#Ganga art
arthistoryanimalia · 6 months
For #FishFriday:
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The Goddess Ganga
c. 1650-75
India (Mandi, Himachal Pradesh)
opaque watercolor, gold, & silver on paper
on display at Philadelphia Museum of Art
“The Hindu goddess Ganga personifies India's most important river, the holy Ganges, that begins high in the Himalayan mountains and flows south into the Bay of Bengal. Here she holds a vessel brimming with Ganges water while sitting atop an enormous fish — the humpback mahseer, a species of carp native to the Ganges.
Ganga also holds a lotus flower, a symbol of purity and abundance. Mythical creatures peek from the waves and waterbirds soar across dark monsoon clouds.”
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arjuna-vallabha · 2 years
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Ganga, by Shammi Bannu Sharma, Rajasthan
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94shasha · 3 months
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हर हर गंगे
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skylerrose664 · 4 months
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I feel so lucky rn ✨️
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hinducosmos · 2 years
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Lord Shiva - Gange Avter (via eBay: Oldbollywoodposters)
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hitku · 2 years
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Roller Coaster Ride  by Ganga Devi
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rikkosus · 7 months
WHO is that long necked green bitch I LOVE him I’m OVSESSED. What is its species can I pet it and keep it in my house?
Assuming you mean this fool
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THATS GANGA!! He’s a Swamp Dog alien!
Typically they don’t like being touched but if you asked there is approximately a 67% chance Ganga would let you pet him. He would feel like a smooth frog.
You could probably find one to have as a roommate.
Other various Swamp Dog info as I have been given the opportunity to rant about them:
Swamp Dogs are semi-aquatic mammal/reptile-like sophonts who are about three feet tall at the shoulder. They were the third aliens to reach space and they are arguably the best suited for it due to their aquatic nature.
They are hexapedal. Their front four legs are used for walking and object manipulation, while the back two are mainly used for swimming and are held up off the ground alongside the tail. When holding something in both of the front legs, the back two tail legs can be used to help with balancing, as many Swamp Dogs are not fond to bipedal motion.
They are EXTREMELY flexible. Part of the reason they’re good in space. Their extra flexi muscles and tissues and such don’t have as much strain compared to Swamp Dogs who live purely on land.
Their ears and nose are both set on the neck right below the skull. The nose is the opening below the ear. Ganga’s nostrils are smaller than his ears, but the opening are usually the same size for most.
Their teeth are similar to leopard seals, their eyes are bright blue, and their skin can be any color from blue to green to brownish grey.
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sleep-nurse · 8 months
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oppa ganga style
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saanjhghafa · 8 months
वे मनुष्य जो संगीत, साहित्य और कला से विहीन हैं, साक्षात पशुओं के सम्मान हैं। यद्यपि उनके सिंह और पुच नहीं हैं फिर भी वे पशु मनुष्य रूप में इस धरती पे विचरण करते हैं और इस भूमि पर केवल बोझ सम्मान हैं।
Those people who have no appreciation of music, literature or fine arts are actually like animals. Even though they do not have horns or tails. Those animals wander about on this earth in human forms and they are just like burdens upon this earth.
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soulusive · 10 months
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10 Ft. Ganja Plant - Hillside Airstrip (2001)
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travliv360 · 1 month
For honeymooners, Bali, known as the “Island of the Gods,” offers an enchanting blend of ancient culture and warm hospitality. This exclusive package focuses on Bali and Nusa Penida Island, providing an ideal base to explore Bali’s diverse attractions. Enjoy romantic moments amidst breathtaking natural landscapes and exotic temples. Nusa Penida boasts stunning sites such as Broken Beach,…
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Exploring Hajipur
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aelis5656 · 4 months
True History of God KabirKabir Parmatma, as Munindra Rishi in Treta Yuga, healed Nala and Neela's incurable disease with his blessings, leading to the creation of the Ram Setu bridge.
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skylerrose664 · 1 year
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Modified punch- NETA 💚🍃💐💙💨
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jyotisrivastav · 4 months
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600 वर्ष पूर्व कबीर साहेब जी सतलोक से चलकर आते हैं। जिनका प्रमाण अपने सभी सद ग्रंथों दिया हुआ है।ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9 सूक्त 1 मन्त्र 9 है इसमें स्पष्ट है कि (सोम) अमर परमात्मा जब शिशु रूप में प्रकट होता है तो उसकी परवरिश की लीला कुंवारी गायों (अभि अध्न्या धेनुवः) द्वारा होती है।
  अधिक जानकारी के लिए Visit करे Sant Rampal ji maharaj you Tube Channle.
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nightfall721 · 4 months
"the aur Hain me farq mere" aap dur hamse kal bhi the aap dur aaj bahut hain
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