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fantasyfictionfables · 2 months
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Full name: Tav´ana Dekarios née Coborel
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Background: Acolyte
Class: Sorcerer-Bard-Cleric
Birthplace: Rhymanthiin
Profession: Dark Lady [Priestess of Eilistraee] (Spends much of her time teaching followers of Eilistraee magic, fighting, and faith-related rituals, while also teaching younger ones how to read and write. Responsible for leading rituals in Waterdeep.
Guilty pleasures: Taking long baths and indulging on dessert
Hobbies: Dancing naked (which is basically part of her faith), baking, painting, fashion design.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Pride & Lust
Virtues: Justice, Prudence and Courage.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable (In the sense of being inclined to debate)
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible (although she mostly ends up as leader)
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Gale/Tav´ana [Gavana/Tale? ^^]
Acceptable Ships: None.
OT3: None
Brotp: Tav´ana and Shadowheart
Notp: Tav´ana/Mizora
Tav´ana was born to a Drow mother and a half-drow father.
Her mother used to be a Priestess of Lolth before falling in love with her father during a raid. (He saved her life) She turned to Eilistraee for a while, before succumbing to her old habits and returning to Lolth. Lying to Lolth, stating she had spied on Eilistraee´s fellowship, she gave away information securing her position in Menzoberranzan. Tav´ana survived an attack on her life lead by her mother, before being taken by Ilithid.
Tav´ana´s father has started resenting his daughter, due to her physical likeness to her mother and their shared straight-forwardness. Feeling inferior to her - just like he did to her mother - he mistreated her, leading to her deepening devotion to Eilistraee.
Eventually she became a Dark Lady (Priestess of Eilistraee) taking care of devotee´s and ensuring the spread of beauty and freedom.
Her brother looks down upon her devotion, not understanding how she can call her devotion freedom. Knowing that he could end up on The Wall of Faithless upon his death, should he not change his disposition, she tries to bring him to faith. (Succeeding after the destruction of the Absolute.)
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animation0idk · 7 months
Hello this is part 1 of my au for msm I actually made this like at least like two months ago but I forgot to post it properly and I get distracted very easily and I so I keep thinking that this isn't as good and people weren't see it but I digress enjoy and I use said alot so ya
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By A day on an island an island far far away from any other monster an Island that no monster knows about. in the fog where these monsters can't be seen.
Torrt Give it back!!
Yelled the air celestial .not going to give it you back you have to come and get it said the young earth monster for being a tortoise he is quite fast faster than Attmoz.
While the young earth monster was running he was looking back not to looking where he was going suddenly he ran into one of the older monsters of the group loodvigg. Oh I'm sorry loodvigg.
Loodvigg snatched the toy out of torrt's hands and scuttled over to attmoz and handed it over. Thank you loodvigg. Loodvigg suddenly looking over to torrt loodvigg doing a gesture to torrt to come over I want you to apologise to Attmoz said the shadow monster I'm sorry Attmoz said torrt good don't want you to be do it again said loodvigg.
Then torrt scampered away thanks again loodvigg I know I'm one of the oldest but I don't know how to run fast and he's pretty fast so I can't always catch him said Attmoz. it was a pleasure I hate to say but the young ones are always annoying but I guess understandable he isn't much to do on this island. Have you seen blasoom? I have not seen her all day said loodvigg oh I saw her last around the side of the island why do you need to know. I just want to make sure that she is not hurt or getting into trouble I'm gonna go and see her. Ok have fun loody said Attmoz don't call me that said loodvigg.
Then loodvigg snatched away. Meanwhile on another part of the island a young water celestial and a fire celestial we're talking. You know sometimes I wonder what is out there said the fire celestial I don't really know said hornacle. I'm gonna go and play with plixie said the water celestial. Ok said furnoss and so the young water celestial left and furnoss was on his own then
he noticed a water puddle and look in it... And saw himself... But he looked older he had a mustache and had a longer neck. I'm I doing good? Said furnoss. yes you said the reflection are you sure older me? Yes your doing good but you shouldn't be talking to me.why said furnoss because you should be playing with your friends little one. Ok I will bye older me. then the fire celestial scampered away. Be safe please said the reflection.
Furnoss wondered over to his friends they were playing tag so furnoss join them . Vhamp Was it so the others ran away vhamp was running after galvana wall galvana was making squeaking
With happiness and all the others giggling. As the young galvana was rolling around on the core that they had . they were getting close to the edge of the island they looked behind them and vhamp was getting closer. But out of nowhere the young plixie swooped in and grabbed galvana.
Hey no fair yelled the young mech celestial well plixie and galvana we're giggling with excitement gavana even making little shocks with their hands. In the Distance a young air celestial was watching the others running around and giggling having fun. Attmoz!! Yelled a monster from the distance Attmoz turned around to see who it was. It was glashuir and blasoom glashuir it's you where were you said Attmoz what are you guys doing said the cold celestial. Oh we playing tag said Attmoz
can we join said glashuir of course you can buddy . As the two monsters were talking the young mech celestial Rand directly at them Attmoz look out yelled glashuir the young air monster grabbed glashuir and blasoom and floated up on a cloud . Hay no fair said vhamp hey you never said we couldn't use our powers. but it's not fair if you use them said vhamp okay okay I'll let you talk tag me said Attmoz then Attmoz floated down and let vhamp tag him glashuir and blasoom ran off so they wouldn't get tagged after a while it started to get dark loodvigg and scaratar gathered everyone together. Ok ok that's enough we've had our fun but it's getting like we should all head to bed said loodvigg . Attmoz and glashuir helped scaratar and loodvigg to get the young monsters to the only form of shelter they had what was the debris at the edge of the island
Every monster said they're good night goodnight loody said Attmoz
You to moz said loodvigg.
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cassie-fanfics · 2 years
Oooh please tell more about WIP 23, the Yrica Quell one!
Oh, I love this one so much. *smiles at you* I really want to explain it.
So, basically, about a year before A New Dawn, Yrica and her friend Nette (they're six) are hanging around Gavana Orbital and Kanan pops in for a few minutes. His dormant adoption reflexes spring to life, seeing that the two girls kinda don't wanna be there, and he takes them around the galaxy for a bit - the two girls were kind of in a rough spot.
And eventually they arrive on Gorse. A bit of time passes, then, when Hera and Zaluna are at the Asteroid Belt, the now-seven-year-old girls intervene in the conversation, and Kanan goes a little Dad Mode on them, because technically, they are supposed to be sleeping.
And Hera doesn't really show it, but she thinks it's interesting that this "roughneck" guy has two kids who hang around. She kinda takes a shine to the two of them, because they're nice people!
The kids also make waffles for breakfast with Okadiah, and they all get covered in flour. Yrica complains about not having fruit, and then her and Nette argue over which fruit is best on waffles. (Normal!)
Then the girls tag along for the, ah, trip to Beggar's Hill, and Yrica kinda freaks out when she realizes: a), Okadiah's on shift, and b) her dad has disappeared. Then, I kinda stopped writing it (oops) but I adore the whole thing.
The entire idea was based off of the part in Victory's Price where, when it's focusing on Yrica, she wonders something like "if Hera had been my mentor from the start, would I have seen good things in Keize at all?"
And I loved that idea so much I made an AU about it.
I also love telling people about this AU in particular because it's my second favourite (my modern au is first) and I'm going to rant about it if I don't stop now so that is all I will say.
*waves goodbye mischievously*
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noire-shades · 2 years
Roz meri hassti se rakh udti rehti hai,
Kho diya jo tujh ko jo aur kya gavana hai,
Tum kabhi jo aao to sath mil ke baithenge
Kya se kya hue hain hum ye tumhe batana hai
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antoniodatsch · 4 months
Kuba Gavana - 20 de Jan às 16:57
Hoje completam-se 100 anos da morte do mais heroico comunista, o querido camarada Lênin. Ele não esperava que um herói viria para salvar o povo trabalhador - ele mesmo se tornou esse herói!
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theskynation · 10 months
Breaking News:Kisii Governor Simba Arati vows to work with Ruto's government
Speaking on Sunday during an interdenominational prayer service at Nyanturago Stadium, Governor Simba Arati said that Kenya Kwanza leaders are the legitimate winner of August 2022 polls. However, Kisii governor added that he is committed to work with Kenya Kwanza government in order to fulfilled promise pledges to the citizens. “Mimi kama Gavana wa Kisii niko tayari kufanya kazi na serikali…
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amantandi91 · 1 year
Riste Paise Ki Tarah Hote Hai
Jinhe Gavana Aasan Hai Or
Kamana Bahuy Mushkil.
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Dit is ontworpen om uw gewicht te verminderen zonder enige bijwerkingen op uw ndheidstoestand. Ondertussen houdt het je energieoverschot in stand door je Liba Afslankpillen hoog te houden, waardoor je de hele dag energiek kunt blijven en volhouden. Alle actieve ingrediënten die bij de ctie zijn gebruikt, hebben verschillende klinische tests ondergaan en hebben ze allemaal doorstaan. Veel mensen hebben baat gehad bij het gebruik van dit supplement, KetoXplode Gummies, u kunt tzelfde doen door uw slanke en fitte figuur terug te krijgen.
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magaratimes · 2 years
#ParsToday. | Hali ya hatari Sudan baada ya zaidi ya watu 200 kuuawa Blue Nile katika machafuko ya kikabila
#ParsToday. | Hali ya hatari Sudan baada ya zaidi ya watu 200 kuuawa Blue Nile katika machafuko ya kikabila
Viongozi wa Sudan walitangaza hali ya hatari jana Ijumaa baada ya kutokea mauaji ya zaidi ya watu 200 kutokana na mzozo wa kikabila katika jimbo la Blue Nile. Ahmed Al-Omda, gavana wa jimbo jimbo la Blue Nile amesema, hali hiyo ya hatari na ya dharura itatekelezwa katika eneo lote la Blue Nile kwa muda wa siku 30. Kabla ya hapo ilikuwa imetangazwa kuwa, watu wasiopungua 151 wameuawa nchini Sudan…
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macrosoftgo · 2 years
Daddy yankee gasolina english
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This the one that tramples and the one that helps al human being, the good friend exists that is loyal like a brother. They launched us al jail and with the death penalty they gave us. If by the government was the rappers not toĮxist. If the looks killed to' the time used a gavana a priest accompanied me continuing me in a caravan If he was by my enemies at the table me trairian a vivora of meat and vinegar of beverage they Crucified Me in a raw act homicida But they are mistaken my God with health raises me and life. She likes the gasoline.Īfter averaging 500-700 daily pageviews for.Daddy! Ecko! It says. Gasolina is the smash hit from Daddy Yankees third studio album Barrio Fino. Original Tu Madras Sea Breeze Sangriiia Pink Martini Mojito. What I like is that you like to be taken away hard To los weekenes ella sale a vacilar duro To los weekenes ella sale a vacilar duro Mi gata no para de janguear porque. Daddy Yankees Gasolina first came out in 2004 and took the world by storm when it debuted at No. Sign up for exclusive GASOLINA Party news offers. Wednesday - Sunday 830am - 230pm There is a 20 service charge added to all checks this allows us to pay equitable wages to Front Back of House. Gasoline ˈ ɡ æ s ə l iː n or petrol ˈ p ɛ t r ə l see the etymology for naming differences and the use of the term gas is a transparent petroleum-derived flammable liquid that is used primarily as a fuel in most spark-ignited internal combustion enginesIt consists mostly of organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum enhanced with a variety.Įste lunes los precios de las gasolinas iniciaron la semana con ligeros cambios respecto a los precios reportados la semana previa recordando que el día sábado entraron en vigor los nuevos montos de los subsidios a los precios de los combustibles pero cada gasolinera establece los precios de los combustibles que vende. Gasolina song from the album Barrio Fino is released on May 2005. HttpsgooglyypZyaEscúchala en tu plataforma digital favoritaSpotify. Here we are the best unable to translate this part On the dance floor they call us The killers. Gasolina cafe is a lively all day restaurant in woodland hills led by chef sandra cordero bringing spanish influenced food to the table in an exciting new way. Hecho en Puerto Rico.ĭaddy YankeeGasolina - Video Oficial ReUploadSuscríbete. Httpsidjtunesfanlinktogasolina Subscribe to IDJVideosTV. Gasolina Cafe is a lively all day restaurant in Woodland Hills led by chef Sandra Cordero bringing Spanish influenced food to the table in an exciting new way. Gasolina translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary see also gasolina con plomogasolina de aviaciónbomba de gasolinadepósito de gasolina examples definition conjugation. If you feel that youve received excellent service you. Gasolina Urban Blends are Ready-to-drink Cocktails in a pouch made from premium spirits and 100 natural fruit juices. Bebida lista para tomar en variedad de tragos. Bitch on my dick I got money now I got a ho in like every town I make it pop in the underground We goin up and you know it now Green in my pockets and in my lungs Im. Listen to Daddy Yankee Gasolina MP3 song. Over the past two days Daddy Yankees reggaeton classic Gasolina has surged in popularity on Genius.
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Translation of Gasolina by Daddy Yankee from Spanish to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Brasil Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어. It features female reggaeton artist Glory La Gata Gangster in the chorus. Gasolina Ready To Drink Cocktails Gasolina Sangria U-u party sam manijak Fire Klub po meni satove navija Od tvojih bivših mnogo lukavija Stvarno misliš da me sad napijaš.
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You make anyone to fall in love with you.
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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Message From Space (1978)
The peaceful planet of Jillucia has been nearly wiped out by the Gavanas, whose leader takes orders from his mother rather than the Emperor. King Kaiba sends out eight Liabe holy seeds, each to be received by a chosen one to defend the Gavanas. Each recipient, ranging from hardened General Garuda to Gavana Prince Hans to young Terrans Meia, Kido, and Aaron all have different reactions to being chosen.
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#oblast Russia inadaiwa kushambulia hotel na majengo ya makazi huko #bakhmut Donetsk Oblast, na kusababisha vifo kwa raia. Idadi kamili ya watu waliofariki bado haijafahamika , Hata hivyo taarifa zinasema kuwa bado jitihada za uokoaji zinaendelea kwa mujibu wa Gavana wa Donetsk Oblast Pavlo Kyrylenko. #dailymodealer #modealer839 #modealer #modealertv #donetsk https://www.instagram.com/p/CghfJWlqKyS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kigalisight · 2 years
RDC:I Katanga mu birindiro bikuru bya RUD Urunana hateraniye inama nkuru y’igisirikare
RDC:I Katanga mu birindiro bikuru bya RUD Urunana hateraniye inama nkuru y’igisirikare
Inama nkuru ya gisilikare iteraniye i Katanga muri gurupoma ya Binza igamije kuzamura abarwanyi bayo mu mapeti.   Cpt Gavana yagize Majoro Rutshuru mu ntara ya Kivu y’Amajyaruguru amakuru kigalisight  yamenye avugako abarwanyi b’umutwe wa RUD Urunana bateraniye mu nama ngarukamwaka iramara iminsi itatu igamije kuzamura abasilikare bayo mu mapeti no gutegura ibitero byagutse kuri M23. Biravugwa ko…
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looybi · 2 years
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ICYMI: Susumila, Covid-19 (Corona) ft. Gavana, Joho, Kigoto, Larota, Mercy D Lai http://dlvr.it/ST6xlZ
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