#Gareth Coombes
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: July 3, 1995
We are young, we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
We wake up, we go out
Smoke a fag, put it out
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange, in our worlds
But we are young, we get by
Can't go mad, ain't got time
Sleep around if we like
But we're alright
Got some cash, bought some wheels
Took it out 'cross the fields
Lost control, hit a wall
But we're alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange, in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange, in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Daniel Goffey / David N Yazbek / Gareth Coombes / Michael Quinn
"Alright" is a song by British alternative rock band Supergrass. It was released with "Time" as a double A-side single from their debut album, 'I Should Coco' (1995), on 3 July 1995. It was concurrently released on the soundtrack of the 1995 movie Clueless, which helped it become a big hit for the band. It peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart, number six in Iceland, number eight in Ireland, number 30 in France and number 96 in Australia.
"Alright" received a great deal of airplay in the United Kingdom. The "bona fide teen anthem", with its upbeat lyrics and cheerful piano tune, seemed to epitomise British youth culture at the time, when Britpop was at its height. The band's youthful appearance (lead singer Gaz Coombes had only just turned 19 when it was released) added weight to the lyrics.
However, Coombes himself argued in an interview around October 1995, "it wasn't written as an anthem. It isn't supposed to be a rally cry for our generation. The stuff about 'We are young/We run green…' isn't about being 19, but really 13 or 14. and just discovering girls and drinking."
"It's meant to be light hearted and a bit of a laugh, not at all a rebellious call to arms." with Danny Goffey also saying: "It certainly wasn't written in a very summery vibe. It was written in a cottage where the heating had packed up, and we were trying to build fires to keep warm."
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vicstenius · 1 year
even though the score is 1-1 we’re still better than city because we are sexier
Stina is sexier than any striker City can throw out there so +1 Arsenal
Sexy vic, who literally has the word sexy in her name vs Chloe Kelley, someone who has a last name that could be a first name. Also vic is dutch. +1 Arsenal
Frida is hot but has the sex appeal of a tree yet she manages to be sexier than Coombs who is also the weird kind of straight who posts her naked boyfriend’s ass on Instagram. absolutely fucking no one wanted to see that. +1 Arsenal
Katie, who could overpower every single city player on the pitch and bench and scary Gareth Taylor vs esme morgan… if Katie accidentally bumps into esme then that’s a broken bone for the Englishwoman. +1 Arsenal
Rafa, sexy Brazilian Rafa, vs steph houghton. why don’t I make this easier on steph and just give the point to rafa without giving the reasons why. +1 Arsenal
Leah vs Angeldal. Leah’s legs alone are probably taller than angeldal. also angeldal’s birthday is July 14 which is one day before Viv’s birthday so -1000 points for trying to hog the spotlight. +1 Arsenal
I could do this all day
You get it anon you GET IT
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bloomandthorns · 5 years
⤷ ( jay. gmt+2. 23. he/him. none. ) the courts offer bread and salt to GARETH of HOUSE TYRELL. many say that the THIRTY-THREE year old RULING LORD of HIGHGARDEN is known to be GALLANT and CHIVALROUS, though ill tongues whisper that HE is SHARP and AMBITIOUS. when his name is uttered, one is reminded whispered words in a warm garden, glinting eyes & kind word uttered through sharp smiles. may he be blessed and protected in this war of crowns. (fc: torrance coombs)
hello everyone, I’m jay and below the break is my roseboy, please enjoy and like me for plots, or hit me up on IMs!
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Firstborn of Lord Alyssander Tyrell and Lady Myrianne Fossoway, a child of a good, long summer with a sunny smile and a shining disposition. Headstrong, energetic and happy.
He grew up in the hustle of Highgarden, where he enjoyed a lavish upbringing. He wanted for nothing but asked for even less. Humble by nature, noble of posture and giving, rather than greedy. Though he received whatever he could wish for, he enjoyed the hunt, the sword and horses more than the Highgarden life.
In his youth, from the moment his father allowed him, he squired for his uncles. He learned to polish armour and blades, care for horses and men and to serve, rather than lead.
His chivalrous education led him through childhood and adolescence, where he learned the skills of a swordsman, a knight and a lord, through observation. His uncles were hard, but kind masters.
By his sixteenth nameday, he was a shining example of the Chivalry of the Reach. Gallant and noble, deadly and athletic. And on the night of his Seventeenth nameday, he was knighted by Ser Leo Fossoway, his mother’s youngest brother.
From that point onward he became a regular in tournaments, travelling Westeros for fame and glory. Making friends and rivals along the way.
When Gareth’s father, Lord Lyssander, died from a fever Gareth had just seen his twenty-fifth nameday. While a man by all accounts, he ascended to his lordship too young for his own liking.
Chivalry and his love for tourneys had kept him from marriage. He’d barely spent enough time at home to even think about courtship. But with his newfound position came a duty to marry.
His mother, lovely Myrianne, was instrumental in finding Gareth a wife. Her wide circle of friends - all, conveniently, mothers - made finding a suitable wife for Gareth a rather easy task, though he married quite late.
He was married to a lovely Hightower girl, named Sireene and had a child with her, a few months after their marriage. Loras, his only child. Today a five-year-old, headstrong boy and Gareth’s pride and joy.
Sireene passed shortly after childbirth, having weakened so severely that her body could not recover. She was buried outside of Highgarden, under an oak tree.
His years outside of Highgarden had made him a practical, somewhat aloof and highly competitive young man. It was now up to his mother to re-educate the boy into a lord.
Her quick mind and penchant for keeping a rather impressive network of contacts rubbed off on Gareth. Though honourable in his intentions, he became sharp to the ways of courts and nobility. And turned from a glory-seeking boy into a Lord with eye for detail and power.
Westeros, to Gareth, is the grandest land there is. And keeping it afloat, above the waves of an otherwise choatic world, is his mission. With rumours of strangeness in the King’s mind, and though it isn’t his duty, he’s taken it upon himself to forge alliances that might ensure the continuation of the Southern Kingdoms. Optically a loyal friend to the Crown, in reality, a bid for shadow-governance. Though his intent may be good, there might be those suspicious of the Tyrell Rose’s reach for the Sun.
He is a caring brother to four younger sisters, to whom he dedicated as much time as he could spare. They were, and are, the flowers in the garden of his life.
Being the eldest, a boy, and a bit of a git, he spent large portions of his youth being yelled at by young sisters who couldn’t possibly believe their misfortune in having such an impish brother. He did not shy away from messing up their carefully prepared hairdos with a quick run of a hand, right before dinner.
But with age came wisdom and temperance and a deep appreciation for the beautiful, kind and smart women his sisters were becoming.
Now, he misses the sisters he has lost to marriage and writes them regularly. And whenever the Roses of Highgarden reunite, it is never a dull affair.
Gareth plays a mean bit of short flute - imagine a greek satyr-like thing that he enjoys blowing quick, jiggy tunes on.
He can be broody, intensely broody, where he sits in one of the many libraries or offices of Highgarden and just drinks and reads by himself for multiple days in a row.
Sharp is an understatement when talking about Gareth’s tongue. He doles out shade and charm in equal measure, depending on how much he likes you. But he’s not about the public humiliation life. He’ll spit venom behind closed doors and smile brightly when the doors open. Pretty shady of him.
He is fiercely loyal to the crown and is zealously dedicated to the welfare of Westeros.
His mother taught him the importance of improving the situation of your house. And he loves his family more than anything in the world.
Loves horses and riding horses. It’s one of the things he does, along with falconeering and hound hunts, that truly get the knots out of his shoulders.
He is perhaps most famous for his victory over Ser Brynden Corbray in the joust at Duskendale, thereby winning the tourney. That night lives on in tales, as a drunk Ser Brynden later on challenged young Gareth to a duel, but fell on his sword and severely injured himself.
He thinks himself a better dancer than he truly is. But he has spirit
Link to his stat page here
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gramon-my-otp · 5 years
To The End, With You - chapter twelve
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Chapter Synopsis: Russell and Gareth participate in the entrance ritual of the secret gay brotherhood of Britpoplar. The Gallagher brothers prank Damon and Graham in an awful way - which escalated to a surprising revelation between the two friends!
Alternative Universe fanfiction placed in the 1600s. 
Words: 2040
Disclaimers:  I understand that Blur, Pulp, Oasis, Suede, Elastica and other bands members belong to their own and have their own personality and personal lives. I am aware this is nothing but a work of fiction and the way the characters are represented are fruit of my imagination and do not correspond to their real thoughts and way of life. Fanfiction should not be taken seriously.
(After more than three years, I came back to finish what I have started. Thanks for the giving me motivation @skygramon​ I can’t do this without you)
Two cloaked individuals sprinted around the borough of Britpoplar at night. They were aware that there were eyes in places they would never imagine. The location chosen for a secret meeting was unfamiliar to them, but the path that led to it was infamous for the grieving memory it sparkled. It was where Simon Gilbert last walked alive - and they were there, the two cloaked men, holding hands. They stopped by the butcher shop, as it was instructed to them. A straight gated iron door opened before them, almost invisible in the corner of the slaughter house. Only then the blokes noticed a flickering light in a window above. A hidden room above the shop. The negotiators had already been waiting. The men entered and the iron gate shut closed. Damon Albarn received the visitors with a knife in hand, pointing at them.
“Identify yourselves”
They removed their own covers completely, revealing to be Damon’s fellow Russell Senior and his young lover, Gareth Coombes. Damon put his blade back and greeted them accordingly. The setting was unsettlingly silent. The glow of candles reflected upon the stairs behind them.
“Up we go”, asked Damon, gesturing with his arms and hands. 
The blonde followed the couple climbing the stairs, heading to the bedroom. Another iron gate, and also a door. Anxiety built up in the two lovers hearts. They held their hands tighter, and carried on. On the edge of the bed sat Morrissey and Alex James. He wasn’t happy to be there, but as a member of the society he had to fulfil tasks when required of him. Russell wasn’t expecting to see neither of them there. He would never guess the so much respected librarian was homosexual, and he never cared for a poor lowlife profile such as Alex. He was speechless already. Gaz took a deep breath and gathered the courage to make his question:
“Are those the ones assigned to each one of us?”
“Yes”, answered Damon, behind them. “It was easy finding someone slim, tall, and young as you are for Russell. Believe me, it’s easier to get it done when the person resembles someone you like”.
“So, I have to lie down with fellow Alex, while he has to lie down with Morrissey”, Russell was repeating the obvious. He knew Damon wouldn’t volunteer because they were kind of close. Still, the thought of that passage rite was absurd, but necessary.
“Are you going to stay here and watch us?” - asked Alex, annoyed. “Aren’t we going to have a little privacy?”
“Mr. James… Somebody has to watch the surroundings. Damon had the idea that we leave as a group afterwards, pretending we’re drunk”, Morrissey explained. “I’m sorry this room doesn’t fit your needs, but it’s the only we could find in a hurry. Now, shut your mouth and do what you are supposed to!”
Gaz and Alex were tops, while Russell and Morrissey were bottoms. It was difficult for the couple having to have sex in those conditions, only to be accepted, protected by the community. Proof was necessary, and now they had it. The plan for them to leave in safety proceeded well. They were mistaken by drunkards lost in Britpoplar streets. 
The sound of boiling metal and hammers crashing against steel filled the emptiness of the air under the hot midday sun. The Gallagher brothers had been reforming armor pieces for the soldiers for the last few days. Not that they cared for the army. In fact, they didn’t, but gold was gold. The payment was good and they needed it. They constantly thought about what Jarvis Cocker and Brett Anderson said to them. Honestly, they thought they were crazy and being paid for following people was something way over the line. They rarely did the patrols they were supposed to, and never saw anything that called their attention. That day, though, was their lucky day. 
“Fuck, I’m bored!”, voiced Liam, dropping his working material. “Tired of doing this and bored!”.
“If you leave the hard work to me again, I will take your gold for meself”, warned Noel.
“You just try it!”, Liam raised his fist toward his brother.
When they were about to throw punches at each other, they noticed movement behind them. They see Damon walking past by with Graham, chatting joyfully. In the midst of the awkward silence between the Gallagher brothers, the two peasants ignored them. In fact, they didn’t even witness the foolish discussion. They were so focused and entertained with each other. 
“Let’s fool with them just like we did with that Justin Welch moron last week” - suggested Liam, with pure mischief in his eyes. 
“Do we really have to?” - Noel questioned, uninterested.
“Are you crazy?! Stop being a slackass and let’s go!”- Liam tried to encourage him.
“Alright, alright. They are full of shit anyway…” - Noel got moving then, and Liam went along.
Graham was actually having one of the most exciting afternoons of his life. Listening to Damon nonstop, telling stories of the town and sharing his adventurous experiences. He would either blabber about managing the gay community or how much he liked Justine. Graham couldn’t avoid thinking how big of a hypocrite and selfish Damon was at that matter. What the hell did he want in life? The answer was simple, Albarn wanted the whole world, he wanted everything. However, no man was able to play God, nor he was allowed to be larger than life just for the sake of good fun and self indulgence. Damon’s sins were numerous, as he was endangering both himself and all the people he cared about. Sooner or later, Graham would suffer from some kind of backfire. The blonde one had been spending the whole day with his friend, saying lots of things, but not what he really wanted to say. Coxon was fine whether Damon knew he was attracted to him or not. It was too dangerous to risk it all for an affair. He was more than happy with his friendship.
“Oi, mates! What a pleasure to see ya in this part o’ town!” - Liam came in grinning wide.
Graham froze from his arse up. He was aware of the Gallagher’s reputation. 
“What’s wrong, newcomer? Shat your trousers?!?” - Noel already got a grip of the brunette’s shoulder. 
If Damon decided to fight them he would surely lose. Graham was nothing but a scaredy cat - there was no way he was going to help out in combat. As Liam sunk his knee deep in Damon’s stomach, Noel punched Graham in the mouth. 
“Damon, no!” - uttered Graham.
“I’m okay, Graham. He’s too weak for me…” - Damon could barely talk, and still he mocked the one who bullied him.
The two victims were dragged by their enemies to Britpoplar’s cemetery. It had both fancy tombs for the rich families and some areas to drop poor abandoned chaps. Last time Damon was there he stole Simon Gilbert’s body away, to bury him at his homeplace. 
“Right! Let’s play a game!” - Liam held Damon by his hair, almost pulling it from his scalp. They kept climbing the hill on the cemetery until they found the tiniest stone mausoleum. It must have been built for a child, but the funeral never happened. The monument was there for a really long time, and the Gallaghers often took other young men there just to terrorize them, locking them up in the tomb for several hours. They were about to do it with Damon and Graham.
“Liam, I don’t know if they will both fit in! We never tried putting two at once!” - Noel was laughing at his younger brother’s psychotic necessities. He probably participated only for gags.
“Shaddap and help me” 
The only way Damon and Graham could coexist in that horrid conditions were positioned against each other, face to face, squeezed in the vault between the stone walls. 
“Let’s see how long it will take for them to figure how to get out” - the two friends in trouble overheard the sentence, as the voices from Noel and Liam disappeared with the distance. 
It was so tight in there that their rib cages didn’t have enough space to breath. Their legs were nearly intertwined with one another. Graham’s crotch was against Damon’s thigh, as well as the same for the other way round. The whole situation was disturbingly inconvenient, and yet it could get a lot worse.
“Graham, are you okay?” - Asked Damon after noticing his friend’s face twitch. - “Can you breathe?”
Coxon could only nod positively, while a drop of sweat ran down on his forehead. Damon struggled to move his hands and looked all around the stone enclosure.
“That’s what Justin Welch meant with being abused by the Gallaghers! What a bunch of useless cunts! If he got out, we can too!”
Not that Graham was relieved with the idea of being free from that nonsense, but while Damon was slowly searching for a lump, a button, or a handle of any sort in the walls, it was hard not move accidentally against his mate, rubbing himself against Coxon’s body.
“Damon, I am sorry, I am so sorry, I can’t!”
“What are you…? Oh, my… Graham, you…”
That was it. Graham Coxon got a boner, and his stiffness was screaming inside his trousers, trapped between Damon’s thigh and below his own navel. Damon first reaction was to be in shock. Never in his mind he could imagine this chap longing for him, even though Morrissey had suggested so a few days prior. Graham was truly mortified. He refused to open his eyes and wished he was dead only not to hear what Damon had to say. Instead of what was expected, Damon suddenly burst into laughter. Graham discreetly peeked at his giggling face. 
“That’s right! Laugh at me! I deserve to be humiliated!” - Coxon cried dramatically. 
“Shut your mouth, Gra.” - Damon silenced Graham himself, surprising him with a warm, magisterial, and hopeless kiss. He forced his tongue inside the man’s mouth, relishing on his sweet taste and extreme insecurity. 
Graham, at first, got so scared with Damon’s sudden move, that he fought it, refusing to believe that his life had come that - but as soon as Damon’s large tongue made way, his whole body simply swooned. He wanted more, and he didn’t want it to stop - but Damon had a million thoughts in his head. He started it, and he ceased it too.
“We shouldn’t, Graham, you’re my friend.”
“I… I think I am in love with you.” 
When they thought they were never gonna leave that wretched tomb, Damon unexpectedly hit his elbow on a piece of the wall and dislocated, making it possible for them to push the stones apart and escape the trap. They literally fell on top of each other when they made it out.
“You don’t want to get involved in this, Graham.” - Damon was referring to joining the gay brotherhood. “I can't let you risk your life over me.”
“But - I am not confused anymore! I know now, I want this, and I want you!” - Graham embraced Albarn, still on the ground.
The blonde one held Coxon’s chin, as if he was about to kiss him again, but then let go. He got up and assisted his confidant afterwards. 
“Try to imagine yourself with a maiden or something and get rid of this hard-on you’ve got, We’re going back to the university.”
Eventually, Graham’s erection faded away, but not because he imagined a naked woman - being rejected by Damon in that way had hurt him. He felt as if his feelings had been played with, like a dart game. Damon had hit bullseye, and his heart was now bleeding.  Neither him or Albarn could sleep that night. Coxon was just too sad, regretting that he opened his heart to his friend in a moment of fragility. Damon, on the other hand, kept awake because of his guilt. He didn’t want to mess with Graham’s feelings at all. He was still resenting Simon’s death, and believed he couldn’t keep his brothers at the secret community safe. He loved Graham too, still, he wasn’t ready to put his life on the line for the sake of their feelings. 
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kwebtv · 5 years
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Civvies  -   BBC One  -  September 22, 1992 - October 22, 1992
Crime Drama (6 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Jason Issacs as Frank Dillon
Elizabeth Rider as Suzie Dillon
Caleb Lloyd as Kenny Dillon
Bobby Coombes as Phil Dillon
Lennie James as Cliff Morgan
Edward O'Connell as Jimmy Hammond
Seamus O'Neill as Harry Travers
Peter Howitt as Steve Harris
Peter O'Toole as Barry Newman
David J. Nichols as Johnny Blair
Shirley Stelfox as Helen Bunning
Bhasker Patel as Marway
John H. Francis as Taffy Davies
Gareth Marks as Wally Simpkins
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jungleindierock · 5 years
Gaz Coombes - Salamander 
Former Supergrass frontman Gaz Coombes is back with a great new track, Salamander. No new of a new album, but let’s hope one appears later in the year.
Gaz Coombes (Gareth Michael Coombes) is an English musician and singer-songwriter, best known as the lead vocalist and guitarist of the English alternative rock band Supergrass. He first entered the music scene aged sixteen as the lead singer of the band The Jennifers, which featured Supergrass bandmate Danny Goffey. Coombes was noticeable for his large sideburns during the 1990s.
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Links: Facebook | Twitter | Site
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ktcttarmyzz · 3 years
Raso went one-on-one with Walsh to make it 5-0 to City and Losada's deflected chip from the edge of the area capped a resounding win for Gareth Taylor's side.  บาคาร่า สล็อต
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Hemp was involved in the first goal when her low cross was diverted into the bottom corner by Williams. The 21-year-old then cut in off the left wing to chip the ball over Brighton goalkeeper Megan Walsh for her fifth goal of the season.
Stanway latched onto a blocked shot of her own to shoot home from inside the area for the third and Coombs fired in from long range after Brighton defender Danielle Bowman gave the ball away to make it 4-0 to City inside the first 10 minutes of the second half.
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krystalstuff · 3 years
BMW | Sometimes Electric. Always BMW. from Rob Chiu on Vimeo.
CLIENT Company: BMW Brand & Communications: Steffi Armbruster Marketing Manager: Sophie Chiappe General Manager, Marketing & Communications: Stuart Walker
ADVERTISING AGENCY Company: FCB Inferno Director of Production: Nikki Chapman Producer: Charlie Coombes Chief Creative Officer: Owen Vincent Lee Art Director: Rob Farren Copy Writer: Ben Usher Account Director: Robert Stockton Business Director: Helena Georghiou
PRODUCTION COMPANY Company: Iconoclast London Head of Production: Kate Sharpe Executive Producer: Tom Knight Executive Producer: Guy Rolfe Director: Rob Chiu Producer: Mikey Levelle
INTERNATIONAL CREW: Director of Photography: Matias Boucard
SERVICE PRODUCTION COMPANY Company: Juice Film Executive Producer: Carmen Amos Line Producer: Karen Kloppers Production Manager: Bianca vd Merwe Production Manager: Michael Klein Production Co-ordinator: Tania Onyems
LOCAL CREW: Casting Company: Kayos Casting Casting Director: Monique Murray 1st Assistant Director: Tony Tex Unit Manager: Gareth de Breuyn Focus Puller: Frank Gardner Focus Puller: Jem Rayner Loader: Margie Muggleston Video Playback Operator: Augusto Figueira DIT: Jared Haviga Movi Operator: Myron Mance
Drone Company: Dark Wing Aerials Drone Pilot: Stefan van Zyl Key Grip: Robbie Fivaz Best Boy Grip: Christopher Hope Assistant Grip: Jody Meyer
Freedom Arm Company: Bickers Freedom Arm Precision Driver: Robbie Fivaz Freedom Arm Operator: Gustav Marais Freedom Arm & Edge Head Technician: Andrew Ballard
Gaffer: Oliver Wilter Best Boy: Zolani Gojo Rigging Best Boy: Selemani Mahango
Art Director: Tom Olive Props Charge: Zoe Brocklebank Art Stylist: Sarah Matheyse Practical Dresser / Standby: Philip Roberts Standby Assistant: Nazeer Craig Art Assistant: Khangelani Mzamo
Auto Detailing Company: MadCo Head of Auto Detailing: Vaughan Brewis Auto Detailer: Adion Bell Auto Detailer: Jaco Barendella Auto Detailer: JP Kotze Auto Detailer: Steven Rothquel Precision Driver: Gary Heimann Precision Driver: Claudio Piazzo Nusso
SFX Company: Gravitron SFX Technician: Michael Mostert SFX Assistant: Franklyn Tasung SFX Assistant: Gabriel Tupiki SFX Assistant: Fred Banda SFX Assistant: Ganizani Antony
OLED Lighting Company: A to Z Lighting OLED Technician: Ashle Commin OLED Assistant: Mzwandile Qanga OLED Assistant: Thabo Gqiza OLED Assistant: Naas Marais
Wardrobe Stylist: Bridget Baker Wardrobe Assistant: Gabi Alberts
Hair & Make Up Artist: Jessica Le Clos
LOCAL TALENT: Pavement Worker: Malcolm Rosewall Commuter: Sam Barham 24hr Café Customer: Pauline Afaja 24hr Café Customer: Lea Wolfram
OFFLINE EDIT Company: Cut & Run London Producer: Ruth Minkley Editor: James Rose Edit Assistant: Helena Teixeira Edit Assistant: Ben Cowan
ONLINE POST & VFX Company: The Mill London Producer: James Beck Producer: Dan Crozier VFX Supervisor: Jim Radford Lead 2D Artist: Dan Adams 2D Artists: Declan Andrews, Thiago Dantas, Ajith Raj, Akash Mishra, Arun Kumar, Arunraj T Asaithambi, AVV Suresh, Deepak Kumar Singh, Dushant Joshi, Jegathesan Thangappan, Jhoshidh T, Nageshwara Sunkara Lead 3D Artist: David Hempstead 3D Artists: Kate Gabriel, Bethan Williams, Ayush Bajoria, Bharat Ediga, Hannah Bahyan, Lokesh Maddela, Sameer Khan, Showber Shadik, Swathi Balasubramaniam
ONLINE GRADE Company: Moving Picture Company Head of Colour Grading Production: Ellora Chowdhury Colour Producer: Edwin Elkington Colourist: Matthieu Toullet Colour Assistant: Maruf Khan
MUSIC COMPOSITION Company: Mount Audio Composer: Evan Gildersleeve Composer: Greg Niemand
SOUND DESIGN & MIX Company: Wave Studios Producer: Beth Tomblin Designer: Martin Leitner
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Camber Railway: A train with sails in the far south
The Camber Railway was one of the most southernmost railways in the world, located on the Falkland Islands. Also called the “Falkland Islands Express” it was built in 1915 to help with the construction of a radio transmitter of the Admiralty, specifically a spark transmitter that was sending signals powerful enough to be picked up many thousands of kilometers away in the North Sea by the US Navy.
It was meant to improve connections of the islands with the northern hemisphere after the Battle of the Falklands in late 1914 had seen four German ships sink, and prior to that the battle near Coronel in Chile two British ones, showing the importance of the oceans in the southern hemisphere for WW 1.
But the station required massive amounts of coal to function, and the site at the which it had been built, the west end of a peninsula called Moody Brook, had shallow waters which made shipping difficult. So a railway to another site, Camber Depot was built, where coal could be unloaded from ships. This depot was located near the capital and sole town of the Falkland Islands, Stanley. 3.5 miles or 5.6 km in length of railways were finished in 1916 and remained in use until 1927 when technological innovation rendered the transport of coal to the transmitter unnecessary.
While in use, simple wagons with sails were occasionally used in windy areas instead of the train (see topmost picture). The engines were unsuitable for the cold winters and had to be retrofitted with wooden panels. The railway was also often used by children and other people for fun rides, even years after being officially out of use. The Falkland Island Express later was visible on some local stamps, too.
Read more:
Martin Coombs: The 'Falkland Island Express’, Railways of the Far South
Gareth D Jones: The Camber Railway, issuu.com (2021)
Image sources:
Public domain pictures, first of unknown origin, second and third by the Stanley Museum
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dohertyphoto · 4 years
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Happy belated 2nd wedding anniversary to Jason & Gareth . A beautiful wedding at @coombeabbeyhotel in Coventry . . . Coombe Abbey . . . . . #coombeabbeywedding #weddinganniversary #coombewedding #coombeabbeyweddingphotography #civilceremony #samesexwedding #coombeabbeyweddingphotographer #autumnwedding #westmidslandsweddingphotographer #warwickshireweddingphotographer #creatingmemories #weddigncelebrations #engaged #warwickweddingphotographer #weddinganniversary #coventryweddingphotographer #midlandswedding #stylishweddignphotography #weddingart #creativeweddingphotography #brideandgroom #bridetobe2022 #engaged #naturalweddingphotography #bookyourphotographer #stylishweddingphotography #storytellingphotographer (at Coombe Abbey Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIigvDEr4x4/?igshid=1rszctqsguc9w
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sknews7 · 4 years
ANOTHER Crazy White Woman Thinks She’s Black! #jesskrug #culturalappropriation #blacklivesmatter
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I’m wondering what this girl was considering when Rachel Dolezal was outed as a white girl by her dad and mom? Hilarious.
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doctorwhonews · 7 years
Shada (DVD/Blu-Ray/Steelbook)
Latest Review: Shada Written by: Douglas Adams Directed by: Pennant Roberts, Charles Norton Produced by: Graham Williams Cast Tom Baker (The Doctor), Lalla Ward (Romana), David Brierly (K9), Christopher Neame (Skagra), Daniel Hill (Chris Parsons), Denis Carey (Professor Chronotis), Victoria Burgoyne (Clare Knightley), Gerald Campion (Wilkin), Shirley Dixon (Ship), Derek Pollitt (Caldera), James Coombes (voice of the Kraags), John Hallet (Police Constable), David Strong (Man in Car) Cover Art: Lee Binding (DVD, Blu-Ray), Adrian Salmon (Steelbook) Originally Released: November 2017 Shada Reborn Quite possibly a record-breaking candidate for the longest filming period for a single script, Shada bridges two millennia – from 1979 to 2017 – and represents a heroic effort to finally plug one of the most egregious gaps in the Doctor Who canon. In a way, Shada mirrors the antagonist of that other great Douglas Adams story, City of Death. Just as Scaraoth is shattered into dozens of versions of himself across the centuries, the industrial action that stymied the original production of the serial saw it fractured into a number of variants and doppelgangers. Most famously, Adams decided the root concepts and ideas behind his final Doctor Who script were too good to waste and they found their way into his Doctorless novel Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. In 1992, a rough edit of the surviving footage was patched together with exposition from Tom Baker and some unsympathetic synthesizer music. Later again, an animated incarnation saw Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor reunite with Romana and K9 and a new supporting cast to cure a nagging feeling of something undone in Cambridge 1979. But this Shada is very much the real deal. The entire surviving cast have been reunited to record the missing dialogue, the missing sequences have been animated where appropriate, though brand new models and have constructed and filmed by the Model Unit to act as inserts in the live action scenes, and a brand new score by Mark Ayers is constructed like an act of musical archaeology to recreate the instruments, methods and style of 1970s legend Dudley Simpson. It can never by Shada as it would have been, but it by far lays the strongest claim to being the definitive article. As with any such project, the team had to make creative decisions and not everyone will agree with all of them. For instance, with Denis Carey (Professor Chronotis) and David Brierly (K9) having died since their original contribution a couple of minor scenes requiring them are left unanimated, while others have their presence reduced to lines which could be reproduced from other recordings of the actors. While some no doubt may have preferred soundalikes to be used to make as complete a version as possible, it’s a sensitive decision and highlights that, in fact, the missing moments were largely padding anyway. Similarly, but much more controversially, is the decision to assemble Shada as a 138 minute film rather than as six episodes. (It even has - steady yourself - a pre-titles sequence). This will go against every instinct of many long term fans, still sore from VHS cassettes of hacked down stories and the fight to get episodic releases. But in this case it seems to work. Watched in one sitting it makes for a breezy, fun, adventure – yet the way the story is paced would have seen the episodic version with a curiously uneventful Part One and a number of extremely undramatic cliffhangers (only the midway point would have given us something as genuinely brilliant as “Dead men require no oxygen”). For me, the only genuinely poor decision is to seize on the existence of the original K9 prop, some original wall panels from the 1979 set, and the surviving (bottom) half of an original Kraag monster costume to recreate a few shots of K9 fighting a Kraag. I appreciate the sentiment behind it, but the fact the surviving bit of set to squeeze them into is so small, and the Kraag only visible from the waist down, makes for a weirdly, and unintentionally silly, looking moment that takes you out of the flow of the story more than the switches to animation do. Few would argue, though against the decision to bring in Martin Gergharty and Adrian Salmon to do design work for the animation. Not only are they brilliant in their own right, creating clear lined, loyal yet character-filled, interpretations of the cast in warm, friendly colours, it also helps smooth over the slightly stilted, flash style – the characters may not feel like they have a full range of human movement, but the presence of Gergharty’s art, so familiar to the readership of Doctor Who Magazine, makes it feel almost like panels from the beloved DWM comic strip brought to life.   Shada Reviewed But has all this effort simply been an ultimate exercise in obsessive, fannish, completeness? Are we seeing the resurrection of a poor story just because it’s there to be done, or the completion of a classic in its own right?  In short – is Shada actually any good? As it happens, Shada is brilliant jewel to add to Doctor Who’s crown if one, like all the most spectacular diamonds, not without its flaws. One the wittiest of Who scripts, and certainly with one of the most fascinating premises, at six parts it’s basically City of Death with extra portions. Famously, one of the script’s biggest critics is its own author – written, as it was, at a point when Douglas Adams was juggling several different projects and deadlines and pouring his greatest effort into his own personal work rather than Doctor Who. Considering that a billion years from now, stuck in the glovebox of an interplanetary roadster, the fruits of that rival project may be the last sign of the human race’s existence, it would be churlish to complain about that but still, Adams is being ungenerous about the serial. In almost every way, this is the fullest encapsulation of the latter half Tom Baker years. Tom himself exudes the same sort of relaxed charm, peppered with moments of total nonsense that marked City of Death while Lalla Ward has never seemed more possessed of an unearthly beauty. All of their scenes together are a joy and something as simple as them going boating, or visiting an old friend in his rooms for tea is all stuff I could watch hours of, even without any alien menaces showing up. And the alien menace that does show up is stupendous – possibly the most unbelievable thing about the whole story is the revelation on the commentary track that the people in the background of Cambridge genuinely ignored Christopher Neame in his outrageous hat and slowing silver cape as if he was an everyday sight. But the massively fun campness of Neame’s character Skagra is balanced by the imaginative and typically Adamsian plot the villain has hatched. Skagra is unusually preoccupied with the heat death of the universe in several billion years’ time and obsessed with stopping it. Like solving the central question of  Life, the Universe, and Everything the main stumbling block to finding the answer is processing power – so he’s going to absorb every mind in the universe into one great gestalt entity, so that every being in creation is simply a conduit for finding a way to save it without the petty distractions of life. In a way, it’s Douglas Adams inventing cloud computing thirty years early and typical of the scientific verve and imagination he brought to everything he wrote. (Tellingly, a year later his replacement would also craft a story about forestalling the heat death of the universe but, while propounding the superiority of ‘hard science’, would solve it by inventing some space wizards who use magic words to make it go away).There are undoubtedly flaws, mostly as we race towards the end with the mounting sense of a script with the ink still wet and no time for afterthought or final drafts. Chris Parsons is probably the best of the solid young everymen Doctor Who has ever featured, and pitched perfectly by Daniel Hall, yet despite early episodes spending more time of introducing and building on his character, he gets lost in the shuffle of the climax. There’s even a dramatic scene of Chris making a vital deduction and racing out to save the day, only for Adams to be plainly unable to think of anything to give him to do once he gets there (a problem Gareth Roberts ingeniously solved in his 2012 novelization but which, presumably for purity’s sake, the producers here don’t take the opportunity to steal). Meanwhile, the Kraag outfits are really quite poor, even for the era that gave us the Nimon and the Mandrel, and a lot of the location film work in Cambridge feels rather loose and in need of a tighter edit.Yet, there’s an inescapable magic to Shada that goes well beyond its status as a mythical ‘lost’ story, and had it been completed in 1979 it would still have been regarded as one of the highpoints of Season Seventeen.   Extras This release comes with a full set of extras the complement the story perfectly. A commentary orchestrated by the unsinkable Toby Hadoke on less funding than the bus fare into town sees him interview Neame and Hall about their experiences during filming, and Gergharty and animator Ann Marie Walsh about the pressures and effort involved in creating the project against incredibly tight deadlines. Taken Out of Time interviews many of the those involved in front of and behind the cameras on the original production to build a picture of exactly how it came to abandoned in the first place. Strike! Strike! Strike! uses contributions from those involved in industrial relations at the time to help explain exactly how the unions of 1970s television came to be so powerful, and give a potted history of their rise and fall through the lens of how industrial action had impacted Doctor Who over the decades both negatively (when it was at the BBC) and positively (when it was arch rival ITV left showing blank screens opposite the Doctor’s adventures).  Both of these are proper, half hour documentaries that tell a story of their own almost as compelling as Shada itself. There’s also fascinating Studio Sesssions - 1979, showing the working methods of the cast and crew in-studio as the cameras roll between takes. Most fun of all is are the Dialogue Sessions – in which we get to see Tom Baker and Daniel Hall record their contributions for the animation, with all Tom’s uproarious ad libs and suggestions for improvements to the script intact. The extras are rounded out with the video of the Model Unit filming of Skagra’s space station and ship, as well as the TARDIS model, new footage taken of Daniel Hall and Tom Baker’s stand-in as reference for animation, photo galleries, as well as the obligatory Now and Then tour of what the Cambridge locatoins look like three decades on. ROM content even includes a full set of scripts, storyboards, and the 1979 Doctor Who Annual (if, rather bizarrely, packed as 56 separate image files).The Steelbook release goes even further to try and lay claim to the definitive Shada package – with a third disc containing the 1992 reconstruction and the 2003 Paul McGann web animation adaptation (remastered for viewing on TV screens rather than computer monitors). About the only thing not included is the novelization.   Presentation and Packaging The DVD version has a slightly astonishing error where the coding that tells a television to display it as 16:9 or 4:3 is messed up – meaning that if watched on a 4:3 television the image will appear in the centre of the screen, with black bars on all sides – top, bottom, left and right. On a modern 16:9 television it displays the picture correctly (with bars on left and right as this is archive television intended as 4:3) but even then some resolution is lost as the image is basically being blown up to fit. That said, you’d be hard pressed to actually notice the lower resolution on viewing the DVD and it probably still looks better than it would have done on the average 1970s domestic television. All the same it’s disappointing to see such hard work by so many involved obviously handed off to someone much less fastidious at the eleventh hour for authoring the DVDs. It should be stressed, however, that the Blu-Ray and Steelbook don’t share this flaw so, if it’s going to bother you, those are the routes to take. The cover art, some may remember, was the cause of a bit of a social media flap last year when Clayton Hickman’s distinctive and unusual scarf patterned cover was ditched at the comparative last minute. In the final result, Lee Binding’s replacement is… fine, if a little bland and stilted seeming, probably as a result of the tight deadlines under which it was done. Strangely, a vestige of Hickman’s original design lingers on in the insert booklet.  “Bland” is not something anyone could accuse the Steelbook art of. Undoubtedly DWM’s most marmite love-him-or-hate-him artists, Adrian Salmon provides a cover piece in his distinctive, angular, impressionistic style. Personally, I love him. A thread long dangling frustratingly at the corner of Doctor Who history, Shada is reborn by a massive and dedicated effort by a hugely talented team to reveal it as an all time classic mix of Douglas Adams’ trademark whimsy and intelligence. Handsomely accompanied by a great set of extras and marred only by some inexplicable technical sloppiness, this is a must for any collection. But one, perhaps, to get on Blu-Ray if possible.   http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2018/02/shada_dvd_blu_ray_steelbook.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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kentonramsey · 4 years
Gucci’s Version Of A Quarantine Is Extremely Chic
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#GucciTheRitual is back for round two — and it’s best enjoyed at home.
Three months after the luxury brand’s fall 2020 collection debuted, Gucci launched its latest campaign, with digital imagery and a video. The 16-second clip shows a lineup of models dancing and singing to “Alright” by Supergrass in their respective homes — all while decked out in head-to-toe Gucci. Right before the video fades out, Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele takes the screen and joins in. 
The campaign imagery shows models going about their routines in quarantine: brushing their teeth, concocting homemade face masks, and taking advantage of any and every socially distant outdoor space. Of course, no Gucci campaign would be complete without animals, so models invited their feathered friends, from chickens to birds, to join the at-home shoot. According to Interview, Michele called the campaign his “most authentic yet,” saying that “the extravagant hyper-naturalism that [he has] always tried to depict, now emerges even more authentically and more amazingly.” 
“The overturning, in fact, creates a paradoxical effect: loosening control produced a narration that seems to overcome, in intensity, my own ability to build fiction,” he told the magazine. “I am thankful for this imaginative experimentation because it restored the power of a dream: mine.”
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“I let the models build their own images. To act as photographers and storytellers, producers and scenographers. I asked them to represent the idea they have of themselves. To go public with it, shaping the poetry that accompanies them. I encouraged them to play, improvising with their life,” @alessandro_michele allowed beauty to shine through from the ordinary for the #GucciTheRitual campaign. #AlessandroMichele #GucciFW20 #GucciCommunity Music: ‘Alright’ by Supergrass. Writers: Gareth Coombes, Daniel Goffey, Michael Quinn © 1995 EMI Music Publishing Italia Srl on behalf of EMI Music Publishing LTD (P) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company (copyright) Courtesy of BMG Rights Management (Italy) srl
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on May 19, 2020 at 2:40am PDT
Since Michele took the helm in 2015, he has brought the Milan-based luxury brand into the modern-day, spearheading the maximalist fashion movement after years of minimal dominance. Since then, he has launched campaigns ranging in inspiration from photographs of Malick Sidibé, who captured youth culture in Africa in the ‘60s and ‘70s, (pre-fall ‘17) to old Hollywood glamour (spring ‘19).
For the most recent the fall ‘20 runway show last February, Michele upturned the fashion show structure completely. The show, titled “The Ritual,” gave the audience the chance to see what happens behind the scenes at a fashion show. Behind a transparent screen, models could be seen getting dressed in their final looks. Once they were fully dressed, each model took their spot on the edge of the rotating stage. In the show notes, Michele explained his reasoning for the flipped format, saying: “There’s something though, in this ceremony, that usually stays buried: the struggle of the parturient that accompanies the tremble of creation; the mother’s womb where poetry blooms, from shape to shape. Therefore, I decided to unveil what lies behind the curtains. May the miracle of skilful hands and holding breath come out of the shadows.”
See a stylised version of our lives in quarantine in the Gucci campaign, above.
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
Gucci Turns The Backstage Area Into The Catwalk
The RealReal Joins Gucci’s Sustainability Pact
Original Gucci Jackie Bags Are Less Than $300
Gucci’s Version Of A Quarantine Is Extremely Chic published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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jungleindierock · 7 years
Gaz Coombes - Deep Pocket
Deep Pockets is the first taste from former Supergrass front man Gaz Coombes’ forthcoimng new album, World’s Strongest Man, which will be released on 4th May 2018.
Gaz Coombes (Gareth Michael Coombes) is an English musician and singer-songwriter, best known as the lead vocalist and guitarist of the English alternative rock band Supergrass. He first entered the music scene aged sixteen as the lead singer of the band The Jennifers, which featured Supergrass bandmate Danny Goffey. Coombes was noticeable for his large sideburns during the 1990s.
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Ryan Sessegnon is the kid who rules over men... so is Tottenham next?
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Ryan Sessegnon is the kid who rules over men... so is Tottenham next?
It was March 2016 when Fulham’s academy staff went to manager Slavisa Jokanovic and recommended that Ryan Sessegnon, then just 15 years old, should take part in first-team training. 
Jokanovic agreed and arranged for Sessegnon to be included in a Friday morning session.
There was a slight problem, though. Sessegnon was in class at Coombe Boys’ School – and didn’t have his boots on him.
Ryan Sessegnon celebrates after scoring against Premier League-bound Wolves in February
The starlet cleaned up at this week’s EFL Awards, scooping Championship Player of the Year
Appearances: 43
Starts: 42
Minutes played: 3,770
Goals: 14 
Mins per goal: 269.29
Assists: 6 
Shots: 53
Shots on target: 22 
Chances Created: 51
Passes: 1,476
Passing accuracy: 74.93
Tackles: 67
Interceptions: 25
Dribbles attempted: 129
Dribbles completed: 55
*Stats for Championship only 
Academy director Huw Jennings drove Sessegnon home to collect his boots but there was another problem – the teenager didn’t have a key.  
‘We roared down to Roehampton but he didn’t have a key on him and sort of broke in to try and get the boots,’ Jennings says.
Not many can say they broke into their own home to get their big break, but it would be worth it. Now 17, Sessegnon has become the first player outside the top flight ever to be named on the shortlist for the PFA Young Player of the Year.
On Sunday night at the EFL Awards, he was named the Championship’s player of the season, young player of the season and Championship apprentice of the year in just his first year as a professional.
‘In that first session with the first team he just looked like it was no different to a training session in the under 18s or in the under 16s,’ Jennings says. 
Five months later, Sessegnon would make his first-team debut for Fulham away at Leeds in the Championship while still on a scholarship contract.
It is a day that captain Tom Cairney remembers with a laugh and a smile.
Cairney recalls being a little puzzled when Jokanovic came into the dressing room and put the teamsheet up and he saw Sessegnon’s name.
The Fulham man poses with his girlfriend at the London Football Awards earlier this month
Sessegnon has represented England at youth level, but Gareth Southgate is monitoring him
‘I thought he’d made a spelling mistake,’ Cairney says. ‘It was Leeds away. Elland Road is not a place you’d expect a 16-year-old to be given a chance.’
The kid was up to the task. Sessegnon charged down the left wing early on and played in a dangerous cross that team-mate Floyd Ayite nearly scored from. The game would finish 1-1, with Sessegnon having starred in his first full game.
‘He was the best player on the pitch,’ says Cairney. ‘Leeds didn’t really know what to do with him and he just looked so comfortable.’
Four days later, Sessegnon became the youngest ever Championship goalscorer aged 16 years and 94 days when Fulham drew 2-2 with Cardiff at Craven Cottage.
Fast forward two years and one month on from that Friday training session and what you have is a player who has scored 21 goals since his full debut, won the European Under-19 Championship with England, changed position and is being talked about as the next global superstar with some of the world’s biggest clubs trying to sign him.
Sessegnon celebrates netting his first ever goal for Fulham, against Cardiff back in 2016
Slavisa Jokanovic is quick to sing the player’s praises every time he is asked about him
‘He’s been incredible,’ says Cairney. ‘What he’s done for his age is unheard of especially in this league because it’s such a man’s league. Ten goals in (his last) 15 games and it’s hard because he has played so many games but it really doesn’t show.
‘He also hasn’t really had a summer break with him playing in the Euros so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a little tired.’
His importance in Fulham’s team this season has only grown as the club has moved up the league to third place. Before the 2-0 win away at Norwich on Good Friday, in which he came off the bench, he had started every one of the club’s 38 league games this season.
HOW SESSEGNON COMPARES TO THE BEST IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP (2018)   Most goals Most goals/assists Touches in opposition box Aleksandar Mitrovic – 10 James Maddison – 9/4  Ryan Sessegnon – 122 James Maddison – 9  Ryan Sessegnon – 9/3  Ollie Watkins – 112  Ryan Sessegnon – 9  Robert Snodgrass – 4/8  Lee Gregory – 102  Patrick Bamford – 9  Matt Smith – 5/7  Florian Jozefzoon – 100  Oliver McBurnie – 8  Aleksandar Mitrovic – 10/1  Matt Smith – 94 
‘He’s got unbelievable athleticism for his age and the uniqueness of how rambunctious he is as a player,’ Jennings says. ‘By that I mean his ability to cope with the demands of the Championship, which I think most people really underestimate, and I’ve noticed it a few times that he does get fatigued but the numbers that he posts in games and training are outstanding. It almost demands that he’s selected.’
Attend any press conference and it’s likely Jokanovic will be asked about Sessegnon.
‘He is a special player – what more is there I can say?’ Jokanovic says with a smile. ‘It is a privilege to work with such a talent and someone who has such a positive effect on the team.’ 
Sessegnon signed his first youth-team deal with Fulham in the summer of 2008 and was placed with the under 9s.
The 17-year-old has been likened to Gareth Bale, who also started his career at left back
It was the same time that Jennings took the job of heading up the club’s academy. He arrived with a reputation for developing elite-level footballers, having worked with Gareth Bale, Adam Lallana and Theo Walcott in his role as academy director at Southampton.
At Craven Cottage, Moussa Dembele, Patrick Roberts and Emerson Hyndman were all coached by Jennings before leaving as better players.
Sessegnon has had opportunities to move on. Top Premier League clubs were circling long before he made his Fulham debut. Sixty-eight appearances in the Championship later and the interest has only intensified.
Tottenham have been sending scouts to watch him since early last season. They remain the favourites to sign him should he choose to leave in the summer. Barcelona have been watching his progress while Liverpool, Manchester United and even Real Madrid have all been linked with a move.
Sportsmail understands, however, that Mauricio Pochettino, who has already shown he is willing to place faith in English talent, is viewed as a manager who would be ideal for Sessegnon’s development.
Sessegnon has played on the left wing for the second half of Fulham’s impressive season
Ryan and his twin brother Steven play for Fulham where the former has been in incredible form
Unique Sports Management, who represent Ryan and his twin brother Steven, have a number of high-profile players in their stable, including Tottenham striker Harry Kane. They prefer their players to be settled at one club and don’t have a reputation for targeting multiple moves.
Sessegnon signed his first professional contract, which runs until June 2020, last summer but when he turns 18 in May there is every chance he will become a significantly richer man, with a new deal surely needed to reflect his new status.
Talks with Tottenham have continued this season and former Fulham striker Leroy Rosenior is one of many who believe a deal has already been done.
For Jennings, someone who is tasked with developing players ready for the Champions League, a move would mean a job well done. He is very fond of Ryan and his brother Steven’s roots in Roehampton. Both of them were brought up closer to Fulham than any other club and with the support of cousin and former West Brom forward Stephane Sessegnon.
The brothers, born on Thursday, May 18, 2000, have been inseparable growing up.
Without making it a contest between the two, Steven was part of the England U17 side that won the World Cup last year in India. In the same summer, Ryan won the European Championship in Georgia with England’s U19s and was named in the team of the tournament.
Mauricio Pochettino is seen as the perfect man to aid Sessegnon’s game in the coming years
That success would precede what has been an excellent season, particularly for Ryan.
He has become known for his goals and assists, but those who have watched him for years will tell you how his game centres on stamina, speed and mental strength. Cairney, who is now used to seeing the impact he has, explains.
‘He’s infectious, fearless and has a lot of energy,’ he says. ‘He makes things happen. He’s got them young legs that don’t stop running and he gives us a lift every time he’s on the pitch.’
What startled many when watching him at the raw age of 10 was his habit of getting sucked towards the play, especially when the ball was close to the opposition goal. His desire to be involved at every stage in an attacking move.
‘It’s difficult to coach that as an innate skill,’ Jennings says.
It is an attitude that has only been encouraged. It also explains why, even when he was deployed as a left back earlier in the season, he was able to get into dangerous and goalscoring positions.
His first goal in the Championship this season came at home to Cardiff in September. The score was 0-0 with 15 minutes left and Jokanovic told him to hold his position a little longer when high up the pitch.
Sessegnon last summer signed his first professional contract, which runs until June 2020
It worked. Cardiff had dropped deep when Sessegnon took control of the ball outside of the penalty area, passed to Aboubakar Kamara, then sprinted past defenders Sean Morrison and Sol Bamba and put himself in a perfect position to finish when Floyd Ayite’s shot came back to him.
Had it been your first viewing of Sessegnon, and without a teamsheet in front of you, you would have thought he was playing as a No 10 based on that particular phase of play.
‘Many of his goals have come on the back of real anticipation,’ Jennings says. ‘People maintain there’s a lot of goals in the six-yard box, well, that’s because he’s in the right place at the right time.
‘It’s that anticipation that I think is unusual in a young player, showing that level of self-confidence, belief and self-awareness to be the fulcrum of the team.’
Jokanovic’s trust has only got stronger. There has always been a feeling that Sessegnon, given an almost perfect situation, could inflict heavy damage. Sheffield United presented him with that scenario at Bramall Lane in November. His hat-trick contributing to five of the goals scored by Fulham that night.
‘Ryan is growing up in the right direction, he is a young player with a clear head, he wants to improve and learn. He wants to be better in the future and we will support him where we can,’ said Jokanovic.
Step by step that is what has happened. He has been given a platform to showcase what he can do while developing at the same time.
He has been involved in 12 goals and has scored nine since the turn of the year at Fulham
Sessegnon relinquished his defensive responsibilities for good when Matt Targett joined on loan from Southampton in January and occupied the left back position. It was a relief for Fulham supporters, who would finally get to see Sessegnon fully unleashed as a left winger.
The numbers suggest only good has come of the permanent positional change.
He has been involved in 12 goals and has scored nine since the turn of the year. One of his key traits is opening up gaps for others to run into or drawing defenders towards him by charging forward, which creates panic in the opposition backline. 
He also has the highest number of touches in an opposition box this year in the Championship with 122 – ten more than Brentford’s Ollie Watkins and 20 ahead of Lee Gregory of Millwall.
It is clear that playing him on the wing gets the most out of him. Before the change, he tended to hold back more. The latest numbers show that Sessegnon spends on average just five per cent of his time during a game in what would be considered a left back position. He now tends to retreat only to the halfway line and has stopped tracking back.
It has led to Targett suggesting Sessegnon could emulate Bale. The Real Madrid star, similarly to Sessegnon, played at left back for the teenage years of his career before moving further up the pitch. 
‘He’s definitely right up there (with Bale at the same age),’ said Targett. ‘But the main thing for him is he has a lot of years ahead of him, he needs to keep working hard, keep his feet on the ground. He’s a massive threat and he’s got a massive future.’
Matt Targett’s arrival at Craven Cottage has allowed Sessegnon to move further forward
Jennings, having coached both players, believes Sessegnon is ahead of Bale in his development.
He says: ‘Gareth was a later physical developer and he came into the Southampton team at the end of his under-17 year but prior to that he had been very much an under-15 and under-16 – whereas Ryan has a level of athleticism that has enabled him to train in a first-team environment since he was 15.
‘But yes, outside of that, I’d argue that there are similarities. Gareth all of a sudden developed a power base, which was second to none, particularly when he went to Tottenham and it’ll be interesting to see when Ryan reaches his full maturity what level he is able to set.
‘But the style of play has some similarities. The attitude has got similarities and both are quiet boys in their own way. I think it is invidious sometimes to be making comparisons but there is an inevitability about it. I’m sure Ryan will be delighted if he had a career that resembles Gareth’s.’
The stairwell that goes up from the academy dressing rooms to the restaurant at Motspur Park was decorated last year with pictures of academy players who had played 10 games or more in the first team.
As you go through the door to the restaurant, Sessegnon’s picture is in front of you.
Jennings laughs as he recalls how he saw an opposition under-16 side waiting one by one to have their photo taken against the wall.
He has been raking in awards, and was EFL Player of the Year at the London Football Awards
He explains: ‘At first I wasn’t sure what they were doing and then I realised they were standing next to Ryan’s photo and having their photograph taken. That’s what makes you realise that you are dealing with a phenomenon and I think he does understand that. And I think he understands he has a role to play for young people in terms of demonstrating that he’s got a responsibility on his shoulders to be able to manage that.’
Last month he was named EFL player of the year and young player of the year at the London Football Awards. He was also named in the Championship Team of the Year and was in the EFL Team of the Season, as well as winning his individual gongs. And then there is the PFA awards.
Beyond that there is the World Cup in Russia. Southgate continues to have Sessegnon watched by assistant manager Steve Holland. The England boss is expected to watch him at Craven Cottage before picking his final World Cup squad. England U21s boss Aidy Boothroyd briefed Southgate after Sessegnon made his full debut for the Under 21s against Ukraine.
A suited and booted Sessegnon poses with his trophies at a recent awards night in London
This summer is likely to come too soon. There will, of course, be plenty of other opportunities and everything that has gone before suggests Sessegnon will thrive when he gets the chance.
The question has already been put to Jokanovic: Do you think the teenager could be part of the 23-man squad? The answer from the Fulham manager is ‘yes’.
‘I cannot recommend the people or choose, but nobody can make a mistake with this kid, he deserves everything and I believe if not this time, soon he will be in big competition or top around the world,’ he said.
‘We must be thinking about good and bad players, experience is important but he is really experienced player for his age in this moment.
‘I take (a decision) two years ago to play with this kid and two years ago this kid became a man.’
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