deutschland-im-krieg · 7 months
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L-R: Adolf Hitler, Gau Sachsen (Saxony) Gauleiter Martin Mutschmann, SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm and Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, Leipzig, 16.7.1933. Heinrich Hoffmann photo
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bagnabraghe · 1 year
Il Gauleiter della Carinzia cavalcava in quel momento l’idea di una parte dell’opinione pubblica che all’interno del Reich mirava alla riunificazione dei territori appartenuti al vecchio Impero asburgico
Dopo l’armistizio dell’8 settembre tutto il territorio della Venezia Giulia e della provincia di Lubiana, il Friuli e Gorizia passarono progressivamente sotto il controllo del Reich nazista, inaugurando per queste terre uno dei periodi più cupi della sua storia. Fu così che venerdì 15 ottobre 1943 i cittadini del territorio lessero del loro nuovo destino: “Nella zona d’operazioni “Litorale…
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bigarella · 1 year
Il Gauleiter della Carinzia cavalcava in quel momento l’idea di una parte dell’opinione pubblica che all’interno del Reich mirava alla riunificazione dei territori appartenuti al vecchio Impero asburgico
Dopo l’armistizio dell’8 settembre tutto il territorio della Venezia Giulia e della provincia di Lubiana, il Friuli e Gorizia passarono progressivamente sotto il controllo del Reich nazista, inaugurando per queste terre uno dei periodi più cupi della sua storia. Fu così che venerdì 15 ottobre 1943 i cittadini del territorio lessero del loro nuovo destino: “Nella zona d’operazioni “Litorale…
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generalevannacci · 5 months
Donatella Di Cesare
Il prossimo 15 maggio dovrò presentarmi davanti al Tribunale di Roma, perché sono stata querelata per diffamazione aggravata da Francesco Lollobrigida, Ministro dell’agricoltura e della sovranità alimentare, esponente di FdI, cognato della premier Meloni. I fatti risalgono a un anno fa – 18 aprile 2023 – quando Lollobrigida in un intervento pubblico disse: “non possiamo arrenderci alla sostituzione etnica”. La sera dello stesso giorno, nel corso del talkshow DiMartedì, interpellata dal conduttore, ho commentato: “la sostituzione etnica è un mito complottistico”, “è il cuore dell’hitlerismo”. Nella mia argomentazione, sottolineando la pericolosità di principi ispirati alla purezza etnica e riferendomi al ministro, ho aggiunto: “credo che le parole del ministro non possano essere prese per uno scivolone, perché ha parlato da Gauleiter, da governatore neohitleriano”. Non ho detto “è”, ma “ha parlato da”: si è trattato non di un’equazione, bensì di un paragone, una similitudine storica. “La teoria della sostituzione è un mito neonazista secondo il quale i bianchi vengono sostituiti dai non bianchi”, è quello che si legge nel sito del governo https://www.governo.it/it/dipartimenti/coordinatore-nazionale-la-lotta-contro-lantisemitismo/noantisemitismo-def-grandesostituzione.
È inconcepibile che in un paese democratico un ministro trascini in tribunale una filosofa, una privata cittadina, per questioni sulle quali si dovrebbe aprire un confronto democratico. Rifiutare il dibattito vuol dire stigmatizzare l’avversario politico, considerarlo un nemico da trattare con misure punitive.
E’ palese la sproporzione tra un ministro, con tutto il suo potere e una docente che deve difendersi da sola, con i propri mezzi. Non ho l’appoggio di nessun partito, nessun giornale, nessun gruppo di potere politico o editoriale, nessuna tribù. In compenso ricevo ogni giorno la solidarietà di moltissimi di voi. E colgo l’occasione per ringraziarvi per le lettere, i messaggi, le parole di stima e incoraggiamento.
Cercando di legittimarsi nel contesto europeo e internazionale, questa destra ha bisogno di mutare il proprio volto pubblico tacitando chi ne sottolinea la provenienza storica.
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fraumagdagoebbels · 2 months
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Military parade to commemorate the 50th Führergeburtstag, which was held on a large scale in the Berlin on April 20, 1939. Sitting in the front row, from left to right: Magda, Joseph, Charlotte Freiin von Vietinghoff-Scheel (wife of Walther Darré), and SS-Obergruppenführer Walther Darré. Back row from left to right: Adolf Hühnlein, Heli Bouhler, SS-Obergruppenführer Philipp Bouhler, Gauleiter Karl Weinrich, and Gauleiter Dr. Siegfried Uiberreither.
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er1chartmann · 10 months
Heinrich Himmler's time line
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This is Heinrich Himmler, the Head of the SS, timeline:
1900: He was born on 7th of October in Munich.
1905: His younger brother, Ernst Himmler, was born.
1913: he attended his father's school in Landshut, the town where the family had moved.
1919: From April 1919 Himmler joined various Freikorps, to "erase the shame of Versailles" and overthrow the "Marxist dictatorship". These enlistments were partly due to the guilt he had for not being able to fight in the Great War
1919: In August 1919 he was already working on a farm near Ingolstadt, but his work on the farm did not last long; On September 4 he fell ill. He had paratyphoid fever.
1919: On 18 October he was accepted as a student in agriculture at the University of Munich
1922: After completing his university studies in with a diploma in agriculture, he immediately found work at a fertilizer company, Stickstoff-Land
1923: He joined the Nazi Party in 1923, card N 156.
1923: He take part in the Failed Munich Putsch, but, while Ernst Röhm and Adolf Hitler were arrested, Himmler was considered an insignificant supporting actor and therefore did not suffer punishment.
1925: He was fired and, unemployed, decided to join Erich Ludendorff's new political formation, the National Socialist Liberation Movement.
1925: During that period he also met Gregor Strasser, of whom he soon became his personal secretary.
1925: An official of the Lower Bavarian Gau, based in Landshut, he took steps to revitalize the National Socialist sections in the area. He was promoted to vice-Gauleiter of Lower Bavaria-Upper Palatinate
1928: He married Margarete Boden
1929: He was appointed Reichsfuhrer SS by Hitler.
1929: His daughter, Gudrun Himmler, was born
1931: He commissioned Reinhard Heydrich to establish the SD.
1933: When the National Socialist Party took power in Bavaria on March 9, 1933, Himmler took control of the police.
1934: In May 1934, he had command of all police forces, with the exception of Prussia.
1934: He was one of the main organizers of the Night of the Long Knives
1934: As a reward for his role, Himmler gained control of the Gestapo, the secret political police.
1934: he gave the order to search the length and breadth of western Germany, until he found the ruins of the mountain fortress of Wewelsburg
1935: On December 10, 1935, "Lebensborn e.V." was founded in Berlin.
1936: Himmler was appointed Chef der Deutschen Polizei, or commander of the entire police, political and secret activity of the whole of Germany. In this new function, Himmler could participate in meetings of the Hitler government, since his position was equivalent to that of a minister.
1936: In the summer of 1936, he had the thousandth anniversary of the death of Henry I the Birdcatcher celebrated in Quedlinburg.
1936: Himmler issued a decree to proceed with the reorganization of the German police.
1937: At the end of the renovation works, Wewelsburg had transformed into a true shrine, with dozens of statues of Henry I the Birdcatcher, Frederick of Hohenstaufen and other German heroes.
1938: on 28 October 1938, Himmler had a note spread among all SS members, according to which it was a duty for every SS man to procreate at least four children to preserve his good blood before leaving for the front.
1939: The ''Operation Himmler'' begins the Second World War
1942: Reinhard Heydrich held the Wannsee Conference, where the so-called ''final solution'' was organized
1943: on October 4 and 6 he gave the Posen speeches.
1945: Himmler appeared for the last time at Hitler's Führerbunker in Berlin on 20 April 1945, on the occasion of the Führer's birthday
1945: A few days later, on April 23, Himmler met Count Folke Bernadotte, proposing German surrender on the Western Front but not on the Eastern Front; the Western Allies were careful not to take Himmler's peace proposal into consideration; however the offer made was spread through the press and, on 28 April, Radio London announced: "The Reichsführer of the SS claims that Hitler is dead and that he is his successor". In Berlin, a Hitler in the throes of an uncontrollable rage relieved him of all his political and military duties and ordered his arrest and shooting, orders which were not carried out due to the difficult stalemate in which they found themselves all departments of the army of the Third Reich.
1945: He killed himself on the 23 of May, 1945.
Wikipedia: Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler: the sinister life of the Head of the SS by Heinrich Fraenkel and Roger Manvell
If you don't like it go with your life :))
Note: If I get new information from my research I will edit the post :))
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abr · 1 year
Dieci anni di monarchia assoluta. (...) Poi a gennaio 2015, King George aveva lasciato il trono perché proprio non ce la faceva più. (...) Altrimenti, potete starne certi, sarebbe rimasto ancora là (...) a comandare le operazioni, a fare e disfare governi, a organizzare ribaltoni (...). E anche dopo, fuori dalla reggia (...) per un bel po' si è fatto sentire: (a)ltro che pensionato. (...) quella di Giorgio Napolitano non è stata una presidenza leggera, neutra, notarile, ma sempre al limite e talvolta debordante. Come banale non è stata la sua intera vita pubblica. (...) Giorgio Napolitano era nato a Napoli (...). Figlio di un avvocato (...), studi classici, (...). Elegante, sobrio, parlava un inglese perfetto: nel Pci per le sue posizioni lo chiamavano l'amerikano. Oppure re Umberto (...). (A)ll'università si era iscritto al Gruppo Universitari Fascisti (...), nel 194(5) entrò nel Pci. Deputato dal 1953, (...), diventò presto uno degli esponenti di maggior peso dell'ala riformista, i cosiddetti miglioristi (...). (A)lla morte di Enrico Berlinguer (...) gli fu preferito (come segretario del Partito) il più (...) ortodosso Alessandro Natta. (...) Nel 1992 venne eletto presidente della Camera. (...) Nel 1996 Romano Prodi lo scelse come ministro degli Interni (...). Dopo la caduta del governo del Professore, (...) Ciampi lo nominò senatore a vita. Il dieci maggio 2006, (...) superando Massimo D'Alema, venne eletto undicesimo presidente della Repubblica italiana. (...) Due anni dopo Silvio Berlusconi rivinse le elezioni e per Napolitano si aprì un difficile periodo di coabitazione. Seguendo le orme di Ciampi, re Giorgio cercava di limitare il Cav con la moral suasion e successi alterni. (...) (Ne)l 2011 Berlusconi, indebolito da alcune defenzioni nella maggioranza, malvisto da Francia e Germania e (messo) sotto pressione con lo spread (...), fu fortemente convinto a passare la mano a Mario Monti, che nel frattempo King George aveva prontamente nominato senatore a vita. Regista dell'operazione, voluta da Bruxelles (Parigi e Berlino) e ritenuta un golpe (...), Napolitano. Monti e i suoi tecnici governarono un annetto (...). Nel 2013 nuove elezioni con la vittoria dimezzata del Pd (e il trionfo del m5s) (...). Il sistema si bloccò. (...) Senza governo, senza un accordo, senza un nome per la presidenza: (l')ingorgo istituzionale (...). Il 20 aprile 2013 nacque il Giorgio II. Tre giorni più tardi, dopo un discorso di fuoco di Napolitano alle Camere, Enrico Letta si insediò a Palazzo Chigi a capo di un esecutivo di unità nazionale (...). Letta tirò avanti per un po', finché il Quirinale non lo sostituì con l'astro nascente Matteo Renzi. Per Napolitano un paio d'anni (di benevolo controllo remoto), fino alle dimissioni nel 2015. Una lunga monarchia condizionata dalla crisi economica e dal vuoto di potere della politica che il Re della Repubblica ha riempito, segnata pure da ruvidi scontri tra Colle e magistratura, fatta di tanti rimproveri ai giudici «protagonisti», culminata con l'intercettazione «casuale» di un colloquio tra il presidente e Nicola Mancino e il conflitto di attribuzione con la procura di Palermo.(...)
Ritratto accurato di un AVVERSARIO ben più lucido e pericoloso di tutto il resto della masnada idealista autoinculante, cui rivolgere RIP e onesto omaggio - ha combattuto efficacemente; di M.Scafi su https://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/record-e-giravolte-politico-che-ha-segnato-nostra-repubblica-2214770.html
L'iscritto al Guf che diventa comunista, da Kruschev all'Amerika dei Dems., l'Internazionalista che diventa Gauleiter di Franza e Cermania, la difesa del proletariato che si fa golpe di Palazzo : medieval machiavellico (è un complimento), ma quale vita ricca di contraddizioni, fu sempre perfettamente lucido e fedele alla linea nella sua vita.
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rheydtban · 1 year
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This used to be my favorite drawing of JG I've made tbh, the original picture itself can inspire hundreds of fics about young Joseph, which is of my special interest. In my peak Reichblr days when I was spending an ungodly amount of time thinking about this man (covid craze I guess, what else is there to do, right) I always considered the pre-NS era J. and the post-NS one like completely different beasts and found the younger one always so fascinating to come back to for more inspiration and just thinking about the how and the why.
The transition era (gets introduced to the party, is sent to Munich to infiltrate AH's Bavarian fraction, ends up getting sucked in to the Munich branch under AH's appeal etc.) is equally fascinating, and so is every milestone of course, the Gauleiter era with the Gau Berlin, cleaning the "red" out of Berlin and the maddeningly passionate, bordering homoerotic love the SA had for their "little doctor" whom they protected with all their body and soul, H. Wessel being the prime example - and then the rising tension orchestrated by his undeniable influence and effort, the crescendo, and the climax point of 1939 where he himself turns from the romantic - the nation's poet - melancholic lost soul (although admittedly always delusionally so) into a machine that chews human lives and spits out lies over and over and over again, we all know how the story goes I think. But still I always find it to be such a captivating anchor - this drawing and of course the original picture, for the mind-breakingly layered anectodes, feelings, intertwined realities that lie under it.
So yeah... Long story short, I think it's still my favorite drawing of JG.
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thegirlwhohid · 6 months
The apricot blossom is wilting. Roads and pavements are covered with a thin layer of white petals. It's mesmerizing; I think I finally can understand the Japanese and why they're so in love with Sakuras.
I watch the blooming apricots and think of the Ukrainian author Lyubov Yakymchuk's words: 'Where apricots do not grow, russia begins.' She was born in the Luhansk region, the same region as my mom. Today, I read that the Gauleiter of her occupied hometown said that they were going to confiscate the property of those who left the city. My grandma was one of them. She left almost everything: her photos, books, my mom's childhood toys, and the mug I gave my grandma as a memento. I guess some russian family will move in and appropriate everything.
I wonder if some kid would enjoy my mug.
I watch the wilting trees and think of the Entwives. How delighted they must have been to plant their orchards and about everything that happened to them. I don't have any hopes about their fate—they were killed or turned into slaves, doomed to forget themselves and the light. Centuries ago, their land was still desolate. There were no trees, not even grass—just scorched ground.
I guess my mom's homeland is becoming the second Brown Lands.
I watch the fallen petals and think of winter - but the air is hot, too hot for April.
That's a wind from Mordor.
It comes closer and closer to my home.
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unfug-bilder · 3 months
Wer hier regelmäßig mitliest, kennt die Geschicht(n) schon. Dies ist nur die nächste Fortsetzung.
Ich wiederhole mich: Dass sich Nazis um die Macht kloppen, ist vollkommen normal. Das war schon bei den Thüringer Vorgängerparteien nicht anders, wobei Gauleiter Sauckel dank der Unterstützung aus München/Berlin auf sichererem Boden stand als der für sich allein kämpfende Höcke.
Aber das ist eben der Preis, wenn man Führer einer Partei werden will, in der vorwiegend Geschöpfe Mitglieder sind, die sich selbst auch zum Führer berufen fühlen.
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ohsalome · 1 year
Was looking up info about Gutenberg Bibles, discovered that we had one in Ukraine - in the private ownership of Viktor Medvedchuk, aka putin's godfather, aka leader of the ""opposition""" """""pro-peace""""" currently-banned-pro-russian-party, aka one of the most powerful (former) oligarkhs in Ukraine, aka the person who would have been assigned as Gauleiter if russia had managed to occupy Ukraine completely, aka the dude who some communistically-inclined people try to present as an undeserving victim of anti-russian presecution and an innocent martyr.
And yes, if you guessed that the current whereabouts of the Bible are unknown and medvedchuk refused to share any information with the international scientific community, you guessed right
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Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler addressing an SA (Sturmabteilung) rally in Dortmund, during Aufmarsch der SA-Gruppe Westfalen (also known as the SA-Westfalentreffen), 9 July 1933. L-R: Josef Wagner (Gauleiter Westfalen-Süd), SA-Gruppenführer Wilhelm Schepmann (Führer SA-Gruppe Westfalen), SA-Brigadeführer Georg von Walthausen (Gruppenstaffelführers der SA-Gruppe Nord-West), Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hühnlein (blocked by Hitler, NSKK-Korpsführer), and SA-Obergruppenführer Viktor Lutze (Oberpräsident der Provinz Hannover). One year later after The Knight Of The Long Knives and the subsequent murder of Ernst Röhm, Viktor Lutze would be appointed Stabschef-SA
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lego-man-speer · 4 months
Nuremberg Defendants: Part 3, Baldur von Schirach - Leader of the Hitler Youth
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The next part of my Nuremberg Defendants series! Unfortunately I couldn't get this out in time for von Schirach's birthday, but regardless I've finally gotten around to writing it.
To check out the previous parts to my series (including the separate post I made about Rudolf Hess), click the names below!
Rudolf Hess
Alfred Rosenberg
Joachim von Ribbentrop
-Baldur Benedikt von Schirach was born on the 9th of May 1907 and was born to an American mother and a German-American father. Interestingly, Schirach was in fact more American than he was German. His first language was English and did not learn German until around the age of 5-7 (sources differ on this). Schirach had three siblings in total: two sisters and a brother who committed suicide in 1919 (aged 19).
-Schirach was too young to have served in the First World War, yet nationalist ideas were drilled into him through his nationalistic parents. After the war, Schirach's father was dismissed as the Director of the Weimar Court Theatre and was renamed the National Theatre. Anyone who was a critic of the Weimar regime was welcome at the Schirach's home. This would be how the young Schirach came to meet Hitler (who was still then merely a preacher). Schirach was so impressed by Hitler that he wrote a poem about him (and many more in the future) and had it published in a newspaper (he later considered this poem one of his 'bad poems'). Hitler became a sort of father figure for the young Schirach.
-Schirach joined the NSDAP on his 18th birthday in 1925. At university, Schirach studied German Studies and Art History before dropping out to dedicate more time to the Nazi movement. Schirach's mother hoped that he would take a different path in life however. She had expected her son to stay in the US and work for his great-uncle's bank or go into American politics.
-At the age of 24 Schirach was made leader of the Hitlerjugend, from here Schirach would go on to become Reichsminister for Youth Education and then Youth Leader of the Reich. Soon every youth organisation would have to yield to Schirach.
-Hitler saw little use of the Youth since they were unable to vote, whereas Schirach took a different view. The Hitler Youth would take up the free time of German kids, allowing them to be fully indoctrinated by Nazi ideology. It was Schirach's idea in 1932 to gather every available member of the Hitler Youth for a mass rally in Potsdam in 1932. This was done to impress Hitler.
-As Youth Leader, Schirach always claimed that joining the Hitler Youth was voluntary, however this was never really the case. Those who did not want to join (or whose parents forbade them from joining) were shut out and would later be disadvantaged when choosing a school or career.
-In 1932 Schirach married Henrietta Hoffmann, the daughter of Hitler's personal photographer Heinrich Hoffmann). Together they had four children: Angelika, Klaus, Robert and Richard. His wife later divorced him in 1949.
-In the Second World War, Schirach voluntarily joined the army and served in the invasion of France in 1940. Schirach served in the Großdeutschland Infantry Regiment as a Junior NCO before being commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, being an Infantry Platoon Commander. He was later awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class for bravery. He saw about two months active service before being recalled by Hitler for a new task.
-In 1940 Schirach was made Gauleiter of Vienna. His first task as Gauleiter was to calm the bitterness that had grown under his predecessor Josef Bürckel. Bürckel was not a well-liked and was referred to as “Beer-leiter Yokel”. He was often “drunk, brutal and boorish”. At first, the people of Vienna were pleased to see Schirach. His successor as leader of the Hitler Youth was Arthur Axmann.
-As Gauleiter of Vienna, Schirach played an active role in the Holocaust. In total he deported 75,000 Viennese Jews to concentration camps. He tried to convince that he knew nothing of the Holocaust, however documents have since suggested otherwise. In October 1940, Schirach complained to Hitler of 50,000 Viennese Jews who had to be “taken off his hands”. In March 1941 he demanded of Himmler that he immediately recommences the deportations that were briefly suspended. In a 1942 speech, Schirach enthused of a “Jew-free Vienna” by the autumn of that year. Although Schirach complained about the conditions under which Jews were deported, he was very much in support of the deportations.
-Schirach's wife tried to appeal humanity to Hitler at the Berghof after witnessing an incident in Amsterdam in which Jewish women and children were being taken away. This resulted in a huge quarrel between the two and Frau von Schirach was never invited to the Berghof again.
-As the war came to end and when Vienna could no longer be held, Schirach fled to Tyrol while instructing those still in Vienna to fight till the last man. While in hiding he went by the Alias 'Richard Falk', a crime novel writer, before handing himself over to the Allies.
-At Nuremberg he was the youngest defendant (aged 38). He was indicted under two counts of the Nuremberg indictment, count 2 (Crimes Against Peace - by building up the Hitler Youth) and count 4 (Crimes Against Humanity). Schirach, like the other war criminals at Nuremberg, rejected the validity of the Tribunal until after seeing the atrocity videos (as well as some convincing from Albert Speer to apologise). He was found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and sentenced to 20 years in Spandau Prison.
-Schirach completed his 20 year sentence on midnight 1st of October 1966. During his sentence in prison he suffered from problems with his right eye and needed surgery to save it. This surgery was however unsuccessful and Schirach was left blind in that eye. Henriette had tried to lobby lowering her ex-husband's sentence but was unsuccessful (and unlike other prisoners, Schirach had no one else to lobby for his release). After his release, Schirach gave a few interviews both in German and in English and released his memoirs “Ich glaubte an Hitler” (I Believed in Hitler).
-From 1971 until his death, Schirach resided in Kröv where he was cared for by two former BDM leaders. He died of coronary thrombosis on the 8th of August 1974, aged 67. His gravestone read “Ich war einer von Euch” (I was one of you). His gravestone was removed in 2015, just four years after the removal of Rudolf Hess's gravestone.
OBLIGATORY MENTION: This post is purely educational and is in no way supportive of any right-wing ideologies.
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harri-etvane · 10 months
And now I'm walking around the capital of our beautiful state, not someone's province as part of someone's empire. I am leaving the Office of the President of Ukraine, not someone else's Gauleiter. Ahead of us is the European Square, where our flags are blue and yellow, not tricolor. Ahead is the Volodymyr hill. In honor of our great prince, not their petty tsar.
З Днем Збройних Сил України! 🇺🇦 [x]
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gamer2002 · 1 year
Chronology of the terrorist attack by Russian terrorists. Or how to poop and smear shit on your face.
At two o'clock in the morning, the Russians blow up the Kakhovskaya HPP, but they don't see how much. It is not very visible, but it can shine and fly.
1. The Russians still think that they carefully blew up a small part of the HPP and are sinking our military on the islands. At 6:06 a.m., the Gauleiter of Novaya Kakhovka, Leontiev, says that blowing up the HPP is nonsense. Well, we don't know why the water rose there. Here is the link of Ria news arch ive. is/aTyK8
2. Russian OSINT intelligence community Rybar, picks up the thesis and says, detonation of a small area at 6:51 Link arch ive. ph/flapa
3. At 6:51 a.m. in the new Kakhovka, they see that the dam is fubar, the mother's strategists begin to realize that they are in deep shit. The Gauleiter of Nova Kakhovka sharply changes his rhetoric and says that there was no detonation, then there was already shelling from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Link arch ive. ph/LFFKF
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5. Other telegram channels that cooperate with the military jump joyfully on one leg, hooray, because of the explosion of the Kakhov dam, the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the islands are being flooded , the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to evacuate and save themselves, and then they publish joyful videos of how they inflict damage on the positions of our guys on the islands. 08:25 Link arch ive. ph/c0iHL
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tototavros · 7 months
Throughout his party career, Schwarz pursued extremely orthodox financial policies. He attempted, not always successfully, to conduct the party‘s financial affairs on a cash basis. Since he feared the Gauleiters‘ inability to resist the temptations of contracting large debts—albeit for ―worthy political reasons— Schwarz consistently labored to make all routine expenditures subject to the approval of his staff officials at the various PO levels and to require his own prior approval for all but routine payments and investments...He also valued professional competence among his subordinates, and alone among the Reichsleitung department heads permitted discussion of technical and substantive issues in staff meetings. The treasurer‘s organization was the only cadre office in the NSDAP in which something akin to collegiality developed.
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