#Game Modding
elliespectacular · 2 months
Trailer for Farcette: A YouTube Poop Mod
Farcette is a full-game cutscene mod for Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore on PC that replaces all cutscenes with bite-sized YTPs that are still fully-functional for their gameplay purposes.
It will be available soon, first to download and mod into your game and shortly afterward as a 40-minute YTP uploaded to DaThings on YouTube.
See the trailer on YouTube with captions here!
Thanks <3
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muta-mycete · 2 months
I can't do this anymore. I weep daily because something vital in my life is missing. I will legitimately pay someone to make a heisenberg shirtless mod where he is hairy with a dad bod instead of a 8 pack. My crops are less fertile than they once were
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a-dogpgh · 1 year
manifesting baldur's gate 3 kobold mod/free update. (larian plz I will not shut up about it if u add it in I promise I will stan this game daily til I die)
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deadlinesmb · 4 months
Started animation on my Amigo character mod for Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania!
A bit later than I wanted to, but I’m hoping to have him ready and released before Banana Rumble comes out in June 25th! 🪇
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akirakirxaa · 2 months
Femra Chomps
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My first 3D mod has finished cooking, Femra Chomps! I was getting impatient waiting for someone else to make fem au ra fangs, so I decided fine, I'll do it myself. And as a plus, I got a nicer tongue than the vanilla one out of the deal too.
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The fang model was adapted from the Chocochomps 3D resource from Major Praline. In addition, these are fully compatible with Spiswel's Asym Faces for Female Au Ra, and any makeups made for them in the future. They also don't touch the eye textures and so are fully compatible with whatever eyes you would like to use.
In accordance to Chocochomps' and Asym Faces permissions, this will only be temporarily early access. Modding is basically my full time job for the moment since I recently moved to a new state, so think of this as a fundraiser.
FEMRA CHOMPS WILL GO PUBLIC ON: August 17th. Which also happens to be my birthday. :3 Think of it going free as my birthday gift to all of you.
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If this is popular I could be persuaded to make a Malera Chomps counterpart. But for now, Femra is the only set planned. If you would like some teeth for the face you use on another race, please consider contacting me to set up a commission! I'd be happy to do the hard part for you. ^-^
I appreciate all of you. ♥ I hope you enjoy the fangies.
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knackeredforever · 5 months
I really hope a modding scene for helldivers 2 becomes popular purely for the idea of replacing all the automaton models in the game with the robots from ultrakill or the replikas from signalis.
Earthmover factory strider sounds awesome.
Making the automatons all lesbians would also fix them
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slasholantern · 1 year
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I spent the last 4 hours learning to understand how UV unwraps are laid out so now Meltdown is in the game and you all have to see >:)
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sailorgundam308 · 5 months
i hope you don't mind me saying this here and, i think i remember you mentioning about body types nd, ofc can ppl make their tavs how ever they want and that's fine, but it really is saddening, and annoying at the lack of variety in female tavs. my tav is bt3 and whenever i try to look for mods or just interaction clips i always come across body type 1 with their ever so boring considered pretty disney all the same faces. and that one neck tattoo seems to be everywhere. i also don't like how ppl just default to calling bt3 a masc body when i don't see it that way. i adore my tav, shes soooo pretty, strong, but also soft, i know that's all that matters really🥺 but body type 3 really needs more love.
Honest to gods, yes. That’s very frustrating. I think I’ve found only ONE mod for heads for body type 3. It’s depressing and annoying, really. A lot of talk about body diversity but in the end most players will go to the beauty-conforming types, especially when it’s female characters. Pretty and petite.
And tbh Larian also played very “safe”. The first female body (lol I LOVE when modders call bt1 the “normal” body type - please shoot me) is the picture perfect of the feminine beauty ideals shoved up our asses by patriarchy and heteronormativity for centuries. Like, the muscular one, bt3, is ALSO tall as fuck. Why? Because you have to double down on stereotypes ofc, that is a woman is buff she also has to be tall af… it’s very lame. Why not buff and average height, slender and tall af? Too wild apparently. And the fact they decided to tie their sex animations to the body types is insane to me. Bt3 tops because…? Her size? That’s honestly pretty offensive imo. But hey.
Sometimes I also forget we are in the minority here, and preaching to the choir. Most players are straight dudes who want exactly a pretty petite cleric to be their love interest- and they got one, obviously. What is a bit concerning to me is that a big part of the queer community who plays bg3 also embraces these heteronormative ideals and then labels body 3 as “masculine”. Most don’t even realize the problem behind saying that. But before I go deeper into ranting mode, I’ll stop lol.
Body type 3 is amazing and I love it. All my main tavs are 3 and they are cool af.
Game is great al all that but it’s not perfect. If you look at it critically there’s a ton of shit that’s very concerning. I just wish more players (and tbh modders mostly) saw the beauty in the buff 😂
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scarab-unmasked · 7 months
Scarab Custom Chao Mod for Sonic Adventure 2
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Concept art:
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Blender model:
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get him here. for the pc version of sa2 only, you can get it on steam. also requires the mod Chao World Extended.
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bonkingcat · 5 months
does anyone have any stardew mod recommendations? im playing around with them for the first time and i don’t wanna just be downloading randomly when i’m missing out on some good ones
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shanaraharlyah · 4 months
So I'm actually trying to make my characters portraits for Wizardry 8 and thought I'd share the full size rendered files for Hellendil since the needed expressions for animation look pretty silly. If I get them to work I will share some screenshots!
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omnybus · 11 months
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Been working on a Super Mutant skeleton in Blender for a while to hopefully add to my Skeletonizer Mod. I originally started with the vanilla skeleton but ended up remaking a lot of the bones basically from scratch, so I had to re-skin the whole thing, as well as make a custom skin. Lot of new challenges with this one but so far I'm digging it.
This is gonna be a bit tougher to implement into my Skeletonizer mod- as I stated in an earlier post, the way it works that that it "dresses up" NPCs killed via energy weapons in a sort of skeleton "costume". However, Super Mutants in the game are designated as "Creatures" rather than "NPCs" in the game files, NPCs being human NPCs, and Creatures being most non-humans like super mutants, feral ghouls, and robots. Among other things, one of the key differences between Creatures and NPCs is that Creatures can't equip armor like an NPC could, so I'm gonna have to approach this from a different angle.
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kyosukeasatte · 4 months
by the way guys i make custom skins for gundam evolution
that's a thing i can do don't question it
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skqw · 1 year
Shade World by coffe is a low-intermediate map published in March of 2021. It is one of the definitive experiences of the Celeste modding community, immediately going down as an instant classic on launch and being one of the all-time most popular mods to date. It is my personal comfort mod, something I can always come back to and enjoy when I can't pick up anything else. All that praise, and it's coffe's first published mod!
Do you want to know what I thought about this map when it first released? Back in those days, I was still a fledgeling modder, without a lot of the skills and experiences I have today. I watched an iamdadbod video, I heard him talk about it, but I was skeptical.
'Is Shade World really that good? This looks like something that I could make. It seems a bit much to call this the Map Of The Year.'
It took me a while to actually play it myself. Well, here we are. Now I'm here about to tell you in no small amount of words why Shade World really is 'that good'.
I. Gameplay
Shade World starts off with two central mechanics: jump refills and swap blocks. The very first room shows off the jump refills as a way to stall, waiting for the swap block to return. The player is then allowed to stand and think before doing the swap block part of the room. The next room adds springs (an excellent addition to all maps) and uses the jump refills in almost exactly the same way. To reinforce the learning, the same setup of using two jump refills to wait for a swap block to move is used, this time using the swap block as a hazard rather than a platform. From here, gameplay is allowed to become more fluid, with a focus on swap blocks. coffe has more or less established jump refills as a "standard" mechanic, on par with regular refills or springs. There is now space for more mechanics to fill in the spotlight.
And that is exactly what comes next, in the form of wall boosters. The "intro" room is again split into two different sections: a standard wall booster walljumping section collecting touch switches, then a showcase of attached wall boosters. Wall boosters don't attach to entities in vanilla; this is actually a case of another custom mechanic introduction! The wall boosters are attached to falling blocks, with placement in a way that guides you in the right direction even if you don't know what to expect. The next room uses the attachment even more clearly: placing it on a swap block at the very beginning of the room. The block has the wall booster on the left and springs on the right, which acts as both an addition of familiarity (the player already knows springs can be attached and understands this behavior) and a clever re-use of the swap block in the gameplay.
The final room of this checkpoint brings jump refills back into the spotlight, where the player must smuggle four jump refills to the very end of the room through some platforming. This is the first instance of preserving jumps like this; with only one exception so far, jump refills are used immediately after they're collected up until this point. The way that the level is constructed has an interesting callback to hint at this solution. That one exception was on the first screen of this checkpoint, where an extra jump is held through a dash and a wall climb over a wall booster. That room and this room both end like this:
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The first with two jumps, the last with four. The spinner gaps are familiar and tell the player how many jumps are required (the same as the number of refills in the room). It's a helpful detail, but if that's not enough this room also comes with another hint I'll get into later.
Checkpoint 3 changes scenery with a dive into the temple, introducing dream blocks as another mechanic. Following this is an introduction to dreamgrabs, complete with bird tutorial. Here, dream grabs are followed by a wall booster. This pattern actually continues through the entire map; every required dream grab is on a wall booster! This is a great pattern for several reasons. One, it adds a distinct visual cue to each instance, as an inexperienced player might not be able to read them when "naked". Two, it gets the player moving again, keeping the gameplay fluid and interesting.
Next comes dream swap blocks. This is the spiciest mechanic of the map, and is introduced in a fairly sterile environment. The player is immediately shown how you can get pushed while in the dream state, and that it spits you out somewhere that doesn't really feel expected. The next room kind of uses dream swap blocks in a way that would feel basic for its component mechanics, as a way to ease the player in. After that the setup from the "sterile" introduction is used to kick off gameplay, where the gameplay after this setup is back to familiar territory. It's a good way of taking a complex mechanic and showing it off step-by-step.
The next step is mixing dream grabs into the dream swap blocks and showing off the momentum that they can give, which more or less completes the library of tech this map uses and brings it all full circle. With that, the final few rooms show off everything that coffe has been building up to. The last room (almost) starts off with a recap of each mechanic in order, then after some more gameplay ends with a triumphant launch to the end of the map.
Let's not forget that, underneath this all, the gameplay is built upon base swap blocks. And that works really well because swap blocks are fun! It's one of everyone's favorite mechanics, so I know I don't need to explain in detail why they're so great. I just want to point out that, with all the thought I've given the mechanics, that I haven't forgotten that the core of what makes good gameplay is that it's fun.
All in all, it's a great progression of mechanics with introductions built on familiarity. More complex ideas are given more time and explanation than others, meaning time and space is well used. Each mechanic is given its space in the spotlight and on the sidelines, avoiding a clutter of too many mechanics too soon. Everything is kept within the same realm of difficulty, with the map's ending using presentation and a combination of all mechanics instead of spiking difficulty for content.
II. Strawberries
Shade World has a few different kind of strawberries in the map, which I think is notable enough to briefly cover in its own section. Usually in custom maps, I think of strawberries as extra challenge rooms, with gameplay a step up from the any% route or sometimes using a silly mechanic or interaction. Shade World, with its 14 berries, only uses 5 in this format. What does it do differently?
Three more berries are in offshoot rooms as well, but with no gameplay inside of them. Instead, the challenge (usually a very light challenge) is to get to the room in the first place. Inside is the berry, as well as some "lore", in the form of dialogue with statues.
The rest of the berries are in the main gameplay rooms, usually at the end, requiring just a little bit of extra gameplay to get. I feel like these berries work the best. Rather than requiring more knowledge or technical skill, it just needs a bit of confidence. They're more appetizing to try and get when they're placed in the main rooms, but juuust out of the way, compared to placed in a side room almost as an afterthought. The style fits an easier map as well, where difficulty is not a defining feature of the map, making difficult side rooms feel out of place.
Of course, the best thing about the berries is that there's variety between them. Each type of placement has its ups and downs, and Shade World capitalizes on this by using all of them in decent quantities.
What Shade World doesn't have are winged berries and seeded berries. If you're using the map as an example, don't forget about these options to make your berries even more interesting.
III. Atmosphere
Shade World has a very distinct and unique visual style, but nearly exclusively uses vanilla assets and recolors.
To start off, foreground tiles are summit and temple, summit being a recolor and temple being vanilla. The "summit" background tiles are actually custom, although I always thought it was an edit of bgSummit or bgLostLevels. bgTemple is also used (not sure if A or B). Most decals are farewell plants, reflection crystals, or temple decals, usually recolored as well. The first styleground is an edit of the chapter 6 plateau styleground that loops, plus some summit mountains; the second styleground is a temple recolor. Most of the few custom things are decals, with some extra ferns, hint markers, and secrets.
The entire deco is built around the same color scheme: purple and green. Tiles and backgrounds are the duller but more comforting purple, and hazards and highlights are a very punctual green. Even jump refills, normally blue, are green like dash refills to fit in the color scheme. It is always very easy to see what needs to be seen.
There are layers and layers of detail poured into the deco, each of them small and simple but compounding to mean a lot more. Plant decals wave in the wind (something they don't normally do in vanilla). A foreground dust styleground starts blowing leftward in checkpoint 2. Bird entities are present at the beginning of checkpoint 2. Vine decals are used in both the foreground and background. Spinners are slightly rainbow-ified, and I think the colors slightly change between some checkpoints. The plateau styleground has two animated frames instead of being static. I'm sure there are more details I've missed.
The three "lore" berry rooms also add to the atmosphere with the small bits of dialogue. They're vague and sometimes a bit silly, but they add charm to the map. At the very least, it shows that coffe did not forget about the dialogue cutscene features of Celeste, which many standard gameplay mods don't have!
And the music, oh the music. SO good. Phenomenal. It begins as mostly ambient synth, some basic chords. It layers in piano, bass, and a lead once gameplay starts. These layers will come in and out depending on where you are in the map, instead of merely always building up. Once you reach the temple, the halfway turning point of the map, the music fades before coming in with a new pattern. Layers continue to come in and out as appropriate, before the music fades once again and comes in with its final progression for the last room. I love the music so much. Listen to it here and follow the composer at @neozoid. :)
I will also briefly mention the overworld colorgrade and custom heart UI in the chapter complete screen, as well as the endscreen being a combination of custom art and a vanilla endscreen layer.
The Shade World atmosphere is built off of a lot of small, reasonable edits to what is already given by the base game. The deco is based around a clear and high-contrast color scheme, which makes gameplay easy to read. Any screenshot from the map is easily recognizable as being from Shade World. Details in decals, in entity deco, in stylegrounds, and in dialogue all compound to add a lot of depth to the presentation. All while an absolutely banger track plays in the background.
IV. Hints
Shade World uses a few different visual indicators for different reasons, but they all offer an unintrusive way of leading the player in the right direction without explicitly saying anything (most of the time).
First off, lightbeams indicating side rooms. In custom maps, sometimes lightbeams are used for side rooms and sometimes they're used for main rooms, which can cause confusion. Shade World's first branching room has the lightbeams on the harder to reach transition, which is the berry. Even if the player goes on the main room first, they are given the option to go backwards, and both rooms have watchtowers so it can be seen whether the room ends with a berry or with more rooms. This is immediately built upon as this next main room has a hidden side room, the first statue berry. The lightbeams come out of the fake wall, but it's still out of the way enough to not be overly obvious. It's a great reinforcement of the standard the map uses and a pleasant reward to those who pay attention.
Checkpoint 2's final room, the extra jump smuggle room, has a hint dialogue option in addition to the passive hint in its structuring, as previously discussed. The first interaction explains that this is a hint to use if you get stuck, preventing the player from accidentally spoiling themselves the solution if they don't want to. When the hint is actually read, it is worded in a way that isn't just the solution. "Save [extra jumps] until you really need them" is a more elegant way of saying "Save all four extra jumps until the end of the room".
The dream swap blocks become relatively more complex in routing, and temple decals help point the player in the right direction in various forms. Symbols always path the player's trajectory. Arrows are placed in helpful spots, but subtly. Here are a few examples:
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All of these instances make the playing experience easier without being intrusive. It works really well in this style of map that's built to be approachable but uses a complex and nuanced mechanic. It also goes to show that hints aren't always explicit and separate from the rest of the map.
V. Conclusion
Why go through this map in such detail in the first place? Well, I want to show that, when I said 'this looks like something that I could make', I was right. I can make this, and almost anyone can. By breaking down the map into its component parts, I hope that I revealed that its just a collection of very simple and very achievable design elements. Gameplay is built upon a straightforward introduction of several mechanics, which all have intuitive ties to vanilla mechanics. Decoration is almost all vanilla recolors, centered around a visual identity in purple and green. Level design is fun because it's friendly, not because it's over-the-top.
I should also state here that Shade World was not a one person project. The music was made by neozoid as I said earlier, and the bgtiles were an edit of Nikko's, the overworld stuff was two more people, neozoid and one other did some art, and playtesting feedback was received from several people before and after the map released. Anyone can ask for help! Know your strengths and play to them, and never be afraid to reach out to others to fill in for things that you can't do yourself.
This isn't a complete tutorial on how to make a map, or how to do level design, or how to deco, or whatever. I'm just going off this one piece of material, and I can't say it does absolutely everything perfectly. But good maps succeed for a reason, so if you're a mapmaker I definitely encourage you to play the maps you like over and over again to try and spot what makes it tick.
Basically, I like Shade World a lot.
Remember to leave a like on the GameBanana page if you enjoyed! It really, really helps.
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deadlinesmb · 8 months
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Yoko is now playable as a custom character in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania!
From Banana Blitz boss battle to a fully playable character, Yoko is finally available as a custom character mod for Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania! This energetic esper is available in all Main Game modes and comes with a complete library of tailor-made gameplay animations!
Download her here! https://gamebanana.com/mods/494952
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tatters-the-bat · 6 months
I got interviewed for my Crypt of the NecroDancer mod BioDiversity+, which was recently featured as the first Weekly Challenge for the game's newly-fully-released Synchrony DLC!
Big thanks to Brace Yourself Games for the opportunity, it's been great getting into modding this game and seeing what's come of it! I've made a ton of mods other than Bio+ for the game, so if you like NecroDancer (and/or are just learning there is in fact Another DLC that just came out, ahaha) check 'em out along with all the other awesome stuff people have made for this game!!
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