#Galeria degli Uffizi
lascitasdelashoras · 15 hours
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Vincenzo Balocchi - I turisti di fronte alla Primavera di Botticelli, Galeria degli Uffizi, Florencia. 1952
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copias-sewer-rat · 1 year
Against the forces of Heaven and Hell, just us.
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What does really mean to fall? As an angel that question wasn’t unfamiliar to you. Moreover, you have been questioning the heavenly gospel for a very long time. It all started when you met a human-loving demon and ever since then you had strayed from heaven’s path.
⸸tags: Good Omens AU, no serious tw (for now) but maybe sexual innuendos and foul language, around 4.5K words, Copia goes by he/they and the angel has no pronouns so it fits everyone who reads. Hope you enjoy this first chapter!
⸸ my masterlist ⸸
⸸ read it on Ao3 ⸸
“Tis one thing to be tempted, Escalus, another thing to fall.”
William Shakespeare - Measure for Measure
'There is something beautiful about demons. You might think it is ineffable, but I’ve had enough time to think, to know what is so special about them, let me tell you. Mainly, they get to experience all the pleasures that humans create for themselves without any sort of negative consequence. Exquisite food and refreshing beverages are those pleasures that we angels can indulge in but can never take too far. Demons can also enjoy the sin of the flesh without repercussion -not that I am interested, just curious…- Demons get all that, but we get to love and trust God, and that is more than enough. I have no doubt about God’s love, but humans portray the enjoyment of another one’s body in such a pure way it makes me a tad jealous.'
You put your diary down, not really sure how to continue something like that. You decide to focus on something else. The painting before you is mesmerizing. The Kiss, by Francesco Hayez, portrays the most tender embrace between a man and a woman. The image is still, but you swear that you can see the man gently caressing the face of his lover, and the woman trying to put her hands around the man’s neck. The painting was part of a temporary exhibition. It was brought from Milan to the Galeria degli Uffizi in Firenze-or Florence as English people say-. There is where you spend most of your time, contemplating your existence as an immortal and holy being.
Looking at the picture, you begin to reminisce about how your love and understanding of human art and knowledge, and as a result of humans themselves, had started in the first place. Your arrival to Earth had been long ago, exactly the day when the Great Library of Alexandria had burned down in 48 BC. The pain for all the knowledge lost was enough to make you come down from heaven, but it was too late. You had been interested in humans for a while. Curious about those creatures God had created so long ago in her image. However, your appreciation of humans was always done from the distance of your heavenly office.
The Library of Alexandria was an astonishing building, so enormous in size and in meaning. Formed by structures of white and grey stone with beautiful engravings, all of it surrounded by a luscious garden and the glorious city of Alexandria itself. It was the place the humans had erected to keep their precious knowledge for all eternity. So, when you saw the fire start, you had no choice but to come down. You had gone down to Earth without permission. The punishment would be severe but nothing compared to what you were feeling by seeing those flames. It was knowledge being destroyed without salvation, you had to do something, and maybe that thought alone made you a bit selfish. Despite that, not even a miracle could help restore so much without being too obvious.
Not everything was bad that day, however. There, between the clouds of smoke and the heat from the flames you had met your very first demon. For sure, it would have been a negative experience if it hadn’t been for him. They stood there, in the exact middle of the library, looking everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Their beauty was ethereal and androgynous, which felt a bit dangerous. Their hair, long, wavy and soft brown fell gracefully over their shoulders. Also, two locks of hair on the top of his hair were raised as if to give the impression that he had horns, bold choice. Lastly, he wore a black tunic, which was very fitting for a demon. The demonic look was completed by pointy ears and a couple of mismatched eyes, one white and one green and… freckles. They were very light but also distributed throughout the whole face and making it look like a map of the night sky. But that wasn’t all. It seemed that the demon had smeared some of the ash on his eyes, maybe as some kind of human disguise that you didn’t understand, or even to celebrate his demonic deed.
You were about to blame him for the fire until you noticed the look on his face. He seemed tired and in distress. A pain equal to yours for the loss of words, art and knowledge.
“I assume this wasn’t your doing? Judging by your expression…” The demon suddenly turned to you, a bit taken aback. He hadn’t noticed your presence until that very instant, and for sure they weren’t expecting an angel.
“N-no, i- it wasn’t. But it wasn’t a human act either.” - You did not know that demons stuttered…- He looked down and you could swear you could hear the cogs turning in his head.
“You then believe this despicable act to have been caused by another demon?” He shook his head. “Not exactly. If this had been planned or acted by my kind, I would have known.”
“Are you insinuating this was a plan from my side? Preposterous! It is impossible. God would never allow something like this to happen!” The demon chuckled bitterly at your words.
“You haven’t been down here a lot, huh, angel?” He savoured that last word as if he hadn’t said it in a long time. It was your time to shake your head. “God and her archangels like to do things like these from time to time, or even allow them to happen, just to test humans and have some fun.” You could not believe your ears. You hadn’t read anything of the sort while in heaven.
“How do I know you are not lying to me? Why put that ash around your eyes if it is not to disguise yourself?” The demon rose an eyebrow at your accusation.
“Ash? What are you-?” He touched his eyes and looked at his long-nailed fingers. “Oh… I hadn’t even noticed. It was so anguishing here during the fire… I tried to save everything I could, but some of the scrolls broke on my hands. Maybe I smeared the ash on my eyes without noticing…” He looked defeated, but still gave you a toothy smile. His fangs were big and shiny. You felt your cheeks heat a bit… weird.
“Ahem. Well, if it is any consolation… I believe you, demon. But I do NOT believe that this was heaven’s doing.” The demonic creature tilted their head.
“Stay a bit longer on Earth, angel. Then you will see.” You were surprised at their suggestion. They probably could see it too because you heard a chuckle.
“Are you trying to tempt me?” The demon fully laughed at your question.
“Clearly not, angel. Do you find Earth tempting by any chance?”
“It is not like that. But obviously Earth is where temptations and sin become a reality, you could be planning something.” You scoffed. They smiled at your words and for the first time, you could truly see that their demonic nature.
“Then we are lucky that you seem to be such a… pure and incorruptible angel…” An awkward cough escaped your lips, but your eyes could not leave the demon’s mismatched ones. You thought to yourself that he didn’t know you, that you didn’t know what you are capable of yourself, and that scared you a bit. You decided to put up the front of the perfect angel and keep the conversation going.
“I should get back, there is a lot of paperwork waiting for me… after this… But even if I did accept to stay here… I wouldn’t trust anybody who is so rude that they don’t even introduce themselves in the first place.” The nameless demon snorted at your comment, made a deep but gentle reverence and looked back at you.
“The name’s Copia. What about you, angel?” You told them your name and they hummed. “Bel nome. It suits you.”
“What was that?”
“Mm? Oh! Italian. It is a language that some humans will start speaking in a few centuries, it is my favourite one, so I am learning it in advance.” That was endearing. He was interested in human culture as you were, even more, if that was possible.
“I think I will hang out on Earth for a bit, then… I will ask for a transfer, I know an angel in the heavenly administration that owes me a favour. Maybe I can investigate what’s going on, and learn a thing or two about humans.” Copia nodded.
“Angel, you won’t regret it, I assure you. Humans are the most delectable little creatures. I would also like to know the reason for the fire. Maybe we can even work together.” Suddenly the demon Copia was right beside you, nudging at your side.
“What a crazy idea! We belong to different sides. Neither of them would allow something like that!” To your words, Copia exhaled exaggeratedly.
“You would be surprised to know how little do hell and heaven actually care about what happens here.” You turned to look at him with a brow raised.
“That I cannot believe. Heaven cares a great deal about the humans, I have read about it.” Copia crossed his arms, as if about to lecture you.
“Antagonizing hell and caring for humans are two different things, angel. Heaven and hell only want to be on top, like greedy lovers who secretly hate one another but cannot stop fucking. It is a game of power, humans are only the pawns.” You blushed at his choice of words.
“What are you saying, demon?”
“I am saying that there are beings like you and me that love humans because they are deeply interesting and complex, but that is not the norm. I would like it to be though.” Me too, you thought. You also thought about the nature of the demon right in front of you. He was so different to those you had heard about up in heaven. You were told they were arrogant and selfish creatures, but Copia didn’t seem like either of those things.
“How do you know so much? Who are you?” To your question, Copia gave you a guttural laugh.
“That is a conversation for another time I am afraid, angel. After all, we just met. I cannot give away all my secrets on our first encounter.” You felt your cheeks heat again as the demon’s eyes glistened with an emotion that you didn’t couldn’t quite place yet.
You hadn’t noticed, but during your conversation with Copia there had been black clouds forming above you, and then something started to fall. You extended your hand and grabbed what seemed to be floating flakes.
“Do you know what is this, Copia?”
“Well, humans would call it snow. Which is very cold, previously-condensed water falling to the Earth. But this isn’t it. This is ash from the fire, a reminder of my failure.”
“You did not fail… you couldn’t have known.” You were surprised by your compassionate tone. You were having compassion for a demon.
“Thank you for the kind words, but I do not deserve them. I am a demon, remember?” It was like they just read your mind.
“It is taking me a bit to actually believe that, Copia. And snow sounds beautiful, I wish I could see the real deal.” You smiled at him.
“You will someday, angel. I am sure.” There was a somber aura to his tone, as if he wasn’t entirely sure about it but wanted to believe that it would happen nonetheless.
As the flakes continued to fall, both of you were starting to get covered in ash. The feeling on your skin was not an unwelcome one, it felt soft and gentle. You touched your arm, taking all the flakes that had fallen there and making a trail on your skin. Copia looked at you with an amused look. Then, you looked at your ash-coated fingers and thought of something. You turned so Copia could not look at your face. The ash was easy to manipulate, dark and velvety, and in an instant you had copied Copia’s ‘eye makeup’. With a twirl of your feet, you showed the demon your new look and he rose his eyebrows.
“How do I look?” You said adorably cupping your face.
“With all honesty, I don’t think it is too flattering on you, angioletto.” You smiled.
“I imagined so. You looked so cool, I wanted to give it a shot.”
“Cool, huh… I guess it adds to the demonic look.”
“It is more than that, I think. It accentuates your eyes, gives them depth and character.” You stepped closer, getting on your tiptoes, trying to prove the statement to yourself. Copia rose his eyebrows again. There was also a small tint of pink on his cheeks.
“I-in any case. I think is time for me to go.”
“Oh… then wait for just a second.” Very gently you took a carcass of a scroll that was at your feet, put your hand over it and miracled it back to its original state. It was a tiny miracle, nobody would notice. “We cannot do this with the whole library sadly, but not everything is lost, Copia. There is always hope, and we will find out why this happened.” You handed him the scroll, it seemed to be a poem, but you were not sure of what. Copia gave you a puzzled look. “Have this as a memento, as a reminder to keep loving humans, no matter what.”
Copia extended his hand and grabbed the scroll. You were sure that it was an accident but his fingers brushed yours, just for a second. You felt the heat of his skin, and even for a moment, it felt intoxicating. That is when it all began for you, since then you became obsessed with the human idea of connection and all its derivatives.
Copia took the scroll and hugged it tightly.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“That is perfectly fine, Copia.”
You smiled, said your goodbyes to them and left.
The leader of your heavenly section was pissed, but ultimately they let you get off with only a warning. They didn’t even notice the miracle. It was then time to visit the administrative section of heaven that was in charge of assigning angels to Earth. It was a section that not many visited, most did not want to spend time there. For a second, you remembered your conversation with Copia. How he had told you that heaven and hell didn’t care at all. Maybe he was right. You reached your destination: the desk of the angel that owed you a favour.
You had helped them a while ago to get the post they currently held. The angel did not want to work much. They wanted to be in a section that did not receive many visits or paperwork. You suggested the Earth dispatch section, talked to the right people and the angel was transferred. You did not think at the time that little favour would help you in the future, but you were glad it did.
You told the angel that you wanted to be dispatched to Earth. They asked you for how long and you answered that indefinitely. They looked at you as if you were the weirdest being in existence. Maybe you were. After a lot of convincing, your wish came true.
The first day on Earth was difficult. You had been dispatched close to Alexandria and so you decided to look for any clues that would point towards the reason for the fire or even its culprit. Sadly, when you got to the destroyed remnants of the library, almost every salvageable piece of art or literature had been ransacked. You felt defeated, and it was only your first day on Earth. This is what you always wanted, a purpose linked to humans. You weren’t going to give up so easily.
It was difficult to navigate the library, or what stood of it. Pillars and debris making inaccessible some of its most important sections. After a couple of hours of investigation without any luck, you were properly ready to give up. Suddenly, something caught your eye, you don’t remember how, it was like an instinct of some sort, but then you saw a section that wasn’t there before. It was also destroyed in its majority and everything inside was burned to the ground, but there was a name on the entrance, the name of the section which you learned later, it translated to English as: ‘The Shared Archive’. You decided to give it a shot, to try and find anything of worth, and you did.
Inside a pile of ash, you found a scroll, it seemed intact enough, so you took it. You didn’t know what it said at first, but time later when you were able to translate it you were shocked by its content. The scroll said:
“Cain kills Abel - Heaven +1; Abel kills Cain - Hell +1”
You rise from your seat. It had been an hour since you had put your diary down. People were starting to look at you weirdly, but you don’t care. The gallery was about to close for the day so you took your leave. You had been reminiscing for far too long, and you were late. The streets of Florence were as always full of life, with locals enjoying the afternoon and tourists taking pictures and enjoying the beautiful sights that the city had to offer.
After a short walk, you reached your shop, an antiquary, full of paintings, statues, books and everything that could come to mind. The sign at the door said closed, but the door was unlocked… weird. You stepped inside, not very sure about what was going to happen and-
“You are late, angioletto…” Copia’s voice surged from the shadows, a white eye piercing through the darkness of your store and looking directly at you.
“Dear, you scared the living heaven out of me!” Copia chuckled.
“Good, you deserve it. We are late. I made the reservation for 9 pm. It is 9 pm and we are not there.” You put your hands on your knees and gave Copia a small apology bow.
“I am very sorry, dear. I lost track of the time.” You hear Copia’s steps slowly getting closer to you and then a gloved hand graces your shoulder.
“It is okie-dokie, I know you would. That is why I moved the reservation to 9.30 pm.” You rise very slowly with an annoyed look on your face.
“You scoundrel of a demon! You are incorrigible… You made me worry for nothing!” Copia laughs uncontrollably, wiping a tear that had formed in his green eye because of the laughter. You feel embarrassed and a bit angry at him, which is noticeable by the red on your ears.
“It is quite impressive that you made it here before the sunrise. Were you at the Galleria degli Uffici again?” You press your lips, feeling seen by the demon.
“Em… yes…” The words come out timidly. “There was a new exhibition, I had to see it. You know how I am…” Copia smiles fondly and his fangs shine with the light coming from the outside.
“I know, I know… once again angioletto, that is why I changed the reservation. However, if we don’t make haste my efforts would have been in vain.” You nod, leaving the diary on the entrance table and making your exit with Copia by your side.
The sun has set, and the lights of the streetlamps mix with that of the full moon, drenching the city of Florence in a dreamy atmosphere as if had been painted by Claude Monet himself. Thanks to the ethereal shine of the city, you can now observe Copia who walks silently right beside you. He is wearing black gloves with golden nails on the outside. A long black coat covering a black turtleneck and the crimson suit pants he always likes to wear. Very smart and expensive black Italian tailored shoes cover his feet. The look is complete as always by the accessories: a silver upside-down cross necklace adorning his chest, a metal earring on his pointy left ear with the symbol of that band he likes to help sometimes and a pair of round sunglasses hiding his mismatched gaze -you had told him a thousand times that it wasn’t necessary, that wearing sunglasses in the dark would attract more attention to him rather than the fact that he had a white eye and a green eye, he didn’t care, he likes the drama-.
His hair was still long, over his shoulders for your disappointment, but still long. He has taken some of it in a ponytail and the rest is set loose- except for the curls on the top that look like horns, those are always there-. He now also has a few white hairs which he has miracled for himself to make everyone think that time passes for us, I think he likes feeling like a silver fox. He has also been rocking the facial hair for a couple of years now, with sideburns and a pencil moustache to be exact. To top it all off, he always wears a bit of makeup, ever since he could after you had met him actually, a black upper lip and some black eyeliner and eye shadow. Some things stay the same however, you can still see the freckles that have always adorned his face. You love his freckles.
“Do I have something on my face?” Copia asks, you have been staring for too long. Bollocks.
“N-no, I was just wondering why you were wearing the sunglasses during the night again. Everyone is staring at you.” You try to excuse yourself.
“Oh, so you don’t like when everyone looks at me? Do you want me all to yourself, angel?” Your excuse bites you in the arse and now you are beet red, luckily there isn’t much light and Copia might not notice.
“On the contraire, my dear. You are too precious to keep to myself, that is why everyone is cheering your name when you help that little band of yours… They can’t get enough of you.” You frown at your own words, you just wanted to take the iron off the conversation, but you just ended up being crushed by an anvil of your own creation. Copia stayed silent at that, expression unreadable under the dark veil of the city.
Copia and you were nothing, just associates. You had been just that for centuries, always side by side. You helped humans, you enjoyed the pleasures of a human life, you spent your time right beside the other and also lived your own lives, but nothing had ever happened between the two of you. Not that it could ever happen, you are an angel and they are a demon, being together would be sacrilegious and most certainly it would make you fall. If you fell, there would be nothing left for you, all your heavenly purpose gone, just because you indulged in your carnal desires. Even if you did, maybe Copia didn’t feel the same towards you. You had heard all about his one-night stands and his participation in orgies from that insolent satanic Papal figure that Copia calls a friend. Nonetheless, there had been moments during your partnership when Copia’s behaviour had made you think that something else would be possible. Lingering touches, furtive looks and thoughtful gestures made you fall more and more. You weren’t falling, but you were falling. That scared you plenty, but it was harder trying to deal with Copia’s absence for weeks at a time helping the band which left for heart aching in pain. You decided to stop thinking about that.
At 9.25 pm you both enter your favourite restaurant. A very typical Italian restaurant that served Copia’s rigatoni of choice and your favourite pizza. With time it had become your spot. It wasn’t just a restaurant anymore, it was a place to meet and share information, to celebrate, to release stress by eating or just to spend time with one another. The restaurant was quite humble and very aesthetically Italian, which for you was a plus. Many of the eating spots throughout the city had become tourist traps, so you were grateful to keep the little spot intact. You had to help a couple of times with some miracles to avoid bankruptcy, but nothing too serious, just for the benefit of the family that owned the restaurant.
Carlo, the older son of the owner, has already your table prepared with your water and Copia’s wine, you sit and make your usual order. Apart from that both of you stay silent for a while, the awkwardness from your previous conversation still lingering in the air.
“I have to tell you something…” Copia finally breaks the silence.
“What is it?” You ask, taking a sip of your water.
“Do you remember when I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago when I was on the European tour?”
“Yes, you mentioned that you had found something, but you said nothing else…”
“Well, that was because I wasn’t quite sure, but now I am. I have found something.” You open your mouth slightly, not knowing what to say. “I have found a scroll, angel. One that is legible.” Your mouth opens completely and your eyebrows rise in surprise.
“Are you sure? We have been tricked before.” Copia nods.
“I know, that is why I have checked with my contacts…” You huff.
“You know I don’t like your ‘contacts’.”
“Yes, well, we have no other way of telling if it is real.” You stay silent, looking at your water.
“Have you translated it already?” You look back up to Copia’s eyes, looking for an answer and the smiles.
“Yes, and it is a very important one…”
“What-” Instead of telling you, Copia hands you a piece of paper. On it, there is a picture of a scroll with a writing in old Latin and under it a translation written in pen:
“Judas betrays Jesus +1 hell; Judas stays with Jesus +1 heaven”
Here is the very first part of the Good Omens/Ghost AU with our dear Copia as our personal Crowley (also I am back at using song titles for the chapters). I have a lot of plans for this AU (even little side stories and drawings) so get hyped! This doesn't mean that I have abandoned other projects, I just had an ADHD moment with this fic so I had to do it. Let me know what you think as always and thank you for all the support.
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awutar · 2 years
The Galeria degli Uffizi sues Jean Paul Gaultier for the "unauthorized use" of Botticelli images
The Galeria degli Uffizi sues Jean Paul Gaultier for the “unauthorized use” of Botticelli images
The French fashion house appears to have used images from the masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance in an entire clothing line, for which it could have to pay compensation in excess of $97,000. The Uffizi Gallery, one of the most renowned museums in Italy and throughout Europe, sued the French fashion house Jean Paul Gaultier on Monday for damages that could exceed $97,000, due to the…
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iamainhoa · 4 years
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Sandro Botticelli.
The Spring by Sandro Botticelli (1477-1487) Tempera painting on table 203 cm × 314 cm Renaissance.
🇬🇧 The Spring is full of allegorical meanings of difficult and uncertain interpretation.
In th kingdom of Venus, to the right, Zephyr, god of the wind (the young man with a bluish face) chases Flora and fertilizes her with his breath. Flora transforms into Spring, the elegant woman who scatters flowers around the world. Venus, in the center, represents the "Humanitas" that is to say the unity and harmony, between nature and civilization, over her, her cupid son.
On the left the three graces dance and Mercury dissipates the clouds to generate an eternal spring.
🇪🇸 La primavera de botticeli está llena de significados alegóricos de interpretación difícil e incierta.
En el reino de Venus, a la derecha, Zephyr, dios del viento (el joven con una cara azulada) persigue a Flora y la fertiliza con su aliento.
Flora se transforma en primavera, la mujer elegante que esparce flores por todo el mundo.
Venus, en el centro, representa la "Humanitas", es decir, la unidad y la armonía, entre la naturaleza y la civilización, sobre ella, su hijo Cupido.
A la izquierda, las tres gracias danzan y Mercurio disipa las nubes para generar una eterna primavera.
📍 Gallery degli Uffizi, Florencia, Italy.
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evisuales · 4 years
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Galeria degli Uffizi, Florencia. Italia
1. Anunciación (Sandro Botticelli, 1481) 2. El nacimiento de Vénus (Sandro Botticelli, 1485) 3. Anunciación (Leonardo Da Vinci, 1472)
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mcapitu · 3 years
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Sonho com a beleza …
Zingarella,1505,Boccaccio Boccaccino, óleo sobre tela
Galeria degli Uffizi
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lutnistas · 7 years
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Firenze - Galleria degli Uffizi
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real3034 · 4 years
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    ·Éste arte logra emanciparse o volverse autónomo de lo que los hombres creían antes (alimento)
     ·En el renacimiento aún sigue con los temas religiosos
    ·Se vuelve un tema de moda el representar la belleza humana (o femenina) en el arte renacentista a partir del nacimiento de venus
    ·Rafael es el pintor más importante de ésta época; a partir de que éste muere los pintores siguientes tratan de hacer o replicar el estilo de Rafael y Leonardo.
    ·Se creía que no había nada más bello que una mujer bella.
    ·La pintura manierista no tiene tanta proporción natural sino una proporción más “perfecta”.
El nacimiento de venus
— Sandro Botticelli (Italia; 1445 - 1510)
(1482-1485)  Pintura al temple
1,72 m x 2,78 m
Galeria degli Uffizi
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Pontormo, Study of Three Nudes, Galeria degli Uffizi. 
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Bir Miktar Kitap Daha
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Bir miktar daha derinleşmek istediğim konular arasında yer alan sanata giriş babında okuduğum kitap kendisi; aslında konunun uzmanları bu alanda başlangıç kitabı olarak Gombrich'in kitabını öneriyor ama pahalı bir kitap oluşuyla, kütüphanede de bunu bulmamla kendisini okuma listemden çıkarmış oldum. Bu tip kitapların yelpazaleri o kadar geniş oluyor ki, bitirdiğinizde aklınızda hiçbir şeyin kalmadığını düşünüyorsunuz, gerçekten de kalmıyor olabilir tabi bu nedenle benzer kitapları yine de okumakta yarar olacaktır, kısacası Gombrich'i tamamen rafa kaldırmış da değilim.
Kitabımız sanatı mağara resimlerinden alıp günümüz sanatına kadar akımları ve bu akımların öncü isimlerini eserleriyle beraber anlatarak getiriyor. Sanat akımlarının anlatıldığı kısımları hiç sevemedim, pek bir yavan ve anlaması güç geldi bana. Ama ünlü bir resmi tüm detayları ile anlattığı bölümleri çok ilgimi çekti, heyecan duyarak okudum bu kısımları.
Üç beş güzel resim görmek için bile tavsiye edebileceğim bu kitap ile ilgili şöyle de bir hayal kurdum ama baktım çok zamanımı alıyor yarıda bıraktım. Kitapta yer alan bütün eserlerin ve sergilendiği yerlerin bir listesini çıkarmak ve günün birinde onları yerlerinde görme ümidiyle saklamaktı ama söylediğim gibi bırakmak zorunda kaldım. Keşke dedim kitabın sonuna böyle bir liste eklenseymiş ne güzel olurmuş. Buradan yetkililere sesleniyorum, yapmanız gerekeni biliyorsunuz. Ben yine de yazabildiğim kadarıyla listemi buraya ekleyip bir sevaba gireyim diyorum :)
* Ti'nin Mastaba Mezarı - Sakkara, Mısır
* Altamira Mağara Resmi - Santiliana del Mar, Cantabria, İspanya
* Ubirr Kaya Resmi - Ubirr, Kakadu National Park, Avustralya
* Lascaux Mağara Resmi - Lascaux, Fransa
* Nazca Çizgileri - Pampas de Jumana, Peru
* Silindir mühür - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Çalılıktaki Koç heykelciği - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Akad Kralı Naram-Sin'in Zafer Steli - Louvre, Paris, Fransa
* Savaş Paneli - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Agememnon'un Maskesi - Ulusal Arkeoloji Müzesi, Atina, Yunanistan
* Kadın Figürü - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, ABD
* Ahtapot desenli deniz üslubu vazo - Heraklion Arkeoloji Müzesi, Girit, Yunanistan
* Toreador Freski - Heraklion Arkeoloji Müzesi, Girit, Yunanistan
* Anubis, Ölüm Tanrısı - Deir el-Bahri, Tebai, Mısır
* Katip Setka - Louvre, Paris, Fransa
* Asyut'lu Sennuwy - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, ABD
* Nebamun için Denetlenen Tarla - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Tutankgamon'un Gömü Maskı - Mısır Ulusal Müzesi, Kahire, Mısır
* Devası Baş No 1 - Parque Museo La Venta Villahermosa, Tabasco, Meksika
* Fenton Çömleği - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Teotihuacan - Museo del Templo Mayor, Mexico City, Meksika
* Tören Yolu - Detroit Institute of Arts
* Oturmuş aslan - Ulusal İran Müzesi, Tahran, İran
* 2. Asurnasirpal Aslanları Öldürürken - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Yeni Asur Kanatlı Koruyucu - British Museum, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
* Fil Biçiminde Şarap Kabı - Musee Guimet, Paris, Fransa
* Gömü Maskesi - Sanxingdui Müzesi, Sichuan, Çin
* Mark Yi Bianzhong - Hubei Yerel Müzesi, Çin
* Bi diski ile süslü tokmak - Batı Hanlığı Müzesi, Nanyue Kralı'nın Mezarı, Guangzhou Bölgesi, Çin
* Mezar Flaması - Hunan Yerel Müzesi, Çin
* Prenses Dou Wan' ın Zırhı - Ulusal Çin Müzesi, Pekin, Çin
* Pişmiş Topraktan Ordu - Xi'an yakınları, Shaanxi Bölgesi, Çin
* Aphaia Tapınağı Askeri - Münih, Almanya
* Phanon ve Lesbos kızkarı kırmızı figürlü hydria - Museo Archeologio, Floransa, İtalya
* Anavysos Kurosu Attika - Ulusal Arkeoloji Müzesi, Atina, Yunanistan
* Parthenon - Akropolis, Atina, Yunanistan
* Bergama Zeus Sunağı - Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Almanya
* Milo Venüsü - Louvre, Paris, Fransa
* Attika Siyah Figürlü Amforası - Gregoryen Etrüsk Müzesi, Vatikan
* Disk Atan Adam - Münih, Almanya
* Parthenon Frizi - British Museum
* Buddha - Yungang Mağaraları, Shanxi, Çin
* Bimaran Kutsal Emanet Sandığı - British Museum
* Kondo - Nara, Japonya
* Amida Buddha - Byodo-in Tapınağı, Uji, Japonya
* Kolezyum - Roma, İtalya
* Prima Porta Augustus - Vatikan Müze ve Galerileri, Vatikan
* Yumurta ve ardıç kuşlu natürmort - Museo Archeologio Nazionale, Napoli, İtalya
* Villa dei Misteri - Pompei, İtalya
* Marcus Aurelius'un Atlı Heykeli - Musei Capitolini, Roma, İtalya
* Benin Levhası - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Almanya
* Ayasofya'nın kubbesi - İstanbul
* İmparator Justinyen'in Maiyeti - San Vitale Kilisesi, Ravenna, İtalya
* Borradaile Triptiği - British Museum
* Aziz Nikola İkonası - State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Rusya
* Meryem ve Çocuk İsa - Uffizi, Floransa, İtalya
* Göksel Merdiven - Azize Katherina Kutsal Manastırı, Sina, Mısır
* Pantokrator İsa - Monreale Bazilikası, Sicilya, İtalya
* Eski Ahit Üçlemesi - Tretyakov Devlet Galerisi, Moskova, Rusya
* Kandarita Mahadeva Tapınağı - Khajuraho, Madhta Pradesh, Hindistan
* Vishnu ve Avatarlar - Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, ABD
* Surya'nın arabasının tekerleği - Konark Güneş Tapınağı, Orissa, Hindistan
* Shiva Nataeaja - British Museum, Londra
* Durrow Kirabı'nın iç japağı - Trinity College, Dublin, İrlanda
* Ardagh Kadehi - National Museum of Irland, Dublin, İrlanda
* Kirkyard Taşı - Aberlemno Kilise Mezarlığı, Angus, İskoçya
* Lindisfarne İncilleri - British Library, Londra
* Kells Kitapları - Trinity College, Dublin, İrlanda
* Şam Emeviye Camii - Suriye
* Mısır kasesi - Victoria and Albert Museum, Londra
* Aslan ve Ceylanlar paneli - Hırbet el Mefcer, Eriha, Filistin
* El Hamra - Granada, İspanya
* Tahtı Süleyman'dan bir çini - Victoria ve Albert Museum, Londra
* Sultan Okcaytu Türbesi - Sulraniye, İran
* Şahname'den bir sayfa - Royal Asiatic Society, Londra
* Mavi Kuran - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, ABD
* Tang Sarayı Eşrafının Bahar Gezintisi - Ulusal Saray Müzesi, Oekin, Çin
* Qin'i dinlerken - Ulusal Saray Müzesi, Taipei, Çin
* Qing Ming Festivali - Ulusal Saray Müzesi, Pekin, Çin
* Trompet ağızlı vazo - Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, ABD
* Qiao ve Hua Dağlarında - Ulusal Saray Müzesi, Taipei, Çin
* Erken Bahar - Ulusal Saray Müzesi, Taipei, Çin
* Avatamsaka Sutra - Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, ABD
* Kore ibriği - British Museum, Londra
* Sert yastık - British Museum, Londra
* Abitabha Üçlüsü - Samsung Sanat Müzesi, Seul, Kore
* Günaha Çağrı - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
* Tahtta oturan İsa - Kölner Dom, Köln, Almanya
* Peygamber Zekeriya - Duomo di Modena, Modena, İtalya
* Bayeux Duvar Halısı - Centre Guillaume Le Conquerant, Bayeux, Fransa
* Aztek Güneş Taşı - Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico City, Meksika
* Buhurdanlık - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
* Chimu Göğüslüğü - Dallas Museum of Art, ABD
* Inka Örme Tuniği - Field Museum, Chicago, ABD
* Mikstek Kodeksi - British Museum, Londra
* Son Akşam Yemeği - Museo dell'opera della metropolitana, Siena, İtalya
* Dokuma Sanatı - Museo dell'opera del Duomo, Floransa, İtalya
* İyi Yönetimin Kentteki Etkileri - Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, İtalya
* Ölü İsa'ya Ağıt - Capella degli Scrovegni, Padova, İtalya
* Çarmıhın Taşınması - Louvre, Paris
* Bambu - Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Museum, Washington
* Sazan balığı desenli kapaklı vazo - Indianapolis Museum of Art, ABD
* Bao'ensi Nankin'den çatı kremiti - Nankin Şehir Müzesi, Jiangsu, Çin
* Porselen Ming İmparatorluk Vazosu - Saray Müzesi, Pekin, Çin
* Meryem'e Müjde - Santa Trinita Kilisesi, Floransa, İtalya
* Kalbin Sunuluşu - Louvre, Paris
* Wilton Diptiği - National Gallery, Londra
* Gençlik Çeşmesi - Castello della Manta, Saluzzo, İtalya
* Bıldırcınlı Meryem - Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona, İtalya
* Kahin Kralların Secdesi - Uffizi, Floransa, İtalya
* Berry Dükü'nün Saatleri - Musee Conde, Chantilly, Fransa
* şeftali çiçeği ülkesine düşsel yolculuk - Tenri Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi, Nara, Japonya
* Seodang - Ulusal Kore Müzesi, Seul, Kore
* Şişe biçiminde imbik - Metropolitan Museum ıf Art, New York
* Elmas Dağları'nın Genel Manzarası - Samsung Sanat Müzesi, Seul, Kore
* Meryem ve çocuk isa - Groningemuseum of Art, Brugge, Belçika
* Merode Sunak Resmin' den Yusuf - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
* Sarraf Dükkanı - Maria Portinari - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
* Azizler Arasında Meryem - Musee des Beaux-Arts, Rouen, Fransa
* Arnolfini'nin Düğünü - National Gallery, Londra
* Çarmıhtan İndiriliş - Museo del Prado, Madrid
* Portinari Sunak Resmi - Uffizi, Floransa, İtalya
* Floransa Rönesansı'nın Beş Ustası - Louvre, Paris
* Kutsal Üçlü - Santa Maria Novella, Floransa, İtalya
* Meryem'e Müjde - Museo Diocesano, Cortona, İtalya
* Meryem ve Çocuk İsa - Galleria Palatina, Floransa, İtalya
* Niccolo Mauruzi da Tolentino - Uffizi, Floransa, İtalya
* Cennetin Kapıları - Museo dell'opera del Duomo, Floransa, İtalya
* Aziz Antonio Poliptiği - Galeria Nazionale dell'umbria, Perugia, İtalya
Sayfa 158'de kalmışım benim dışımdaki hayır sahiplerine not.
Tabi bu koskoca kitapta bir tane resmimizin, sanatçımızın olmaması üzücü; daha da üzücü olanı bize ait kitaptaki tek eser olan Ayasofya'nın içindeki fresk ve mozaiklerin neredeyse yok olmuş olmasını anlatıyor oluşu.
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Daha önce de söylemişimdir mutlaka, hikaye okumayı hiç sevmediğimi, yine de sevdiğim yazarların öykü kitaplarını veya Sait Faik gibi artık okumamanın ayıp olduğu kitapları okuyorum. Sağolsunlar pişman etmiyorlar genelde. Semaver de bu genele karşı çıkmadı ve damakta bıraktığı hoş tadıyla tavsiyeyi hak etti. Yazarı ilk kez okuduğum için hikâyelerinin kısalığı beni şaşırttı ve pek çoğunda da olaylardan ziyade durumların ön plana çıktığını fark ettim. Durumlar üzerine az ve öz, yazan bir yazar. Öz kelimesini tekrar vurgulamak istiyorum, kitabı bitirdiğimde bende bıraktığı duyguyu en iyi ifade eden kelime olması sebebiyle. Demek oluyor ki bu yazarın da arkası gelecek.
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İlgi duyduğum alanlardan biri de felsefe, yıllar önce bilinçsizce okuduğum Sofi'nin Dünyası ile felsefeye giriş yapmışım aslında, ikinci ve bilinçli giririşimi de bu kitapla yapmış oldum. Yeni baskılarında vardır belki ama benim okuduğum çok eski bir baskısı olduğu için Kant'tan sonrası yoktu, okumaya niyet ederseniz bilginiz olsun. Akımlar, filozoflar, dönemin koşulları oldukça derli toplu, geniş bir perspektifle, anlaşılır anlatılıyor. Kitabı okurken kendinizi üniversite sıralarında gibi hissediyorsunuz, çünkü yazar verdiği derslerin bir özetini adeta sınıfta anlatıyormuşçasına yazmış. Tabi koskoca felsefe tarihi bir defada anlaşılacak bir şey değil, okuyacağım benzer birkaç kitap daha olacak ve bir de Youtube'ta "dilozof" diye bir kanal var o da felsefe tarihi anlatıyor ve bence müthiş anlatıyor, onun videolarını en baştan not tutarak izlemek istiyorum. Filozofların fragman ve kitaplarını da tek tek okumak istiyorum, ilk ağızdan aracısız bir okuma bambaşka yorumları da birlikte getirecektir. İstiyorum da istiyorum, bakalım ne kadarını başaracağım.
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The Anunciation (1472)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Galeria dos Ofícios - Florença Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze
in: https://pt.wikipedia.org/
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iamainhoa · 4 years
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Rosso Fiorentino (Giovanni Battista di Jacopo).
Ange Musicien, Ángel Músico (1522) Oil on table 39 x 47 cm Renacimiento, Manierismo, Escuela Florentina.
📍 Galeria degli Uffizi, Florencia, Italy.
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gigiaventuras · 7 years
Florencia es un sueño para todos aquellos que amamos el arte, la historia, la filosofía y la ciencia, no por algo es una de las ciudades más visitadas de Italia.
Florencia se encuentra al norte de la región central de Italia, en la región de la Toscana. El movimiento artístico llamado Renacimiento se inició aquí durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIV. Florencia es considerada una de las cunas del arte y de la arquitectura, por toda la ciudad se encuentran obras de arte de  personajes como Lorenzo de Medici, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Filippo Brunelleschi, Leonardo da Vinci y Michelangelo Buonarroti.
En esta hermosa ciudad hay tanto que ver que se debe priorizar lo que uno desear conocer dependiendo del tiempo que se tenga.
Nosotras dedicamos 2 días a visitar Florencia, ya que llegamos un lunes por la tarde, después de dejar nuestras maletas salimos a recorrer la ciudad. Es una experiencia completamente distinta visitar Florencia por la noche mientras se come un rico helado italiano.
Aquí te dejamos nuestro itinerario y los lugares más importantes que debes visitar si estas en Florencia.
¿Qué visitar en tu viaje a Florencia en 2 Días?
Piazza del Duomo
La Piazza del Duomo es el centro religioso y espiritual de Florencia y debe ser el inicio todo viaje a esta ciudad. Aquí se encuentra la catedral de Florencia, el Duomo con su famosa cúpula de Brunelleschi, el Baptisterio de San Giovanni, el Campanario de Giotto, y el Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, donde se encuentran las esculturas originales que adornan los edificios de la plaza.
Piazza del Duomo
Il Duomo
La Catedral de Florencia, más conocida como el Duomo de Santa María del Fiore, es una obra de arte.  Su construcción comenzó en 1296 y finalizo en 1368. La cúpula fue construida por Filippo Brunelleschi en el siglo XV, casi un siglo después que se finalizara la catedral. Se le consideró una de las más grandes obras del Renacimiento. El mosaico de la cúpula escenifica el Juicio Final y fue obra de Giorgio Vasari y Federico Zuccari.
No se puede dejar de subir a lo más alto de la cúpula desde donde podrán tener excelentes vistas panorámicas de toda la ciudad.  Cuenta con 114 metros de altura y 463 escalones para llegar a la cima. El último tramo de la subida se realiza casi vertical entre las bóvedas interior y exterior.
Cerca de la entrada se encuentra una pequeña cripta donde se puede ver la tumba de Brunelleschi, que fue descubierta a mediados del siglo XX.
Horario: Lunes, martes, miércoles y viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas Jueves de 10:00 a 15:30 horas Sábados de 10:00 a 16:45 horas. Domingos y festivos de 13:30 a 16:45 horas.
Lugar: Piazza del Duomo
Precio: Entrada 15€ (incluye catedral, cúpula, baptisterio, cripta, campanario y el Museo de la Ópera del Duomo).
Tickets Oficiales
  El Campanario de Giotto
El esbelto campanario del Duomo es uno de los más bellos de Italia. Su construcción comenzó en 1334 siguiendo los planos de Giotto, quien no vería su obra terminada. El Campanario tiene un revestimiento de mármol blanco, verde y rojo, similar al de la catedral. Cuenta con 84 metros de altura y 414 escalones que llevan hasta la parte más alta desde donde se obtiene una vista majestuosa de toda la catedral, en especial de la cúpula y una hermosa vista de la ciudad de Florencia.
Precio:  Ya incluida con entrada a la catedral
Baptisterio de San Giovanni
El Baptisterio de San Giovanni, de forma octagonal, es el edificio más antiguo que hay en Florencia y se encuentra frente al Duomo. Al igual que el Duomo y el Campanario, tiene un revestimiento de mármol blanco y verde. Lo más asombroso de su interior es el mosaico bizantino de su cúpula; aquí también se encuentra la tumba del antipapa Juan XIII, diseñada por Donatello.
El Baptisterio tiene tres puertas de acceso, de las cuales, la más importante es la que está situada frente al Duomo. “La Puerta del Paraiso” tiene 10 paneles de bronce con relieves que representan escenas del Antiguo Testamento; fue construida por Lorenzo Guiberti, a quien le tomo 26 años diseñarla. Los paneles que se exhiben son copias de los originales, que se encuentran en el Museo de la Catedral.
Horario: Todos los días 11:15am – 7pm
Lugar:  Piazza del Duomo
Precio:  Ya incluida con entrada a la catedral
Museo dell’Opera del Duomo
En el Museo Opera del Duomo se encuentran instrumentos y planos originales que fueron utilizados para la construcción de la Catedral. Aquí se hallan esculturas y piezas originales que fueron sustituidas por copias por motivos de conservación en la Catedral, Campanile y Baptisterio.
El Museo Opera del Duomo está situado detrás de la cúpula de la Catedral. En este antiguo palacio trabajaron artistas como Donatello, Brunelleschi y donde Miguel Ángel realizó su famoso David.
Horario: L – S de 9am – 7:30pm
Lugar: Piazza del Duomo
Precio: Ya incluida con entrada a la catedral
Piazza della Signoria
La Piazza della Signoria es la plaza más importante de Florencia; es el lugar donde se reúnen tanto los florentinos como los turistas. Esta bella plaza es un museo al aire libre, aquí se encuentra el Palazzo Vecchio, las esculturas de Adán y Eva, la copia del David de Miguel Ángel (que luego fue llevado a la Galeria de la Academia), la Fuente de Neptuno con sus ninfas, la Judit y el Holofernes de Donatello, el Perseo de bronce de Cellini que muestra la cabeza de Medusa y Cosme.
Palazzo Vecchio
El Palazzo Vecchio es la sede del gobierno de Florencia, el ayuntamiento de la ciudad. En la entrada del Palacio se encuentra  la copia del David de Miguel y Hércules y Caco de Baccio Bandinelli. Una de los salones más importante es la Sala del Cinquecento, con 54 metros de longitud, 22 metros de ancho y 17 metros de altura, es la sala más grande de Florencia. En la actualidad la Sala del Cinquecento es usado para audiencias y eventos especiales.
El Palazzo Vecchio es uno de los museos que abren hasta tarde durante la primavera y verano.
Horario: Viernes – Miercoles de 9am – 11pm
Lugar: Piazza della Signoria
Precio: Entrada 10€
Tickets Oficiales
El Ponte Vecchio
El Ponte Vecchio es una de las imágenes icono y representativa de Florencia. Con sus casas y tiendas colgantes, el Ponte Vecchio es uno de los puentes más famosos del mundo, también es el puente de piedra más antiguo de Europa. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue el único de los puentes de Florencia que no fue destruido por las tropas alemanas.
El Ponte Vecchio es el símbolo del romanticismo por la cantidad de candados que son colocados en éste como señal de amor; en la actualidad cada cierto tiempo las autoridades quitan los candados por la seguridad de la estructura.
Lugar: Entre Santa María y Guicciardini.
Iglesia de Santa Croce
La Iglesia de Santa Croce es la iglesia franciscana más grande del mundo, sólo es superada en tamaño por el Duomo de Florencia. Es también el panteón de Florencia por tener casi 300 tumbas, entre ellas se encuentran las tumbas de Miguel Angel, Maquiavelo y Galileo Galiei. En sus lápidas se pueden ver distintas fechas entre los siglos XIV y XIX.
Aunque su interior no es como el de Santa María Novella, en sus paredes se pueden aprecias pinturas y esculturas de artistas como Giotto, Brunelleschi y Donatello.
Horario: L – S de 9:30am – 5pm
Lugar: Piazza Santa Croce (autobús B)
Precio: Entrada 6€
 Iglesia Santa Maria Novella
Construida en el siglo XI, la Iglesia Santa Maria Novella es la sede de los franciscanos. Se encuentra junto a la estación de tren de Florencia, que tiene además su mismo nombre. Las dos obras más importante que se encuentran en Santa María Novella son: La Trinidad, fresco de Masaccio y el Crucifijo de Brunelleschi, su única escultura en madera.
Horario: L – V de 9am – 7pm
Lugar: Piazza Santa Maria Novela
Precio: Entrada 5€
 Galería de la Academia
La Galería de la Academia es el segundo museo más visitado de Florencia despues de la Galería Uffizi. En su interior se encuentra una de las esculturas más famosas de todos los tiempos, el David de Miguel Ángel, una escultura de mármol blanco de 5.17 metros de altura que representa a David antes de enfrentarse con Goliat. Aquí también se encuentran más esculturas y una gran colección de pinturas religiosas.
Horario: Martes a Domingo de 8:15 a 18:50 horas. Cerrado lunes
Lugar: Via Ricasoli 58-60
Precio: 8€.
Tickets Oficiales
Galería degli Uffizi
Esta galería es el lugar más visitado en Florencia, cuenta con las colecciones de pintura más famosas del mundo, por ejemplo el Nacimiento de Venus de Botticelli, la Adoración de los Magos y la Anunciación de Leonardo da Vinci, el Venus de Urbino de Tiziano y Virgen del jilguero de Rafael. En el museo también se encuentran estatuas griegas y romanas; el lugar más interesante es el área sobre el renacimiento italiano con obras de Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Miguel Ángel, Rafael y Tiziano.
Recuerden que por ser la galería más visitada, las filas para entrar al museo suelen ser interminables. Recomiendo reservar la entrada por internet para evitarlas la fila y ahorrar tiempo.
Horario: Martes a Domingo de 8:15 a 18:50 horas.
Cerrado lunes, 1 de mayo, 25 de diciembre y 1 de enero.
Lugar:  Piazzale degli Uffizi
Precio: 8€.
Tickets Oficiales
Esperamos que disfruten su visita a Florencia y que este itinerario de los lugares que deben visitar durante su visita les sea de ayuda.
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      #Florencia #Florence #Firenze #Toscana #Italia #Italy Florencia es un sueño para todos aquellos que amamos el arte, la historia, la filosofía y la ciencia, no por algo es una de las ciudades más visitadas de Italia.
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usinaninja · 4 years
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Aberturas Imprevistas. Estudos de capa sobre Primavera de Botticelli. Unpredictable Opennings. Cover studies on Botticelli’s Primavera (Spring).
Referências/ References:
Video de restauração da pintura original. Galeria de Uffizi. Original painting restoration video. Galleria degli Uffizi. Florença/ Florence/IT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2QGe2JFAag Palestra de Renata Peluso para Nova Acrópole. Renata Peluso talks about about this and other Botticelli paintings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NADwMXIfWSk&t=2240s
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alinepiazzini · 5 years
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O momento é de ficar recluso, “cada um no seu quadrado”. Assim, alguns museus estão disponibilizando visita on-line! Vale conferir: . 1.Pinacoteca di Brera - Milano https://pinacotecabrera.org/ 2.Galeria degli Uffizi- Firenze https://www.uffizi.it/ mostre-virtuale 3.Musei Vaticani - Roma http:/museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/it/collezioni/catalogo-online.html 4.Museo Archeologico - Atene https://www.namuseum.gr/en/collections/ 5.Prado - Madrid https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-works 6.Louvre - Parigi https://www.louvre.fr/en/visitors-en-ligne 7.British Museum - Londra https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection 8.Metropolitan Museum - New York https://arts and culture.google.com/explore 9.Hermitage - San Pietroburgo https://bit.ly/3cKHdnj 10.National Gallery of art - Washington https://www.nga.gov/index.html (em Musée du Louvre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B94JE25geWV/?igshid=13294m35uj69c
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Galerías y museos online gratis durante la cuarentena
Museos que abren sus puertas para disfrutar del arte desde tu ordenador.
Aquí tenéis varias galerías y museos que ya lo han hecho, aunque algunos de ellos ya estaban disponibles gratis online desde antes de la cuarentena:
1. Pinacoteca di Brera – Milano
2. Galleria degli Uffizi – Firenze
3. Musei Vaticani – Roma
4. Museo Archeologico
5. Prado – Madrid
6. Louvre – París
7. British Museum – London
8. Metropolitan Museum – New York
9. National Gallery of art – Washington
10. Museo para niños de Boston:
11. Las decenas de colecciones que hay disponibles en artsandculture.google.com.
12. Museu Episcopal de Vic
Recurso obtenido de: https://wwwhatsnew.com/2020/03/16/galerias-y-museos-online-gratis-durante-la-cuarentena/
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