I’ve gotten you a belated gift. I hope you’ll like him.”
You sigh. “He better not have gotten a dog.”
You spot Gaara first, and the streak of red on his cheek.
“You got hurt?!” You reach for it and he lets you, no sand coming in between.
The gash heals quickly under your hands.
“What is going on?” You ask, breathless and confused.
“The interesting news I mentioned… it’s a boy, a sand user as well. He’s… He’s not used to kindness.”
You can read more hiding in the depths of his eyes. 
“You’ve taken him in?”
Gaara lifts your hand, the one you gave him in marriage. Even without the gold chains covering it, you know what it means when he kisses the knuckles on your hand.
“Please?” He asks and you nod. 
It’s Gaara after all. He never asks for anything. 
He leads you down the hallway to the guestroom, your hand in his.
“This,” he explains as he opens the door slowly, “is Shinki. Shinki, this is my wife. She will be your mother.”
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bow-wow-wark-wark · 10 months
What could have been if gaara and shukaku got along (inspired by mp100 and bakapandy)
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susanfagorotti · 1 month
| Segundas Oportunidades: Capítulo 1. Lunes. |
—Y esta es la casa donde viviremos ahora.
Un pelirrojo bajó del coche junto a una castaña.
—Es hermosa… —la joven mujer sonrió, admirando la vivienda.
—Te dejo que veas el resto de la casa. —el hombre se volvió al carro.
—Espera, ¿n-no me vas a acompañar?...
—Matsuri, tengo trabajo que hacer, lo siento, pero te doy la libertad que escojas cuál será la habitación para el bebé, ¿sí? —sin esperar una respuesta, el pelirrojo se subió a su coche y arrancó rumbo al trabajo.
—Bueno… Parece que sólo seremos tú y yo, cariño. —dijo la castaña mientras se acariciaba el vientre.
Historia completa: https://www.quotev.com/story/15453760/Segundas-Oportunidades-Naruto-Fanfic/2
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silentmagi · 4 months
Modern Ninja AU: Gaara x Matsuri in "...You're Early"
Gaara was stunned into silence as he arrived at Matsuri's home, seeing a vision of beauty before him. He barely could hear the word mentioning his timing. He was a lucky young man.
The Stories Untold
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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aaslwooo · 2 years
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fifth-kazekage · 1 year
How do you feel about Matsuri? Some Naruto fans want to think you’re in a relationship with her, (not me, I do not ship GaaMatsu) and I was just wondering. That, and I want to have this settled once and for all.
Matsuri was one of my better students. She’s become a hard working Shinobi over the years and is one of the finest kunoichi Suna could ask for; she puts one hundred percent of her efforts in her missions, and even if her squad isn’t always successful, they try their best and that’s more than enough.
That being said, I have never felt anything more than friendly towards her. In fact she’s sort of like a sister to me.
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theunrealinsomniac · 1 year
What are your wedding headcanons for Gaara x Matsuri ?
Ah you either saw the hints in the Wedding!AU or just like you some GaaMatsu lol.
I don't have any headcanons for them really, it was mostly a throwaway as I tend to make Gaara Ace or Demi and not necessarily straight.
Not to say Gaara doesn't have romantic feelings or even sexual attraction, but you get me I'm sure.
However, this is a universe where I've hinted at Gaara and Matsuri maybe being a thing so here's some little ones that are not to be taken as strictly true in the universe as things may change if I want to write a story about them.
Which I might.
GaaMatsu Wedding!AU Headcanon #1:
Matsuri was actually Temari's friend first. They met while they were clerking at a local law firm before they both started their degrees and stayed in touch when Temari moved to Konoha to practice law.
Matsuri first met Gaara when Temari had invited her round to her place before they went out for the night and Gaara had just happened to be visiting as well.
Matsuri was smitten immediately and what was meant to be a girly night out turned into Temari fielding questions about her brother the entire time. Even when they were meant to be dancing the night away.
She eventually warned her friend that Gaara didn't really seem into anything romantic or physical and that she might be wasting her time going after him. Matsuri understood and let it go, mostly.
Gaara for his part, thought Matsuri seemed nice and didn't really think about her again until the next time they bumped into each other.
GaaMatsu Wedding!AU Headcanon #2:
Gaara and Matsuri work together, very closely in fact. Matsuri is Gaara's go to lawyer if he needs to discuss changing or implementing existing laws.
Are there more qualified or experienced lawyers he could be going to? Yes. Does he care? No.
Besides, the more time Gaara spends around the rather enthusiastic brunette, the more he finds he prefers being around her than not.
There are many, many rumours surrounding them at the office. But no one says anything, Gaara's not like that and Matsuri is a professional.
And if there happens to be lingering touches and looks that neither of them are aware are very obvious ... well that's no one's business as far as you ask the staff around them.
GaaMatsu Wedding!AU Headcanon #3:
Nothing has actually happened between the two of them as of the time of the Wedding!AU's events.
Gaara is still trying to figure out what he feels and Matsuri is doing her best to remain professional and not cross a line despite a very clear crush on what is basically her boss.
But the dancing Sakura sees? Well, they're at a wedding, love is decidedly in the air and while it could certainly be dismissed as just dancing ...
Gaara's hand is very much glued to Matsuri's hip, in a respectable way of course, but it's there. And when they break apart to go get some more drinks and some food after the dancing, Gaara's hand has only moved as far as to be held by Matsuri's.
And they do spend the entire reception together.
Them rumours, they are a-poppin'.
Ta ra!
P.S. Sorry for the vagueness but I have some stuff planned for these two in future works and didn't wanna spoil too much!
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gaarascrolls · 2 years
also lmao at matsuri and her friend shoving Naruto all the way to the side to get to Gaara. Rip))
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Gaamatsu- the last happy memories together
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geekthefreakout · 3 months
Watching that filler arc with the ninja from the Artisan village that take Matsuri, and godDAMN why is Gaara so in love with Naruto even right now
He's thinking about him all the time
He's gonna protect him with everything he's got
Mans is DEVOTED.
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Its been a while since I've watched the anime or been deep in the Naruto fandom but do you know the where and the when the gaara and fuu ship came from?
Ohohohoho~ this question is interesting (put Radal's 'interesting' voice🤭)
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Actually I started to ship Gaara with Fuu when I read Naruto manga book volume 45, chapter 430 : Battlefield, Konoha!! (You can say it's Pein Invasion Arc, when Akatsuki hunt Naruto with attacking Konoha) back in 2008 when I was Year 3 in Elementary School.
In 2012, I found first ever Gaara x Fuu fanfiction in Fanfiction.Net (It's Spanish btw so I translate it first to understand, you still can found and read if you want!)
You know what, during I was read 4th Shinobi World War Arc, while I read Naruto and Killer Bee battle against Obito and reanimated Jinchuuriki, I was cried because why Gaara not join them (i know he and another Kages fight against Madara).
In 2015, before my junior high school graduation (i was stayed in dorm btw) I watched Naruto Shippuden with headmaster's little son on the office PC with DVD disc (i can't believe that stll there's using DVD player) I just found out that I watch Fuu poke Gaara's Third Eye during Chuunin Exam in Suna Filler Arc!! For me, this is the graduation present!!
And the last, in Killer Bee Rappuden or Killer Bee's dream, you already know 'that' scene.
That scene when Gaara tried to convince Fuu to join the squad 🤭 while doing bump fist, which I can hear wedding bell between them both/hj
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So, that's it! My Gaara x Fuu journey! I already shipped them for 16 years?! That's too long WTF 👁️👄👁️
I dunno that I am the first one who ship them both. Maybe there's some people who found them together before me.
Sorry for my broken English lol (hopefully you understand 😭🙏)
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susanfagorotti · 3 months
| A Tu Lado: Capítulo 4. Quemados. (parte 1) |
—¡¿Cómo que los nuevos ya están aquí?! —la rubia cerró su carpeta—¿Por qué no me avisaron?
—También fue una sorpresa para nosotros, Tema. —la subjefa del grupo trataba de calmar a la rubia.
—¿Dónde están?
—En la sala de delegados. —se aproximaban ambas chicas por el pasillo de dirección.
Al llegar a la habitación, había 5 chicos sentados, pero al momento en que se abrieron las puertas su atención se fue directo a la rubia recién llegada, algo que le molestó a la pelirroja quien hace unos minutos atrás era el centro de atención de esos chicos.
—Perdón. —la rubia de ojos aguamarina entró a la habitación sin mirar a nadie más.
—Bien… —Tayuya se encontraba notablemente molesta por la interrupción.
Siempre que llegaba ella se robaba la atención. No entendía por qué, no le veía lo especial.
—Como decía, de parte de la escuela de Konoha, les queremos dar la bienvenida. —una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro.
—Muchas gracias. —sonrió de igual manera el único rubio de los cinco.
—Esperamos no haber sido inoportunos a nuestra llegada. —dijo el chico con la piel más blanca.
—De hecho, sí lo fue, ¡pero no se preocupen!, todo bien. —habló la pelirroja, tratando de verse amable.
—Discúlpenos, pero nuestro tutor nos había dicho que ya había hablado con la señorita directora. —la voz del pelinegro se hizo sonar.
—Debe de haber un error ya que no nos avisaron nada de todas maneras. —soltó una pequeña risita—Pero ya les dijimos, no hay problema.
—Ahora pueden retirarse. —un peligris de ojos cafés dio por acabada la reunión, dejando ir a los cinco chicos.
Cuando los demás jefes de grupo se disponían a volver a sus actividades, una pelirroja se le acercó a la rubia.
—Muchas gracias por tu presencia, Tema—la voz de Tayuya le resultaba un tanto insoportable—. Nos hiciste quedar mal y con los de intercambio ahora.
—Oye, me dijeron que también se acababan de enterar, así que no fui la única, Tayuya.
—Muy a tu conveniencia no fue tu culpa, ¿no?
Las dos chicas se pusieron firmes, una frente a la otra, mirándose a los ojos.
—Chicas, tranquilas. —de repente alguien se había puesto en medio de estas—A todos nos tomó por sorpresa.
—No la defiendas, Shira.
—Basta Tayuya, —el chico de cabellos grises se quedó mirando por pocos segundos a la pelirroja de su lado derecho—y mejor ve a seguir monitoreando los pasillos, eso se te da muy bien.
La mencionada trató de retar con la mirada al chico, pero, aunque lo venciera él seguía estando por encima de ella.
Suspiró con pesadez. —Bien, lo haré. —giró los ojos y salió de la habitación.
—Gracias de nuevo, Shira. —agradeció la rubia.
—No tienes porqué, conozco muy bien el temperamento de mi hermana.
—Pobre de ti que la tienes que aguantar tanto aquí como en casa. —por un momento se arrepintió de haber dicho eso.
Pero en respuesta hizo reír al chico.  
—Tienes razón.
Ver la sonrisa de Shira provocaba algo en la rubia, algo que no sabía cómo describirlo.
¿Cosquillas? ¿Emoción? No sabía cuál era la palabra.
—Bueno, es momento de ir a casa, ¿quieres que te acompañe?
La pregunta hizo sobresaltar un poco a la Sabaku.
—No debes porqué, ¿qué hay de tu hermana?, todavía no sale de clases.
—Ella sabe cómo llegar a casa, no me necesita. ¿Entonces?
—Bueno… —sonrió internamente.
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silentmagi · 5 months
Fanfic Title Summary: Pillars of Salt and Sand
Gaara x Matsuri
Gaara is trying to set up a date night with Matsuri, however it seemed like their kingdom was built on pillars of salt, and obviously pillars of sand, as the world constantly threw trouble their ways.
But at least Gaara had Naruto able to help put out some of the fires.
The Stories Untold
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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nyxielovespythons · 1 year
Ships I ship in Naruto because nobody asked ✨✨
(not in order, and basically all of them are canon/semi-canon because i'm a basic bitchh)
Naruto x Hinata
Sasuke x Sakura
Shikamaru x Temari
Sai x Ino
Neji x Tenten
Obito x Rin
Itachi x Izumi
Yahiko x Konan
somewhere in between Hashirama x Mito and Hashirama x Madara
Karin x Suigetsu
Jiraiya x Tsunade
Minato x Kushina
Asuma x Kurenai
Gaara x Matsuri
Boruto x Sarada (ik its bOruTo but still)
I'm not particularly a multi-shipper, but for some categories like ... narusasu ... I am swayed.
If your favourite ship ain't on here, it probably isn't that the ship is bad, its probably because I either forgot it, or one of the characters has another ship they're in that I prefer.
please don't hate 😢
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sea-owl · 1 year
on the sand cousins au, thoughts on sakura being in line for kazekage (it was hereditary, right? I can't imagine they'd elect gaara.)
also sand siblings with an intense ass grudge against sasuke lol
ur meeting ur gfs fam and u tried to kill her cousins, they've tried to kill you, and ur gf could've been kazekage, if she wasn't born in konoha.
You know I don't know. Was the kazekage position hereditary? Wouldn't surprise me if it was.
I don't think Sakura would be in line for it, though. In my head, it was always Mebuki and Karura, the sand siblings' mother, who were related. How closely related is up to you guys.
But lmao them having a grudge against Sasuke. Maybe that's how they ended up on the retrieval arch (seriously they had to he close for them to come to the rescue like that. Sand and Leaf are canonically three days journey from one another) The sand siblings were coming to visit and oh hell no. This dude made their cousin cry. Where's he at? Don't worry Sakura we'll go help Naruto drag him back to the village. Years later Temari sends a message to Kankuro and Gaara to hurry their asses up to visit Konoha. Not only do they got Shikadai to visit but Sakura came home with Uchiha and they have a baby. Gaara and Kankuro both curse because now there's no way of getting rid of Uchiha. Sakura why? Bad enough Temari procreated with that lazy ass Nara. They could have found you a nice guy in the Sand village.
Sakura is also pissed off when the Akatsuki took Gaara and poisoned Kankuro. You poisoned her cousin and then KIDNAPPED HER FAVORITE ONE?! Oh, someone was definitely gonna die. Her taking out a missing sand nin was just a bonus to her cousins' village.
Sakura didn't leave Gaara's side for three days after he got back to the village. She claimed it was to make everything was okay medically since he came back to life an all but really she was kinda scared to leave her family member alone.
Now fair warning I do actually like Matsuri and do ship her with Gaara. I think it's cute. I know some of you get weird about it. So stop here if you don't want to see GaarMatsu. You get weird about it I will use the block button.
At some point during Sasuke and Sakura's journey they make a stop in Sand where almost the whole time they're there Sakura is teaming up with Kankuro to match make Gaara and Matsuri.
Gaara will never admit it but Sasuke kinda helped in this area. Both Gaara and Sasuke are more reserved in their emotions. During one drunken night Gaara asks Sasuke how he was able to let go and show his love to Sakura. Gaara doesnt say it but he wants to be able to do that too with Matsuri. To he able to show her he loves her. Sasuke admits he is still learning but it's a process he's working on together with Sakura.
The next day during one of Kankaruo and Sakura's schemes that involve poor oblivious Matsuri Gaara listens to Sasuke's advice and takes the first step in showing his love to Matsuri.
Sakura is ecstatic, Sasuke is happy Sakura is happy.
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