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Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler addressing an SA (Sturmabteilung) rally in Dortmund, during Aufmarsch der SA-Gruppe Westfalen (also known as the SA-Westfalentreffen), 9 July 1933. L-R: Josef Wagner (Gauleiter Westfalen-Süd), SA-Gruppenführer Wilhelm Schepmann (Führer SA-Gruppe Westfalen), SA-Brigadeführer Georg von Walthausen (Gruppenstaffelführers der SA-Gruppe Nord-West), Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hühnlein (blocked by Hitler, NSKK-Korpsführer), and SA-Obergruppenführer Viktor Lutze (Oberpräsident der Provinz Hannover). One year later after The Knight Of The Long Knives and the subsequent murder of Ernst Röhm, Viktor Lutze would be appointed Stabschef-SA
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lovethesparrow · 1 month
Nobodys Röhm-posting (English)//^^
i dont necessarily think thats a BAD thing, its just surprising for me i guess- the most known homosexuel at the time (in my opinion) is one of the least talked about. LIKE HES ONE OF THE ONLY CANON GAY N*ZIS !!
(of course along with Edmund Heines but i feel like looking at him too long would curse me so i tend not to talk about him as much..yeesh..he looks like he eats the wax of baby bells)
ofcourse i dont nessecairily LIKE HIM (Röhm), but come on! its iconic really. His friendship with A.H and all that. IS THAT NOT FACINATING?!?!?!?11!
(i do not support f*cist or n*zi ideologies this is a hyperfixation blog!!)
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Hermann Göring, Commandant de la Sturmabteilung (Section d'Assaut - SA) – 1923
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aquietwhyme · 11 months
This is literal Nazi stuff. Sturmabteilung brownshirts driving around accusing people of the crimes they themselves are committing, doxxing and inviting terrorism against student opponents of genocide.
The entire US Senate condones this, along with Genocide Joe. All 100 US Senators declared that somebody needs to rid them of these meddlesome priests, and fascists are obliging by doing the legwork of harassment reported on here. The dogwhistle on display in that resolution was quite audible to the human ear.
Remember, every sitting US Senator. All 51 members of the Democratic caucus, including so-called progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, including so-called opponents of bigotry like Raphael Warnock, including so-called champions of the middle class like Sherrod Brown, including so-called tough minded fighters like John Fetterman. All voted to condone the campaigns of harassment against the conscience of the nation, our protesting college students, libeling and slandering them, smearing them as "anti-Semites" for daring to acknowledge that not only does the Emperor have no clothes, but that he's shitting on the people in the crowd.
We have learned nothing in the past 100 years. We have advanced by small, infinitesimal steps from the days of anti-union violence at the turn of the 20th century, from the atrocities visited upon minorities throughout our history, from the multiple waves of Red Scare oppression that brought blacklists and ruin to so many innocent people, and we've advanced seemingly not at all from the Iraq War debacle that many of these disgusting Senators were around to support.
Nothing. The US Senate condones Nazi tactics of suppression against fucking college students. We have learned nothing.
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gallakev · 4 months
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Slimane Hamas nazi
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makerscockandballs · 6 months
also why do even left leaning people continuously choose the very worst things to defend in the name of free speech. stop doing fascists' work for them.
"ooh but we should let anyone say anything it's just expressing opinions!!!"
not when those opinions are racist/hateful or directly tie into Nazi origins! there is no place for this in a just society!
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panzerprincess33 · 6 months
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sturmabteilung representation 😳‼️
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er1chartmann · 1 month
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Adolf Hitler with the Chief of the Sturmabteilung (SA) Ernst Röhm.
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troythecatfish · 5 months
Source: Tripybara on Threads:
In the early years of Nazi Germany. They had a paramilitary force called the Sturmabteilung (SA) which were essentially an armed gang who operated outside the confines of the law to assault, smash, and antagonize political opponents of the Nazi regime
They attacked protestors, newspapers critical of the Nazis, and eventually their violence culminating the infamous 'Kristallnacht'
What you are seeing at UCLA is exactly this
A masked, armed gang destroying political dissent on behalf of fascism
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apas-95 · 14 days
usamericans talk about 'GSA' sometimes which I assume mean Gay Sturmabteilung
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deutschland-im-krieg · 7 months
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L-R: Adolf Hitler, Gau Sachsen (Saxony) Gauleiter Martin Mutschmann, SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm and Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, Leipzig, 16.7.1933. Heinrich Hoffmann photo
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misfitwashere · 2 months
Political Violence
Reflections from the 1920s and 1930s
Timothy Snyder
Jul 14, 2024
What to make of the assassination attempt?
I am sharing a few thoughts about where we are, based on assassinations during the interwar period, the 1920s and 1930s.  It is distant enough that perhaps we can attend to the examples without too much emotion, and yet close enough to be useful.
We learn that violence that starts on one corner of the far right often ricochets.  We find that the important threshold is the enabling of the violence.  And we realize is what we do afterwards that counts the most.
None of this makes the outcome of a horrid act completely predictable.  But it does help us to see how some things that will predictably be said might be unhelpful and untrue. 
Some of Donald Trump’s supporters, including one right-radical senator and one right-radical congressman, were quick to blame the Democrats.  (This is also, of course, Moscow’s line).
Their reasoning might seem intuitive, and clearly did seem intuitive to many people. If a radical-right politician such as Donald Trump is the victim of an assassination attempt, should we not presume that the perpetrator is on the radical left?
No, we should not.
That sort of presumption, based on us-and-them thinking, is dangerous.  It begins a chain of thinking that can lead to more violence.  We are the victims, and they are the aggressors.  We have been hurt, so it must have been them.  No one thinking this way ever asks about the violence on one’s own side. 
And this way of thinking is also very often erroneous.  The history of the far right tells a different story, one in which violence often refracts within and around a political movement that endorses it.
This afternoon I passed by the Austrian parliament, where the chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, was assassinated ninety years ago.  Dollfuss had introduced political violence into the political system, and was very much ruling from the far right.  And he died by political violence nonetheless, by the hand of people who found him not radical enough.
In March 1933, Dollfuss dissolved the Austrian parliament, bringing electoral democracy to an end.  He transformed his political party (and a few other groups, and a right-wing paramilitary) into a new Fatherland Front.  The Fatherland Front government crushed the Left with armed force.  Dollfuss began to build a regime on the model of Italian fascism, defined in Christian nationalist terms.  That was not enough for the most extreme elements of the Austrian right. In July 1934 a group of Nazis dressed as policemen made their way into the parliament, shot Dollfuss, and let him bleed to death.
Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany a few weeks earlier than Dollfuss in Austria.  He too crushed the Left, grouping socialists and communists as “Marxists” and placing them in concentration camps.  He represented the extreme right in German politics.  On the streets, Hitler’s cause was pushed forward by the violent SA (Sturmabteilung), led by Ernst Röhm. Hitler’s rise to the office of chancellor was enabled by conservatives and militarists.  They believed, wrongly, that Hitler’s violent rhetoric would serve their interests.  In the “Night of the Long Knives,” Hitler had Röhm and many of his men assassinated, along with others who had helped bring him to power.
A drastic case of right-wing murderousness in the interwar period was among the various elements of the Romanian far right.  The twists and turns here would take too long to describe. In brief: the fascists who themselves glorified violence were attacked by others on the far right.
To be sure, not all would-be assassins of the period were on the right.  A German carpenter tried to kill Hitler.  A marble worker threw a bomb at Mussolini’s car. 
And the general point about how violence, once authorized, can turn in an unexpected direction, also applies to the far left of the 1920s and 1930s.  A number of Josef Stalin’s fellow Bolsheviks, who endorsed and applied political violence to come to power between 1917 and 1922, were then killed in the name of that revolution in the 1930s. 
That, if anything, just confirms the general point.  We might be tempted to think that violence against one side must come from the other side.  But the bloody genie, once unleashed, often stays close to home.  Those who have made violence normal are especially vulnerable, because they will always have colleagues or followers who think they have not gone far enough.
Of course, not all right-wing assassins killed their fellow right-wingers.  Eligiusz Niewiadomski murdered the centrist Polish president in December 1922.  Niewiadomski seems to have been an unstable personality, whose dreadful beliefs were brought towards action by the media around him. 
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As far as we can tell right now, the man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump was a registered Republican gun enthusiast.  As more details emerge, the image will clarify.  Assassins are individuals, and their motivations can sometimes be surprising or turn out to be obscure and debatable.
At this point, it is just worth noting that it would not be surprising if the man who tried to assassinate Trump was, like Trump, a right-wing radical.  That would be typical of the United States, where most terrorist acts come from the far right.  It would also be historically normal.  Trump, like extreme-right-wing politicians in the past, has legitimated violence. 
Nothing in recent American political life resembles Trump’s call for “Second-Amendment people” to kill Hillary Clinton, his mockery of Paul Pelosi after an attempted murder, his belittling of Gretchen Whitmer after a kidnapping attempt, the stochastic violence he directs against critics to intimidate them and against his fellow Republicans to keep them in line, the brutal language of his rallies since 2016, his vocal admiration for leaders known to be mass killers, and his violent attempt to overthrow constitutional rule in January 2021.
What matters more than the action, though, is the reaction.  We should all condemn political violence.  We should all proclaim that this next election will be settled by the number of votes, rather than by threats, coups, beatings, or murders.  The media should not spread messages of hatred and baseless conspiratorial thinking.
And we should all be aware of the temptations of martyrdom.
Whatever actually happens in an act of political violence, there will be someone, somewhere, who claims that victimhood means innocence, and that innocence justifies more violence by hands that remain ever blameless.  This sort of logic is already all over the internet.  That move was made in all the fascist cases.  When the German Nazis took over Austria in 1938, they raised a monument to their martyrs.  The Romanian fascists killed to avenge theirs. 
Trump is of similar mind: he refers to the convicted criminals who stormed the White House as “martyrs” and makes them part of his rallies.  He constantly refers to himself as a victim.
One can only hope that he does not escalate such rhetoric, or direct blame where it does not belong.  Doing so won’t help him win an election, but it will make further violence more likely.
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pattern-recognition · 8 months
watching the texas national guard and the department of homeland security square up against each other is like watching the Sturmabteilung and the Schutzstaffel back at it again
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carbone14 · 18 days
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Reinhard Heydrich - 1940's
Reinhard Heydrich est un Général SS responsable de crimes de guerre et de crimes contre l’humanité. Adjoint direct de Heinrich Himmler dès 1933, il joue un rôle déterminant dans l'organisation de l'appareil répressif nazi et lors de l'élimination de la Sturmabteilung (SA) en organisant l'exécution des principaux cadres lors de la nuit des Longs Couteaux en juin-juillet 1934. Il a également un rôle majeur dans l'organisation de la Shoah par la planification et le contrôle entre 1939 et 1942 de l'activité des Einsatzgruppen en Europe de l'Est, dont la mission principale est l'extermination des Juifs par fusillade. Lors de la conférence de Wannsee qu'il préside le 20 janvier 1942, il met en place la logistique des centres d'extermination des juifs.
Il meurt le 4 juin 1942 des suites de ses blessures lors d'un attentat à Prague le 27 mai 1942 organisé par la résistance tchécoslovaque et les services secrets britanniques.
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weemietime · 3 days
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Idiot leftists calling us Nazis for pointing out that these Gaza donation pages are clearly fucking bots and scams - - my condolences for your brain worms. You have literal holes in your brain. I get like 20 asks a day from accounts that are brand new, that are all formatted the same way, that all have the same pictures and that all are clearly written by AI, and that never ever respond to a single message and have zero personalized engagement of any kind.
No, this shit isn't fucking legitimate and you can choke for somehow turning our posts where we provide exhaustive lists of reputable organizations to actually donate to Gazans in need into some bullshit Noble Savage fuckery. Yeah, Gazans are suffering and dying and the only thing they can think of to do is create empty Tumblr accounts and send hundreds of asks per day to Zionist Jews, lmao. Do you even understand how many Gazans there actually are?
A SCAM. IT'S A SCAM, YOU FUCKING MORONS. Do you even understand the likelihood of you encountering even a single Gazan on this website let alone literally hundreds of them? Shut the fuck up. We are doing our due diligence since you're too stupid to comprehend basic internet security, but somehow that isn't good enough for you.
We are doing our part to contribute tzedekah but because we recognize a bot and correctly call it out never mind, I forgot we have to believe every single thing anyone who claims to be Gazan said because they're little babies who just don't understand how to use the internet.
And by the way, these people on Tumblr who fucking "vet" the bots, lmao, you understand that those are also bots and scammers, right? Those are also people affiliated with Hamas, until proven otherwise. And if they're claiming to vet people and tell us whether we are interacting with a straight up terrorist, with someone who has potentially been involved in murdering our fucking friends and family, who is vetting those guys?
Oh! It's a random dude whose identity I don't know! Better trust that guy and give him all my money since my moral purity test told me to believe every single thing I read online completely uncritically. You fucking idiots.
How about you do us a favor and leave @tributary and @spacelazarwolf names the fuck out your mouth instead of smearing them with horrific accusations that aren't fucking true. A pedophile??? Original, not like people haven't been calling LGBT and Jews nasty evil pedos since your Lord and Meth Fiends Sturmabteilung burned down the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (then you motherfuckers claim queerness while supporting terrorists who kill us all and denigrating Magnus Hirschfeld).
PROVE IT. A pedophile! How horrible! Prove it, or shut the fuck up. It's not like we have intergenerational trauma growing up looking at pictures of NO JEWS, JEWS UNWELCOME, JUDE!!! JUUUUDE!!! with pictures of a goblin with beady little eyes and claws clutching piles of shekels. His nasty warty hooked nose eyeballing that baby in the crib he's gonna eat later.
The JEEEWWS I mean ZIONISTS are so mean and evil asking for the bare minimum of common G-d forsaken fucking sense before parting with our shekels I mean money, I mean two pennies, I mean BLOCK LIST TIME, HERE'S A LIST OF JEEWWSS I mean Zionists to harass and laugh at and mock and verbally abuse and send bomb threats and SWAT teams. Tumblr is JUDENREIN obviously!
Real fucking original, dipshit. We have never heard it before that we are all pedophiles and greedy soulless Nazis! (Don't forget to call us a Nazi, since we know how much you love making fun of Jews and weaponizing our pain against us.) Oh, sorry, "Zionist."
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quasitsqueeries · 2 years
Gender and Warhammer 40,000
Look I’m sorry. It’s been a long time since I’ve played 40K but I still find the setting really interesting and also I have *opinions* (also I’m thinking it could be fun to play some Dark Heresy).
Dudes who play 40K love to point out that there can’t be any space marine women (they say female space marines) because of how you can only have like eight livers and two hearts if you’ve got XY chromosomes or something. Anyway it’s really difficult reading about this stuff because every post about it has this energy.
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So why aren’t there space marine women? There were, back in 1st edition, this post from Bell of Lost Souls includes two models that were released of space marine women and talks about how retailers asked GW to stop sending them because they couldn’t sell them to their players, who in the 80′s were mostly men. As far as I can tell the stuff about only men being able to survive the space marine making process because of some chromosome rubbish was just post-facto justification for discontinuing those models.
Which is a shame because there’s a better justification. Someone on Twitter was pointing out that they’re basically children kidnapped by the Fascist empire and turned into supersoldiers. Of course the Catholic Fascist space Empire isn’t making space marine women. I think it’s pretty clear that the space marines were initially intended as a pastiche of Thatcherite militarism, just like Judge Dredd. In the Rogue Trader they’re depicted as thuggish, inhuman instruments of the state.
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I also feel like there’s something about English boys’ public schools going on here. I’m not from the UK so I’m not sure I can quite make sense of it but there was a decision made to have the punk hive-ganger’s butt be really prominent in the image.
There aren’t women space marines for the same reason there weren’t women in the Sturmabteilung. Military organisations in Fascist states serve a double purpose, they don’t just fight, they also serve as propaganda. It’s clear from most 40K imagery and fiction that the image of the space marine is meant to communicate the strength of the Imperium. Imperial propaganda calls the Imperial Guard “the anvil” and the Adeptus Astartes “the hammer” in an empire that seems fixated on hammers, in a game that is largely about hammers (it’s called Warhammer).
But here’s the interesting bit, the image of the space marine *also* communicates the Imperium’s ideas about the role of men. The figure of the space marine represents the glorification of toxic masculinity, not just because it depicts men as warriors and protectors who are inherently violent, but also because these are men who are utterly disposable and who’s subjectivity and individualism have been completely erased for the sole purpose of making war. The primary role of a space marine apothecary isn’t to heal wounded marines, it’s to ensure that their gene-seed is harvested at the point of death so they can make more marines. It doesn’t matter that space marines die, only that hyper-masculine bodies can continue to make war.
I can imagine some Imperial Guard recruitment poster with a picture of a space marine saying “They put their bodies on the line to protect the Imperium, and you should too! Join the Imperial Guard!”
But, if we’re going to talk about what ideas the Imperium wants to engender about women, we need to talk about everyone’s favourite nuns with guns.
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Okay that image probably doesn’t communicate what I’m trying to say but I had to include it, here’s Saint Celestine.
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So the Adepta Sororitas, actualy first here’s a Reddit post with an extract from a Rogue Trader scenario including a chapter of space marine women called The Little Sisters of Purification (you know they’re carrying a lot of flamers). This is interesting because while Astartes are technically supposed to be monastic, their imagery (with the exception of the Dark Angels, and in that case the major theme is HERESY) rarely leans on that aspect. From the start, the Imperium’s women warriors have been explicitly coded as nuns.
The themes that come through with the sisters of battle are things like purity, innocence, piety, faith, martyrdom. They have a propaganda role, like the space marines do, but it’s a different message. While the Astartes’ singular military role communicates the idea that men are only good for violence, the Sororitas fill a bunch of different roles, the order hospitaller provides medical aid to Imperial citizens, the order dialogous are diplomats, and the order famulous are scholars. This communicates that the role of women in Imperial society is more diverse, and less dispensable, an idea that’s probably reinforced by the various orders’ integration into Imperial society. Sisters would be a much more familiar sight to Imperial citizens than marines, who are largely aloof on their fortress-monasteries. It’s likely that most Imperial citizens would be much more shocked by the idea of the nurse-nun they go to see every few months being killed than some armoured super-human with no personality other than anger who they’ve never met.
And that’s where the idea of martyrdom comes in. Toxic masculinity says that women must be protected, by men, because they’re not dispensable in the way men are. The Emperor, in all his masculine wisdom, will not countenance women to be killed in his grimdark future of only war, so Sisters of Battle aren’t killed, they’re martyred, and often when they are He brings them back in the form of living saints (See Saint Celestine, above). There are no resurrected space marines because the Imperium treats men’s bodies as expendable, and women’s bodies as sacred.
And then there’s the whole purity and innocence thing. Sosoritas are obedient to the one man in their life (Him on the Golden Throne). They take vows of chastity, they spend most of their time in prayer, they’re probably the faction in the game with the most number of abilities based around faith, piety and purity (I didn’t count or anything, but I think it’s a safe assumption). They play a propaganda role to demonstrate to Imperial citizens what a woman should be like, and also how men should enlist to protect them.
So when I see people modding their space marine armies to include women space marines I end up in two minds. On the one hand it makes me happy because it’s clear that it’s going to upset guys who are invested in the idea that women are inherently weak, but at the same time I worry that they’ve missed the bit where this is a sexist Fascist Empire and maybe they’re thinking the space marines are the good guys.
On the other hand, often when this topic comes up, people mention that the records of two of the 20 primarchs are expunged from all records. I kind of like the idea that while the Imperium still keeps records of the traitor primarchs, it’s the idea that there were two women primarchs that’s so horrific to the Imperium’s scribes that they had to destroy all records of them.
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